Auto Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
Auto Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
Auto Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Automotive and
Land Sector as shown in Annex A.
This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information
in response to workplace requirements.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Obtain and convey 1.1 Specific and 1.1 Effective verbal 1.1 Following simple
workplace relevant information and nonverbal spoken language
information is accessed from communication 1.2 Performing
appropriate 1.2 Different modes routine
sources. of communication workplace duties
1.2 Effective 1.3 Medium of following simple
questioning, active communication in written notices
listening and the workplace 1.3 Participating in
speaking skills are 1.4 Organizational workplace
used to gather and policies meetings and
convey information. 1.5 Communication discussions
1.3 Appropriate procedures and 1.4 Preparing work-
medium is used to systems related
transfer information 1.6 Lines of documents
and ideas. Communication 1.5 Estimating,
1.4 Appropriate non- 1.7 Technology calculating and
verbal relevant to the recording routine
communication is enterprise and the workplace
used. individual’s work measures
1.5 Appropriate lines of responsibilities 1.6 Relating/
communication with 1.8 Workplace Interacting with
supervisors and etiquette people of various
colleagues are levels in the
identified and workplace
followed. 1.7 Gathering and
1.6 Defined workplace providing basic
procedures for the information in
location and response to
storage of workplace
information are requirements
1. Appropriate sources May include:
1.1 Team members
1.2 Supervisor/Department Head
1.3 Suppliers
1.4 Trade personnel
1.5 Local government
1.6 Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information dissemination
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
2.7 Electronic media (disk files, cyberspace)
3. Storage May include:
3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Workplace interactions May include:
4.1 Face-to-face
4.2 Telephone
4.3 Electronic and two-way radio
4.4 Written including electronic means, memos,
instruction and forms
4.5 Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and
5. Forms May include:
5.1 HR/Personnel forms, telephone message forms,
safety reports
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
to identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a
member of a team.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Describe team role 1.1 The role and 1.1 Group structure 1.1 Communicating
and scope objective of the 1.2 Group with others,
team is identified development appropriately
from available 1.3 Sources of consistent with
sources of information the culture of the
information. workplace
1.2 Team parameters, 1.2 Developing ways
reporting in improving
relationships and work structure
responsibilities are and performing
identified from team respective roles
discussions and in the group or
appropriate external organization
2. Identify one’s role 2.1 Individual roles and 2.1 Team roles and 2.1 Communicating
and responsibility responsibilities objectives with others,
within a team within the team 2.2 Team structure appropriately
environment are and parameters consistent with
identified. 2.3 Team the culture of the
2.2 Roles and development workplace
objectives of the 2.4 Sources of 2.2 Developing ways
team is identified information in improving
from available work structure
sources of and performing
information. respective roles
2.3 Team parameters, in the group or
reporting organization
relationships and
responsibilities are
identified based on
team discussions
and appropriate
external sources.
3. Work as a team 3.1 Effective and 3.1 Communication 3.1 Communicating
member appropriate forms Process appropriately,
of communications 3.2 Workplace consistent with
are used and communication the culture of the
interactions protocol workplace
undertaken with
1. Role and objective of May include:
team 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with
enterprise or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgement maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment
2. Sources of information May include:
2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace context May include:
3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage, safe
handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to apply problem-solving techniques to
determine the origin of problems and plan for their
resolution. It also includes addressing procedural
problems through documentation, and referral.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify routine 1.1 Routine problems 1.1 Current industry 1.1 Identifying
problems or procedural hardware and current industry
problem areas are software products hardware and
identified. and services software
1.2 Problems to be 1.2 Industry products and
investigated are maintenance, services
defined and service and 1.2 Identifying
determined. helpdesk current industry
1.3 Current conditions practices, maintenance,
of the problem are processes and services and
identified and procedures helpdesk
documented. 1.3 Industry standard practices,
diagnostic tools processes and
1.4 Malfunctions and procedures.
resolutions 1.3 Identifying
current industry
diagnostic tools
1.4 Describing
malfunctions and
1.5 Determining the
root cause of a
2. Look for solutions 2.1 Potential solutions 2.1 Current industry 2.1 Identifying
to routine to problem are hardware and current industry
problems identified. software products hardware and
2.2 Recommendations and services software
about possible 2.2 Industry service products and
solutions are and helpdesk services
developed, practices, 2.2 Identifying
documented, processes and services and
ranked and procedures helpdesk
presented to practices,
1. Problems/Procedural May include:
Problem 1.1 Routine/non – routine processes and quality
1.2 Equipment selection, availability and failure
1.3 Teamwork and work allocation problem
1.4 Safety and emergency situations and incidents
1.5 Work-related problems outside of own work area
2. Appropriate person May include:
2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Document May include:
3.1 Electronic mail
3.2 Briefing notes
3.3 Written report
3.4 Evaluation report
4. Plan May include:
4.1 Priority requirements
4.2 Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.4 Risk assessment
4.5 Environmental requirements
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective
practice, and boosting self-confidence and
developing self-regulation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Manage one’s 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Managing
emotion strategies are strategies that properly one’s
identified. assist in emotions and
1.2 Skills to work regulating recognizing
independently and behavior and situations that
to show initiative, to achieving cannot be
be conscientious, personal and changed and
and persevering in learning goals accept them and
the face of setbacks (e.g. Nine self- remain
and frustrations are management professional
developed. strategies 1.2 Developing self-
1.3 Techniques for according to discipline,
effectively handling Robert Kelley) working
negative emotions 1.2 Enablers and independently
and unpleasant barriers in and showing
situation in the achieving initiative to
workplace are personal and achieve personal
examined. career goals and career goals
1.3 Techniques in 1.3 Showing
handling negative confidence, and
emotions and resilience in the
unpleasant face of setbacks
situation in the and frustrations
workplace such and other
as frustration, negative
anger, worry, emotions and
anxiety, etc. unpleasant
situations in the
2. Develop reflective 2.1 Personal strengths 2.1 Basic SWOT 2.1 Using the basic
practice and achievements, analysis SWOT analysis
based on self- 2.2 Strategies to as self-
assessment improve one’s assessment
strategies and attitude in the strategy
teacher feedback workplace 2.2 Developing
are contemplated. 2.3 Gibbs’ Reflective reflective
2.2 Progress when Cycle/Model practice through
seeking and (Description, realization of
1. Self-management May include:
strategies 1.1 Seeking assistance in the form of job coaching or
1.2 Continuing dialogue to tackle workplace grievances
1.3 Collective negotiation/bargaining for better working
1.4 Share your goals to improve with a trusted co-
worker or supervisor
1.5 Make a negativity log of every instance when you
catch yourself complaining to others
1.6 Make lists and schedules for necessary activities
2. Unpleasant situation May include:
2.1 Job burn-out
2.2 Drug dependence
2.3 Sulking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to make a pro-active and positive
contribution to workplace innovation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Opportunities for 1.1 Roles of 1.1 Identifying
opportunities to do improvement are individuals in opportunities to
things better identified suggesting and improve and to
proactively in own making do things better.
