Lesson Plan in English Grade 3

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Lesson Plan in English

Grade 3

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

2. I. Objectives
3. At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 80% level of proficiency shall
4. able to:
5. 1. Determine what type of adjective is used in a sentence;
6. 2. construct sentences using adjectives; and
7. 3. express own ideas using the different types of adjective
1. identify commonly used possessive pronouns and use them in a sentence;
2. write a sentence using the commonly used possessive pronouns; and,
3. demonstrate the value of ownership by taking care of personal belongings.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Commonly Used Possessive Pronouns

 Self-Learning Module in English 3 Quarter 2, Module 7.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euQWu0tQW14
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Du5f8Kgv5M

Materials: laptop, projector, powerpoint presentation, pictures, video, manila paper,

blank sheets

Skills: listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, writing skills

Value/s: Value ownership

III. Procedure

A. Routinary Matters
a. Greetings
b. Attendance
c. Checking of Assignment

B. Review
The teacher will ask the pupils about the previous lesson. Then the teacher will also
present a picture and the pupils will identify if it is a pronoun or not.
1. What is our last topic yesterday?
2. Which of the following picture is a pronoun?

She Ben

Anna Jenny

You He

Rico I

C. Motivation
“Video Presentation”
1. The teacher will present a video of a song.
2. The teacher will let the pupils to sing the song in the video.
3. Then the teacher will ask questions to the students about the content of the song.

D. Lesson Presentation

A. Activities

“Activity 1 - List Me”

1. The teacher will play another video about possessive noun.
2. After the video presentation. The pupils will list down the different possessive pronouns
in the video.
3. After that, the teacher will ask for a volunteer or call a pupil to give at least one
possessive pronoun that the pupils listed.

“Activity 2 – Dialogue Reading”

1. The teacher will group the pupils into 4 groups.

2. In this activity, pupils are going to read a dialogue showing ownership.

Pupil 1: Is that your pen?

Pupil 2: Yes, this is my pen. This is mine.
Pupil 1: How about that bag? Is that yours?
Pupil 2: No, it is not mine. Ana owns it. It is hers.
Pupil 1: Who owns this pencil?
Pupil 2: Jake owns it. It is his.
Pupil 1: Okay, let’s go. We must submit our project to Teacher Weng.
Pupil 2: Are you sure it is ours?
Pupil 1: Yes, it is ours. We made it.
Pupil 2: How about this scrapbook on your table? Is this yours?
Pupil 1: No, it is not mine.
Pupil 2: Who owns this?
Pupil 1: It is owned by Donie, Dave, and Danna. It is theirs.
Pupil 2: I am sorry. I thought it was yours.

B. Analysis
1. After the activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
 Who owns the pen? ____________________
 What possessive pronoun is used in showing ownership by the speaker?
 Who owns the bag?______________________
 What possessive pronoun is used in showing ownership by the girl?
 Who owns the pencil? _______________________
 What possessive pronoun is used in showing ownership by the boy?
 Who owns the project? _________________________________
 What possessive pronoun is used in showing ownership by the two pupils?
 Who owns the scrapbook? ________________________
 What possessive pronoun is used in showing ownership by others?

C. Abstraction
1. The teacher will present a power point presentation about Possessive Pronoun.
 The underlined words in the dialogue are called possessive pronouns.
 Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership.

The different possessive pronouns are the following:

 Her, hers are used in showing ownership by a girl.
Examples: That is her pen.
That pen is hers.
 His, his are used in showing ownership by a boy.
Examples: This is his blue cap.
This blue cap is his.
 My, mine are used in showing you as the owner of something.
Examples: My book is on the table.
The book on the table is mine.
 Your, yours are used in showing ownership by someone you are talking to.
Examples: That is your project.
That project is yours.
 Our, ours are used in showing ownership by many persons and yourself.
Examples: These are our plants.
These plants are ours.
 Their, theirs are used in showing ownership by many persons being talked about.
Examples: Their pet dog is inside the house.
The pet dog inside the house is theirs.

D. Application
1. The teacher will group the pupils into 5 groups.
2. Using the manila paper and pentel pen, they are going to construct a sentence using
possessive pronoun given.

Direction: Use the following possessive pronoun in a sentence.

1. Mine
2. Yours
3. His
4. Her
5. Ours

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Use hers, his, mine, ours, or yours to complete the sentence. Choose the letter
of the correct answer. Write your answers in the blank sheet provided by the teacher.

1. Who owns the pencil?

Luis owns it. It is ________.
a. his b. hers c. yours d. ours

2. Who owns the bag?

Maria owns it. It is _____.
a. his b. hers c. yours d. mine

3. Who owns the book?

We own the book. It is _____.
a. yours b. mine c. ours d. hers
4. Who owns the pen?
This is your pen, Daniel. It is ___.
a. yours b. mine c. hers d. ours

5. Who owns the ball?

I own it. It is _____.
a. ours b. his c. mine d. yours

I. Assignment

Directions: Complete the dialogues with the correct possessive pronouns in the parentheses.
Write your answers on a separate blank sheet of paper.
1. Lisa: Is this your pencil case, Lita?
Lita: No, ______________ is on the desk. (his, her, mine, yours)
2. Sonny: Are these Noel and Doming’s envelopes?
Ramon: No, _________ are on the shelf. (mine, his, yours, theirs)
3. Mara: How about this? Is this Margaret’s lunch box?
Danica: Yes, it’s_____________ (his, hers, yours, mine)
4. Arlene: I found a twenty-peso bill. Is this Bernie’s money?
Jonathan: Yes, it’s ______________. (mine, his, yours, ours)
5. Girlie: Is that the book you borrowed from me?
Jack: Yes, this is ___________________. (yours, mine, ours, hers)

Prepared by:

BSED-English student

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