Life Skills by DK

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Written by Keilly Swift

Illustrated by James Gibbs

Up, up,
and away!
As you set off on your life’s adventures, there
will be high points, low points, and all the
points in between. This book is designed to
help you navigate your journey. Get to know
yourself, believe in what you can do, build
confidence to tackle challenges, and grab
some exciting opportunities along the way.
Author Keilly Swift
Editor Katie Lawrence
Project Art Editor Lucy Sims What are life skills? Chapter 2
Additional editorial Abi Luscombe
US Editor Jane Perlmutter Ways of thinking
Chapter 1
US Senior Editor Shannon Beatty
Production Editor Dragana Puvacic
Senior Production Controller
Edward Kneafsey 26–27
Jacket Coordinator Issy Walsh Finding solutions Give it some thought
Jacket Designer Elle Ward
Managing Editor Jonathan Melmoth
Managing Art Editor
Diane Peyton Jones 10–11 The power of wondering
Creative Director Helen Senior Making decisions
Publishing Director Sarah Larter and solving problems
Illustrator James Gibbs
Educational Consultant 12–13 Getting creative
Wynne Kinder, M. Ed. Mind map
First American Edition, 2021 32–33
Published in the United States by DK Publishing
1450 Broadway, Suite 801, New York, NY 10018
14–15 Thinking creatively
I’ve got a feeling
Text copyright © Keilly Swift 2021
Copyright in the layouts and design of the Work
shall be vested in the Publisher. 34–35
DK, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC
21 22 23 24 25 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16–17 Digging deeper
001–321704–April/2021 The mistake maze
All rights reserved.
Without limiting the rights under the copyright 36–37
reserved above, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval
18–19 Critical thinking cap
system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any Process it
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise), without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner. 38–39
Published in Great Britain by
Dorling Kindersley Limited
20–21 Stopping to think
A catalog record for this book is available
from the Library of Congress. machine
ISBN: 978-0-7440-2769-3

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Printed and bound in China

This book is
packed full of
Chapter 5
helpful tips. Coping skills

Chapter 4 74–75
Failing to succee
feelings 76–77
Stressful situatio

58–59 78–79
Chapter 3 A capsule of you Caught in a storm

Communicating 60–61 80–81

Personality quiz Healthy habits
The communication
62–63 82–83
game Taking a moment Feeling calm

44–45 64–65 84–85

Learning to listen
Today I felt... Seeking support

46–47 66–67 86–87

More than words
Understanding others Something to
relate to
48–49 68–69
Domino effect
It’s how you say it

50–51 70–71
Stepping into character
What a team!
Flying high
Choosing the
right words 90–91
Help, advice, and in
Communication 92–93
superpowers Glossar y


What are
life skills?
Imagine having your own toolbox that you can use to
handle whatever life might throw at you. That’s exactly
what life skills are. Developing life skills will help you solve
existing problems, and step into the future full of confidence
and ready to tackle all kinds of challenging situations.

This tower includes

the five areas of
life skills in this book.

The best thing about

life skills is that no
matter where you’re
starting from, you can
keep on building…
Find ing
In Chap
decisio r 1, find out ho
ns and
solve p w to make go
roblem od
s, both
big and

Ways o
Learn h thinkin
think o w to approac
ut h
to form side the box, issues from d
your o a if
wn opin nd gather in ferent angles
ions in for ,
Chapte mation
r 2.
Wh ether ing
can spe it’s talking, lis
ak with tening,
buildin o or
g the v ut words, Cha the way you
aluable pter 3 is
skill of
commu all about
feelin ng
and tr r all the thin
yp gs
to figu ut ting your that make
re out self in y
how th someo ou unique
ey ma n
y be fe e else’s sho
eling i e
n Cha s
pter 4

From s
m skills
situati all, day-to-d
ons pa a
find a cked w y challenge
lot of c it st
oping h strong em o more stre
strateg o ss
ies in C tions, you’ll ful
r 5.

FIf you’ve ever faced a tricky
decision to make or a problem to
solve, you know how tough it can
be. Learning different ways to break
things down and work through
options can help you make confident
choices and find the best solutions.
Things might not work out exactly as
you’d like every time, but learning

from your mistakes is one of the

most valuable lessons in life.

lu tio n
Making decisions and solving problems
are important skills that often go together.
As you read this book, you’ll learn tips and
tricks that will help you develop these skills.

tim —
o n s
isi decisioe. It ’s
De ake h tim s too
m uc ng g
i m e to oo m to thi makin o
et t in ot al s
Tak but n rush but n p can lem.
y to kly, d u rob
Everyd a eas quic r min e a p
y choic you
You m ake li
day, from t tle decisions ev
what shir er y
to what t to wea
to have r
Many ch for brea
oices do k fas t.
thought n’t
at all, wh need much
you can ich mean
save you s
for bigg r brainpo
er decis we r

ns Lookin
Optio comes gb a ck
a nd o ut your dif fere
nt Af ter yo
u’ve ma
decisio de a
ab o eir n
Think and what th think ab , take time to
s . out how
option s might be turned
m e out. Rem things
outco things down ially ever yon ember,
g c
Writin elpful, espe ision. the wro e can make
e h d c
d e ng choic
c an b plicate e, it ’s
c o m par t of
fo r a learning

s k q uestio
A p wi t h
To com s, it can help
n of
solutio urself a lot
again! metimes s k yo s t io
s to a qu e
th i n d e d ld be
t ha t s o a o p e n - “ W ha t wo u r
of life
ct ed s :
such a l outcome? ” o
It ’s a fa k you’ve solv back id ea b le t
in es my be a
you th , but it com tion m ig h t
proble he same so
lu “ W ho advice
m e
a in ! T s w or k a giv e
n o t a lway to thin
might time, so tr y .
d ng e d
secon hat has cha s in
ab o u t
w hing
o u lo ok a t t
Can y nt way?
a dif fe

e g oal
m ber t s about deal
e gi
Rem em solvinght ways r to solveo
bl ri e t
Pro ng the . In ord ht need ay.
i e
find an issu ou mig g the w
w i t h m y
, al o n o ur
p roble cisions keep y ossible
e de nt to it ’s p r
mak por ta , since ut neve
ogeth steps
i m d b !
t It ’s in min isions oblem
i n g
l c r
n man
y goa ake de e the p
are of solve m
to ally so l v
There d to take to
e ple, if ac t u
you ne m. For exam late
le g
a prob lways runnin eps
’re a h e s t
you ,t
orning ould be
h e m
in t ke c
ight ta es t he
you m t your cloth our
to lay
o u et y
e f o re , and s a
b ’s
night r a time that
r m fo
ala er.
it earli
lit tle b

...and solving
problems 11
Mind map in g d own
is a w ay of bre c ision.
d m ap g a d e
A min
ns w h en makin s you
io hoice
your opt f fe re n t c
sh o w s the di at m ight
I t w h
ul d m a ke and rg anize Spend it
o you c a n o all.
p p e n , s
ha hts.
r t ho u g

Should I spend Spend som

or save my
allowance? save somee,

Save it al
Ma p ke



Try making
your own mind
map and following
the roads to
I can have help you make
a nice trea a decision.
right now! t e
I won’t havy
any monell.
left at a
I can have
a small tre
now and t It will takre
some mone
y me longe r
to save fo I
to save.
something t.
really wan
It won t t
that long’ ake
for a bigge to save own
Draw your ple
and I’ ll havtreat able This is a ve
r y sim

money sav e I won’t be thing version of a

mind map.
draw your
if I need ied to buy anyow. When you
own, you c
an use man
t. right n ns to help
pros and co cision.
you make a

Listen to Trust your feelings
yourself Sometimes we reject our own
It’s said that intuition is feelings, maybe because
your connection to your they are different from how
subconscious—the area of your everyone else is feeling. Your
mind that can influence you inner guide, however, is
without you being aware of it. often right, so trust your
Taking some quiet time can feelings and explore the
help you tune in to what that answers your intuition is
part of your mind is telling you. trying to give you.
Following your
inner guide can
lead to making
better decisions.

got a
feeling What is intuition?
One of the most powerful
Your intuition is a strong
tools you can use when you’re feeling you have about
faced with a tricky situation something without thinking
too hard about it. There are
is your intuition. It’s sometimes times when you just know
called your “gut feeling,” and it something is right or wrong.
Paying attention to this feeling
can help you make decisions can help you know your own
and solve problems. mind. Here are some tips to
help develop your powers
of intuition.

Pay attention
Your subconscious picks up on Can you think
of a time when your
more than you might think. Paying
attention to what’s going on around
you means that you’re gathering lots
of little clues and bits of information, intuition has helped
which all feed into your intuition to
help you make the best decision. you? It may be that
without knowing why,
you just knew where
to find something
Sleep on it
that was lost!
There is a reason people say
that they will “sleep on a decision.”
While you sleep, your subconscious
runs through all the information that
you’ve picked up and tries to make sense
of it. After a good night’s sleep, you may find
that you wake up with the perfect solution
to something that’s been bugging you!

Write in a journal
Making notes about any issues
you want to tackle and any
thoughts you have about things
is important. No matter how
random these ideas may seem,
writing them down can help you see
things more clearly, and figure
out how you are really feeling.

