RF Controlled Solar Panel Based Robotic Vehicle

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)

Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

RF Controlled Solar Panel Based Robotic Vehicle

1 1
R.Kavitha sudha , Assistant Professor ,Electronics and Communication department ,SRM Institute
Of Science And Technology,
2 ,3 4 5
T.Aniritha, J.Bhargavi, Madhumitha, S.Shreya,
UG student, Electronics and communication department, SRM Institute Of Science And

up the motor. Therefore, overall performance of the

Abstract—— Solar panel-based Radio Frequency managed system is reduced.
Robotic system, is applicable in the various surveillance fields. In
this project, the vehicle is unified to the multifunction camera, B. Proposed methodology
which could detect multiple angles. Users can view multiple • The new design provide self rechargeable solar panel
angles via an Internet browser. The solar panel provided with a having maximum silicon cells[9].
self-rechargeable battery will charge the 360-degree camera, • Special night vision camera induced with 360-degree
which would display live streaming either in mobile applications
or on computers. The transmitting end has a remote having
rotation, motion and voice detection along with live
buttons that will control the receiving end vehicle. The streaming accessibility.
microcontroller ATMEGA 338P programmed in such a way that • DC motors were used to increase torque speed and
it could control the vehicle movement. reduce noise.
• Radio frequency provides maximum coverage and
Index Terms—Radio Frequency, surveillance. have ability to penetrate different obstacles.
• LCD module is used to display the voltage
I. INTRODUCTION consumption, direction of vehicle and camera
This robot is an electro-mechanical machine, integrated with notification.
Photovoltaic solar panels convert light to electrical energy via
a silicon semiconductor. The recent developments in robotics II. HARDWARE DESIGN
made robots to be implemented in various fields like the
A. Microcontroller ATMEGA 328P
defence sector, space station, automation, and aerospace
embedded software applications [1].The AC power from solar The 8-bit microcontroller ATMEGA 328p launched by Atmel,
panel fed to Rechargeable batteries used to Store up the is a popular controller used in Arduino Duemilanove boards. It
energy as DC power.[2]. Our project is specially designed for consist of inbuilt 1K EPROM, 2K internal SRAM, and 32K
surveillance and security purposes, used in military flash memory. To enhance performance, AVR implements
applications. RF technology controls the robot manually and havard-architecture. The AVR uses distinct memory and bus
the wireless night vision camera provides the user to access for program and memory. Operating voltage is 5.5V.
any were from the world. All the detected quantity viewed in
LCD. It has ability to move in different terrain [12].
A. Existing methodology
• The previous method used Bluetooth technology
which provides less coverage capacity.
• The solar panel is not self rechargeable. Surveillance
technology is poor, Lags in motion detection and
night vision.
• Cost-effective because of the expensive
• Stepper motor generate less torque and more noise,
they constantly draw maximum current which heats

Fig.1. ATMEGA Pin Mapping

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

B. Solar panel with rechargeable batteries

Renewable solar energy Used to power the camera and

ATMEGA [10].Many silicon cells are linked together to form
solar panel. The sun activates the panel, cells convert into
electrical energy. Lithium-ion batteries are the fastest-growing
better form to store the alternative current from cells as a
direct current power. In this we use Lithium-ion instead of
NiCd batteries because of reduced size, cost, and efficiency.

