United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,304.483 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,304.483 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,304.483 B2
(54) ONE TERMINAL CAPACITOR INTERFACE 5,973,537 A * 10/1999 Baschirotto et al. ........ 327/337
CIRCUIT 6,147,631 A * 1 1/2000 Maulik et al. ........ ... 341/143
6,172,630 B1* 1/2001 Nelson ............. ... 341/143
(75) Inventors: John O'Dowd, Co. Limerick (IE): $25,996 B. 22. Delight et al - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-75
6,879,056 B2 4/2005 Kemp et al. ...... ... 324f679
Ey. isit (E)
Sanare, L1mer1.c
6,970,126 B1 * 1 1/2005 O'Dowd et al. ............ 341/143
7,010,440 B1* 3/2006 Lillis et al. ................... 7O2.65
(73) Assignee: Analog Devices, Inc., Norwood, MA * cited by examiner
c - 0 Primary Examiner Anjan Deb
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Assistant Examiner Timothy J. Dole
its, adjusted under 35
y U days.
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—landiorio & Teska
(21) Appl. No.: 11/821,746
(22) Filed: Jun. 25, 2007 A differential capacitor one terminal capacitor interface
circuit for sensing the capacitance of first and second
(65) Prior Publication Data capacitors includes a differential integrating amplifier hav
ing first and second Summing nodes and an input common
US 2007/0247171 A1 Oct. 25, 2007 mode Voltage; and a Switching circuit for charging a first
O O capacitor of said differential one terminal capacitor to a first
Related U.S. Application Data Voltage level and a second capacitor of said differential one
(62) Division of application No. 11/370.764, filed on Mar. terminal capacitor to a second voltage level in a first phase.
8, 2006, now Pat. No. 7,235,983. in a second phase connecting said first capacitor to said first
Summing node and said second capacitor to said second
(60) Provisional application No. 60/660,415, filed on Mar. Summing node of said amplifier to provide first and second
9, 2005. output
p changes
g substantiallv
y representative
rep of the difference
between said first and second voltage levels and said input
(51) Int. Cl. common mode Voltage, in a third phase charging said first
GOIR 27/26 (2006.01) capacitor to said second Voltage level and said second
H03M, 3/00 (2006.01) capacitor to said first voltage level, and in a fourth phase
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 324/658; 324/679; 341/143 connecting said first capacitor to said second Summing node
(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 324/658, and said second capacitor to said first Summing node of said
324/679, 341/143 amplifier to provide third and fourth output changes Sub
See application file for complete search history. stantially representative of the difference between said first
(56) References Cited and second Voltage levels and said input common mode
Voltage, the combined first, second, third and fourth changes
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS representing the capacitance of said first and second capaci
5,220.286 A 6, 1993 Nadeem ........................ 330.9
tors Substantially independent of said input common mode
5,293,169 A * 3/1994 Baumgartner et al. ...... 341,172
5,495.414 A * 2/1996 Spangler et al. .............. TO1/45
5,563,597 A * 10/1996 McCartney ..... ... 341/143 15 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
Switched Capacitor
Optional nini
L- - ---
U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 1 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
24 Vy
Vx 40
57 Cint1
N 58 42
Ph (X Ph2 66 46 69
O Q2O O Vop
52 62 CY 50 44
56 64 Vy
Csensor (X OVon
Ph3 (X Ph4 68 48 70
NA-54 60 C
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 2 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
Output CM
108 Mode
Control CCT 112
p 106
U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 3 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
69 doACD 0/
97 87
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89 95
U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 4 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
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U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet S of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
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U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 6 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 4, 2007 Sheet 7 of 7 US 7,304.483 B2
US 7,304.483 B2
1. 2
ONE TERMINAL CAPACTOR INTERFACE It is a further object of this invention to provide such an
CIRCUIT improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit in which
the output represents the sensed capacitance Substantially
RELATED APPLICATIONS independent of the input common mode Voltage of the
interface circuit components.
This application is a divisional patent application of and It is a further object of this invention to provide such an
claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. patent application improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit which can
Ser. No. 1 1/370,764 filed Mar. 8, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. cancel amplifier offset error and 1/f low frequency noise.
7,235,983 which claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. It is a further object of this invention to provide such an
Provisional Application No. 60/660,415 filed Mar. 9, 2005, 10 improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit which is
all of which are incorporated by reference herein. applicable to differential capacitor sensors.
