Reading Comprehension Review

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T he reading section of the TOEIC includes three separate parts:

incomplete sentences
text completion
reading comprehension

Incomplete sentences consist of a single sentence with one blank. You will need to pick the correct word to com-
plete the sentence. There are 40 of these questions.
Text completion consists of a short passage with three or four blanks. You will need to pick the correct
word using the context or meaning of the paragraph. There are 12 of these questions.
Reading comprehension consists of a variety of single and double passages with reading comprehension
questions following them. Sometimes, you will read a single passage. There are 28 questions that relate to single
passages. In other cases, you will read two passages. There are 20 questions that relate to double passages.

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You will have about 75 minutes to complete the Kinds of Questions

entire reading section.
The next part of this chapter shows you the kinds of
questions you will see on the TOEIC and how you
Types of Reading Materials can best prepare to answer them.

The TOEIC reading comprehension section has a Incomplete Sentences

large variety of reading passages. These may include, To answer an incomplete sentence question you will
but are not limited to: have to pick the correct choice by using your knowl-
edge of verb forms, parts of speech, usage, and the
■ newspaper articles context of the sentence.
■ letters Most of the questions will call for choosing a
■ e-mails correct verb form. A good way to prepare for this
■ advertisements kind of question is to review verb forms so you are fa-
■ coupons miliar with the present, past, and future forms of
■ menus verbs. Pay special attention to irregular verbs that do
not follow the rules that regular verbs do. Review
The passages are similar to those that you would en- auxiliary or helping verbs. Remember to always check
counter in everyday life and the business world. for the correct tense of the verb. Remember to check
When you read these passages, think about what they to see if the subject and verb agree.
are mostly about. Don’t try to remember all the infor-
mation in a passage. You can go back and reread it af- Verb Form Questions
ter you have read the questions that are asked about Here is an example of an incomplete sentence ques-
it. Try to figure out what the reason was for the pas- tion that requires a correct verb form to complete it.
sage as well.
For example: Example
The office _____ food at the company picnic
■ newspapers are used to let people know what is next week.
going on a. was providing
■ letters and e-mails are used to communicate b. will provide
■ advertisements are used to let people know c. had provided
about a product, a store or restaurant, or a d. were providing
■ coupons are used to provide a price break on The correct answer is choice b. The picnic is taking
products and services place next week, so the correct verb form needs to be
■ menus are used to let people know what a in a future tense. This is the only future tense of the
restaurant serves four possibilities.
Sometimes you need to choose the correct aux-
iliary or helping verb.

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Example The correct answer is choice d. This conjunction ex-

The institute ____ founded two years ago on presses a contrast of one piece of information to an-
the principle of providing service to others. other. Choice a is not correct because it suggests a
a. is continuation of choices thought. Choices b and c sug-
b. been gest a cause and effect relationship, but none exists.
c. was
d. were
Use the context or meaning of the sentence
The correct helping verb is c. It is in the past tense, and the meaning of the coordinating conjunc-
since the action took place in the past. It is in a singu- tion to choose the correct one. Substitute each
lar form, since institute is a singular noun; choice a is conjunction for the blank and read the sen-
a singular form, but it is in the present tense, which is tence. Ask yourself:
incorrect; choice b is an incorrect form of a helping ■ Does this make sense?
verb and choice d is in a past tense, but is plural. ■ Does this choice keep the meaning of the
sentence the same or change its meaning?

When choosing the correct verb form, make

sure to ask yourself: Adjective Questions
■ Does the action take place in the present, Sometimes you will need to pick the correct compar-
future, or past? Then choose a verb that is ative form of an adjective. To prepare for this kind of
in the same tense as when the action question, review the comparative and superlative
takes place. forms of adjectives. Remember that most compara-
■ Is the subject singular or plural? Then tive forms of adjectives are formed by adding -er to
choose a verb that agrees with the singu- the end of the adjective, such as nicer, prettier, and
lar or plural subject. older. Most superlative forms of adjectives are formed
■ Is the helping verb in the correct tense? by adding -est to the end of the adjective, such as
Does it agree with the subject? nicest, prettiest, and oldest.
The comparative form of longer adjectives is
formed by adding more in front of the adjective, such
Coordinating Conjunction Questions as more beautiful and more interesting. The superlative
Not all sentences are completed with verbs. Some- form of these adjectives is formed by adding most in
times you will need to choose the correct coordinat- front of the adjective, such as most beautiful and most
ing conjunction to complete the sentence. To prepare interesting.
for this kind of question, review the meanings of co-
ordinating conjunctions. Example
The position of director will go to the ____
Example candidate of the four who have applied.
It was a bad year in terms of production, _____ a. goodest
our profits were still high. b. better
a. for example c. best
b. as a result d. good
c. therefore
d. but