Fig.4. Internal parts of RF Module

E. Motor driver
DC motor is used because it produce high torque and less
noise. Arduino L293D is used to control DC motor [11].
Inbuilt structure is made of npn transistor –BC547 [7].
Fig.2. Working of solar panel
LCD will display voltage supply, direction of robot
C. Voltage regulator
and camera notifications.
To regulate voltage, we use a voltage regulator. It is like a
buffer in protecting the circuit from damage. The project uses G. v380 camera
a voltage regulator to minimize the maximum 12V coming v380 camera is a wifi product used for remote viewing.
from the solar panel. this is just because ATMEGA 328 can They have 3.6mm HD Lens with 720P or 960P Resolution.
tolerate only 5.5V, overheat will damage the circuitry.
Regulator Lm7805 series provide 5V regulated power with an
added heat sink. It can also be used with external components.
D. Rectifier
The rectifier has one or more diode used for converting
Alternative to direct current, called rectification. It can be half
cycle are full cycle.
D. RF module
RF module is an electronic device, it is suitable for
transmitting or receiving radio signals between any two
devices [7]..We can communicate wirelessly via antenna Fig.5. V380 Camera Connected through wifi
connected at pin 4 using RF. Operating frequency of
Transmitter and receiver is around 434MHZ, with III. SOFTWARE DESIGN
transmission rate 1KBps-10Kbps.The module has a pair of
encoder/ HT12E and decoder/HT12D ICs, are commonly A. Arduino IDE
used. The RF encoders have CMOS LSIs for remote control The surveillance device uses the ATMEGA 8 microcontroller
applications [1]. The encoder and decoder used for converting which can be coded and programmed using the ATMEL
serial data to parallel data vice versa, capable of studio 7 IDP. The ATMEL platform can be coded using C,
encoding/decoding 12bits. C++ or assembly code. It is a seamlessly free development
environment used to edit, build and debug different
applications on the microcontroller. The program allows the
microcontroller to control the power on and off of the camera
and motor. The signals received from the remote is processed
by controller and the motor driver moves the vehicle in the
respective direction. The vehicular movement along with the
camera power supply is maintained by the controller. The
seamless movement of the vehicle is completely dependent on
the interpretation of the signals and code by the micro
Fig.3. RF Module controller. The Atmel ide is very similar to that of the Arduino
ide and is also open source and allows users to interact

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

publically to collaborate on various projects. This makes it

easy to learn and implement with limited resources and
knowledge. This allows for portability, adaptability and
software restrictions are minimized to support remote
environments and wide access. This uses the processing
method to implement code.

Fig.8. 360 degree camera view

A. Path planning algorithm
The solar powered robot will receive complete renewable
Fig.6. Arduino IDE energy from sunlight. The robot upon receiving power will
boot up the camera. The transmitter on the remote will
B. Mobile application send signal to the receiver on the PCB board attached to
The smart 360 degree wifi enabled camera uses an application motor. The movement of the wheels will be subject to the
called V380. The V380 is a new generation intelligent house signals received from the remote. The vehicle will move
hold camera. The main feature is that the application allows forward and backward and will also turn sideways. The
cloud streaming and viewing of feed directly via wifi. The 360 mobile application can be used to decide the movement of
degree camera has its own wifi network which can be the camera. This uses wifi to transmit video feed. This
connected to any android or ios device and the application device uses the most widely available wifi technology and
allows the camera feed to be accessed from any location. This simple remote controlled navigation.
allows for mobility and remote monitoring.. This functionality B. Block diagram
allows for many applications via the 360 degree camera. In the This block diagram explains the working process of the
solar powered surveillance device the camera allows for 360 device. The microcontroller powers the motor driver and
degree controlled view and movement. Vision can be focused the 360 degree camera. The regulator regulates the power
and customizable based on the application preference of the from the solar panel. The microcontroller powers the
user. The application is user friendly and can be operated antenna which receives signals from the remote transmitter.
by anyone from the world, the camera angle can be easily
adjusted and monitored, they are built with motion recognition
along with voice detection technique. Fig.9. Program flowchart

Fig.7. Mobile app v380

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

4. The star electrical converter converts direct current from

your star modules to alternative current that is deployed in
many applications.

Output Power of solar panel:

The amount of maximum power obtained from the solar panel

will be decided upon where it is placed and how much it is
exposed to the direct sunlight. There are two types of solar
panels mono-crystalline and polycrystalline solar panels. We
can choose from a range of 50 to 400-watt solar panel, 13-
17% efficiency for polycrystalline panels, and 18-19% for
mono-crystalline panels
3. They are again captured by a lithium-ion battery and
converted to direct current to alternative current.

Fig no.10 Transmitter Block diagram

Fig.11. Efficiency and power curve for single solar cell

B. System Mobility

Speed of Robotic Vehicle is calculated from the following

equations [1].

The wheel diameter and Rotation per motion (RPM) of

brushless DC motor decide the speed of the system. Smaller
the diameter larger the distance.

Pi = 3.14 or 22/7.

