RF Controlled Solar Panel Based Robotic Vehicle
RF Controlled Solar Panel Based Robotic Vehicle
RF Controlled Solar Panel Based Robotic Vehicle
A. Path planning algorithm
The solar powered robot will receive complete renewable
Fig.6. Arduino IDE energy from sunlight. The robot upon receiving power will
boot up the camera. The transmitter on the remote will
B. Mobile application send signal to the receiver on the PCB board attached to
The smart 360 degree wifi enabled camera uses an application motor. The movement of the wheels will be subject to the
called V380. The V380 is a new generation intelligent house signals received from the remote. The vehicle will move
hold camera. The main feature is that the application allows forward and backward and will also turn sideways. The
cloud streaming and viewing of feed directly via wifi. The 360 mobile application can be used to decide the movement of
degree camera has its own wifi network which can be the camera. This uses wifi to transmit video feed. This
connected to any android or ios device and the application device uses the most widely available wifi technology and
allows the camera feed to be accessed from any location. This simple remote controlled navigation.
allows for mobility and remote monitoring.. This functionality B. Block diagram
allows for many applications via the 360 degree camera. In the This block diagram explains the working process of the
solar powered surveillance device the camera allows for 360 device. The microcontroller powers the motor driver and
degree controlled view and movement. Vision can be focused the 360 degree camera. The regulator regulates the power
and customizable based on the application preference of the from the solar panel. The microcontroller powers the
user. The application is user friendly and can be operated antenna which receives signals from the remote transmitter.
by anyone from the world, the camera angle can be easily
adjusted and monitored, they are built with motion recognition
along with voice detection technique. Fig.9. Program flowchart
B. System Mobility
Pi = 3.14 or 22/7.
Fig.11. Block Diagram and Working of microcontroller Distance covered per rotation
Maximum torque =τ = (I * V * E *60) / (rpm * 2π) (6)
during night
τ = (4.8*12*0.1*60)/(45*2*3.14)=1.2N.m
Therefore, speed is inversely-proportional to torque of the
motor. Fig.13. Overall power consumption.
We extend our humble and sincere gratitude to our college and
electronics and communication department for aiding us with
the project. Also special thanks to Mrs. Kavitha sudha and Mr. [12] Khushwath Jain and Vemu suluchana, “Design and
Rajkumar for giving their valuable inputs that led us to Development of smart Robot Car For Border Security” Dept of
complete our project successfully. advanced computing,2013
[13] E Shibin Judah Paul, R. Kandhan, J Gnyaprakash and B
VIII. CONCLUSION Shanmugham”Wireless Armed Robot for surveillance abd
This mode of communication technology increases its range, reconnaissance Missions” Department of Electronics and
where the user can monitor the movement of robot from Communication, 2017.
anywhere in the world by obtaining live video of
[14] Rajaa Vikhram, Jamili Sundeep, N. Teja K. Raghu sai nadh
surroundings. In comparison to earlier versions that worked on
reddy, “WAR Field Spying Robot” Dept of Electronics and
local network like wifi , limiting the working range . usage of Instrumentation Engineering,2018
renewable energy source i.e. solar energy for power supply
DTMF and smart mobile phones as output receivers make it
more feasible and cost effective. The engineered robotic
vehicle can be used as mobile surveillance camera with live
streaming from surroundings for security and emergency
rescue missions , where human intervention is difficult , hence
alerting the host .
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