area of work. improvements. Involvement
1.2 Information are 1.2 Positive impacts 1.2 Identifying the
gathered and and challenges in positive impacts
reviewed which innovation. and the
may be relevant to 1.3 Types of changes challenges of
ideas and which and responsibility. change and
might assist in 1.4 Seven habits of innovation
gaining support for highly effective 1.3 Identifying
idea. people. examples of the
types of changes
that are within
and outside own
scope of
2. Discuss and 2.1 People who could 2.1 Roles of 2.1 Identifying
develop ideas with provide input to individuals in opportunities to
others ideas for suggesting and improve and to
improvements are making do things better.
identified. improvements Involvement
2.2 Ways of 2.2 Positive impacts 2.2 Identifying the
approaching people and challenges in positive impacts
to begin sharing innovation and the
ideas are selected. 2.3 Types of changes challenges of
2.3 Meeting is set with and responsibility. change and
relevant people. 2.4 Seven habits of innovation
2.4 Ideas for follow up highly effective 2.3 Providing
are review and people examples of the
selected based on types of changes
feedback. that are within
2.5 Critical inquiry and outside own
method is used to scope of
discuss and responsibility
develop ideas with 2.4 Communicating
others. ideas for change
through small
1. Opportunities for May include:
improvement 1.1 Systems
1.2 Processes
1.3 Procedures
1.4 Protocols
1.5 Codes
1.6 Practices
2. Information May include:
2.1 Workplace communication problems
2.2 Performance evaluation results
2.3 Team dynamics issues and concerns
2.4 Challenges on return of investment
2.5 New tools, processes and procedures
2.6 New people in the organization
3. People who could provide May include:
input 3.1 Leaders
3.2 Managers
3.3 Specialists
3.4 Associates
3.5 Researchers
3.6 Supervisors
3.7 Staff
3.8 Consultants (external)
3.9 People outside the organization in the same field or
similar expertise/industry
3.10 Clients
4. Critical inquiry method May include:
4.1 Preparation
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Clarification of goals
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
4.5 Agreement
4.6 Implementation of a course of action
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages:
Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking
4.8 Listening
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of
effective negotiation
4.10 Rapport Building
4.11 Problem Solving
4.12 Decision Making
4.13 Assertiveness
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations
5. Reporting skills May include:
5.1 Data management
5.2 Coding
5.3 Data analysis and interpretation
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to present data/information appropriately.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Gather data/ 1.1 Evidence, facts 1.1 Organisational 1.1 Describing
information and information protocols organisational
are collected. 1.2 Confidentiality protocols
1.2 Evaluation, terms 1.3 Accuracy relating to client
of reference and 1.4 Business liaison
conditions are mathematics 1.2 Protecting
reviewed to and statistics confidentiality
determine 1.5 Data analysis 1.3 Describing
whether techniques/proc accuracy
data/information edures 1.4 Computing
falls within project 1.6 Reporting business
scope. requirements to mathematics
a range of and statistics
audiences 1.5 Describing
1.7 Legislation, data analysis
policy and techniques/
procedures procedures
relating to the 1.6 Reporting
conduct of requirements to
evaluations a range of
1.8 Organisational audiences
values, ethics 1.7 Stating
and codes of legislation,
conduct policy and
relating to the
conduct of
1.8 Stating
values, ethics
and codes of
2. Assess gathered 2.1 Validity of data/ 2.1 Business 2.1 Computing
data/ information information is mathematics business
assessed. and statistics mathematics
and statistics
1. Data analysis techniques May include:
1.1 Domain analysis
1.2 Content analysis
1.3 Comparison technique
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to identify OSH compliance requirements,
prepare OSH requirements for compliance, perform
tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify OSH 1.1 Relevant OSH 1.1 OSH preventive 1.1 Communication
compliance requirements, and control skills
requirements regulations, requirements 1.2 Interpersonal
policies and 1.2 Hierarchy of skills
procedures are Controls 1.3 Critical thinking
identified in 1.3 Hazard skills
accordance with Prevention and 1.4 Observation
workplace policies Control skills
and procedures. 1.4 General OSH
1.2 OSH activity non- principles
conformities are 1.5 Work standards
conveyed to and procedures
appropriate 1.6 Safe handling
personnel. procedures of
1.3 OSH preventive tools, equipment
and control and materials
requirements are 1.7 Standard
identified in emergency plan
accordance with and procedures in
OSH work policies the workplace
and procedures.
2. Prepare OSH 2.1 OSH work activity 2.1 Resources 2.1 Communication
requirements for material, tools and necessary to skills
compliance equipment execute hierarchy 2.2 Estimation skills
requirements are of controls 2.3 Interpersonal
identified in 2.2 General OSH skills
accordance with principles 2.4 Critical thinking
workplace policies 2.3 Work standards skills
and procedures. and procedures 2.5 Observation
2.2 Required OSH 2.4 Safe handling skills
materials, tools and procedures of 2.6 Material, tool and
equipment are tools, equipment equipment
acquired in and materials identification
accordance with 2.5 Different OSH skills
workplace policies control measures
and procedures.
1. OSH Requirements, May include:
Regulations, Policies and 1.1 Clean Air Act
Procedures 1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety and
1.8 ECC regulations
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
3. OSH Preventive and May include:
Control Requirements 3.1 Resources needed for removing hazard effectively
3.2 Resources needed for substitution or replacement
3.3 Resources needed to establishing engineering
3.4 Resources needed for enforcing administrative
3.5 Personal Protective equipment
4. Non OSH-Compliance May include non-compliance or observance of the
Work Activities following safety measures:
4.1 Violations that may lead to serious physical harm or
4.2 Fall Protection
4.3 Hazard Communication
4.4 Respiratory Protection
4.5 Power Industrial Trucks
4.6 Lockout/Tag-out
4.7 Working at heights (use of ladder, scaffolding)
4.8 Electrical Wiring Methods
4.9 Machine Guarding
4.10 Electrical General Requirements
4.11 Asbestos work requirements
4.12 Excavations work requirements
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify the 1.1 Required resource 1.1 Importance of 1.1 Recording Skills
efficiency and utilization in the Environmental 1.2 Writing Skills
effectiveness of workplace is Literacy 1.3 Innovation Skills
resource utilization measured using 1.2 Environmental
appropriate Work Procedures
techniques. 1.3 Waste
1.2 Data are recorded Minimization
in accordance with 1.4 Efficient Energy
workplace protocol. Consumptions
1.3 Recorded data are
compared to
determine the
efficiency and
effectiveness of
resource utilization
according to
work procedures.