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The correct answer is choice c. This is the superlative

form of the adjective good. The superlative form is Always substitute each choice for the blank and
called for here since the comparison is being made make sure the word you choose makes sense in
between more than two applicants. Choice a is an in- the context of the sentence.
correct form of the superlative. There is no such
word. Choice b is the comparative form and would be
Text Completion
used when comparing two applicants, but not more.
Text completion includes a short passage, often a
Choice d is not in a comparative form.
short letter or e-mail, with three or four blanks. Un-
like the sentence completion, the blanks do not call
When choosing a correct comparative form of for you to pick out the correct form of verbs. What
an adjective, ask yourself: you must do is pick out the word or phrase that
makes the most sense. In order to do this, you need to
■ Are two things being compared? If so, then understand the context of the paragraph as well as
use the comparative form of the adjective.
the meaning of the answer choices.
■ Are more than two things being com-
pared? If so, use the superlative form of
the adjective. The first thing to do when you see the text is to
read through it completely and get an idea of
what it is about. Then look at each blank and
Context Questions substitute each answer choice for the blank.
Often the best way to figure out which choice is cor- Choose the one that makes the most sense.
rect is through the context, or meaning, of the sen-
tence. To find out which answer choice is correct,
substitute each one for the blank and ask yourself Example
which one makes the most sense. Dear Mr. Arnold:
I am writing to thank you for your input at
Example our last board meeting. You made some
Frank Schwarz was named _____ officer of the (1) _______ points about our upcoming
bank last week. fundraiser and I appreciate it. (2)_______,
a. latest I thought perhaps you might be willing to
b. only join the committee that is working on orga-
c. fine nizing the race. With your background and
d. chief (3) _______ you would be the ideal addition to
this group. I look forward to hearing from you
The correct answer is choice d. If you substitute each and I certainly do hope you will decide to join
word for the blank you will see that this is the one us. Meetings are each Tuesday from 5:30 to 7
that makes the most sense. The phrase should read P.M. You can reach me at 876-9021.
chief officer. There wouldn’t be latest officer nor would
there be only officer. Fine doesn’t fit in with the con- Best wishes,
text of the sentence, either. Janet Hodges
Caring Kids, Inc.

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1. a. careless Question 3 in the preceding example is a good

b. funny example of using context clues to figure out which
c. important word should be used. As was stated in the feedback,
d. defeating the phrase your background is a context clue that the
correct choice would mean something similar to back-
2. a. Because ground. That word is abilities. Look for context clues
b. However in sentences that surround the word in question.
c. Although
d. As a result Word Structure
There is another way you can figure out the meaning
3. a. future of a word. You can break it down into its parts.
b. friends For instance, careless, which is choice a in ques-
c. abilities tion 1, is made up of a stem, care, and a suffix, -less. If
d. hardships you know the meaning of care and know that the suf-
fix -less means without, you can figure out that care-
For question 1, choice c is the correct answer. If less means not caring.
you substitute important for the blank it makes sense. Here are a list of some common prefixes and
The other choices do not. Certainly the author of the suffixes. If you do not already know what each means,
letter wouldn’t call Mr. Arnold’s points careless. That take a few minutes to become familiar with them.
would be an insult and that is not the purpose of the
letter. Nor would she call them funny or defeating, COMMON PREFIXES
since both would change the meaning to something PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE
negative, not positive.
anti- against antigravity
For question 2, choice d is the correct answer.
This conjunction makes sense when it is substituted co- together cooperate
for the blank. It suggests a cause and effect relation-
dis- not, opposite of dislike
ship, which exists here. The others do not make sense.
For question 3, choice c is the correct answer. in- into, within inside
This is the logical choice since it makes the most mis- bad, wrong misguided
sense. It is unlikely that the author of the letter would
mention Mr. Arnold’s future or friends. Certainly she non- not nonbinding
wouldn’t mention his hardships. pre- before, in front of preschool

Context Clues re- again reopen

Besides using the context of the e-mail, knowledge of sub- under, below subway
what each word means is equally important. That is
un- not untie
why it is important to increase your vocabulary.
Reading helps you increase your vocabulary. So does
figuring out the meaning from context clues.

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COMMON SUFFIXES Purpose Questions

SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE To answer this kind of question, figure out why the
author wrote the passage. Determine what the pas-
-able capable of, given to enviable
sage is trying to tell you.
-er person or thing that
performs an action player Detail Questions
-ful full of hopeful Some questions will ask you about details in the pas-
sage. The best way to answer this kind of question is
-ion action, process contention
to look back in the text for the topic that is being
-ly in a certain way slowly asked about. You can use keywords. If a question is
about how old an antique is, skim through the pas-
-less without or not effortless
sage and locate where the keywords old and antique
-like similar childlike are located. Then you will find your answer.

-ness being that thing or way happiness

Synonym Questions
-ship quality or state stewardship Synonym questions ask you to find a word that is
closest in meaning to a word in the passage. You can
-ward progress in a direction downward
use context clues to figure out the meaning of the
word. Then decide which word is closest in meaning.
Another way to approach this question is to substi-
Figure out the meaning of the word hardships from
tute each of the answer choices for the word and see
its parts.
which one makes the most sense.

