BSBHRM615 Learner Guide

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Contribute to the development of diversity and
inclusion strategies
BSBHRM615 - Contribute to the development of diversity and inclusion strategies (Release 1) | Learner guide

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BSBHRM615 1.0 18.04.2021 First edition

Table of Content

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BSBHRM615 - Contribute to the development of diversity and inclusion strategies (Release 1) | Learner guide

Table of Contents..................................................................................................2
1.1 Review current organisational practices for recruiting, training, and promoting staff
1.2 Review current data on staff turnover, workforce demographics and local, regional
and international population demographics......................................................14
1.3 Identify and assess factors that affect current and future supply of workers.........18
1.4 Assess opportunities for diversity within the organisation...................................20
1.5 Provide recommendations that support valuing and leveraging diversity to improve
organisational practices and meet regulatory requirements................................23
COLLABORATION WITH OTHERS.........................................................................26
2.1 Confirm objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion within organisation with
required stakeholders....................................................................................29
2.2 Consult and establish management strategies that support valuing and leveraging
diversity and inclusion...................................................................................32
2.3 Communicate objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders..........................35
2.4 Obtain agreement and endorsement for diversity and inclusion objectives and
collaboratively establish targets......................................................................37
2.5 Contribute to development of required contingency strategies............................40

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In the workplace, diversity refers to a range of differences among workers, such as race,
ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and education levels. Focus on managing diversity and
promoting your diversity activities, both internally and externally, in order to make your
workplace truly inclusive.

Benefits of diversity in the workplace:

Variety of different perspectives

Increased creativity

More innovations

Faster problem-solving

Better decision making

Increased profits

Higher employee engagement

Reduced employee turnover

Better company reputation

Improved hiring results.

How can you contribute to the development of diversity?

Reward diverse referrals: Make it clear to your current workers that they are encouraged
to refer candidates from underrepresented groups in your business. You may also include
extra incentives and benefits for diverse applicants who are recommended.

Recruiter unconscious bias training: Train the recruiters to be more aware of biases and
learn how to eliminate biases in the hiring process.

Create policies that are inclusive of diversity:  Develop and introduce policies that promote
diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Provide flexible schedules, such as leave options,
food options, and leisure activities.

Provide diversity training: Set aside time and space to address issues related to diversity.
Provide diversity training to the staff so they can learn how to deal with it.

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Create a variety of mentorships: Create one-on-one mentorships for an equal amount of

time, have each person in the pair serve as a mentor to the other.

Build diverse teams: Assemble diverse teams and give them an opportunity to work

Measure your efforts: Monitor the progress of the diversity programmes and identify
potential bottlenecks by measuring the outcomes.  Set targets and determine which
benchmarks you would like to improve, and then chart your progress to see how far you
have come.

Events: Organise gatherings and programmes that celebrate the diversity of the
employees. Different holidays and identities can be celebrated.

Blog: Allow your workers to express themselves by having them write a blog about what
diversity in the workplace means to them.

Web and print materials: Use photographs and quotations from a wide range of people in
your company’s online and printed materials. Include your own staff as well as clients.

Create an internal communication channel: dedicated to the topic of diversity.  It can be a

column in your company newsletter, a Slack channel, or a forum topic.

Volunteering: Encourage your staff to volunteer in organisations that cater to the needs of
underrepresented groups in society. 

Inclusion at workplace

Inclusion at the workplace refers to a business culture that distinguishes itself from any
potential implicit bias in the workplace. Employees are welcomed regardless of who they
are or how they identify themselves.

Managers play a critical role in fostering an inclusive organisational culture. A manager is

on the front lines, serving as a link between workers and management. As a result, it is
important that they understand how to manage a diverse workforce. So, managers must
be educated and trained in order to understand and help all workers in cultivating an
inclusive culture.

How can you contribute to the development of inclusion strategies?

 Organise cultural training, multicultural seminars, and educate staff about the

importance of everyone’s inclusion in order to eliminate unconscious bias.
 Conduct a thorough assessment of the working environment. Examine the
workplace’s diversity. For example: Is there a washroom that is not gendered? Are
people of different sexual orientations barred from participating in projects? 
 Have a framework in place for employee reviews and evaluating it. You’ll never
really know what went wrong until you allow workers a voice of their own.
 Create new policies or abolish some previous ones entirely. These policies include
several policies related to recruitment and performance management.
 Allow applicants from various community outreach projects, job fairs, and recruiting
consultancies to participate in the hiring process. 
 Ensure that workers are compensated according to their qualifications and job title.
Gender, race, or sexual orientation should not factor in receiving a lower salary for
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 Make sure your employees are aware of your goals. Employees should feel
comfortable approaching their supervisors if they are subjected to some kind of
discrimination. Managers should keep an open mind by avoiding prejudices and
ensuring that staff feels free to share. Request feedback on the company’s
employee experience on a regular basis.
 Conduct an employee survey to determine what types of opportunities the
employees would like to have in order to understand the advantages of diversity.
 During the on boarding of a new employee, emphasise the importance of inclusion
and diversity in the workplace. Make sure that every new recruit understands that
the workplace is a welcoming environment for people of all genders, races, cultures
and disabilities. Inform new employees about existing diversity and
inclusion policies and what steps they can take if they are subjected to
 Gender-neutral terminology should be used in any job description or
 Form a Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (D&I): D&I committees act as a link
between you and your staff.  Such committees assist in ensuring that the inclusion
policies are being implemented and are efficient.
 Meetings in a Round Robin format: Meetings are an excellent way to see if the
workplace is really as diverse as you believe. Making the meetings respect
everyone’s suggestions through the round-robin process. It is a   technique in
which each participant in a meeting is given an equal amount of time to talk, share,
or demonstrate without being interrupted. Every employee will participate and
interact on a fair level.
Hence, diversity in an organisation leads to stronger teams, more creativity, and more
effective decision-making. Inclusion strategies, on the other hand, binds people to the
organisation and makes them want to stay.

What will I learn?

This learning guide will provide you the skills and knowledge required to:

1. Research opportunities for workforce diversity.

2. Develop diversity and inclusion strategies in collaboration with others.

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When businesses recruit workers of diverse backgrounds, such as race, religion, cultural
backgrounds, sexual preference, and gender, workplace diversity evolves. The aim is to
foster a culture that values individual differences while treating all workers fairly and
providing equal opportunities for development and advancement.   It provides companies
with a competitive advantage, allowing them to set themselves apart from their rivals.

Importance of workforce diversity

Fresh perspectives: Employee diversity exposes companies to a wide range of experiences

and skills. It’s important to value different employee perspectives because businesses
need employees with diverse viewpoints for strategic planning and decision-making.

Improved workplace culture: As a company’s workforce diversity expands, so does

employee’s teamwork and creativity. Organisational culture is enriched and guided by
diversity. Diversity of employee’s cultures and traditions will make workers feel welcomed.

Company efficiency: Individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives are better able
to take on a variety of assignments, which improves company performance. Problem-
solving efficiency improves by working with different groups of people in an organisation
as issue solutions can be analysed from a variety of perspectives, allowing problems to be
solved more quickly.

