HT Delhi 16 09 2021
HT Delhi 16 09 2021
HT Delhi 16 09 2021
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ple aware of the matter. The people by taking away power jects – land, law and order and
PM is also likely to meet US vice from their elected representatives police -- over which the Centre
president Kamala Harris. →P11 and violating the lawmaking has authority. →P5
₹8.9K CR, SET TO Another month, another record gone? Spell of
Sweta Goswami
heavy rain likely to make it rainiest Sept ever
Soumya Pillai est September ever recorded
since records begun to be kept in
NEW DELHI: All private liquor 1901. The highest this month has
vends in Delhi will shut next NEW DELHI: September may well ever received is 417.3mm in Sep-
month and only government become the 13th month to break a tember 1944. It would the wettest
stores will function until the Capi- weather record in Delhi. September if this number is
tal transitions to a new excise pol- The IMD issued an orange exceeded.
icy on November 17, the adminis- alert for Delhi, predicting heavy Scientists say these records are
tration said, adding that it earned rain in parts of the Capital on largely due to weather condi-
₹8,900 crore from auctioning Thursday, which could break the tions, but this unpredictability
retail licences in the newly created city’s all-time record for amount may also hold the imprints of cli-
32 zones. Deputy CM Manish Siso- of rainfall in the month of Sep- mate crisis. “Increase in extreme
dia said the government expects tember. weather events is a major sign of
to earn another ₹3,500 crore in Halfway into the month, the climate change and such events
the first year as new liquor stores city has already recorded 390mm will only increase,” said Mahesh
begin operations. →P4 A rainy evening at Connaught Place in Delhi. SANCHIT KHANNA HT rain, making it the second raini- Palawat of Skymet Weather. →P5
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
I-T raids Sonu Sood; Court frames charges Biden denies that Xi Jinping ‘Global warming to Ex-SNL comic Norm
Kejriwal backs actor against five accused turned down meeting offer pass 1.5°C threshold’ Macdonald no more
A long way to go
Among 19 metro cities, crime for women’s safety
rate in Delhi highest in 2020 HT Correspondent
sections of the Indian Penal Code 64.3 61.6 cases at 4; and the lowest crime cases in 2019 – a decline of TOP 10 CITIES
Lucknow 76 No. of cases in 2020
(IPC), at the rate of 150.6 per mil- rate of 0.4 among all states and 24.65%. But the NCRB data
lion population of the city. union territories, according to showed that at 997, the number Pune 59
To calculate the rate of crime the NCRB statistics. of rape cases in the Capital was
(number of crimes per hundred 27.2 23.4 the highest among all UTs.
thousand population), the NCRB 20.6 Expert speaks When it came to crime per on condition of anonymity, said, leads to a reduction in crime
considered the population of the 10.9 Ashok Chand, a retired IPS offi- population, too, Delhi fared “While the Covid cases were on rate,” he said.
19 metropolitan cities as per the cer, who served in Delhi Police poorly with a figure of 10.5, sec- the rise during the first wave of “But there should be proper
2011 Census data. According to DELHI Chennai Ahmedabad Mumbai Surat Pune Bengaluru Jaipur Hyderabad Kolkata for over three decades and held ond only to Rajasthan which the pandemic, there were more lighting, better police presence
the report, the population of key posts in crime branch and recorded 13.9. When compared cases of domestic violence being and awareness by the security
Delhi in 2011 was 16.3 million. special cell, said one should not with cities with a population of reported but they reduced when staff to ensure that the number
In 2019, too, Delhi reported a that the data shows the crimes nised crime anywhere on the which was less than Nagpur, Jai- look at the rankings according to two million or more, the the lockdown was lifted. Due to of crimes against women reduce
total of 295,693 cases -- highest have decreased. Many times, streets. In fact, we urge citizens pur and Patna, and equal to Ben- the NCRB data. He said absolute national capital was second, the increased police presence even further,” Kumar said.
among 19 cities that year. people from other states also to come forward and file com- galuru, Indore and Lucknow. numbers may predict the after Jaipur at 13.3. on the roads, on account of the Swati Maliwal, chairperson,
The report showed that Chen- come and file FIRs in the Capital. plaints.” Going by the report, Mumbai, increase or decrease in a particu- The NCRB data showed that pandemic, the number of Delhi Commission for Women,
nai, with total 88,388 cases and a We file Zero FIRs in such cases the financial capital of India, is a lar crime category, but causality among the total 249,192 IPC crimes against women on said, “The NCRB gives data only
crime rate of 101.6 was the sec- and transfer them to the respec- Drop in number of much safer place. The city and several other factors that (Indian Penal Code) cases, cru- streets also came down.” about the crimes that have been
ond on the list. Mumbai regis- tive states, so that the complaint murders reported 148 murders at a crime lead to a crime are equally elty by husband or his relatives To be sure, Delhi witnessed a reported. And while these may
tered total 50,158 crime cases in is brought to its logical conclu- The NCRB data shows that 461 rate of 0.8. important, therefore, rankings formed a major chunk at 2,557, strict lockdown in 2020, spread have reduced due to the lock-
2020 at the rate of 27.2 per mil- sion.” persons were murdered in Delhi are not always fair. while assault on women with across various months, to con- down, it is also possible that
lion population, and Kolkata Biswal added that facility of in 2020. Compared to this, in Kidnapping of children “Data is important to under- intent to outrage her modesty tain the spread of Covid-19. women were unable to report
reported the lowest crime rate registration of FIRs online is also 2019, 505 people were murdered The NCRB data shows that 3,770 stand which crime has become numbered 1,840 and dowry Neeraj Kumar, former Delhi crimes, especially domestic vio-
among the 19 cities with 10.9 another reason for the high in the city. minors were kidnapped in Delhi, more frequent. One should not deaths 110. Police commissioner, also lence, properly. Just because
case per million population. cases. “Over 66% of the crimes in Delhi Police officers, who the highest across 19 metropoli- compare crime across cities or A total of 204 girls fell victims pointed to the lockdown for the reporting has reduced, it does
On the reasons for the Delhi Delhi are registered online. It is a asked not to be named, said the tan cities. In Bengaluru there states or on the basis of case to human trafficking, but police reduction in cases. He said it not imply that crimes have too.
reporting such a high crime rate, measure of the empowerment of numbers would have been even were 654 such cases, Kolkata numbers or crime rates. By look- said several such rackets that was possible that people could The world over, a trend was
Delhi Police spokesperson Chin- public that citizens can easily less if the Delhi riots had not had 266, Mumbai had 1,150, and ing at the numbers, police brought girls to Delhi were bus- not come out to report crimes as seen last year of domestic vio-
moy Biswal said, “In Delhi we lodge their FIR themselves with- taken place. At least 53 people Chennai 14. should analyse why certain ted and the kingpins arrested. In they were confined to their lence increasing during the
ensure 100% registration of out even stepping inside a police were killed in clashes between The report said that the crime crimes are on the rise. Even if 2020, there was also one case of homes. “The downward trend lockdown. Further, the recent
crime. Complainants are not station. People do not have to Hindus and Muslims in different rate could not be calculated in one crime is decreasing then murder and gang-rape, two this year could be due to the rapes in the Capital have only
turned away at any police sta- run from pillar to post. People localities of north-east Delhi in this category because of the non- police should find out why it has cases of acid attack and three of pandemic and if the current sit- shown how the brutality of
tion. Senior police officers also lodge a complaint, an FIR is reg- February 2020. availability of data on the popu- suddenly decreased. There are attempted acid attacks, accord- uation continues, we may see a crimes against women and girls
conduct checks on the status of istered and we start investiga- According to the data, the city lation of minors, or those aged several factors that lead to a par- ing to the NCRB. similar downward trend in the has significantly increased.”
complaints that are filed at each tion. This is done to ensure that reported 461 cases of murder in below 18 years, in these cities. ticular crime. Instead of compar- Since women safety is one of coming months as well,” he said. In December, a 16-year-old
station. It is monitored at the citizens do not face any harass- 2020 -- the highest among the 19 According to the law, a kid- ing, one should use this data to the priorities for the Delhi The former police chief said girl from Samaypur Badli area
highest level. This is one reason ment at the police station. Most metropolitan cities. However, napping case is registered when take preventive steps and ensure Police, officers said they have people were becoming more was kidnapped allegedly by one
why the number of IPC crimes is importantly, let me reiterate that the rate of murder (cases per a person is taken without the use that declining crimes are ensured more personnel are “aware”. “It’s certain that soci- of her neighbours. She was res-
high. Also, one must not forget Delhi Police does not allow orga- million population) was 0.2, of force. But, when force reduced further,” Chand added. available to cases of crimes ety is changing and people are cued by Delhi Police after exten-
against women. more aware. Awareness is a sive surveillance of the suspects,
A senior Delhi Police official, slow process but it definitely who were later arrested.
‘City of cars’ Delhi reports 3,770 below 18 yrs DDMA ALLOWS { JANTAR MANTAR CASE } ACCUSED SEEKS BAIL
Gh re
rate of 1.7. However, in terms of Bengaluru reported 654 such Explaining the reasons for the the exhibition,” said the DDMA 153 IPC , I will not press my bail Singh is accused of creating
crime rate, Haryana was sec- cases and Kolkata 266. The num- high number of cases increased order, a copy of which HT has application. In a democratic set enmity between different groups
ond on the list with 5.0, though ber of such cases in Mumbai and Sanjay Gupta, director of NGO seen. up, if it is promoting enmity, I and inciting the youth to propa-
it reported 14,636 cases. In Chennai was 1,150 and 14 respec- Chetna (childhood enhancement The DDMA said banquet halls will not press my bail,” Jain said gate against a particular religion
absolute numbers, Uttar Pra- Delhi Police officers say that len vehicles and pursued gangs tively, according to the NCRB through training and action), in the city will be allowed to hold for Preet Singh, who was one of at the rally held at Jantar Mantar
desh and Rajasthan reported vehicle thefts constitute about to as far as Nagaland and Sik- report that was released on said that the attention of author- such exhibitions and fairs. the organizers of a march on August 8.
19,019 and 19,063 cases. 14% of all the crimes in the city. kim. Two months ago, police Tuesday. ities was directed towards covid- However, schools will con- against “colonial laws’ at Jantar On August 27, additional ses-
Delhi reported the highest Even during the first hard lock- busted a gang that stole vehi- To be sure, the NCRB has said related concerns and compli- tinue to remain closed for Mantar on August 8. sions judge Anil Antil refused
cases in this crime category in down, which restricted the cles in Delhi and sold it in that the comparison of crime ance of norms due to which the classes below 9, the order said. “Nothing is said by my client bail to Singh, saying that the
2019 too with 46,725 vehicles movement of people, about 83 Kashmir. Investigation showed rate of kidnapping or missing number of cases could have pos- The organisers will also that attracts section 153A IPC. right to assemble and freedom to
stolen that year. vehicles (more than three an that the gang had stolen at least children among cities was not sibly increased. require to do a risk assessment They are filing a case of Section air one’s thoughts are cherished
The crime rate that year was hour) were stolen every day in 100 vehicles since 2015. possible because there was no “Also, while it will be difficult prior to the event, considering 34 IPC (common intention) but under the Constitution; however,
23.1, also the highest among Delhi between March 15 and Delhi police spokesperson, data available on the population to state the areas from where the health and safety situation in the the event ended at 11:45am and these are not absolute and have
states and union territories. In 30, 2020. Chinmoy Biswal, said they have of minors in the 19 cities that children might have gone miss- zones, both national and inter- sloganeering happened at to be exercised with inherent
2019, Delhi was followed by Retired Delhi Police’s deputy launched a persistent crack- were analysed. ing, in my estimation, a signifi- national, from where the partici- 3:45pm. My client was not reasonable restrictions.
Uttar Pradesh at 28,417 cases commissioner LN Rao, who down on gangs of vehicle According to the age-wise cant number of children often go pants may belong, the order
and Maharashtra with 25,780 worked in the force for over thieves. break up of Delhi data, 69 cases missing from slum areas. In cit- said.
thefts. three decades, attributed the “Our teams at the police sta- involved children below the age ies like Delhi, both parents are Various other activities pro-
Cars and two-wheelers are reasons for the high number of tions level, the crime branch of six. The number of cases reg- often working due to which they hibited and allowed by the
the most common items stolen motor vehicle thefts to a num- and other units have launched istered in the age bracket of 6-12 are unable to give significant DDMA will remain so till the
across the city after mobile ber of factors such as – orga- a crackdown on vehicle thieves. and 12-16 stood at 368 and 1,929 time and attention to children,” intervening night of September
phones (at least 175 mobile nised gangs spread across dif- This is the reason why we have respectively. Around 1,404 cases Gupta said. 30 and October 1, the DDMA
phones were stolen every day ferent states, high volume of busted many gangs and recov- involved minors in the age group He said that the lack of order said.
in Delhi between January and cars in Delhi and lack of park- ered large number of stolen of 16-18 years. Gender-wise, most resources among the economi- The DDMA order did not
February 2017, the Union gov- ing space and carelessness of vehicles from different states. victims were girls. A total of cally weaker section of the soci- mention any relaxation for hold-
ernment had told the Lok several vehicle owners. The number of cases is peculi- 2,749 girls were kidnapped and ety was also a factor due to ing Ramleelas, although several
Sabha that year). Rao said, “There are too arly high in Delhi also because 1,021 victims were boys, accord- which many times, they could organising committees in a
Delhi Police data shows that, many cars and no proper space the city has the maximum ing to the data. not get their complaints regis- recently held meeting decided to
in the last 10 years (between to park. People park their vehi- number of vehicles.” According to Delhi Police tered timely. “People who are hold Ramleelas by booking
2011 and 2020), a total of cles on roads and footpaths. Biswal added, “Our police data, between January 1 and well-off are able to divert time grounds.
307,000 vehicles were stolen in The network of vehicles thieves teams also work with RWAs to December 31, 2019, 5412 children and resources and exert pres- Brijesh Goyal, chairman of the
the Capital. is spread across different lock specific gates of a colony were reported missing, of which sure on the police. Whereas, Chamber of Trade and Industry
This number is more than states, where the stolen vehicle at night so the entry/ exits are 3336 were traced --a recovery when a poor family’s child goes (CTI), said, “Weekly markets,
the number of registered vehi- are sold or dismantled. There is restricted and monitored by the rate of 61.64 %. missing, no one knows if the cinemas, schools, Metro, malls,
cles in all of Srinagar on March a lucrative market for stolen beat staff and security guards. In 2020, at least 4297 children child will be traced or not,” said markets etc. have opened in
31, 2017 (according to a report vehicles. Also, solving vehicle While we are working round were reported missing, while Gupta. Delhi. The exhibition industry
mentioned in the road trans- thefts is not a priority for most the clock to arrest vehicle 4052 were recovered – a recov- A senior crime branch officer, has suffered during Covid-19.
port year book 2016-17 of the police officers on the ground thieves, we request citizens not ery rate of 94.29 % and an who asked not to be named, said, Lifting of restrictions means
ministry of road transport and because the owners also do not park vehicles or two wheelers improvement of 32.65 percent- “Finding missing children is a nearly 40,000 people will get
highways). pursue the case since they get in safer places, check the lock age points compared to 2019. priority for Delhi Police, with or back to work. There are more
According to the Delhi Eco- insurance. However, since the and follow basic security prac- These cases included those in without any incentive. We have than 100 exhibition business to
nomic Survey report, there number of cases have been so tices. Also, citizens in Delhi which kidnapping/abduction what we call Operation Milaap, customer (B2C) organisers in
were 11.8 million motorised high, it has remained a focus have the facility of registering cases were registered and those in which we try to find missing Delhi. There are no such restric-
vehicles in Delhi as of March for the Delhi Police. The police online FIRs for car thefts. in cases were not registered, but children and reunite them with tions in Noida, Gurugram and
31, 2020. Cars and jeeps make have busted several inter-state Unlike other places, this is a children were reported missing. their families. Our teams visit Ghaziabad because of which
around 28% of the total regis- rackets but the situation is dif- free and fair registration sys- Delhi’s problem of children different shelter homes and find many events shifted to neigh-
tered vehicles, and two-wheel- ferent in other states.” tem that may have also led to getting kidnapped and lured to missing children. No case is bouring cities and Delhi lost on
ers about 67%. Delhi Police have traced sto- higher number of cases.” other cities was best seen after a neglected.” revenue.”
04 My Delhi
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
of injury, gives bail to 2 Delhi’s economy, revenue down 23% tioner entities, said as long as
restaurants undertake not to
use nicotine in hookah, they
Amir Javed (31). Police had
seized 1.7kg RDX from Zeeshan’s
house in Kareli, Allahabad, and a
ule and was tasked to smuggle
arms and ammunition into
HT Correspondent mit culpable homicide under the HT Correspondent tax) collection came down by Officials from the Union gov- cannot be prohibited from car- live improvised explosive device “The operations of this mod-
IPC and under the Arms Act. 25%, excise collection by 30%, ernment did not respond to rying out their businesses. (IED) was found in Prayagraj ule is similar to that of the Mum-
The accused persons, repre- stamp collection by 16%, and requests seeking comment. Separate petitions were filed and defused. bai underworld in the 1993 Bom-
NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court sented by advocate Pritish Sab- NEW DELHI: Deputy chief minis- motor vehicle tax collection by “In 2020-21, we received reve- by Breath Fine Lounge and Bar, HT spoke with at least three bay serial blasts. In that case,
has granted bail to two men harwal, contended that at the ter Manish Sisodia on Wednes- 19%. Fiscal years 2020-21 and nue that was 41% less than our TOS, R High Speedbar and officers privy to the investiga- Dawood was involved in getting
accused of firing bullets during place of incident in Brahmapuri, day said the Delhi government 2021-22 have been highly budget estimate, and because of Lounge, Verandah Moonshine tion, who confirmed that Zee- RDX inside the country by sea...
the north-east Delhi riots last pelting and firing took place has received about 23% less than affected by Covid-19...,” he said. this, except for salaries and Cov- and Sixth Empirica Lounge in shan claimed he was given the In this case, his brother Anees
year, saying the injury received between both the sides and that the estimated revenue in the cur- The Delhi government, how- id-related expenses, we put most west Punjabi Bagh, challenging RDX by a man named Baidur. used ISI contacts and may have
to the victim was not from a gun- Nitin was not even identified in rent financial year due to the ever, did not share absolute other expenses on hold. If we the order of joint commissioner Police are on the lookout for smuggled explosives using
shot but by a stone. the CCTV footage. ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, numbers for the collected tax. look at this fiscal year (2021-22), of police (licensing unit) prohib- Baidur, also reportedly a resi- drones,” added a second official,
The high court said it deems Regarding Shiva, who was which also reduced the state’s The minister said that despite we are currently 23% below the iting and excluding the sale or dent of Uttar Pradesh, who is who asked not to be named.
fit to grant regular bail to the two allegedly holding the pistol in his collection by nearly 41% in Delhi contributing ₹1,40,000 budget estimate... It is a very con- service of herbal flavoured currently absconding. A third officer, also requesting
accused on furnishing a per- hand, Sabharwal said he was 2020-21. crore as Central taxes, it gets cerning situation,” he said. hookahs in restaurants/ bars. “Zeeshan was told by his han- anonymity, said, “It looks like
sonal bond of ₹50,000 each with only seen firing in the air and no Addressing a press confer- only ₹325 crore in return. “While Sisodia said the government is The pleas said the petitioners dlers that Baidur would collect they were directly in touch with
two surety bonds of the like gunshot injury has been received ence, Sisodia, who is also Delhi’s we get peanuts, other states get still withholding most expenses are serving herbal hookahs for the RDX, which was dropped the ISI and planning the attacks
amount. to the complainant or any other minister of trade and taxes, said 42% of their share. In fact, Delhi except salaries and Covid-related which no licence is required as into India from Pakistan. It is here. So far, we have not come
According to the prosecution, victim. the Goods and Services Tax government’s revenue will be expenses. “The only relief we they are totally without tobacco. unclear whether the border in across any other terror group or
the two men — identified by The FIR said the incident hap- (GST) collection of the Delhi gov- further reduced by ₹8,000 crore expect is now from new excise It added that the police are Punjab or the line of control in militant organisation behind
their first names Shiva and Nitin pened while a mob of 20-25 peo- ernment in the current financial as the Central government will policy which is likely to give the still conducting searches and Kashmir was used for it. It is also them. This is an entirely ISI-
— were armed with deadly ple was moving towards Matin year decreased by 23%. “Not just stop GST compensation from government about ₹3,500 crore seizing equipment and fining possible that they may have backed module for which they
weapons and attempted to com- Masjid during the riots. that, Delhi’s VAT (value added next year,” he said. more annually,” he said. establishments. dropped more explosives in the used the underworld.”
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‘Complete ban’
dicting heavy rain in parts of the rainfall, which was the highest ued. February this year was the Asia -- a title currently held by
national capital on Thursday, single-day recording for August second warmest in 120 years, the 837-bed Institute of Child
which could break the city’s all- in 14 years and ninth highest with the mean maximum tem- Health and Hospital for Children
time record for amount of rain- since 1961. perature in the month touching in Chennai.
HT Correspondent tation demand. Buses are not oped a bus lane or BRTS, then think PPP is a critical instrument ments is a major issue. Prasanna
{ }
HT Correspondent
NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court
on Wednesday pulled up the city
The petition, filed through
On the instructions of chief
minister Arvind Kejriwal, the
PUBLIC quiet. An attentive ear may hear the muf-
fled sounds of film dialogues coming
daughters, one son, two buffaloes and three goats.
“I spent the period farming my small agricultural
government for not processing lawyer Sameer Chandra, said NEW DELHI: The Delhi govern- DJB and the irrigation depart- INTEREST from inside the theatre’s thick doors. The land,” even as his conscientious employers in
the forest clearance required for that the structure of the build- ment will treat 155 million gal- ment have undertaken the task day’s first show of Thalaivi is in progress, Delhi wired him his salary every month without
finishing the construction of a ing was already completed, and lons per day (MGD) of wastewa- of cleaning the Yamuna on pri- here in Delite cinema. And Mukti Ram Parajuli, fail. Mr Parajuli returned to the city in October,
100-bed hospital in Najafgarh. that it was “utmost essential for ter reaching the Yamuna from ority,” Jain said. manning the snack counter, is gearing up for the but rushed back again following the lockdown
A bench of chief justice DN the public at large” that the neighbouring states, Delhi He further said, “The drain- 10-minute interval that will begin shortly. during the second wave in April this year. These
Patel and justice Jyoti Singh said hospital starts running before water minister Satyendar Jain age from Haryana and UP will Mr Parajuli, 49, joined this landmark theatre as trips to home have never been simple. “I first have
that the city government should the onset of the third wave of said on Wednesday. be treated either by diverting it an attendant in 1992. Since then many film halls in to board the express train, which takes 13 hours to
do something and “not sit tight” Covid-19. In a meeting with senior offi- to STPs (sewage treatment the city have become history, or given way to tee- reach Gorakhpur. Then I have to board the road-
over processing the Centre’s The plea had said there are no cials of the Delhi Jal Board plants) or in situ. This treated ny-weeny multiplexes. But the sprawling world of ways bus to Sonauli, which takes three hours.
request seeking permission for good hospitals in the area and (DJB) and the irrigation and water will be used for rejuvenat- his Delite with its wood-panelled walls, stately Then I have to cross the international border by
the transplantation of the trees. that the establishment of the flood control department, to ing lakes and water bodies, staircases, and heavy chandeliers appears unal- foot into Nepal, where I have to board the bus to
“Do something so that the 100-bed facility will help “15 lakh discuss the interstate pollution groundwater recharge and the tered. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic, how- the hills, which takes six hours to reach Bagnas-
construction is over. You can say people spread over 73 villages in of the Yamuna, Jain said clean- rest will be flow into Yamuna.” ever, explains the current attendance of only kali Darpuk, my village.” Mr Parajuli returned in
no also but don’t sit tight. You
decide as per law,” the bench
The Delhi government coun-
sel sought time from the court to
the radius of 10km”.
On Wednesday, the central
government standing counsel
advocate Anurag Ahluwalia,
appearing for the union govern-
ing the Yamuna was the “top-
most priority” of the Arvind Kej-
riwal-led Delhi government.
According to a Delhi govern-
ment statement, currently, the
He said the Delhi government
had taken upon itself to clean
“all sources that pollute the
river”. “The Delhi government
has started working on war
about two dozen people in the 358-seater balcony.
It also explains the white ribbons tied to alternate
chairs in the cinema’s canteen (to ensure physical
distancing). It also explains Mr Parajuli’s masked
face, and the pink plastic badge clipped to his shirt
July; the cinema reopened a month later.
Meanwhile, the “interval” clocks in. No custom-
ary rush of footsteps into the lobby follows.