2. Determine causes 2.1 Potential causes of 2.1 Causes of 2.1 Deductive
of inefficiency inefficiency and/or environmental Reasoning Skills
and/or ineffectiveness are inefficiencies and 2.2 Critical thinking
ineffectiveness of listed. ineffective-ness 2.3 Problem Solving
resource utilization 2.2 Causes of 2.4 Observation
inefficiency and/or Skills
ineffectiveness are
identified through
2.3 Identified causes of
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are
validated thru
1. Environmental Work May include:
Procedures 1.1 Utilization of Energy, Water, Fuel Procedures
1.2 Waster Segregation Procedures
1.3 Waste Disposal and Reuse Procedures
1.4 Waste Collection Procedures
1.5 Usage of Hazardous Materials Procedures
1.6 Chemical Application Procedures
1.7 Labeling Procedures
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Apply 1.1 Good practices 1.1 Workplace best 1.1
entrepreneurial relating to practices, Communication
workplace best workplace policies and skills
practices operations are criteria 1.2 Complying with
observed and 1.2 Resource quality
selected following utilization procedures
workplace policy. 1.3 Ways in
1.2 Quality fostering
procedures and entrepreneurial
practices are attitudes:
complied with Patience
according to Honesty
workplace Quality-
requirements. consciousness
1.3 Cost-conscious Safety-
habits in consciousness
resource Resourceful-
utilization are ness
applied based on
2. Communicate 2.1 Observed good 2.1 Workplace best 2.1
entrepreneurial practices relating practices, Communication
workplace best to workplace policies and skills
practices operations are criteria 2.2 Complying with
communicated to 2.2 Resource quality
appropriate utilization procedures
person. 2.3 Ways in 2.3 Following
2.2 Observed quality fostering workplace
procedures and entrepreneurial communication
practices are attitudes: protocol
communicated to Patience
appropriate Honesty
person. Quality-
1. Good practices May include:
1.1 Economy in use of resources
1.2 Documentation of quality practices
2. Resources utilization May include:
2.1 Consumption/ use of consumables
2.2 Use/Maintenance of assigned equipment and
2.3 Optimum use of allotted /available time
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
to check body type of the vehicle, check vehicle
engine type, check vehicle specifications and
complete validation of vehicle specification.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Check body type of 1.1 Kind of vehicle is 1.1 Kind of vehicle 1.1 Identifying kind
the vehicle determined 1.1.1 Aerodyna- of vehicle,
according to job mics dimensions,
order. 1.1.2 Vehicle weight, body
1.2 Vehicle Dynamics shape, and
dimensions is 1.1.3 Body power train
determined shapes 1.2 Accomplishing
according to 1.1.4 Power train checklist
manual. 1.1.5 Major 1.3 Estimating
1.3 Vehicle weight is dimensions visually
determined 1.2 Vehicle dimensions and
according to the specifications masses
manual. 1.2.1 Vehicle 1.4 Utilizing resource
1.4 Body shape is performance information
determined 1.2.2 Weight & 1.5 Wearing PPEs
according to the Measureme 1.6 Applying safety
manual. nts practices
1.6 Power train is 1.3 Automotive
determined history
according to the 1.4 Documentation/
manual. Accomplishing
1.7 Safety practices are checklist
applied following 1.5 Resources
OSHS. information
1.5.1 Bulletin
1.5.2 Shop
1.6 OSHS
1.7 PPEs
1.8 Attitude:
1.8.1 Patience
1.8.2 Attention to
2. Check vehicle 2.1 Engine type is 2.1 Principles of 2.1 Identifying
engine type identified according internal engine type,
1. Kind of Vehicle May include:
1.1 Motorized
1.2 Not Motorized
1.3 On-Road
1.4 Off-Road
1.5 Passenger
1.6 Commercial
1.7 Utility
1.8 Manned
1.9 Unmanned
1.10 Remote control
1.11 Automated/Self Driving
1.12 Guided
2. Vehicle Dimensions May include:
2.1 Overall length
2.2 Overall width
2.3 Overall height
2.4 Wheelbase
2.5 Tread
2.6 Minimum running ground clearance
2.7 Room Length
2.8 Room Width
2.9 Room Height
2.10 Overhang front
2.11 Overhang rear
2.12 Angle of approach
2.13 Angle of departure
3. Vehicle Weight May include:
3.1 Gross weight
3.2 Curb weight
3.3 Tare weight
3.4 Net weight
4. Body Shape May include:
4.1 Sedan
4.2 Coupe
4.3 Hardtop
4.4 Convertible
4.5 Multipurpose vehicle (MPV)
4.6 Sports utility vehicle (SUV)
4.7 Truck
4.8 Tractor Head
4.9 Trailer
4.10 Special Utility Truck
4.11 Bus
4.12 Mini Bus
4.13 Articulated bus
4.14 Asian Utility Vehicle (AUV)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit involves the skills and knowledge and
attitudes required to move and position vehicle safely
including systematic and efficient control of all
vehicle functions.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare vehicle for 1.1 Vehicle multi point 1.1 Revolutions per 1.1 Performing
operation inspection is minute during idle Cockpit Drill
conducted 1.2 Manual, 1.2 Conducting
according to automatic and Vehicle Multi
industry practice. CVT point inspection
1.2 Cockpit Drill is Transmission 1.3 Starting the
performed 1.3 Vehicle parts, engine
according to components and 1.4 Using owner’s
industry practice. functions manual
1.3 Vehicle is start-up 1.4 Inspection
following owner’s procedures
manual. 1.5 Owner’s manual
1.4 Parking brake is 1.6 Safety procedures
engaged according
to industry practice.