Employee innovation: Managing a company necessitates the constant generation of new

ideas. Meetings and daily activities enable employees to share their thoughts and ideas.  
While idea generation is challenging, it can be made easier when a diverse group of people
express and listen to each other’s ideas.

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Diversity starts with hiring and retaining diverse talent. Let’s research
opportunities for workforce diversity:

 Make sure your company’s diversity statement and any current programmes are
prominently displayed on your career page, and provide a link to it in every job

 Provide high-value internships and scholarships to workers from underrepresented

communities, which will help them progress in key positions within the company.

 Provide diversity training executive team to initiate effective cultural and sensitivity
training around the company.

 Recruit a council of top leaders who are knowledgeable about diversity and
inclusion. The council then meets on a regular basis to devise plans to boost

 From recruiting practises to performance evaluations, promotions, and benefits,

develop or change workplace policies to be more inclusive and diversity-friendly.

 Conduct a comprehensive review of current strategies and present the findings to

top management and/or the inclusion committee.

What will I learn?

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Review current organisational practices for recruiting, training, and

promoting staff.
2. Review current data on staff turnover, workforce demographics and
local, regional and international population demographics.
3. Identify and assess factors that affect current and future supply of
4. Assess opportunities for diversity within the organisation.
5. Provide recommendations that support valuing and leveraging diversity
to improve organisational practices and meet regulatory requirements.

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1.1 Review current organisational practices for

recruiting, training, and promoting staff
Recruitment is the method of recruiting individuals to apply for jobs in an organisation on
a timely basis, in adequate numbers, and with the necessary qualifications. If a company
has determined that it requires new or substitute workers, it must decide where to obtain
the applications.

Methods of recruitment

Internal External
Recruitment Recruitment


Records Trade
and Skills Associations

Employee Employment
Referral Agencies




Let’s review current organisational practices for recruiting staff:

Process: Have a well-thought-out, well-executed recruitment strategy that you stick to. It
should be tailored to the company’s size and needs. 

Invest your money:  to train highly qualified recruiters. It helps them to be more
successful in their roles and improve the quality of the talent they attract.

Treat hiring as if it were a sales feature because the recruiter attempts to sell the concept
of a role or candidate. To make a case for a specific applicant or a particular role,
recruiters must see how a candidate’s needs and a client’s needs intersect, just as all
salespeople must link the demand to the need.
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Hiring managers: Building a good, consultative relationship with your hiring managers is
important. Hiring managers are under a lot of pressure to find the right person for the job.
As a result, they’re more likely to provide recruiters with basic information and a limited
timeline. Recruiters must be able to collaborate with hiring managers to slow down the
process so that they can determine what success looks like with that particular hire and
ensure that they get the best applicant for the job. The aim is for them to regard you as a
knowledgeable advisor who they can turn to for guidance and expertise.

Service level agreements (SLAs):  These agreements between hiring managers and
recruiters spell out who is in charge of what and what deadlines are reasonable. These
agreements facilitate communication, enhance performance, and aid in the development of
good hiring manager relationships.

Employee referrals:  Your best workers are likely to know other high performers, and you
want them to bring such high performers into the organisation as well. Improve and
advertise your employee referral services, and make them a seamless part of your regular
hiring process.

Pools of candidates: Build and maintain a deep pool of candidates.  This allows the
recruiters to fill critical roles within the client company quickly.

Assessments: Use evaluation methods to measure the efficiency and role of the
recruitment efforts. They aid in the sourcing and screening process by identifying the best

Data-driven: Analyse the top performers and most successful recruiting tactics, then use
the information to improve your hiring practices. This helps you to focus your time and
resources on the activities and candidates that have been proven to be the most effective.

Training staff

Staff training is a programme that assists employees in acquiring new knowledge or skills
in order to enhance their performance in their current job positions. Employees benefit
from training because it allows them to expand their talents and develop new skills,
expertise, and abilities. Employee training helps them to come up with new and creative
ideas, achieve goals on time, and become valuable resources for the company. Training
systems be tailored for both current staff and new candidates.

Training methods at the workplace:

Induction Training: New hires are given induction training to help them feel a part of the
company. Induction services assist new hires in becoming familiar with the workplace
atmosphere and their co-workers.

Refresher Training: These are planned for current workers to update their expertise while
also assisting them in learning new skills and technology in order to keep up with the
changing times. 

On-the-Job Trainings: Off-the-Job Training

Workers receive on-the-job training Employees receive off-the-job training in
from their supervisors and bosses at the workplace.
their work related to their careers,
preparing them to handle greater
responsibilities. Following methods can be used to provide
off-the-job training:
On-the-job training can be delivered in a
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number of ways, including:

Coaching: is learning by doing and Seminars/Conferences: When a large group

managing a variety of ongoing of people needs to be trained, seminars and
projects. The team manager assigns conferences are a good option to familiarise
specific job tasks to team members, workers with new skill sets, relevant
tracks their results, points out their knowledge, recent innovations, new
errors, gives them feedback and technology. Case studies are addressed on
suggestions for progress. a shared forum.

Job rotation: Employees switch from Simulation exercises: include training

one position to another for gaining employees in an artificial environment that
new skills and learning new things. closely matches their real working
Individuals are exposed to new tasks environments.
and challenges to become capable of
Vestibule trainings: include workers
performing any task.
practise using the instrument/equipment
that they will be using in the future while
they are employed.
Management games and role plays: teach
workers how to cope with difficult situations
and how to solve them.

Let’s review current organisational practices for training staff:

Figure out who your audience is and what are your success challenges: Consider the
employees’ experiences, such as their schooling, job experience, and day-to-day activities.
Make an effort to relate to their experiences and include content in a language that they
can comprehend. Your aim is to make everybody feel like their training is important.  Once
you know who you’re talking to, you can pinpoint the performance issues that are
troubling your team. Concentrate on:

 What motivates the workers, and what roles they seem to struggle with?
 What specific practices or problems do the workers need to focus on to build a
more productive workflow?
Create a plan for mobility, flexibility, and accessibility: Creating an environment where
learners can learn at their own speed and in their own time by designing a training plan
that is easily accessible through mobile devices. It also fits into a learner’s timetable. It
boosts employee motivation and eliminates the need to halt production or compromise
office hours to complete their training.

Use rich media, interactive activities, and a persuasive script:  Allowing employees to
connect with a storey stimulates them even more than simply watching knowledge to be
delivered to them. You’ll notice a significant difference in the success and retention of your
training if you use audio and video to build a curriculum that allows your learners to
communicate. With the introduction of augmented and virtual reality technology, learners
now have more chances to engage with the stories behind their training in order to help
them concentrate on the facts and priorities that your company is posing.

Assess the employees’ skills and make changes by incorporating assessments: There are
several advantages of incorporating formative and summative tests into the company’s
training. Formative tests serve as touchstones for learners along the way, encouraging
them to self-assess and evaluate information to ensure they’re ready for their assessment.