The invention results from the realization that an
FIELD OF THE INVENTION improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit for single
or differential capacitor sensing which is independent of
This invention relates to an interface circuit for sensing 15 input common mode Voltage can be achieved using a
capacitance of a one terminal capacitance, and more par differential integrating amplifier having an input common
ticularly to such an interface circuit useful in Sigma delta mode Voltage; a Switching circuit for charging the capacitor
modulators and converters and charge amplifiers or capaci to a first voltage level in a first phase, connecting, in a second
tance to Voltage converters. phase, the capacitor to one Summing node of the differential
amplifier to provide a first output change Substantially
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION representative of the difference between the first voltage
level and the input common mode Voltage; charging the
A large number of sensors are capacitive—the physical capacitor to a second Voltage level in a third phase, and
effect being measured is translated into a change in capaci connecting, in a fourth phase, the capacitor to the other
tance which can then be measured electrically. In many 25 summing node of the differential amplifier to provide a
cases the two terminals of the sensor capacitor are floating, second output change Substantially representative of the
that is, neither are at a fixed potential. This is very conve difference between the second voltage level and the input
nient when interfacing the sensor to a measurement circuit, common mode Voltage, the combined first and second
as there is no restriction on the circuit topology. A typical output changes representing the capacitance of the capacitor
interface circuit will apply an excitation to one terminal of 30 Substantially independent of the input common mode Volt
the capacitor, and extract the sensor signal from the other age. The invention also realizes that by chopping or alter
terminal. nately inverting the inputs and outputs of the differential
However, in Some cases one of the sensor capacitor integrating amplifier the amplifier offset and 1/f low fre
terminals is at a fixed potential, for example, ground. This quency noise can be cancelled. The invention is useable in
then limits the circuit topologies that can be used. The signal
35 sigma delta modulators and converters charge amplifiers or
must now be recovered from the same terminal that is used capacitance to Voltage converters.
for applying the excitation. In one common method of The subject invention, however, in other embodiments,
interfacing to this type of circuit the sensor terminal is need not achieve all these objectives and the claims hereof
connected to a fixed voltage V on a first clock phase, and is should not be limited to structures or methods capable of
then connected to a Summing node of an integrator in a
40 achieving these objectives.
second phase. This has the effect of transferring a charge This invention features a one terminal capacitor interface
circuit for sensing the capacitance of a capacitor. There is a
equal to (V-V)*C to the integrator, where V, is the differential integrating amplifier having an input common
Voltage at the input of the integrator. mode Voltage and two Summing nodes whose Voltage is
The V, term is a problem. The input of the integrator is 45 Substantially equal to the input common mode Voltage. A
nominally at the AC ground point, which can be a fixed Switching circuit charges the capacitor to a first voltage level
Voltage but is more often at half the Supply Voltage. In the in a first phase and connects, in the second phase, the
latter case the voltage V, will vary directly with variations capacitor to one of the Summing nodes of the differential
on the Supply. In both cases the input of the integrator is at amplifier to provide a first output change Substantially
a voltage slightly different from the AC ground point, and 50 representative of the difference between the first voltage
this voltage difference will depend on the amplifier offset level and the input common mode Voltage and also repre
and gain. The gain in particular will vary with Supply Voltage sentative of the capacitor. The Switching circuit also charges
and temperature. In all cases the variation in V, will corrupt the capacitor to a second Voltage level in a third phase and
the charge being transferred from the sensor to the integra connects, in a fourth phase, the capacitor to the other
tor, and will cause an error in the measurement of the sensor 55 summing node of the differential amplifier to provide a
output. With these single input integration circuits the inte second output change Substantially representative of the
gration amplifier offset error and 1/f low frequency noise difference between the second voltage level and the input
cannot be easily corrected. common mode Voltage and also representative of the capaci
tor. The combined first and second output changes represent
60 the capacitance of the capacitor Substantially independent of
the input common mode Voltage.
It is therefore an object of this invention to provide an In a preferred embodiment the differential integrating
improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit. amplifier may include a control circuit for controlling the
It is a further object of this invention to provide such an input common mode Voltage at the Summing nodes to be
improved one terminal capacitor interface circuit Suitable for 65 Substantially equal to an applied reference Voltage. The
use in sigma delta modulators and converters and charge differential integrating amplifier may include a control cir
amplifiers or capacitance to Voltage converters. cuit for controlling the output common mode Voltage of the
US 7,304.483 B2
3 4
amplifier to be substantially equal to an applied reference In a preferred embodiment the differential integrating
Voltage. The differential integrating amplifier may include a amplifier may include a control circuit for controlling the
chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the input common mode Voltage at the Summing nodes to be
outputs of the differential integrating amplifier for canceling Substantially equal to an applied reference Voltage. The
amplifier offset error and low frequency noise. The chopper differential integrating amplifier may include a control cir
circuit may change State at the end of second phase and at cuit for controlling the output common mode Voltage of the
the end of the fourth phase. amplifier to be substantially equal to an applied reference
This invention also features a capacitance to Voltage Voltage. The differential integrating amplifier may include a
chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the
converter circuit for sensing the capacitance of a one ter 10 outputs of the differential integrating amplifier for canceling
minal capacitor including a differential integrating amplifier amplifier offset error and low frequency noise. The first and
having an input common mode Voltage and two Summing second Voltage levels may be the positive and negative
nodes whose Voltage is Substantially equal to the input reference Voltages of the digital to analog converter of the
common mode Voltage. A Switching circuit charges the sigma delta modulator. The first and second Voltage levels
capacitor to a first voltage level in a first phase and connects, 15 may be proportional to the positive and negative reference
in a second phase, the capacitor to one of the Summing nodes Voltages of the digital to analog converter of the sigma delta
of the differential amplifier to provide a first output change modulator.