Reading Comprehension
Inference Questions
In this part of the test, you will be asked to read pas-
Inference questions will ask you to draw a conclusion
sages and then to answer questions. Sometimes two
based on the information in the passage and your
related passages are grouped together.
own knowledge. You will need to look for evidence or
The kinds of questions that are asked vary.
clues and then decide the most likely answer based on
Some are easier than others. Some of the answers are
what you know. These are usually the hardest ques-
found in the text. Other answers you have to figure
tions to answer. You must make your most informed
out from the clues that are in the passages and from
guess here.
your own personal knowledge and experiences.
Here is a list of the kinds of questions that you
Comparison Questions
will find in this section of the TOEIC. Each one re-
Comparison questions are asked about two passages
quires a different skill to find an answer.
that are linked together. They may ask you to figure
out what information is in one passage and not the
Main Idea Questions
other or how the passages compare. You need to read
To answer this kind of question, read through the en-
both passages carefully to determine the answers to
tire passage. Figure out what it is mostly about. Dis-
these questions. You need to compare the two pas-
tinguish between details that the passage includes and
sages and what information they contain.
what it mostly talks about.

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When researching what to do for your next When answering a main idea question, read
vacation, you may want to consider resorts that through the article and find out what it talks
include food as well as room and amenities. about most. Rule out answer choices that are
The advantage of booking an all-inclusive details in the passage. Look for the general
resort is obvious: You will know just how much topic of the passage.
the trip will cost you up front and not after it is
all over. The obvious disadvantage is that you
2. Which activity will an all-inclusive resort most
will not be able to pick and choose where you
likely include?
dine, so sampling local fare will be limited.
a. playing tennis
Since you have already paid for your meals, you
b. children’s activities
will feel obliged to eat them.
c. scuba diving
Some of these resorts also include
d. horseback riding
activities, such as the use of a golf course and
tennis courts. Fewer include such activities as
This is a detail question and it requires you to look
horseback riding, scuba diving, or deep sea
back at the article to find the answer. If you read the
fishing. These are items you will want to check
article carefully you will see that tennis is among
out when making your plans.
those activities most likely to be included. The article
Another amenity, that may or may not be
says that sometimes children’s activities are included
included in the resort charge, is children’s
and sometimes they are not, so you can rule out this
activities. Many resorts offer children’s clubs,
choice. The article also states that scuba diving and
but some ask an additional charge for their use.
horseback riding are usually extra, so they can be
eliminated also.
1. What is this article mainly about?
a. considering staying at an all-inclusive resort
b. the many amenities that resorts offer The easiest way to find the information you
c. which resorts have programs for children need to answer a detail question is to skim the
d. why staying at an all-inclusive resort is a bad article and look for the key words. In this case
idea you would skim for the following words: tennis,
children, scuba, and horseback. Reread those
This is a main idea question. To answer it you need to parts of the passage and find your answer.
read through the entire article and decide what it
talks about most. In this case, choice a is the correct
answer. While the many amenities that resorts offer 3. The word sampling in paragraph 1 sentence 3
are mentioned in the article, this is not what it is of the article is closest in meaning to
mostly about. While children’s activities are men- a. noticing
tioned as offered by resorts, this is not what the article b. thinking
is mostly about. Choice d is incorrect as well. One c. eating
disadvantage was mentioned, but, again, that was not d. wanting
the main idea of the article.
To figure out which choice is correct in this syn-
onym question, look for context clues in the sentence

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containing the word and in the sentences before and The article says that most resorts do not cover such
after it. The sentence that sampling is in states, “The items as horseback riding, scuba diving, or deep sea
obvious disadvantage is that you will not be able to fishing. This is a clue to the correct answer. What do
pick and choose where you dine, so sampling local all these have in common, you might ask yourself.
fare will be limited.” The mention of “where you They are all fairly expensive. Therefore, choice d is the
dine” is a context clue. It suggests that sampling is the most likely answer to the question.
same as eating. If you substitute eating for sampling,
the sentence still makes sense. If you substitute the
other choices, they do not make sense. When looking for the answer to an inference
question, look for clues in the text and use your
own knowledge and experience to find the
When looking for a synonym, check the sen- best answer. You probably can’t be certain you
tence it is in and those around it for context are correct, but choose the answer that makes
clues. Choose the word you think is suggested the most sense to you.
by the clues. Then substitute the word and see
whether the sentence still makes sense.
Next read the advertisement and then choose the an-
swers to the questions that follow it.
4. Why do you suppose that deep sea fishing is
not included as a covered activity? Used Computer Equipment Sale
a. It is more dangerous than covered activities.
Up to 50% off: Week of July 7 to 14 only
b. It isn’t a group activity.
c. It doesn’t take place on the resort grounds. All types of computers including Dell, Gateway,
d. It is probably fairly expensive to do. Apple, and others

Excellent condition at a fraction of usual cost

To answer this inference question, you need to find
clues in the passage and then use your own experi- Call or visit today!
ences to come up with the answer. Sometimes it is
Computer Ace
useful to eliminate the wrong answers first. Choice a
234 Broadway
says that deep sea diving is more dangerous than
covered activities. From what you know, does this
statement make sense to you? Golf and tennis are Let us resolve your computer problems and needs!
covered activities. Are you less likely to get hurt while And don’t forget—our special on upgrades runs
playing golf or tennis than going deep sea fishing? If through July 30
you answered no, then you might want to eliminate
choice a. 5. What is the purpose of the advertisement?
Choice b says it isn’t a group activity. But is that a. to tell where the computer store is located
true? Don’t you go deep sea fishing with other peo- b. to announce a sale of computer equipment
ple? This could mean that choice b is not the correct c. to show that the store has a lot of computer
answer. Choice c might be considered, but the golf equipment
course might not be on the resort grounds either, so d. to explain how an upgrade is done
this makes this option incorrect.