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Summative assessments inform stakeholders about their learners’ progress and enable an

organisation to make changes and course corrections to their training as needed. End-user
data from both forms of assessments are useful in determining whether training is
successful and how the learners are progressing.

Promoting staff

A process by which a company’s employee is granted a larger share of responsibilities, a

higher pay rate, or both is known as promotion. It enhances the morale of promoted
workers, increases their efficiency, and thus increases the company’s overall profits.

Benefits of promoting staff:

Employee success, ambition, and hard work are recognised and improved: It allows
considering and appreciating employees’ achievements and hard work, making them feel
respected. When an employee’s efforts are recognised, he or she is more likely to work
harder and try to improve his or her efficiency, which benefits the company. A promotion
increases workers’ motivation and zeal for achieving their personal goals as well as the
company’s objectives.

Boost’s motivation & increases the loyalty of employees: Employees are more inspired and
motivated to continue doing good work when they are promoted.  A promotion
strengthens and enhances employee satisfaction because they begin to feel a sense of
belonging in the workplace.

Encourages employee’s retention: When management recognises and promotes the right

talent at the right time, deserving and skilled employees may not be forced to leave. By
retaining top-level employees and workers, your company avoids the need to hire new
talent and then groom them from scratch, thus saving time and money.

Develops a healthy competitive spirit at work: When the stronger team member is
promoted, the other team members will feel inspired to outperform them, resulting in the
development of a healthy competitive spirit at work. 

Groom’s potential leaders: When management chooses to promote employees for their
hard work, they are essentially rewarding talent and identifying future leaders. This
recognition of potential leaders allows them to train workers for the future while also
encouraging them to further develop their skills and talents. 

Reduces employee dissatisfaction and resistance: If workers have to work hard without
receiving recognition, praise, or appraisal, a sense of discontent and resistance can
develop. This will cause them to perform poorly, resulting in a negative impact on the
business. Internal promotion may help to minimise employee resistance.

Let’s review current organisational practices for promoting staff:

Horizontal promotion: In this form of promotion, the employee’s status has been elevated
with a raise in salary, but the essence of his work has not changed. A lower-division clerk,
for example, might be promoted to a higher-division clerk.

Vertical promotion: involves a shift in rank, duties, work classification, and compensation.
Consider the case of a marketing superintendent who is promoted to marketing manager.
This form of promotion may also completely change the nature of a job, such as when a
functional head is elevated to the position of chief executive of an organisation. 

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Dry promotion: is described as an increase in responsibilities and rank without a

corresponding increase in pay or other financial benefits. For example, a professor in a
university becomes head of the department.

Open versus closed promotion: An open promotion scheme is one in which the
organisation is able to accept all employees as future hires and often announces internal
job openings. The corporation is said to have a closed promotion system if it does not
advertise vacancies or if the vacancy is limited and not available to all persons within the
organisation for promotion openings.

Employee promotion on the basis of seniority and merit

Seniority: refers to a person’s duration of service in an organisation. This scheme ensures

that all workers can be promoted automatically when the time comes. It satisfies the
employee’s aspirations for growth, builds morale and is conducive to better labour
management relations.

 Seniority, while rewarding loyalty and long service, is no guarantee of competent

management. Again, if workers are promoted on a regular basis, new employees
will not be inspired to enhance their efficiency. 
 Seniority plays a key role in an employee’s abilities because the more an individual
works at a job, the more he knows about it. 
Promotion by Merit: It improves organisational productivity and maximises ability
utilisation by promoting only deserving workers after a comprehensive evaluation of their
abilities for a higher-level job with greater responsibilities and rank. 

Thus, management should use promotions equally and effectively to position the most
qualified and efficient employees on each job. 

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1.2 Review current data on staff turnover, workforce

demographics and local, regional and international
population demographics

The proportion of employees who leave an organisation and are replaced by new
employees is referred to as staff turnover. Employers who want to investigate the reasons
for employee turnover or measure the cost-to-hire for budgeting purposes may use
employee turnover data.

Types of staff turnover:

Occurs when an employee is fired due to bad results,
absenteeism, or a violation of employment policies. It is
involuntary because the employee did not want to leave the
termination, organisation.
dismissal, or

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Occurs when an employee leaves the organisation with her
/his own will. Employees offer a variety of explanations for why
they are leaving their employers. They may be accepting a job
offer from another business, relocating to a new location, or
dealing with a personal issue that prevents them from working.
When an employee voluntarily ends her working arrangement,
he/she usually gives her employer written or verbal notice of her
intention to resign.
Desirable and
 Desirable turnover occurs when workers are replaced; new
talent and expertise are instilled, which can give an
organisation a competitive advantage.
 Undesirable turnover means that the organisation is losing
workers whose abilities, expertise, and skills are valuable

Review current data on staff turnover through the strategies mentioned below:

Conduct exit interviews: A well-conducted exit interview provides information that can aid
in the reduction of potential turnover. To get the most out of this discussion, make sure
departing workers are comfortable disclosing their true reasons for leaving. You
can interview consultants and contractors at the end of their contracts because they also
address issues firsthand while working for a company.

Survey current employees: Your current employees are experts on the factors that are
most likely to cause potential turnover in your business. You’ll get a lot of the details you
need if you can build a platform where your workers feel comfortable expressing their true
feelings. Employees may be assured that their criticisms will not be used against them. 
Hiring an independent consultant to come in and interview staff, both individually and in
groups, is another great way to discover reasons for turnover.

Read employee reviews of your workplace: Various websites offer current and past
employees the opportunity to review their experience working for your organisation.
Reading through these honest appraisals is a good way to find out what your employees
really think.

Gather the right data: If you want to adjust the company practices strategically, you’ll
need to look beyond employee feedback and look for data from the wider market. Here are
a few examples:

 Salary: How much more are other firms offering if workers are leaving for better
pay or benefits?
 Benefits: Do the workers want specific incentives or benefits, such as more
maternity/paternity leave or improved insurance benefits?
 Schedule flexibility: Do your rivals have any flex time or remote work options?
What proportion of their staff is able to take advantage of these benefits?
Company culture: Data can be qualitative or quantitative, depending on the company
culture. Are you losing employees to an organisation that shows them more respect? Read
your rivals’ work listings to see how they portray their employer brand. Your workers want
you to know how they feel. You will develop a strong culture of employee engagement and

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reduce the disruption caused by workforce churn by providing a secure forum for them to
share this information.

Review current data on workforce demographics and local, regional and

international population demographics:

This fact sheet includes current data from Australian government sources, such as the
WGEA and the ABS, to provide the most recent report on workplace demographics.

The workforce participation rate refers to the active population, which includes all people
aged 15 and up who are employed or seeking employment (i.e. employed or unemployed).