2. Position vehicle 2.1 Workshop hazards 2.1 Revolutions per 2.1 Skills in
are identified and minute in running positioning
avoided as per condition vehicle
standard operating 2.2 Kilometer per 2.2 Vehicle
procedures. hour positioning
2.2 Vehicle is moved 2.3 Estimation/ timing estimation skill
according to 2.4 Manual, 2.3 Identifying
Occupational automatic and workshop signs
Health and Safety CVT and markings
Standards. Transmission
2.3 Workshop rules and 2.5 Diesel, Gasoline
regulations are and EV engines
recognized 2.6 Vehicle parts,
according to components and
standard functions
procedures. 2.7 Defensive driving
2.8 Owner’s Manual
2.9 Safety procedures
3. Park and stop the 3.1 Vehicle is 3.1 Vehicle parts, 31 Vehicle
vehicle positioned components and positioning
according to functions estimation skills
parking rules and 3.2 Inspection
regulations. procedures
1. Multi point inspection May include:
1.1 Check for any obstruction
1.2 Check external condition
1.3 Check internal condition
1.3.1 Manual transmission
1.3.2 Automatic transmission
1.4 Check vehicle drivability
2. Cockpit Drill May include:
2.1 Car mirror adjustments
2.2 Steering the car
2.3 How to change gears
2.4 Use of parking brake
2.5 Doors, Seat, Steering, Seat belt and Mirrors
2.6 Foot controls
2.7 Hand controls
2.8 Auxiliary controls (indicators)
3. Workshop hazards May include:
3.1 Workshop tools and materials
3.2 Workshop equipment
3.3 Other vehicles
3.4 Other people
3.5 Oil spills
3.6 Loose parts
4. Parking rules and May include:
regulation 4.1 Parallel parking
4.2 Horizontal parking
4.3 Park facing the wall
5. Electrical devices May include:
5.1 Lights
5.2 Air conditioning
5.3 Wiper
5.4 Radio
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Automotive tools 1.1 Understanding 1.1 Identifying
automotive tools are identified power to size defects or
according to their ratio damages of tools
classification and 1.2 Leverage before use
specification. 1.3 Types of power 1.2 Knowledgeable
1.2 Automotive tools tools and hand in proper
and attachments tools handling of tools
are selected 1.4 Uses of 1.3 Identifying tools
according to job automotive power required for the
requirements. tools and hand job
1.3 Automotive tools tools 1.4 Inspecting the
and attachments 1.5 Defects and area were power
are inspected for damages of tools will be use
defects and automotive tools
damages and attachments
according to 1.6 Handling of tools
manufacturers and 1.7 Interpretation of
work place contents of users
procedures. manuals
1.4 Safety practices are 1.8 Safety procedures
applied following 1.9 Wearing of PPE
2. Use automotive 2.1 Attachments are 2.1 Use of automotive 2.1 Analytical skills
tools mounted to tools 2.2 Technical
automotive tools 2.2 Application of literacy
according to job Torque and 2.3 Mounting
requirements. pressure attachments to
2.2 Power tools are 2.3 Unit conversion of automotive tools
connected to torque 2.4 Connecting
power sources 2.4 English and power tools to
according to metric system power sources
operation’s manual. 2.5 Types of hand 2.5 Operating power
2.3 Power tools are tools tools
operated according 2.6 Types of power 2.6 Utilizing hand
to operation’s tools tools
manual. 2.7 Fundamentals of 2.7 Wearing PPEs
2.4 Hand tools are automotive hand 2.8 Applying safety
utilized according to tools and power practices
operation’s manual. tools
1. Automotive tools May include:
1.1 Power tools
1.1.1 Electric power tools Electric drill
1.1.2 Pneumatic tools
1.2 Basic tools
1.3 Special service tools (SST)
2. Power sources May include:
2.1 Electric source
2.2 Pneumatic or air
2.3 Hydraulic
3. Basic tools May include:
3.1 Wrenches
3.2 Pliers
3.3 Screw drivers
3.4 Power handle
3.5 Ratchet
3.6 Multitester
3.7 Flash light
3.8 Rubber mallet
3.9 Hammer
3.10 Jack
3.11 Jack stand
3.12 Choke
4. Attachments May include:
4.1 Bits
4.2 Sockets
4.3 Extension
5. Defects and damages May include:
5.1 Tools
5.1.1 Cracks
5.1.2 Breakage
5.1.3 Deformity
5.1.4 Looseness
5.1.5 Corrosions
5.1.6 Leaks
5.2 Attachments
5.2.1 Cracks
5.2.2 Breakage
5.2.3 Deformity
5.2.4 Looseness
5.2.5 Corrosions
6. Personal protective May include:
equipment (PPEs) 6.1 Goggles
6.2 Gloves
6.3 Hard hat
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills on how to
use automotive measuring tools.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Select measuring 1.1 Component to be 1.1 Category of 1.1 Identifying and
instruments measured is measuring selecting
identified based on instruments measuring
job requirements. 1.2 Types and uses instruments
1.2 Automotive of measuring 1.2 Visualizing
measuring instruments objects and
instrument is 1.3 Shapes and shapes
identified based on Dimensions 1.3 Calibration skills
job requirements. 1.4 Use of user’s 1.4 Identifying
1.3 Correct manual defective
specifications are 1.5 Workshop measuring
obtained from procedures in instruments
repair manual. reporting 1.5 Reporting skills
1.4 Measuring tools are defective 1.6 Applying safety
calibrated in line instruments practices
with job 1.6 Characteristics of 1.7 Obtaining correct
requirements. defective specifications
1.5 Measuring measuring 1.8 Checking
instruments are instruments measuring
checked for 1.7 Procedure in instruments for
accuracy and preparing report accuracy
adjusted according 1.8 OSHS in 1.9 Reporting and
to manufacturer’s calibrating segregating
manual. measuring defective
1.6 Defective instruments measuring
measuring 1.9 Calibration of instruments
instruments are measuring tools
reported and 1.10 Inspection of
returned to measuring tools
toolkeeper following 1.11 Segregation and
industry standards. reporting of
1.7 Safety practices are defective
applied following measuring
OSHS. instruments
2. Carry out 2.1 Automotive 2.1 Formulas for 2.1 Performing
measurements measuring volume, areas, calculation
and calculation instrument is perimeters of 2.2 Applying
selected to achieve plane and formulas for
required outcome in geometric figures volume, areas,
perimeters of
1. Automotive measuring May include:
instruments 1.1 Torque wrench
1.2 Vernier caliper
1.3 Micrometer (inside and outside)
1.4 Dial gauge
1.5 Feeler gauge
1.7 Pitch/thread gauge
1.8 Multi-tester (analog/digital)
1.9 Vacuum Gauge
1.10 Tire depth gauge
1.11 Battery tester
1.12 Steel tape
1.13 Ruler
2. Calculation May include:
2.1 Volume
2.2 Area
2.3 Displacement
2.4 Inside diameter
2.5 Circumference
2.6 Length
2.7 Thickness
2.8 Outside diameter
2.9 Taper
2.10 Out of roundness
2.11 Voltage
2.12 Resistance
2.13 Current
2.14 Pressure
2.15 Clearance
2.16 Distortion/run-out
2.17 Torque conversion
2.18 Temperature
3. Mathematical operations Includes:
3.1 Addition
3.2 Subtraction
3.3 Multiplication
3.4 Division
3.5 Fractions
3.6 Percentages
3.7 Mixed numbers
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate perform the
competency following:
1.1 Selected measuring instruments
1.2 Performed measurements and calculation
1.3 Maintained measuring instruments
1.4 Applied safety practices
2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 2.1 Workplace: Real or simulated work area
2.2 Appropriate Automotive Measuring Tools & equipment
2.3 Materials relevant to the activity
2.4 Training vehicle or simulators
2.5 User’s manual
2.6 Repair manual
3. Method of Competency MUST be assessed through:
assessment 3.1 Written exam
3.2 Demonstration with oral questioning
3.3 Third party report
3.4 Interview
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
assessment workplace or through accredited institution.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with inspecting and cleaning of work
area including tools, equipment and facilities.
