BSBRSK501 Learner Guide V1.0
BSBRSK501 Learner Guide V1.0
BSBRSK501 Learner Guide V1.0
Manage risk
Learner Guide
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Table of Contents
Unit of Competency...............................................................................................................................5
Performance Criteria...........................................................................................................................6
Foundation Skills.................................................................................................................................7
Assessment Requirements..................................................................................................................8
1. Establish risk context.........................................................................................................................9
1.1 – Review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk
management in accordance with current risk management standards................................................10
Reviewing your workplace processes to manage risk.......................................................................10
Organisational policy and procedures...............................................................................................11
Risk management in your working processes...................................................................................11
Activity 1A.........................................................................................................................................12
1.2 – Determine scope for risk management process...........................................................................13
Determining the nature and scope of workplace hazards.................................................................13
Sources of risk and hazard information.............................................................................................13
Legislative and regulatory context....................................................................................................14
Risk management for work health and safety (WHS)........................................................................14
Other legislation that may be applicable..........................................................................................16
Activity 1B.........................................................................................................................................20
1.3 – Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues........................................................21
Your stakeholders.............................................................................................................................21
Identifying relevant stakeholder issues.............................................................................................21
Activity 1C.........................................................................................................................................23
1.4 – Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context..................................24
Context of risk...................................................................................................................................24
Organisation influences.....................................................................................................................25
Activity 1D.........................................................................................................................................26
1.5 – Review strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements.......................................................27
Strengths and weaknesses of your business operations...................................................................27
Look at your existing risk management.............................................................................................29
Activity 1E.........................................................................................................................................30
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1.6 – Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope.......................31
Report on risk management..............................................................................................................31
Critical success factors......................................................................................................................31
Activity 1F..........................................................................................................................................32
1.7 – Obtain support for risk management activities............................................................................33
1.8 – Communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation
Seek organisational support..............................................................................................................33
External stakeholder support............................................................................................................33
Work with your stakeholders............................................................................................................33
A process of communication.............................................................................................................34
Activity 1G.........................................................................................................................................36
2. Identify risks....................................................................................................................................37
2.1 – Invite relevant parties to assist in the identification of risks........................................................38
Identifying risks with the help of others............................................................................................38
Interacting with stakeholders...........................................................................................................38
Communication conventions............................................................................................................39
Activity 2A.........................................................................................................................................40
2.2 – Research risks that may apply to scope........................................................................................41
Researching risks...............................................................................................................................41
Tools for performing research...........................................................................................................42
Activity 2B.........................................................................................................................................43
2.3 – Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope, in consultation with
relevant parties.....................................................................................................................................44
Tools to identify risks........................................................................................................................44
Risk management strategies.............................................................................................................46
Activity 2C.........................................................................................................................................47
3. Analyse risks....................................................................................................................................48
3.1 – Assess likelihood of risks occurring..............................................................................................49
3.2 – Assess impact or consequence if risks occur................................................................................49
Assess and analyse your risk factors.................................................................................................49
Risk categorisation............................................................................................................................50
Risk matrix.........................................................................................................................................51
The level of risks................................................................................................................................52
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Activity 3A.........................................................................................................................................53
3.3 – Evaluate and prioritise risks for treatment...................................................................................54
Prioritise the risks..............................................................................................................................54
Hierarchy of risk controls..................................................................................................................54
Contingency planning........................................................................................................................55
Activity 3B.........................................................................................................................................56
4. Select and implement treatments....................................................................................................57
4.1 – Determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks..............................................58
Strategies for controlling risk............................................................................................................58
Sequence risk control activities.........................................................................................................58
Treatment options............................................................................................................................59
Porter’s Five Forces...........................................................................................................................60
Activity 4A.........................................................................................................................................61
4.2 – Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment.............................................................62
Measures you can take.....................................................................................................................62
Developing a plan to treat the risks..................................................................................................62
Activity 4B.........................................................................................................................................66
4.3 – Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties....................................................67
Communicate your risk management processes..............................................................................67
Verbal communication......................................................................................................................67
Non-verbal communications.............................................................................................................69
Activity 4C.........................................................................................................................................70
4.4 – Ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately stored...................................................71
Documenting the results of risk assessments...................................................................................71
Activity 4D.........................................................................................................................................73
4.5 – Implement and monitor action plan.............................................................................................74
Implementing treatment plans.........................................................................................................74
Operational risks...............................................................................................................................75
Implementing a risk control plan......................................................................................................75
Activity 4E.........................................................................................................................................76
4.6 – Evaluate risk management process..............................................................................................77
Monitoring risk..................................................................................................................................77
Evaluating implemented risk controls...............................................................................................78
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Activity 4F..........................................................................................................................................79
Summative Assessments.......................................................................................................................80
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Unit of Competency
This unit describes skills and knowledge required to manage risks in a range of contexts across an
organisation or for a specific business unit or area in any industry setting.