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Choice b is the correct answer. This is the main pur- 8. What happens at the end of July?
pose of the advertisement. Choice c is possible, but a. The 50% sale is over.
that is not the main reason for the advertisement. The b. The store is going out of business.
advertisement does have the location of the store, but c. The special on upgrades is over.
that is not the purpose for it. Choice d is not correct d. There will be no more computers left.
either. The advertisement does not explain how an
upgrade is done. To answer this question, you need to look the adver-
tisement over carefully. Look for the phrase end of
6. Why does the advertisement mention Dell, July in the advertisement and see what it is linked to.
Gateway, and Apple? Choice c is the correct answer. The others are not cor-
a. to explain which computer company is best rect. Don’t be fooled by choice a. That sale is only on
b. to suggest that brand name computers are from July 7 to 14.
c. to show that the store has popular brands Coupon
d. to show that their computer equipment is Buy One Get One Free
expensive Amy’s Tortilla Shop
Good for any taco or burrito
To answer this inference question you need to use clues Offer runs through Friday, March 10
in the advertisement and your own experiences and One coupon to a customer
knowledge. Choice a doesn’t seem likely. There is no
Full line of Mexican fare served daily
mention of which computer company is best. Choice b
Corner of Main and Broadway
is also unlikely. That doesn’t seem to be the reason for
mentioning these computer companies. Choice d is
We deliver
not the best answer. Why would a computer store want
Join Amy’s Club and receive one taco free for five
to advertise that its equipment is expensive? Choice c
tacos purchased.
seems to be the best answer. Logically, this is why the
advertisement mentions brand names.
9. What is the main purpose of the coupon?
a. to announce the start of Amy’s Club
7. The word fraction in line 4 of the advertise-
b. to list the different kinds of tacos that the
ment is closest in meaning to
restaurant serves
a. none
c. to tell how to telephone the restaurant
b. most
d. to increase business by bringing more
c. small part
people in
d. whole part

Choice d is the correct answer. This is the main pur-

Choice c is the correct answer. This is the meaning
pose of the coupon. Amy’s Club is mentioned and the
of fraction. If you didn’t know the meaning of the
restaurant’s phone number is mentioned, but neither
word, you could figure it out from the context of the
one is the main purpose. While the coupon is for
sentence. Just substitute the other words and you
tacos, the different kinds are not listed, so choice b is
will see that they don’t make sense. Only choice c
also incorrect.
makes sense.

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10. The word fare in line 7 of the coupon is closest The correct answer is choice a. The coupon says that
in meaning to: if you become a member of Amy’s Club, you will get a
a. sweets free taco after you buy five tacos. It does not say that
b. food you will get a free taco if you buy one. That is what
c. pastries the coupon offers. Choice c is not mentioned nor is
d. jewelry choice d so they are both incorrect.

The best answer is choice b. This word is closest in Hi Gary,

meaning to fare. Choice a is a kind of food, but it is I wanted to give you a heads-up on your
too specific and that is the same problem with choice next project and to say that I feel it will be a
c. Choice d is incorrect. There is nothing in the boon to our company. We need to be proactive
coupon about Mexican jewelry. when it comes to our goals, and I think this
project is going to be a great success. I know
11. What limitation does the coupon have? that it requires you to move here temporarily,
a. A customer cannot use the coupon on but that cannot be avoided.
Fridays. By the way, when you get to Mississippi
b. A customer needs to buy two tacos to get you should take some time off to visit the
one free burrito. wonderful car museum that is just down the
c. A customer can only use one coupon at a street from our offices. I know you are a history
time. buff and thought you might like to visit it. They
d. A customer needs to be a member of Amy’s have cars dating from the late 1800s, including
Club to use the coupon. a Stanley Steamer. Do you know that some of
them could go as fast at 127 miles an hour? Of
The correct answer is choice c. If you read the coupon course they stopped making them, because the
carefully, you will see that it says, “One to a customer,” steam engines could blow up!
which means a customer can only use one coupon at Anyway, I look forward to seeing you
a time. Choice a is not correct. The only mention of again. I’ve enclosed a museum handout so you
Friday is that of Friday, March 10, when the coupon will know when they are open.
offer runs out. Choice b is not what the coupon says. See you soon,
It is a buy one get one free offer, which means if you Harold
buy a taco or a burrito, you can get a second one free.
There is no mention that choice d is correct either, Come See Our “Horseless Carriages”
even though Amy’s Club was mentioned. Largest collection in the state
Stanley Steamers to Model T Fords and more
12. What is the benefit of being a member of Open Tuesday through Sunday
Amy’s Club? 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. weekdays and Saturday
a. You get a free taco after you buy five. 12 P.M. to 5 P.M. on Sunday
b. You get a free taco if you buy one. Admission: $8 adults; $6 senior citizens and students;
c. You get three coupons for free tacos. $4 children between 12 and 6 years; under 6 free
d. Your coupon will still be good after High Ridge Antique Car Museum
March 10. 707 Maple Drive
Jackson, Mississippi
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13. What is the main purpose for the letter? 16. Who pays the least amount for admission to
a. to tell Gary where the car museum is located the car museum?
b. to tell Gary what his next project will be a. Students
c. to tell Gary that his project is approved b. Children between six and twelve
d. to tell Gary that the car museum has a c. Senior citizens
Stanley Steamer d. Adults