Storage of equipment, including operating of basic
workshop equipment.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Perform pre- 1.1 Workshop 1.1 Different areas of 1.1 Preparing work
operation activities facilities are an automotive area
prepared according service facilities 1.2 Preparing
to work 1.2 Preparation equipment
requirements. procedures of 1.3 Calibrating
1.2 Equipment are automotive equipment
prepared according service facilities 1.4 Repairing minor
to work 1.3 Different equipment
requirements. equipment in the issues
1.3 Equipment are automotive 1.5 Reporting
calibrated following service facilities defective
users’ manual. 1.4 Preparation equipment
1.4 Minor repairs are procedures of 1.6 Applying safety
carried out based automotive practice
on users’ manual. equipment 1.7 Following
1.5 Defective 1.5 Minor repairs of manuals
equipment are automotive
reported to equipment
immediate 1.6 Report of
supervisor following defective
company equipment
procedures. 1.7 Reporting
1.6 Safety practices are procedures for
applied following defective
OSHS. equipment
1.8 OSHS practices
related to the
preparation of
facilities and
1.9 Workshop
facilities and
1. Equipment May include:
1.1 Lifter (Two Post Lifter / Four Post Lifter/ Scissor
1.2 Crocodile Jack
1.3 Jack Stand
1.4 Air Compressor
1.5 Oil drain
2. Workshop facilities May include:
2.1 Service Stall / Working Bay / Workshop areas for
servicing/repairing light and/or heavy vehicle and/or
plant transmissions and/or outdoor power
2.2 Overhauling Room
2.3 Electrical / Air-con Room
2.4 Inspection Area
2.5 Open workshop/garage and enclosed, ventilated
office area
2.6 Car wash area
2.7 Other variables may include workshop with:
2.7.1 Mess hall
2.7.2 Wash room
2.7.3 Comfort room
2.7.4 Storage Room
2.7.5 Training Room
3. Manuals May include:
3.1 Vehicle/plant manufacturer specifications
3.2 Company operating procedures
3.3 Industry/Workplace Codes of Practice
3.4 Product manufacturer specifications
3.5 Industry Occupational Health &Safety
3.6 Equipment Operation Guidelines
3.7 Service/workshop/repair manual
4. PPEs May include:
4.1 Gloves
4.2 Apron
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Safety shoes
4.5 Uniforms
4.6 Cap
4.7 Safety helmet
5. Minor repairs May include:
5.1 Lubrication
5.2 Bolt tightening
5.3 Worn-out parts replacement
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify parts and 1.1 Parts and 1.1 Job requirements 1.1 Determining
consumables consumables are 1.2 Safety practices parts and
determined 1.3 Understanding consumables
according to job manuals 1.2 Reading and
requirements. 1.4 Hazardous parts interpreting job
1.2 Availability of parts and consumables requirements
and consumables 1.5 Solid waste 1.3 Identifying
are confirmed management act required parts &
based on stock. (RA 6969) consumables
1.3 Indirect materials 1.6 Wearing of PPE’s 1.4 Understanding
are identified 1.7 OSHS safety practices
according to job 1.8 Proper storage of 1.5 Determining
requirements. materials quantity and
1.4 Hazardous parts 1.9 Chemical quality of parts
and consumables contents of and
are identified consumables consumables
according 1.10 Composition of 1.6 Confirming
International consumables availability of
standards. 1.11 Quality of parts parts and
1.5 Safety practices are and consumables consumables
applied according 1.12 Computation for 1.7 Identifying
to OSHS. quantity of parts indirect materials
and consumables 1.8 Identifying
1.13 Vehicle hazardous parts
specifications and
1.14 Identifying Part consumables
no. 1.9 Applying safety
1.15 Awareness in practices
part number 1.10 Understanding
1.16 Updated type of safety practices
parts and 1.11 Following
consumables manuals
2. Retrieve and 2.1 Requisition slip is 2.1 Job requirements 2.1 Reading and
withdraw parts and prepared according 2.2 Safety practices interpreting
consumables to identified parts 2.3 Understanding requisition slip
and consumables. manuals
1. Parts and consumables May include:
1.1 Engine oil
1.2 Clutch fluid
1.3 Transmission oil
1.4 Differential oil
1.5 Power steering fluid
1.6 Brake fluid
1.7 Engine coolant
1.8 Engine oil filter
1.9 Fuel filter
1.10 Air cleaner element
1.11 Feed pump strainer
1.12 Sparkplugs (Gasoline engine)
1.13 Battery
1.14 Air cleaner
1.15 Tire
1.16 Wiper blade
1.17 A/C pollen filter
1.18 Bulb
1.19 Brake pad/brake shoe
1.20 Clutch lining
2. Determining parts and May include:
consumables 2.1 Quantity
2.2 Quality
3. Indirect materials May include:
3.1 Rags
3.2 Saw dust
3.3 Cleaning fluids
3.4 Sand paper
4. Hazardous parts May include:
consumables 4.1 Batteries
4.2 Used oil
4.3 Used fluids
4.4 Used coolant
4.5 Used parts
4.6 Used oil filter
5. Wastes May include:
5.1 Contaminated consumables
5.2 Contaminated parts
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
needed in identifying and preparing the vehicle for
servicing and releasing.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Receive vehicle 1.1 Vehicle is located 1.1 Identification of 1.1 Completing
following company basic vehicle vehicle checklist
standard. components 1.2 Classifying work
1.2 Checklist is 1.2 Types of defects to be performed
validated for 1.3 Read & 1.3 Assigning work
exterior and interior understand Job bay
items in accordance Order 1.4 Validating
with vehicle 1.4 Flat rate time checklist for
checklist. 1.5 Use of PPEs exterior and
1.3 Job Order is 1.6 Adherence to interior items
checked for proper safety procedures 1.5 Checking job
assignment 1.7 Vehicle checklist order for proper
according to work 1.8 Work assignment
classification. classification 1.6 Identifying
1.4 Work bay for 1.9 Work bay vehicle
vehicle is 1.10 Attitudes 1.7 Moving vehicle
designated based 1.10.1 Patient to designated
from Job Order. 1.10.2 Attention work bay
1.5 Vehicle is moved to details
on the designated 1.10.3 Honest
work bay. 1.10.4 Time
2. Prepare vehicle for 2.1 Protective covers 2.1 Familiarization on 2.1 Understanding of
servicing are installed prior to equipment & vehicle status
servicing based on facilities 2.2 Installation of
workshop operating 2.2 Time estimation protective covers
standards. of completion 2.3 Positioning
2.2 Vehicle is 2.3 Vehicle tagging vehicle
positioned and set- 2.4 Types of 2.4 Operating lifter
up for lifting protective covers 2.5 Moving vehicle
according to repair 2.5 Setting-up of 2.6 Setting-up
order. vehicle for lifting vehicle for lifting
2.3 Vehicle is lifted for 2.6 Read & 2.7 Practicing safety
servicing following understand repair
manufacturer’s order
manual. 2.7 Use of PPEs
2.8 Use of safety
1. Vehicle checklist May include:
1.1 External scratches, accessories, items, dents,
damages and cracks
1.2 Internal items, scratches, noticeable damages,
including spare tire, tools, and loose items
1.3 Standard items that are not present during
1.4 Valuable/personal belongings
2. Work classification May include:
2.1 Body and Paint repair
2.2 General Job repair
2.3 Periodic maintenance service (PMS)
3. Work bay May include:
3.1 Service Stall / Working Bay / Workshop areas for
servicing/repairing light and/or heavy vehicle and/or
plant transmissions and/or outdoor power
3.2 Overhauling Room
3.3 Electrical / Air-con Room
3.4 Inspection Area
3.5 Open workshop/garage and enclosed, ventilated
office area
5. Protective covers May include but not limited to:
