The Linux Penguin: Crochet Pattern

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Tux the Linux Penguin

By StringyDingDing • StingyDingDing

You may sell your finished project. Please DO NOT resell/repost this written pattern
anywhere, nor take credit of this pattern.
Table of Contents
Eye Whites 5 Arms 8
Head/Body 5-6 Feet 8-10
Beak 7 Scarf 10
Chest Piece 7

Stitch Abbreviations
Stitches Used in This Pattern:

Chain Ch Magic Ring

Single Crochet Sc Ch
Increase Inc
Decrease Dec Dec
Stitch St St

Double Crochet Dc Dc
Slip Stitch SlSt

4mm crochet hook, 4/Medium weight yarn in black, white, yellow, and (optional)
red for the scarf. 9mm safety eyes, tapestry needle, scissors, and stuffing.

Additional Information:
Difficulty: Easy
This pattern makes a cute penguin "Tux"! We start with the eye whites, which we

will insert into the head while making it. Next, we make the head, then work into

the body. They are one piece. We then make the beak, chest piece, arms, and

feet. The feet are made by creating 3 toes for each foot, then crocheting the 3

toes together to form the foot. Finally, we make the optional scarf. Done!
About Tux...
He's more than just a penguin
You may recognize this penguin, but Microsoft Windows has a long and
do you know what he stands for? frankly disturbing history of user
privacy violations. The Electronic
Tux is the mascot who represents Frontier Foundation, a respected non-
Linux. Linux is a free, open source profit digital rights group, has
operating system for your computer. repeatedly pointed out that just by
What does that mean? Let’s quickly using Windows 10 you are, by default,
define a couple of important things. sending information about yourself
back to Microsoft headquarters. Some
An operating system is the “main” of that private information includes
software that runs on your computer, “location data, text input, voice input,
like Windows, macOS, or even touch input, webpages you visit, and
Android. You’re probably running telemetry data regarding your general
Windows 10 on your computer, or usage of your computer, including
Android on your phone. Open source which programs you run and for how
is the term used for software that has long.”
its “source code” (the code that
makes it work) freely available to the Scary, right? Would you email a
public, so that anyone can use, stranger and send them all of that
modify, or examine it. information? Would you send them
your photos, banking information,
When software is closed source (also internet browsing history, or your
sometimes called proprietary ) it passwords? Because that’s
means that nobody is allowed to look essentially what you’re doing when
at the code that makes it work—and you use Windows 10.
that means that the software could
be doing all kinds of things without You might say that you have nothing
your permission or knowledge, such to hide, but I’ll remind you of this
as violating your privacy. Windows quote from Edward Snowden:
10 is closed source software. “Arguing that you don’t care about
the right to privacy because you have
I made this crochet pattern of Tux nothing to hide is no different than
because I want to promote the use of saying you don’t care about free
Linux instead of Windows. speech because you have nothing to
A privacy-respecting and FREE alternative is Linux. This operating
system is open source, so anyone can look at the code that makes it
work and ensure that it doesn’t violate your privacy or do other nasty
things. It has been designed to provide users with high amounts of
security, stability, and ease of maintenance (no more forced updates
that make you restart and cause your programs to stop working!).

There are many wonderful reasons to use Linux, just a few of which
are pointed out on this detailed It’s FOSS article: 11 Reasons Why
Linux is Better Than Windows . Please read it if you have the time.

There are many different “flavors” of Linux, which are called

distributions. One of the most popular distributions for beginners is
called Ubuntu Linux . Another popular, easy-to-use distribution is
called Manjaro Linux .

Compare Microsoft’s “Embrace, extend, and extinguish”

philosophy—a strategy that purposefully makes computers harder
to use in order to “extinguish” competition—to what Manjaro Linux
developers have to say about user privacy: “Manjaro does not send
any data to anybody. Why should it? It’s your data and you decide
what you want to do with it.”

I’m proud to be a Linux user. In fact, this website and all of my

crochet patterns have been made using Linux. The PDF version of
this pattern is completely free to download. All I ask in return is that
you spend a little time thinking about how you use your computer—
or, if you’re using Windows 10, how your computer might be using

Eye Whites: (Make 2)

In White
We make these first, because we will insert safety eyes into

them, then place the eyes on the body before closing the


Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)

Round 2: Inc in next st, SlSt in next 3 st, Inc in next st, SlSt
last st (8)

Finish off. Add safety eye in the bottom area of the oval.

Don't put on safety eye washer/back yet.