Choice c is the most likely answer. This is why the Choice b is the correct answer. To answer this ques-
letter was written. Harold does tell Gary where the tion, simply look back and find the information in
car museum is located and that it has a Stanley the museum handout. Find the section that talks
Steamer, but neither one is the main purpose for the about admission and you can see that children be-
letter. Choice b is not correct since Harold does not tween six and twelve pay the least of those listed.
tell Gary what his next project will be, only that it
was approved. 17. What information is found in the letter but not
the handout?
14. Why does Harold tell Gary about the car a. how much a ticket to the car museum costs
museum? b. the number of cars in the museum
a. Gary likes history. c. the location of the car museum
b. Gary has an antique car. d. how fast a Stanley Steamer could go
c. It is close to the office.
d. Gary wants to buy an old car. This is a comparison question. Choice d is the correct
answer. This piece of information is only found in the
If you read the letter carefully, you will see that letter, not the handout. Choice a is only found in the
Harold says that he knows Gary is a history buff. This handout. Choice b is not found in either one. Choice
means he likes history, so the correct answer is choice c is mentioned in both, so it is not correct.
a. We don’t know whether he has an antique car or
wants to buy an old car. These weren’t mentioned, so
they cannot be correct. Choice c is true, but not the When answering a comparison question, look
reason that Harold tells Gary about the car museum. through both passages and find the informa-
tion that the question asks about.
15. Which day of the week is the museum open the
shortest time?
11th Annual Fur Ball
a. Saturday
Held at the Civic Center
b. Sunday
February 17th, 6 P.M. to 12 A.M.
c. Monday
Tickets: $50; Couples $100
d. Tuesday
Cocktails, three-course dinner, and dancing to the
music of Watercolor
Choice b is the correct answer. If you look carefully at
All proceeds benefit homeless dogs & cats at the
the museum handout you will see that the museum is
county animal shelter. Live auction at 8:00 of an
open only Tuesday through Sunday and that the
18 × 24 framed color photograph of Honey, a
hours are shortest on Sunday. Since the museum is
rescued Great Dane, signed by renowned animal
closed on Mondays, Sunday is the correct answer.
photographer Josh Flint. Silent auction from 6:30

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until 10:00. For a list of items available or to reserve Choice d is the best answer. This is why the Fur Ball
tickets, go to was to be held. Choice a is a possibility and perhaps
Black Tie Optional some of the money will be used for that, but it is not
Let’s all get dressed up and help those kitties and the overall reason for the ball, so it is not the correct
puppies! answer. People who support the shelter will be getting
together, but that is not the real reason why the Fur
From: Ball is taking place, so choice c is not correct either.
Re: Fur Ball 19. How can you find out what items will make up
the silent auction?
Hi Linda,
a. go online to the Fur Ball website
You will never guess how successful this year’s b. buy a ticket since the items are printed on it
Fur Ball was. Thanks to a large turnout, many c. check newspaper advertisements
generous bids for auction items, and great d. go to the Fur Ball
organizers, some $4500 was cleared. This will
be a great assistance to the shelter, which, as you Choice a is the correct answer. This is what the adver-
know, has been suffering cutbacks lately due to tisement advises people. None of the other choices is
less city funding. mentioned. Perhaps the items might be on a ticket,
but perhaps not. Certainly you would find out what
I want to thank you personally for donating the
items were going to be auctioned off, but that is not
photograph of Honey. This was a great draw
what the advertisement says.
and it brought in $550. It was a fine thing for
you to do and we will be pleased to place your
20. What is the e-mail mostly about?
name on our Wall of Contributors for this past
a. why the shelter is suffering
b. the success of the Fur Ball
Please drop by and say hello to all our residents c. how much the sale of Honey’s photo
as well as to me. We would all love to show you brought in
around. d. why the Fur Ball took place