It applies to individuals who are working in positions of authority and are approved to implement
change across the organisation, business unit, program or project area. They may or may not have
responsibility for directly supervising others.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector
Performance Criteria
Element Performance Criteria
Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.
2. Identify risks 2.1 Invite relevant parties to assist in the identification of risks
2.2 Research risks that may apply to scope
2.3 Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply
to the scope, in consultation with relevant parties
4. Select and implement 4.1 Determine and select most appropriate options for treating
treatments risks
4.2 Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment
4.3 Communicate risk management processes to relevant
4.4 Ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately
4.5 Implement and monitor action plan
4.6 Evaluate risk management process
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Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the
performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
Reading 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2 Comprehends a variety of relatively complex texts
Gathers, interprets and analyses textual
information from a range of sources to identify
relevant information
Writing 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 4.3 Develops textual material and organises content
in a manner that effectively documents risk
management analysis and assessment priorities
and processes
Interact with 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 4.3 Establishes and uses appropriate conventions and
others protocols when communicating with stakeholders
about risk management
Consults and negotiates with stakeholders about
risk management processes and outcomes
Get the work 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Sequences and schedules a range of routine and
done 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, complex activities, monitors implementation,
4.6 evaluates processes and manages relevant
Systematically analyses information to decide on
appropriate risk management treatments
Uses digital technologies and systems to access
information, document plans and communicate
with others
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Assessment Requirements
Performance Evidence
Analyse information from a range of sources to identify the scope and context of the risk
management process including:
o stakeholder analysis
o political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
o current arrangements
o objectives and critical success factors for the area included in scope
o risks that may apply to scope
Consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to identify and assess risks, determine
appropriate risk treatment actions and priorities and explain the risk management processes
Develop and implement an action plan to treat risks
Monitor and evaluate the action plan and risk management process
Maintain documentation
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
Outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards
Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to risk management
Outline organisational policies, procedures and processes for risk management
Assessment Conditions
1.4. Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
1.6. Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope
1.8. Communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation
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For example, within your business activities you will need to check whether organisational processes
support business needs and whether money is being wasted unnecessarily within organisational
spending. In aspects of work health and safety, risks need to be eliminated or minimised to safe levels,
(e.g. if chemicals are used, how these should be stored and used).
You should assess the current level of risk management in place and determine if this is meeting all the
needs of your organisation’s business.
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As such, you will need to review organisational policy and procedures to check that this meets
organisational requirements to manage workplace risks.
You should also check your specific policy on managing risk; this may also be identified in work health
and safety/occupational health and safety policy.
Assessment of risks and hazards (categorising risks for the likelihood of occurrence and
the consequence of this)
Activity 1A
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To determine the nature and scope of workplace hazards, ask yourself questions such as:
Which area of business needs to be addressed?
What are the individual hazards and where do they originate from?
How many times, on average, do specific incidents occur as a result of the hazard each
month or year?
Codes of conduct
Industry regulations
Anecdotal evidence
Once you have identified a wide range of sources of information and data on hazards, you then need to
obtain this information and analyse it to determine the nature and scope of workplace hazards, the
range of harms they may cause and how these harms are caused.
For instance, your organisation may need to obtain specific licences or permits for conducting business
activities, for example if working in the transport industry, licences to ship certain goods may be
required. Ensuring your organisation is fully compliant in business will prevent unnecessary risks in
carrying out your business activities.