 Women account for 47.2 per cent of all employed people in Australia, with 25.8%
working full-time and 21.4 per cent working part-time.
 Women account for 37.9% of all full-time workers and 67.2 per cent of part-time
 Women participate in the workforce at a rate of 61.2 per cent and men at a rate of
71.2 per cent (61.4 per cent for women and 70.9 per cent for men in February
 61.2 per cent of women (74.5 per cent in February 2020) and 71.2 per cent of men
(83.1 per cent in February 2020) are in the workforce.
Local population demographics:

City name Population

Sydney 4,627,345

Geelong 226,034

Logan City 282,673

Wollongong 292,190

Newcastle 308,308

Canberra 367,752

Melbourne 4,246,375

Brisbane 2,189,878

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Perth 1,896,548

Adelaide 1,225,235

Gold Coast 591,473

Regional population demographics:

For Australia’s capital cities and areas, statistics on the population and components of
change (births, deaths, migration) are available.

 The population of the capitals increased by 245,300 people (1.4 per cent).
 Overseas migration (162,800), natural growth (112,700), and internal migration all
contributed to capital city growth (-30,200).
 Melbourne experienced the most growth (80,100 people), while Brisbane
experienced the fastest growth rate (1.9 per cent).
 The population of regional Australia increased by 86,200 people (1.1 per cent).
International population demographics:

 In the year leading up to June 2020, preliminary overseas migration to and from
Australia resulted in a net increase of 194,400 people in Australia’s population:
 There were 509,600 overseas migrant arrivals, down 7.4% from the previous year.
 There were 315,200 overseas migrant departures, the largest number ever
recorded and a 2.0 per cent rise over the previous year.
 The bulk of overseas migrant arrivals (61.3 per cent) and departures were
temporary visa holders (62.1 per cent).

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1.3 Identify and assess factors that affect current and

future supply of workers
The organisation measures the number and quality of its existing staff, as well as the
available external supply of jobs while doing a supply analysis. Many qualified and
unskilled human capital are available at a much lower cost in developed countries. This will
necessitate the transfer of many businesses to other countries. As a result, when
preparing for human resources, management must think globally and in terms of
international operations.

Let’s identify and assess factors that affect the current and future supply of

Employee promotions from within the company: Internal promotions are a strong source
of seasoned and professional workers who do not need rigorous training and are familiar
with the company’s priorities, policies, and philosophy. Employees may be transferred
from one department to another or from one division to another to fill certain vacancies.
Some companies use an employee information system to help with the preparation and to
classify workers for transfer or promotion. Such a system is often computerised, and the
database includes employee profiles with information such as qualifications, abilities, job
experience, and career goals.

Availability of required talent in the external labour market: Unemployment statistics, a

survey of private and public employment agencies, and other sources may be used to
determine the availability of needed talent in the external labour market.

Competition for talent within the industry: If competition for talent is high, it will be more
difficult to tap the supply, and the cost of hiring additional employees will rise. In contrast,
if there is a low demand for a specific skill, the supply will remain flexible.
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Trends in population movement: Demographic shifts would have an effect on supply

sources. For example, if people are moving from rural to urban areas, the supply in rural
areas would dry up. Similarly, the majority of new immigrants from outside the country
choose to settle in towns, increasing the supply in urban areas.

Enrolment patterns in vocational schools and universities: As the number of students

enrolled in training programmes, as well as in colleges and universities, increases
significantly, the availability of qualified staff and personnel with advanced educational
backgrounds would improve. On the other hand, due to the high cost of education, college
enrolment may decline, indicating a trend toward a shortage of educated people.

The substitution effect of a rise in wages: With higher wages, workers will give greater
value to working than leisure. With work more profitable, there is a higher opportunity
cost of not working. The substitution effect causes more hours to be worked as wages rise.

Income effect of a rise in wages: This occurs when an increase in wages causes workers to
work fewer hours. This is because workers can get a higher income by working fewer
hours. Therefore, they may work less. Therefore, after wage rise, workers may work less
because they can get their target income with fewer hours spent working.

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1.4 Assess opportunities for diversity within the

When it comes to employee engagement, diversity in the workplace is crucial to a
successful company. Since every team member, from executives to frontline staff and
mobile workers, brings their own unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives,
workplace diversity fosters creativity and innovation.

Developing a variety of employee involvement and internal communication techniques

actively puts diversity at the centre of everything you do in the workplace and shows a
long-term dedication to employee connection for everyone.

The beautiful intersection of different people from different countries and different
backgrounds is where diversity emerges. It encompasses cultural diversity in the
workplace, as well as gender, religious, and linguistic diversity, as well as a range of
educational levels, perspectives, and skills.  It’s a group of people who think, behave, and
look different, working together to solve complex problems.

Let’s assess opportunities for diversity within the organisation:

Educate managers on the benefits of diversity in the workplace: The manager-employee

relationship is extremely important. The majority of people leave their jobs because they
don’t get along with their bosses. Give your managers the tools they need to build and
nurture a diverse team. The first step is to schedule cultural and sensitivity training.

 Examine reporting processes and employee feedback channels to ensure that

managers and their direct reports have a clear line of communication.

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 The capacity of your employees becomes limitless when workplace diversity is

celebrated, and management is given the support they need. Promote from within
to ensure that your management team represents your company’s core values.
Create more inclusive workplace policies: As you strive to become a more diverse
company, examine your existing practices and perform a thorough assessment of your
workplace. From recruiting to performance reviews and promotions, facilitating
organisational diversity may entail developing new policies or amending existing ones.
When posting job openings, for example, work requirements should be designed to appeal
to a wider audience. Consider publishing these job descriptions online and sending
recruiters to more job fairs, community recruiting offices, and outreach programmes.

Other inclusive measures that promote organisational diversity include:

 Allowing workers to take time off for religious holidays that the organisation does or
may not observe.
 Offering on-site day care.
 Review your office set up to ensure an inclusive facility, such as the availability of
non-gendered restrooms.
 Extending the option for flexible work hours.
 Using a mobile workforce application with a translation feature so every employee
can communicate in his or her preferred language.
Establish employee-led task forces and communicate clearly: To ensure that
diversity programmes are effective, clear communication and follow-up are needed.
Policies should take into account the diverse needs of everyone in your business.

 Employees should feel free to express any concerns they have to their bosses,
especially about how they are treated at work because of their gender, race,
sexuality, age, or other factors.
 By eliminating stereotypes and using inclusive words, managers may feel secure in
their internal communication with employees. Managers should use this as a
starting point for creating transparent and respectful internal communication
 Ask the employees for feedback on a regular basis, and form dedicated diversity
task forces with representatives from all departments to hire and train candidates.
This ensures accountability, ownership, and buy-in from the whole team.
Provide meaningful employee participation opportunities: If your organisation has several
locations, consider encouraging employees to travel to other locations in another region,
state, or country. Use an employee survey to find out where the employees like to
volunteer or spend their free time and plan both work-related and external employee
engagement outings.