Best wishes, Choice b is the correct answer. This is what the e-mail
is mostly about. Although choices a and c are men-
tioned, they are details, not the main idea. Choice d is
suggested, but it is not correct either.
18. What is the reason for the Fur Ball?
a. to raise funds so that homeless dogs and
21. What does Joseph probably do?
cats can be vaccinated
a. He probably organized the Fur Ball.
b. to get people who support the shelter
b. He is probably the director of the shelter.
c. He is most likely a photographer.
c. to raise funds for Honey, the rescued
d. It is likely he is a dog trainer.
Great Dane
d. to raise funds for an animal shelter
You need to use the clues in the e-mail to figure this
answer out. The way Joseph talks about the shelter

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and his invitation to come and visit the animals and ■ Choose the correct verb by looking for verb-
him suggest that he may work at the shelter, so choice subject agreement and appropriate tense.
b is the most reasonable. Choice a is unlikely. Gener- ■ Use context to figure out which word belongs .
ally events like fundraisers are organized by interested
volunteers and, in fact, he thanks the organizers. To Analyze Reading Passages
Choice c is not at all likely. There is no mention of
him being a photographer. Choice d may be true, but ■ Scan the reading passages for main ideas.
there is no evidence that it is. ■ Figure out why an author wrote a passage.
■ Figure out what kind of question is being asked.
22. What do you learn about the photo of Honey ■ Use key words to find answers to questions in
in the advertisement that you do not learn in passages.
the e-mail? ■ Use context clues to find synonyms of words.
a. that the photo was donated ■ Locate clues in passages and use your own expe-
b. that shelter has had cutbacks riences to help you figure out the answers to in-
c. who took the photo ference questions.
d. the amount the photo raised ■ Eliminate wrong answers.

Choice c is the correct answer. This bit of information

was in the advertisement, but not in the e-mail. Practice
Choice a is only in the e-mail, as are choices b and d.
A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences be-
low. Four answer choices are given below each sentence.
Tips for Taking the Select the best answer—a, b, c, or d—to complete the
TOEIC Reading Test sentence.

To Prepare for the Reading Test 1. When our company ______ started, it only had
two employees, but now we have two hundred.
■ Learn the meanings of suffixes and prefixes. a. was
■ Learn and recognize the parts of speech. b. were
■ Recognize correct verb usage. c. is
■ Review coordinating conjunctions. d. are
■ Review comparative and superlative forms of
adjectives. 2. Our company _______ guidelines for training
■ Understand the kinds of passages that will be on new employees and they are almost completed.
the TOEIC. a. to develop
■ Understand the types of questions asked on the b. were developed
test. c. will be developing
d. is developing
To Complete Sentences
and Paragraphs

■ Substitute words for blanks to see which make

the most sense.

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3. She picked out the _____ printer they had 8. Management said that the officers cannot be
since that was what her supervisor wanted. present for the meeting ________ time
a. most fastest constraints.
b. fastest a. for example
c. more fast b. until
d. faster c. because of
d. meanwhile
4. The next opportunity for us to meet to discuss
the development of new products ________ at Read the text that follows. A word or phrase is missing
the end of the month. in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given
a. were below each of the sentences. Select the best answer—a,
b. was being b, c, or d—to complete the text.
c. will be
d. is being From: Van Nelson, Personnel Supervisor
To: Sally Andrews
5. The vice president of Human Resources wants Re: ID number
to have _______ employee read through the Dear Ms. Andrews,
company’s new manual. I am sorry it has taken so long for you to get
a. few your company identification number.
b. none (9)______we installed a new computer system
c. some that did not work properly, the entire process
d. every was slowed down. Now that you have it, you
will be able to log onto our company’s website
6. If we _______ our plans to the engineering and take the (10) ______ programs that I
department this afternoon, we will probably mentioned to you.
get a review of them by late tomorrow.
Make sure to complete each one, so you will be
a. were submitting
ready to start work on the fifteenth of this
b. is submitting
month. I know that your supervisor has many
c. submit
projects lined up for a person with your special
d. was submitting
(11) _____ and experiences, so it will be
exciting to see how you tackle them.
7. The college _______ holding a seminar today
on new communication procedures that can be Again, I am extremely happy that you will be
instituted by small businesses. joining our (12) _______. If you need any
a. is additional information please call on me.
b. are
c. were 9. a. Because
d. have b. Although
c. However
d. Yet

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10. a training The facility will be open Monday through

b. careless Friday, 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., and will be under
c. expensive the supervision of Celia Riverton, who has
d. fortunate 22 years of child care experience.

If you have any questions, contact HR.

11. a. appearances
b. realities
13. What is this e-mail mostly about?
c. impulses
a. what forms parents need to fill out
d. talents
b. the age range of children who can go to the
day care facility
12. a. surveillance
c. the opening of a day care facility
b. corporation
d. when the day care facility will be opened
c. coffers
d. fraternity
14. Why is the Royalties Division moving to the
fourth floor?
In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as
a. It is being shut down.
magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertise-
b. It needs more space.
ments. Each text is followed by several questions. Select
c. The day care needs more space.
the best answer—a, b, c, or d—for each question.
d. The day care is opening.

