Affordable Price: Powerful Performance

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Thermo Scientific GENESYS 10S Series

UV-Visible Spectrophotometers

Powerful performance
affordable price
Accurate • Reliable • Easy-to-Use
Accurate, Reliable, and Easy-to-Use
Built on the foundation of over 25,000 Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 10 series instruments
sold worldwide and 60 years of experience in spectroscopy, the GENESYS 10S series
of spectrophotometers provides exceptional performance at an attractive price. Whether your
application is research or routine analysis, educational or industrial, you can count on the
GENESYS 10S for accurate and reliable results.

Affordable to Purchase, Inexpensive to Own Big Performance, Small Size

The GENESYS 10S series of instruments offer an excellent value providing robust A patented* out-of-plane monochromator
operation, ease of use, and low cost of ownership. The efficient optical configuration design enables the GENESYS 10S series
delivers high performance with a minimum number of optical surfaces in a true instruments to deliver exceptional
monochromator design. A xenon lamp provides instant-on UV-Visible measurements performance in a very compact footprint.
and is guaranteed for 3 years of continuous use. The GENESYS 10S Vis uses a tungsten With stray light and noise specifications
lamp and single detector to support routine measurements in the visible range. comparable to instruments two or three
times the size and price, our instruments
With only three moving parts, the GENESYS 10S series is designed for maximum reliability.
save valuable bench space in your
You can count on these instruments to perform for your most demanding applications.
laboratory leaving room for additional
Feature-rich and easy-to-use embedded software has advanced functionality for more equipment. For added flexibility, the
demanding samples, yet it is simple and straightforward for routine analysis. The optional built-in printer delivers high-quality,
GENESYS 10S series instruments are the right choice for any application, analysis, or SOP. hard copy reports of data and graphics.

Additional Flexibility with Application Software

Windows® application software extends the capabilities of your GENESYS 10S spectrophotometer

Thermo Scientific™ VISIONlite™ 5 Thermo Scientific VISIONlite ColorCalc

Instrument control software offers dedicated Updated and improved in 2015 to include the latest
applications for: norms from CIE, VISIONlite ColorCalc is a capable
stand-alone Windows software package which
• Scanning across any portion of the wavelength
range of the instrument turns your GENESYS 10S spectrophotometer into
a powerful tool for solution color measurements.
• Fixed wavelength analysis at one or more
The software drives the instrument to measure
wavelengths with optional calculations and
high/low test limits wavelength scans and perform the necessary
calculations to determine and display color and
•Q  uantitative analysis with up to third order standard
color difference parameters according to a range
graph fits or manually entered linear equations
of commonly used scales. XYZ (tristimulus), xyY
• Single or multi-cell kinetics with the option to
(chromaticity) and L*a*b* (CIE) colorspaces are all
calculate and display enzyme factor, intercept,
residual error and correlation coefficient supported for full spectrum color measurement.
automatically APHA (Pt-Co), Gardner, Iodine and Saybolt color
for waste-water and oils are also fully supported,
VISIONlite 5 also supports calibration of the Economy
as are a wide range of calculations for quality
Sipper System to deliver precise volumes automatically
control and reporting in wineries.
in labs that benefit from the convenience and
improved sample throughput of a sipper system.
Simplify data collection, storage, archiving and
reporting by controlling your GENESYS 10S * Patent number: US 6,414,753 B1
spectrophotometer system with VISIONlite 5.
Intuitive and Powerful Software Walk-Up Simplicity
The intuitive software is driven from an Not all UV-Visible measurements are complex – sometimes only a quick absorbance
integrated, chemical-resistant keypad. or percent transmission reading is necessary. A simple walk-up screen displays the
The GENESYS 10S features easy-to-learn real-time measurement and the wavelength for fast and easy
software applications for stand-alone readings. The xenon lamp of
operation. Context-sensitive Thermo the GENESYS 10S UV-Vis
Scientific™ SoftKeys™ ensure that does not require warm-up
routine measurements require only a time and is ready to provide
few keystrokes. accurate data instantly.