The full range of hazards and risks associated with each job and workplace location
For example, a workplace policy could be to ‘minimise work health and safety hazards’, while the
procedures that underpin this policy could include ‘clearing up all spills immediately,’ and ‘washing
hands after exposure to chemicals’.
WHS policies and procedures play a huge role in protecting the health and safety of employees. They
serve to remind employees of safe behaviour and help minimise hazards and reduce risks.
Work Health and Safety (WHS)/Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation
Under relevant state/territory (and harmonised Commonwealth) work health and safety laws, all
persons in the workplace will have a duty to comply with health and safety requirements.
o up-to-date information, training and instruction to ensure that all persons are
protected from risk.
PCBUs have a legal duty to ensure that health and safety are maintained at their workplace and should
ensure that duties to carry out the safety of the workforce are performed. A PCBU is the legal
individual(s) or organisation that operates the business.
Anti-discrimination protects against discriminatory behaviour in and out of the workplace; it prevents
you from non-compliance with employees and customers/clients.
You must follow these laws in all aspects of your work. You cannot discriminate against individuals
based on characteristics like age, gender, disability and race and you
must afford everyone equal opportunities. Full details about these Acts
can be found at
work/legal/legislation (access date: 27.09.2016).
Privacy of information
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The main aspect of confidentiality requirements is The Privacy Act. This is an Australian law that came
into force in 1988 and governs how organisations handle personal information about people, whether
staff, clients or customers, etc.
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Direct marketing
Further information on the privacy principles and the Privacy Act can be found at the Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website:
sheets/general/privacy-fact-sheet-17-australian-privacy-principles and (access date: 27.09.2016).
Environmental issues
Minimising negative impact to the environment and running a sustainable business operation can help
manage risks within your organisation. Guidance and compliance on elements such as
importing/exporting goods, managing hazardous waste and maintaining our culture and heritage exists.
Environmental legislation will also let you know whether your particular business activities require a
licence or permit.
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ISO 14000 is the international standard for environmental management, for businesses. This is a family
of standards that covers a range of environmental concerns.
Life-cycle assessment
Management operations
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By following ISO 31000, organisations can look to improve their business operations, governance and
increase stakeholder confidence through minimising losses. It also focuses on health and safety in the
workplace, provides tools to help in decision-making for pro-active management. Organisations can look
to improve their compliance with relevant legislation and become better equipped to identify the
potential threats and also the opportunities.
Activity 1B
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Your stakeholders
Stakeholders refer to any individual, group or organisation that has an interest in an organisation’s
business. This interest stems from the fact that decisions made within that business will have an impact
directly upon them. The level of impact will depend upon the association with that business.
Organisational management
Health and safety representatives (HSRs) or a health and safety committee (HSC).
If consulting with your customers or clients, you may want to provide a questionnaire or feedback form
to obtain their comments. The form of communication or consultation should be appropriate to the
stakeholder group; this can be formal or informal in approach.
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Consultations with stakeholders should be performed in-line with legal requirements and as courtesy to
those who have an interest in your business. It allows you to inform them of any potential major
changes with your business and enables you to record their thoughts and feedback. This provides
evidence of other viewpoints which should be documented clearly and thoroughly.
Activity 1C
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1.4 – Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
Determine different contexts for risk
Context of risk
Looking at the context of risk will help you to recognise the
type of risks and the likelihood of their occurrence. This can
be particular to your organisation, such as risk for a specific
project or for new workplace premises, or it can be related
to broader issues.
Economic – this is about the business climate and how well your organisation or
business industry is fairing in the current economic market. Influences on economy
include politics and how customers/clients decide to spend their money, and world
events such as conflicts and acts of terrorism. A shift in economy can cause a boost or
decline in your profits or demand for business.
Social – this can refer to the collective within your organisation (how employees are
working, their working relationships and morale), it can also include the wider
community or your customer/client-base. Your employees’ attitudes and practices can
influence work activities positively or negatively, being aware of the social setting can
help you to deter situations of risk or decide on control measures. The social attitudes
of your community can have a bearing on how well your business performs, e.g. if your
organisation is well-thought of, or whether you work positively with the community.