 They will also observe how other places approach related issues and conditions in a
slightly different manner. This can inspire your workers to think outside the box
and then apply what they’ve learned to their own teams.
 Some businesses have their workers work together in their communities to give
back while also building stronger bonds. This type of exposure is a perfect way for
workers to learn about and engage in new cultures, as well as for the team to get
to know one another better.
Create mentorship programmes: While it is critical to hire a diverse staff, mentorship
programmes are an essential component of organisational diversity programmes in
ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to advance.
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 Employees with high potential, regardless of age, colour and sex, should be

assigned, mentors. 
 Contribute to workers’ continuing education to support career development
 By recruiting and encouraging diverse applicants into leadership positions, you will
ensure that your leadership team represents diversity.
 Through participating in diversity promotion, CEOs can assist their companies in
attracting the best and most diverse talent. It boosts your brand identity and
credibility while improving overall satisfaction, success, and retention. 
Provide workplace flexibility: Allowing workers more control over when and where they
work is what workplace flexibility entails. Offering this to your employees will help make
your workplace more welcoming and accommodating to working parents, commuters, and
those who need to work remotely part-time.

Train and educate: Diversity and inclusion training will provide the staff with a thorough
knowledge as well as practical skills to ensure a more inclusive workforce. Create
policies that recognise a wide range of cultural and religious traditions.

Encourage a company culture where everyone’s voice is heard, respected, and valued:
Employees also leave jobs because they believe their true selves and individuality are not
respected or supported. As a result, it’s critical to build an atmosphere in which they feel
connected to the business and its employees. Companies must ensure that all workers,
regardless of their status, feel included and respected. Think about how you can embrace
non-discriminatory practices and policies.

Begin a discussion about wage disparities:  Plan to discuss gender and future wage
inequalities, as well as potentially disclose some of the company’s compensation
details. Workforce trust and a sense of inclusion are built around a company’s
transparency in its policies and communication about those policies.

Acknowledge the presence of a multilingual workforce: Imagine operating in an

atmosphere where almost everybody speaks a language you don’t understand on a daily
basis. Be sure to account for language differences and expectations if you really want
everyone to feel included. Considering candidates’ language skills during the recruitment
process is also a smart idea. It could make more sense to employ someone who speaks
more than one language if they have the same qualifications.

Foster diverse thinking: When you recruit for diversity, you’re putting your business in a
strong place to learn about things from a variety of perspectives. Diverse thinking will help
you generate ideas and get valuable input while still building an atmosphere where
everyone feels important and a part of a common goal.

Build a multigenerational workforce: Building a diverse and inclusive workforce requires a

workforce that respects and accommodates multiple generations. This can be seen in
communications practises at work. Certain workers, for example, may choose to use social
media networks or group chat features. Employees from previous generations may be less
receptive to such communication networks. Communications professionals should invest in
a workforce communications platform to easily and efficiently build and send messages
through channels preferred by employees; this will assist communicators in crafting
messages that will appeal to all generations and promote participation.

Reflect everyone’s needs and preferences at the everyday gathering: Many offices observe
minor holidays (such as Halloween) or celebrations such as birthdays in addition to holiday
parties. Whenever you have a company event, make sure to have food and drinks that
everyone will enjoy. For example, at parties, serve both alcoholic and non-alcoholic
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beverages. Often, not everyone enjoys celebrating birthdays, so be sure to inquire about
the employee’s preferences (and never disclose the employee’s age or birth year). Make it
clear to staff that these events are optional. Some workers, for example, may be
extremely shy at the prospect of having to attend a company-sponsored function. Asking
specific questions about preferences and including a range of food and beverage choices
can go a long way toward making such events more inclusive.

1.5 Provide recommendations that support valuing and

leveraging diversity to improve organisational
practices and meet regulatory requirements
Companies would certainly benefit from diversity in order to achieve their goals.
Organisations that are well-integrated are proven to innovate, produce new goods, and
generate more sales than their competitors. Bringing in new viewpoints helps you maintain
an ethical and compliant culture. Diversity, including ethics and compliance, faces many
obstacles, ranging from racism to misunderstandings and language barriers.
Miscommunications can happen in both dynamics and have disastrous consequences for
the organisation.

Recommendations that support valuing and leveraging diversity to improve

organisational practices:

Create a set of principles: The first step in building a culture of compliance is for leadership
to announce a set of guiding principles. Managers and staff would be more aware of the
rules if they are established. It then produces a leading voice in the workplace, which
predicts adherence and mitigates risk.

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Eliminate bias: The diversity community has intensified the possibility of scrutiny.
Employees behave with less bias when they are asked to justify their decisions. Diversity
task forces are also being used to eliminate bias.

Construct structures: that promote active involvement. Use a regular enforcement audit to
keep staff informed about regulatory issues. This will emphasise the importance of
enforcement while also stressing the importance of individual behaviour that leads to
positive outcomes in the workplace.

The willingness of employees: to follow new points of view and policies has a direct impact
on regulatory requirements. Policy criteria are more readily accepted by an open and
willing organisation. It also reduces their chances of failing to comply. Individuals enhance
their immediate, daily workplace experience by incorporating new policy changes at the
same time.

Unite teams: When it comes to embracing diversity, leaders should strive to unite teams
around a variety of workplace goals, including ethics and compliance. Groups that have
accepted change are more likely to accept additional changes that are needed than those
that have yet to reap the benefits of integration. Increased diversity improves the
acceptance of new ideas, but only if individuals understand that their personal agency is

Regulatory requirements to be met by the organisation

 Ensure that they follow equal pay legislation, i.e. they pay men and women equally
for doing the same (or equivalent) jobs; they do not discriminate against job
applicants or employees when it comes to benefits, promotions, and other
workplace issues; 
 Consider doing whatever they can to prevent discrimination and harassment of
employees in the workplace (this is cultural and comes from having the right
policies in place, giving adequate training, and demonstrating strong leadership).
 Explain what unlawful discrimination and harassment is, stating that the employer
will not tolerate it and making it clear that anyone who discriminates or harasses in
the workplace may be dismissed. Even a basic policy can help an employer defend
an unfair dismissal or discrimination claim.
 Large employers with 250 or more workers are required to disclose their gender
wage disparity – the difference in average pay between men and women in the
organisation – once a year.

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Self-check assessment

Explain the factors that affect supply of workers.



Determine the opportunities for diversity within the organisation.



Suggest recommendations that support valuing and leveraging diversity.


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There are four major dimensions of diversity styles in the business world that are
mentioned below:

Internal diversity: Things that a person is born with or cannot alter, such as skin colour,
race, age, and physical or mental capacity, are examples of internal diversity categories.

External diversity refers to something about an individual that they did not inherit but that
they can heavily regulate or influence. Interests, schooling, appearance, citizenship, family
status, faith, and geographic location are examples of external diversity.

Organisational diversity: If you work in the corporate, charitable, or public sector,

organisational diversity is linked to the company or organisation you are a member of. Job
role, management status, work place, seniority, and union membership are all examples of
organisational diversity.

World view diversity: refers to something a person sees, thinks or encounters that alters
how they think about and perceive the world around them. Cultural phenomena, politics,
pop culture, and historical awareness are all examples.

Including a diversity and inclusion policy before you start your business is a perfect way to
emphasise its importance and ensure that it receives the attention, it deserves as long as
your business is running.

Steps to develop diversity and inclusion strategies in collaboration with others


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Include it in your business plan: One of the easiest ways to ensure that you have a
diversity and inclusion plan in place from the start is to include it in your business plan.
You can list your diversity and inclusion objectives and how you expect to meet them.

