Discipleship: A Costly
Discipleship: A Costly
Discipleship: A Costly
to address the assembly.)
are the Holy One, you alone
P—Knowing Jesus personally is are the Lord, you alone are the
I will walk be fore the Lord,
the call and challenge of every Most High, Jesus Christ, with
Christian believer. If we are to the Holy Spirit, in the glory of D Bm Em A
God the Father. Amen.
accept Jesus as our Lord, we
must accept his way of suffering Collect in the land of the
as our own way of life. We must
see Jesus not only in our glorious P — Let us pray. (Pause) Dsus D
Look upon us, O God,
moments but above all in our
pain and suffering. Following Creator and ruler of all things,
li ving.
him involves commitment and and, that we may feel the
determination. Only then can working of your mercy, grant
1. I love the LORD because
we truly prove ourselves to be that we may serve you with all
he has heard/ my voice in
his disciples. our heart.
supplication,/ because he has
Through our Lord Jesus
Penitential Act inclined his ear to me/ the day
Christ, your Son, who lives and
I called. (R)
P—Brethren (brothers and reigns with you in the unity of
sisters), let us acknowledge our the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 2. The cords of death encom
sins, and so prepare ourselves to and ever. passed me;/ the snares of the
celebrate the sacred mysteries. All — Amen. netherworld seized upon me;/
(Pause) I fell into distress and sorrow,/
All—I confess to almighty God Liturgy
of the word and I called upon the name of
and to you, my brothers and the LORD,/ “O LORD, save my
sisters, that I have greatly sinned First Reading (Is 50:5–9a) (Sit) life!” (R)
in my thoughts and in my words, The prophet Isaiah presents to us
in what I have done and in what 3. Gracious is the LORD and
the Suffering Servant of God. In just;/ yes, our God is merciful./
I have failed to do, through my his obedience and suffering, this
fault, through my fault, through The LORD keeps the little ones;/
mysterious figure is the embodiment I was brought low, and he saved
my most grievous fault; therefore of the Lord Jesus.
I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, me. (R)
all the Angels and Saints, and A reading from the Book of 4. For he has freed my soul from
you, my brothers and sisters, to the Prophet Isaiah death,/ my eyes from tears, my
pray for me to the Lord our God. THE Lord God opens my ear feet from stumbling./ I shall
P—May almighty God have that I may hear; and I have walk before the LORD/ in the
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, not rebelled, have not turned land of the living. (R)
and bring us to everlasting life. back. I gave my back to those
All—Amen. who beat me, my cheeks to Second Reading (Jas 2:14-18)
P—Lord, have mercy. those who plucked my beard; James writes that living faith must
All—Lord, have mercy. my face I did not shield from be authenticated with good works. It
P—Christ, have mercy. buffets and spitting. is not enough to wish someone well;
All—Christ, have mercy. The Lord God is my help, we must attend to that person’s need.
A reading from the Letter of Peter and said, “Get behind Prayer of the Faithful
Saint James me, Satan. You are thinking
not as God does, but as human P—We now turn to our gracious
WHAT good is it, my brothers
beings do.” Father that he may deepen our
and sisters, if someone says
He summoned the crowd faith and strengthen our hope
he has faith but does not have
with his disciples and said as we acknowledge his Son,
works? Can that faith save him?
to them, “Whoever wishes Jesus, as our Messiah. With
If a brother or sister has nothing
to come after me must deny hearts full of confidence, we
to wear and has no food for
himself, take up his cross, and pray:
the day, and one of you says
to them, “Go in peace, keep follow me. For whoever wishes
to save his life will lose it, but R—Lord, listen to the prayers
warm, and eat well,” but you of your people.
do not give them the necessities whoever loses his life for my
of the body, what good is it? sake and that of the gospel
will save it.” C—For the Holy Father, the
So also faith of itself, if it does bishops, the clergy, and all who
not have works, is dead. —The Gospel of the Lord. exercise authority in the Church:
Indeed someone might say, All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus May they continue to be living
“You have faith and I have Christ. witnesses of Christ amidst all
works.” Demonstrate your faith Homily (Sit) hardships and pastoral concerns.
to me without works, and I will We pray: (R)
demonstrate my faith to you Profession of Faith (Stand)
from my works. C—For all government officials:
All—I believe in one God, the may they acknowledge Jesus
—The word of the Lord. Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible as their model and inspiration
All —Thanks be to God. that they may render honest
and invisible.
Alleluia (Gal 6:14) (Stand) I believe in one Lord Jesus administration and safeguard
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the dignity and rights of all.