Put everything together

There are times that using your
intuition can be really valuable,
Use your intuition and other times when you need
to help you piece to think more and weigh your
together issues
you’re facing. options. Often, you’ll find these
two skills work hand in hand as
you face different situations and
difficult decisions.

i me
ki n g your t ng
Ta akes w
Stop ping to think
ne m aking
Ever yo ometimes. T wrong
s s ou t Maybe you made the
choice e to think ab you e yo u did n’t stop
t im o s
a choice becaus
s om e idn’t g skill. nt along
in g s d to think, or you jus t we
why th is a valuable els e.
d with ever yone

Sometimes, you can’t avoid
making the mistake, but
did you learn something
for next time?

the ne li
m kes
thr som mak
g etim ing m
mo h m es! istak
ista I t can es, bu
re kes b t ever y
use , bu e t ricky t one make
ful t lea o find y s
than r ning o ur way
get t f ro m
ing t them can
hings be even
right th
e first time.

Saying sorry
t do or say
Sometimes you migh
t because
something you regre
y. Sayin g sorry is a
you feel angr
sign of strength not we

h o nest ving
Havi honest ando say
g et e”
B ein n f i d e n c a m i s t a k
c o e r.
t h e w I m a d h a r a c te
n o to f c
“I k
s a lo
s h ow

u r goa
ch ing mistakes u
Rea ve made , when yo
u’ ay el s
If yo the w al it fe
g o
alon your g !
h l
reac specia
r a

Finding a way through

after making a mistake
shows that you can
handle almost anything.

The marbles
aren’t making it
to the end of the
Process it
marble run!
Dealing with your problems can
be tricky, and sometimes you
won’t know how to solve them.
One of the best ways to tackle a
problem is by breaking it down.
Here’s a process that can help.

What’s the problem?

Start by figuring out what exactly
the problem is. Try to sum it up in
one sentence if you can. Then write
another sentence about what you
would like to happen instead. What are the causes?
Now think about what could
be causing the problem. It
could be one thing or several
things. Are the causes linked
or separate from each other?

Make a plan
possible solutions Write down what steps you are
Try to think up ways to solve the going to take, what you might
problem. They won’t all be perfect need, and who you might need
solutions, so carefully consider the to ask for help.
pros and cons of each option.

Action stations
Now it’s time to put your plan into
action. If things aren’t going as you
hoped, don’t be afraid to go back
a step and change your plan.

There’s the problem!

I hope this works.

Review outcomes
Whatever the outcome,
whether the problem was
solved or not, it’s important
to take time to think about
how things went. It’s all part
of the learning experience!

I’m not getting along
Problem- with my little sister. I’d
like to find a way to help
us get along better.
solving The causes

machine She can

My sister wants be annoying.  We’re not
Look how this wacky machine to hang around interested in
with me all the same
takes a real-life problem and the time. things.
puts it through the problem-
solving process to come up
with a solution that works.
Brainstorm ways to
solve your problem.

Possible solutions

Only suggest Set aside Try to be more

Tell her to doing things some time understanding
leave you that you’re for you to do and find ways
alone. interested in. things together. to keep calm.
Think carefully about
The plan
whether your solutions
would work or not.
These options might
upset your
little sister. ay
Tuesd take
ry er, with
Eve dinn sing Talk it out
ore oo o y
your famil
bef rns ch g to d
tu ethin r. hat
and see w t.
he es
som toget they sugg

Some solutions might not

work, but that’s part of the
problem-solving process.

Review in three weeks

Tuesdays aren’t working because
we are too busy. Let ’s tr y Sunday
af ternoons instead.

Now that we also have a family meeting

Try putting a once a week, we get to talk about
problem you have any problems. It ’s going well!

through the machine

to figure out what Did the plan work?
causes it. Come up I’m getting along much better with my sister.
We still argue sometimes, but now I have
with some possible more ways of dealing with it. We are spending
a lot of time together, but I can also do things
solutions and by myself without upsetting her.
a plan!
Some problems are so big they seem to be
out of your control. But there are often ways to
make things more manageable by taking small
steps in the right direction. Here’s an example:

A big problem that

worries me is that a lot
of cats and dogs end up
in animal shelters, but
what can I do?

Think about the causes

There are a lot of different reasons
why an animal ends up in a shelter:

• It may have been lost, and didn’t

have a microchip.

• Its owner may be sick, and can’t

take care of their pet anymore.

• The animal may have been abandoned.

These things are all out of your control,

but are there still things you
could do to help?

Pet sitting
You could ask if friends What big issues
or neighbors need help
taking care of their pets do you wish you
when they are away or
sick. Before you do, be Helping with appeals could solve? Are
sure to ask a grown-up
if that’s OK.
Animal shelters sometimes
put out appeals for things like there small steps
old blankets and bedding.
You could donate these things
you could take
to make the animals’ lives
more comfortable.
to help?

Some shelters allow older children
to volunteer with them. When
you’re old enough, you could
sign up for this. It might even Fundraising
lead to a future career! Raising funds for animal shelters
helps them give the best care to
the animals. Could you have a bake
sale, wash cars, or raffle some of
your old toys to raise money?

Fostering opportunities
Some animal shelters look for people to
foster cats and dogs, to give them love
and care before a permanent home can
be found. Could you do this?

pet ownership
If your family adopts
a pet, you should make sure
you fully research its needs,
so you know you can give
it a happy and healthy life.

ays of
Some people find it easy
to come up with creative new ideas,
while others are great at thinking things
through step-by-step. You can develop
both types of thinking.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to find a
better way to get a task done, discover
how to ask the right questions, and spot
when information might not be quite

right. It’s time to get thinking…

in kin g
Give it some
Creative thinking and critical ati
ve thinking
thinking are skills that can help
Thinking creatively means
you in all kinds of situations looking at something in a new
throughout your life. Both way. It could be coming up with
a different method, or inventing
types of thinking can help something entirely from scratch.
you make good decisions Learning to think creatively
means keeping your mind open
and solve problems. so you consider all possibilities,
being flexible in how you
approach things, and sometimes
taking a chance on trying
something new!

l thinking
Cr The pages in this
Thinking critically is a way
of processing information. It chapter help you
means finding out the facts and strengthen both your
evaluating things. Learning to
look at things differently and creative and critical
understanding other points of thinking skills.
view helps you see what’s
going on and form your own
carefully considered opinions.
Having this skill gives you the
confidence to decide how you
feel about something.

The power of
One of the most powerful things you can do
to think creatively is to wonder. Wondering
means asking yourself questions, and opening
up new possibilities. Here are some questions
to get you started:

When you think something

is impossible, just ask yourself
“What if I changed something
to make this work?” or “What
if there’s another way
to do this?”

If you think a chore is taking too

long, try asking “What if there is a
way to do this quickly, but still do
it right?” This could help you
come up with a plan.

Wondering fun
Wondering can be
just for fun, too. Let
your imagination …trees could talk?
run wild as you What would
think about they say? ...computers didn’t
these questions.
exist? What would
life be like?
What if...

If there’s a particular food you
don’t like, ask yourself “What if I’d
like it prepared in another way?”
Whether it’s in a smoothie or
a stew, you could be in for
a delicious surprise.

When you see something

interesting, such as a painting
or building, ask “What if there’s a
cool story behind this?” You could
then do some research to see how
close you are to the truth.

When you’re writing

something, ask “What if
there is another way to say
this?” or “What if there is a
better word I could use?”
This could help make your
writing really original.

Can you come up with

...I could build some more things to
a robot using
things I can find
wonder about? Have fun
at home? discussing your ideas with
your friends and family!
Getting Getting Photos and art can

artistic prompt all kinds of
feelings and memories.
When inspiration You’ll be creating
strikes, try digging something that can
out your camera, be treasured forever.
paints, and pens.
You may be inspired
by a beautiful scene,
Exploring your artistic talents or want to explore
a subject you’re
is a wonderful way to process interested in.

your thoughts and feelings, or

even spark creative thinking.
Think about what
it is that makes
something special
to you and feel how
you can bring that
Creative expression to life in your art.

Here are some of the things

you can do to express yourself creatively.
Whatever you choose, being creative
helps you see things from
a different perspective.

Writing it down
Writing in a journal
Putting your thoughts about things that have
and ideas down on happened can help you
paper is a great method make sense of them.
to express yourself.
There are so many types
of writing you can try.
You could plan what
you’re going to write,
or just see where your
imagination takes you.

Coming up with a story

or crafting a poem lets
you explore your own
thoughts and ideas.

Making music
Music can help you
express loads of
different feelings.
Learning to play an
instrument can help
your brain work in
new ways. It’s no
surprise that one of Listening to a lot of different kinds
the greatest scientists of music can help you figure out
of all time, Albert what instrument you might be
interested in playing.
Einstein, played
the violin!

Don’t forget that

your own voice can
be an instrument, too.
Whether it’s singing or
beatboxing, your voice
is a powerful tool.