Recruit applicants from outside your network: If you’re looking for new hires, browse your
contacts list.

Start with inclusive leadership: Because your company’s leadership is the most
recognisable aspect of your company and has a huge impact on your business as a whole,
make sure your management team is made up of diverse individuals from various
backgrounds and viewpoints who all feel encouraged to speak up on all business issues.

During the recruiting process, determine the viewpoints of work seekers on diversity:
Including questions in the interview process about how a job applicant understands
diversity and inclusion will help you build the ideal workplace atmosphere around diversity
initiatives. Inquire about the candidate’s thoughts on diversity strategies and how they
cope with competing ideas or values, as well as how they try to foster an inclusive
atmosphere in their interactions with co-workers.

Design your staffing approach around diversity and inclusion: Make an effort to hire people
from a variety of backgrounds.

What will I learn?

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Confirm objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion within

organisation with required stakeholders.
2. Consult and establish management strategies that support valuing and
leveraging diversity and inclusion.
3. Communicate objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders.
4. Obtain agreement and endorsement for diversity and inclusion
objectives and collaboratively establish targets.
5. Contribute to development of required contingency strategies.

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2.1 Confirm objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion

within organisation with required stakeholders
A stakeholder is any individual, group, or party that has an interest in an organisation and
the outcomes of its actions. Internal and external stakeholder’s viewpoints have a major
impact on organisational management.

Employees &


Owners &


Investors Society


Consumers Government


Internal stakeholders: Individuals External stakeholders: When companies

or organisations that are personally are integrated into society, they have a
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and/or financially active in the wide range of connections with a variety

organisational process are referred of external stakeholder groups. External
to as internal stakeholders. stakeholders do not have a financial
Employees, owners, and supervisors interest in the business, but they are
are all included. Each of these affected indirectly by its operations.
groups are specifically compensated
for the firm’s performance.

Employees: Communities:
Stake: Employment income and safety Stake: Health, safety, economic development
Employees have significant financial and
Communities are major stakeholders in large
time commitments in the company, and
businesses located in them. They are
they play a key role in the company’s
impacted by a wide range of things, including
policy, tactics, and operations. Employee
job creation, economic development, health,
views, concerns, and principles are
and safety. When a big company enters or
taken into consideration when
exits a small community, there is an
developing the firm’s policy, vision, and
immediate and significant impact on
mission. Employees have a direct
employment, incomes, and spending in the
interest in the business because they
earn a living wage and receive other
benefits (both monetary and non-
Managers: play a significant role in
deciding the organisation’s plan and
Stake: Taxes and GDP
have a significant voice in
organisational decisions. Managers
Governments may also be considered a
are also responsible for the
major stakeholder in a corporation because
decisions they make and act as a
they collect revenue from the company
link between shareholders, the
(corporate income taxes), all of the
board of directors, and the
employees it hires (payroll taxes), and other
expenses the company incurs (sales taxes).
The overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
that businesses contribute benefits

Owners: People who own large Investors:

shares in a company (which may
Stake: Financial returns
include shareholders of publicly
traded companies) are called Shareholders and debt holders are all types
owners. Owners are responsible for of investors. Shareholders put money into
the organisation’s outcomes and the company with the expectation of getting
play a key role in policy making.  a certain return on their investment. The
Owners often make major decisions definition of shareholder value is also a
that affect both internal and source of concern for investors. All other
external stakeholders. capital suppliers, such as lenders and
prospective acquirers, are grouped together
with this category. 
Let’s understand the various types of stakeholders from the following table:

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External stakeholders:


Stake: Product/service quality and value

Many people think that companies exist to represent the needs of its customers.
Customers are stakeholders in a company because the quality of service/products and
their value affects them. When flying with an airline, for example, passengers literally
place their lives in the hands of the airline.

Shareholders: A shareholder is an individual who owns stock (shares) in a company and

thus has an equity stake in it.

Let’s confirm objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion within the

organisation with required stakeholders:

Following are examples of the objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion:

 To treat all workers, prospective employees, vendors, consultants, members, and

suppliers fairly and equally, regardless of gender, age, sexuality, culture/ethnicity,
language, or religious views, as well as any disability or flexible workplace
 To maintain a positive work atmosphere and taking action against unacceptable
workplace behaviour such as discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimisation
in order to respect diversity.
 To develop and provide work structures that helps to meet the needs of a diverse
workforce in order to foster an organisational culture that values diversity and
tolerates differences.
 To facilitate the recruitment of employees and directors from a diverse pool of
suitably eligible applicants in a fair and unbiased manner.
 To provide learning and growth strategies and resources for all workers to improve
their knowledge, expertise, and experience.
 To instil in everyone a sense of belonging.
 Holding regular gatherings to celebrate and reward employees’ achievements in
order to show gratitude and foster engagement.
You can confirm objectives to enhance diversity and inclusion within an organisation with
required stakeholders using the following methods:

 Meetings
 E-mail
 Company’s intranet
 Documents such as policy and procedures.

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2.2 Consult and establish management strategies that

support valuing and leveraging diversity and
Bringing people together from various backgrounds provides companies with many
opportunities, but it also poses some challenges.

Establish management strategies that support valuing and leveraging diversity

and inclusion:

Following are the steps to establish strategies that support valuing and leveraging diversity
and inclusion:

Create a clear and inclusive vision:  Determining the organisation’s mission, vision for the
future, operating values, and action steps increase the number and frequency of
conversations that managers and direct reports have. The more diverse an organisation’s
workforce is, the more administrators must collaborate to ensure that everyone’s problems
and concerns are addressed.

Turn the corporate structure:  Effective day-to-day implementation requires flipping the
organisational map, so that frontline employees are at the top, serving consumers, and
leaders are at the bottom, eliminating barriers and supplying resources.

Consider the person as a whole:  Employees want their bosses to know who they are as
individuals, including any problems they may be having at work and at home. Employees
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deserve to be valued, understood, and encouraged in their attempts to make a positive

impact at work.

Involve more people: One of the many benefits of having a diverse group of people is that
you can approach an issue from a wide range of perspectives. To make the most of that
opportunity, you must promote engagement and really listen to what people have to say.

Look for inconsistencies in the input sources: When you know you have the ability to make
a difference in terms of diversity and inclusion, think about where you might make
concrete changes. There will certainly be places where you might do a better job at
ensuring that the workforce’s diversity is tapped by inclusion.

Be conscious of diversity and inclusion in your staffing efforts: Understand the needs of
specific target audiences. Be aware of where you lag in terms of diversity and inclusion
when considering new hires and promotions for current employees.

Be honest and outspoken about your efforts: If you want a corporate initiative to thrive,
you must convey it loudly and often in the company, and you must also celebrate your
achievements. Let everybody in the business know that a company-wide initiative is being
made to increase diversity and inclusion and that progress has been made.

Consult stakeholders in the establishment of management strategies.

Stakeholders have their own needs that the organisation must meet. Stakeholder priorities
must be established, fully understood, and addressed by the organisation. The object of an
organisation’s life is defeated if it is unable to satisfy its stakeholders.