In Black
Round 10 E
Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6) ye Marker
Round 2: *Inc* all around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, Sc* all around (18)
Round 4: *Inc, Sc 2* all around (24)
Round 5: *Inc, Sc 3* all around (30)
Round 6-9: *Sc* all around (30)
Round 10: Sc in the next 13 st. Sc in the next st and add a
different colored st marker to the Sc just made. This marks

where we will place the safety eye (with the eye white). Sc

in the next 3 st. Sc in the next st and add a different colored

st marker to Sc just made. Sc in the next 12 st (30)

Continue body on next page...


Head/Body: (Continued)
In Black
Round 11-14: *Sc* all around (30)
Round 15: *Inc, Sc 4* all around (36)
Round 16: *Sc* all around (36)
Add safety eyes in marked areas. Place the washer on
well. Stuff head now and pin eyes on to secure more.
Round 17: *Inc, Sc 5* all around (42)
Round 18: *Sc* all around (42)
Round 19: *Inc, Sc 6* all around (48) Add Eyes
After Roun
Round 20-27: *Sc* all around (48) 16
Round 28: *Dec, Sc 6* all around (42)
Stuff here.
Round 29: *Dec, Sc 5* all around (36)
Round 30: *Dec, Sc 4* all around (30)
Round 31: *Dec, Sc 3* all around (24)
Stuff again here.
Round 32: *Dec, Sc 2* all around (18)
Round 33: *Dec, Sc* all around (12)
Round 34: *Dec* all around (6)
Finish off. Add any additional stuffing now.

Sew the bottom closed and set body

aside for now.


In Yellow
Round 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc, Sc* all around (9)
Round 3: *Sc* all around (9)
Round 4: *Inc, Sc in the next 2 st* all around (12)
Round 5: *Sc* all around (12)
Finish off. Stuff and pin on the head, and pin the top beak slightly above the

eyes. You can sew on the beak and eyes now if you'd like - or sew them on later

if preferred.

In White
Row 1: Ch 8. Sc in 2nd Sh from hook. Sc in next 6 st (7)
Row 2: Turn, Sc in the next 7 st (7)
Row 3: Turn, Inc in first st, Sc in next 5 st, Inc in last st (9)
Row 4: Turn, Sc in the next 9 st (9)
Row 5: Turn, Inc in first st, Sc in next 7 st, Inc in last st (11)
Row 6-7: Turn, Sc in the next 11 st (11)
Row 8: Turn, Inc in first st, Sc in next 9 st, inc in last st (13)
Row 9-15: Turn, Sc in the next 13 st (13)
Row 16: *Dec* 2 times, Sc in the next 5 st, *Dec* 2 times (9)
Row 17: Turn, Sc in the next 9 st (9)
Row 18: *Dec* 2 times, Sc in the next st, *Dec* 2 times (5)
Row 19: Turn, Sc in the next 5 st (5)
Finish off. Pin onto the belly as shown. Make sure the top of the belly meets

the bottom of the beak. Sew belly on now.


Arms: (Make 2)
In Black

Row 1: Ch 4. Sc in 2nd Ch from hook. Sc

in next 2 st (3)

Row 2: Turn, Sc in next 3 st (3)

Row 3: Turn, Sc in next st, Inc in next st,
Sc in last st (4)

Row 4-5: Turn, Sc in next 4 st (4)

Row 6: Turn, Sc in next st, Inc in next 2 st,
Sc in next st (6)

Row 7-14: Turn, Sc in next 6 st (6)

Finish off. Pin arms on each side as

shown. Sew the arms on now.

Toes: (Make 6, 3 for each foot)

In Yellow
Round 1: 4 Sc in Magic Ring (4)
Round 2: *Inc, Sc* all around* (6)
Round 3: *Sc* all around (6)
Finish off first 2 toes now. DON'T finish off 3rd toe.

Continuing on 3rd toe:

Round 4: Sc in the next 3 st (Pic 1). Get the next toe and Sc in the next 3 st (Pic
2-8). Get the last toe and Sc in the next 6 st (Pic 10-11). Now we are working on
the other side of the foot. Sc in the next 3 st of the 2nd toe. Now Sc in the last 3

st of first toe (18)

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Feet: (Continued)
Round 5-6: *Sc* all around (18)
Round 7: *Dec, Sc* all around (12)
Round 8-10: *Sc* all around (12)
Stuff here.

Round 11: *Dec* all around (6)

Finish off. Add any additional stuffing and

sew closed. Pin on as shown. Sew on.

Scarf: (Optional)
In Red
Row 1: Ch 85. Dc in 2nd Ch from
hook. Dc in next 83 st (84)

Finish off. Weave in ends and tie to

doll's neck.

If you finished this pattern, I
would be SO HAPPY if you
"try" it on Pinterest, or tag
me on Instagram
@StringyDingDing or

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