Putting on a Whatever form your

performance takes,
performance remember that
Taking part in the you’re bringing
performing arts, such something to the
as dance and drama, stage that no one
else can—YOU!
allows you to explore
your feelings and show
them physically. It can also
boost your confidence and

You could do ballet

or hip-hop, put on a mime
show, or learn a play based
on your favorite book.

e ativ ly

t hat can be
in kin g is as kill
d is so m etimes
i t h pr ac tice, an e re are
en ed w b ox .” H
strength king outside the g e t s t ar ted.
in ou
called “th nd tricks to help y
some tip

Get ins play or keep a boospires
k nk
u t h i llie r
dis at in yo i
g s ’s
Make a ing you see th l painting, C an e t h in
m s d og
th tifu so n thi hat?
of ever y her it ’s a beau cool th a ll a
e t ra bre
you, wh imal photo, o ght can um
an ou
a funny ne creative th ver know
. O e
gadget ther, and you n uld end
no co
spark a ing ideas you .
c it s
what ex solve problem
up with
Be sill
hen tr y
a new ing to
idea th come up wit
would at h
tr y, sta no one else
the sill r t by b
ies rain
Write d t things you storming
o ca
no mat wn absolutel n think of.
ter how y ever y
Then c th
ome b ridiculous it s ing,
see if i ack to y o unds.
t ’s ou
great a the star t of s r list and
f ter all. ometh
Pu ing
o n a ll a m
di s
pla a

W hat
M egan
enge ow Rapin
oe do?

a t you kn ings you do ur

wh many
e it ’s y
are ayb u
There thinking. M the way yo
u t or
witho g routine, ay. Think! er
in w si
morn r clothes a t ter, or ea st
u b e le
put y here be a ? The smal
t s
Could oing thing mes the
fd ti
way o s are some
chang f fec tive.
Thi n k l
ne else
Think abo
you adm ut what some
ir on
could b e might do. It e
celebrit your spor ts he
y you lik ro
in your e, or so , a
life who m
respec t se view eone
. Think s you
of ideas abo
they mig ut the t ype
with to
solve a ht come up
up c
in s t lo th
fo l d e ad o f
in g

exa mpl
A sticky
n (1974)
Apollo 13 Successful failure (1970) situatio
crew: James
The Apollo 13 spaceship was almost
Lovell, John kmark
Swigert, and at the moon when an oxygen tank r th u r F r y’s boo k, he
W hen A f his boo
Fred Haise exploded. The three astronauts on ing out o ea to use
kept fall id
board had to move to another part with the place.
of the spaceship, but it started to fill with c am e up e to h old it in
fg lu
a type o born!
dangerous levels of carbon-dioxide s t- it ® N otes were
gas. The astronauts survived
by creating a makeshift gas
absorber from the items
they had on board!
The situation
Imagine you’re looking through a magazine
and you spot an article about a new gadget.
Before you decide to buy it, it can help to
ask yourself questions about the article
to make sure the gadget is worth it.

is “What
you should ask
The first thing e
tell me ab t th
does this ar ticle u figure
will help yo
gadget?” This bala nc ed
gives a
out if the ar ticle
th e ga dget or not.
review of

A great way to train your brain
Next, yo
the ar tic
by some
u might
le? ” Was
one who
sk “ Who
it writ ten
manufac works fo
to think critically is to ask the tu
write ar ti rer? Some peop
cles just
r the
le will
their pro to
right kinds of questions. Here’s duc ts, so get you to buy
research it is impo
who the r tant to
an example of when asking a lot author is

of questions could help you

dig a bit deeper.

Think about I know just
other situations what I’m going
when asking these to do!
questions would
be helpful.

? you
How ne all of How has
do sk “ ou
When? yo u’ve at to a ” Do y t
en re d? e
It is important to ask Wh h, it’s g hange e gadg
arc on c g t h ?
“When would I use this?” to help rese opini buyin ecision
see if it’s worth buying. You could my think ight d
still s the r
also ask “When should I buy it?” i
Could you wait until your birthday,
or for it to go on sale?

Why? self
ou ld a sk your ” You
You sh t h is g adget? r
o I nee
d a simila
“ Why d d that there is t ter, or
n e
might fi at you’d like b e that
t h ls
gad g e t thin e
t he r e is some ore.
that nt m
you wa

n to ask is “Whe
Another questio n abou t
e informatio
could I get mor eo ne
know som
this? ” You might
s the gadget and
who already ha
ore about it, or
could tell you m
look up some
an adult could
reviews online.
You’ve been Do your research
put in charge Now it’s time to look into Can you tell
of creating some things a bit more. Talking to
me why you
new rules for your
people is a big part of that.
You could speak to the think that?
school or a club. adults who made the rules
or ask your friends for their
Follow these steps ideas. It’s good to talk
to come up with to a range of people who
think differently from you.
a plan.
the information
Start by asking yourself a lot
of questions. What do you
? ? ?
know about the rules that
are already in place? Why are
the rules there? Who benefits ? ? ?
from them? How would you
like rules to change, and why?

C r
thin itica
Put t
help on you
yo r
com u care critical t
e up fully h
with con inking
new sider t cap ca
to g ideas. hings a n
et th H n
inkin ere’s ho d
abo g w
ut so critical
met ly
36 .
Look at ru le s to consider: Test out
the big picture e c r e a m e very day some ideas
• Ic
Once you’ve gathered a rly f inish on Friday If you’re unsure what
•E a
lot of facts and opinions,
o n e to help with effect something
you need to weigh up • Every project might have, you could
everything. Think about a gardening test it out for a short time.
what is and isn’t possible, By trying it out, you can see
and why people suggested what works and get feedback
certain things. Consider your from people about it. You might
own opinions, too. end up keeping the rule, changing
it a bit, or scrapping
it completely.

You need
today to help
only! at least
one person

Put your plan in place
Now it’s time to put your plan in
place. If something doesn’t work out
as you hoped, you can always put
your critical-thinking cap back on
to review how it went.
You c
cap i an use y
n all
kindsour critic
of sit al thin
uation king
s. 37
t New s Daily Li
Pe ouse O n lin e
Cat and friends! UF Os s
fe Tee croh
Th b ot s are

are best over cit pot ted


Stopping I can’t beli

favorite b
eve our

to think
and was
voted off
the show.
It must be

Yeah, the
y were the
best! No w
ay they ’d
be voted

It can be easy to think that what you

see and read is always true. Here are What a sc
some examples of when critical voted for
E I know
them to st
thinking can help you stop and
question what’s real. 

e en a
c r o s s b e t w o ha s
This hipp the
an d a n
giraf fe spot ted o nah.
Before you go o b e e n a n s av a n

you should alwaynline,


with a parent or s check

Remember that t guardian.
social media sites o use most
need to be at le you
13 years old. ast
Stop and think
Could the headlines be
Easy to think exaggerated to encourage
These headlines are people to buy the paper? Ask
amazing. They are in an adult to help you research
a newspaper, so they whether headlines are likely
must be true. to be true in this type of
newspaper, and to help
you better understand
the facts.

Stop and think

Easy to think How do you know the
That band would never show is rigged? You don’t
have been voted off. The know any facts yet, all
show must be rigged, you’ve heard is other
everyone says so. people’s opinions. Could
you find out more about
how the voting works?

Stop and think

Easy to think Wait a minute! Does this
What an amazing look too strange to be
creature. I need to real? Ask an adult to help
share this photo with you research if this animal
everyone I know. truly exists. Not all
photos are real!


There are so many ways you
can communicate. The words

you use are important, but you
can also communicate through
your body language, your voice
tone and volume, and even by
saying nothing at all!
These skills will help you in all
kinds of ways, from expressing
yourself, to understanding others,
and working as part of a team.
The com commun ic ati o n skills with these
nd have fun
Explore your u r fr ien d s, a
halleng es . P lay with yo e n t a nd new ways!
c ings in dif fer
nic a tin g th

Topic ca rd s pic
u w ill ne e d to pick the to
First yo ate. Here
u’re go ing to communic
are some ide

A movie you
A hobby you
u like
An animal yo
Your favorite
on’t like
A meal you d
topic, you
you hav e de cided on your cards.
one o f these four challenge
can choose
ond s
g 30 s e c
M i mi n p ic in
your to ns?
n y o u ac t out ds—jus t ac tio
Ca wo r
t using
withou unicate
o u ld c o mm
ac tions t way?
• What pic in the bes ns,
your to c ial ex pressio
fa .
can use to help you
e m b er you ro p s
• Rem s, and even p
e ca rd s you
g e s t ur your ac hing.
all e n g ex a g g
e r a t e
s any t
Ch ge card
asks It c a n help to nds don’t mis
llen in a •
your fr
Each cha icate your topic s o t ha t
un k
to comm ay. Af ter you pic
w ess
dif ferent r friends can gu .
ou them
a card, y t r ying to tell
what you
game Think about
other topics you
might want to try
to others in
this game.