Setting up customized methods allows

for more advanced analysis without a
computer. Customized methods can be
saved for later use. Pre-programmed and
configurable methods allow:
• Fast wavelength scanning at up to
3600 nm/minute USB Connectivity
• Absorbance Ratio and Absorbance
The GENESYS 10S series spectrophotometers feature USB connections
Difference measurements for quick
comparisons and quality control which allow you to:
•Q  uantitative analysis with up to 15 • C onnect to a computer for software control, data analysis and storage
standards and five calibration curve fits • U se a USB memory device to store methods and data in CSV format
•M  ultiple fixed measurements at up to • Print hard copy data reports directly to an external printer
31 different wavelengths
Connecting to a desktop workstation or laptop computer has never
• P erformance Verification for GLP/GMP
been easier. The installer program for VISIONlite 5 software installs the necessary
and regulatory compliance
drivers to allow your Windows PC to recognize the GENESYS 10S and connect easily.
Use the entire capacity of your USB memory device to store method and data files –
makes file transfer quick and easy. The GENESYS 10S series instruments support ink
jet and laser printers with HP® PCL 3 or PCL 6 control.

The Standard Curve screen provides easy set up of

concentration methods. Select up to 5 curve fit options,
up to 15 standards and up to 10 pre-programmed
measurement units, or create your own.
Research Quality Measurements
with Routine Simplicity
A high-intensity xenon lamp and dual-beam optical geometry empower the GENESYS 10S
UV-Vis spectrophotometer to deliver unsurpassed data quality throughout the entire
UV-Visible range. Firing pulses of light only when the instrument is taking a measurement,
the xenon lamp provides strong illumination from the UV to the near-IR region of the spectrum.

The GENESYS 10S UV-Vis uses dual-beam

optics to make accurate measurements. 1 Xenon Flash Lamp
Because the light from the xenon lamp Long lifetime lamp is guaranteed for
is very intense, a beam splitter can be 3 years of continuous use.
3 Reference Detector
used to extract and measure a small
Ensures the most accurate
portion of light to an internal reference data is measured from each
2 Patented Out-of-Plane
detector without a loss of performance flash of the lamp.
in sample measurement. This allows Configuration
simultaneous measurement of the Enables maximum
sample with real-time reference beam performance with a
correction for each flash of the lamp. minimum footprint.

The dual-beam optical configuration

has performance advantages over
single-beam and array detector
instruments and ensures:
• Each measurement is as accurate as
possible – reference beam correction
on each data point
• Superior photometric accuracy over
long measurements – no drift
• Peaks do not shift as the scan speed
changes 4

Flexible 1.8 nm Bandwidth

The GENESYS 10S UV-Vis balances
regulatory compliance with sensitivity.
A 1.8 nm spectral bandwidth allows
the system to meet Pharmacopeia
requirements for resolution. The 1.8 nm
bandwidth permits more light energy
to reach the sample resulting in lower
detection limits and superior signal-to-
noise performance. 5 Sample Detector
Precision silicon detectors
allow measurements from
the UV to the near-IR. 4 Integrated 6-Cell Changer
Increase your sample throughput
with the automation of this integrated
cell changer.
Instant-On and Maintenance-Free Xenon Lamp
The xenon lamp in the GENESYS 10S Guaranteed for 3 years of continuous Options for Life Science
UV-Vis spectrophotometer provides use, the xenon lamp typically provides
excellent performance over the entire 5 to 7 years of maintenance-free Every life science lab is unique and often measures a
wavelength range of 190–1100 nm. performance. The lamp may not need variety of samples. Having a full-featured, monochromator-
It also provides intense light in the replacing over the entire lifetime of the based spectrophotometer in your laboratory provides
UV region of the spectrum adding instrument – as it is only on when taking flexibility for routine and advanced assays. Whether you
sensitivity for life science, environmental, measurements. The benefits of the need a masked microcell for DNA measurements or
and organic chemistry applications. xenon lamp include: constant and precise Peltier temperature control, we offer
a variety of accessories for your life science assays.
• No warm-up – instant measurements
• Long life – rarely replaced over the life From simple nucleic acid concentration measurements
of the instrument to protein concentration and kinetics assays, the embedded
• Will not damage sensitive samples – software in our life science analyzers delivers the power
does not continuously expose sample you need in a convenient and easy-to-use interface.
to intense UV light Pre-configured methods can be edited and then stored to
• Temperature stability – does not personalize assay methods quickly. Example pre-configured
change sample compartment methods include:
• Nucleic acid ratio and concentration
(260/280 and 260/230)
Cost of Lamp Replacement • Direct protein at 280 nm and 205 nm
Instrument 5-Year Cost • Coomassie/Bradford (Standard and Micro)
Instrument Purchase Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 of Ownership
• Lowry (Standard)
Traditional Lamp
Instrument ME $ 881 $ 881 $ 881 $ 881 $ 881 $ 4,405
• BCA (Standard)
SA • Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Micro-BCA™, modified Lowry,
GENESYS 10S UV-Vis $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
and 660 Protein assays
Savings with Xenon Lamp: $ 4,405 • Cell growth (with scaling factor)
Add software control to measure multi-cell kinetics and
to acquire data for sophisticated analysis. Ask your sales
Fast Wavelength Scanning representative for more information about our dedicated
life science analyzers.
Wavelength scanning is one key aspect The exceptionally large photometric range
of UV-Visible spectrophotometric allows you to accurately measure small
analysis. Enhanced scanning technology absorbance changes even when using
in the GENESYS 10S series acquires highly absorbing blank samples. Not
high-quality spectral data quickly. The only can you initiate a scan from the
GENESYS 10S series instruments embedded local control software, you
accelerate through wavelength scans can also:
at speeds up to 3600 nm/minute. • Analyze scan data to determine peak
and valley wavelengths
• Perform peak height and 3-point net
calculations for a sloping baseline
• Save scan data to a USB memory device
• Print graphical scan data with the
internal printer
Cost-Effective Visible Only Measurements
for Teaching and Routine Quality Control
The GENESYS 10S Vis spectrophotometer offers the same powerful and agile performance
as the UV-Visible configuration in a visible-only version. Leverage the power of a traditional,
grating-based spectrophotometer to teach your students the basics of spectroscopy. The
straightforward embedded software interface is easy to teach and use. Many important
experiments can be performed using the visible region of the spectrum including simple
enzymatic assays, color determination, and concentration measurements.