As a result, management must assess the organisational environment as well as its

position. The management’s main task is to establish relationships and create a space for
collaboration. Management must identify vital relationships, build satisfactory working
relationships with many key individuals and groups involved, and strive to maintain these
relationships to accomplish this.

 Internal stakeholders and external stakeholders are the two major types of
 Internal stakeholders have full control over the organisation’s finances.
 External stakeholders are individuals who are not directly involved in the operations
of the company but are interested in it or its activities. External stakeholders’
demands inspire the company to succeed and meet its goals and targets.
 Employees and managers are internal stakeholders in an enterprise, while
investors, consumers, vendors, lenders, regulatory agencies, and government
agencies are external stakeholders.
The organisational stakeholders have the greatest impact on the organisation’s
management, especially the decision-making process.

Stakeholders may be classified as:

 Customers.
 Suppliers.
 Advisers.
 Controllers.
 Adversaries

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Relevant stakeholders to support decisions:

Customers: Customers are those stakeholders to whom the organisation

supplies goods and services. They make significant demands from
the organisation. Management must recognise that customer
feedback is a valuable source of information for maintaining
organisational success. In reality, management goals should be
based on the understanding of customers’ multi-level demands.

Suppliers: Suppliers are individuals or companies that sell products to your

company and depend on you to generate revenue from such
sales. They are concerned with safety because their products
have a direct effect on your company’s operations.

Advisers: They engage in events that have the potential to set market
trends. Advisers’ guidance enables the company to make the best
use of its resources and the help it receives from other sources.
Advisers are distinct from the organisation, and their interaction
with it is often more impersonal.

Controllers: The controllers are the individuals or organisations that influence

the organisation. The company can also be subjected to
contradictory legislation imposed by the controllers.

Adversaries: Competitors, rivals, adversaries, and enemies exist in any

organisation. These adversaries or rivals can have the power to
stop or prevent an action from starting.

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2.3 Communicate objectives and rationale to relevant

Every project you manage in your company has its own set of stakeholders. If your
company has a “one-size-fits-all” plan or a “made-to-order” approach, it’s critical to use
different communication strategies with your executives, vendors, clients, and even
community members, as each requires different levels of focus, management, and
engagement. Since stakeholders influence and are influenced by your business, how you
handle their attitudes, behaviours, and expectations can have an effect on your company.

Here are the steps to guide you to communicate objectives and rationale to
relevant stakeholders:

Identify all of your stakeholders: Recognising people, associations, unions, and bodies that
may need immediate or ongoing attention is the first step in ensuring that you can
effectively engage with a variety of stakeholders. Assess and rank the stakeholders based
on the amount of time, money, and legal obligations they have, as well as the control they
have over your business.

Set goals: Now that you have defined your stakeholders and classified them effectively,
the next step is to explain and establish the messages and attention they’ll require; in
other words, what and why are you communicating? Is it to educate, involve, or engage
them in any way? Is it a constructive or a reactive approach? If you’re trying to raise
awareness, spread information, or improve behaviour, your approach to communicating
with various stakeholders will depend on your goals.

Choose a channel: Once you have defined your goals and created a message, you’ll need
to decide the medium you’ll use to interact with your stakeholders. Some stakeholders
may respond well to a phone call or face-to-face meeting, while others may require paper

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trails, and still, others will only require an occasional e-mail. Stakeholders will feel like
they’re getting a personalised experience, and you’ll be able to keep track of reviews and
message distribution if you make the right choice.

Ultimately, to communicate effectively to unique and diverse stakeholders, initial research

and ongoing management will complement the message you intend to deliver and your
overall purpose. The way you interact with stakeholders will help you manage and develop
your relationship with them.

Ways to communicate objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders:

Schedule a meeting: Stakeholder meetings are the most popular corporate communication
tool, particularly because they can save time while communicating with a large group of
people. Having stakeholders in the same room can help to prevent misinterpretation

Send out a newsletter: You can function proactively by defining a newsletter to be sent out
to stakeholders at set intervals using the company’s intranet or communication network.

Separate screen to screen online meetings: Separate face-to-face meetings are the most
effective way to get the message across to stakeholders. Since not everyone reacts the
same way to your presentation style, meeting stakeholders separately allows you to
discuss their questions in greater depth and with greater control.  As so many meetings
are held through online communication and collaboration platforms, screen to screen is
becoming the new face to face as a result of the graphically distributed teams and the
growing trend of including independent contractors in projects.

Project summary reports: are sent out at predetermined intervals (weekly, monthly).
Since the framework has already been settled upon, you can have no concerns if the
project is on schedule and on budget. With data and figures to back it up, you should
highlight the areas of your project that are doing well and reassure stakeholders that the
situation is under control.

Schedule a conference call: Conference calls are most widely used when a topic is too
important to be discussed in person. So, if you feel like there’s an issue that needs to be
addressed right away, you can schedule a conference call, which can be done in a matter
of minutes or hours.

Meetings over lunch: Stakeholder meetings that take place over lunch fall under the
category of informal communication. They’d be a perfect way to get honest feedback or
get stakeholders to sign off on a specific concept you’re working on. 

E-mail: is one of the most widely used methods for communicating with stakeholders. It
has a range of advantages, including immediate delivery of information, evidence of
sending, and the ability to track interaction.

Online presentations: are another common method of communicating with stakeholders. If

you’re presenting online, you can use video presentation tools.   Video presentations will
help you involve and handle your stakeholders more effectively. Save the slides after
you’ve finished your online presentation and give them to your stakeholders so that they
can listen to them at their ease.

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2.4 Obtain agreement and endorsement for diversity and

inclusion objectives and collaboratively establish
Supporting diversity attracts top talent and fosters a positive work climate for the whole
team. Organisations with inclusive cultures are likely to be high performing, have positive
overall business results, and meet financial targets.

Steps to obtain agreement and endorsement for diversity and inclusion

objectives and collaboratively establish targets:

Compile data: An employer can better understand the diversity of its workforce and the
quality of its internal processes by collecting data on employee profiles. Demographic data

 Age.
 Disability.
 Ethnicity/national origin.
 Family status.
 Gender.
 Gender identity or expression.
 Generation.
 Language.
 Life experiences.

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 Organisation function and level.

 Personality type.
 Physical characteristics.
 Race.
 Religion, belief and spirituality.
 Sexual orientation.
 Thinking/learning styles.
Some employers may already have a lot of this data in their HRIS framework as a result of
affirmative action plans and EEO reporting requirements. However, most employers may
need to conduct a voluntary self-identification survey of their employees to collect
additional information such as religion and sexual orientation. Employers may perform
personality tests on their employees or provide open-ended questions on employee
surveys to gather details about life experiences or other personal information that
employees may like to share.

Identify needs: Underrepresented or problematic areas may be detected once data has
been obtained. 