Drawing at sums up
w in g a pic ture th — go!
Try d ra
Y o u h av e one minute
your topic.
s simple
m a k e y o u r drawing a
• You can ou like.
licated as y
or a s c omp
nd use a
ra te a s possible, a
• Be a s a c c u need to.
a s a re fe rence if you
with an
il s, su ch as a face to
ad d d e ta mbs down
• You could r a th u m b s up or thu th e to p ic.
yo u fe e l ab o u t
friends how
show your
C an y
your t u write a s
opic? h
Tr y to or t paragr
f in i s h a
• Are
you w writin ph to expla
g in 3 i
the to ri ti m in u n
pic, o ng to tell s tes.
r to te o
• Mak ll them meone m
why y ore
inform ure you in o u c h ab o u t
a t io n cl os e i t
abou ude all of t ?
• Hav t t he t h e im
e fu o p ic . p or t a
a rhym n with the
e or a word
play o s. C
n wor ould you
Talking ds? in c lu d
Without saying the na
me of the topic,
can you talk about it for
30 seconds?
• Think about the best
words you could
use to really get your
message across.
• Remember to stick
to the topic.
Try not to talk about so
mething else.
• Avoid pausing or sa
ying “um”—
it’s harder than it soun

Wait for a pause
If there’s something you
don’t understand or need
someone to repeat, you

to listen
should speak up. But
don’t interrupt anyone
midsentence—wait for
a natural pause.
Block out
It’s easy to get 5
distracted by things,
such as a TV that’s on
Learning to listen well is just as in the background. It’s
important, however, to
important as learning to talk. keep your attention on
These top tips will help you what’s being said,
or you might miss
take ideas in rather than just something.

hear the words.


Make eye contact

Listening to someone can
start with your eyes. Looking
them in the eye shows that
you are focused on what
they’re saying and that they
have your full attention.

Listen with your 4

whole body
It can help you listen if
you make sure you’re not Keep your mind open
fidgeting, fiddling with While someone’s talking, try not
something in your hands, to jump to conclusions in your
or tapping your feet. mind. It’s best to wait to hear the
whole story before you form
any sort of opinion.

Feel it
Empathy means Test your skills:
Ask an adult to
understanding someone
else’s feelings. If you share
someone’s sadness when
they’re telling you something give you directions to
sad, or their excitement at
some good news, you are
somewhere in your
If you start trying to
understanding things from neighborhood. Listen
carefully and see if you
their point of view.
think about how
you’re going to reply,
you may find that you
9 can figure out where
tuned out what
someone is saying. the directions would
Concentrate on
listening, it’s fine to take you!
take some time
when it’s your
turn to reply.

Picture it
Forming a picture in
your mind of what you’re
being told can help you
remember the
6 key details.

Keep to the topic 10

Try not to say things
that would take the Show it
conversation in a different Show you understand what
direction. You can always someone is telling you by
wait until the end of the mirroring what they say. It could
conversation and then be saying something like “That’s
mention something else amazing!” or even just nodding
that has interested you. your head to show you’re
following what they’re telling you.

When you’re feeling
nervous, using Anger
pi ne s confident body
Hap Bi
language can help!

Red fa


rs back

s crossed
Chin up

Mirror work
Look in a mirror
Arms relaxed

and see if you can

show these feelings
without saying
anything! There are

a few pointers here,
but do whatever
feels natural.

than words
It’s not just words that tell people how
you’re feeling. Body language can give
away more clues than you think. Being
aware of your body language and
noticing other people’s
are very useful skills.

Boredom Looki
do w

ng n
Looki Body talk

ng awa
Body language can be
Dr very powerful. If someone
rolls their eyes at you it can

be just as hurtful as saying
something mean. If someone is
ing f ingers

sad, a hug can show you care

i nging more than you could say

Wr nds with words.
o ld i ng head
in hands

Giving the
wrong impression
Sometimes we form habits that can
Scowling Biting nails Slouching
mean our body language is sending
It could just be This common habit Maybe you’re a
a message to other people that we because you’re can be a sign of bit tired, but sit
don’t intend to send. Here are some concentrating, worry or stress, or up straight if you
common things people sometimes but it may look it can just make it want to be alert
do without thinking: like anger. look that way! and listen well.

Kennedy vs. Nixon Studying

In 1960, a US presidential election the science
debate was shown on TV for We communicate far more with
the first time. To most people body language than we do with
watching, the newcomer, John F. words. Studying this nonverbal
Kennedy, was the clear winner communication, called kinesics, can
since he looked confident. Those tell us a lot. For example, when two
listening on the radio thought the people are getting along well they
more experienced Richard Nixon often mirror each other’s body
had triumphed. They, however, language without realizing it.
hadn’t been able to see how much
Nixon was sweating, which made
him appear nervous.

Kennedy went on
to win the election.
It’s how
you say it
Adjusting the volume and tone in your
voice can change the meaning behind
your words. It’s useful to think about
not just what you say, but also
how you say it.
Very loud
You should be
very loud when
you need to
get attention
such as in an
Volume emergency!
Using your voice
at the right volume Loud
can help in different It helps to speak in
situations. It can affect a loud, clear voice
how clear your words when talking to a
are and even reveal group of people.
how you feel. You
might speak quietly Medium
This is your
if you’re feeling sad,
normal volume,
or very loudly if for everyday
you’re angry. conversations.
This voice is used
when you don’t
want to disturb
other people.
Very quiet
Sometimes you will
need to whisper,
Silent like when your baby
sister is sleeping!
When listening to
someone, it’s best
not to use your
voice at all.
Your tone of voice works with your volume.
The same words can have different meanings
when they’re said in different ways.

it u
Att d e
Sometimes a grumpy attitude can
come across in your tone of voice,
even when you use single words,
such as “yes,” or “no.” Try saying these
words in a mean way, then try with an
enthusiastic tone to hear the difference.

Your emotions can come across in
your voice, just like your attitude. It’s
important to show your emotions in your
tone of voice to let people know how you
feel. Try saying “I’m going to school” in
both a happy and sad voice. Press record!
It can help to record
yourself saying
different sentences
Qu When you ask a question, your voice
using different
gets higher at the end. A sentence said
volumes and tones,
without a higher pitch, at the end, to hear how they
however, is a statement. Try saying come across.
“You love music” as a question and
a statement.

st a te m e n

You might talk too quickly, especially
if you’re nervous, and people could
find it hard to keep up—but, speaking
too slowly might lose their attention. If you can’t
read someone’s
Try explaining something at a few
different speeds.

tone of voice,
p hasis
and are confused
Changing the word you emphasize,
about what they
or draw attention to, in a sentence can are trying
to say, then
completely change the meaning behind
it. Try saying “I love ice cream,” but
emphasize different words each time
and see how different it can sound. ask them.
te o
e com
pl show
pe ones
cate well. Have you been
ere? What did you notice?

n e
h th
m w
tea st
Sports team
f a k be

This relay team works together

so they all know what their role is
par wor

on the track. Before each race,

they have to communicate with

each other to make sure the team


is working well. Most importantly,

they have to trust and stand
by each other even if they

end up losing a race.

These runners
need to
Fort building
communicate These kids had a great time
when they building their fort. They made a
pass the
baton. plan together and decided what
job each person would do, such
as gathering the things needed
so others could build the fort.
When everyone has a role,
they can all feel proud of
their achievement.

by team spirit
In 2016, the UK soccer team Leicester
City made history. They had been at the
very bottom of their league in 2015.
Against all odds, they went on
to become champions the next year.
They beat world-famous teams, such as
Manchester United. The key to their
success was excellent team spirit.
These friends decided to hold
a bake sale to raise money for
a good cause. They planned it
together, and put up posters to
tell other people. On sale day,
they all brought in cookies and
cakes. Working together is
more powerful than trying to
do the same thing alone.

School newspaper
Before each school newspaper
is made, the team has an ideas
meeting. They work together

to decide what everyone will
do. Some people have certain
interests, such as writing stories,
while others will try anything. If
they use everyone’s talents, the
newspaper will be great.

Choos in g
sorry g ht
the ri
wo r ds ricky
d w i t h a t
’re face h t w ords
help When you h e r ig
for i t uat ion, f inding t
Asking s ig di f ference.
a b
can make
If you’re str
uggling wit
of homewo ha
rk, you may piece
giving up b feel like Tell them w
ecause you
hat you’ve r ee
by yourself a It may also
help to exp
tried so far.
everyone n
. Instead, re n’t do it
member th you are fee
lain how s a
eeds help s at di
Think abou ometimes.
tw If you’re wo
person to a ho may be the best rrie
sk, have the tim d that they may not
a classmate whether it ’s a teache e to help y
, or a siblin r, then ask th
em when w
ou right no
some usefu g. Here are ould be be
l tips: tter.
Don’t forge
t to thank th
w h o ha s h e e person
lped you. K
they’re app nowing
reciated wil
l mean a lo
Disagreeing politely
There will be
times when yo
Learning to say no someone abo
ut something
u disagree w
You should sp that matters to
eak up about you.
not in a way th how you feel,
at could cause but
Here are som hurt feelings.
Saying no in the right way is e things that
could help:
an important skill to have. It’s
easy to say yes to things to Firs t, you nee
d to hear the
make people happy, but reasons behin m out. Listen
d their view an to the
sometimes you have to say d tr y not to in
no. Here’s how you can do it Then, when it
’s your turn to
in a positive way: that you have
lis tened by u
talk, show the
“I unders tand sing a phrase
what you’re sa , such as
ying, but I thin
It’s important to be clear If they tr y to in
and to the point, so there is can help to sa
terrupt you o
r talk over yo
u, it
no confusion. that, but pleas
y “I can see yo
u feel strong
e could you lis ly about
ten to my tho
You don’t always have to justify
your reasons, but it can help to
explain. For example, “I don’t
want to do that because it
doesn’t feel right.”