“Things should become better with newer
releases,” he mutters optimistically. “In fact, the
For more
file its reply, following which the ment, informed the court that Yamuna receives 105MGD and footing to clean all of these button that says, “Fully vaccinated.” attendance was good last Sunday.” stories by
court posted the matter for hear- the project was 80% complete 50MGD wastewater from Hary- drains. Innovative techniques In the pre-pandemic era, the snack counter Mr Parajuli’s shift will end at midnight, he says, Mayank
ing on November 8. and is awaiting clearance from ana and Uttar Pradesh, respec- are being used for this purpose. teemed with people—it serves Delhi’s biggest sam- explaining the layout of his typical day. He will be Austen
The court was hearing a pub- the forest department of the tively. In situ techniques as well exist- osa (called Maha Samosa). Last year, when the back at the counter the next morning at 11. With Soofi,
lic interest litigation (PIL) by Delhi government in December “The Yamuna does not ing STPs will be used to treat theatres were obliged to suspend screenings just the times continuing to be abnormal, the snack scan the
Rajesh Kaushik, a lawyer, seek- 2018 as the site required a sanc- belong to one particular state these drains that carry waste- before the first coronavirus-triggered lockdown in counter attendant expresses relief that “at least QR code
ing a direction to the two govern- tion for “transplantation of but the whole country. And to water from other states and join March, Mr Parajuli immediately left for his village my routine is returning to normalcy.”
ments to complete the establish- trees”. achieve the target of cleaning it, the drains in Delhi,” Jain said.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
My India
{ IT ACT }
Dip in crimes against Crimes against Dalits, tribals report, penned under the chair-
personship of Meenakshi Lekhi,
as a summary of proceedings,
she was appointed as a Union
The members in December
dubbed the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as
women in 2020: Data increase in the pandemic year people familiar with the matter
“Most of the changes appear
last year had already agreed
upon the amendments required
to the bill but the report was
“fake Hindus” who only “use
religion for their benefits”.
Addressing the All India
to be of a legislative drafting never presented to Parliament Mahila Congress on its founda-
Sachin Saini, Shruti Tomar modesty, dowry deaths and har- Dhrubo Jyoti A THIRD OF THE account for two-thirds of all nature and majority of them on its due date in the Budget ses- tion day here, the former Con-
and Divya Chandrababu assment, acid attacks and kid- crimes against SCs in India seem cosmetic in nature,” a per- sion. gress president said the Con-
napping. “Majority of cases CRIMES AGAINST despite accounting for only son familiar with the matter The draft report was then gress’ ideology was in complete
under crime against women NEW DELHI: A scheduled caste SCS WAS SEEN AS around 40% of the country’s 197 said, asking not to be named. deferred to the monsoon session. contrast to that of the RSS and
JAIPUR/BHOPAL/CHENNAI: Cases were registered under ‘Cruelty (SC) person faced crime every 10 SIMPLE HURT, million scheduled caste people. “The panel will meet again on Hindustan Times on July 8 the BJP and “only one of the two
of crimes against women in cit- by Husband or his Relatives’ minutes in India in the past year, The rate of crimes – which is a Thursday to discuss the bill reported that the data privacy ideologies can rule the country.”
ies were down by 8.3% in the (30.2%) followed by assault on cumulating to a total of 50,291
WHILE THE FIGURE measure of crime cases relative to clause by clause.” law faced new delays as several Drawing a comparison with
year 2020 when compared to women with intent to outrage cases registered in 2020, an STOOD AT A the population of SC -- was high- The bill will now be referred members of the parliamentary Mahatma Gandhi, the Wayanad
2019, even though nearly 77 rape her modesty’ (19.7%), kidnaping increase of 9.4% from the previ- FOURTH FOR STS est in Rajasthan, followed by to as the data protection bill and committee, including its head, MP said: “The BJP-RSS people
cases were reported across the and abduction of women (19.0%) ous year, the National Crime Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. This not the personal data protection were made ministers weeks say they are a Hindu party. In
country on average every day and rape (7.2%),” the report said. Records Bureau said. was identical to last year. bill. Under section 91, it allows before the crucial report was due the last 100-200 years, if anyone
that year, data released by the Of the total cases of crimes Crimes against scheduled bruises, injuries resulting out of Three, the nature and quan- the government to access non- during the Monsoon Session. has understood and practised
National Crime Records Bureau against women during the Covid tribes (ST) also increased by 9.3% skirmishes or fights. A third of the tum of crimes against Dalits is personalised and anonymised Moreover, the four new mem- Hinduism in the best possible
(NCRB) showed. pandemic-induced lockdown, to a total of 8,272 cases in the year. crimes against SCs was registered very different in big cities and the data for policy purposes. bers who have replaced the way, it is Mahatma Gandhi. So, if
In its latest report on Tuesday, there were 28,046 incidents of The rise in crimes against SCs and as simple hurt, while the figure countryside. In 2020, 1,485 The data protection author- newly appointed union minis- Mahatma Gandhi understood
the NCRB, which functions rape involving 28,153 victims. STs bucked the broader trend of a stood at a fourth for STs. crimes against SCs were regis- ity’s ambit under section 49 has ters —BJP MPs Rakesh Sinha, the Hindu religion and spent his
under the Union home ministry, The number of rape cases, as drop in crime under some major Two, crimes against SCs con- tered in 19 metropolitan cities also been proposed to be Vinay Sahashrabuddhe, Sudhan- whole life understanding it, then
said that a total of 371,503 cases defined in Indian Penal Code heads – except Covid violations -- tinued to be concentrated in a with a population of two million expanded to include covering shu Trivedi and Aparajita Sar- why did the RSS ideology pump
of crime against women were section 376, stood at 32,033 in last year, due to the pandemic and handful of states. Uttar Pradesh or more – indicating 97% of the data breaches and not just per- angi — will also be offered a three bullets in his chest.”
reported across the country last 2019, 33,356 in 2018 and 32,559 the 68-day-long lockdown. constituted 25% of all crimes crimes against Dalits occurred in sonal data breaches, the person chance to present their own Lashing out at the Congress
year in comparison to 405,326 in in 2017. The figure for 2016 was “It is a serious matter that recorded against SCs and small towns and villages. mentioned above added. views on the bill. leader, BJP national general sec-
2019 and 378,236 in 2018. 38,947, as per NCRB data from despite a pandemic and the pres- reported 12,714 cases in all. To be Four, the court pendency rate Chaudhary, a former Union Members are concerned that retary Arun Singh said no one
Among states and Union terri- corresponding years. ence of constitutional and legisla- sure, this can be attributed to the of cases, especially under the minister of law and justice who with the process facing new hur- takes the Congress leader seri-
tories, Uttar Pradesh topped the With 5,310 cases, Rajasthan tive safeguards, crimes against state’s high population (it also has Scheduled Caste and Scheduled took over barely two months dles, the data protection frame- ously.
list with maximum number reported the maximum number them are increasing,” said Rahul the highest population of SCs) and Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) ago, has offered his own sugges- work may see another delay. “Rahul Gandhi should not
(49,385) of such cases followed of rapes in 2020 while Uttar Pra- Singh of the National Dalit Move- better reporting mechanisms Act, continues to be low. The tions in report with reference to “The committee may end up make these statements. He is
by West Bengal (36,439), Rajast- desh reported 2,769 cases, and ment for Justice. owing to a dense network of court pendency rate of cases a number of the clauses. examining a whole new report, totally disconnected from the
han (34,535), Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh 2,339 cases. The data on crimes offered ground-level activists. under the SC/ST Act stood at On Wednesday, the panel the new members will also make ground. He has no information.
(31,954) and Madhya Pradesh The NCRB data also showed four broad takeaways. It was followed by Bihar 96.5% in 2020, up from the 94% touched upon the changes, while their suggestions,” a second per- That is the main problem,”
(25,640). the rate of crime against women One, the largest chunk of (7,368), Rajasthan (7,017) and last year. At the end of the year, also seeking that the old draft son familiar with the develop- Singh told reporters.
Crimes against women in Coimbatore and Chennai were crimes against SCs and STs in the Madhya Pradesh (6,899). 177,379 cases were pending trial report, which had been agreed ments said, asking not to be
includes cases of rape, outraging the lowest during the period. past year was that of simple hurt – Together, these four states under the special legislation. upon by the panel, be circulated named. (With PTI inputs)
PROPERTY SARVODYA 500 yds Entire G. Floor VASANTKUNJ 4 B/R, 4 bath
Huge 4 Beds, large D/D, Lounge + GF+FF Duplex, C6/7, C1, C2 FF, D4 FOR SALE NOIDA FACTORY For Sale, URGENT SALE : 3bhk on 1st
floor,North facing, Ashiana builtup
SALE DLF-I, 500yd PH-II 400yd
PH-IV 358yd SL-I 300, 418, SL-II/III
Sector-63 , 250 meter B+3 Story +
Basement hall well lighted and Stilt GF 2B/R, D 3 Top. New flats E1 MAHARANI BAGH Shed 12 meter Road, Park facing. on 275 sqyd plot M-Block,South city1 200, 300, 500yd, Rosewood 750yd
area Excellent Loc., separate prkg
@ 9.00 CR Satya 9818129113
Available. K.K. Associate. Contact
9811339291, 8287395339. 800 Sq.Yards Broker Excuse. Cont : 9811161848 9810001248 Emerald Hills, 150yd Contact:
Gursimrat Real Estate #9810057708
BUNGLOWS : Westend 800y Cnr Prk GREEN PARK Main 311 Sqyds, Top Class NOIDA SECTOR 49/ Plot 150
VAISHALI PITAMPURA 300 sq. OLD FLRS Green Prk 325y TF+T@ 5.75; & East fac livable@80;V.Vhr 400y East 3 BHK+ Bath, D/D, Sq, old Ground New Construction Yards Corner / CC Obtained. Clear
Title. Call. 9811068621
DLF PHASE-4 (500 Sq.Yards.) KASHMERE GATE, Church Road, OFFICE FULLY furnished @ Saket
fac@28; GK-II, 1000y Cnr Livble @50;
GK-II, 300 cnr SF Lift@3.75; Gulmohar Floor, without stilt, gated parking, New House 5 Beds D/D with Lift 1700 or 700 Sq.ft. Shed on First Floor Metro-Westend Marg/ GF - 4000
yrds independent house for sale on Def 217 P/F@16cr,SJE 300y East Fac @
300SF+T/lift@6.50;GK 217 SF+T@ 3.10 spacious, Big Kitchen Reliance Near Galleria Market @ 14.5 Cr. for Rent 9811647777. ALSO Tukri sqft with 65 workstations, Cabins,
fully commercial road, Suitable for 16.5cr. Rajesh Khanna 9810526800 Sanjiv 9810124540 ( Flexi Terms ) Authorized Rep :
Showrooms/Banks, Cheque payment
Brokers excuse. Cont: 8447450774
Grn Prk 200 GF @2.95; SJE 300 FF lift
@4.25cr. Rajesh Khanna 9810526800
GROUND FLOOR GHAZIABAD Aman 98100-81588 (9-6 pm)
325 Sq. Ft. on First Floor. Space for
ATM @ Ground Floor # 9811647777
Conf., Aircons, Pantry, Washrooms
etc. # Owner : 9810007165
SF Coner 3B/R Extended, C9 SF With Independent Lift FRIENDS COLONY West 3BHK with
BISHT PROPERTIES Pvt. Ltd. 2B/R. also avalb on Rent 1/2/3 B/R. and Parking lot PROPERTY FOR sale in Surya
(Since 1980) Managed by Retd. Govt. Contact: Sapra Associates # nagar, Ghaziabad,B blk, 355 sq.yards, DLF CITY-2 300 Sq yds, Corner SUSHANT LOK-2 Ultra lux- WEST DELHI /without terrace, with Ser. Qtr.,2 Car
officer. Sale, Purchase, Rent & Colla- 9910155960, 7982996096. Avail Reduced single storey, freehold, cc, 40ft. Wide Plot, Front East, Side North East, full
cheque. Surendra Properties
ury 4bhk 3000 sft Floors,East fac-
ing, ready to move 100% power
parks, power backup on 500 sq. yd.
plot, park facing, brand new const.
boration. All Sectors in Rohini. 9811-
134984, 9650045100, 9999784468 Circle Rate Benefits road, west facing, clear title, near
market. Sanjay Jain- 9711000023 9810980000, 9910980000 back-up, First Floor @ 2.99Cr, 2nd JANAKPURI C2/320 First Floor: Owner 9810060315, 9810495086
FARM HOUSE: 1 Acre, 2.5, 5 & ADITYA Floor @ 2.80Cr. # 98100-11187 2 BHK Set. Second Floor: 1 BHK Set.
Independent, Modular Kitchens,
Above. 1000, 2000 Yds at Westend PLOT FOR sale 300 sq.yds in heart
IST FLOOR nearly 100 Sq. Yd. 2 Green, Vasant Kunj, Sultanpur, Baths. Facing Park, Suits Working
Bedrooms with attached Bathroom DLF Chattarpur, Dera Mandi.
DEFENCE COL. D-163, New Const GURUGRAM of Gurgaon, Gated Colony, Park, Couple. Lease Pref. Mb: 9810947364
+ Separate drawing room + Lobby, Ravi Bhatnagar: 9810081507. @ 9Cr. nego,325yd 3rd floor+terrace Tennis court, 5 minutes from Golf
Kitchen 2 side open Corner Building garden, 3 Beds, att. bath, D/D, lobby Course Road @ 1.40L per sq.yd.
in Rana Pratap Bagh Contact : mod. kitchen, lift, SQ, P/ backup 2 CENTRAL DELHI PRIME FRONT Facing, Retail Shop # Namit Gulati 9811418455
9810009849 AZAD APPT / Vijay Mandel Enclave sep. car prkg, Rajender: 9811654291 for sale M3M Urbana, Golf Course
2/3BR's with Study, Freehold, Sun/ Extn Road, Gurgaon, Ground Floor, PIONEER PARK apartment for
Park Fac, Car Prkg, Close to Metro FOR SALE, Near Connaught place Area - 1000 sq.ft. For more details, sale Sector 61 Golf Course Extension
Stn & Mother School Opp. IIT. More Nationalised bank rented property Contact Owner - 9811369669 Road Gurgaon area 1380Sqft middle
Options # 9810766532, 9811766532 monthly rent Rs 6,60,000/ - with
floor 2bhk + SQ brokers excused
sale deed for details. Cosmos # EXCLUSIVE DEALS Plot’s &
NEWLY BUILT Stilt Parking + 4 only genuine buyer call- 9717437773
FLOORS : GKI/II 500/300y, 4 bed D/D UDAY PARK 217 Yds, Nicely Built 9650001896 Kothi’s DLF-I/II/III/IV @reasonable
Floor House 103 sq Yards in Sector-46
lift, stilt pkg. B'ment/ GF seprt entry Entire 3rd Floor with Full Terrace, Gurgaon. Each Floor has Independent Price for Sale/ Purchase, area 200, FACTORY / Godown/ Offices/ Ware
& lift. Also FF/SF/TF with terr. Excell comprising 3 Beds, D/D, S.Qtr, Lift, 2 BHK with attached Toilets. Price FOR LEASE Independent 300, 400, 500 & pair of 1000 Syd House Indl/Coml Naraina, Maya-
const/ready/wide road north facing Stilt 2 Car Parking @ 4.15 Cr. Alpha NOIDA/GREATER NOIDA Rs.2.70 Cr Owner : 8130130333 building Udyog Vihar Phase-3 : contact 9810171345 Puri, Kirti Ngr, Rama Rd, Najafgarh
Agarwal Co. 9811031960/9811302622 Properties 9810029691,9810073183 45,000 sq.ft Near NH-8, Cont - Rd etc. Reqd Plots for Builders DLF-
KOTHI 160 yd Hdsnlines / 272yds HOT DEAL sale 2 floors in same 6.5 ACRES urban agricultr land at Shristhi Realators - 9870516235, I, II, III /S.Lok I & II #98100-06330
to 2000yd Model tn / 140-3700 yd buldg. Greater Kailash-1 500yd 2nd DISTRESS SALE 1000, 2000, 9910800292 NIRWANA COUNTRY, Plot SDA C6 Block;3F, 580ft, 2 rooms,
Civillines / BD Estate/ Deals Farmz
Chtarpur / Westnd & Around, Family
Building For Sale +3rd+roof 4+4 parking@6.50+7.50
Cr. Ready. Visit: malikestateagents.
4000, 8000 mtr Factory Plot CC /
Functional Noida, Gr. Noida. Also
Khetawas distt Farrukhnagar,
Gurgaon, next to Guru dronacharya 500 Sq Yrds, Main Cedar Crest 36
Mtr Road, East Facing, with
study, kitchen, 1 bath, terrace
Rented Properties 208-2000mtr. college. 925 ft front, 40 ft road. 450ft, PNG, seperate entry, park
Settlement Deals 9873255806 At com. Sanjay Malik 9810039071
Return @ 6-9%. # 9354745589 Only Genuine buyr call 9818566620 Power Backup Facility, Av'ble on
facing, 3 side open, nr metro stn
Sale. Call 7428027309
Safdarjung Enclave 9718599010
Gurgaon, Size 75-150 sqyd @ 61lac MOHAN CO-OPERATIVE Ind.
Yes Bank 1,50,000 Laureate 3290 Sqft 14th floor,
Sector-108 ready to move contact onwards. For more Options in IREO Estate, Space available for rent App-
Indian Oversesa Bank 2,00,000 Having 10 Ph: 9310016949, 9810337814 City, Anantraj, Adani & Experion
Call: 9717877797 FOR RENT 29/6 Old Rajinder
rox 6100 sq.feet at Basement Height
11 feet. Rent @22/-p.sqft Cont. Owner
RBL Bank 2,15,000 fully furnished FOR SALE- Industrial Plot/Functional Nagar, 2nd Floor, 3 Bed Rooms, Hall, Vinod 9811097822 , 7011402340
DLF-1/2/3/4, S.LOK- 1 Wanted/-
HDFC Bank 3,45,000 residential flats, Shed-2100 Mt, Sec-85, B-Block, East Available Plots 200/215/300/ 402
Kitchen, 2Baths, S.Qtr Corner flat @
GREEN PARK, G.Flr & B'ment, coml.
30000/-. Mohan Vasudeva Brokers
South Indian Bank 4,35,000 Free hold, FARMZ WSTND / Pushpanjali / (N/E) facing, 24 Mt road, Co. transfer,
JV option, near India T.V., Infosys &
/502/1022. Old/New builder floor & 9873256123, 011-42133720 loc, fully b'ful furnshed, 3 side open
Reliance Fresh 1,95,000 Beautifully Build, Chttrpur / Vasant Kunj / 400 - 2000
yds Kothies & Flat / Vasant Vr /
Metro. 9810054354 (Owner)
kothi Available floorwise. Chawla
Estate 9560610609, 9899103600 BUNGLOWS DLF Ph-1, 2 & 4 sizes
200yd. corner buldg, ample pkg,
ready to move, suit. for chemists,
CinePolis 9,00,000 Was getting Shanti Nktn. Wstnd / Lutiyens / Def 300yd/ 400yd/ 500yd Duplex House
doctors & profls Owner 9811118088
Ind. Building 21,00,000 Col (Settlemnt Deals) 9873255806 livable vastu perfect Old & New. Call
Mohit Kukerja 9810417349 P PARK-S-166 FF, East Facing, Hill
14 Lakh
LAJPAT NAGAR-2 M block, first View, Studio Appt, 1 B/R, 1 Living ,
9810327243, 9811257394 rent per/month FARM LAND sale purchase nearby floor on 200 sq yards, park facing, Pantry, Furnished, Sunny, Airy,
INVEST IN pre rented Banks & Security, Club, Suit Foreigner
gurugon sohna Manesar Dharuhera MNC's. Located on the prime 3 side open huge 3BHK/3 bathrooms
250 Sq. Yds
Cont 9810020666
For details: Jhajjar con Ashok sharma location in A Grade buildings of DD/Kitchen. Also basement 1800 ft.
PROPERTIES FOR Sale 230/272/ 9810491457 Gurgaon. ROI - 6-8%. Please Contact 9871800565
KALKAJI, SOUTH Delhi, Commercial
285/ 450 Sq.Yds Model Town /Rajori Contact: contact for best deals 8505888666
Retail Space: Shop No.4, LSC, Krishna
Garden/Derawal/Gujranwala/Tagore BRAND NEW fully furnished Office SOUTH EXTENSIONS Part–II, for
Park & Shops in Prime Location- Kailash Jain PLOT/ KOTHIE 162, 275, 300, FLOORS DLF-1 500yd@4.50cr, DLF Rent 4 BHK + SQ Newly Construction Mrkt, GF+3, Covered Area 750 Sqft.
450m, Sec-30,36,39,44, 47,50, 51 space, For sale Suncity Business Each Floor, Total Covered Area 3000
Contact : 9899998766/01141323086 9811668809, Beautifully Built Cnr., Park 18m Rd, N/E, 162, 250, Tower, Golf Course Road, Gurgaon, 2 400yd@3.60cr, 300yd@ 3.10cr, First Floor with modular kitchen on
sft.# 9810060323, 9810462444
DLF-4 360yd@2.75cr, Sushant Lok-1 374 sq. yd. Gaumukha Contact-
Bobby Jain Duplex 300, 450m Sec-105,108, 93B, 92, 46, Area-1500 sq.ft. For more details
Contact Owner : 9811369669 500yd @2.95cr, 300yd @2.35cr, 9818413347, 011-41040493/4
48,G.Belt N/E Venus 9810417663 215yd@1.65cr. Call 9810921797 6, UDAY Park, Newly constructed
8851459821, North East Facing KALKAJI 200 sq. yds IInd Floor building, 2nd floor. 3 BHK, 6 AC.
Bank 1,12,000 5.00% 9910991770 Reasonable Price. RENTED PROP for sale Indpt Bldg.
in Udyog Vihar, Rented to top reputed REQUIRED URGENTLY Six Flats
3 BR D/D unfurnished near Metro etc. Lift, Guard, Stilt parking. MNC,
Bank, Embassy working preferred.
Nirula’s 1,50,000 Karan Rajput & CR Park 160 sq. yds IIIrd Floor
5.50% tenant, Brand new Fresh lease,3 yr 2,3,4 BHK in Sector 54,55,56 For Big
furnished 3 BR D/D on Lease Contact Owner # 9810199209.
Joint Family of Delhi.Only Direct
ICICI Bank 1,75,000 9810073684, 8410003000
5.25% EXCLUSIVE MANDATE H-12 G.K-3, lock-in,9 yrs lease, Rent 23.5 L P.M. # 9911226444, 011-26273298.
First Floor, Plot Size: 217 Sq Yards, Attractive Return 9643080590 Owners/Sellers Welcome.# D.K
KFC 2,10,000 4.50% built up area : 1600 sq feet. 2 Reserve
Car Parking on stilts. Call : Dikshit
9582764549, 8130639456
HAUZ KHAS (SFS) Apartment,
First Floor, 2 Bedrooms, Drawing/
Bank 2,20,000 5.00% Bhatia 9910629222 (Brokers Welcome) DLF − SUSHANT LOK NRI WANTS to Buy Plot/ Bungalow Dining, Attach baths, Park facing, SHOWROOM AT main Nai Sarak,
in DLF City/Sushant Lok-I, Budget no
Big Bazaar 2,26,000 5.75% VAS KUNJ :Done up 4bhk B10,C2,D2 CONFIRM SALE Industrial Plots consideration. Immediate payment.