Legal – this concerns the legal and regulatory needs that your organisation must follow
and the risks that can be incurred as a result of non-compliance. Risks associated with
legal business can be easily identified and rectified. This context should provide you
with a clear means to resolve a situation of risk.
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Technological – this is about how your organisation uses and responds to technology.
Risks can include out-dated equipment, old technologies or even a lack of embracing
current technologies in the workplace. With continual technological advances, it is not
always easy to evolve working practices as fast as technology moves. Organisations
investing in new machinery or equipment will need to ensure its longevity within
organisational work plans.
Policy-based – a look at the internal structure and workings of the organisation and
whether policy truly captures the potential areas of risk. Identifying issues with
organisational policy (and/or procedures) will require a review of current policy. Policy
influences may also be felt through Government/local government business activities
and associated trade or industry regulatory bodies/associations.
Health and safety – this will concern the organisation’s practices to support the health
and well-being of employees and visitors to the workplace. This can include safe
premises, safe working methods and systems, ergonomic work areas, safe equipment
and machinery and emergency procedures.
It is important to review the context of your risk to make sure you assess and tackle the underlying
influences and causes.
Organisation influences
The way that your organisation functions will influence how circumstances
and contexts impact on business. Knowing how your organisation performs
its day-to-day requirements will help to better assess how other factors will
affect it.
Activity 1D
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Limited budget.
S.W.O.T analysis
A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis can be used to evaluate
measures in place for addressing potential risks. Strengths and weaknesses usually refer to the internal
factors within your organisation – these are the elements that need to be assessed and controlled
before looking at the possible opportunities or threats.
Opportunities and threats are the factors that you will come against – to optimise your opportunities
and to eliminate/minimise the threats; you need to plan your tasks accordingly. These are mostly
external factors that influence a situation, although this can be anything external to the management of
the business (e.g. employee opportunities or threats).
This can be a useful tool to keep you on track and to help you readjust any strategies or to redirect your
objectives along the way.
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Strengths Weaknesses
Budgets approved for new resources Time will be needed to gain all the resources
Employee skillsets varied Costs may increase
Loyal customer-base Training to use new technologies will be
Opportunities Threats
Better equipment and tools to carry out work Consumer market close to saturation
New resources for new business Longevity of outcome unsure
Possible expansion of organisation Delays in meeting deadlines
Gather all the information that you need to start making decisions on the next steps. Without all the
information at hand, making decisions will be difficult and could prove to be incorrect for your
organisation’s needs. Never assume anything, find the information that you need and make sure it is
from trusted and approved sources.
The following highlights some of the steps you may need to take when looking to make
Identify the issues and determine initial risks
Analyse the situation to understand what information you have, what you will need
and how you can get this
Identify all scenarios and options available (brainstorm with colleagues and anyone else
who can help)
Select the best option and develop a risk analysis and contingency plan
Implement the decision and document the steps taken to get to this point.
P.E.S.T. analysis
Alongside a S.W.O.T. analysis, you may find a P.E.S.T. analysis useful to do. This is a political, economic,
social and technological analysis and can be used to target specific areas and influences to the business.
This is best done prior to a S.W.O.T. analysis as it can help you to target your S.W.O.T. analysis on
A P.E.S.T. analysis should have a clear focus on the position for the analysis. For example, it can be the
organisation looking at its market/customers, an opportunity to make an investment or when making an
acquisition. P.E.S.T. looks at the bigger decision-making activities, while S.W.O.T. addresses the factors
that impact at a working level.
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Economic – is the country’s economy at a stable point for making your decision?
Activity 1E
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1.6 – Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
Know the necessity for documenting requirements
For your risk area, gather the documentation you have gained and assess the information for its worth
and relevancy in determining the critical success factors. The critical success factors will enable you to
focus on achieving your organisational goals and objectives. This will maintain your focus when
assessing the matter further and looking to implement suitable controls.
Activity 1F
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Contractors and volunteers that work within (or for) your organisation will also need to be informed on
new risk-related practices and be provided with additional instruction or training to carry these out.
Logging information
Communication processes.
Showing your support will be of value in achieving stakeholder participation. You need to treat others
with respect and courtesy, do not presume all stakeholders will necessarily see the immediate benefits
of your risk management activities. Take time to explain changes and provide a means to engage in
open communications to assist in any transitions and to gain stakeholder understanding.