If you’re turning down an sk for

invitation, say it nicely and
apologize if necessary. For
“Don’t be afraid to ad it. I do
example, “I’m sorry, I really
wish I could come, but I have
help when you neesking for help
plans that day.”
that every day. A ness, it s a
isn’t a sign of weak shows ’you
sign of strength. It o admit when
agree help have the courage t ething, and
you don’t know somnew.”
to learn something ident
former US pres
Barack Obama,
Your mission Ask for support
Imagine you’re the leader of a Think about what you may
team of superheroes, and decide need help with on the
what your mission is. Follow Express your mission. What skills do
other people have that
these steps to communicate feelings could be useful?
and complete your mission! Discuss which part of the
You could write your mission mission is worrying you.
down as a story, draw it Is there a problem that
needs to be fixed?
as a cartoon, or even
act it out.

Listen to others
Listen to what other
people have to say, and
take their comments
into consideration.

goal n

atio n
c s
h e


la in

Exp what yourant to

u pow
up yw gs
Sum . You ma drawin
is om e el .
c lude s ms to h
in iagra

or d


t Comp
eel co nfid en l e te th
F Be op e m is
en to
new s si o n
Strike a e your skills? if the
plan c ugges
hat ar to com hange t ions a
pose! W ur confidence m s, d nd
Use yo and Then, unicate th on’t forget
celeb at to o
the team lf. rate y
to help r se our su thers.
in you ccess
believe !

Say tha nk y
Thank anyone
who helped
you along the
way and let
them know h
ow much you
appreciate th

Fe el p
Giv r oud
the b e yours
ack elf a
achi f b
eved or ever y ig pat o
Communication skills “I am
. Fin
reall the sen ou’ve
are like superpowers. mys y proud tence
elf fo
r…” of
They are useful in all kinds of
situations, such as starting a
new group project. Practicing
how you communicate can help
when it comes to the real thing.


Have you ever stopped to think
about all the things that make you,
well, you? There’s your personality,
the experiences you’ve had, the
things you enjoy, and so much more.
Considering the way you think and
feel each day allows you to get to
know yourself better, and can help

you begin to understand how

others might be feeling.

elin g
A ca
of y e
In or

you m to under
ust fi
r s
Here are some id
ng a t und f eas for
to do time cap erstand eelings,
what to put insid
e your
this. s yo time capsule—but
Capt ule is a g urself.
be as
creative as you lik
e. Seal
that m ure al reat
way your things insid
ake y l o f t h box, a cardboard
e a small
ou u e
niqu things
tube, or
a large envelope.
ely Y the date on the
OU! put it away to fin
front, and
d again
in the future.

A description of
you by a friend
Seeing how someone
else describes you and
comparing it to how
you see yourself can
be really interesting.
Is it similar or are
there differences?

Treasured memories
What have you done that
you think you’ll remember
forever? You could add
some photos or old tickets.

s o r p hras e
Word ld you describe
ou hre
How w ? Choose t t
e l f ha
yours r phrases t
s o
word b es t .
ink fit

ave yo u t h

br ist
58 art
Dr o
you w or p rtra
be rself. aint a t
t h I t p
You could try
making a time
eg do
t r e s or t r
rea tr y to eates n’t ha ait of
lly t
cap add d work ve to
t ur e o
e y tails f ar t,
ou. t ha
capsule every
year to see how
you’ve changed!

fut ra
s fo e to
e n
r th nd plau’d lik our
s fo e gra es yo ture y from
o pe they’r r plac u cap tures nes.
H ther er o e yo pic gazi
e are sur ing a
Wh re c ake clud nd m
u n a
t fut sit, m Tr y i ers
i al talen vi as. pap
sp ec u ide news
A d o yo
nt s ying
t t al e e pla
Wha It could b rument,
? st
have t or an in un e s
as p o r
h i s t l in g t
en w ur
o r e v e m to yo
t h
Add le.
c ap s

age 10 Things I’d

e vi o lin, like to d o

yi ng th Are there
to prac tice
Pla you’d like
over the n
ex t year?
n how you
Write dow
on th .
e m
like to work
Favorite It will be fa
c k an d s e e
to look ba .
things to d o u’ve come
how far yo
What do you like
do for fun or to re
Write these dow
n on
paper, or add ph
and drawings to
time capsule.

Which phrase
describes you best?
A. A really thoughtful person
B. A very funny person

C. A supercalm person
D. A person who takes the lead
Just for fun, here’s
a quiz to help you
get to know yourself 2 Which creature do you
a little better. Try it out
think you’re most like?
on your friends and A. A unicorn
family, too! B. A colorful peacock
C. A relaxed cat

D. A playful dog

If you had a free afternoon,
how would you spend it?
A. Writing a story
B. At a theme park
C. Chilling out at home
How to play D. Playing sports
Make a note of the letter you
choose for each question. When
you’re done, count up how many
of each letter you have.

Mostly As Mostly Bs
You’re a creative and You love being around
thoughtful person, who people and having fun.
can sometimes be shy. You’re happy being the
You are often lost in center of attention, and
thought, and can easily you like to keep people
entertain yourself entertained. You like
because your mind is full to try out new things.
of wonderful ideas.
4 7
What type of movie would What would you like
you choose to watch? to do with a friend?
A. A movie that makes me think A. Make or bake something
B. A comedy B. Play any type of game
C. Anything relaxing C. Listen to music
D. An adventure movie D. Go to the park

5 Which of these things would 8

What would you want
stress you out the most? to do on vacation?
A. Being too busy to think A. Read a book in the shade
B. Not being able to see my friends B. Make new friends in a pool
C. Having a disagreement with someone C. Relax in a hammock
D. Being stuck inside on a sunny day D. Explore the area

6 9
Which of these future What color best fits
careers would you choose? your personality?
A. An author or painter A. Deep blue
B. An actor B. Vibrant yellow
C. A yoga instructor C. Calming green
D. A firefighter D. Bright red

How do you like to let
your feelings out?
A. Writing in a journal
B. Talking with friends
C. Meditating or walking in nature
D. Going for a long run

Mostly Cs Mostly Ds
You are a very calm and
patient person who likes
You love getting outside
and staying active. You Everyone has a mix
to keep the peace. You
prefer to be in a relaxed
like being a leader, and
you work hard to get of traits, and your
environment. You are
usually very composed,
things done. If someone
is in trouble, you’re the personality is not
and you don’t get
flustered easily.
first to offer help.
set in stone!
Think back on the day

Just before you go to bed, think


about the different emotions you Noti re fe
c in g ho elin
felt during the day. Set aside ten situa
t w gs

minutes, and consider the reasons able ions mea you fee
to fi ns y l in
for your feelings and how you feel t gure out ou may b
reacted to them. exam hat way when yo e
a u
some ple, if yo gain. Fo ’ll
t hin u kno r
ner v
ous, g may m w that
to de you ake
al wi can find you
py befo th that aw

hap re it
feelin ay
me y ens.
asha angr
ous d
I had a great day out ecst ted rel
with my family, so atic tra
I’m feeling happy.
I had a long walk
sad in the park so I
d feel really relaxed
do w delighte and tired.
I felt disappointed d
because I failed annoye happy
a test today. scared un
I didn’t want to
talk about it. shy bored
I was nervous about
f performing in a show
nt and I had butterflies
in my stomach.
Taking a
n kful moment
tha ng y
ssing your s t ak i luck
feelings mean
to think ab ot io n s. I t
out your em up,
I was furious when helps
you to stop bot tling thin g s
my brother borrowed and to el. disappo
realize how you really fe inted
my new T-shirt
without asking.
Sha ring a nd c
se a ring
ten Sh aring how you
feel with others
can help you p
rocess things. It
can also mean
a lot to people
d you check in w if
rasse asking someon
ith them. Just
a r e how they’re
em b feeling can be
really powerfu
The strongest
tired friendships are

built on caring
about each

d other’s feeling

w orr

conte over it
Today I felt ...
g a jo ur na l, o r diary, can be a great way to relieve
c an a ls o h el p y ou develop a deeper understanding
stress. It things that are impor tant to you.
ee lin g s a nd t he
of your f

Using your jo lse will
body e
Remember, no
al so use it in a
see your journ e
for you. Here ar
way that works
might help.
some tips that

I learned It can be helpful to get into

how to the habit of writing in your

juggle today!
journal at the same time
every day or week.

Experiment with how

you write and
what you write about.
You might prefer
to write down whateve
r pops into your
head, or maybe you’d
like to build your
journal around the sa
me topics ever y day.

You could focus on one

thing you’re hoping to do
achieve, so that you have
record of your progress.
a My new
could be learning a new
skill, or saving money for
something you really wa

I had fun in
Writing isn’t the only
the park.
way to keep a journal.
You could also doodle,
sketch, or make a voice
journal by recording
each entry.

Capturing history
Looking at your old journal 2019 One of the most famous diaries
was written by Samuel Pepys
entries can help you see how
things have changed. You
in the 1660s. It tells us what life
might notice a pattern in the was like at that time, including
way you feel and react in during the bubonic plague and
some situations. The Great Fire of London.

the good stuff
Making a gratitude journal is a great
way to record all the things you’re
thankful for. Try finishing these
sentences, or make up your own.