Reasonable Rent, Contact-
Rajesh: 8920694778
Chandni Chowk, opp. Arun Vastra
Only genuine sellers call 9811078877 Bhandar, approx. 1200 sq. ft. Com-
Top MNC 5,20,000 6.50% @ 3.5onwd. Raw 3bhk 2-2.95cr. Farm 5000m Hosiery Comp., 5000m bined Ist & IInd floor, 45 ft. front on
Hse-600y,1000y,1/2 &1acr vaskunj & Sec-84, 4000m Sec-85, 1000m SALCON RASVILAS District Centre
GK ENCLAVE 1, 200Y Ground Floor
Bank 6,60,000 4.75% in Gated and Secured Location with
chatrpur.Flrs-600y vas vhr@7.75,400
y Gk2@6,SPV250@4.5 #9312502224
Sec-83, 2100m Sec-138, & 3000m Saket Availb Fully Furnished Office
main Nai Sarak Road, personal
Bathroom Contact 9910009859
Sec-80 Venus Prop. 999-999-2929 SOUTH CITY-1, (30 Options) 3/4/ 3096 sqft Flat No-10A &11(1st Floor)
PVR( Delhi ) 15,15,000 7.50% lovely View in front. Also Gk 3, 220y
Jahapanah forest facing first floor. VASANT VIHAR 400/600/800 yds 5 BHK Designer Floors @ 1.75cr Centrally A/C, 100% Power Backup. FOR RENT, New Delhi house 520/
Luxury floors & Plots at Best Value, Onwards with Lift, Parking., Gated & Owner: Surender Arora 9811151888
Uncomparable Location and peace BUY / Sell Yamuna Exp Resi Plot in Sec Security. Near Huda Metro Station. Antariksh bhawan 660/Akashdeep
9810278333 corner/Park Fac/Vastu Perfect, Rich
Specs, High End Const, Rent Options
18 & 20, Gr. Noida Resi /Industrial Contact: Indo Scottish 9990005817 440 & 708 /Ashoka Estate 800/
9650524789 LAJPAT NGR-II- Gr.Flr.(100) Furn'd Plots. Alpha, Beta, Gama, Delta, P-3, VASANT VIHAR GF, FF 3BR Kanchanjunga 983/ Suryakiran
Hall, F/H, Adj Central Mkt. Ideal for avail. D-50 Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar S.Nagri, Omicron, Sec-2, 3 Cont: Ghar 740. Cosmos # 9810001682
DLF FLOOR : 300 Yds, DLF-II North DD each floor & SF/TF duplex +
Professionals (2) CR Park Main Rd. Sansar Prop.9873731820,9871015111 facing, 4 Bhk+ servant. Pwrg terrace lawn. Park facing, Newly
3BHK (237) 2nd Flr, SQ (3) GK-1-Rent/ HAUZ KHAS Encl 500yds Bsmt Stilt backup, gated security. Mind Built A++Construction. Suits Expats CONNAUGHT PLACE Approved
buy/sell all sizes. Gujral 9810264493 Ground Triplex. 2) First Floor and SALE PLOTS Yamuna 300M/Y Lake blowing interiors. All Floor Available SOUTH CITY 1, Kothi 360 Sq.yds. / Embassy. Call: 9971229966 office Flat No. 23, Shanker Market,
Gulmohar Park 300yd Ground Floor Facing, Noida 300M/93-B & 122, Owner : 9811047417 avaliable in gated lane, north facing, FF, 1250sqft, fully Furnished, No
EXCLUSIVE MANDATE D-200 DEFENCE COLONY 325 yards all 4Bedrooms. Reasonable Price. 450M/30, Flat 29/ 3BHK / SF, excellent location to live. Contact - maintenance fee, Rent Rs. 99/sqft
Defence Colony 2nd flr+ terrace 3BR ground & basement first floor 4bhk Grover Asso 9810173911, 26511118 G.Noida Kothis 230M, Comm. 418M, Neeraj & co : 9810007353 OKHLA, MAIN Capt. Gaur Marg, Adj. Owner: 9891483481
DD staircase from inside, with lift, wide luxurious floor separate parking Corner, Samir: 9311444460/64 NSIC Metro Stn. Independent Office
road, next to park. price 6.25 cr little Ashish Sharma 9811996939 Cabins. A/C, Fully Furnished. Rent 56 JANPATH, 3,500 SQFT, Above
negotible. Dikshit Bhatia 9910629222 TIME TOWER, MG Road, Gur- 19000/- Incl. Tea/Cof, I'net, Elect, YES Bank, Front Facing, Fully
FOR SALE Industrial Noida Sec-1 & FLOORS HI FLOORS 180yd - 700yd Maintenance, Parking. 9899966622.
GK-IV NRI Colony 311 sqyds 4 Beds Sector-16 Plot/Building 450 & 800 3/4/5 BHK Lift+Stilt Parking SQ Fully gaon, Commercial Exclusive Units Furnished, 15 ft high ceilings, Lift,
G.K.-II 300 Park Facing F.F. +Bath, D/D, Sq, First Floor, Well meter 24 meter Road; 450 meter in Loaded A++ Const in DLF, S.LOK- Super Area 3200 Sqft & 3103 Sqft
Power, Security. Owner 9810133696
4.25 Cr., Pamposh 200 Furnished maintained, lift, without stilt phase 2 And Hosiery Complex & more 1/2/3, South City-I, HUDA Sectors. each with 3Car Parking & Signage
3 Cr., G.K.-I 208 F.F. Corner 3.10 Cr, parking, Back side huge park Av'ble for MNC Lease7428027309 Office Space Prop No. 68 Adchini, KASTURBA GANDHI Marg ECE
options. Mohit Gupta 9810413888 Prices 1.20cr onwards. 9810112870 Sri Aurbindo Marg, Main Road, Near
Def Col 325 G.F. 5.75 Cr. Sardana Reliance Sanjiv 9810124540 House 3rd Floor Fully Furnish A/C,
9810058884 Umesh 9810112947 IIT crossing, Upper Ground Floor, Ample Parking Office. 7000sq.ft.
NORTH GOA. 12 MIN non stop from Delhi, Kothi AVAILABLE DLF City-3 Confirm 550ft.Rs.35000/-Owner 9891483481 w'app 9999241954,9810054005 Em-
VASANT VIHAR SF + Half Terrace 180m, N/E Dupley 5 BHK study SQ & Plots & Kothis Corner / Park facing ail:
LAJPAT NAGAR Vikram Vihar 2nd ULTRA MODERN 400 yds 4 bhk sept parking Simplex 6 BHK D/D 12 mtr road area 316, 316+316 pair 400, 500syd KALKAJI 250 Yards Fully
builder Floor, 3BHK attach bath- LUXURIOUS 3 years old also many more @2.75cr RGPC (P) Ltd 26 yrs for Sale. Sumindra Properties Furnished, 3BHK 1st Floor with
room, Dining area, 2 balconies. East options 3/4 bhk 5.5 cr. onwards. 8860004733, 8826002600 Power backup, Lavish Interior with
facing park, 300meter from Metro
6 BEDROOM VILLA 9810165532, 9810165528 NOIDA/GREATER NOIDA
EAST DELHI and Ring Road # 9810235952. WITH PRIVATE POOL & Prince Arora 9899-403403 car parking, Security. Prefer
ARJUN MARG, DLF City-I, 500 Sq. Company Lease 9811155195.
5* Resort with Private Beach GROUND FLOOR 5500 sq.ft.
GREEN PARK 311 Yds SF 4 Beds Yds. Plot for Immediate Sale, Prime
PLOT IN Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar HERITAGE PROPERTY & Peaceful Location. (Brokers DEFENCE COLONY Exclnt Loctn suitable for export having
Phase-1 for sale. Corner Plot, Area Lift few yrs old, 3 stilt Parking DLF CITY-2 Plot 316 Sq yds, Q- 3 BHK attach bath, fully furnished, fabrication unit, showroom, office
Reasonable Price. Also Gulmohar CONVERTED IN HOTEL Excuse). contact Lokesh Bhardwaj -
215 sq.yds. Contact Owner Block, Park, North Facing . Surendra 9811078877 suitable for high end officials, guest & power backup in Sector-5. Owner
9818403590 Park 300 Yds FF 4 Beds New Park ALSO FOR SALE Properties 04, Poorvi Marg, DLF house, individual/ company lease, # 9810060315 / 9810495086.
Facing. Shekhar 9810537700 (100 % CAN City-2. 9810980000, 9910980000 with car pkg, lift. # 9811764644,
PROPERTY FOR sale in Surya EXCHANGE / BARTER 9599381081. FULLY FURNISHED office spaces
nagar, Ghaziabad,B blk, 355 sq.yards, GREEN PARK 3200 (full/half) DLF CITY/ Golf Cr. Road: Plots/ in World Trade Tower at DND Road.
single storey, freehold, cc, 40ft. Wide sq ft LGF Basement Main Road WITH YOUR RESI/IND 450 mtr N/E New Kothi E-176 EAST Of Kailash 220 Sq.yds Noida, 7300 sqft , 2900 sqft ,
DISTRESS SALE D-Blk NFC (500) Bungalows/Apartment/ P'houses/
road, west facing, clear title, near near Metro Market. Ideal/ highly OLD PROPERTY) 18 mtr Sec-47, Plot 450 mtr 24 mtr Villa/ Floors: Clean confirmed 3 BHK D/D, Modern Amenities, Stilt 10500sqft. Contact: Seth Realtors
market. Sanjay Jain- 9711000023 potential for Lab Institute Drs TF+ terce 4BR @6.25Cr & (300)TF+ 92,105,44. 450 mtr PAIR Sec-44, deals: Moti Ahuja 98100 12400- Car Parking, Lift Second & Third 7011748354, 9312263397
BOTH ARE ALREADY Terce 3BR@3.25Cr Sukhdev vhr TF+ 92. CORP Plot 1000 - 5000 mtr DUPLEX- FLRS DLF 500y@5cr, 402y Floor for Rent Contact Ashwani
Adv CA Call Whats-app 7827373305 / 9810719001
9810811460 Brokers welcome PRE LEASED. Terce 4BR@2.85Cr Eok 4BR@3.25Cr Sec-136 # 9810170178, 9871392196 @4.50 360y@3.80 cr,300y@3.40 cr, Gupta 9810031221
FOR SALE 900 sq feet, 2BHK OWNER: 9811141503 frnds col.E 3bhk@3.5cr#9810473675 270y@ 3.25 cr, S.Lok 418y @ 4.10 cr, GURUGRAM
flat on the Upper Ground Floor, 300 SQM, 3st., Park f. b'ful villa sec-51 300y@ 3.20 cr,270y@ 2.70cr,Suncity LUXURY FLOORS DLF/ S.Lok/ Sth L-2 MALVIYA Nagar Plot size
with attached Bath, Drawing, GREATER KAILASH-II, 300 yds GF 360y @ 3.15cr. Opaks 9999406261 200 Yds 1 BHK FIrst Floor and
/TF 4 Beds D/D, att. Bath stilt 2 Par- DEFENCE COLONY 370 sq yds. BM/GF/FF, 7000ft, latest design, nr City/ Greenwood. 215 yds @ 1.59 cr;
Fully Furnished 2 BHK Second Floor. UDYOG VIHAR-1, indpt built
Dining and stilt parking, in Independent Bungalow for Sale. metro. 403sqft shop with 55k rental, 300 yds @2.25cr; 500 yds @ 3.75cr
Bhajanpura. Contact 8920584491 king, Sq. Also 250 Yds FF/ TF 3 Beds Contact Owner 9810040488. upto 3000 sqf at GF on 1 acre plot,
D/D, parking Newly Deluxe Flat (Many Exclusive mandate. Corner, Rear Gaur city, many options. Seth onwards with pkg/ lift. Collabor- suits Industrl , storage, offce,
ation/ turnkey. # 9990305533 9819531690
More options) Shukla 9810561500 side Park, Free hold. Clear Title. Realtors 7011748354, 9312263397 Indoor prkg, exclnt location, 1 km
NURSING HOME plot 500 sqmtr Call: Ashok Kapoor # 9810115477. fm Shankar chowk. 9810636776.
0 k.m from Delhi, G. D. A approved DESIGNER FLOORS 200/250/300 DISTRESS SALE: 3BHK+2Car pkg. EAST OF Kailash B-Block,3 BHK,
in Vaishali Ghaziabad east / park Yds: GK-I/II, Panchsheel, Defence Col, 100% Power Back-UP Facing Huge New Builder Flr. attached Bath, SUNCITY SUCCESS Tower,
facing / Two side corner contact CR Park, Nehru Encl & adj. All Floors BRAND NEW Luxury Floors DLF Park, Rarest & Best deal for Modern Amenities, SQ, Indoor Sector-65, Corner 2850sqft,
Wadhwa 9810038248, 9810038249 3/4 BR, SQ, Stilt, Rich Specs, Ready/ D 104, DEFENCE Col., Brand New phase I/II/IV -215yd/300yd/400yd/- investors/Self Users, Adjn. Suncity parking, Lift 24x7 Guard Co's lease bare shell/ Built to suit, Vastu
U. Const. Tarun Dutta 9818158345 500yd 3/4 BHK lift stilt Park facing Metro. # 9354514137, 9582625226 Pref. Rent 65K # 7718816520 perfect , Brokers Welcome, Contact
3rd flr with Terrace Garden, 333 Yds,
Near metro NH8 best price. Call/- Owner-9811114877/ 8287691575
Vastu Perfect 3 BHK, Sept Driveway, DLF CITY 2 Beautiful Bungalow 300 whatsapp anytime 9718511207
WEST DELHI Top of Line Construction, Excellent
syd, North -East facing, 5BHK Duplex SUSHANT LOK-2 930yd Plot FACTORY SPACE for rent,
Location. 9811158677, 9910722122 Basement,GF,Mez.Flr.,2500 sft. each
Lift, Basement, Party Hall, Drawing E-blk corner, park facing, North
& IInd Flr. 2000 sft. at S-78, Okhla SHOP/OFFICE RENT
VISHAL ENCLAVE 2nd, 3rd (top) YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY Plots. Dining Attractive Price @ 8.25, Only CONFIRM PLOT For Sale: facing, East side open, 100
DEF COL 333y 100% Appvd Comm. VASANT VIHAR- Anand Niketan- Residential, Industrial, Agriculture Serious Users 9899990176 DLF Phase–II : N4 - 250 Sq.yds. seconds drive from golf course
Ph-II,near Gobind Puri Metro Station,
floor & terrace in 4 storey house, B’ful New Building, Corner/Wide Rd TF+Terrace Rights with lift 400yds, Owner Chawla # 9810980660
self constructed, freehold, 300 sq Land Sector-17,18,20,22D,29,32,33. and N5 - 250 Sq.yds. Cont - road @ 9.9Cr. # 98100-11187 SAKET DLF Courtyard Fully Lavishly
GK-II 450 Yds, B.New 3rd Flr+Tr.Gdn seperate parking @ 8cr & new TF+ Shristhi Realators - 9870516235, Furnished corner 1571sq.ft. office
yds, 4bed, 4bath, drawing room, Size 300,500,1000, 2000, 4000mtr. VASANT VIHAR E-5/4 1st Floor, 4
also B’ment+G.Flr, Luxurious 4 BHK Terrace Right in 275yds, Stilt 4 car 9910800292 space avail. for rent for Prestigious
modular kitchen,huge lobby, pantry, 7% Abadi, Call: 99718 47626
& Wanted Kothi. Tarun 9818158345 parking @ 7cr-Inderpal 9999327785 Bedrooms, Drawing Dining, Servant
laundry,Pooja, storeroom, lift, gated
VASANT VIHAR 400 Yds, 3rd Flr+ MATHURA/ Qtr, Car Parking, Full Security.
client only # 9811155195.
stilt parking,Near mall & metro.Loan
Terrace 400 Yds, Corner/Park facing VRINDAVAN Foreigners/ MNC only, avail. for
Available. Contact: 9999019455, Rent. # Siddiqui Estate 9810265671
98108-88588, 93122-50622 B’ment+G.Flr; 800 Yds S.Flr, Top Lo-
cation also 400 Yds, Plot available &
many more options. 9818299956 BHIKAJI CAMA Place Ansal
JANAKPURI SELLING Kothi: 150 Chamber-II Furnished Office Space
yds. park facing,225Yds.corner, livable; on 2nd Floor Area 1654sq.ft For
floors: 150yds UG,2nd & Top; 225 yds READY TO shift Luxurious Builder Lease (Metro Station 50mtr) Owner
FF/SF, 325yds 2nd flr all lift & prkng. Floors DLF-2 @ K- 20/2 top floor 9810223443, 9810254446
Chandan Bhardwaj: 9810083499. with terrace rights & G.floor 200
FARM HOUSE 2.5 & 1.5 Acres, Top C 1/19, Vasant Vihar, 400 sq. yds, YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY Plots yards 3 Bedroom D/D. #9811940340 DLF, SUSHANT Lok, South City, TO-LET STUDIO 400sqft & Single
Location Dera Mandi (South Delhi), Third Floor 4 Bedrooms D/D, Buy/Sell,Ind.Plots-300/1000/ 2000/ 8802040340, 9811011942 Sun City, Buy / Sell Plots, Houses, Rooms 100sqft GK Enclv-1, Attach
Contemporary,5 Bedrooms,Lounges, Entire Terrace, Power Backup, 4000mtr&Noida lndustrial- IT Plots- Builder floors, Collaborations. washroom, pantry, Access to roof
Swimming Pool, Beautiful Landscap- Stilt Parking, Immediate Sale. 800//62 Ecotech/UPSIDC/ Investors Contact Fairdeals (A Real Estate grdn, ample sunlight, good
ing, Vastu perfect.# 9899017788 Salwan: 9910034566, 9810063891 Welcome Rakesh 9811839181 Consultancy) DLF-I. # 9810014398 environment, High Security
DESIGNER FLOORS Avlb all sizes Clny #7982018808
Vasant Vihar, Anand/Shanti Niketan GK-II INDEPENDENT old GR. NOIDA Buy/Sell-Plot, Kothi- SALE PLOT 30 mtr Rd, Sector-46
Westend. Also Vasant Vhr Kothi 800 House Size 200 Sqyds, good Alpha Beta Gama Delta P3 Eta Sigma 1 Kanal @ 1,60,000/-. Guest House PANCHSHEEL PARK (Residential
/600/400 Vastu Perf. Wide Rd Con- location, @ 11Cr. non negotiable, Chi-Phi S.Nagri Nri City & Sec-2 & 3 Sector-45 (500 sq.yds) @ 8 Cr. Also ) Ground Floor, Main Road, A/c,
firm deal. Tara Estates 9899755500 Reliance Sanjiv 9810124540 Yamuna Exp-Sec-18 & 20 or Ind. Rent Sector-39 (350 sq.yds) @ 9 Cr. Cont: Power backup available for lease.
DEFENCE COL. New Const. 325 yd & Sell Call-9999004005,9999555100 Deep Properties 9810444293 Contact 9810072210, 9811026865
10.5 Cr Bsmt + Stilt + Gr. floor dup-
lex,3 Beds, att. bath, D/D, sep lift & DEFENCE COL 325 Yds., Bsmt, CONFIRM PLOTS for sale DLF INDUSTRIAL
3 car prkg, Also first floor 3 beds GF,FF,SF, 3rd Floor with terrace, Ph-I 500yd 18mtr road North, 12mtr PROPERTY
att. bath, D/D 7.50 Cr. 9811654291 superb Construction Ready Posses- East, 9Mtr West, 12Mtr park, DLF 3
sion,3 Beds, D/D, Lounge. S. Kumar ANAND NIKETAN, 263 sq yards 12 mtr. good deals etc. Pearl Estate
98110-31558, Desraj 98110-72035 avble luxurious 3rd floor 3 Bedroom (Anup Grover) 9871424646
PUNJABI BAGH 550 yds liveable D/D with Terrace also 1st floor 3 Bed
House @ 35; Behra Enclave 300 yd D/D, Stilt Parking.Ready Possession:
2nd Floor Corner @ 4.50 Cr. Club SFDJUNG ENCLAVE 267sq yds Salwan 9810062871, 9910034566
Road (L.G.F) Basements 1000 ft Corner park facing 3 BHK, 3rd floor
@2.50 Cr. Deep Prop. 9810444293 with Full Terrace and POTA Cabin, PANCHSHEEL ENCLAVE 3bhk
lift upto terrace, SQ, 2 car parking duplex @2.31 cr, 4 bhk brand new SEC. 105 450 M on 24 M Road DISTRESS DLF Floors Stilt Parking B-38, MALCHA Marg,375 Sq.Yards,
Arun 7678542788, Sameer @4.50 cr, 515 yards 4 bhk corner Ground Floor 3 Bed, First Floor
RAJOURI GARDEN luxury flrs. park facing 5 cark park, & many
Sec. 108 - 450 M on 24 M Road Sec. Lift DLF-1 500 4BHK @4, 360 4BHK
3 Bed & Second Floor 1 Bed D/D
ready U/C Kothi wid lift parking 8383066083 80 - 4000 M Pair at Very reasonable Top+TR @3.50, DLF-2 330 4BHK
more options Karandeep 9873111167 Rate Call - Manoj Agarwal - Power Backup.Only Expat/Diplomat.
200yd GF 1st, 375 1st, 400 llnd 3rd @2.60, 400 4BHK Top+TR @3.10,
500yd, all starting 5cr 1000 yds 3rd DEF COL 400y SF4br crnr stilt lift7cr 9650644977 200 3BHK @1.50. 9871177425
D.Salwan: 9910034566, 9810062871
wid ter kothi 200-500 avail.,Call only G.K. 217-300y 3 /4 BR stilt 3.25-4.25 PANCHSHEEL ENCL. First
serious buyer expert in house aura CR Prk 160y TF+Trc 3br stilt lift 2.25
Shop CR Prk GF+toilet comercil 1.10 Floor 345yds Plot, East Fcng, BRT MOUNT KAILASH Tower
last 15 yrs. TNJ GROUP - 7999998789 Main Rd, Prime Location. 4 BR East of Kailash Semi Furnished
9810017982, 9810364472 Bahlsons
with 4 baths,huge DD,Lobby, Lift, VASANT KUNJ church road 1000 3 Beds D/D attach bath full
PUNJABI BAGH 550 yards ready KOTHI'S : GK1-600/500/300y, S/Ext-II S.Qtr 1 reserved prkg inside drive s.yard luxury bungalows ground & Renovation best Lacation Rent
to move builders floor. Top of the cnr 500y Saket 300y P'sheel Pk 800y way. M-9810154429 first floor 5 bedroom with 3&4 car 50,000/- Sharma 9810166637
line construction, Itelian kitchen, AC, crnr, Hauz khas encl 260y, Sarvapriya parking & servant quarter.
Lift, Separate SQ, Silt parking. 4Beds, AWARD WINNING Luxurious 300 khatri 9818068888
Lobby, D/D. Owner. 9810022428
225y Corner. All wide road. Agarwal PROPERTY WANTED
More Classifieds
& Company # 9811031960, 9811302622 s.yd house for sale in Sukhdev Vihar.