You can:
Place value on your workplace practices
A process of communication
To include the relevant parties in the risk management process you will need to let them know that
their input is welcomed or required. Communications will need to take place to provide this information
and to invite participation.
Workplace meetings
Telephone conversations
Website/intranet communications.
Activity 1G
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2. Identify risks
2.1. Invite relevant parties to assist in the identification of risks
2.3. Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope, in consultation with
relevant parties
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Listening – active listening is repeating or paraphrasing back what has been spoken to
clarify understanding. Reflective listening involves the same as active listening, but
includes confirming the feelings or emotions of the speaker to gain insight into how
they feel.
Open communications – this form of communication is about being honest and fully
open to discussions in order to share and explore information in an unbiased manner
and without repercussions. It can be used to fully understand viewpoints and to assess
areas of risk and the impacts.
Discussions should provide different opinions and the opportunity to fully investigate how stakeholders
work with risks. Highlighting occurrences and potential areas of risk will ensure you take the correct
measures to control and manage these.
Communication conventions
Conventions and protocols for carrying out your organisational
communications will need to follow accepted workplace practices. These
establish the groundwork for following good practice with all business
communication requirements, and will help to build successful working
These conventions and protocols will be based on equitable practices which serve to promote
professional communications. Informal communications will be relaxed and less-guarded; these are the
communications that you have with colleagues and other employees, the people you know best.
Formal communications will tend to be those that you have with clients/customers and other external
stakeholders; these must represent the ideas and decisions of your organisation. You will need to take
care over confidentiality of information and appropriate use of language and words.
All communications should be conducted politely and with respect to other people’s viewpoints and
Activity 2A
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Researching risks
Researching is a process that involves gathering information from as many different sources as possible.
For example, information may come from books and papers, word-of-mouth, proven facts and statistics,
and work reports. Using a variety of sources can help you to gain more information and viewpoints.
Researching also involves assessing and analysing the information. You will need to determine what you
are looking for, such as past accounts, incident statistics, and confirmation of events. Assessing for each
need will help you to understand the information as it applies to your risk management needs.
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Written information may need to be scanned and stored digitally, or paper copies placed into relevant
files or folders. Data from database runs or computer logs may need to be taken and put into another
format, for example, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Word, PowerPoint, in another software program or
printed onto paper.
This will allow you or others to present data in the most effective way in order to assess information and
to show important features.
Numerical tools
Using software that allows you to look at and analyse figures can greatly assist in your numerical
analysis. This helps to order data and information quickly and easily, preventing the possibility of human
error. You can perform equations, section or separate data fields and create new pages with specific
Intuit QuickBooks
Apple numbers.
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Activity 2B
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2.3 – Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope,
in consultation with relevant parties
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
Work with others in risk management identification
Make sure you use staff resources to help you identify risk; you could bring together a team of
experienced people to work on identifying and assessing the risk, or even bring in a consultant with
expertise in risk management.
Consult with all available and relevant persons who can help you identify and list the possible risks as
applicable to the scope.
Use checklists and testing procedures, and prioritise risks by developing a system of scale to evaluate
high and low risks, such as a numerical scoring system. Checklists can be used to help identify the risk
factors, prioritising will let you know which are the most important or urgent to deal with.
Human behaviour
Individual activities
Natural events
Political circumstances
Positive risk
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Use of technology
o physical hazards
o biological hazards
o ergonomic hazards
o psychological hazards.
Project set-up Low risk – acquiring work space, work team, and resources
Staff resources No risk – recruited two personnel to manage project, assigned two
workers to project
Technology resources Low risk – ICT dept. booked to set up computer system/technologies
Team skills Medium risk – two workers require additional skills and knowledge
You and any designated others can use a range of techniques and tools to assess risks. Consultations
and discussions can also help bring together knowledge and experience; working together will allow you
to investigate risks and negotiate priorities.
o the likelihood of a risk occurring can be ranked horizontally, while the impact of
the risk can be ranked vertically
Quantitative analysis
o this involves assigning numbers to risks according to whether they are highly
likely or highly unlikely to occur
Assessing in-house statistics and data relating to incidents, hazards and risks
o a F.M.E.A. is a ‘bottom-up method for assessing the ways in which the basic
elements of a system, process or piece of equipment can fail, leading to health
and safety risks
Risk avoidance – this strategy looks to avoid the risk by not taking the course of action
that could cause any negative impact to occur, for example, not using an unknown
manufacturer to make your products.