To: All Employees

15. Why might emergency numbers be needed?
From: HR
a. to contact a relative if something happens to
Re: Child Care
a child
Great news! In response to all your requests, the b. to contact Human Resources when a child is
company is planning to open child care sick
facilities on the third floor. The location will be c. to contact the employee’s relatives in case of
in the former Royalties Division space. injury
Royalties is moving to a new, larger space on d. to contact the child’s doctor
the fourth floor.
16. How much experience does Celia Riverton
The target opening is set for the fifteenth of
next month. All those who want to register a
a. 3 years
child must stop by HR and pick up the
b. 4 years
necessary forms. Have your doctor’s office fill
c. 15 years
out the medical data form. The completed
d. 22 years
forms must be returned to HR before a child
can attend. You will also need to fill out the
information form so there will be a record of
any emergency numbers that may be needed.

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Oceanic Restaurant 20. The word picturesque in line 2 is closest in

Overlooking the Picturesque Ocean Indoor— meaning to
Outdoor seating a. rugged
b. partial
Soups and Chowders Salads c. ugly
Lobster Bisque $6 Tossed Salad $4 d. lovely
New England Clam Caesar Salad $5
Chowder $4 Greek Salad $5 From:
Onion Soup topped To: All Board Members
with cheese $5 Re: Retreat
Entrees Desserts
Grilled Swordfish $17 Key Lime Pie $4 Hello, Everyone:
with rice and Chocolate Mousse $5 As president of the board, I am certain that our
asparagus Parfait $6 upcoming retreat will be a great time for us to
Fried Flounder $14 assess our goals and to get to know each other
with French fries better. I have heard on great authority that the
and cole slaw 5 Circle Dude Ranch is a perfect spot for our
Fried Oysters $15 retreat since the atmosphere is so unlike what
with French fries we are used to.
and green beans I want to remind you to pack clothes that are
Broiled Scallops $15 suitable for riding horses and herding cattle. We
with baked potato Children’s Menu will be sleeping in sleeping bags outside as well.
and spinach Available That will be something new for me and for you,
too, I suppose.
17. Which vegetable is served with the scallops? I understand that the experience is a very
a. French fries grounding one. Since we are for the most part
b. Spinach living in our heads, this will indeed be a change.
c. Tossed salad I am sure it will allow us to focus more on our
d. Lobster bisque ultimate goals rather than our individual
18. What seems to be true about the fried seafood We are leaving promptly at 8 A.M. Thursday and
dishes? will return Sunday evening. See you there! I’m
a. They both cost $14. attaching their ad. You might want to visit their
b. They both come with French fries. website.
c. They both come with green beans. By the way, I’m bringing my cowboy hat.
d. They both come with salads.
19. What can you infer about the restaurant?
a. It gives senior citizens a break in price.
b. It only serves seafood entrees.
c. It is more expensive to sit outdoors.
d. Children are not allowed.

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5 Circle Dude Ranch 23. What is the main purpose of the advertisement?
Ride like the cowboys do out on the range a. to explain what the life of most cowboys is
Herd cattle like
Sleep outside under the stars b. to detail exactly what happens when staying
Eat lunch and dinner from a chuck wagon at the ranch
Find the inner you c. to suggest that the activities that the ranch
You will never forget your time at our ranch offers are dangerous
It’s an experience of a lifetime d. to attract people by portraying a stay at the
Visit us online at ranch as special
Wyoming’s Favorite Dude Ranch
24. Who is the dude ranch probably hoping to
21. Why does the board president say he is attract?
bringing his cowboy hat? a. people who love luxury vacations
a. to suggest he’s gone to a dude ranch before b. people who want a new experience
b. to remind board members to bring their c. people who rarely travel
cowboy hats d. art students
c. to let board members know they are
expected to buy cowboy hats 25. What information is found in the advertise-
d. to show he is into the dude ranch ment but not in the e-mail?
experience a. that they will sleep outside
b. the location of the dude ranch
22. What does the president of the board hope will c. that they will be riding horses
be accomplished at the retreat? d. that they will herd cattle
a. board members will have more focus on the
board’s goals
b. board members will learn how to herd cattle
c. board members will learn to cook on an
open fire
d. board members will solve their personal

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Answers 7. a. This is the correct helping verb. You should