5.1 Seat Cover
5.2 Steering Wheel Cover
5.3 Handbrake Cover
5.4 Shift Knob Cover
5.5 Fender Cover
5.6 Paper mat
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Prepare to 1.1 Job requirements 1.1 Operating 1.1 Determining job
diagnose and are determined principles of the requirements
repair engine from workplace cooling system from workplace
cooling and instructions. 1.2 Different job instructions
lubrication 1.2 Diagnostic requirements 1.2 Clarifying
systems information is 1.3 Diagnostic instructions
sourced and information 1.3 Sourcing and
interpreted using 1.4 Troubleshooting interpreting
industry criteria. guide diagnostic
1.3 Symptoms are 1.5 Industry criteria information
verified using 1.6 Tools, equipment, 1.4 Analyzing
troubleshooting and materials in diagnostic
guide. diagnosing and options
1.4 Hazards associated repairing engine 1.5 Using
with the work are cooling and troubleshooting
identified and risks lubricating system guide
are managed 1.7 Procedure in 1.6 Identifying
according to accomplishing hazards
industry criteria. forms 1.7 Managing risks
1.5 Tools, equipment, 1.8 OSHS 1.8 Selecting and
and materials are 1.9 Wearing of PPEs checking tools,
selected and 1.10 Health protocols equipment and
checked for issued by materials
serviceability government on 1.9 Reporting
according industry prevention of defective and
criteria. spread of and damaged tools
1.6 Defective and protection from and equipment
damaged tools and infectious disease 1.10 Checking and
equipment are in the workplace reporting the
reported following 1.11 3Rs
1. Job requirements May include:
1.1 Cooling system:
1.1.1 Inspection, repair, and replacement of radiator
1.1.2 Inspection and replacement of radiator cap
1.1.3 Inspection, testing and replacement of
1.1.4 Inspection and replacement of water pump
1.1.5 Inspection and replacement of reservoir
1.1.6 Inspection and adjustment of belt tension
1.1.7 Inspection and replacement of radiator hoses
1.1.8 Inspection and replacement of radiator fan
1.1.9 Inspection and replacement of radiator fan
1.2 Lubrication system:
1.2.1 Inspection and replacement of oil pump
1.2.2 Inspection and replacement of oil pan
1.2.3 Inspection and replacement oil cooler and
1.2.4 Inspection and replacement of oil pressure
1.2.5 Inspection and replacement of oil regulating
2. Workplace instructions May include:
2.1 Instruction from immediate superior
2.2 Instruction in repair order
2.3 Instruction from interview sheet
3. Industry criteria May include:
3.1 Manufacturer specifications
3.2 Repair manual
3.3 Workplace procedures
3.4 Safety and environmental requirements
3.5 Service history
4. Tools May include:
4.1 Radiator and cap pressure tester
4.2 Belt tension gauge
4.3 Basic hand tools
4.4 Thermometer
4.5 Multi-tester
4.6 Torque wrench
4.7 Vernier caliper
4.8 Water heater
4.9 Oil pressure gauge
5. Equipment Equipment may include:
5.1 Vehicle lifter
5.2 Jack stand
5.3 Trouble light
5.4 Creeper
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to 1.1 Job requirements 1.1 Different job 1.1 Interpreting job
diagnose and are determined requirements requirements
repair intake and from workplace 1.2 Diagnostic from workplace
exhaust system instructions. information instructions
1.2 Diagnostic 1.3 Troubleshooting 1.2 Clarifying
information is guide instructions
sourced and 1.4 Industry criteria 1.3 Sourcing and
interpreted 1.5 Tools, equipment, interpreting
according to and materials in diagnostic
workplace diagnosing and information
procedures. repairing intake 1.4 Analyzing
1.3 Symptoms are and exhaust diagnostic
verified using system options
troubleshooting 1.6 Procedure in 1.5 Using
guide. accomplishing troubleshooting
1.4 Hazards associated forms guide
with the work are 1.7 OSHS 1.6 Identifying
identified and risks 1.8 Wearing of PPEs hazards
are managed. 1.9 Health protocols 1.7 Managing risks
1.5 Tools, equipment, issued by 1.8 Selecting and
and materials are government on checking tools,
selected and prevention of equipment and
checked for spread of and materials
serviceability. protection from 1.9 Reporting
1.6 Defective and infectious disease defective and
damaged tools and in the workplace damaged tools
equipment are 1.10 The 3Rs and equipment
reported following 1.11 The 5S 1.10 Checking and
workplace 1.11 Attitude: reporting the
procedures and 1.11.1 Patient availability of
OSH procedures. 1.11.2 Attention materials
1.7 Availability of to details
materials are
1. Job requirements May include:
1.1 Inspect and replace intake system components
1.2 Inspect and replace exhaust system components
2. Tools, equipment, and May include:
materials 2.1 Tools (Basic Hand Tools)
2.1.1 Torque wrench
2.1.2 Straight edge
2.1.3 Feeler gauge
2.1.4 Vacuum gauges
2.1.5 Mechanic stethoscope
2.2 Equipment
2.2.1 Vehicle Lifter
2.2.2 Crocodile jack
2.2.3 Jack stand
2.3 Materials
2.3.1 Rags
2.3.2 Degreaser
2.3.3 Penetrating oil
2.3.4 Wheel wedge
2.3.5 Sealant
2.3.6 Gasket
3. Industry criteria May include:
3.1 Manufacturer specifications
3.2 Repair manual
3.3 Workplace procedures
3.4 Safety and environmental requirements
3.5 Service history
4. Inspection of intake and May include:
exhaust system 4.1 Visual inspection for leak
4.2 Vacuum inspection for leak
4.3 Noise of intake and exhaust system
4.4 Vibration of intake and exhaust system
5. Repair options May include:
5.1 Adjustment
5.2 Cleaning
5.3 Repair and Replacement
6. Post-repair testing May include:
6.1 Visual inspection of emission leaks
6.2 Check unusual engine noise
7. Workplace documents May include:
7.1 Repair order
7.2 Inspection form
7.3 Diagnostic sheet
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to 1.1 Job requirements 1.1 Sourcing out and 1.1 Interpreting job
diagnose engine are determined interpretation of requirements
mechanical from workplace diagnostic from workplace
system instructions. information instructions
1.2 Diagnostic 1.2 Basic engine 1.2 Clarifying
information is removal and instructions
sourced and installation 1.3 Locating
interpreted sequence appropriate
according to 1.3 Service/ Repair sources of
workplace manual information
procedures. 1.4 Troubleshooting 1.4 Sourcing and
1.3 Symptoms are guide interpreting
verified using 1.5 Tools, equipment diagnostic
troubleshooting and materials in information
guide. diagnose and 1.5 Analyzing
1.4 Hazards associated repair engine diagnostic
with the work are mechanical symptoms
identified and risks system 1.6 Using
are managed. 1.6 Interpretation of troubleshooting
1.5 Tools, equipment, job requirements guide
and materials are 1.7 Different job 1.7 Selecting and
selected and requirements checking tools
checked for 1.8 Serviceability of and equipment
serviceability. tools and 1.8 Reporting non-
1.6 Non-serviceable equipment serviceable tools
tools and 1.9 OSHS and equipment
equipment are 1.10 Wearing of PPEs 1.9 Checking and
reported following 1.11 Health protocols reporting the
workplace issued by availability of
procedures. government on materials
1.7 Availability of prevention of 1.10 Applying safety
materials are spread of and practices
checked and protection from
1. Job requirements May include:
1.1 Inspection and adjustment (timing mark setting) of
timing belt
1.2 Inspection, replacement, of cylinder head
1.3 Replacement and installation of valve guides, valve
seats, valves, and valve seals.