Consists of 2 Independent Duplex
DWARKA SECTOR 6 Main Road PANCHSHEEL ENCLAVE 265yds, apartments with Private terrace
FARM / Vills/ Plot Sale: Chhatt- NOIDA RESIDENTIAL Plots BUILDER FLRS ready to shift DLF WANTED HOUSE / Liveable, plots
arpur Dera Mandi, Jonapur, Sulta- Sec-46,47,92,93B,100, 105, 108, SUSHANT LOK-2 500yd City -1 @B 18/3 area 270yds 3 BR
on Page 12
Society Flat 8th Floor, 3BHK, 2nd flr, 3 BR, D/D, Separate Lounge, gardens, Spacious Lounge, Gym Plot, East facing, 12 mtr road, 90 400-800yd 4 our esteemed client,
Complete Wooden Work, Lifts @ 2 Car Parking, Lift, SQ. Excellent Loc. area, Dining with a big open deck, npur,Pushpanjali,Rajokari, Vasant 128, 131, 133, Jaypee Plots Sec-128, with study prime location excellent peaceful loc. in Hauz Khas Encl, SDA,
kunj, Westend Green & South Delhi KP-1 & 2, 5% Plots in Sec-145, seconds drive from Golf Course construction,12m Rd stilt /FF/SF/TF
1.5cr. Contact 9810508418, & top of the line construction. Only internal wooden stairway, Staff Road. Contact 98100-11187 Anand lok, Gulmohar/P.sheel prk or
9810888588 Genuine Buyers Call 9811133322 Quarters. Cont: 9871000223 Cont - 9810173131, 9911186677 Call:- 99718-47626 with terr. 9811011942, 8802040340 similar 8700479680/9650657766.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 My India 11
‘Very unhappy’: SC pulls up govt PM Modi may meet Biden on
Sept 24 before Quad summit
over appointments to tribunals Shishir Gupta
leaders, the Quad summit will
focus on the situation in Taliban-
ruled Afghanistan. Despite com-
Utkarsh Anand made,” directed the court. commission and appellate tribu- NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nar- mitments to the US of an inclusive
The bench further pointed out { SUPREME COURT BENCH } nal for telecom disputes, the AG endra Modi is expected to hold a regime during the Doha process,
that some recent appointments said that two members picked bilateral meeting with US Presi- the Taliban government is full of
NEW DELHI: Observing that it is
“very, very unhappy”, the
to tribunals depict “cherry pick-
ing” and “lack of service juris- P up by the selection committee
for TDSAT were appointed else-
dent Joe Biden on September 24,
followed by a meeting of the Quad
UN-designated terrorists, exclu-
sive to the Sunni Pashtun group,
Supreme Court on Wednesday prudence” where the govern- If the government where while the government leaders at the White House, with with no space for either women
said that in a democratic country ment decided to exclude the was considering their appoint- focus on Afghanistan, the Indo- PM Narendra Modi, or minorities. The Taliban gov-
governed by the rule of law, the names from the main selection has the last laugh, ments. “This is the problem. If Pacific, the Covid-19 pandemic, US President Joe Biden ernment is also working contrary
government cannot assert its lists and chose members from there is a delay of more than a and the climate crisis, according to the UNSC resolution 2593
authority to reject the names the wait lists, which were pre- what is the sanctity year, the very utility of these to people aware of the matter. US Vice President Kamala Harris passed on August 30, 2021.
recommended by selection com- pared for future appointments. of the selections selections will go...they become Modi will first have separate followed by the first dialogue in The Quad is expected to come
mittees, headed by the judges of Hours before this hearing on a useless,” said the bench, adding bilateral meetings with compre- person with President Joe Biden. out with a statement on the Indo-
the top court, for appointments clutch of petitions that have made by us after there have been verdicts by the hensive strategic partners Japan This will be followed by the Quad Pacific, where the rule of law and
to various tribunals. highlighted massive vacancies conducting apex court favouring constitu- and Australia on September 23, summit. All the engagements will United Nations Convention on the
“If the government has the across all 15 tribunals in the tion of a national tribunals com- officials based in Washington and be held at the White House. Law of the Sea will be emphasised
last laugh, what is the sanctity of country, the Centre filed an affi- interviews?... mission as an umbrella body to New Delhi said. With Japanese Just as PM Modi will hold bilat- upon, the officials said. The
the selections made by us after davit stating that it has supervise working of tribunals Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga eral meetings with all three Quad Quad’s vision of the Indo-Pacific
conducting interviews?... We are appointed 84 members to vari- and appointing members. and Australian Prime Minister partners, other leaders are also is anchored in the Asean architec-
very, very unhappy the way in ous tribunals since 2020 and “The government will have to Scott Morrison, PM Modi will expected to hold bilateral meet- ture, freedom of navigation, and
which things are going on and there are no recommendations appointment is this? What kind The CJI told the A-G: “We make a separate body, then only advance the shared objective of ings before converging for the rejects the nine-dash line claims
how the government has been pending with it anymore. Of of service jurisprudence is this? interviewed 534 candidates for something will happen. In sev- an open, free, prosperous, and summit, the people quoted above of China in the South China Sea.
acting,” a bench headed by Chief them, 39 members were The same thing happened with the post of judicial members and eral judgments, starting with the rules-based Indo-Pacific region as said. External affairs minister S The Quad leaders will also
Justice of India NV Ramana told appointed in the current month the ITAT (income tax appellate 400-odd candidates for technical L Chandrakumar case in 1997, India steps up its engagement Jaishankar is leaving for the US deliberate on the spread of the
attorney general KK Venugopal. after the court on September 6 tribunal).” members for NCLT. Your two we talked about the national tri- through various initiatives, the on September 20 to attend the Covid-19 pandemic, which origi-
“You cannot deny access to lashed out at the government for The AG, representing the Cen- secretaries were also with us. We bunals commission. We have officials said on condition of ano- United Nations General Assembly nated in China, and review the
justice. How can people be left in sitting over recommendations tre, replied that the government travelled across the country dur- given you the solution too. It is nymity. and prepare the groundwork for production and availability of vac-
the lurch? This is the problem made by the search cum selec- has the discretion under the 2021 ing Covid on the request of your for you to now do something... India has two-plus-two dia- the Quad Summit. There is no cines for the world. The climate
everywhere. We are waiting very tion committees (SCSCs) more Tribunal Reforms Act to select government. We wasted our Please make arrangements and logues with all its three Quad meeting scheduled between Quad crisis will also be on the bilateral
patiently. You have to make than a year ago. There are names from the list of names time conducting interviews, make appointments without partners, with the first India-Aus- foreign ministers. agenda as well as the Quad
appointments to the tribu- around 200 posts lying vacant forwarded by the SCSCs and not meeting people. And then you inviting us to pass orders, which tralia dialogue held in New Delhi While the Indian PM will agenda, the officials said. Jais-
nals...tell your government,” the across 15 tribunals. all names have to be cleared. delayed these appointments for we can also do very happily,” the on September 11. deepen bilateral cooperation in hankar hosted the US Climate
bench, which also comprised Commenting upon the recent “Just like the government has almost two years. They were 62 bench told Venugopal. “It is very On September 24, Modi will political, economic, security and Change envoy John Kerry on Sep-
justices Dhananjaya Y Chandra- appointments, the bench said: the power not to accept any when we selected them. They are difficult for tribunals to func- first hold a bilateral dialogue with defence matters with all three tember 13.
chud and L Nageswara Rao, told “The selection committee name recommended...” added now 64. If they have to retire at tion... Whatever problems we
the AG. selected 11 judicial members and Venugopal. 65, why will a judge take up an have, appointment of members
It gave the government two 10 technical members for the “We think we are a demo- assignment for one year? It is is the real solution,” it added.
weeks to make appointments to
the tribunals and file a compre-
hensive affidavit in this regard.
national company law tribunal
(NCLT). But the members were
cherry-picked. There were four
cratic country governed by the
rule of law. You cannot say the
government will not accept any-
very unfortunate and the gov-
ernment has to realise this.”
As justices Chandrachud and
The court was hearing a
clutch of separate petitions on
vacancies across the tribunals
India slams Pak for using UNHRC to
“Please, file your affidavit with
vacancy and appointment posi-
tions. And give reasons wher-
names selected from the main
list and six were selected from
the wait list. What type of selec-
thing. We don’t know how you
can continue like this even after
more than a year,” retorted the
Rao mentioned the recommen-
dations made by the committees
headed by them for appoint-
and a challenge to the Tribunal
Reforms Bill, which was passed
by both Houses in the Monsoon
spread ‘false propaganda’ on J&K
ever appointments cannot be tion is this? What kind of bench. ments in the national consumer session of the Parliament. HT Correspondent Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and with which such abuses have
said, “The council is aware of been carried out exposes the hol-
Pakistan’s attempts to divert the lowness of Pakistan’s commit-
NEW DELHI: India on Wednesday council’s attention from serious ment to human rights,” the rep-
Dr Reddy’s gets nod to conduct Ph 3 Sputnik Light trials criticised Pakistan for using the
UN Human Rights Council to
spread “false and malicious
human rights violations being
perpetrated by its government,
including in the territories occu-
resentative said.
Pakistan has also been “glo-
bally recognised as a country
Rhythma Kaul assessed the updated safety, THE DOUBLE-DOSE committee noted that the firm can be conducted at day 42…,” it propaganda” against the country pied by it.” Pakistan, the Indian openly supporting, training,
immunogenicity and efficacy has now presented the safety added. as part of efforts to divert the side said, has “failed to protect financing and arming terrorists,
data from phase 3 trials that
FORMULATION OF and immunogenicity along with Sputnik V vaccine is devel- world community’s attention the rights of its minorities, including UN proscribed terror-
NEW DELHI: The Drugs Control- happened in Russia. THE RUSSIAN- the longevity of the antibodies oped by Russia’s Gamaleya from rights violations commit- including Sikhs, Hindus, Chris- ists, as a matter of state policy”,
ler General of India (DCGI) has The SEC in June had directed MADE SPUTNIK V which gives a measure of per- Institute with assistance from ted by Islamabad. tians and Ahmadiyas”, and thou- the Indian side said.
allowed Hyderabad-based Dr Dr Reddy’s to submit data from sistence of antibodies in the par- Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, Exercising its right of reply in sands of women and girls from The Indian side also rejected a
Reddy’s Laboratories to conduct Sputnik Light trials in Russia
COVID VACCINE ticipants,” minutes of the meet- Russian Direct Investment Fund response to Pakistan’s statement minorities have been “subjected reference made by the Organisa-
phase 3 bridging trials of Sput- before seeking permission to HAS SHOWN A 91.6% ing that HT has accessed said. (RDIF), that is also marketing at the 48th session of the council to abductions, forced marriages tion of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
nik Light, the single dose formu- conduct local trials. Sputnik EFFICACY RATE IN “After detailed deliberations, the vaccine globally. in Geneva, an Indian representa- and conversions in Pakistan and to Jammu and Kashmir and said
lation of the Russian-made Light comprises the first dose of the committee recommended Sputnik V, in its two-dose tive said: “It has become a habit its occupied territories”. the “OIC has no locus standi to
Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine. the usual two-dose regimen.
PREVENTING grant of permission for conduct regimen, is one of six Covid-19 for Pakistan to misuse the plat- It further said Pakistan has comment on internal affairs of
The approval was granted “In light of the recommenda- SERIOUS ILLNESS of phase III immune-bridging vaccines that have been granted forms provided by the council to been “engaged in systematic per- India”. The OIC, it added, has
last month on the basis of a rec- tions of the SEC dated 30.06.21, clinical trials in the Indian pop- emergency use approval by the propagate its false and malicious secution, forced conversions, “helplessly allowed itself to be
ommendation from the subject the firm presented updated (Sputnik Light) — single dose ulation subject to the condition Indian drugs regulator. propaganda against my coun- targeted killings, sectarian vio- held hostage by Pakistan, which
expert committee (SEC) of the safety, immunogenicity and effi- vaccine conducted in Russia that the primary endpoint The vaccine has shown a try.” lence and faith-based discrimi- holds the chairmanship of their
Central Drugs Standard Control cacy data of phase III clinical along with the proposal to con- should be assessed at day 42, 90 91.6% efficacy rate in preventing The representative also nation against its ethnic and reli- Geneva Chapter, to subserve its
Organisation (CDSCO), which trial of Sars-Cov-2 virus vaccine duct phase III clinical trial. The and 180, and interim analysis serious illness. referred to rights violations in gious minorities”. “The impunity own agenda”.
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&. .6 1.9" #"6"/:
Bimla Kumari Suri. I will be known Puri New Delhi-110058 have lost my 0" 9#07 (/501 901" : /"#.5
as Bimla Suri for all future purposes. original papers of DDA property LIG : 150"9 602 #. "5 )#07
Flat no-46, Pocket-B-1, Type -B, 901" ("69.07 9 (6("69: /".60
I, KUMARI Priyanka Gupta c/o lok nayak puram First floor DDA
'..62 15."
Shyam Bihari Gupta R/o H-block, possession Slip 483(1596), 89"70.".760 '4
Room no.302 Lotus Park Society, Gr. DDA flat, possession later DDA :7 !"- "5#0 )#" ./" (6("69:
Noida, Surajpur, U.P, changed name Certificate LIG Bearing Slip, DDA -.7 (61#.7" /: &% (9. 0"
to Priyanka Shyam Bihari Gupta. NOC(electric & water) Finder please 9#" 7.5" "" .9"
contact above the address. !- ; < &% (9. ;
< .#
I, SUDHIR Kumar S/o Gopal Thakur, !.6. ;< 7 9 .# .6 %9
R/o C-101/2, Flat No.-3, KH. No. 220, 9 ;
< 06" #-37": &$ . ;<
Chattarpur Enclave, Chattarpur, PERSONAL '#60 ..5 '0# 15.0 60#9 9095"
N.Delhi.-74, have changed the name . 09"6"79 0 ./" (6("69: .7
of my son from Siddharth Kumar I, M. Vijaya Lakshmi W/o M. Ravindra ("6 9#"06 6"7("190" 15.07 .
Thakur to Siddharth Thakur and Chary, H.No.9-4/29, Plot-29, Shiv- 19"907 55 9#" . $*
name of daughter from Nimisha anandapuri Colony, Dammaiguda .9"
Kumari to Nimisha Thakur for all (Nagaram) Village,Keesara Mandal, ./" #." - "10" 9 7"55
future purposes. Medchal, Dist. Malkajgiri, Telangana 9#" ./" (6("69: 9 602 #.
500083 declare that my correct "5 /: "8"190 9#" 6"4"79 7.5"
I, POONAM Kundu D/o Krishan name is M. Vijaya Lakshmi instead 1"97 0 #07 .6 )#"
Chander and W/o Vikas Kundu R/o
URGENTLY REQD Computer operator P-10/11/12, Rock View, Officers of wrongly spelled name M. Vijaya ""6.5 %/501 0" 9#" (6"7"9
/Accounts/Store Mgr. for Showroom Laxmi and my correct date of birth (/501 901" 07 #"6"/: 06"
Enclave, Air Force Station Palam, ./9 9#" 7.5" ./" (6("69:
at Hero Honda Gurgaon.basic Compu- Delhi Cantt-110010 do hereby is 20.03.1976 instead of 10.08.1976.
ter knowledge is must Salary:12k- 14k Both are same, please correct for all . 0 .:" 15.07 .: "0"
declare that I have changed my 60#9 9095" 6 09"6"79 0 9#" ./"
free accommodation # 9899331322 EDUCATION CHANGE OF NAME name as Poonam Kundu in place of future purposes.
(6("69: 6 #.7 .: "0"
Poonam Choudhary. In future I shall I, C Uma spouse of Army No. /2"190 9 9#" 7.5" ./"
REQD CIVIL Engrs and accountants I, REMYA Arun Nair W/O, Sh. Arun be recognized and called with the 10490146X Rank Hav. Name A. (6("69: 9#" 9#" 7.0 60#9 9095"
REQ. ACCOUNTANT for Apparel with 3-5 yrs exp in Balance sheet name Poonam Kundu.
Mfg.Firm,Sal 20-25K,Tally Must. MEDICAL Nair R/O, A-3 /150-D.PKT,A-3 Mayur Sandan resident of Vill Chinthalgund 09"6"79 6 /2"190 /" 090.9"
Also req. Sales Coordinator for
taxation, Building Const contract & ADMISSIONS Vihar Phase 3 Delhi 96, have I, ARUN Radhakrishan Nair S/O, (PO) Baliganur, Dist. Krishnagiri, 06" 9 " /"0 17"5
billing.apply Tamilnadu 635116 have changed my 602 #. "5 6 9 #0
Retail Marketing, MS Excel Must. whatsap 8576961604 Changed my Name to Remya Sh. Radha krishan Nair Mother
Sal-13-15K. Company in Noida 65 REQ. HOSPITAL Staff Dr. G.P, Ganesh For all future purpose. Date of Birth 15 May 1990 to ("67.55: .5 -09# .96"
Name Padma Nair R/O, A-3 /150-D. 15 May 1994 vide Affidavit date 15.0 6 /2"190 . 097
# 9717144113 Gynae, RMO, Nursing GNM, ANM PKT,A-3 Mayur Vihar Phase 3 Delhi
@ Great GTB Hospital- Vikaspuri, REQD EXP. Front Desk Manager (F), I 14678074P Hmt Mergu upender 31/08/2021 before M. Saravana 7((690 "0"1" +)!
96, have Changed my Name to (Notary) Rayakkottai, Krishnagiri. ,' 9 07 #"6"/: ." 15".6 9#.9 0
New Delhi-18, mob. 9540558558 / Accountant,Sales Girls for upcoming Reddy S/O Malla reddy vii,Po-Anaji- Arun Nair S/O, Radhakrishan Nair
BLUE ANGELS Global School, REQD WELL qlfd, Exp. Vice Principal, REQD. ARTICLE Clerks Qualified 9582294746 Interior Deco Showroom in Kirti puram, Mandal - Mothkur, Dist-Yad- Mother Name Padmawati Amma
Regd No. 866/2007 .:" 79.3"7 .: 15.0 ./"
Charmwood Village, Surajkund, Academic Incharge, PGT/TGT English, for Delhi Based Firm and Account’s Nagar # 9999699551, 9811132656 adri Bhongiri, Telangana, pin no- (6("69: 6 6.07"7 .: /2"1907 9
for all future purpose,
Faridabad requires following PET, Dance Teacher, PA to Princ. Walk Assistant, having Expert Knowledge 7.5" 96.7.190 .9"6 "8(06:
Lady Teachers:-P.G.T English, in 8.30 AM to 11.00 AM Vanasthali in Tally and TDS work Experience
508277 is a permanent Residence of
I, DIVYA, D/o, Shri Chander Shekhar
TENDER NOTICE .:7 9#07 901" 9#" 09 -5 9
this place I am currently posted at
Political Science, Music, Front Public School, Mayur Vihar-3 # with Professional Firm preferred. 408 sata regt wksp under 56 APO, Arora, R/o, 48, Model Town, Rewari, ."19 9#" 60#9 9#" ./" 7"55"67
Office cum Admission Counsellor. 42316717 Salary as per Experience & REQUIRED ONLY Female Computer 9 7"55 9#" ./" (6("69: . 60#9
Operator & Telecallers For Marketing jodhpur in my army service record Haryana-123401, have changed my
Visit school personally. Qualification Email Resume to: my wife, Daughter & son name is name to Divya Arora for all future 9#" (61#.7"6 9 (61#.7" 9#" of Loan Product of Bank Fixed Salary (6("69: '1# 15.0 6 /2"190
FEMALE STAFF- PGT- Eng, Chem, /Incentive Area Naraina Fresher Can madhuri reddy , Sahasra reddy & purposes.
merugu suswar reddy written which -055 /" 96".9" .7 .57" 6057
Maths, Computer Science & P.E.T. Also Apply. Contact- 9811902866
TGTs- All Subjects, Asst/ Primary REQ ACCOUNTANT Well Versed is wrong where as my wife,Doughter I, SACHIN Kumar S/o Vijay Prakash . "8.907
& son correct name is Mergu Agarwal R/o H.No. 1466, near !' *'! .+$!("
Teachers. G.D. Lancer's Pub Schl, +GST Tally, Accountancy, Taxation & REQ COMP. Opts/Cust. Serv. Rep. %$" !(/ 202 ) &
Billing Kwldg. Exp 5-6Yrs.B-1400, madhuri reddy, Mergu sahasra Hanuman Mandir, H.B. Colony,
R3/A3, Sainik Encl, Mohan Gdn, Nr below 35yr. Gud Eng.& Comp. skills- "( !("& !! ", "&#%
Sangam Vihar,Khanpur,ND-62,#981- reddy & mergu suswar reddy. Sector-29, Faridabad, Haryana
Gandhi chowk 9899304209/4210 Word+Excel. Living S.Delhi. BKC -'!%&- "%(%'"22
0646207, declare that Prisha Gupta is my
B-3/72 Safdarjung encl. bet. 5-6 pm, - 212
REQ. (F) Teachers for Primary, Seco- I, SHRI Ram Suri S/o Malik Ram daughter and Sachin Kumar,
ndary for English, Maths, Science , Em: Suri R/o N-263, Sector-25, Jalvayu Sachin Gupta & Sachin Kumar Gupta
Hindi, Skt, Art,SSt, PE.Mrc public sch- REQ FEMALE Accounts Assistant at Vihar, Noida (U.P.) I am also known are the name of same/one person.
ool, vikas ngr,uttam ngr hastsal-59, Okhla, Ind. Area, Min 1 yr exp, Good as Sri Ram & Shriram Suri. I will be My correct name is Sachin Kumar
9958043510 CV Knowledge of Computer/ Tally/MS
Office/ Internet (Salary Negotiable)
HOTEL/RESTAURANT known as Shri Ram Suri for for all future purposes. ',# %&+
all future purposes.
SH. HAZARI Lal Public School,Khera Email CV: MD/ MS MBBS NEET-UG/PG Coaching I, HAVE changed my name from //0 84 #8
Kalan Delhi-82 Req. NTT, PRT, PTI, URGENT REQUIRE for Hotel Guidance Admission Pvt/Govt College Vivek to Vivek Dhoundiyal S/o Sh.
NRI Foreign Mgnt Quota Ind/Abroad I, JYOTI W/o Pervinder Singh, R/o 97 678/96/8 /7787
TGT-Hindi, Maths, Computer, S.St., Manager at Gurgaon must have exp- H.No.52, Village Daultabad, Sector- Gyanendra Prasad R/o S-44, School
Receptionist. Mobile: 9999062376 REQD TALLY Operator with Min erience of running a hotel/ Guest-
/SAARC Country. Call:Shrijee Studies Block, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092 for 0/727 214
2yrs experience. Typing Speed 30. & Consulting Center Ph: 7827251689 16A, Faridabad, (HR) have changed
Send CV house & good corporate connections my name from Jyoti Chaudhary to all future purposes. 962896 -92"587
Cont: Shree Nath Ji Dyestuffs B-70/10,
SAMAGRA SHIKSHA- Delhi, a DSIIDC Complex, Lawrence Rd Indl REQ PHYCIAN & Gyneo, Exp Nurses, required whats up resume 9717437773 Jyoti for all future purposes. 682/187 6136 9846
registered society under Education Area, Delhi-35 ....Call: 7838881375 LabTech, RMO, Recpnt, TPA Asst,
CHANGE OF NAME I, KUNAL S/o Sh. Shambhu Nath
LOST & FOUND */8/6 /6 418621/4
department, Govt. of NCT is hiring PRO, Mkt admin, Acctts for Konarc REQD EXP. Floor Manager, 92 5"87
./43 2
manpower for the post of Resource Hospital, Nangloi # 7836016856, Sales Boys/ Girls for Bakery Outlet. Madaan R/o H.No.3H-11,NIT,Faridabad
Persons (Subject Specific) through SR. ACCOUNTANT ( BCom / Haryana have changed my name from LOST MY original Pradeshan Patr 62/*/896/*9/
Em: Mr. Crust, 2521, Hudson Lane, I, VISHWADEEP Kukreja S/o Shri
BECIL (Broadcast Engineering CA inter) with min 5 yrs Exp in G.T.B. Nagar, Delhi-9 # 9811365631, Koshal Madan, Kushal and Kaushal No-15419 Dtd 13.10.2000 issued by 8( 8( 8( *") 8
Tally, GST & TDS required for Mahender Kukreja R/o BH-90, West Madaan to Kunal for all future U.P. Awas Vikas Parishad for 402
Consultants India Limited) CPSE under 9811365633 *418 '961(/7
Ministry of I&B to work in Samagra Saraswati Accountants ( Tally 5 URGENTLY REQUIRED ICU Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088 Have purposes. Kunal, Koshal Madan, Satyam Sector-19, Vasundhara,
star Partner) at Rajindra Place. Trained Nurses and RMO at Changed my name to Micky Kukreja Kushal & Kaushal Madaan are the Ghaziabad-201012. U.P LAR No-
/5 8 "5
Shiksha-Delhi. Interested candidates
may apply online on below mentioned Cont. 9891988066, 47660066, Orchid Hospital C-3 / 91-92, REST'NT CHAIN Delhi/NCR for all future purposes name of same and one person. 20210000119462 Dtd 14.09.21 (PS
link JanakPuri, New Delhi-110058 Req : Outlet Manager, Capt, Indirapuram). If found pls contact
Phone:9650185414, 9205234585 Supervisor, Chinese Commis IN MY Education Documents my Naseem Ahmad 9868126172
Last Date: 22-09-2021 till 10.00PM.
1/2/3, Crew Call: 9870444304 I, AMIT Kumar R/o. A-21, 2nd Floor, 1(22 *62
NEO CONVENT Sr. Sec. School ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED at Sector-33, Noida, Distt - Gautam name was wrongly written as
G-17, Opp. GH-2 Block, Paschim
Budh Nagar U.P. 201301 have Deepshika but my correct name is IT IS notified for the information that 9602 $/6 % 4(2
33,345,870 764,936,158 6,736,827 MODULE ARRESTED Director, ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi invites Offline bids for “Operation, Maintenance
and Techno-refreshment of ICAR DATA CENTRE and ICT infrastructure” at
AMRITSAR: Punjab chief minister ICAR-IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi - 110012.
TOTAL COVID CASES TOTAL DOSES ADMINISTERED ON WEDNESDAY Amarinder Singh on Wednesday Last Date to apply : 29.10.2021
ordered a high alert in the state a Tender Id: 2021_DARE_648194_1
For further details please visit: and https://eprocure.
WEDNESDAY 391,253,450 People who have
got one dose 186,841,354 People who have
got both doses
day after four more members of
an Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI-
backed) terrorist module,
TOTAL COVID CASES (New cases on Wednesday) TOTAL DOSES ADMINISTERED (Doses administered on Wednesday) involved in an Improvised Explo-
sive Device (IED) tiffin bomb last
month, were arrested on Tuesday,
UT Ladakh Chandigarh Himachal Sikkim officials familiar with the matter MADHYA PRADESH
20,616 (+8) 65,164 (+2)
216,303 (+215)
30,738 (+42) said. With the recent arrests, the
state police busted the fourth ter-
323,636 (+1,813) 1,236,804 (+8,347) 787,816 (+11,785)
ror module with links to Pakistan (CIN No. U75110MP2015SGC034139)
7,655,520 (+51,118)
over the past 40 days. (Department of Urban Development and Housing, Govt. of M.P.)