Address policies or practices affecting D&I: Employers must decide if there are any
obstacles to jobs, opportunity, or inclusion for people from various demographic groups.
Organisations should think about whether certain procedures or processes need to be
changed or abolished. To begin, consider the following:

 Employee referral programs

 Unconscious biases
 Company culture
 Political preferences
Identify business objectives: The next step in the process is to determine how a diverse,
equal, and inclusive workforce can assist in achieving business goals that are consistent
with the company’s strategy. Based on the company’s strategic objectives, the
organisation must set clear DE&I targets. Another example may be a company target to
develop more new goods that can be introduced rapidly in order to outperform the
competition. The employer wants to increase creativity in the research and development
(R&D) departments in order to accomplish this. One way to achieve this aim might be to
train the team to develop cultural competence and inclusive decision-making, which would
enable the team to better use existing resources.

Procure buy-in and support: Senior-level buy-in and support are critical for the DE&I
initiative to succeed. The business case for DE&I programmes must be understood by
senior management, with clear ties to the company’s strategic objectives. It’s a good idea
to find a senior-level champion who will be responsible for providing visible support for the
project and eventually holding the programme.

Another challenge is to figure out how management can be kept responsible for endorsing
and participating in DE&I efforts. Continuous communication with staff about DE&I,
preparation for team members, and keeping direct reports responsible for their individual
activities related to maintaining a dive culture are examples of manager expectations.

Create a diverse committee of staff from all levels with visible leadership involvement and
support. The committee is in charge of putting the previous step’s priorities into action and
supporting DE&I in the workplace. The committee should be given a specific objective,
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budget, and expectations/performance metrics by the employer. Diversity committees

meet on a daily basis and are typically tasked with:

 Promoting DE&I recognition in the workplace by training and events.

 Getting co-workers to participate in DE&I discussions and preparation.
 Examining and developing policies and procedures to make DE&I more accessible in
the workplace. In the absence of a DE&I committee, an employer may delegate
responsibility for the tasks mentioned above to management or hire a DE&I
professional to oversee the programme.
Implement Initiatives: Changes in policies and procedures, staff training, targeted hiring,
and employer-sponsored DE&I awareness events for workers are all examples of DE&I
initiatives. To create support for the initiative, the employer must establish an action plan
to execute these initiatives by setting specific targets and beginning with the elements
that have the greatest business value or are easily achievable. Below is an example of an
action plan:

 Initiative: Improve the R&D team’s cultural competence and decision-making to

ensure that the team can better leverage existing team diversity and capitalise on
diverse ideas. 
 Taking responsibility: Director R&D, SVP R&D
 Action items: Cultural sensitivity and competency training, team-building activities,
and ongoing diversity and inclusion conversations with R&D team members one-on-
one and at team meetings.
 Timelines: Team-building exercises: annual staff retreat and monthly meetings;
ongoing dialogue: as required and ongoing during staff interactions and meetings;
culture knowledge and competency training: within 6 months.

Communicate the initiatives: Employers must recognise various stakeholders and create
communications for each stakeholder to inform, educate, engage, and motivate them as
needed. People interpret messages differently, so it’s critical that each individual receives
a steady stream of information about the initiatives. Executive presentations and all
available media, including social media, should be included in the communication strategy.
Newsletters, intranets, and e-mail are all viable communication options. Metrics and
success stories can be used to tie the DE&I activities to the organisation’s own goals and
strategic plan.

Measure and disseminate outcomes It’s important to monitor the outcomes of the DE&I
programmes that have been put in place. Increased representation of identified groups
and improved employee survey scores are examples of outcomes that should be recorded.
Other indicators of an employer’s DE&I performance include increased employee
satisfaction and public recognition, such as employer awards. If DE&I training is
implemented to increase retention, participant retention can be tracked over time, and
participants can be surveyed to determine if training was a factor, and how much so, in
their continued employment.

 To show the return on investment and value-add to the company, the programmes’
outcomes should be conveyed at all levels. Info graphics for executive leadership
meetings and public relations, memos to employees, and business website videos
for prospective candidates are all examples of communication methods.
Review and adjust: DE&I programmes aren’t static, so it’s important to keep an eye on the
workforce and respond to changing needs. The employer must define processes for
reviewing DE&I plans and priorities on a regular basis. After a period of time has passed
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since a DE&I programme was introduced, the employer should re-survey workers to see
how they feel about the company’s efforts. 

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2.5 Contribute to development of required contingency

Business managers may develop alternative strategies as a means of accommodating
unforeseen conditions or events, such as economic recessions or natural disasters while
preparing a company’s overall strategic plan. Alternative strategies are initiated as part of
contingency planning to prepare for the unexpected. Depending on the overall purpose of
the plan, these types of plans can also be classified as disaster recovery plans or business
continuity plans.

 A contingency strategy is a comprehensive strategy that outlines the activities or

measures that an organisation’s management and employees can follow in the
event of a future occurrence. It’s essential for disaster recovery, risk management,
and business continuity.
 A contingency plan’s main aim is to provide a mechanism for mitigating the
consequences of unforeseen events. By doing so, business managers increase the
likelihood that a business’ main operations will continue with minimal losses or
 It assists you in staying prepared for unexpected events and reducing their effects.
It also lays out a strategy for resuming daily business activities after the event.
Plan B, contingency plan, and disaster recovery plan are some of the other titles for
 Strong analysis and brainstorming are the foundations of a successful business
contingency plan.
The advantages of a contingency plan

 Allows you to respond rapidly to negative situations. Since a contingency plan

outlines the steps that must be taken, everybody will concentrate on what needs to
be done rather than wasting time panicking.
 Having a disaster contingency plan in place helps you to limit the harm that a
disaster could cause as well as the loss of production. If you have emergency
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generators in place, for example, your staff will continue to operate even if there is
a blackout.

The following are the steps you must take to develop contingency strategies:

Make a list of the most significant risks: Identify significant events that could have a
detrimental effect on the company’s operations and main resources, such as staff,
machines, and IT systems. Involve other team members, subject experts, and business
consultants to gain a better understanding of issues that can arise.  Organise and
categorise the knowledge you gathered from the brainstorming session with the staff using
a mind map. You can quickly distribute this to anyone in the company to get their

Prioritise the risks based on the danger they pose: Once you’ve compiled a list of all the
potential risks that might arise in various areas of your business, start prioritising them.
The risk effect probability map is a useful tool. It aids in the assessment and prioritisation
of risks based on the magnitude of their effects and the likelihood of their occurrence.

Make a contingency plan for each situation: In this phase, you’ll build separate plans that
detail what you’ll do if the risks you described earlier arise. Consider what needs to be
done to return to normal operations after the event’s effect. You’ll need to explain
employee obligations, schedules that show when tasks should be finished and completed
after the incident, restoration and communications procedures, and the measures you
need to have taken ahead of time to avoid losses after the event (i.e. insurance coverage).

Share and manage the plan: Once the contingency plans are complete, make sure they
are easily available to all staff and stakeholders. Review your contingency plans on a
regular basis and make any necessary updates. It’s also a good idea to notify the staff
about the changes, as they can entail changes to their duties and responsibilities.

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Self-check assessment

Determine the various contingency strategies.



What are the ways to communicate objectives to stakeholders?



Explain objectives that enhance diversity within the organisation.


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