How To Make Fun For Students: Phonics Homework

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How To Make

Phonics Homework
Fun For Students
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Phonics Homework Free Sample - Melinda Crean

How To Make Phonics

Homework Fun For Students
This pack includes a sample of fun, hands-on activities
and games to help your students practice and review the
phonics learning they have done in class.
By Melinda Crean of Top Notch Teaching

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Phonics Homework Free Sample - Melinda Crean

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Phonics Homework Free Sample - Melinda Crean

About This Pack

Coming up with fun and engaging activities for your students to practice
and review the phonics learning you have done in class can be time-

Do you want to have your phonics homework all set up for you so you
can just grab, copy and send it home with your students?

This free sample of phonics homework takes all the stress out of creating
and organizing your phonics homework.

Each weekly pack includes six worksheets and games that allow students
to practice the phonics skills of blending, segmenting and phoneme
manipulation. There are also activities for developing fluency, vocabulary
and punctuation.

Individual packs contain a cover sheet that provides explicit instructions

for parents on completing each activity and a tracking system for
students to tick off the days they practice.

Two Weekly Packs

Included in this free sample are two weekly packs that focus on the
following phonics patterns and activities:
Phonics Homework Free Sample - Melinda Crean

About This Pack

Set 3.1 - CCVCC, CVCCC and CCCVC words
1. Draw and match
2. Find the words
3. Missing sounds
4. Say and trace
5. Jumbled sentences
6. Roll and read game

Set 4.2 - Sound /th/, spelling <th>

1. Tap it, map it, zap it
2. Fluency board
3. Write your own sentences
4. Word of the week
5. Missing punctuation
6. Make your own roll and read game

How To Use The Packs

There are many ways you can use these worksheets, including:

• Home practice and consolidation.

• Independent practice in class.
• Small group work.
• Quick quiz or for informal assessment.
• As part of a literacy station.
• For review and remediation.
Home Practice Plan
Set 3.1

Your focus this week is CCVCC, CVCCC and CCCVC words.
C=consonant V=vowel

Activity Instructions Practice Tips

Draw and Draw a line to match the word to When you have matched all the
match the picture. words, read each word again.
Read the words, find them in the Remember to say the sounds as you
Find the box and circle them. Write the write each word. Check your
words circled words. spelling.
Missing Fill in the missing sounds to write Check your spelling and read each
sounds the words. word again.
Write over the sounds in each Remember to say each sound as you
Say and word. Blend the sounds to read write it. When you have finished
trace the words. tracing, read all the words again.
Cut up the jumbled sentences. You will need scissors, glue and
Jumbled Arrange the words in the correct blank paper for this activity.
sentences order to make a sentence. Paste Finish by reading your setences
them onto a piece of paper. aloud.
Players take turns to roll the dice You will need counters and a dice
Roll and and move their counter. The first for this game. Players must read
read game player to the finish is the winner. the word they land on aloud.

10-15 minutes practice each day. Keep it fast

REMEMBER and fun, using clear and correct pronunciation.

Tick a picture for each day you practice:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Draw and Match

Draw a line to match the word to
the picture.




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Find the Words
Read the words below. Find the words in
the box and circle them.
strum brand ramps spend scrub bumps

bumps strum brand

rest ramps strip
scrub trips spend
Write the circled words below.

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Missing Sounds
Fill in the missing sounds.

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Say and Trace
Write over the sounds in each word. Read the words.

bland scrap lumps

yanks strip slump
clamp sulks
traps frost
strap blink clump
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Jumbled Sentences
1. Cut up the jumbled sentence into separate words.
2. Arrange the words in the correct order to make a sentence.
3. Paste them onto a piece of paper.
4. Read the sentences.

1. slept. The cat plump

2. Can pink Frank the drink milk?

3. crabs tents. crept The the to

4. jumps the to stump. on dog The

5. crisp the I spud? Can get

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Roll and Read
limps bends twist scram drift lists

clink glint scrum flint stunt fists

grins slink
stunk tramp frisk Finish crest
brisk sinks dents strut drunk Frank dumps sprig
This game is for 2-4 players. Play with counters and a dice. Players take turns to roll the dice and move their counter. Players must read the word they
land on aloud. If players land on a spot with an arrow, they must follow the arrow forwards or backwards. The first player to the finish is the winner.
Copyright © Top Notch Teaching
Set 4.2
Home Practice Plan
Your sound focus this week is /th/
Spelling: <th>
Activity Instructions Practice Tips
Tap it, map it, Pick 6 words from your word list and One sound for each square. Say
zap it complete the TMZ. the sounds as you write them.
Read the words each day as fast as You will need a timer for this
Fluency board possible. Time yourself and see how activity. Can you get faster each
quickly you can read all the words. time?
Read the words and underline the Remember to reread your
Write your sounds in them. Choose 3 words and sentences to check that they make
own sentences write a sentence for each one. sense and for correct punctuation.
Read the word of the week and Talk to an adult about the word.
Word of the complete each section of the template. Try and use the word during the
week week in your speaking and writing.
Read the sentences. Add in the missing Did you spot all of the missing
Missing capital letters, question marks and full punctuation? There are 3
punctuation stops. missing full stops, 2 question marks
and 9 missing capital letters.

Make your Use the words from your word list to Remember you must read each
own roll and make your own roll and read game. Play word correctly to be able to move
read game the game with a friend on another day. your counter forward.

10-15 minutes practice each day. Keep it fast

REMEMBER and fun, using clear and correct pronunciation.

Tick a picture for each day you practice:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Copyright © Top Notch Teaching
Name: Tap it, map it, zap it
Tap it: Tap a square and say each sound in the word.
Map it: Write the spellings for each sound as you say it. One sound for each square.
Zap it: Zap the whole word by writing the whole word at the end.

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Word List
sloth fifth
thank thin
width depth
that think
tenth cloth
theft this
sixth broth
them throb
froth thump
then with
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Fluency Board
How many words can you read in 30 seconds?

with thump moth thud broth throb

cloth this depth these fifth thin

froth then sixth them tenth theft

width that sloth thank there think

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Write your own sentences
Read the words in the box. Underline each sound in
the word as you say it.
Choose 3 of the words and write a sentence for each one.

sixth them depth thud moth thick



3. ­

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Write down the last sound in the word. Look the word up in a dictionary and
Write down how many sounds are in this write down what it says.
Write some words that rhyme with the
word of the week.

Word of the week:

Draw a picture that shows the meaning Make up a new sentence using the word.
of the word.

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Missing Punctuation
Read the sentences. Add in the missing capital
letters, full stops and question marks.
did the moth go in the
thank the lad for the sixth
shell he lent
bill was with meg, fred and
tess went to lunch with tom, but
there was a theft at the shop
did the pig jump from the
shack to the sixth rock
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Roll and Read



This game is for 2-4 players. Play with counters and a dice. Players take turns to roll the dice and move their counter. Players must read the word they
land on aloud. If players land on a spot with an arrow, they must follow the arrow forwards or backwards. The first player to the finish is the winner.
Copyright © Top Notch Teaching

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