UT J&K 5, Amarkantak Bhawan, Indira Press Complex, Zone-1, MP Nagar, Bhopal-
327,296 (+156) Delhi Uttarakhand Assam Taking note of the “increased
462011, Phone No. : 91+755-2763060, 61, E-mail -
1,438,345 (+57) 343,310 (+49) 596,606(+444) attempts by terror groups to dis-
9,642,436 (+94,727) turb the state’s peace”, the CM has No. Admin/PMU/2021/8273 Bhopal, Date 15.09.2021
15,490,709 9,571,305 20,740,939 (+103,135)
(+137,855) (+67,060) directed the police to be on high
alert, particularly in view of
601,150 (+41) Meghalaya schools and educational institu- Applications for empanelment of Adjudicator/Arbitrator or member of
78,729 (+243) dispute Settlement Committee for a period of two (02) years or the expiry
16,607,991 (+61,401) tions reopening, the festive sea-
1,434,091 (+8,689) of project or age of 75 years, whichever is earlier, in MPUDC, Bhopal are
Uttar Pradesh son and the assembly polls to be
hereby called from the eligible persons.
held next year, a press release
Haryana 1,709,605(+18)
issued by the information and
Application should be in the prescribed format. The prescribed format Form No. 3 [See Regulation-15 (1)(a)] / 16(3)
770,688 (+12) 90,173,295 Arunachal Pradesh and other details such as eligibility conditions and fee structure can be DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL-III, DELHI
public relations department of
19,811,861 (+419,849) 53,943 (+71) downloaded from the MPUDC website and for 4TH FLOOR, JEEVAN TARA BUILDING, PARLIAMENT STREET, NEW DELHI-110001
the state government said. HTC clarification mailing to No. : +91-755- Case No.: OA/581/2020
(+600,637) 1,052,685 (+8,468) Summons under sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, read with sub-rule (2A) of
2763060, 61. Application form for empanelment must be delivered on or
rule 5 of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993.
before dated 14.10.2021, in the written form at the mentioned office
Rajasthan Bihar Nagaland address, 5, Amarkantak Bhawan, Indira Press Complex, Zone-1, MP
Exh. No. 3316
954,226 (+17)
725,852 (+7)
30,731 (+37)
950,967 (+8,807)
6 CHILDREN DIE IN Nagar, Bhopal-462011 in office hours. Any application received after the To, (1) ASHOK BANSAL AND ORS. D/W/S/O- LATE SH SUNDER LAL BANSAL R/O F31/1,
above due date and time, will not be entertained.
Gujarat COVID RULED OUT 110014
825,655 WHEREAS, OA/581/2020 was listed before Hon'ble Presiding Officer/Registrar on 09/09/2021.
(+15) CHANDIGARH: Six children have WHEREAS this Hon'ble Tribunal is pleased to issue summons/ notice on the said Application
53,340,840 died in the past fortnight at under section 19(4) of the Act, (OA) filed against you for recovery of debts of
(+360,885) Rs. 123726664.00/- (application along with copies of documents etc. annexed).
Chilli village in Haryana’s Pal-
Manipur wal district, said officials ruling
In accordance with sub-section (4) of section 19 of theAct, you, the defendants are directed as
under: (i) to show cause within thirty days of the service of summons as to why relief prayed for
117,697 (+236) out dengue and Covid-19 as the should not be granted;
Dadra and 1,612,760 (+5,671) cause of their death. (ii) to disclose particulars of properties or assets other than properties and assets specified by
the applicant under serial number 3Aof the original application;
Nagar Haveli Mizoram Palwal’s chief medical officer (iii) you are restrained from dealing with or disposing of secured assets or such other assets
10,670 (+0) 74,068 (+1,185) Dr Brahm Deep, who visited the and properties disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application, pending hearing
village on Wednesday said the and disposal of the application for attachment of properties;
823,408 (+5,331) 1,017,393 (+16,696) (iv) you shall not transfer by way of sale, lease or otherwise, except in the ordinary course of
Jharkhand six children who died were aged his business any of the assets over which security interest is created and/ or other assets and
348,096 (+10) Tripura under 10. properties specified or disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application without the
Maharashtra 15,511,422 83,712 (+43) They died in hospital, he prior approval of the Tribunal;
6,507,930 (+3,783) said, adding that “all patients (v) you shall be liable to account for the sale proceeds realised by sale of secured assets or other
(+143,188) 3,594,574 (+63,352) assets and properties in the ordinary course of business and deposit such sale proceeds in the
69,968,837 (+1,075,445) tested negative for Covid”. All of account maintained with the bank or financial institutions holding security interest over such assets.
West Bengal them tested negative for den- You are also directed to file the written statement with a copy thereof furnished to the applicant
1,558,860 (+743) gue, he told PTI over the phone. and to appear before Presiding Officer on 06/11/2021 at 10:30A.M. failing which the
Goa The children were admitted application shall be heard and decided in your absence.
175,088 (+88) Madhya Pradesh 48,524,049 (+399,459) Due to ongoing Pandemic situation, all the matters will be taken up through Video
with symptoms of fever with Conferencing and for that purpose; - (i) All the Advocates/Litigants shall download the
1,698,749 (+10,245) 792,367 (+7) pneumonitis, loose motion and Cisco Webex application/software; (ii) Meeting ID and Password for the next date of
52,943,380 Odisha hearing qua cases to be taken by Registrar/Recovery Officer-1/and Recovery Officer-II
stiffness of body.
Karnataka (+769,247) 1,017,718 (+457)
Some local residents report- shall be available one day prior to the next date at DRT Official Portal i.e.
2,964,083 (+1,116) 26,384,305 (+336,602) under the Public Notice Head. (iii) In any exigency qua that, the Advocates/Litigants
edly complained about poor can contact the concerned official at Ph. No.23748469.
48,400,074 (+188,624) Puducherry Chhattisgarh sanitation in the village. PTI Given under my hand and the seal of this Tribunal on this date: 13/09/2021
125,063 (+124) Andaman and Signature of the Officer Authorised to issue summons
1,004,957 (+20) Nicobar
Lakshadweep 893,273
14,711,505 (+116,056)
10,353 (+0) (+6,360) 7,592 (+8)
89,362 (+729) 397,376 (+5,275)
Government of Maharashtra
Water Resources Department
State project Management Unit
World Bank Assisted National Hydrology Project
Chief Engineer, Hydrology & Dam Safety Jalvidnyan Bhavan, Dindori Road Nashik-422 004
e-Tender Notice for NCB of No. 12 of 2021-22 (2nd Call)
1) On behalf of Nodal Officer, State Project Management Unit NHP & Chief Engineer, Hydrology & Dam
Safety. Nashik-422004 (lndia), Executive Engineer, Hydrology Project Division, Aurangbad now invites bid
for “Renovation of Jalvidnyan Bhavan, Nashik for State Water Data Centre & Training Centre and
furnishing of E-classroom at Jalvidnyan Bhavan, Nashik.”
2) Interested bidders may obtain the details of item, Technical Specifications, Terms & Conditions etc at, and from date 20/09/2021 Time 10.00 hrs (IST)
onwards till last date of download of bid date 11/10/2021 till 10.00 hrs.
Executive Engineer
Hydrology Project Division Aurangabad
DGIPR/2021-2022/ROC 1954
Govt restricts funding by 10 foreign agencies to Indian NGOs on Wednesday held a virtual
conference with all Lieutenant
Governors (L-Gs) of Union Terri-
“modifications and (the) current
status of the Agriculture Infra-
structure Fund were explained”.
HT Correspondent involved in social impact funding India should be brought to the put under the prior reference cate- dation. Amnesty and Greenpeace tories to discuss a raft of federal Narendra Singh Tomar A presentation by the agricul-
across sectors in India, Stardust, notice of ministry of home affairs gory. This is a routine exercise,” he have shut their India operations. farm schemes, especially the ture ministry stated “investment
and Humanity United; the Euro- so that the funds are allowed to be said. According to the amended Agriculture Infrastructure Fund, especially in Punjab, Haryana opportunities of around ₹1,700
NEW DELHI: The Union govern- pean Climate Foundation; the credited to the accounts of the HT reached out to Omidyar, FCRA rules, which were tightened a long-term-debt financing and Uttar Pradesh. Major farm crore and employment genera-
ment has put 10 foreign donor UK-based Freedom Fund, Chil- recipient only after clearance/prior Laudes, Minderoo, Walk Free, in September 2020, any associa- scheme aimed at boosting pri- unions have opposed the three tion opportunities of over 20,000
agencies based in the US, Europe dren’s Investment Fund Founda- reference from FCRA Wing,” the Legatum, European Climate Foun- tion with specific religious, educa- vate infrastructure investment in farm laws enacted in September in 7 UTs under activities like dry
and Australia under the “Prior tion, Laudes Foundation and Lega- circular stated. dation, and Children’s Investment tional, economic, cultural and the food and farm economy. last year to liberalise farm trade. storage, pack house, cold stor-
Reference Category”, restricting tum Fund; and Australia-based A senior MHA official con- Fund Foundation for comments, social activities require FCRA reg- Similar exercises would likely “The objective of the meeting age, ripening chamber, reefer
any funding by them to Indian organisations Walk Free Founda- firmed the development on which were awaited at the time of istration or prior reference from be held with state governments, was to understand the views of vehicles, smart and precision
non-governmental organisations tion (WFF), and Minderoo. Wednesday evening. going to print. the MHA before they can receive an official aware of the matter the L-Gs on the ground situation farming etc.” were being done
(NGOs) or individuals without the A circular to this regard was “A lot of audits which were Over the last few years, the gov- or utilise foreign contributions. said on condition of anonymity. regarding schemes like the Agri- under the fund.
approval of ministry of home sent by the Reserve Bank of India pending due to Covid-19 were ernment has taken action against Moreover, all the foreign contribu- The move to collaborate culture Infrastructure Fund and The fund, which figured in the
affairs (MHA), people familiar (RBI) to all the banks on July 1. done, and foundations which are several international organisa- tions to such entities should be closely with provincial authori- its uptake,” a second official said. ₹20-lakh crore first stimulus
with the development said. “RBI has instructed that any indulging in work other than what tions including Greenpeace, credited to a designated FCRA ties on policies in the farm sec- Uptake refers to the utilisation of package to deal with Covid-19
These include US entities Omid- fund flow from these donor agen- they have mentioned in their Amnesty International, Human account, and no other transaction tor, which supports half the funds. crisis, aims to offer medium-to-
yar Network, supported by e-Bay cies to any NGO/voluntary organi- FCRA (Foreign Contribution Reg- Rights Watch, Compassion Inter- should be allowed in such desig- Indian population, comes amid The participants included long term debt financing for
founder Pierre Omidyar and zations/associations/person(s) in ulation Act ) documents have been national, and Open Society Foun- nated accounts. the ongoing protests in states, Jammu & Kashmir L-G Manoj investment in farm projects.
n 6 PAGES.
Thursday, April0
8, 2021 I want to
myself and my
audience. I’ve
Interested bidders/tenderers may view, download the e-bid document, seek
clarifications and submit their bids online up to the date and time mentioned
never slotted
myself into any
category. I’ve
smovies chosen very
Kriti Sanon wishe
to theatres different roles.
would get back
in the table below. Tender Document contains qualifying criteria for bidders.
Tuesday, April1 SENGUPTA, Actor
3, 2021
THINGS Specifications, Bills of Quantities, &Terms and conditions of the contract and
n 8 PAGES.
City GuruRandhawa
A’sed :otion
nas Delhi
the best in entertainment and
Maybetribubatesi noem
ClooneyandJu et
Roberts’movie,Ticksein w al
um toup
in Man Irrta
fan II. Date & Time of Bidding Queries/ 15.09.2021 from 10.30 hours
UStheatresnextSep couple
Rishabh Suri
Theyplayadivorcedtheir d
na Sehi Kapoor
RitupDar E
and shooting
hooting, travelling, life is all about
III. Last date & Time of Bid Uploading. 20.09.2021 upto 16.00 Hours
d, while Zhao tionary,” ning actor
of celebrating
Pulkit Samrat
Juhi Chakrabor
self walked her- Award-win industry with Bansuri: ty
several restriction of theatres, away National virus on a daily
The Father with Best Director. film juhi.chakrabort
to the Hindi the safe and follow basis, be
including shutting award for Anthony the Best Actorreturn Along with it, she is awaiting
would prefer
Sanon says she all her films.
gory in which
Hopkins, a The Flute.
cate- of a couple of other films,
one of them Baisakhi with e wanted to
brate Baisakhi
ment protocol,”govern-
singer known adds the
rical releases actor you want the Gourav was actor release Shabana Azmi.
family in Punja for
the lockdow
as an also
in The White nominated for his veteran actor in the Bengali film indus- big way this in a such as Lahore, songs
“Obviously, the OTT with year High Rated
film to reach
beyond just great Tiger. role
duced by Priyanka The film was pro-A prominent
ed in Bollywood
b; Gurdaspur,
with his family
Gabru and
course, they
audience. Of everyone is hooked on
was also in Chopra Jonas,
who she is best remember Aur Woh (2005).
Patni Daler Mehndi singer Guru
Punjab, but He may not
be able to
at the ceremonyrole in Main, Meri will have the celebration
IV. Date of submission of hard copies. 21.09.2021 upto 14.00 Hours
as one of its and meatier Randhawa
platforms, and
work more
evening saw I been celebratingus have
and fingertips.
which she plays a release. my Hindi film
rent situation, g the cur- ind Singhthis day Guru Gob-
BAFTA’s memoriam
It’s been some been shot. Ask what’s with actors segment, ional now,” she says. at home and Baisakhi
of the Panth
Sean Connery along- of unconventneeded in Mumbai visit the gurd- kids, we’d enjoy spendingAs
announced and front, and Sanon says
wick Boseman. and Chad- Maybe, I am she always wants
wara, if possible,”
that superstar says to surprise myself adding, “Unfortunahe says, the gurdwara
time with family
happening on work on the
last The latter’s The Bengali and go to
wrapped up Bottom was film Ma Rainey’s Black new: “I want into
she recently a film needs to reach the named to do something I’ve never slotted myself in Delhi and tely, I’m
We’d also go to do seva.
costume design a winner inthe differ- willdefinite
to the mela
scene. “Mimi
as it’s a and make-up and my audience. I’ve chosen very miss being
ly the
village. It’s in
based on surrogacy, categories. and hair particular category. during this the village that brings a festival
masses. It is and made in a very enter- Riz
g roles for myself.”
Him for fulfillingand thank vest Baisakhi
taining make you cry, should his film Sound award, but and
good opportunit is
festival, the a har-
touch your heart, It BAFTAs in of Metal bagged two actors, it’sna
(right)Irrfa direct-to-
are demanding releas- my
food for thought. are the editing PHOTOS:TWITTE Audiences
wishes.” a special messagesinger has
leave you with and sound cate- audience.R/ now. Producers too are
who gories.
by more people isn’t watched,” they’re The 29-year-old “May God bless for them.
digital releases digital platforms as urges
be watched
where OTT on not
everyone to
be as we eat becausethe farmers
ing their films turn stale if
rooted in areas protocols and safe, follow May of them.
films might not indulge this year
worried their OTT platforms are turningoff.
Mechanical, SKIMS
dates until
P and prosperity,bring growth
in grand Baisakhi
she says. raining release pandemic
In fact, it was to reach time.
released on profitable for all,” she signs tions involving celebra- adding, ” he says,
you want a film
, when the
many film out to be quite erings. “Covid huge gath- bless “May Waheguru
recently in Bollywood
reared its head
again and forced“We are As an actor OTT audience.... reach everything, has impacted and
everyone with
prosperity. growth
postponed again. the tival. We need just this fes- sakhi
beyond just who don’t really go on
releases to be Mimi to release. The times to fight this to everyone. Bai-
Stay safe
for a film like that
and happy!”
very excited
important for
we are in, it’s I hope things are normal even the ones “Hit aur flop
ms. hit and flop. hai. Agar hit deke
to get a release. so many films waiting
these platfor marking the
adds. and
sakhi motivates courage. Bai-
raha hun,” Samrat his definition of eeting friendsand ke liye khadahona doosron ki madad
what the producers says Sanon. explain This year,
ily to celebrate fam- brate the the singer will cele- honsla deti us, and humko
going on to hai are things etched chahiye. These
get what it deserves,” the essence — that’s Devi shrine
festival at the
Vaishno who you are— jeene ka, no matter
with memories in my mind,
happiness. is about farmer. We a farmer, or a non-
of the day, it of Baisakhi. with
lucky that I’ll his family. “I feel Mehndi, known of langar,” recalls
“At the end and not attaching Mehndi isn’t
However, singer all
the support live and yearn for
to curb Covid
He asserts that year. power,” explains supreme
formance at Devi. I have a per- Dardi Rab TunakTunak Tun,
that happiness khush ho jaunga, ya the need of social distancing is the pilgrimage Growing the 53-year-old
. Balle, Rab, Ho Jayegi Balle
Sugandha Rawal the hour, with first day of Navratri, on the parents up, he watched
hoga toh main udas ho jaunga. and Na Na
has as it is a harbin-
ulkit Samrat be family, all the people you know ger of hope
what he plans for everything. It’s
properly) 2021-end
IInd) Opening
do films such Bangistan (2015),
Fukrey (2013), and Fukrey
to be detached
Rishabh Suri on me toomuch
more. About any-
s like a
P Covid took off s,
that pressure some of
he’s the sister
day seem
from my
The date is so
first film, as
wood’s biggestof one of Bolly- the
stances are circum-
thousand only)
stars, Katrina
th birth
yet she auditioned Kaif, It so different. I might
near and venues Scan the code
film. Isabelle for her
Kaif recently first
has allowed
enjoy the moment me to just next birthday,
chats. Hopefully, even then, I’ll ensure
‘My 30
for his wedding acting debut made her
say they need job in Poland
venue in Suraj-
and booked a changes will be on Saqib
to read more with
“I had auditionedTime To Dance. Kavitaunfolds,” Awaasthi says the
as it havea partyand Covid vaccinecertif-
everyone gets Rangbaaz actor.
ility for a few actor.
check availab . Sanchita Kalra and this one
came through. films, the
kund, Haryana, no chance of Saleem’s dancer as a
I was a kavita.awaasth best piece of icates,” quips to Mumbai from
kid, birthdays and Saleem, whocame
for day timings is a big part and dancing, of course, advice
“There’s birthday plans Isabelleloves has
tie the tough. ago, admits he i boy who
even switching ever Saleem has his spe-
ouplesplanningto postponing or It will be diffi- for me. So I Bollywood. It’s a passion aqib received was big parties on Delhi 10 years
are in a thought it would given throws
often to her by her will be my second changed. “I wasa typicalDelh
brashome time
10pmto 5amin Delhi or Noida,” months of READERS: Some Khushaamadeed, little heartbroke Mumbai, the learning everyday. I’ve wand(left)
d but work,hekeep is amy back I was money to hire
have been doing period Katrina by Ekta Kapoor, lifted some scenes also d by the statement.
ays Sau- “When things like this declared as such Actor years, and I’ve
got used to it for the film. It’s just Kaif
and his 2015
film from his wishes the platform He owingtoherw
might be difficult,”s says,
teach us to value to our valued
SAQIB SALEEM, it. It doesn’t beginning,
everything there’s PHOTO:VIRAL
“I’m not lookingLoev.
which explores
sexual rape. the issue of homo-
edged the authors “acknowl- ork
intimate. rabh Aswal,
who is getting happen, they wedding
we have. A
left to do.” money from to recover “Those and claimed of the poster” commitments
April 25.
readers. them, bly were shown actors proba- that
, Creative marriedon ekPateria, who what have to be a big party.” just want them or sue them. I decision, not “...this was a
to pose. So, a reference
SHIVAN GUPTA ForAbhish doesn’t NOTE TO READERS:Som nice and not to know that it’s not everybody knew image over, Saria an accident”. More-
off from his okay,” says they were plagiarising that wants people
director, Amaara
took two months
sponsored contentdoes e ofthecovera
or shallappear thatappears onour pages
pointed Saria.
ture are we
“What kind
a disap-
director, who ,” says the accountable
to be held
like I’m adding their actions. “I feel
in where you a cul- Film Award won the National filmmakerKira
in any partofHT is paid Scanthe code
withoutit being for by theconcerned to the chain.
marketing meeting can have a for next time someone
direction in best non-feature The
declaredas brands. to read more
suchto our valued No
body else’s idea? and take some-
and subscribe to
post, ALTBalaji them to pretendand harderfor
as if it’s not
Saria was thechairperson
thing,” he concludes. a anguished by
the incident ofthefestival
asset division under theaterisation Applications are invited for admission to Ph.D.
programmes on all India basis in the following disciplines
for the academic session 2021-22
Rahul Singh “Theatre commanders will • Agricultural • Horticulture • Extension
become operational command- Meteorology (Vegetable Education &
ers in the long run, and they will • Agronomy Science) Comm. Mgt.
NEW DELHI: Chief of Defence report to the chairman, chiefs of • Biotechnology • Energy Science & • Human
Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat staff committee (COSC),” Rawat • Entomology Tech. Development &
on Wednesday brushed aside said. CDS wears three hats — he • Farm Machinery & Family Studies
• Extn. Education
concerns of the Indian Air Force is the permanent chairman of Power Engg.
• Food Technology • Agril. Economics
(IAF) about the division of its COSC, heads the department of • Processing & Food
• Plant Breeding & • Biochemistry
assets under the theaterisation military affairs (DMA), and is the Engg.
Genetics • Botany
model under consideration to single-point military adviser to • Soil & Water
• Plant Pathology • Business
best utilise the military’s resour- the defence minister. Engg.
• Soil Science Administration
ces, arguing that the 36 Rafale In response to a question on • Apparel & Textile
fighter jets ordered from France General Bipin Rawat the IAF needing more combat • Horticulture • Chemistry
(Floriculture & Sci.
were split into two squadrons to squadrons, Rawat said fighter • Family Resource • Microbiology
tackle likely threats emanating which was fought on the two jets were only one of the ele- Mgt. • Sociology
• Horticulture
from the westerns and eastern
fronts. The current theaterisa-
tion model, which has the full
ments of the air force’s power.
“The S-400 air defence missile I F¹FFÊ»F¹F, ³F¦FS ´FFd»FI d³F¦F¸F, ·Fû´FF»F (Fruit Science) • Food & Nutrition • Zoology
One Rafale squadron is based backing of the government, systems are coming (from Rus- ¹FFadÂFI d½F·FF¦F (¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F) ¦Fûd½FaQ´FbSF (¶Fe.E¨F.BÊ.E»F.) Minimum Qualification: An Overall Credit Point Average (OCPA) of
at Ambala in Haryana while the seeks to set up four new inte- sia), the IAF last week inducted 7.00 (out of 10.00) or 70% marks or equivalent at Master’s level in the
other is coming up at Hasimara grated commands for synergy in the medium range surface-to-air Ii . 147/¹FFa.d½F./2021 d³Fd½FQF AF¸FaÂF¯F §Fû¿F¯FF-´FÂF ·Fû´FF»F, dQ³FFaI 14/09/2021 respective or related discipline and OCPA of 6.00 (out of 10.00) or 60%
marks or equivalent at the Bachelor’s level. For reserved categories i.e.
in West Bengal. operations — two land-centric missile systems…Look at the d³F¸³Fd»Fd£F°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FÊ WZ °Fb Qû d»FR FR F ´Fðd°F IZ A³FbÀFFS ¸F.´Fi »FûI d³F¸FFʯF d½F·FF¦F ¸FZÔ IZ ³ýieIÈ °F ½¹F½FÀ±FF IZ SC/ST and BC/OBC candidates minimum eligibility marks shall be 65%
Rawat also said that India was theatres, the Air Defence Com- modern aircraft and other sys- Aa°F¦FÊ°F ´FaªFeIÈ °F NZ IZ QFS ´FSÀFZ³MZ ªF ¸FûWS ¶FaQ d³Fd½FQF¹FZÔ d³F²FFÊdS°F ´Fi´FÂF ´FS AF³F»FFBÊ ³F AF¸FadÂF°F I e ªFF°Fe W` Ü and 55% respectively at Master’s and Bachelor’s level.
looking at the possibility of rais- mand and the National Maritime tems you have. We are looking at
ing a rocket force with different Theatre Command. creating a rocket force because Ii . AFG³F»FFBÊ ³F I F¹FÊ I F ³FF¸F A³Fb¸FFd³F°F ²FSûWS ´Fi´FÂF I F¹FÊ WZ °Fb d³F²FFÊdS°F I F¹FÊ I e A½Fd²F Last date for receipt of applications
d³Fd½FQF Ii . SFdVF SFdVF SFdVF EÀF.Aû.AFS. Without late fee 14.10.2021 With late fee of Rs. 1,000/- 21.10.2021
types of missiles in its arsenal. In July, IAF chief Air Chief the more aircraft you keep in the
CDS said the Rafale aircraft Marshal RKS Bhadauria flagged air, the more will also be on the 2021_ CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT 18 (EIGHTEEN) For applying online
901.787 MP UAD The candidates can fill online application form through PAU website
had been split ab intio between concerns about the theaterisa- ground. Look at the air defence 1 UAD_ OF BARASIYA BUS STAND ARIF 9,01,788/- 20000 Months including
Lakh ISSR 2021
159578_1 NAGAR WARD 16 ZONE 04 rainy season
the air force’s western and east- tion model, arguing that it was systems that are coming up.”