Risk retention – this strategy accepts the potential risk because the successful outcome
far outweighs the negatives.
Activity 2C
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3. Analyse risks
3.1. Assess likelihood of risks occurring
Critical analysis – the term used for determining the worth of information in analysis;
this is usually from the analyst’s point of view and can be helpful when applying
personal experience and knowledge to a situation
Predictive analysis – this can be used when looking at data and figures to look ahead at
predicting future occurrences, although not an accurate type of analysis, if using a
strong predictive model it can help you to make better decisions
Causal analysis – this is looking at the cause (or root cause) to determine why
something has, or is, repeatedly happening so that this can be changed or eliminated to
prevent future occurrences; causes can operate in cycles and may be systemic within
the organisation
Understanding correlations in data is useful as it helps determine the bigger picture. By identifying and
looking at the connections between information you can seek to understand the relationships that exist.
It also helps to tie together different information that may come from different sources.
Organisational culture
Technology needs
Risk categorisation
To help you with categorising the particular risk that may affect you, you should be aware that this
categorisation must be relevant to you and your organisation. You may start with a set categorisation
chart, but invariably to make this work accurately, you should bespoke this to suit your needs every
time you come to need a risk categorisation, adding as many levels as needed.
Construct a system of scale to help you determine how likely a threat or opportunity will be. You could
use the categorisation, as below, or choose a numerical system instead, for example 1-5 (1 being low
risk and 5 being high risk). By using a category for the likelihood of the risk against a category of the
consequences of the risk, you can build a clearer picture of each one.
o almost certain
o likely
o possible
o unlikely
o rare
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Consequences of risks:
o insignificant
o minor
o moderate
o major
o catastrophic.
Both a worded or numerical categorisation will achieve a rating system that you can use with each risk
to determine its impact. Fine-tune the categories as much as you need to, so you can accurately assign
the risk level and look at preventing any negative consequences.
Risk matrix
A risk matrix categorisation provides an overview of the potential risks to show areas of concern and
any priorities that need to be worked on. This is a useful way to assess any probabilities of risk and to
determine the level of impact they may have.
As in the example below, this template risk matrix shows the scale for risks – just add the risk in the
appropriate box for assessment.
In order for a risk matrix to be successfully used, you should design a specific matrix for your particular
needs and carefully monitor individual risks through the project. If not used correctly the matrix will not
give you a clear indication of risk.
Example risk matrix template:
Extreme LM M MH H H
High L LM M MH H
Moderate L LM M MH MH
Very low L L LM M M
L – low risk
LM – low/medium risk
M – medium risk
MH – medium/high risk
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H – high risk.
Activity 3A
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Once risks have been prioritised, you will then need to determine the best control methods to eliminate
or manage those risks at a safe level.
The below list of hierarchy controls is presented in order of effectiveness for controlling risk. Elimination
is the most successful solution to controlling a risk, and personal protective equipment (PPE) is the
option that is used last. Using a combination of risk controls may also be necessary and can increase
safety when controlling situations of risk.
3. Isolation – keep the risk away from others by making the area secure or off-limits
Contingency planning
When evaluating risks in working procedures and systems, it is good
practice to address and formulate contingency plans; these can be used in
the unlikely event that an undesired situation actually happens.
Contingency planning allows for you and others to think and plan
alternative measures and actions to ensure work is continued and is
carried out safely.
This means that you and others can make well-thought and logical
decisions in a non-reactionary environment. You and your organisation are
able to take control of an unwanted situation without experiencing
unnecessary difficulties or duress.
Contingency planning does not allow for thinking it will sort itself out or that if left
alone everything will turn out okay.