Today, something that made me smile was…

I am lucky to have these people in my life…

I felt I achieved something when I…

Three good things about today were…

How would you feel?
These people are all having
a tough time. How do you
think you might you feel in
these situations, and how
would you act?

Family worries
A family member is in
the hospital. They are
sad, but visitors cheer
them up. How would
you feel about visiting
them every day?
Would it be difficult
to stay positive?

Hurt feelings
Someone at school has Left out
said something mean Everybody is going
to you. Would you feel to a birthday party
angry or upset? How except one person.
could your friends help? How would you feel
if it was you? Would
you ask why, or
keep quiet?

It’s important to try to understand others, but
sometimes it’s difficult to figure out how someone is
feeling and why. Try to put yourself in their situation,
then you might be in a better position to help.
People handle things in
different ways. How might
someone else react in these Bein
g se
n s
E mp
i ti ath
situations? What could you emp elings o ve to a
peo thy. It thou r no th
do to help them? ple
wh h e lps
ght er per
s is
from o may you un called ’s
circ you, be ver dersta
um or yd nd
lead stance in dif fic if feren
s to s. E ult t
mor a wor mpath
e ki l y
ndn d with

Future fears
Some people start school
halfway through the year. Out of pocket
They don’t know anyone
Imagine all your friends
and everyone has already
had the latest game
made friends. Would you
console, but you couldn’t
feel shy and nervous?
What would make afford it. Would you feel
it better? left out? Could you get
excited about saving
money to buy it?

Accidents happen.
If you break your arm,
you might need a cast
while it heals. Even
simple things such as
tying shoelaces can be
difficult. Would you
feel comfortable
asking for help, or
would you struggle
on by yourself?

Domino effect
The way we act can have a domino effect. This is
when one small thing sets off a chain of other things.
Different behaviors can cause different domino
effects, and they can be positive or negative.

It’s all falling down

Imagine someone is really angry about
something, and they’re in a bad mood. When
someone else asks them what’s wrong, they
yell back meanly. The domino effect might
be that they get into trouble for yelling,
and their problem doesn’t get solved.

I’m still standing

Now, imagine the same person
handled the situation differently.
Maybe they explained why they
were feeling angry and asked for
some help. The domino effect
could be that they get advice,
which makes them feel better.
Someone drops some Another person copies Soon, there is lots of
litter on the street. and drops their litter. litter in the street.

Ripple effect
Some impacts get bigger
and bigger. Littering is
one negative example,
but on the other hand a A seedling of an idea
single good deed can In 2009, Katie Stagliano brought
inspire others to do the a cabbage seedling home.
same, which then She planted it and it grew
inspires more and more into a giant cabbage! Katie
people to be kind. donated the cabbage to
help feed the hungry. Then
she started Katie’s Krops,
which grows crops to feed
those in need. This has
inspired a lot of people to
grow crops for a good cause.

Remember that
your actions
can affect not
only yourself,
but other
people, too.

Stepping into
Books and movies have the power to bring
characters to life. What do you love about
your favorite fictional characters? Try
creating your own.

Lea ping from

the page
Sometimes book charac te From page to
believable you rs are so
think they cou Gre
The author ma ld be real. at book chara
c ters are often
y have even b to life on scre brought
on someone th ased them en. Have any o
ey know. Can books been m f yo ur favorite
of a really inte you think ade into a mo
resting charac Do the main ch vie or T V serie
book that you te r from a arac ters beha s?
love? What is it imagined them ve like you
the charac ter that makes from the book?

often ask me
how I invent the
characters in my
books. It’s really just
like making up an
imaginary friend…”.
Jacqueline Wilson

Create a cha
Now tr y inven Lights, ca me
charac ter! Tr y
ting your own ra , action...
to make them Finally, im agine you’re g
dif ferent from be ac ting the oing to
yourself—think part of your ch
about the way on screen. Th arac ter
they might ink about the
behave and w situations they dif ferent
hy. Start by could find the
writing a desc in. How would mselves
ription of them they feel? How
Where do the . they reac t? might
y come from?
What are their
likes and dislik

Going through tough times is part of
life. While stressful situations are often
hard to avoid, you can learn ways to deal
with them and tackle strong feelings, such
as anxiety, sadness, and anger.
Keeping your body healthy and your mind
calm is a great place to start. Often the
most valuable thing you can do to cope
with something hard, is to find someone
to talk to so you can get the
support you need.

s k ill s
Failing to
It can be really frustrating when you don’t
succeed. It’s important, however, that you
don’t let failure stop you from trying again.
Sometimes failing at something can lead to
learning, and an even better result.

Try not to Take on Don’t give

get stuck challenges up easily
There will be People who are used There may be things in
times when to doing well may be life that you find easy and
you don’t do worried that they might others that you have to
as well as you had not be good at something work harder at. It is easy to
hoped, such as on new. This could mean just give up, but learning
a school test. It might missing out on all kinds of to do something that
be hard to accept, but exciting opportunities. challenges you can
try to move past it. You Never let the fear of failure be really rewarding.
can’t change the past, hold you back.
only the future.

The best feeling
When you face tricky times,
and things don’t work out
as you planned, you appreciate
success more. Celebrating
your achievements after
a difficult journey is
a fantastic feeling!
The right F a m o us f
path for you aces
who faile
Failing can make you more d first
Some of the worl
determined to succeed at most succ d’s
something. It can also open up essful peo
have overc ple
another path for you to try. You ome failure
Failing has never know, the new path might
in their live
its own rewards lead you to a better destination.
Being able to keep going
Michael J
after failing is a great skill or d a n
to have. It teaches you Jordan wa
s tar Micha
valuable lessons and gives sn’t picked
for his sch
ool’s top
you confidence to face the basketball
team. He w
next hurdle, whatever upset, but
this pushe
the outcome. him to wo d
rk harder
w ha t h e w for

Op ra h Win
fre y
Now a wo
name with s
her own
T V c ha nn e
Winfrey w l, Oprah
as fired fro
her first te m
levision jo
She didn’t b.
let failure
s tand in h
er way.
Everyone has times when they feel
stressed or anxious. Recognizing
how you react to stressful situations
is the first step in learning how to
manage things better.
expeHrave you
of theienced an
causes se com y
anxietof stressmon
Family stress y? How and
ful sit do
and ss i
affect uation
you? s
n e
home k
Sic fa mily
with pa rents
p roblems
or siblings Starting a
new school
tal ki y
Too much
N ot l
a fa mi sed
ber tea d work
me m i n g llie
Movi Be r bu G
ng o int etting
a new to r ou
h om

School Feeling like

you don’t
fit in

Fight, flight, or freeze What effects
does it have?
When your body thinks it’s in
danger, it can set off an alarm inside m
b rea i g h t s t a ge t
u s ua t h e f a s te r t to m ay
that’s known as the fight, flight, or You eat on
mak l, which r than s of s
d, or
freeze response. This is your body’s e
l i g h t y o u f e e ay
m b ea d f o re h ea l m s .
- h ea l y o u r ea t y p a
way of trying to keep you safe. de d
. sw

What can cause it? The pupils in your Your muscles

eyes may get may tense up
The fight, flight, or freeze response bigger, so you to prepare you to
is caused by a release of hormones can spot danger. spring into action.
(chemical messengers in the body)
that give you a quick burst of energy.
It’s usually triggered by emergencies,
when there is an immediate threat, like b ea t s h ea r t
but it can also happen in other a y fe el o to pum fas ter,
m g
stressful situations. You need to om. p
blood more
yo u e b a t h r to yo u
t o t h muscle r

Sca ry World
headl issues
o ut
Hea ring ab
the sufferin
Fr ie n of others
movin Big
away in t issu
he e
wo s
el i ng rld
Fe ud ed
Cha nging
g r ou p s

A r gu i
ng wi
friend th

in a storm
When you have powerful feelings, such as sadness
or anxiety, it can feel like you’re in the middle of a
storm. These emotions can affect you in many ways.

Long-term effects
Most emotions have a
short-term effect on your
body, such as blushing
when you’re embarrassed.
When emotions become
overwhelming, however, they
can have a longer-lasting
impact. Here are some of
the signs to look out for.

Low confidence
If you’re struggling with strong
feelings, you might start to
doubt yourself. This might
mean that you don’t want
to try new things, and you
may shy away from seeing
your friends.

Feeling sick
When your mind is
Avoiding things overwhelmed it can affect
Taking part in activities you your body. You may have
used to enjoy may feel like headaches, stomach
a struggle. You may start problems, or
to make excuses to avoid aching muscles.
doing them.

Sleep changes
If something is troubling you,
your sleeping pattern may
change. You might find it hard
to fall asleep, suffer from
nightmares, or sleep
more than usual.

Mood swings
You may find yourself feeling
really grumpy, or you may
overreact to small things.
Sometimes this may make
you want to lash out
at someone.

No concentration
Extreme emotions can make
Light at the
it hard to concentrate. You end of the tunnel
might have trouble doing
your schoolwork.
It’s important to remember
that all storms will pass, and
that these emotions are normal.
There are a lot of ways you can
manage your feelings, too. Check
out the rest of this chapter for
ideas and advice.