1. Interested bidders can view the NIT on website For applying offline
ern air commands but when the critical to first get the structure Rawat said aircraft like Rafa- 2. The Bid Document can be purchased only online from 10:30 A.M. (time) 15.09.2021 (date) to 17:30 P.M. (time) The Prospectus can be obtained from the office of the Additional Director
time comes the assets would be right, even as Rawat gave out les and Sukhoi-30s were capable 21.10.2021 (date) of Communication, Communication Centre, PAU, Ludhiana. The duly
operated together along either details of the plan to achieve of undertaking up to six sorties a 3. Structural design and drawing provided by contractor to the engineer-in-charge should be approved by Govt. completed application forms should reach in the office of the Registrar,
front. “Assets are distributed ab jointness and brushed aside the day compared to three for the Engineering College. Thapar Hall, PAU, Ludhiana-141004 on or before the due date.
initio before war starts, and they reservations. Asset split, leader- older MiGs. CDS said future wars 4. For electrification related works : it is mandatory for bidder should have own “A” Class electrical registration or For course details, qualifications, eligibility criteria, entrance tests,
are allocated and reallocated ship and dilution of the powers would be different and integra- agreement with “A” Class electrical registration Holder (Attach as per). fee and other details, visit the University website (
depending on how the threat of the chiefs are key concerns for tion among the three services 5. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be held in the office of the In. Chief Engineer (Civil), Near Tatpar Petrol Pump, Smart Application forms, which are incomplete/without entrance test fee
City Campus, Govindpura BHEL Bhopal (M.P.) at 11:30 A.M. (Time) on 21.09.2021 (Date) to answer question of (wherever applicable)/received after the prescribed date, will not be
evolves. Grouping and regroup- the IAF on the theaterisation was critical to tackle new
intending bidders, if any. The Chief Engineer (Civil) reserves the right not to answer a question raised by a bidder. considered.
ing of military assets before, dur- move, as previously reported by threats. 6. Amendments to NIT, if any, would be published on website only, and not
ing and after combat will always HT. Last week, HT reported that in newspaper. Note: The University awards various scholarships/stipends/
happen,” Rawat said while deliv- CDS said that the three chiefs the creation of theatre com- 7. The initial period of 3(Three) year or 3 rainy season after completion shall be treated as Defect Liability Period (DLP). fellowships. For details, visit the University website
ering a talk on defence reforms will be responsible for raising, mands could take two to three 8. The bidder should have own plant & machinery required for asphalting road work and c.c. batch mix plant and 7876 Registrar
at the India International Centre. training and sustaining their years, with senior officers from having ownership/agreement papers for plant and machinery. In. Chief Engineer
He said allocation and reallo- respective services after the the- the three services being assigned Municipal Corporation Bhopal
cation of assets took place dur- atre command model is fully key responsibilities to finalise T.N. 603/021/022 District Bhopal
ing the 1971 India-Pakistan war, functional. the joint structures.
The all-new HT city
aims at bringing the
best in entertainment
and lifestyle straight
to your doorstep and
n 6 PAGES. f @HTCITY t
I want to
08, 2021
Thursday, April surprise
myself and my
audience. I’ve
never slotted
myself into any
category. I’ve
movies chosen very
Kriti Sanon wishes
to theatres different roles.
would get back
Tuesday, April SENGUPTA,
13, 2021
City Delhi
n 8 PAG ES.
Chopra Jonas
and Nick Jonas
City Guru Randhawa
I’m nee
A’s emoti
Maybetributai : onal
mb esnow
ToParadise,will ptember.
in Mu to Irrfan
na Sengup
and Rishi
Rishabh Suri US theatresnextSe
and shooting eir
hooting, travelling,
again — Kriti
Sanon’s life
is all about
such as
that. With a
host of biggies epeating
Bhediya and daughterfromr
Titas Chowdhury
irector Chloe
Bachchan Pandey, Zhao’s Nomadland .com
kitty, she is of
Ganpath in herwas also recently
And it
theirmistake. has emerged
as the bigtitas.chowdhury@hindustantimes
this year’s BAFTA winner at a more open
mind now. I
want to keep content being churned out
Guru Randhawa
2021, bagging Film Awards
course excited. she will join Prabhas
including Bestfour major trophies,that the kind of today is revolu-
announced that in Adipurush.
and Saif Ali
Khan and Actress award Film. Even the Bestin the Hindi film industrySengupta. The is missing the
in Covid cases was won by Rituparna joy
t feels
Despite the rise reimposed,
Frances McDormand, its actor,tionary,” says actor is all set
of celebrating
Juhi Chakraborty
self walked while
away with Best Zhao her- Award-winningindustry with Bansuri:
Pulkit Samra
several restrictionsof theatres, The Father National
Director. Hindi film virus on a daily
including shutting won the Best return to the awaiting the safe and follow basis, be
with it, she is
Sanon says
she would prefer
for all her films.
theat- award for Anthony
gory in which
The Flute. Along of other films, one of
Hopkins, a cate- them Baisakhi with e wanted to
ment protocol,” govern-
singer known adds the
rical releases an actor you want the Gourav was Indian actor Aadarsh release of a couple Shabana Azmi. brate Baisakhi
the lockdown
as OTT
beyond just the great
in The White
also nominated
Tiger. with
for his role
veteran actor
name in the
Bengali film
family in Punjab; big way this
with his family
in a such as Lahore,
Gabru and Patola.
for songs
High Rated
film to reach duced by Priyanka The film was pro- A prominent in Bollywood Gurdaspur, in
course, they
audience. Of everyone is hooked on
was also in Chopra Jonas,
attendance try, she is best
at the ceremony role in Main, Meri Patni
Aur Woh (2005). Daler Mehndi singer Guru
Punjab, but He may not
be able to
platforms, and
as one of its and meatier will Randhawa have the celebration
work more
the 30-year-old, a surrogate mother, Indian actors
tributes being
paid trate on Bangla Kerala. But I would want A lot festivals at
farmers cut
their crops.
Irrfan and Rishi to late and now. home. Considering And on this
which she plays a release. who passed
away in April Kapoor, Bangladesh on my Hindi film career rent situation, the cur- day
ind Singh laid Guru Gob-
for film was is being made. says. this year too
is also waiting time since the
BAFTA’s memoriam 2020, in concentrate the founda-
in Delhi and
she recently named a winner will definitely
as a film needs it’s a
costume design in
and make-up the and my audience. chosen very
differ- miss being to the mela
scene. “Mimi category. I’ve in
during this the village
the village.
It’s a festival in
based on surrogacy, categories. and hair
masses. It is
Riz any particular
a very enter- Boseman, had Ahmed, who along with roles for myself.” “For time. But like that brings
and made in and challenging every day, I’m ness.”
a lot of happi-
unique subject It is something that will Actor as well, been nominated for Best (Above)
ent Rishi an option for Sengupta? a global remember Godgoing to
taining manner. make you cry, laugh, and his film Sounddidn’t bag the award, but OTT
So, isand
Kapoor to reach Since Baisakhi
Him for fulfillingand thank
it’s a good opportunity
of Metal bagged direct-to- vest festival, is a har-
touch your heart,
PHOTO: TEJAS (right)
It should BAFTAs in two actors,Irrfan are demanding releas- my the
a special messagesinger has
food for thought. the editing and PHOTOS: TWITTER/Audiences too are
leave you with more people who are gories.
sound cate- audience. now. Producers The 29-year-old “May God bless for them.
digital releases digital platforms as they’re
be watched by where OTT isn’t watched,” urges the farmers
everyone to as we eat because
on not be safe, follow
turn stale if
rooted in areas ing their films protocols and May this year of them.
films might are turning not indulge
dates until worried their bring growth
she says. in grand Baisakhi
time. OTT platforms
and prosperity,”
raining release pandemic to reach released on all,” she signs
off. celebra-
In fact, it was tions involving he says,
you want a film
adding, “May
when the profitable for erings. “Covid huge gath- Waheguru
recently in Bollywood, many film out to be quite
again and forced“We are As an actor reach has impacted bless everyone
and prosperity. with growth
the OTT audience....
reared its head not
postponed again. tival. We need just this fes-
beyond just who don’t really go on
Happy Bai-
releases to be Mimi to release. The times to fight this sakhi to everyone.
for and happy!” Stay safe
a film like that
very excited
important for
we are in, it’s I hope things are normal even the ones “Hit aur flop
hit and flop. deke
to get a release. so many films waiting
these platforms. kuch nahi rakha
hai. Agar hit
marking the
time of har-
soon. There does too, soon, par lockdown ukhad vest of winter
Sugandha Rawal betterment,
hoping Mimi I don’tk now bhi main ghar hi crops. “I and the will
toh main kya before
feel all
release. I am
Actor others. Apne to help
together for
mid 2021. KRITI SANON, sense of hope festivals give us a
baitha hoon, parties in future,” liye
karta hai, lekin to har aadmi
sometime around are deciding. It should
observes, adds. he and
sakhi motivates courage. Bai-
raha hun,” Samrat his definition of
eeting friends ke liye khada doosron ki madad
what the producers says Sanon. ily to celebrateand fam-
This year, the honsla deti us, and humko hona
going on to explain brate the festival singer will cele- hai jeene ka, are things etched chahiye. These
get what it deserves,” the essence — that’s at the Vaishno who you are no matter
with memories in my mind,
happiness. is about Devi shrine — a farmer,
of the day, it of Baisakhi. with his family. farmer. We or
all live and yearna non- Mehndi, known of langar,” recalls
“At the end and not attaching
However, singer
Mehndi isn’t
lucky that I’ll
be “I feel the support
you being happy, ki yeh missing it this Daler Mata Vaishno at the holy cave of of the supreme for
power,” explains
Bolo Ta Ra Ra, for hits such as
He asserts that
to curb Covid
to a condition year.
social distancing formance at Devi. I have a per- Dardi Rab Rab,Tunak Tunak Tun,
that happiness khush ho jaunga, ya the need of is the pilgrimage Growing up, the 53-year-old. Balle, and Na Ho Jayegi Balle
Sugandha Rawal the hour, with first day of Navratri, on the he watched
hoga toh main jaunga. the sec- parents participate his Na Na Na Na
main udas ho good
ond wave of
Night curfew
Covid-19 on Baisakhi,” which starts He feels the Re.
sugandha.rawal@hindustantimes nahi hua toh if you have a “Being cautioushere. he says. gurdwaras for in kirtans at
brate Baisakhi best place to cele-
of 2021, You are blessed up every morn- today will The festival the festival hasBaisakhi. For him,
nce the beginningbeen shoot-
is especially (if we follow is at home. “I think
g plans
ensure we get tant for farmers, impor-
Scan the code being grateful always been about
family, you wake
has as it is a harbin- all the protocols
ulkit Samrat his projects, be people you know ger of hope
what he plans for everything. It’s
properly) 2021-end
Plagiarism row:
demic. single, Ragda.
ment of the
YADAV/HT wedding
and Fukrey
being compared Sanam Re (2016),
Returns (2017). soon be seen as a
Next, he will guy from Delhi” in
to sister Katrina “happy go lucky
the film, Suswagatam
deed. “There
are other diverse
he adds.
e ago’
o be detached
play on me
Rishabh Suri too
more. About much any-
like a decad
P Covid took off
that pressure some of
S seems
he’s the sister
first film, as from my
The date is so wood’s biggestof one of Bolly- the circum-
stars, Katrina stances are
yet she auditioned so
It has allowed different. I might
near and venues
Scan the code film. Isabelle for her first me to just next birthday,
Kaif recently enjoy the moment chats. Hopefully, even then, I’ll ensure
‘My 30th
for his wedding acting debut made her
say they need as it and
job in Poland to read more with Time To
Dance. Kavitaunfolds,” have a party certif-
venue in Suraj- “I had auditioned says the their Covid vaccine
and booked a changes will be
on Saqib for a few actor. everyone gets actor.
check availability Sanchita Kalra and this one
came through. films, the Rangbaaz
kund, Haryana, no chance of Saleem’s dancer as a
kid, and dancing,I was a
kavita.awaaThe best piece of
and icates,” quips came to Mumbai from
Saleem, who
for day timings. birthday plans advice Isabelle
tough. “There’s is a big part of course, has birthdayshis spe-
ago, admits heha
to tie the even switching of Bollywood. ever Saleem
ouples planning are in a postponing or for me. So I It’s a passion aqib received was big parties on Delhi 10 years a typical Delhi boy who
It will be diffi-
thought it would given throws
often be my second
AKHIL NARANG, knot this month impo- to day functions. will attend lenging and
fun,” be chal-
cial day.
to her by this
“But her will Covid-19,” changed. “I was fights and rode my car
the who The 30-year-old,she tells us. elder sister.
spoiled by loved to get into Sugandha I came to
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for her second wrapped birthday
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the actor, that he Delhi boy has I’ve web showand
Suswagatam film, says brashome
10pm to 5a m
in Delhi orN oida,” months of READERS: Some Khushaamadeed, little heartbroken Mumbai, the time back I
learning everyday.
but work,he is amy money to hire
P keep
E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Climate finance: Create
A lifeline for the a level playing field
telecom sector John Kerry must back
enhanced access to
financing and, instead, will have to tive to invest in these.
pitch for market funding. Second, developing countries lack
In this context, an essential step for capacities even towards the develop-
The government has done well to step financial markets for these large developing countries is ment of bankable projects beyond the
clarity on which activities and invest- renewables sector. But, perhaps, the
in. Now, sustain the spirit of reforms developing countries, ments would be deemed green. The most critical is that the cost of capital
stepped-up grants, and harmonisation of taxonomies (com- is significantly higher, making green The need for finance now extends into the large-scale deployment of
ne way of looking at the Union Cabinet’s prehensive classification systems) investments more costly. This is pro- green hydrogen in industries and adaptation. This will need longer-term
decisions on the telecommunications sector multilateral financing with relatively precise and consistent jected to further increase due to the and lower-cost finance, and better access to global capital markets HT
definitions, therefore, would be use- impact of climate vulnerability on a
announced on Wednesday is to say that
nited States (US) climate ful, if not imperative. country’s sovereign credit rating, wor- cal assets and the loss of agricultural ciency enhancement and into other
these should have been taken long ago. The envoy John Kerry visited Moreover, agreed data disclosures sening the financial burden and eco- productivity, their handling is likely to activities such as the large-scale
more pertinent way of looking at them would be that India for a second time regulations (mandatory versus volun- nomic challenges. be beyond the abilities of insurance deployment of green hydrogen in
in six months, continu- tary) and standardised Moreover, the cost of companies and, maybe, even govern- industries and adaptation. This will
they have come just in time to offer relief to a ing the hardsell to get green ratings would create hedging, ranging from ments. need longer-term and lower-cost
beleaguered sector. The redefinition of adjusted India to commit to net- sufficient granularity around 3% to 6% for Indian The need of the hour is, therefore, finance, and better access to global
gross revenue (AGR), prospectively, not zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions needed in the project companies, negates the cost not just the $100 billion a year pledged capital markets in addition to grants
by 2050. The US also sees huge busi- description, and positively advantage of raising climate more than a decade ago, but even and multilateral financing.
retrospectively, the enhancement of the life of ness opportunities in India’s climate impact the private sector’s finance from international more. Anchoring such funding in Given the scale of climate finance
spectrum by 10 years, the removal of a financial actions, particularly 450 GW of borrowing abilities in global Manjeev markets. multilateral development banks requirements, the collaboration of the
constraint to spectrum sharing, and, more renewables by 2030. An India-US Cli- markets. A de-risking mechanism, (MDBs) may allow their higher rat- developed world would have to go
mate Action and Finance Mobilising In parallel, to protect the
Singh Puri particularly on lowering the ings to potentially play a pivotal role beyond somehow totalling up all its
importantly, a four-year moratorium on all Dialogue was jointly launched by financial stability of devel- currency risk, is, therefore, in reducing the risk perception in pro- development cooperation and ensure
spectrum and AGR dues come as a lifeline to the Kerry and India’s environment minis- oping countries, it is impor- another imperative, more so jects. It could at least provide seed a clear segue for better access to its
sector. It should ensure that the sector does not ter Bhupendra Yadav. It rightly under- tant to ensure that central bank regu- as developing countries fear the costs finance to help accrete low-cost funds capital markets for developing coun-
lines the importance of financing. latory systems are in place for green of bearing the risk of currency move- from other sources, including long- tries.
become a duopoly and encourage companies to Globally, financing is the bait held investments. Growing allegations of ments which can have a severe term bonds. Kerry has been strongly committed
invest in customer service and new technology. Sure, out to developing countries to come greenwashing need to be tackled by impact on their fiscal deficits. Such an Such facilities could be both in the to global action on the climate crisis.
companies have to pay an interest on the dues on board net-zero by 2050, but it has regulation, as the alternative would effort — coupled with the harmonisa- form of fund-based products and non- He must put his weight behind this
remained in limbo since the Copenha- be the misallocation of global capital tion of taxonomy at a global level — fund based products such as first-loss enhanced access to financial markets
during the moratorium, but they have the option of gen Conference of Parties (COP) of based upon false data between econo- would also encourage the floatation of guarantees and assist in the exit from for developing countries along with
doing this through equity (an option some of them 2009 where the then President Barack mies competing for funds. green bonds, decidedly better for fossil fuels, while meeting the need hugely stepped-up grant and multilat-
will actively consider). And the government has Obama and the leaders of Brazil, Further, developing countries face long-term infrastructure projects for development with equity in devel- eral financing. This is, in fact, a sine
South Africa, India, and China fundamental financing barriers for than commercial finance from banks. oping countries. qua non for a just transition.
retained the option of converting remaining dues at (BASIC) hammered out the Copenha- investing in new green technologies Additionally, equal attention needs In recent years, India has seen the
the end of the moratorium period too, to equity. gen Accord. and scaling up their climate actions. to be paid to adaptation given that the raising of a fair amount of green Manjeev Singh Puri is former ambassador
Vodafone Idea is the biggest beneficiary of the new However, the agreed figure of $100 First, green technologies have warming effects of most GHGs occur finance, but this has been primarily and distinguished fellow, TERI. Sharmila
billion a year is still a distant proposi- higher capital costs in comparison to with a lag of 20-50 years. This means from domestic sources and aimed at Chavaly, adviser, National Institute for
announcements; it owes the government around tion. As things stand, larger develop- conventional technologies, primarily that even if annual emissions fall to mitigation, mainly towards renewa- Smart Government and Manish Choura-
₹50,000 crore . Bharti Airtel owes the government ing countries in the G20, including due to their unproven status on the zero now, temperatures will keep ris- bles. sia, managing director, Tata Cleantech
around ₹26,000 crore. India, may even find themselves effec- impact of the operational efficiency of ing. Indeed, as extreme weather The need for finance now extends Capital Ltd, contributed to the piece
tively excluded from concessional production, often making it prohibi- events propel large-scale loss of physi- beyond low-hanging fruit such as effi- The views expressed are personal
The announcements (which also allow 100%
foreign direct investment in the sector through the
automatic route) come shortly after the government
decided to scrap a controversial retrospective tax on
transactions involving underlying Indian assets Restoring the credibility { RAJNATH SINGH } DEFENCE MINISTER
future telecom policy. India’s telecom policy has to the US by undermining the credibility of Eminent bankers who participated in the
market-based capitalism. frauds have been implicated and their reputa- Indo-US strategic partnership.
evolved in fits and starts, and usually disadvantaged There were multiple causes for the 2008 tions deservedly ruined. In the eyes of the pub-
incumbents while favouring new entrants. crisis, but none of the principal actors in the lic and taxpayers, poetic justice is being done.
India’s telecom revolution sparked a change in the financial services industry or regulatory While holding defaulters and money laun-
authorities were held accountable for the derers accountable, the Modi government has
social, economic and political structures. The spread colossal damage. Regulatory failure and pred- reduced the sway of public sector banks in
of first mobile phones, and then smart phones, led to
enhanced connectivity, empowered citizens,
expanded access to information, generated
atory misconduct were given a free pass, with lending, with their share in loans declining
a tacit bipartisan consensus protecting the from 74% in 2015 to 59% by December 2020 —
elites responsible for the gravest economic a period where the loan share of privately run
A year after the Abraham
downturn since the Great Depression. banks nearly doubled from 19% to 36%.
economic activity, made India a more attractive
destination for foreign investment, sparked off
This was different from the major financial After a series of mergers and consolida-
crises of the preceding two decades — the sav- tions, the number of public sector banks now
ings and loan scams of the 1980s led stands at 12, down from 27 in 2015. By
Accords, it serves as a
newer forms of political mobilisation, and
democratised society. Wednesday’s announcements
ensure that this story continues — for now. A
to hundreds of prosecutions, while
the 2001 dot-com crash exposed
accounting scandals for which sev-
giving no quarter to Italian-suit
wearing corporate bandits, the credi-
bility of market-based capitalism has
ray of hope in West Asia
eral star CEOs and executives went been firmly established.
thriving sector cannot be built on the backs of failed to jail. This legitimacy has created politi- n these challenging times, it is natural to nities for regional and multinational coopera-
companies. This lack of accountability has
ultimately undermined the credibil-
ity of market-based capitalism in the
eyes of the American public, with
cal space for India to pursue the next
series of economic reforms. Privati-
sation of public sector enterprises
(including banks) is now the official
I seek out beacons of hope and optimism. tion in energy, sustainability, tourism, secu-
Today, we can focus on a beacon, lighting rity, and much more. Thirty-four agreements
the path to a better future in West Asia. A are currently underway between Israel and
year ago, Israel, the United Arab Emirates the UAE, with 14 already signed on topics ran-
India’s farmers pro-socialist economic ideas gaining policy of the Union government and
ground, especially with the younger popula- a regime of rules-based regulation is taking
tion, which is most scarred by the fallout of centre-stage across sectors.
(UAE), and Bahrain signed the United States ging from cooperation in the fields of health
(US)-brokered peace and normalisation and the environment to collaboration in agri-
agreements known as the Abraham Accords. culture. Israel is working with Bahrain on 21
need a ‘new deal’ the 2008 crisis. The government’s asset monetisation plan
In parallel, India has been seeing a different must also be welcomed for the same reason,
churning over the last decade. Where the as it reorients the role of the government from
On hearing about these agreements, my agreements, having already signed 12, includ-
thoughts immediately went to how much ing in economy, tourism, and communica-
potential they hold for both our Israeli and tions.
credibility of capitalism has been undermined asset operator to passive owner, and releases Indian friends, since India has so many busi- Over the past year, we have already seen
he average farmer in India earns ₹27 per day
in the US, its credibility has been burnished in capital for reinvestment into more infrastruc- ness connections with the UAE the beginning of the commercial
from cultivation, according to statistics from India due to measures such as the insolvency ture and welfare projects. that can also include Israel. collaboration between companies
the latest Situation Assessment Survey (SAS) and bankruptcy code (IBC). It is in this fast-changing context that the The September 15, 2020 cere- in the region and Indian and Israeli
As India enters the fourth decade since the Prime Minister (PM)’s February speech in mony on the White House lawn companies, both in trade organisa-
which covers the period from July 2018 to June 2019. 1991 economic liberalisation, it is important to Parliament, extolling the importance of pri- was a historic event with the poten- tions such as the new Chamber of
An analysis of these numbers, in this newspaper, underscore how important these measures vate businesses and upbraiding the bureauc- tial to transform West Asia. Now, Commerce, the International Fed-
found that unskilled manual work on Mahatma have been to change the practices — and pub- racy for running a fertiliser unit one day and we celebrate the Accords them- Rony eration of Indo-Israel Chambers of
lic perception — of private business in India. a steel plant the next, must be seen. It is rare to selves along with the remarkable Commerce, bringing together
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Economic liberalisation has been unequiv- see any Indian public leader, let alone the PM, achievements accomplished in just Yedidia Clein Indian, Israeli and Emirate busi-
Scheme (MGNREGS) work sites would pay more ocally beneficial for India, with Gross Domes- make an unambiguous clarion call favouring a year, even under difficult Covid-19 nesspeople, and deals such as the
than farming. This is exactly why wage labour has tic Product (GDP) per capita increasing from private entrepreneurship. pandemic conditions. Ecopia deal, combining Israeli
$562 (constant 2010 US dollars) in 1989 to Modi has set the stage carefully and walked For years, Israel worked behind the scenes technology, Indian manufacturing capacity,
replaced cultivation incomes as the biggest source of $2,152 in 2019. But liberalisation brought with the talk. Tough measures implemented by the to build clandestine diplomatic and economic and Emirate funding. We believe that the tri-
earnings even for agricultural households. If farming it a taint of cronyism and corruption, espe- government have reaffirmed that there is a relations with other moderate States in the lateral trade between the countries has the
does not generate adequate incomes, India’s farmers cially linked to the nationalised banking sec- distinction between pro-market and pro-busi- region. It took wisdom to ultimately recognise potential of reaching $110 billion by 2030, and
tor. ness policy. Under the United Progressive Alli- that Israel is an integral and permanent part that the entire region, if not the world, will
cannot be blamed for not making investments in The Narendra Modi government inherited ance government, crony socialism was con- of West Asia, with much to contribute to its benefit.
augmenting production and sustainability a banking sector dominated by public sector fused with liberal capitalism, and votaries of stability and prosperity. It took vision to prior- Israel aspires to continue the regional
techniques. India is still a laggard vis-à-vis other banks that were insolvent due to years of socialism tried to tarnish — and stop — liber- itise the future and see what connects the development that started with the Abraham
lending malpractices and politically influ- alisation by conflating crony misconduct with people of the region. Accords and to expand the circle of peace and
important producers in yields for most crops. The enced deal-making. market capitalism. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett drove normalisation. Indeed, Israel believes that it
climate crisis will pose a growing danger to the Since 2014, India has course-corrected, but home the importance of this paradigm shift can bring about a change in the conflict and
sustainability of farming practices. the path ahead requires sustained action in in a phone call with UAE crown prince, establish peaceful coexistence with its most
areas such as direct tax reforms, agriculture Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, when he immediate neighbours, the Palestinians, in
Business-as-usual is not an option. Food security is marketing, capital account liberalisation, said that the UAE’s attitude towards Israel the spirit of the Accords. After all, peace
a strategic objective for any sovereign country. The privatisation and the monetisation of public “was an important change” and “an inspira- begets peace. Moreover, the normalisation
international market cannot meet the India’s needs if assets. tion to other countries and leaders in the process serves to effectively consolidate mod-
With the credibility of capitalism now region”. erate forces in the region in the face of shared
domestic production is compromised, which is what established, the government has earned the The Accords are strengthening bonds threats, providing a counterbalance to the Ira-
will happen if the status quo is allowed to persist. mandate to pursue these structural reforms. between nations and people. Since the first nian menace.