Fig.11. Block Diagram and Working of microcontroller Distance covered per rotation

V. RESULT = Wheel Diameter X pi (1)

A. Self charging system in solar panel
= 5 X 22/7= 15.7cm
When the light fall on the semiconducting material cell, it
causes electrons to be set into motion that initiates a flow of Speed of Robot per Sec =
electrical current called photovoltaic effect. The working of a
solar panel is explained .
(Distance covered per rotation X RPM of motor)/60 Sec (2)
1. The semiconducting silicon cell absorbs radiation from sun.
2. Once the light rays penetrate silicon cell, electrons begin to = (15.7* 45)/60 =
manoeuvre, produce electrical current.
11.77cm/Sec Speed in m/sec = 0.11m/Sec

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

Fig.12. Tool to calculate storage.

B. Torque
Voltage is 12V D. Overall power consumption of the circuitry
Resistance is 2.45Ohms
power consumption in percentage
Current consumed by motor= I = V / R (3)
I=12 / 2.45 =4.8A solar pannel

Input power of motor = Pin = I * V (4)

Pin =4.8*12=57.6W 18% 31% DC motor
Efficiency = 0.1. 30%
Angular speed = ω = rpm * 2π / 60 (5) camera
=4.7(rad/s) during day

Maximum torque =τ = (I * V * E *60) / (rpm * 2π) (6)
during night
τ = (4.8*12*0.1*60)/(45*2*3.14)=1.2N.m
Therefore, speed is inversely-proportional to torque of the
motor. Fig.13. Overall power consumption.


This prototype of ours has various advantages over previously
existing prototypes. There is always a scope of betterment in
technological advancements .hence some extra features can be
added to this prototype to increase its efficiency and working.
These additions helps user to utilize the device to its
maximum efficiency.
A. Wireless Network
Wireless sensor network is a addition of sensor nodes
Fig.12. torque vs speed. deployed dynamically into organized networks. This ensures
C. Camera storage wireless connectivity between individual nodes and the central
1 camera with bit-rate 48 Kbps recording for 1 day host system. Using this sensor network increases the
Storage calculation = ( (48.000/8) * 3600 * 24 * 1 * 1) / surveillance coverage range. The primitive objective to deploy
this network is to maximize the range and connectivity to the
robotic vehicle to the user and to minimize energy
Storage = 64GB.
consumption by adopting adept routing schemes and
algorithms to get enhanced throughput.
• 48 = bandwidth of camera.
• Storage = Total amount of space in Gigabytes. B. IOT
• 8 = to change from bits to Bytes. As the technology advances rapidly, internet of things will
• 3600 = to change from seconds to hours. introduce an advanced level of receptivity and control from
• 24 = to change from hour to day. the user to the deployed device. Advent use of internet has led
• 1 = Total number of cameras. to it being integrated in all niches. The sensors, RFID tags and
• 1 =Total number of days. the microcontroller can communicate using internet of things
• 1G = Divide by 1 Gig (1,000,000,000) to (IOT)[12]. As it is an upcoming technology it has certain
convert from KB to GB. limitations that include giving unique address to each element
so it has unhindered access over internet. With the help of
Internet of things we can enhance remote operation through
internet. This is rapid growing technology with advanced

We extend our humble and sincere gratitude to our college and
electronics and communication department for aiding us with

© 2020, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com Page 5

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2020 ISSN: 2582-3930

the project. Also special thanks to Mrs. Kavitha sudha and Mr. [12] Khushwath Jain and Vemu suluchana, “Design and
Rajkumar for giving their valuable inputs that led us to Development of smart Robot Car For Border Security” Dept of
complete our project successfully. advanced computing,2013
[13] E Shibin Judah Paul, R. Kandhan, J Gnyaprakash and B
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anywhere in the world by obtaining live video of
[14] Rajaa Vikhram, Jamili Sundeep, N. Teja K. Raghu sai nadh
surroundings. In comparison to earlier versions that worked on
reddy, “WAR Field Spying Robot” Dept of Electronics and
local network like wifi , limiting the working range . usage of Instrumentation Engineering,2018
renewable energy source i.e. solar energy for power supply
DTMF and smart mobile phones as output receivers make it
more feasible and cost effective. The engineered robotic
vehicle can be used as mobile surveillance camera with live
streaming from surroundings for security and emergency
rescue missions , where human intervention is difficult , hence
alerting the host .

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