As in risk management activities, contingency planning will include options to identify the
likelihood and consequence of actions occurring or ignoring those actions:
Likelihood – this represents the chance that something will happen
Consequence – this represents the impact that a particular factor may have and is
measured in degrees of severity, or impact on your work plans
Activity 3B
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4.1 – Determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
Use a strategy for treating and controlling risks
Treat the risk – stop the action causing risk and change
this action to include controls for risk elimination
Decide upon the strategy and work to remove the risk. If you need to
consult with others, make sure this is done and the outcome is agreed. Time may also be required to
make effective plans and to gather all necessary resources and means to implement risk treatments.
Treatment options
Treating risks will depend on the chosen hierarchy of control, or controls. You may decide to try one
control with a view to reviewing this at a further date. Using more than one control may be required, for
example, isolating chemicals under lock and key in a building away from workers may also require
administrative controls to record details of who uses the key and when.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) – wearing ear muffs to protect from loud
machinery noises.
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1. Supplier power – this depends upon your reliance upon using suppliers and how many
suppliers can offer you what you need. The fewer options you have, the more
dependent you are upon the supplier and their costs may increase.
2. Buyer power – this depends upon your buyers, whether or not they are willing to pay
what you charge for your products/services. If there are other opportunities for your
buyers to choose different organisations, the weaker your position will be and your
prices could be driven down.
3. Competitive rivalry – this depends upon how many competitors you have and how
comparative their products/services are. The less others offer the same as you, the
better your position will be.
5. Threat of new entry – if the market is easy to enter and competitors can easily
establish themselves, this will weaken your organisation’s growth and profits. If the
industry you are in has many obstacles to entry this will protect the market.
of new
Supplier Buyer
power power
Threat of
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Activity 4A
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Confer regularly with those that see your progress, e.g. with your accountant/accounts
department or project managers
Prioritise goals, focus on tasks and complete these before taking the next step
Risk treatment plan – to describe the chosen control(s) for the risk(s)
Risk register – to assign responsibilities for monitoring and managing the risks during
risk treatment.
A risk plan will highlight the concerns that you have, but will need to present a feasible course of action.
The correct approval procedures will need to be taken and it must fall within budget to work.
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Risk triggers
Short term and long term goals for reducing potential hazards and risks
o ideally, your ultimate aim is to eliminate all incidents and accidents that arise
from hazards
o you should identify short term and long term goals so that you can introduce risk
control measures gradually and monitor your progress over a set period of time
Which employees should take responsibility for the risk control plan
Methods of documentation
Resources needed:
Conference suite/reception space, presentation and display equipment, promotional literature and gifts,
staff to host
Timelines: Deadlines:
6 week until event day 1 week to start promotion of event
3 weeks to perform staff training
4 weeks to produce promotional materials
Activity 4B
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Ensure your communications are appropriate to the parties involved and provide them with the facts
and information that they need. How and when you communicate will depend on the situation of risk. If
you are responsible for ensuring information is disseminated to other stakeholders, ensure you provide
a clear process for others to follow and access to the correct and most up-to-date information.
o writing:
Verbal communication
Verbal communications should be professional, courteous and respectful at all times. It is essential to
know how to relay information and how to conduct discussions; these will need to be tailored to suit
the audience, e.g. formal for managerial discussions and informational for team meetings. Your use of
language and terminology should be appropriate and enable understanding.
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Performance reviews
Asking questions to confirm and clarify meaning (open and closed questioning)
Non-verbal communications
You should use non-verbal communication techniques with care and appreciation of the audience.
Meanings may differ between cultures and social groups; these can cause offence to some individuals,
however harmless a gesture may appear to be. Non-verbal communication can signify status, attitudes
and emotions which can be easy to misunderstand.
Aspects of non-verbal communication that may differ between cultures may include:
Eye contact
Body language
Facial expressions
Personal space
Activity 4C
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Understand the need for templates and forms for employee use
Your organisation will need to keep records for legal
requirements and for any future analysis needs. All incidents of
risk need to be documented so that future occurrences of risk
can be avoided and your organisational systems can be
improved to better handle such situations.
By recording the results, as well as the process, of risk assessments, you will be better prepared to
safeguard the safety and wellbeing of all staff members, work property and organisational activities.