India has experienced the pain of being dependent Equally, the message to business leaders and direct flight between Tel Aviv and Dubai last The courageous steps taken represent a
society is clear. It will pay to be law-abiding, November, over 200,000 Israeli tourists and decision to build a future together that will
on import for food requirements, and it is an era no and there will be severe, inescapable conse- businesspeople have visited the UAE and Bah- benefit all of our people. India, too, will bene-
one would like see return. Ironically, in all elections, quences for fraudsters and grifters. India now rain, connecting people and cultures like fit from this vision of a shared future. The
there are promises of helping farmers in India — a has a strong foundation on which to pursue never before. Israel will also present a steps taken so far have lit the path to a new
liberal economic policies that will enable national pavilion at the upcoming World and hopeful reality in West Asia — one that
farm loan waiver here, a little cash transfer there. It faster growth. Expo in Dubai, in October. We are incredibly will improve the welfare of its population and
is more than clear that these have not helped. If long- excited by the proximity of the Israeli pavilion bring peace, security and prosperity to all.
term national interests are to be secured, India’s Tough measures implemented by the Rajeev Mantri is co-founder of the India Enterprise to the Indian one, which will enable shared
government have reaffirmed that there is Council and author of A New Idea Of activities bringing together Israelis and Indi- Rony Yedidia Clein is charge d’affaires
farmers need a new deal. More than anything else, a distinction between pro-market and India – Individual Rights in a Civilisational State ans in Dubai. (acting ambassador), Embassy of Israel
agriculture needs an honest political conversation. pro-business policy SHUTTERSTOCK The views expressed are personal The agreements created exciting opportu- The views expressed are personal
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Allow entry (5)
Inability to act (13)
Constancy (7)
Unlawful (7)
across all functions, including Tenksai office currently has expanding rural centres is a win- the doctor (7)
17 Beginning (5) 13 Self-reassuring activity (3,4)
software development, support, about 500 employees. win strategy for staff and 14 Worn-out shoe? (6)
19 Lacking individuality (13) 14 Lead/tin alloy (6)
marketing, sales and administra- To source talent locally, Zoho employers. 16 Records of music (5) 20 Prevailing tendency (5) 16 Imposing (5)
tion, Vembu said. started a branch of Zoho Schools “The pandemic has signifi- 18 Rum sort of drink (5) 21 Swift sharp reply (7) 18 A liking (5)
“We need all roles because of Learning—previously called cantly realigned how work is
when we are setting up rural Zoho University—in Tenkasi. As done. As operational and living Staff Writer entrepreneurship, and enter- YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS (16027)
centres, we need people with part of this, local high school stu- costs can be high in metro cities, tainment will share their inspir- { SUDOKU } DIFFICULTY LEVEL
local knowledge who can run dents are inducted and trained such centres make perfect sense. ing visions of change.
these centres from an operations for 18 months and then absorbed Staff and employers are confi- NEW DELHI: Five leaders in the The first week brought
point of view,” he said. into the firm. Currently, about a dent of delivering work field of business and entrepre- together five of India’s top
Zoho has been promoting the tenth of Zoho’s total workforce remotely, so this is a smart deci- neurship will gather virtually on sporting geniuses: the country’s
reverse migration of talent with consists of students who came sion,” said Sanchit Vir Gogia, Thursday to share first-ever cricket
the concept of rural offices. through this programme. To fur- CEO and chief analyst, Grey- key insights from PRESENTS
World Cup-win-
These are small establishments ther expand Zoho’s rural pres- hound Research. their journey as ning captain Kapil
part of the Week 2
panels of HT Nxt,
a first-of-its-kind NxT Dev, star all-
rounder Hardik
Pandya, captain of
Shukla Paksha, 10
position in India, which is Pro Max also include 5G with he said. Dang, the director and CEO of l Samvat 2078
among the world’s biggest more bands for better coverage. “We think that iPhone 12 too Dangs Lab. Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy
Sunset: Thursday
at 06:24 p.m.
smartphone markets. According to Counterpoint will benefit from the price cut HT NxT began on September sky moderate rain sky with Light rain sky with Light Rain Sunrise: Friday Kolkata
Apple said these devices will research director Tarun Pathak, the most, even better than 9, and spreads over three Thurs- Register now to thundershowers or Drizzle at 06:06 a.m. 32°c I 27°c
Moonrise: Friday
be available from September 24 Apple now has a very aggressive iPhone 11, and is likely to be the days till September 23. In all, 17 experience the at 04:25 p.m. Chennai
excellent speakers from across future unfold #HTNxT2021
Moonset: Saturday 36°c I 27°c
for customers in India and entry point, starting with best seller for the festive sea- 32°c I 24°c 32°c I 24°c 34°c I 25°c at 03:10 a.m.
many other countries, including iPhone SE 2020, going till son,” Pathak said. the fields of sports, business and
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
‘France knew the
risks of attacking
Security blocs led by Russia, Biden denies Xi
IS targets in Syria’
said ‘no’ to his
China meet on Afghan crisis offer to meet up
PARIS: The sole surv-
ivor of the jihadist cell
that killed 130 people in
Paris six years ago on
Wednesday claimed
France “knew the risks”
of attacking jihadist Agencies ton did not immediately
targets in Syria. “We Two key international enough to help authorities
respond when asked to com-
joined China’s armed whom they were allied in the Iran on Wednesday resumed After a long and tense Taliban announce the There are some signs of
forces for the 10-day past. commercial flights to Afghani- wait, the airport in the country’s new govern- normalcy as the first
drills in central Henan At a pre-summit meeting on stan that had been halted after Afghan capital finally ment, ending weeks of commercial international { FRANCE } TACKLING COVID-19
province. AFP Wednesday, the general secre- the Taliban assumed power. reopens for aid flights to talks and speculation. flight under the new
9 activists in HK
tary of the Moscow-led Collec-
tive Security Treaty Organisa-
tion(CSTO), Stanislav Zas, called
Iran’s Fars news agency reported
that a charter return flight trans-
ported passengers from Tehran
come in and for
domestic services
to resume
Veteran members of the
movement dominate the
interim cabinet
government leaves Kabul
carrying more than
100 foreigners
Unvaccinated health
get jail terms for
Tiananmen vigil
for more humanitarian aid to
The eight-member Shanghai
to Kabul. It said a second flight
from northeastern city of Mash-
had left for Kabul, too.
workers face action
veteran democracy Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Afghanistan’s central bank Agencies In Brazil, accessing Rio de
activists in Hong Kong
were sentenced to
headed by China, is also due to
meet in Dushanbe this week,
said the Taliban seized over $12
million in cash and gold from
Janeiro’s tourist sites became
conditional on Wednesday on
between six and 10 with some countries belonging the homes of former govern- Thousands of people PARIS/BEIJING: Thousands of presentation of a coronavirus
months in jail on to both blocs. ment officials. The bank said Tal- protest in the southern city unvaccinated French health vaccine certificate, as authorities
Wednesday for joining Both the CSTO and the SCO iban fighters handed over $12.3 of Kandahar over Taliban’s workers face suspension without seek to encourage people to get
a Tiananmen vigil have in the past been viewed as million in cash and gold seized plans to evict families from pay from Wednesday under a their shots.
banned by police last Moscow’s and Beijing’s counters from the homes of ex-officials - a a former military colony new Covid-19 law that punishes
year. Three others were to western geopolitical domi- large part found at former veep people in care professions who China: Fujian outbreak
handed suspended nance. Amrullah Saleh’s home. refuse to get immunised against continues to grow
sentences. AFP But the hasty withdrawal of the virus. The Chinese education ministry
the Nato, their key rival, from With inputs from A Taliban President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday said students and
Afghanistan has offered the big- Sutirtho Patranobis in Beijing fighter gave workers including staff at teachers should “stay put” dur-
gest test yet for their regional stands guard hospitals, retirement home ing upcoming holidays in China
KILLING OF 1,428 clout. The dual summit host, workers and the fire service - in the backdrop of the country’s
in Kabul as
Tajikistan, has in recent weeks the sun sets some 2.7 million people in total - first “school-centric” Covid-19
DOLPHINS ON raised alarm over the presence
of militant groups along its
on Septem-
an ultimatum on July 12 to get at
least one shot by September 15 or
outbreak in Fujian province. The
number of cases in the coastal
ber 12.
FAROE ISLANDS mountainous border with
READ: Afghan
filmmaker’s plea:
Two months later, thousands
province rose to 152.
Report: US presses India { ‘NO ROLE FOR CHINA’ } HEAD OF CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION 15-yr-old gang-raped
to resume vaccine export ‘Only Dalai Lama can decide on his successor’ in MP; three arrested
Rezaul H Laskar branch of the CTA in May, said if Tsering said he personally
Yashwant Raj tied to a specific summit or the Chinese government is seri- believed the CTA shouldn’t have Press Trust of India was alone at home, as her sister engagement,”. PM Modi’s partic- ous about the Dalai Lama’s rein- any role in the issue of reincar- was admitted to Bhopal’s Ham-
ipation in the summit will not be NEW DELHI : The Dalai Lama carnation, it “should be giving nation. “This is a purely spiritual idia Hospital, and on the day of
WASHINGTON : The Biden incumbent upon his agreeing to alone can decide the matter of more attention to the living 14th and a religious process. So it’s up RAISEN : A 15-year-old girl was the attack, the accused came
administration has been press- resuming export of vaccines. his reincarnation and the Chi- Dalai Lama than the future 15th to the religious leader, particu- allegedly gang-raped by three home asking for her brother-in-
ing Prime Minister Narendra The summit has not been nese government has no say in Dalai Lama”. He said, “And as a larly his holiness the Dalai men, who also filmed the act on law, he said.
Modi reportedly to let India announced yet. the matter, the head of the Cen- communist regime which does Lama, to decide, not the admin- a mobile phone in Madhya Pra- The accused entered in the
resume exporting Covid-19 vac- PM Modi will be joining his tral Tibetan Administration not believe in religion or life istration, but once his reincarna- desh’s Bhopal district, police house by force when they found
cines, and is tying it to a possible counterparts from Australia and (CTA), Penpa Tsering, has said after death, this is purely a spiri- tion is recognised, then the role said on Wednesday. out that the victim was alone,
prominent role for him at a Japan — Scott Morrison and against the backdrop of Beijing’s CTA president Penpa Tsering tual matter.” of the CTA comes into being,” he The police have arrested the they raped her and filmed the
global summit US President Joe Yoshihide Suga — and President assertions that it will choose the KDT24 VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMON He added, “When you talk said. accused for the incident that act on a mobile phone, ASP
Biden plans to hold on the side- Biden for the first in-person next Tibetan spiritual leader. about reincarnation, it’s the per- With 22 of the 45 lawmakers took place under Gunga police Meena said.
lines of the UN general assembly summit of the Quad here at the Tsering said in an interview Tibetan parliament-in-exile – son who’s going to be reincar- of the Tibetan parliament-in-ex- station area in Bhopal district The girl narrated her ordeal
meetings. White House on September 24, that China’s efforts to play a deci- where 22 of the 45 members nated who decides where or how ile not having taken oath in line on September 12, while the com- to her father after she went back
“We have regularly been com- according to announcements by sive role in the selection of the have not taken oath in line with he or she should be born...We with the Tibetan Charter plaint was registered at Raisen home to Raisen, following
municating with (the) govern- the ministry and external affairs next Dalai Lama amounted to the official charter – provides an are talking about [the Dalai because of political differences, women’s police station, an offi- which a complaint was lodged,
ment of India in bilateral and and the White House. “politicisation of the whole rein- opportunity for “the Chinese Lama’s] reincarnation, so it’s Tsering said the impasse had cial said. he said.
multilateral channels to discuss India ceased vaccine export carnation issue”. The Dalai government to create trouble” completely up to his holiness to created “a lot of space for the The victim, a Class 10 student, A case under the relevant sec-
vaccine supply and inquire earlier in the year after it faced Lama’s reincarnation is a spiri- within the Tibetan community decide where he will be born, not Chinese government to create had gone to Gunga from her tions of the IPC and Protection
about timeline for exports,” a US internal criticism for not inocu- tual issue whereas China’s com- and affect the image of the the Chinese government.” trouble within the [Tibetan] home in Raisen district to help of Children from Sexual Offen-
official told Aixos news publica- lating enough Indians in the munist regime doesn’t even Tibetan movement, Tsering said. Amid growing concerns about community, and it also affects her ailing sister, additional ces (Pocso) Act has been regis-
tion, insisting, at the same time, wake of a massive surge in cases believe in religion, he said. Tsering, who was elected the the health of the current Dalai the image of the Tibetan move- superintendent of police (ASP) tered against the accused, the
that “these conversations are not caused by the Delta variant. The current impasse in the Sikyong or head of the executive Lama – he turned 86 in July – ment”. Amritlal Meena said. The victim official said.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 19
Immediately after the Big in The Hundred this year, replacement players are IPL Jhye Richardson by Punjab, who “Playing for Singapore has play, I will try to do exactly what
Bash, he got called up to the Pak- replaced Richardson. newbies—this includes New Zea- is the first cricketer to take a hat- also helped me to play spin quite I do every time I play.”
istan Super League as a last-min- David came in as Allen’s land keeper Glenn Phillips, who trick on T20I debut, which he well because we play on a lot of Which is to say, hit the ball
ute replacement. From there he replacement. This is the first IPL will fill in for Jos Buttler for RR, did in August against spin-friendly wickets in Asia. out of the park.
{ }
faced by the industry, and the
Nick Read welcomed the move.
Birla said the measures “will
in India”.
The cabinet also decided to
tle over two months ago, said
last week that the September 15
EC powers not ornaments, should act
improved cash flow can be util-
ised to upgrade technology, the
go a long way in unshackling
the telecom sector” and “dem-
simplify KYC norms by elimi-
nating physical paperwork for
deadline would not be extended.
“We do not know for sure if
ATTACKS, SAYS HC; against parties that breach norms: HC
minister said. onstrate the government’s customers and simplified the it’s the Tata group that is taking SENDS LASHKAR
The other structural reform commitment to ensuring process of setting up telecom us over. However we definitely
MAN TO 7-YR JAIL HT Correspondent WHY ARE YOU actions also, you can state….
is about spectrum user charges, healthy growth of the indus- towers. Also, customs proce- intend to put our best foot for- Powers are not ornaments. Use
and license fees and other char- try”. “The measures also reflect dures have been changed to ward and help the future owner SHYING AWAY your powers for the welfare of
Richa Banka
ges. The minister said that the decisiveness of the Prime make it easier for telecom com- bring Air India back to its former New Delhi: The Delhi high court FROM TAKING the public at large, this is what
heavy interest, penalty and Minister, the telecom minister, panies to import equipment. glory. We hope that the process on Wednesday observed that the ACTION? DON’T the petitioner is saying. Take
interest on penalty have been and the government to address will also enhance employees NEW DELHI: Observing that the Election Commission’s (EC) pow- action, not (just) issue notices
levied so far on these charges. long-standing issues. These working conditions for a harmo- relentless terror attacks in the ers are not “ornaments” and the
JUST ISSUE and orders,” the bench said.
“This regime was an undue reforms will bring alive the dig- AIR INDIA nious productive environment country was a concern for human- panel should take action against NOTICES, LETTERS, To be sure, the high court did
burden on the industry partici- ital aspirations of 1.3 billion ing Air India’s 100% sharehold- under the new owner,” said a ity, a Delhi court has sentenced a political parties who violate its COURT SAID TO EC not get into the details of the
pants. Today, it has been people and accelerate India’s ing in AI Express Ltd and 50% in committee member of the Pakistani national affiliated to ter- guidelines on “corrupt practices”. arguments presented by the peti-
rationalised. Monthly com- journey to be a digitally pow- Air India SATS Airport Services Indian Pilots’ Guild, airline’s rorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) “You are doubtful about your tioner during Wednesday’s hear-
pounding of interest has been ered economy as envisaged by Private Ltd. Boeing pilots’ union. to seven years rigorous imprison- powers. There is a judgment by (TDP) also offered cash to certain ing. Apart from the EC, the high
changed to annual compound- the honourable Prime Minis- As per the Air India expres- Tatas operate a premier full- ment for carrying out terror activi- the Supreme Court. That means sections of the society ahead of the court also issued notices to the
ing. A very reasonable interest ter,” a Vodafone Idea statement sion of interest floated by Dipam service carrier, Vistara, in part- ties in India. some wrong is committed by the general elections the same year. Congress and the TDP, the two
rate of MCLR plus 2% has been quoted him as saying. in January 2020, the airline has a nership with Singapore Airlines Principal District and Sessions party. You are ECI. If some party The proposed minimum income parties who promised cash
approved, and the penalty has Mittal described the policy total debt of ₹60,074 crore as of and own a majority stake in Air- Judge Dinesh Sharma on Septem- is committing a wrong, what guarantee scheme, which sought transfers in their election mani-
been eliminated completely. steps as seminal reforms to lift March 31. The bid has boosted Asia India. It was not immedi- ber 10 convicted 23-year-old power you are vested with, take to guarantee Rs 72,000 a year to festoes in the past.
These two decisions open up an industry that is at the core of prospects for the sale after the ately known if the group put in Mohammad Amir, who was action…,” the bench of chief jus- the country’s poorest 20% of Senior counsel Soumya Chak-
the way for big investments Prime Minister Narendra government sweetened the deal the bid on its own or through arrested by the National Investiga- tice DN Patel and justice Jyoti households, was a major poll raborty, appearing for the peti-
into the telecom sector,” Vaish- Modi’s Digital India vision. by allowing suitors to decide budget carrier AirAsia India, tion Agency (NIA) in 2017. The Singh observed. plank for the Congress in the Lok tioners, said that “when cash is
naw said, adding that fresh “The latest reforms ensure that how much of the carrier’s debt agencies reported. court ordered that he should be The high court was hearing a Sabha elections. offered, not against any labour, it
investments will also create the industry is able to invest they want to take on. The rest Experts said the confirmation deported to Pakistan after his sen- petition filed by two lawyers, Par- When the Election Commis- is not supported by any policy.”
more jobs. fearlessly and support India’s will be transferred to Air India of bids was an important devel- tence. “The country is relentlessly ashar Narayan Sharma and Capt sion’s lawyer Anjana Gosain said “In Covid-19, funds were put in
The cabinet also approved digital ambition. Bharti Airtel Assets Holding Ltd (AIAHL), a opment. “Submission of finan- facing violence on account of ter- Gurvinder Singh, which asked during Wednesday’s hearing that accounts of people. (But) it was
the removal of spectrum usage is fully committed to respond- special purpose vehicle. cial bids is the most important ror activities. Thousands of inno- the high court to declare election the poll panel has already issued an extraordinary situation. If
charges in future telecom auc- ing to the call by the Honoura- Despite the mounting debt step. This is the first time that cent people are killed in such activ- promises by political parties to guidelines in relation to “corrupt political parties start the trend of
tions. In such auctions, spec- ble Prime Minister to invest in and losses, Air India has some the airline has got its financial ities. The terrorist activities not give money to people without practices” and sent the same to the giving money not against any
trum allocation would be of 30 and accelerate India’s growth,” lucrative assets, including val- bids. Moreover since there are only cause loss of lives of innocent doing any work as a corrupt political parties, the high court work, our industries, agriculture
years instead of 20 years. Also, Mittal said in a statement. ued slots at London’s Heathrow two bidders, the process will be public but it also de-stabilises the electoral practice. shot back. will finish,” he submitted.
businesses could surrender Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, airport, a fleet of more than 100 faster and we will have the new economy of the country. The ter- The petition cited the Nyuntam “Why are you shying away The plea contended that “note
spectrum after a 10-year lock-in in a statement, described the planes and thousands of trained bidder taking up by December. rorist activity is a cause of concern Aay Scheme, or NYAY, announced from taking action? Start taking for vote” promises violate Section
period after paying a defined policy as timely steps towards pilots and crew. According to me, the coin will for the entire humanity. The by the Congress in 2019 ahead of action. Don’t just issue notices 123 of the Representation of Peo-
surrender charge. strengthening the telecom sec- Two previous attempts to off- swing in Tata Sons’ favour,” said present case involves extremely the general elections as one exam- and letters. Let us see what ples Act which deals with corrupt
Asked whether the policy tor, which will accelerate load the airline failed. In 2001, CS Subbiah, former CEO of Alli- serious offence,” the judge said. ple. It said the Telugu Desam Party action you are taking. Proposed practices and bribery.
measures would facilitate new India’s transformation to a dig- Singapore Airlines Ltd. dropped ance Air, regional arm of Air According to the NIA charge
investors in the telecom indus- ital society. its bid for a stake in Air India, cit- India. sheet, Amir and three others had
try, Vaishnaw said the govern-
ment believes that there should
be healthy competition in the
“The telecom sector is one
the prime movers of the econ-
omy and the key enabler for
ing political opposition as one of
the reasons.
In 2018, IndiGo, India’s biggest
“Air India is potentially a stra-
tegic opportunity but with high
structural complexity. Invest-
illegally infiltrated into India from
Pakistan along with weapons,
ammunition, and other war-like
sector. “For that, there will be making India a digital society. I airline, pulled out of the run- ment in Air India will bet on stores with an intention to carry TMC’s Arpita Ghosh tenders Gaganyaan mission likely by ‘22
further reforms when 5G spec- welcome the government of ning, saying it didn’t have the Indian aviation’s long term out attacks at different locations in
trum is auctioned…so that India’s announcement of means to buy the carrier in its potential- which is significant- India on the directions of their resignation from Rajya Sabha end or early ‘23: Jitendra Singh
more and more players can get reforms and relief measures entirety and make it profitable. but keeping in mind the massive handlers based in the neighbour- NEW DELHI: TMC MP Arpita Ghosh has NEW DELHI: India’s ‘Gaganyaan’ mission is
into the sector. More players, that will enable the industry to The airline’s stake sale proc- cost of restructuring and the ing country. resigned from the Rajya Sabha and her likely to be launched by the end of 2022 or
healthy competition and more achieve the goals of digital ess began afresh in January 2020 continuous flow of funding Amir’s other three associates resignation has been accepted by vice early 2023, Union minister Jitendra Singh
choices to customers is the India,” said chairman Mukesh but faced delays due to the Cov- required to turnaround. I don’t were killed in an encounter with president and Rajya Sabha chair said on Wednesday. “We could have
stated commitment of the gov- Ambani, according to a state- id-19 pandemic. The government think government of India security forces on November 21, M Venkaiah Naidu, a notification from actually done this (launched Gaganyaan by
ernment,” the minister said. ment from RIL. Ambani however asked potential bidders should expect anything signifi- 2017, while he was arrested three the Rajya Sabha Secretariat said on 2022). We had planned to time it along the
Industry leaders Bharti Air- termed the policy steps as a to put in financial bids in April cant from Air India’s privatisa- days later from Magam, Hand- Wednesday. 75th anniversary of India’s Independence,
tel chairman Sunil Bharti Mit- bold initiative. this year before extending the tion and may require to make wara in Jammu and Kashmir in a Ghosh was among those suspended but it could not happen that way because of
tal, Reliance Industries chair- Nick Read commended the deadline to Wednesday. The the offer viable given the very joint operation of the Indian Army during the ruckus in the Upper House in the the inevitable delay caused due to COVID-19.
man Mukesh Ambani, Aditya government’s resolve to find a deadline was extended on multi- poor financial and operational and the J&K Police. recently concluded parliament session “But I am sure, maybe by the end of next
Birla Group chairman Kumar comprehensive solution “that ple occasions prior to this but condition of Air India,” said Amir’s counsel Kahorngam wherein both MPs and marshals were year or may be (by) the beginning of 2023,
Mangalam Birla and Vodafone would support a competitive civil aviation minister Jyotirad- Kapil Kaul, chief executive offi- Zimik said his client is a young allegedly injured. we would be able to do that as well,” he said.