1.4 Inspection, replacement, and overhauling of cylinder
1.5 Removal and installation of engine
2. Tools, equipment, and May include:
materials 2.1 Tools:
2.1.1 Basic hand tools
2.1.2 Feeler gauge
2.1.3 Straight edge
2.1.4 Piston ring compressor
2.1.5 Torque wrench
2.1.6 Angle gauge
2.1.7 Dial and bore gauge
2.1.8 Vernier caliper
2.1.9 Micrometer and stand
2.1.10 Pullers and installers
2.1.11 Special tools based on manufacturer’s
2.1.12 Compression tester
2.1.13 Ridge reamer
2.1.14 Valve spring compressor
2.1.15 Oiler
2.1.16 Steel square
2.1.17 Mechanic stethoscope
2.1.18 V-block
2.2 Equipment:
2.2.1 Engine hydraulic crane
2.2.2 Chain block
2.2.3 Engine stand
2.2.4 Vehicle Lifter
2.2.5 Crocodile jack
2.2.6 Jack stand
2.2.7 Press machine
2.2.8 Honing
2.2.9 Valve grinder
2.2.10 Valve refacer
2.2.11 Water heater
2.2.12 Surface plate
2.2.13 Pressure gauge
2.2.14 Bench vise
2.2.15 Bench grinder with steel brush
2.2.16 Wash basin
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to
consider when designing training programs for AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING (ENGINE
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
the curricula.
Course Description:
Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the
above-mentioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed
for this qualification must be achieved.
2.2 Enterprise-Based:
Trainees or students who would like to enroll in this program must possess the
following requirements:
This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational
attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the
trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.
5 sets Standard Hand Tools
5 pcs. Crankshaft pulley holder (or equivalent)
5 sets Torque wrench (range: 10-40 N-m)
5 pcs. Torque angle gauge
5 sets Micrometer set (range: 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm, 75-100mm)
Accuracy: 0.01mm
5 pcs. Micrometer stand
5 sets Bore gauge set (range: 15-60 mm) Accuracy 0.01 mm
5 sets Bore gauge set (range: 50-160 mm) Accuracy: 0.01 mm
5 sets Dial Gauge (Accuracy: 0.01 mm) w/ magnetic stand
5 pcs. Compression gauge, universal (gas and diesel)
5 pcs. Vernier caliper
5 pcs. Feeler gauge
5 pcs. Straight edge
5 pcs. Surface plate (or equivalent)
5 pairs V-Blocks
5 pcs. Valve spring compressor
5 pcs. Piston ring expander
5 pcs. Piston ring compressor
2 pcs Mechanic stethoscope
5 sets Training engine (in-line type, model year: 2000 and up)
1 unit Training vehicle (model year: 2000 and up)
1 set Air compressor (1Hp)
2 pcs. Cleaner spray gun (for chemical degreaser)
5 pcs. Engine stand
1 pc. Engine hydraulic crane (2 tons)
5 pcs. Work table
10 pcs. Stainless overhauling pan
4 units Water heater
1 unit Valve grinder
1 unit Vehicle lifter, 3 tons
1 unit Valve refacer
1 unit Crocodile jack, 2 tons
4 pcs Jack stand
1 pc Trolley
1 pc Bench vise
1 pc Oil bucket
1 unit Hydraulic press
1 unit Chain block, 2 tons
A. Building (permanent) 180.00
Lecture Room 30 30
Laboratory/Workshop 4 per student 100
Tool room & S/M storage 20 20
Learning resource area 20 20
Wash area/comfort room 10 10
(male & female)
TOTAL 180.00
NOTE: Access to and use of equipment /facilities can be provided through cooperative arrangements
or MOA with other partner- companies/institutions.
Holder of National TVET Trainers Certificate (NTTC) Level 1 in Automotive
Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
Must have at least 1-year industry experience in Automotive Servicing for
the last 3 years
Holder of National TVET Trainers Certificate (NTTC) Level 1 in Automotive
Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
Must have industry immersion of 48 hours annually (industry training which
includes structured training program inclusive of hands-on activities,
observation in a workshop, and training certificates with number of hours)
4.1.2 Assessment shall cover all competencies, with basic and common
integrated or assessed concurrently with the core units of
4.1.3 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification,
as long as they are holders of National Certificate in the amended
Automotive Servicing NC I:
Receive and respond to Participate in workplace Lead workplace Utilize specialized Manage and sustain effective
workplace communication communication communication communication skill communication strategies
Work with others Work in a team environment Lead small teams Develop and lead teams Manage and sustain high
performing teams
Solve/address routine Solve/address general Apply critical thinking and Perform higher-order thinking Evaluate higher order thinking
problems workplace problems problem solving techniques in processes and apply skills and adjust problem
the workplace techniques in the workplace solving techniques
Enhance self-management Develop career and life Work in a diverse Contribute to the practice of Advocate strategic thinking
skills decisions environment social justice in the workplace for global citizenship
Support innovation Contribute to workplace Propose methods of applying Manage innovative work Incorporate innovation into
innovation learning and innovation in the instructions work procedures
Access and maintain Present relevant information Use information Manage and evaluate usage Develop systems in
information systematically of information managing, and maintaining
Follow occupational safety Practice occupational safety and Evaluate occupational safety Lead in improvement of Manage implementation of
and health policies and health policies and procedures and health work practices occupational safety and OSH programs in the
procedures health program, policies and workplace
Apply environmental work Exercise efficient and effective Evaluate environmental work Lead towards improvement of Manage implementation of
standards sustainable practices in the practices environmental work environmental programs in
workplace programs, policies and the workplace
Adopt entrepreneurial Practice entrepreneurial skills in Facilitate entrepreneurial Sustain entrepreneurial skills Develop and sustain a high-
mindset in the workplace the workplace skills for micro-small-medium performing enterprise
enterprises (MSMEs)
Utilize workshop facilities and equipment Prepare servicing parts and Prepare vehicle for servicing and releasing Perform job estimates
Interpret/ draw technical drawing Practice health, safety and Inspect technical quality of work Maintain quality systems
environment procedures
Provide work skill instructions Identify and select original automotive Read & Interpret Engineering Drawings Observe Quality Systems
parts and products
Prepare undamaged surface Apply and remove masking Spray solid color paints Perform polishing Interpret Technical
for painting Manual Specification of
Engine Components
Disassemble Engine Block Disassemble Engine Sub- Carry Out Pre-Repair Inspect Engine Carry Out Machining