All—Alleluia, alleluia. May I God, born of the Father before We pray: (R)
never boast except in the cross all ages. God from God, Light
of our Lord through which the C—For all catechists: may they
from Light, true God from
world has been crucified to me true God, begotten, not made, continue to dedicate their lives to
and I to the world. Alleluia, consubstantial with the Father; the mission of Christ as teachers
alleluia. through him all things were and witnesses. We lift to you
made. For us men and for our all their hopes and needs. We
Gospel (Mk 8:27–35) salvation he came down from pray: (R)
P—A reading from the holy heaven, (at the words that follow, up C—For the sick, the marginalized,
to and including and became man, all victims of violence and injustice,
Gospel according to Mark
bow) and by the Holy Spirit was and those persecuted because of
All—Glory to you, O Lord. incarnate of the Virgin Mary and
JESUS and his disciples set out became man. their faith: may they acknowledge
for the villages of Caesarea For our sake he was crucified Christ as their sure hope and
Philippi. Along the way he under Pontius Pilate, he suffered support as they go through
asked his disciples, “Who do death and was buried, and pressing times. We pray: (R)
people say that I am?” They rose again on the third day in C—For all the faithful departed:
said in reply, “John the Baptist, accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and may they enjoy peace and
others Elijah, still others one of is seated at the right hand of happiness in the presence of
the prophets.” And he asked the Father. He will come again the living God. We pray: (R)
them, “But who do you say in glory to judge the living and
that I am?” Peter said to him C—Let us pray for the urgent
the dead and his kingdom will concerns of our community
in reply, “You are the Christ.” have no end.
Then he warned them not to I believe in the Holy Spirit, and our personal intentions
the Lord, the giver of life, who (pause). We pray: (R)
tell anyone about him.
He began to teach them that proceeds from the Father and P—Father, listen to the suppli-
the Son of Man must suffer the Son, who with the Father and cations of your faithful. Our
greatly and be rejected by the the Son is adored and glorified, needs are great and our troubles
elders, the chief priests, and the who has spoken through the so many, but your love for us
scribes, and be killed, and rise I believe in one, holy, catholic, is far greater. Rescue us in our
after three days. He spoke this and apostolic Church. I confess distress as we acknowledge
openly. Then Peter took him one Baptism for the forgiveness Jesus, your Son who redeemed
aside and began to rebuke him. of sins and I look forward to the us, our true hope and lasting
At this he turned around and, resurrection of the dead and the strength both now and forever.
looking at his disciples, rebuked life of the world to come. Amen. All—Amen.
Liturgy of
the eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts
P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Look with favor on our
supplications, O Lord, and in
your kindness accept these,
your servants’ offerings, that
what each has offered to the
honor of your name may serve
the salvation of all.
Through Christ our Lord.
(Sundays in Ordinary Time)
The Lord’s Prayer
P—The Lord be with you. P — The Lord be with you.
All — Our Father… All — And with your spirit.
All—And with your spirit. P — Deliver us, Lord…
P—Lift up your hearts. All — For the kingdom, the Solemn Blessing
All—We lift them up to the Lord. power and the glory are yours
P—Let us give thanks to the now and forever. P—Bow down for the blessing.
Lord our God. Invitation to Peace (Pause)
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just, Invitation to Communion May the God of all con-
our duty and our salvation,
(Kneel) solation order your days in his
always and everywhere to give peace and grant you the gifts
P—Behold the Lamb of God,
you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, of his blessing.
behold him who takes away
almighty and eternal God. All—Amen.
the sins of the world. Blessed
For, when your children were are those called to the supper P—May he free you always from
scattered afar by sin,
through of the Lamb. every distress and confirm your
the Blood of your Son and the All—Lord, I am not worthy hearts in his love.
power of the Spirit,
you gathered that you should enter under All—Amen.
them again to yourself, that a my roof, but only say the word
people, formed as one by the and my soul shall be healed. P — So that on this life’s journey
unity of the Trinity, made the Communion Antiphon you may be effective in good
body of Christ and the temple (Cf. Ps 36 [35]:8) works, rich in the gifts of hope,
of the Holy Spirit, might, to the faith and charity, and may come
praise of your manifold wisdom, How precious is your mercy,
happily to eternal life.
be manifest as the Church. O God! The children of men
And so, in company with seek shelter in the shadow of
the choirs of Angels,
we praise your wings. P — And may the blessing of
you, and with joy we proclaim: Prayer after Communion almighty God, the Father, and
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God (Stand) the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
of hosts. Heaven and earth are come down on you and remain
full of your glory. Hosanna in P—Let us pray. (Pause)
with you for ever.
the highest. Blessed is he who May the working of this
All — Amen.
comes in the name of the Lord. heavenly gift, O Lord, we pray,
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) take possession of our minds Dismissal
and bodies, so that its effects,
Acclamation (Stand) P — Our celebration is ended.
and not our own desires, may
All—Save us, Savior of the always prevail in us. Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
world, for by your Cross and Through Christ our Lord. by your life.
Resurrection you have set us free. All — Amen. All — Thanks be to God.