Catalytic Beds Protection: Procatalyse Catalysts & Adsorbents
Catalytic Beds Protection: Procatalyse Catalysts & Adsorbents
Catalytic Beds Protection: Procatalyse Catalysts & Adsorbents
ACT 077
Catalytic beds protection
ACT 077 has been developed to extend cycle length of units pressure drop due to
particulate deposition or top bed crust formation. ACT 077 replaces ineffective inert
balls used for bed hold-down at the top of catalytic reactors in liquid phase or vapor
phase service, such as refinery hydrotreating and other similar applications.
The bed topping is a highly inert alumina with a special fluted ring shape with a high
void fraction to provide an efficient capture of particulates and other contaminants in
the feed. ACT 077 is one of the successive stages in Axens system for pressure drop
The alumina fluted rings provide a high void volume and a large void gap to trap
particulates and mitigate pressure drop build-up.
External diameter 10 mm
Average length 15 mm
Bore diameter 3.2 mm
Pore diameter 2 µm
Loading density 0.55 kg/l
Void Fraction 65 %
Particle crush strength 1 mini. daN/mm
Shipping information
ACT 077/01.1
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89, Boulevard Franklin Roosevelt - B.P.50802 - F 92508 Rueil Malmaison - France
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