and Sub-Assemblies, Assemblies/Cylinder Heads Operations on Engine Components and Operations
Checks Tolerances and and Check Components Components Determine Preferred Action
Set, Operate and monitor Use and Maintain Measuring Assemble Engine Block Assemble Engine/Cylinder Prepare Vehicle Body
Specialized Machines Instrument and Sub-Assemblies, Heads, Check Tolerances for Repair
Check Tolerances and and Carry Out Relevant
Carry Out Relevant Testing Testing Procedures
Repair Body Panel Replace Damaged Parts Service motorcycle/small Service Electrical System Service Chassis
with Pre-Fabricated Parts engine system
Overhaul Motorcycle/Small Perform Pearl Color Spray Three-Stage Pearl or Manufacture and Develop Develop and
Engine Matching Mica Color Paint Corebox for Shell Core Manufacture Gear,
Develop Gravity Die Casting Operate Melting Furnaces Operate Cupola Melting Operate Electric Induction Fettle and Trim Metal
Mold (Non electric) Furnaces Melting Furnaces Castings/Forgings
Perform Refractory Prepare & Mix Sand for Produce Molds by Hand Produce Cores by Hand Operate Sand Molding
Installation and Repair Metal Molding and (Jobbing) (Jobbing) Machines
Operate Sand Core Making Pour Molten Metal to Molds Assemble Mechanical Mount/Install Brake and Mount/Install Power
Machines Assemblies using Fuel Systems Drive System
Mount/Install Suspension Install/Fit out Trim Parts/ and Perform Final Engine Run Perform Wheel Alignment Install/Fit Out Electrical
Drive Train Assemblies Operations Parts to Engine
Install/fit Out Electrical Parts Install/Fit Out Electrical Parts Install/Fit Out Electrical Install/Fit Out Audio and Perform Headlight
and Electronic Units to Body and Electronic Units to Dash Parts to Exterior and Video Systems Focus Aiming
Interior Compartment Instrument Panel Engine Compartment Operations
Prepare Molds for Prepare Materials for Assemble Materials and Operate Injection Molding Operate Blow Molding
Composites Production Formulae Equipment for Production Equipment Equipment
Monitor Process Operations Finish Products and Perform Engineering Perform Precision Calibrate Measuring
Components Measurement Mechanical Measurement Equipment
Select and Control Perform Inspection Perform Basic Statistical Use Improvement Perform Pre-treatment
Inspection Processes and Quality Control Processes in Team and Cathodic Electro-
Procedures Activities deposition Process
Perform Gray Primer (2nd Perform Top Coat Weld and Braze Perform Tinsmith Operation Melt Aluminum-Silicon
Primer) Application Application Procedures Automotive Body Shell Alloys for Safety Tested
Procedures Castings
Melt Metals Using Coreless Melt Automotive Gray Iron Prepare Sand Mixture for Perform Hand Molding To Pour Molten Metal to
Induction Furnace Castings in Cupola Heavy Casting Produce Heavy Castings Heavy Castings
Rectify Faults on Installed Rectify Faults on Installed Rectify Faults on Installed Rectify Faults on Installed Rectify Faults on
Electrical Parts to Engine Electrical Parts and Electrical Parts and Electrical Parts to Exterior Installed Audio and
Assembly Electronic Units to Body Electronic Units to Dash and Engine Compartment Video System to
Interior Compartment Instrument Panel Automotive Vehicle
Repair manual air-conditioner Diagnose and repair ignition Diagnose and repair starting Diagnose and repair charging Diagnose and repair body
compressor magnetic clutch system system system electrical system
Remove and store vehicle body Replace and repair vehicle body Repair vehicle body panels Conduct basic inspection of Perform installation of
components panels and components using filler (rough finish) engine and other electrical Speed Limitation Device
Maintain Speed Limitation Diagnose and repair drive lines Diagnose and repair clutch Diagnose and overhaul Diagnose and overhaul
Device system manual transmission/ differential
Diagnose and repair brake Diagnose and repair steering Diagnose and repair Diagnose and repair engine Diagnose and repair intake
system system suspension system cooling and lubrication system and exhaust system
11. WATER HEATER a part of water heating system which is for a vehicle using
an engine-independent heater, and generates hot water
through exhaust heat of the engine-independent heater
mounted for heating a vehicle.
12. VEHICLE LIFTER a device or machine part used for lifting another part, as a
cam used for lifting a valve in an engine.
13. ENGINE HOIST also known as engine lifter is a tool that is used for lifting
up heavy objects, mostly car parts like engines and
15. CROCODILE JACK is mechanical lifting device used to apply great forces or lift
heavy loads.
17. INTAKE MANIFOLD inlet manifold or intake manifold (in American English) is the
part of an engine that supplies the fuel/air mixture to the
cylinders. Designed to run on three timed components, air
mixed fuel, spark, and combustion; the internal combustion
engine relies upon the intake manifold to help it breathe.
Featuring a series of tubes, the intake manifold ensures that
the air coming into the engine is evenly distributed to all the
18. EXHAUST MANIFOLD The exhaust manifold is the first part of your vehicle’s
exhaust system. It is connected to your vehicle’s engine and
collects your engine’s emissions. The exhaust manifold
receives the air/fuel mixture from the multiple cylinders in
your vehicle’s engine. It collects the fuel/air mixture from
each cylinder, whether you have four, six, or eight cylinders.
Not only does the exhaust manifold receive all of the burnt
engine gases, but also it completely burns any unused or
incomplete burnt gases using its very high temperature. The
manifold also houses the first oxygen sensor in your exhaust
system to inspect the amount of oxygen entering the
19. CYLINDER BLOCK also known as engine block , the cylinder block is one of
your engine's central components. It plays a key role in the
lubrication, temperature control and stability of the engine
and it has to be of the highest quality so there is no room for
short cuts. A typical cylinder block unit is made up of a
number of cylinders, depending on the type and
specification of the engine model being built, and it will
include cylinder walls, coolant passages and cylinder
sleeves. It maintains the engine's stability and lubrication
while withstanding a variety of temperatures and loads. It
also transfers oil to all parts of the engine, lubricating all the
critical components, via a number of oil galleries.
20. OIL PRESSURE An oil pressure sensor is a device used to measure the oil
SENSOR pressure on an engine. Oil pressure sensor is actually a
term that covers at least two different and distinct types
of sensor - an oil pressure switch and oil pressure sender.
Deployment Circular
Revision Document (TESDA Circular/
Qualification Title Resolution No./
No. Types* Implementing
00 Document Automotive Servicing NC TBR No. 2013-11/
Created II 12/17/2013