realize this because the action is in the
1. a. This is the correct helping verb. It is in the present. We can tell that from the statement
past tense, since the action took place in the that the seminar is today. Choice b is in a
past. Choice b is in the past tense, but it is a plural form and the subject is singular, so
plural form when a singular form is needed. that cannot be correct. Choices c and d are
Choices c and d are both incorrect because past tenses so they are wrong.
they are in the present tense. 8. c. This is the correct coordinating conjunction
2. d. If you checked for tense, you would see a since it suggests a cause and effect
present tense is needed here, so choice c can relationship. It is also the only choice that
be eliminated. Choice b can be eliminated makes sense in the sentence.
as well, since it has a plural helping verb 9. a. This is the connecting conjunction that
when a singular is needed. Choice a is an makes sense. Because suggests a cause and
infinitive form of the verb, which is effect relationship, which exists here.
incorrect here. Because the new computer system didn’t
3. b. This is the correct adjective. This is the work properly, Ms. Andrews didn’t get her
superlative form, which is needed since the ID number. If you substitute the other
comparison is with three or more items. choices for the blank, they either do not
Choice a is an incorrect form of a make sense or they change the meaning.
superlative form. Both most and fastest are 10. a. Training programs make sense in the
superlative forms, so they shouldn’t be context of the e-mail. A person asking
together. Choice c is an incorrect form of a someone to take the company’s programs
comparative adjective. Choice d is the would not call them careless. It is unlikely
correct comparative form, but not the the writer would describe them as expensive,
correct answer, since the superlative form is although their development may well have
called for. been that to the company. You might
4. c. This verb is in a future tense, since the consider this choice, but compared to
action is going to take place in the future. choice a, it is not as appropriate. Programs
Choices a and b are incorrect. Choice a is a would not be called fortunate, so that choice
past tense while choice b is an incorrect is incorrect as well.
verb form, as is choice d. 11. d. This word fits in with the rest of the phrase
5. d. If you substitute each answer choice for the and experiences. If you substitute choice a
blank, you will find that the only choice that for the blank, it doesn’t make much sense in
fits the context of the sentence is choice d. terms of the context of the e-mail. Choices
Choices a and c call for a plural form of b and c are equally unlikely.
employee. Choice b doesn’t make sense. 12. b. This is the only word that fits into the
6. c. This is the correct verb form. It is in a plural context of the e-mail. Choices a and d don’t
form and in the present tense since the make sense. Choice c would change the
action is in the present. Choice a is in an meaning of the e-mail, so it is incorrect.
incorrect past tense, although it is a plural
form. Choice b is in a singular tense, and
choice d is incorrectly in a past tense.

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13. c. This is what the e-mail is mostly about. The 19. b. Looking through the menu you find
e-mail does talk about the forms that need nothing but seafood entrees. There is no
to be filled out and when the day care indication that choice a is correct, nor is
facility will be opened, but these are details, there any mention that it is more expensive
not the main idea. Choice b is not to sit outdoors. Choice d is incorrect. The
mentioned in the e-mail. menu says that a children’s menu is
14. b. Choice a is clearly wrong, since there is no available.
mention of the Royalties Division being 20. d. This word is the closest in meaning to
shut down. But choices b, c, and d should picturesque. Choice a does not mean
all be considered. Choice c isn’t quite anything similar to picturesque, nor do
correct. The day care needs space, not more partial or ugly.
space, since it is just opening. Choice d 21. d. This seems to be the most likely choice.
could be correct, but the real reason that the There is nothing in the e-mail to suggest
Royalties Division is moving is that it needs he’s gone to a dude ranch before. There is
more space. That is why the e-mail says it is information that suggests he’s never been to
moving to larger space. The fact that the day this dude ranch and that he has never slept
care is opening is really not related to the under the stars before. This comment might
move, although it might have been. remind other board members to bring their
15. a. This is probably why the emergency cowboy hats, if they have them, but this is
numbers are needed. Choice b doesn’t make not the reason for the comment. There is no
sense, since Human Resources has the reason to believe that choice c is correct
emergency numbers. Choice c is incorrect either.
because the emergency numbers aren’t for 22. a. This is what the board president writes in
the employees, but for the children. Choice the e-mail. Choices b and c may happen,
d must be wrong too, since the doctor’s but that is not his goal. Choice d is exactly
number would most likely be on the what the board president says he doesn’t
medical form. want board members to do.
16. d. You can find the answer right in the e-mail 23. d. It is the closest to the main purpose of the
if you look back and read it carefully. The advertisement. Choice a can be eliminated.
other numbers are all mentioned in the e- This is not the purpose of the advertise-
mail, but they are not the number of years ment. Choice c is not correct, either.
of experience that Celia Riverton has. Whether the activities could be dangerous is
17. b. This vegetable is served with the scallops. not mentioned in the advertisement. Choice
Choice a is incorrect. While a tossed salad b could be the correct answer. The
might be ordered to go with the scallops, it advertisement does let people know what
doesn’t come with it. Choice d is not a happens when staying at the ranch, but not
vegetable. everything that will happen. Choice d is a
18. b. They both are served with French fries. best answer. The main purpose is to attract
Choice a is not correct. The oysters are $15. people and portray the experience of
Choice c is not correct, either. The flounder staying at the ranch as special.
comes with green beans. There is no
mention of either one coming with salads,
so choice d is incorrect also.
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24. b. Choice a is unlikely because people who 25. b. If you check back, you will see that choices
love luxury vacations may not want to sleep a, c, and d are mentioned in both the
outdoors under the stars or eat out of a advertisement and e-mail. The location of
chuck wagon. Choice c seems unlikely as the dude ranch is found only in the
well, since this type of vacation seems to be advertisement, however.
more suitable to someone who has done a
lot of traveling. There is no reason to believe
that choice d is correct.


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