Move your body Turn screens off
Being active has many benefits. Too much screen time isn’t
It keeps you fit, reduces stress, healthy and can mean missing out
Choose and helps you sleep better. on other fun activities. Turning
Whether you’re someone who your electronics off for at least an
healthy foods enjoys playing team sports or hour before bed can lead
Eating plenty of fruit and you prefer doing an activity to a better night’s sleep, too.
vegetables gives you a boost by yourself, make time
of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It’s to get moving!
important to eat a wide range of food
types, including carbohydrates, such
as potatoes and rice, and protein,
such as eggs, fish, and beans. Drinking
a lot of water is also important.

Get into
a routine
Getting into a good
routine is really important.
Eating regular meals and
going to bed at around the
same time every night can
make a big difference.
Sleeping well is important
for your body and mind.

27 ovem

Here are nine skills that can help your body
and mind stay healthy, and keep stress at bay.
Change the Take your
things you can mind off things
Consider the daily activities In times of stress, it can really help
you find difficult. Is there to distract yourself. You could do a
anything you could change, puzzle, bake a cake, or get crafty, for Be kind to yourself
or start doing, to make example. Focusing on something Try not to beat yourself up
life less stressful? else for a while can help give your about things. Instead, if you
mind the break it needs. are having a hard time, tell
yourself some encouraging
words, such as, “Everything
is going to be OK.”

Find ways to
boost your mood
Make time for the small things
that bring you joy. You could
play with your pet, listen to
music, or take a bubble bath.
Doing something you enjoy
every day can improve your
mood and make you
feel less stressed.

Spend time
with loved ones
Connecting with friends and family
can help you relax, and take your
mind off things. They might be able
to share some helpful advice,
or just make you laugh—a great
form of stress relief!

Careful noticing
Breathing exercises can be
calming for some people, but

they don’t have the same effect
on everyone. When you begin,
carefully notice how changing
your breath feels for you. Here
are four exercises to try:

There are many different ways to Balloon belly

Pretend that you have a balloon
become calm. Both breathing inside your belly. Put your hand
and mindfulness can help you on your stomach and breathe in
for the count of four, feeling your
feel at ease, and balance balloon belly. Pause for two
seconds, then breathe out for four,
your emotions. feeling the balloon deflate. Pause
for two seconds and repeat.

Shoulder rolling
Roll your shoulders up to
your ears as you breathe
in. Breathe out through
your nose while slowly
rolling your shoulders
backward and down.
Keep rolling and relax.

Feather flutter
Hold a feather in front of
your mouth and watch it Nostril breathing
flutter as you gently blow Gently press the side of your nose
out. Keeping your attention with one finger, so air only flows
on the feather can help through the other side. Breathe
your worries melt away. You in, covering one side, then switch
can also put the feather on and breathe out while closing
a flat surface and watch it the other. Try doing this for three
fly away as you blow. or four breaths.

Focusing on the present
Paying attention to the present
moment is called mindfulness.
It can help you to stop lingering on
past problems and can also stop
your thoughts from racing ahead to
future worries. Here are four ways
to practice mindfulness:

Using your senses Breathing awareness Mindful eating

Think about your senses Being aware of your breathing Before you eat something,
when you take a walk in nature. can be as simple as just try to notice how it feels and
Notice everything you can closing your eyes and smells. Then close your eyes
see, hear, smell, and touch. focusing on your breath and put the food on your
What colors can you see? going in and out. Whenever tongue. What is the taste
What do the flowers smell your mind wanders, try to and texture? Now, chew the
like? How does the ground gently bring your attention food very slowly. How
feel under your feet? back to your breath. does the taste and
texture change?

Body scan
Lie down on your back, close
your eyes, and let your arms
and legs fall out to your side.
Breathe in and out deeply,
while you focus on each part
of your body, moving slowly
from the tip of your toes to
your head. Notice how each
part of your body feels and
try to let go of any worries
you have.

Seeking The problem
Some kids in my class have
started picking on me. They are
calling me names and pushing me
around. I don’t want to tell my family
because I am embarrassed. I don’t
know what to do or how to make
To get through tough times, one of the best them stop. What should I do?
Who should I talk to?
things you can do is to talk to someone about
what’s happening and how you’re feeling.

I am finding it hard to
climb to the top, please
could I have some help?
Asking for help
Talking things out with
an adult you trust can often
Starting a difficult conversation be the best place to start. It
It’s not always easy to talk about things that could be a parent, grandparent,
are worrying you. Saying something like, teacher, or family friend. Sharing
“I’d really like some advice, but I don’t your problems can make them feel
know where to start” can help open easier to manage. The person you
up the conversation. If you find it too tell may be able to offer you advice,
difficult to talk about your problem, or find out more about how you can
you could always write a note. get the help you need.
Shared experiences
It can really help to talk to
someone who has been through
a similar experience. People don’t
always react to things in the same
way, but someone who has an
understanding of your situation Counseling
may be able to reassure you that There may be times when the best person
things will get better. to help you is a trained counselor or therapist.
First, you should talk to a trusted adult so
that they can help find the right one for
Don’t be scared. I am you. Counseling can also be arranged
through your doctor or school.
here to help and to make The sessions can be face-to-face,
sure you don’t fall. over the phone, or online.

Organizations offering support

There are many organizations that offer Asking for
support to young people for free. Some give
advice on a lot of issues, while others focus on help in difficult
something specific, such as mental health,
family issues, or bullying. If you need help times is a sign
finding the right organization to help you,
ask your school or a trusted adult for advice. of strength, not
weakness. It shows
that you are finding
ways to cope when
things are tough.
into music Lady Gaga
Music can reflect almost Lady Gaga has written
any emotion. It can make many songs that reflect
her life experiences.
us feel relaxed, energetic,
“Born this Way” is all
happy, or sad. Singers about learning to love
often write songs to yourself as you are.
explore things that have
happened in their lives.

Shawn Mendes
In the song “In My
Blood,” this singer
opened up about his
feelings of anxiety
for the first time.

to relate to
Connecting with a book, movie, or song can help
you reflect on how you’re feeling and realize that
others have been through the same thing.
In “Dem Haters,”
Rihanna sings about
her experience of
being bullied as a
child growing up in
Barbados. The lyrics
express how the
bullying made
Rihanna feel.

Ed Sheeran
The song “Afire Love” is
about Ed’s memories of his
grandfather. The lyrics describe
how a disease caused Ed’s
grandfather to lose his memory,
and even forget what Ed looked like.

The power of reading Relating to a movie

Reading a good book can help Movies often tackle difficult
to reduce stress, but you can topics and can make them easier
also sometimes find yourself to understand. If you relate to a
in a book! Reading about a fictional character, watching
character who is going through their story unfold on screen can
similar experiences can help have a big impact on you.
you understand yourself.

Your life skills will continue to develop
as you encounter different situations.
You don’t have to get everything right
the first time—the important thing is
to learn from each experience and
remember to ask for help when you
need it. With the right tools on hand,
you can look forward to an incredible
journey ahead, whatever
that may bring.
Help, advice,
and information
If you need more information or support,
here’s a handy list of organizations and
websites that could help.

Breathe, Think, GoNoodle Katie’s Krops

Do With Sesame Teaches movement and mindfulness Encourages children to grow their
Bilingual (English and Spanish) with free videos created by child own crops and donate the harvest
app helping children learn Sesame development experts. to the hungry.
Street’s “Breathe, Think, Do” strategy
for problem-solving. Teaches skills
such as self-control, planning, and
Headspace for Kids Kidscape
task persistence. Teaches children the basics of Provides children and adults with
mindfulness. Kids can practice advice about how to deal with and
breathing exercises, visualizations, prevent bullying.
Cosmic Kids and try some focus-based
meditation. For three age groups:
Teaches children how to become
5 and under, 6–8, and 9–12.
KidsHealth From Nemours
calm and relaxed through yoga
Provides children and their families
and mindfulness videos.
information on healthy minds, bodies, and lives.
FunBrain American Academy of Pediatrics’
Created for children in grades website containing a wide range of
pre-K through 8. Offers free articles and information on children Kids Help Phone
interactive games, books, videos, and family health. Kids Help Phone’s e-mental health
and printables that help develop services are available 24/7 for people
skills in math, reading, problem- across Canada.
solving, and literacy.

