C.Le Syllables: Draw A Line To Separate Each Word Into Two Syllables

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Le Syllables
Draw a line to separate each word into two syllables.

1. ruffle 11. twinkle

2. giggle 12. stable
3. apple 13. wobble
4. table 14. sniffle
5. jumble 15. bubble
6. puddle 16. cattle
7. shuffle 17. chuckle
8. bottle 18. wiggle
9. puzzle 19. tingle
10. maple 20. cuddle
Katie Jones 2021
C.LE Syllables
Draw a line to match the word to the picture.






Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables Spell each word.

_________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Circle the words that follow a C.LE syllable pattern.

1. kettle 9. hamster

2. rabbit 9. tadpole

3. athlete 10. shuttle

4. diary 11. marble

5. cuddle 12. puzzle

6. jumble 13. fable

7. lion 14. bucket

Katie Jones 2021

C.LE Syllables
How many C.LE words can you find?

c c k r c y u d r i e v b e a
r y e c b u b b l e r u b y a
u e t e c s a d e b a t t l e
m k c s h u f f l e e f c b e
b e g c u t e a c b f f i z p
l t e c c f a e e s a d d l e
e t c g k j n v e c b c l e b
p l k b l z i l e c l d a d b
e e a a e z m n q a e e t r l
b c t t d e b c g d a g a i e
e e i t e f l e v l c e n b c
e c e t c e e g i e e c g b e
c a c t c a c t a b c g l l c
g p u z z l e t e c v e e e g
e q e c g s p r i n k l e e e
a f a e b e e c r y b e a c a

kettle nimble puzzle crumble sprinkle

saddle fable tangle pebble chuckle

jingle bubble shuffle battle dribble

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Read the word and write each syllable separately

Word 1st Syllable 2nd Syllable

battle bat tle

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Color the dolphins that have a C.LE syllable pattern

ket t l e h otd o g twinkle g i a nt

puzzle sprinkle s ta b l e t i ny

ra b b i t c u p c a ke lion wiggle

dolphin neon p a nt h e r catnip

t u rtle p o ny a t h l ete cuddle

Katie Jones 2021

C.LE Syllables
Draw a picture of each C.LE word.

turtle shuttle

puzzle bottle

jungle table

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Cut out each picture and glue it under the correct word.

buckle candle juggle

sizzle jungle kettle

pickle beetle shuttle

Katie Jones 2021

C.LE Syllables
Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a C.LE word.
puzzle scribble candle cattle drizzle
bottle pickle shuttle jungle little

1. My family completed a _______________ over

the weekend.
2. Kenny got wet from the _______________
3. Please do not _______________ in my coloring
4. The baby drank milk from a _______________.
5. My teacher does not like it when I use a
_______________ pencil.
6. Lions and tigers live in the _______________.
7. Kara ate a _______________ for a snack.
8. The power went out, so we lit a _______________.
9. The _______________ will head to the moon next
10. Katey saw a lot of _______________ on the farm.
C.Le Syllables
Draw a line to separate each word into two syllables.

1. ruffle 11. twinkle

2. giggle 12. stable
3. apple 13. wobble
4. table 14. sniffle
5. jumble 15. bubble
6. puddle 16. cattle
7. shuffle 17. chuckle
8. bottle 18. wiggle
9. puzzle 19. tingle
10. maple 20. cuddle
Katie Jones 2021
C.LE Syllables
Draw a line to match the word to the picture.






Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables Spell each word.

_________________ shuttle
_________________ apple

_________________ pickle
_________________ popsicle

_________________ candle
_________________ staple

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Circle the words that follow a C.LE syllable pattern.

1. kettle 9. hamster

2. rabbit 9. tadpole

3. athlete 10. shuttle

4. diary 11. marble

5. cuddle 12. puzzle

6. jumble 13. fable

7. lion 14. bucket

Katie Jones 2021

C.LE Syllables
How many C.LE words can you find?

c c k r c y u d r i e v b e a
r y e c b u b b l e r u b y a
u e t e c s a d e b a t t l e
m k c s h u f f l e e f c b e
b e g c u t e a c b f f i z p
l t e c c f a e e s a d d l e
e t c g k j n v e c b c l e b
p l k b l z i l e c l d a d b
e e a a e z m n q a e e t r l
b c t t d e b c g d a g a i e
e e i t e f l e v l c e n b c
e c e t c e e g i e e c g b e
c a c t c a c t a b c g l l c
g p u z z l e t e c v e e e g
e q e c g s p r i n k l e e e
a f a e b e e c r y b e a c a

kettle nimble puzzle crumble sprinkle

saddle fable tangle pebble chuckle

jingle bubble shuffle battle dribble

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Read the word and write each syllable separately

Word 1st Syllable 2nd Syllable

battle bat tle
staple sta ple
struggle strug gle
shuffle shuf fle
scribble scrib ble
table ta ble
marble mar ble
startle star tle
title ti tle
sparkle spar kle
sprinkle sprin kle
jungle jun gle
sniffle snif fle
puzzle puz zle
kettle ket tle
pickle pic kle
Katie Jones 2021
c.le Syllables
Color the dolphins that have a C.LE syllable pattern

ket t l e h otd o g twinkle g i a nt

puzzle sprinkle s ta b l e t i ny

ra b b i t c u p c a ke lion wiggle

dolphin neon p a nt h e r catnip

t u rtle p o ny a t h l ete cuddle

Katie Jones 2021

c.le Syllables
Cut out each picture and glue it under the correct word.

buckle candle juggle

sizzle jungle kettle

pickle beetle shuttle

Katie Jones 2021

C.LE Syllables
Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a C.LE word.
puzzle scribble candle cattle drizzle
bottle pickle shuttle jungle little

1. My family completed a puzzle over the

2. Kenny got wet from the drizzle outside.
3. Please do not scribble in my coloring book.
4. The baby drank milk from a bottle.
5. My teacher does not like it when I use a little
6. Lions and tigers live in the jungle.
7. Kara ate a pickle for a snack.
8. The power went out, so we lit a candle
9. The shuttle will head to the moon next month!
10. Katey saw a lot of cattle on the farm.
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IG: MomentsWithKatie
TpT: Katie Jones

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