Group chief executive officer and sustainable telecom sector itya Scindia, who took over a lit- cer of CAPA advisory. man was already repenting.
20 Sport
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
l Barcelona adjust to
Afghan footballers
flee to Pakistan
KARACHI: Afghanistan’s
the new normal of
women’s football team
arrived in Pakistan, the
information minister in
European inferiority
Islamabad said, as Agencies bele has had a career littered
questions linger over the with injury problems while
status of female athletes Ansu Fati will be returning
under Taliban rule. “We BARCELONA: The most striking from two knee operations after
welcome Afghanistan thing about Barcelona’s limp missing the last year.
women football team, 3-0 defeat by Bayern Munich on New signing Sergio Aguero
they arrived at Torkham Tuesday was how inevitable it has also been haunted by inju-
Border from was, and how easily the players ries lately and at 33 is hardly the
Afghanistan,” said and coach Ronald Koeman type of player to address the
Fawad Chaudhry, accepted their drastic drop in physical differences which were
Pakistan’s information status from European giants to plain to see as Bayern repeat-
minister, in a Tweet, outsiders. edly beat their Barca counter-
adding they were Less than a year ago the Cata- parts for pace and power.
received by a lans had gone 38 games The Catalans are fortunate to
representative of the unbeaten at home in the Cham- share Group E with weaker
Pakistan Football pions League but now they have sides Dynamo Kyiv and Benfica,
Federation. Chaudhry lost their last three European meaning they should progress
gave no details and it was games at the Camp Nou, falling to the last 16 as runners-up.
not immediately clear 3-0 to Juventus and 4-1 to Paris Reaching the knockout
how many players had St Germain before Tuesday’s phase, however, could merely
entered the country and debacle. delay another humiliating night
what their plans were. The scoreline may not have once they meet a top side. Pique
been as savage as the 8-2 defeat admitted his team was no
WADA to review suffered against Bayern in the longer among the favourites to
2019-20 quarter-finals but the win a competition in which they
cannabis status performance was even more have won three times in the last
LOS ANGELES: The World desperate, Koeman’s side end- decade and the reaction of local
Anti-Doping Agency ing this game without a shot on media mirrored his honest
(WADA) said it will target. While some fans booed assessment.
review the status of the performance, the overriding “Poor Barca” said the front
cannabis on its banned sensation was apathy, support- cover of Spanish newspaper
substances list in the ers applauding the rare occa- Marca while Catalan daily Sport
wake of the positive test sion when their team managed pictured the Barca players star-
that saw US sprinter to retain possession for a ing sadly at the Camp Nou
Sha’Carri Richardson Manchester United's Paul Pogba (C) reacts after Young Boys's striker Jordy Siebatcheu Pefok (unseen) scored the injury-time winner in Bern on Tuesday. AFP moment. below the headline: “The sad
suspended from the The reaction from the players reality”.
take up the papered over by the euphoria produced a masterclass in that to come good at the weekend stemmed from either slack 2013. If not, names like Zined-
Ombudsman’s post after around Ronaldo. aspect. By that yardstick, against West Ham but said: defending or wrong decision- ine Zidane and Antonio Conte
it was vacated by Justice He had done his part at the United have a lot to learn. “That’s football for you at the making. Some of them, like are already being linked to take
Badar Durrez Ahmed. start, slotting home a skillful United first struggled to cope highest level. Lack of concen- replacing Ronaldo and Fernan- over at Old Trafford.
Sharda Ugra
Batra axed for Asian Championship
HT Correspondent play”. Batra reached the third Sathiyan.
rugby sevens to earn Olympics spot Batra and the Table Tennis Fed-
eration of India (TTFI) took a
turn for the worse with her
omission on Wednesday from
indiscipline.’ Batra alleged that
Roy put pressure on her during
the Olympic qualification event
to lose to his “student” (Sutirta
her personal coach was allowed.
Sathiyan trained in Chennai
under his personal coach. TTFI
has since then made attending
f Wrestling Federation of ous. There’s a plan in place, a agreement with the Odisha gov- ens coach Ludwiche Van Deven- the team for the Asian champi- Mukherjee) to help her qualify. A the camp mandatory for
there’s a speculation that
Ranbir Kapoor will be
than making his digital
debut soon.
for Aparna Delhi Manoj Bajpayee, who has
Titas Chowdhury
embraced the medium wholeheartedly, is all praise
fter a gap of four years,
for it; adds it has also given
A Aparna Sen is
returning to the Hindi
film industry with her
directorial, The Rapist. The film
will have its world premiere at
him a new fan base
the Busan International Film
Festival (BIFF) 2021 in October.
“I’m glad! BIFF is Asia’s
biggest film festival. It’s also
gratifying to be nominated for PHOTO:
the Kim Jiseok Award. Seven
films have been nominated and
it’s nice to be among them,” she
says. However, the actor- giving it a watch. The chances
filmmaker rues being unable to of the audience watching a film
attend BIFF as an institutional that has already earned laurels I’m glad that my
quarantine of 14 days is a must
in Busan, and adds that for her,
become higher,” says the
National Award-winning
film has been selected
attending the festival is more director, who has reunited at the BIFF. It’s Asia’s
important than winning. with her daughter, actor
biggest film festival. It’s
Even in the OTT era where a Konkona Sensharma, for her
also gratifying to be
film can enjoy global exposure latest. Ask her about working
online, Sen believes that the with her daughter and Sen
nominated for the Kim
charm of a film festival, which says, “I’d be quite embarrassed
Jiseok Award.
serves the same purpose, will to say this earlier because I feel
never fade away. “When we see like I am praising my own
a film get an award at the BIFF, daughter. But I’m speaking as a APARNA SEN ,
the Venice Film Festival or the director and Konkona is Filmmaker-actor Juhi Chakraborty 52-year-old feels that for actors
Berlin Film Festival, we feel like amazing.”
too, this (OTT) has been a
blessing. “All those people who
ome may call it a boon, can do some worthwhile job,
some may call it a have got the chance to
passing fad, but for showcase their capability and
F Bhardwaj is gearing up to
take on the digital world
with Khufiya, his next project.
(top) and
the outside world. “Various
shows and films not only kept
everyone away from anxiety
not being reintroduced to the
admirers who were already
there... but it has just taken me
“It is my first web project and I and stress, but also proved to to a different kind of fan base —
am very excited about it,” be the only medium that had teens and young people. This
excitedly shares the director continuedly kept people age group wasn’t aware of my
during an exclusive chat. entertained. It’s like a vast work and it has kind of excited
Based on a novel Escape ocean...people can choose what them to look for my previous
from Nowhere by Amar they want to watch,” he shares. works. That I find is amazing,”
Bhushan, it is based on a true Not just for the audience, the he grins.
story from the world of FILE PHOTO: AALOK SONI/HT
intelligence services, and
Bhardwaj is teaming up with
his “most favourite” actor Tabu
and Ali Fazal. “Tabu is
everyone’s favourite and my
most favourite. My best work
has been with her. I wrote this
I’m gathering
character keeping Tabu in
mind. She plays the role of the
protagonist, who is running
the mission. I find Ali to be a
the courage
very good actor, that’s why I
chose to work with him,” he
to come back
The Netflix film will go into
production by the end of this
month. He says, “Since it is
based on a true event that
I wrote this and file an FIR
happened in Delhi, around 70% character keeping
of the film will be shot in the
national capital and the rest of
Tabu in mind...And I Nikita
it in the US.” find Ali to be a very Rawal
For Tabu, working with
Bhardwaj comes with a great good actor
comfort level and creative VISHAL BHARDWAJ,
freedom. “I have the best Flimmaker
creative synergy with Vishal,
and I can’t explain it in words.
When he is bringing
something to me, I can just The spy thriller will trace the details of the surveillance
close my eyes and say ‘chalo’. It story of a RAW operative, a operation where [it’s like] he
has been a while since we mole and an estranged lover, makes you sit inside the RAW
wanted to collaborate with and the director is aiming to office (with his words),” shares
each other on the film, and it release it in the second half of Bhardwaj, adding, “Such
kept getting delayed because of 2022. detailing of intelligence
the pandemic. I am so happy “Amar Bhushan was the services has never before been
that it is finally happening,” counter-intelligence unit head written in a book or even
says the actor. for a long time and has brought shown in a film.”
Sugandha Rawal
paid for by the
brands. No
shares, adding, “I didn’t even wait to file a
formal complaint... Police officials say ki I
have to be there to file an FIR. I’m
content does or
gathering the courage to go there soon.
shall appear in Right now, I’m very disturbed. I’ve not
any part of HT been able to sleep or eat properly. I’m
glad that I’m safe. My family is also trying
Delhi University reopened for practical classes for final year without it being
declared as such to calm me down, saying life is more
students from Wednesday. Catch all the fun, live from campus here →P5 to our valued important than any material thing.”
02 time out NEW DELHI
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
Music ge
a hu
played eeping THAT I HAVE
role in otivated
people e last few
[over th nths].
I ound
The musician shares that he has a newf
the fullest
respect for life and plans on living it to
Juhi Chakraborty “Today more than anything prioritise our health.
else, I am happy to be amid my “Today when we call each
family and my loved ones. I other our first instinct is to
he last two years have am also happy that my fans enquire about each other’s
been extremely are alright because I consider health, no matter who we
challenging admits them as my extended family. It speak to. This would never
Adnan Sami. is wonderful to celebrate life,” have happened before. We
Watching people lose shares the singer who received were just taking our lives for
their loved ones and hearing Padma Shri in 2020. granted. This is the new norm.
proved to be therapeutic
just so very grateful that I am have a newfound respect for ended up taking it for granted,
fine and my family is fine. I am life and I plan on living it to it became third, fourth or fifth
like ‘thank God, I made it till the fullest.” on our priority list. Today it
here’. Not a lot of people did. Another change, which he has become paramount. It is
So many people have left the feels the current health crisis sad that it took such a
A L s
Don’t feel jealous of A major share in Don’t waste time in
someone’s prosperity. A inheritance may come to banking on others to help
family outing will be most you and improve your you with your tasks at
ait to w ork with Varu n enjoyable. You may take a financial standing. Haste work, complete them on
‘Can’t w
collective decision of sharing makes waste, so prepare well before your own. Buying gold or investing in
ancestral property with siblings. you implement your business plan property will prove most profitable at
T I c
into Bollywood with Hungama 2 “You have to start from somewhere. An old company you had Doing a personal favour Your hard work will
and then followed it up with Bhuj: Having said that, I believe that the lines quit, may invite you to join for the boss will get you ensure you are on a sound
The Pride Of India. While she’s happy to between the film industries once again with better closer to him/ her. Much wicket on the academic
have turned a new leaf in her career, within our country are salary and perks. touring is indicated for front. A dream job awaits
she is perturbed that her films didn’t get getting blurred. People Freelancers are likely to earn big those in the marketing field. Buying you in a foreign land, so get travel
a theatrical release. “I was looking are now watching and money. Travelling to tend to your gold jewellery is possible. documents in order. Don’t take things
forward to promoting the films in enjoying films made in unwell parent is possible. LOVE FOCUS: An outing with lover can lying down that you feel is wrong.
Mumbai but Covid-19 proved to be a regional languages.” LOVE FOCUS: Avoid any hanky-panky culminate in a pleasant surprise LOVE FOCUS: Platonic love can turn
deterrent,” she remarks. So, how does she want to be at this stage of your love life. today. into romance.
The actor, who was excited to watch known in the Hindi film industry? LUCKY NUMBER: 1 LUCKY COLOUR: Dark LUCKY NUMBER: 7 LUCKY COLOUR: LUCKY NUMBER: 8 LUCKY COLOUR:
herself on the big screen, believes that “I’d want to be taken seriously,” says Green Pink Violet
there lies a big difference between films the actor, adding, “I want to be known
and the web. She says, “They’ve a to be as a versatile and uninhibited
separate set of audiences. More than in
Mumbai, people in the South revere the
actor. In the South, I’ve only done
commercial cinema and I want to
(MAY 21-JUN 21) (SEP 24-OCT 23) (JAN 22-FEB 19)
experience of watching a film on the big continue do that in Bollywood too. I
G l a
screen. I’m not sure if they have cannot wait to work with Varun Some of you are likely to Your concerted efforts to A surprise awaits you at
downloaded all the OTT platforms yet.” Dhawan and Ranveer Singh.” do exceedingly well in aca- come back in shape will home and promises to fill
demics. Becoming the per- begin to show positive you with joy. Demand for
former of the month is results. A disagreement your prime property is
PHOTO: DAN STEINBERG/AP foreseen for those in the marketing between family members is likely to likely to grow. Decreasing clientele
Comedian field. A monetary gift is on the cards get resolved. Control your spending may threaten your business, so do
has passed away You will finally be able to You will manage to talk Your professional
after a long It just shows get rid of a nagging dental your way out of a sticky competence can be tested
battle with you how hopeful problem. Earning big office situation. An elder today, so brush up your
cancer. He was money is foreseen for may come to your rescue skills. You are likely to
61. According to people are for those playing the stocks. to help you with studies . make good time in a long journey by
Macdonald had
dreams to come LOVE FOCUS: Romantic bonds are
likely to grow stronger.
LOVE FOCUS: Not carrying out a
promise can make your lover upset.
road. A property issue gets resolved.
LOVE FOCUS: You may soon become
privately battled true LUCKY NUMBER: 11 LUCKY COLOUR: LUCKY NUMBER: 5 LUCKY COLOUR: Sea the object of someone’s affection.
the disease for Cream Green LUCKY NUMBER: 11 LUCKY COLOUR: Grey
almost a decade. JENNIFER ANISTON,
Several members from the entertainment Actor
industry took to social media to pay their last ennifer Aniston is laughing off come true,” she adds.
respects. “There was no one like Norm
MacDonald; Every time I watched him perform
was a gift. Thank you Norm ... thinking of you
J the dating rumors between
herself and her F.R.I.E.N.D.S co-
star, David Schwimmer, which
Reps for both Aniston and
Schwimmer have previously denied
the dating rumours, which
and your family on this sad day,” comedian popped up shortly after the sitcom’s circulated after the co-stars
Dave Attel tweeted. Conan O’Brien is extremely reunion special aired back in May. confirmed that they had crushes on
devastated. “I am absolutely devastated about “That was bizarre. I could not one another while portraying
Norm Macdonald. Norm had the most unique believe that, actually. Like, really? Rachel Green and Ross Gellar on
comedic voice I have ever encountered and he That’s my brother,” Aniston told F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
was so relentlessly and uncompromisingly Entertainment Tonight of 54-year- “The first season, we — I had a
funny. I will never laugh that hard again. I’m so old Schwimmer. major crush on Jen,” Schwimmer
sad for all of us today,” he wrote on Twitter. “But I understand it, though. It said during the reunion. Aniston
Macdonald’s tryst with showbiz started as a just shows you how hopeful people replied, “It was reciprocated.”
writer on Roseanne in 1992 after making rounds are for fantasies, for dreams to HTC
at comedy clubs in Canada. ANI
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
lifestyle Sonu Sood has
been bringing
Bappa home for
{ SPOTTED } over 22 years
Abraham will
Instead of holding your Nora Fatehi called Deepika Padukone resume
Madhuri Dixit Nene has reportedly shooting for
mobile all the time, go her idol in a YouTube bought a lavish Pathan
Aprajita Sharad after winning medals for the join a new school...
out and play sports. video
bungalow in Alibaug
with Ranveer Singh
country. But, so was not the My father told me to SUHAS YATHIRAJ, IAS
case with Yathiraj, who work hard and show officer
and Paralympian
aking the best ever became an IAS officer first. the world that theek hai PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/HRITHIKROSHAN
a lot of love and appreciation. The story behind his magistrate of Gautam really want something in life,
“I feel humbled to receive so indomitable spirit is an Buddha Nagar, Noida. entire cosmos will conspire to
much love. I think God and inspiring one! “Growing up, I One can only wonder how deliver it. I’m living proof...
destiny have been really kind studied in Kannada medium. he managed to juggle being Chhote se gaav ka ladka, jo
to me,” says Suhas Yathiraj, I was rejected from getting an IAS officer and an athlete. plane dekh kar wish karta tha
IAS officer and Paralympian admission in English medium He tells us, “After I was done ki kash main bhi baithun,
who won a silver medal in schools... From grade one to with my collector duty in the woh aaj ek IAS officer, district Varun
para-badminton. four, I studied in a village, day, these youngsters living collector aur Paralympic Dhawan
Generally, Paralympians after which my father got near my house helped me medallist hai. This has been is set to
get in government service transferred to the city and it practise at night.” possible only due to destiny, enter the
when they are offered a job became impossible for me to Yathiraj has filled his life universe and self-belief.” OTT
is my inspiration Sunday feels on Wednesday are best. Now go give your mom a hug.”
Exhibition & Sale
Delhi Crafts Council
Aprajita Sharad However, the story of how he jealousy as a positive force, money and make a career in
got his first racket is quite instead of being negative badminton,” he says. The 16, 17 & 18, September, 2021
or Paralympics bronze moving! “When I was five, about not having something biggest struggle, however,
seeks mama
Govinda and Sunita Ahuja
he public war of words things against me. Of course, I was PHOTO: YOGEN SHAH
T between comedian-actor
Krushna Abhishek, his wife,
actor Kashmera Shah, and his
upset. But now I feel they are so
angry with me because they love
me the most. Saying something as
uncle, actor Govinda, and aunt filmy as ‘I don’t want to see his face
Sunita Ahuja has been going on for ever again’ shows they are hurt.
some time. And in the latest And you can only get hurt by
development, Krushna has sought someone who loves you.”
forgiveness from Govinda. The 38-year-old adds that he has
Recently, on comedian-actor in fact tried to apologise in the past
Kapil Sharma’s TV show, Sunita too. “I know they love me a lot. Or
had said she doesn’t want to see else why this anger? Yeh shabd sirf
Krushna’s face “ever again” in life. maa yaa baap hi bol sakte hain
Now, Krushna has told Spotboye, when they are upset with their
“I know my mami said a lot of children. I want this to be written
by you: I love my mama and mami.
I seek their forgiveness. I have tried
P many times. But they won’t accept
my apology. And therein lies the
I’ve tried... But they problem... I don’t know why they
are not willing to forgive me when
won’t accept my I am like their child. So many
apology. times in so many interviews I have
said that we will resolve our
KRUSHNA ABHISHEK, issues, and they have said so, too.
Actor and comedian But we are still at loggerheads,”
Krushna claims.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
Find out how to avoid clogged pores and bacteria strains that cause those pesk
y zits
Keep skin woes at bay
making one prone to “Do not cover up the affected area of the skin
with band-aid. Instead, allow the rash to
allergies. breathe, and avoid using hot water. Use cold
water or ice compression,” suggests Dr
produces chemical substances Watch your diet. Have a balanced diet with less
which cause the allergy,” explains masala and spices. Include lots of dry fruits,
Dr Sirur. fruits, fish and leafy vegetables in your meals
The most commonly occurring daily. Also, keep yourself hydrated.
skin problems in this weather
include rashes and eczema. “The
rash is usually red and itchy, which
can make the skin bleed, and also
Swati Chaturvedi
it’s also the time when fungal
infections rear their ugly head.
lead to bacterial infection. Athlete’s
foot is another common skin
concern during monsoon. It’s a
fungal infection that occurs between
the toenails and around the lower
feet area. This can cause a lot of
dryness, itchiness and also some
5 For any medical skin concerns like fungal
infections and eczema, one must use only
prescribed ointment and avoid any over-the-
counter fragrant lotion to heal faster.
vercast skies, rumbling tendency to develop fungal Thakkar, technical head (skin) at a
clouds, flashes of infections is high. This is because salon chain.
lightning and the pitter- fungus grows well in moist Yashna Garg, CMO of a health-
patter of raindrops — the environments. During the rainy care services brand shares pointers
Indian monsoon has its season, clothes take longer to dry, to identify another common
own charm. But along with the and if partially wet clothes are worn monsoon-related skin issue. “Fungal
downpour comes a barrage of skin there’s a high chance of getting nail infection is quite common. A balanced diet
problems for many. fungal infections,” says Dr Subodh People may recognise this infection with leafy
A common skin concern during Sirur, dermatologist. The humid by spotting discolouration and vegetables, fish
the rainy season is worsened acne, weather and mild temperatures thickening of their nails, or having and lots of fruits
attributed mainly to the increased make it an ideal environment for brittle nails. This condition may is recommended
humidity in the air. This is especially bacteria and fungi to thrive. cause pain and even give off a foul
true for people with acne-prone or Excessive perspiration during the odour,” she says.
combination skin. The damp and season irritates the skin, leading to The high humidity and weather
humid air is full of bacteria and rapid fungi growth resulting in acne. can also intensify existing skin
allergens that can clog the skin So how do these allergies develop? rashes. Dermatologist Dr Sirisha
pores, causing acne and breakouts. “We’re exposed to many substances/ Singh, says, “Due to humid weather,
“Excessive humidity makes the skin agents in our day-to-day life. Most of for some, the skin goes dry. This
swell up in the monsoon, and that these are usually harmless. But for increases the chances of getting
impairs the skin barrier making one some people, their immune systems allergic skin rashes to fragrances
prone to allergies, particularly in the react more to the substances. Their and artificial jewellery too.”
form of eczemas,” says body views these foreign proteins as With monsoon here to stay a little
dermatologist Dr Rajat Kandhari. something harmful and triggers the longer this year, it is important to
Apart from excessive humidity, formation of antibodies and later take care of your skin to avoid these.
Paddling their Grey hair? Don’t
Are all fats bad or way to fitness
Actor-model Milind Soman and
Actor Sameera Reddy, who regularly
No visit
to the campus is
complete without
clicking pictures,
and this time,
P it was much needed
hai to mark the
Ek fest mne return!
, hu
humara ma’am se
princip sion li to
permis usic) on
practice pus.
Students who
returned to North
Campus on day one cam
removed their face
A M R A MALH ent,
masks only at the VIN ear stud
time of getting Second-y ollege
Hindu C
We are fu .
vaccinate tioned
s men
Authoritie hout this,
that wit
access to iven.
won’t be g
Aprajita Sharad SATYAM P ent, Hindu
stud Final-year
inally! Delhi University reopened on
Chandni Chowk
revamp: Visitors,
denizens divided
over the
I like the new look
Anjuri Nayar Singh of Chandni Chowk. Now, when you stroll
hose of you who are down the street, you
T familiar with Old Delhi
can immediately
picture the chaos that
the place is synonymous with.
But, ever since the recently
can really feel the
atmosphere of the old
Shahjahanabad, and the
revamped 1.3-kilometre-long
stretch between Red Fort and
vibe of a hustling city.
Fatehpuri Masjid crossing has ADAM BURAKOWSKI,
opened to the public, it Polish Ambassador to India
compels one to visualise the
Walled City differently.
Transformed into a PHOTO: ARVIND YADAV/HT
pedestrian corridor with red
granite stone and decorative
authorities have concretised
the entire stretch, revamped
wonderful step. So, we have
planned a special vegetarian P P P
lights, this new no-vehicle zone the pedestrian walks and made food night walk, now that there
has food joints that are allowed other cosmetic changes to the are options,” shares Farheen There used to be so There are Locals are facing a
to operate till midnight! But, area. I think it’s a waste of Maaz, a resident of Old Delhi much traffic... Now, wholesale markets severe transportation
are denizens welcoming all money. Nobody puts red and founder of the social
these changes? Well, about sandstone on streets! They initiative, WeTheChange India. there are only simple here. After shopping, issue, since no cars are
50%, we’d say. have been stopping traffic, Maaz adds: “Chandni Chowk rickshaws to come in, so people have to take a allowed. Also, Gurdwara or
“Bahut saari lights laga di which is absolutely foolish.” and the area around it has
hain, and they have also For those who have been become very accessible now. I it’s wonderful! The road rickshaw to reach their Ramlila processions won’t
worked to make the roads working towards highlighting recently went to Gurdwara Sis has been laid down cars. Now, there are no be able to cross the area...
better. Everything is looking the historical and cultural Ganj Sahib and saw that a lot of
very nice now. But, I hope they significance of the area, the locals are coming, because it’s nicely. We are happy parking facilities in any yeh ab purana Chandni
are able to maintain this, that’s
the most challenging part,”
redevelopment is a win-win
situation. “Generally, only
easier to reach.”
Rana Safvi, historian and
about the change. nearby area. Chowk nahi hai.
says Mohammad Zubair, who non-vegetarian outlets used author, who recently visited HARI GIDWANI, ATAM AGARWAL, Social ABU SUFIYAN, Founder, Purani
owns an eyewear shop in to be open near Jama Masjid. the place, says: “The stopping From Chaina Ram Sindhi worker from Kinari Bazaar Dilli Walo Ki Baatein
Ballimaran. But now, all food joints are of vehicular traffic is a great Confectioners
Ashok Mathur, who resides allowed to open, even after the step, as it means we can enjoy
in Nai Sadak, opines, “The market closes, which is a the heritage stretch.”