The 5.0 nm spectral bandwidth is Power and Performance With or Without a PC

ideal for most routine quality control
The GENESYS 10S series instruments Students can:
measurements. When high resolution is
are optimized for the classroom or • Acquire the data in the lab
not required to resolve closely spaced
teaching lab – offering great value and • Save it to a memory device
peaks, the added energy throughput
many features for their small footprint. • Use a separate computer for analyzing
of the GENESYS 10S Vis extends the
These lightweight instruments are data and writing lab reports
sensitivity of your analysis and increases
easy to transport and store. Offering Application software with computer
the signal-to-noise ratio for dilute
the ergonomic choice of a simple, control of the instrument further extends
samples. Precision electronics and a
but powerful embedded software the types of experiments that can be
simple, single-beam optical geometry
interface or optional computer control performed in the laboratory and allows
provide accurate results.
with application software tailors the more sophisticated analysis. VISIONlite
spectrophotometer to your needs. Use instrument control software offers
the embedded software to acquire an intuitive interface for wavelength
scanning, fixed wavelength, kinetics, or scanning, fixed wavelength analysis,
concentration data and easily save the single- and multi-cell kinetics, and
experi­mental data in a spreadsheet- quantitative analysis. This easy-to-use
compatible, CSV format. and easy-to-teach interface makes
acquiring, analyzing and exporting data
straightforward – allowing you to focus
on the experiment, not the software.
Automation for Routine Analysis Performance Verification
With a small footprint and easy-to-use embedded software, Performance verification tests included
the GENESYS 10S series is ideal for routine sample analysis. in the embedded software of every
For simple, multi-sample experiments, automate your analysis GENESYS 10S series instrument provide
with the built-in 6-cell changer. With one position reserved for pre-programmed methods for verifying
a blank, the cell changer allows the automated analysis of up instrument performance. In accordance
to five samples. The 6-cell changer can be removed easily and with GLP and GMP, each verification
replaced with other cell holders including long pathlength cell report gives the time, date, and
holders, Peltier and recirculating water temperature control cell instrument serial number. The built-in
holders, and flow cells for sipper systems. wavelength accuracy test is compatible
with either the internal lamp or external
For high-throughput liquid sample analysis, choose the Economy
calibrated standards. Additional built-in
Sipper System. This accessory contains everything you need to A cost-effective Green Dye standard
tests allow you to monitor instrument
configure a small-footprint manual sipper system, including the is available to verify both photometric
performance to ensure reliable data
flow cell and tubing. For even greater control and convenience, accuracy and wavelength accuracy of
add the interconnect box to control both the instrument and the the GENESYS 10S series instruments.
pump from the VISIONlite software. A single piece of software The xenon lamp of the GENESYS 10S With certified values at 260, 430, and
controlling both the spectrophotometer and the sipper system ­­UV-Vis provides an internal standard 630 nm, this standard provides a check
delivers the consistent, high-quality data needed in today’s for wavelength accuracy verification. of wavelength and photometric accuracy
analytical environments. To validate the instrument performance from the UV to the near-IR.
further, built-in test methods for stray
light, noise, and resolution are available.