A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of how likely an injury or illness will occur as a
result of the hazard
A brief explanation of the reasons – or potential reasons – for the hazard’s existence
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What else needs to be done in order to minimise the risk posed by the hazard
You may document the results of risk assessments either on paper or electronically; what is important is
that you document the results according to organisational procedure and file and store records in such a
way that relevant stakeholders can access particular documents.
Most organisations have special procedures in place for recording and documenting the results of risk
assessments; be sure to familiarise yourself with any procedures in place and follow them accordingly.
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Activity 4D
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Make sure that plans are complete and provide thorough guidance to deal with the hazards and risks
involved. When implementing plans and/or conferring with colleagues and employees on roles and
duties, make sure you discuss the requirements in full. Provide channels of open communication so that
questions can be asked and queries sorted; you should also give guidance and direction as and when it
is needed during the duration of work activities.
When looking at the treatment plan, make sure you factor in suitable timings to deal with your solutions
to risk. These will need to be appropriate to the purpose, for example, for a high rated risk it would not
be appropriate to have a long time period of 18 months to resolve the issue.
Communicating any treatment plans to other parties, such as company directors, staff,
stakeholders, clients or industry bodies and monitoring activities.
Operational risks
There are many ways that a business could incur risks in the workplace. Always be on the lookout for
potential situations of hazard. Along with health and safety aspects, other business operational risks
may occur. Your plans may have taken these into consideration, or you may meet further hazards and
risks along the way.
These include:
Economic shifts
Financial crisis
Import/export problems
Capital finance
Product failure
Information systems
Cash-flow difficulties
o you may choose to do this via training days, workshops, seminars, etc.
Encourage all employees to look out for hazards and to report anything they think
could be a problem, no matter how trivial
Activity 4E
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Monitoring risk
Make sure that you monitor risks on a continual basis. Changes can occur as work progresses and your
initial risk management strategy or processes may need adjusting over time. It also helps to monitor any
occurrences of residual risk and to identify ways of managing this.
It is prudent to make risk management a part of your regular work with colleagues and/or your team
and make time to discuss this at staff and team meetings. Look to integrate risk management processes
within your area of operation and encourage a working environment that seeks to maximise the
opportunities and diminishes the risks.
Record your findings in a format that highlights any issues in a concise manner and makes it easy to
focus on the points required.
E.g. Keeping work Security guard at Using a pass entry Security and facilities
premises secure reception and security system at reception and
guard on patrol of at the entrance to each
premises work area; two security
guards on patrol of
Your responsibility
Managers should be responsible for providing correct and accurate information to all staff on areas of
risk and this should be checked to ensure it is supplied from a trusted source. Confidentiality of
information should also be respected; never pass on information that is subject to privacy status.
Always check on confidentiality clearance before disclosing information.
All information on your risk management processes and results should be current and regularly
monitored and reviewed for changes. Your reviews will help you to establish good practices and also to
determine what works well and what doesn’t work well in future work.
Risk management needs to be at an effective level to prevent any sudden and unexpected changes
within your work area and also within your organisation. To achieve the successful results, you would
like, make risk management a priority.
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Whenever you move to a new premises, or when new work areas are opened.
Consider whether your organisation has the employees with the required skills and
experience to use a particular measure
Evaluate how likely it is that an injury/illness or negative impact will occur as a result of
a particular hazard, despite the risk control measures being in place
Remember, it is simply good practice to regularly evaluate your risk controls. Set
specific times to do so and be sure to conduct all evaluations thoroughly, informing
management at all times of the process and results of each assessment.
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Activity 4F
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Summative Assessments
At the end of your Learner Workbook, you will find the Summative Assessments.
This includes:
Skills assessment
Knowledge assessment
Performance assessment.
This holistically assesses your understanding and application of the skills, knowledge and performance
requirements for this unit. Once this is completed, you will have finished this unit and be ready to move
onto the next one – well done!
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These suggested references are for further reading and do not necessarily represent the contents of
this unit.
The Australian Human Rights Commission:
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website (the Privacy Act):
privacy-principles and
Safe Work Australia publication ‘Model code of practice – How to manage work health and safety risks’:
All references accessed on and correct as of 27.09.2016, unless other otherwise stated.