Awareness days
Empathy Day
June 9th
World Kindness Day
November 13th
World Mental Health Day
October 10th

Kindness UK PBS Kids Stop, Breathe & Think

Makes kindness a bigger part of daily Provides educational games An app teaching children to check
life, and increase awareness of the that teach young people to in on how they are feeling, and
benefits of kindness on health and make healthier decisions and encourages calmness.
well-being. live a healthy lifestyle.
Mindfulness4youth Smiling Mind A federal website that provides
Provides a web and app-based information and advice to anyone
Encourages mindfulness by teaching meditation program to help young affected by bullying.
young people the skills they need people develop the skills they
to live happier lives. need in life.
World Health
Minds Matter STOMP Out Bullying Organization (WHO)
The WHO is part of the United
Helps high-school students from Works to reduce and prevent Nations that is responsible for
low-income families by broadening bullying by teaching children international public health. It
their dreams, and preparing them solutions on how to respond to identifies the life skills that help
for college success. bullying. Raises awareness and children deal with the demands
educates children, parents, and and challenges of daily life.
Nourish Interactive teachers about the issue.
Provides games, tools, and tips
on how to live and eat healthily.

appeal charity emotions
Attempt to raise money for Organization that collects Feelings you have about
a good cause money and uses it to something, such as happiness
help people when a good thing happens

body language con empathy

Expressing your feelings Negative outcome from doing Understanding, being aware
and emotions through the something, such as making of, or being sensitive to the
way you move and position a decision feelings, thoughts, and
your body experience of others

brainstorm Deciding that something is emphasize
right or wrong after thinking Drawing attention to
Thinking up lots of different critically about it
ways to solve a problem
confidence Unsuccessful outcome
bullying Feeling sure about your ability from doing something
Behavior intended to to do something
hurt someone physically
or emotionally. It may fictional
be aimed at a person due develop Something that is made up
to their race, religion, Becoming better or stronger.
background, disability, As you learn and practice the
or other difference life skills in this book, they fight, flight,
will develop or freeze
Internal response everyone
capture has to danger. It’s caused
Being able to express a domino effect by a release of chemical
specific quality, feeling, When one small thing sets off messengers in the body and
or part of your personality a chain of other things you’ll either face the danger,
flee from it, or freeze to
protect yourself

flexible open-ended research
Being open to change questions Process by which you
and doing something in Questions where the answer gather information to form
a different way is not just “yes,” or “no.” These a carefully considered view
types of question make you about something

fundraising think hard about the answer

Raising money for a stress
good cause opinion Feeling of worry and tension
View someone has about
habit something subconscious
Something you do regularly Area of your mind that can
organization influence you without you
Group of people who work being aware of it
Effect that something has on a to achieve a common goal
specific situation. For example, tone
the impact of being kind to outcome Way you say something,
others is that you make them End result of doing something including the speed, attitude,
feel appreciated and emotion you say it with

intuition What makes you, you! Your unique
Strong feeling you have about personality is your character Special, one-of-a-kind,
something without thinking too and the way you act or unusual
hard about it

pro volume
kinesics Positive outcome from doing How loud something is, such
Study of nonverbal something, such as making as your voice when you speak
communication a decision

Being aware of yourself in body
and mind, and paying attention
to the present moment

A changes experiences 57
in your control 81 learning from 89
accidents 67 Haise, Fred 33
small 33 shared 85
achievement, sense of 50, happiness 46
characters eye contact 44
55, 64, 65 headlines 38–39
creating 70–71 eyes, rolling 47
actions health 73
relating to 87
converting plans into 19, 37 effect of emotions on 79
adult help 38, 39, 84, 85
charities 85
choices, making 9, 10, 12–13
F good habits 80–81
advice 11, 68, 79, 81, 84, facts, finding out 27, 38–39 heartbeat 77
communicating 3, 41–53
85, 90–91 failure 74–75 help
communication methods
anger 46, 48, 68, 73 overcoming 75 asking for 52, 53, 54, 67,
anxiety 73, 76–77, 78 rewards of 75 68, 84–85
Apollo 13 33 family worries 66, 76, 85 organizations offering 90–91
superpowers 54–55
apologizing 17, 53 favorite things 59 heroes 33
concentration 45, 79
appreciation 52, 55, 65 feather fluttering 82 honesty 17
confidence 6, 55, 75
art 30, 59 feedback 37 hopes 59
body language 46
attitudes 49 feelings hormones 77
boosting 31
avoidance 79 expressing 31, 54 hugs 47
low 78
hurt 66 hurt feelings 66
conversations, starting
B difficult 84
managing your 79

balloon belly 82 coping skills 7, 73–87

other people’s 56, 66–67
reflecting on your 62–63
bathroom, needing the 77 counseling 85 ideas, testing 37
sharing 63
big issues creative expression 30–31 imagination 28–29, 30
trusting your 14–15
small steps 22–23 creative thinking 25, 26, 28–33 impressions, giving the
understanding your 7, 57–65
world 77 critical thinking 26, 27, 34–39 wrong 47
volume and tone of voice
big picture, looking at the 37 information
blushing 78
body, healthy 73
D fight, flight, or freeze 77
gathering 15
processing 27
decision making 10–11, flexibility 26
body language 41, 44, 46–47 questioning 36
12–13, 14–15 food
body scan 83 sources of 90–91
determination 75 healthy 80
books 70–71, 86–87 inspiration 32
disagreements 53 mindful eating 83
boredom 47 interrupting 44, 53
distractions fort building 50
brain, training 34–35 intuition 14–15
blocking out 44 friends
brainstorming 18, 20, 32 invitations 53
for stress 81 how they see you 58
breaking things down 9, 11,
domino effect 68–69 problems with 77
drawing 43, 59 Fry, Arthur 33 JK
fundraising 51 Jordan, Michael 75
awareness of 83
exercises 82 E future
fears for the 67
journal, keeping 15, 30,
rapid 77 eating, mindful 83
hopes for the 59 Katie’s Krops 69
bullying 76, 84, 85, 87 Einstein, Albert 31
Kennedy, John F. 47
emotions 49, 62, 86

C long-term effects 78–79 G kindness

to others 67
empathy 45, 67 giving up 74
calmness 73, 82–83 to self 81
emphasis 49 goals 11, 17, 54
caring about others 63 kinesics 47
enjoyment 57, 59 gratitude journals 65
challenges, taking on 74 knowledge, challenging 33
evaluation 27, 37, 38–39
chance, taking a 26
exercise 80

L originality 29
research 29, 36, 39
reviewing outcomes 19, 21
support, seeking 54, 73, 84–85
sweating 77
Lady Gaga 86
caring about 63 Rihanna 87 Swigert, John 33
left out, feeling 66
impact of your actions on 69 ripple effect 69
Leicester City 51
life skills 6–7
listening to 44–45
talking to 73
roles on a team 50
listening 44–45, 48, 53, 54 talents 59
understanding 66–67 changing 33
loved ones, spending time using 51
outcomes 10, 11 good 80
with 81 talking 43
reviewing 19, 21
Lovell, James 33 teamwork 41, 50–51
S thankfulness 65

M P sadness 48, 66, 73, 78 thanking people 52, 55

painting 30, 59 school newspapers 51 thinking
memories 30, 58
patterns, seeing 65 school problems 76 outside the box 32–33
Mendes, Shawn 86
pauses, waiting for 44 scowling 47 taking time for 16, 38–39
mental-health issues 85
Pepys, Samuel 65 screen time 80 ways of 7, 25–39
miming 42
performing arts 31 self-esteem 31 time capsules 58–59
mind maps 12–13
personality 57, 60–61 self-portraits 59 topic, keeping on 45
mindfulness 82, 83
photography 30 senses, using your 83 turns, taking 53
phrases, describing you 58, 60 sharing feelings 63
body language 47
listening 45
planning 18, 19, 21
teamwork 50–51
Sheeran, Ed 87
shoulder rolling 82
mirrors 46 understanding
points of view 11, 27 sick, feeling 79
mistakes listening and 45
Post-it® Note 33 silence 41, 48
admitting 17 others 66–67
practice 59 silly ideas 32
learning from 9, 10, your feelings 57–65
present, focusing on 83 situations, stressful 76–77
16–17, 19, 75 voice
presidential elections 47 sketches 65
money, lack of 67 tone of 41, 49
problem sleep
mood volume 41, 48
analysis 18 changes in 79
boosting 81 voice recordings 49, 65
causes 18, 20, 22 and problem solving 15
swings 79
processing 18–21 slouching 47
movies 70–71, 86–87
muscles, tense 77
solving 9, 10–11 soccer 51 W
progress, recording 64 social media 38 whispering 48
music 31, 86
pros and cons 12–13 solutions, finding 7, 9–23 Wilson, Jacqueline 71
proud, feeling 55 songs 86–87 Winfrey, Oprah 75
N pupils, dilated 77 sorry, saying 17 wondering 28–29
nails, biting 47 speed of talking 49 words
nervousness 47, 62, 63
Nixon, Richard 47
Q sports teams 50
Stagliano, Katie 69
choice of 41, 52–53
to describe yourself 58
no, saying 53 statements 49 work problems 76
asking 49
nostril breathing 82 step-by-step thinking 25 working together 51
asking yourself 11, 28,
note making 15 steps, small 11, 22–23 world issues 77
34–35, 36, 38
stress 7, 47, 61, 64, 73, writing 30, 43, 64

76–77, 80, 81, 82, 87
stuck, getting 74
Obama, Barack 53
reading 87 subconscious 14, 15
open-mindedness 26, 44
recording yourself 49, 65 success
opinions, other people’s 36
recurring problems 11 celebrating 55, 75
options 10, 12, 15
reflection 62–63 lack of 74–75
organizations, helpful 85
relating to something 86–87 summarizing problems 18

The author would like to thank Nick, Amelie, and baby Elodie, who
timed her arrival perfectly for after the book was completed! DK
would like to thank Helen Peters for the index; Polly Goodman for
proofreading; and Jim Green for design assistance.

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