Accessories for Every Sample

Long Pathlength
From cell holders to temperature control, the GENESYS 10S series of spectrophotometers offers a Cylindrical
Cell Holder
wide variety of accessories to meet the sampling needs of your laboratory. Whether your needs
include Peltier temperature control or remote sampling with a fiber optic probe, the GENESYS 10S
series goes beyond the instrument to provide you with a complete laboratory solution.
Cell Holder

Long Pathlength 100 mm

Liquid Thermostatted Rectangular Cell Holder
Single-Cell Holder

Single-Cell Peltier

Adjustable Long Pathlength 50 mm

Economy Sipper Filter Holder Rectangular Cell Holder
Advanced Digital Sipper Accessory
GENESYS 10S Series Specifications
Optical Design Dual-Beam – Internal Reference Detector Single-Beam
Spectral Bandwidth 1.8 nm 5.0 nm
Light Source (Typical Lifetime) Xenon Flash Lamp (5 years, 3 years guaranteed) Tungsten-Halogen Lamp (1000 hrs.)
Detectors Dual Silicon Photodiodes Silicon Photodiode
Range 190–1100 nm 325–1100 nm
Accuracy ±1.0 nm
Repeatability ±0.5 nm
Slew Speed 11,000 nm/min
Scan Speed Up to 3600 nm/min
Data Interval for Scanning 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 nm 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 nm
Linear Range Up to 3.5 A at 260 nm Up to 3.0 A at 340 nm
Display -0.1 A; -1.5–125%T; ±9999 C -0.1–3.0 A; -0.3–125%T; ±9999 C
Accuracy ±0.005 A at 1.0 A 0.5% or ±0.005 A,
0.010 A K 2Cr 2O7 whichever is greater up to 2 A
Noise <0.00025 at 0.0 A; <0.001 A at 0.0 A
<0.00050 at 1.0 A; <0.002 A at 2.0 A
<0.00080 at 2.0 A; Peak-to-peak at 340 nm
RMS at 260 nm
Drift <0.0005 A/hr 0.002 A/hr after warm-up
Stray Light <0.08%T at 220, 340 nm (NaI, NaNO2 ); <0.1%T at 340, and 400 nm
<1.0%T 198–200 nm (KCl)
Display Graphical with LCD backlight; 9.7 × 7.1 cm (3.8 × 2.8 in.)
Keypad Sealed Membrane with tactile response keys
Printer (optional) 40 column Internal (text and graphics); External USB printer (HP PCL 3.0 and greater)
Connectivity USB Type A port for USB memory device (front panel)
USB Type B port for optional computer connectivity (rear panel)
USB Type A port for external printer (rear panel)
Dimensions 30 W × 40 D × 25 H cm (11.8 × 15.7 × 9.8 in.)
Weight 8.6 kg (19 lbs)
Power Requirements Selected Automatically 100–240 V; 50–60 Hz

Supplied as Standard Ordering Information

• GENESYS 10S Series spectrophotometer GENESYS 10S UV-Vis Instruments Part Number

• 6-position cell changer GENESYS 10S UV-Vis, US line cord 840-208100

• Single-cell holder GENESYS 10S UV-Vis, with internal printer, US line cord 840-208200
• 100–240 V Automatic Power supply GENESYS 10S UV-Vis, Europlug & UK line cords 840-209700
• AC power cord GENESYS 10S UV-Vis, with internal printer, Europlug & UK line cords 840-209800
• Spare fuses GENESYS 10S Vis Instruments Part Number
• Protective plastic cover GENESYS 10S Vis, US line cord 840-207900
• USB memory device
GENESYS 10S Vis, with internal printer, US line cord 840-208000
• USB cable
GENESYS 10S Vis, Europlug & UK line cords 840-209500
Note: Software is not included with the instrument GENESYS 10S Vis, with internal printer, Europlug & UK line cords 840-209600
and must be ordered separately.
Software and Consumables Part Number

VISIONlite 5 Software for Windows® 834-091300

VISIONlite ColorCalc Software for Windows® 869-175600
Self-Stick Printer Paper (10 rolls) 840-259800
©2013-2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard Development Company.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries.
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