substantially representative of the difference between the This invention also features a differential capacitor one
first voltage level and the input common mode Voltage and terminal capacitor interface circuit for sensing the capaci
also representative of the capacitor. The capacitor is charged tance of first and second capacitors including a differential
to a second Voltage level in a third phase, and connects, in integrating amplifier having first and second Summing nodes
a fourth phase, the capacitor to the other Summing node of and an input common mode Voltage. A Switching circuit
the differential amplifier to provide a second output change charges a first capacitor of the differential one terminal
substantially representative of the difference between the capacitor to a first voltage level and a second capacitor of the
second Voltage level and the input common mode Voltage, 25 differential one terminal capacitor to a second Voltage level
and also representative of the capacitor. The combined first in a first phase. In a second phase the first capacitor is
and second output changes represent the capacitance of the connected to the first Summing node and the second capaci
capacitor Substantially independent of the input common tor to the second Summing node of the amplifier to provide
mode voltage. A reset switching circuit resets the differential first and second output changes Substantially representative
integrating amplifier. 30 of the difference between the first and second voltage levels
In a preferred embodiment the reset Switching circuit may and the input common mode Voltage. In a third phase the
reset the integrating capacitors of the differential integrating first capacitor is charged to the second voltage level and the
amplifier. The differential integrating amplifier may include second capacitor is charged to the first Voltage level. In a
a control circuit for controlling the input common mode fourth phase the first capacitor is connected to the second
Voltage at the Summing nodes to be substantially equal to an 35 Summing node and the second capacitor is connected to the
applied reference Voltage. The differential integrating ampli first summing node of the amplifier to provide third and
fier may include a control circuit for controlling the output fourth output changes Substantially representative of the
common mode Voltage of the amplifier to be substantially difference between the first and second voltage levels and
equal to an applied reference voltage. The differential inte the input common mode Voltage. The combined first, sec
grating amplifier may include a chopper circuit for selec 40 ond, third and fourth changes represent the capacitance of
tively inverting the inputs and the outputs of the differential the first and second capacitors Substantially independent of
integrating amplifier for canceling amplifier offset error and the input common mode Voltage.
low frequency noise. In a preferred embodiment the differential integrating
This invention also feature a capacitive input sigma delta amplifier may include a control circuit for controlling the
modulator for sensing the capacitance of a one terminal 45 input common mode Voltage at the Summing nodes to be
capacitor including at least one integrating stage, a quan Substantially equal to an applied reference Voltage. The
tizer, and a digital to analog converter having positive and differential integrating amplifier may include a control cir
negative reference Voltage. The first integrating stage cuit for controlling the output common mode Voltage of the
includes a differential integrating amplifier having an input amplifier to be substantially equal to an applied reference
common mode Voltage and two Summing nodes whose 50 Voltage. The differential integrating amplifier may include a
Voltage is Substantially equal to the input common mode chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the
Voltage. A Switching circuit charges the capacitor to a first outputs of the differential integrating amplifier for canceling
Voltage level in a first phase, and connects, in a second amplifier offset error and low frequency noise.
phase, the capacitor to one of the Summing nodes of the This invention also features a capacitance to Voltage
differential amplifier to provide a first output change sub 55 converter circuit for sensing the capacitance of a differential
stantially representative of the difference between the first one terminal capacitor including a differential integrating
Voltage level and the input common mode Voltage, and also amplifier having an input common mode Voltage, a Switch
representative of the capacitor. The capacitor is charged to a ing circuit for charging a first capacitor to a first voltage level
second Voltage level in a third phase and connects, in a and a second capacitor to a second Voltage level in a first
fourth phase, the capacitor to the other Summing node of the 60 phase. In a second phase the first capacitor is connected to
differential amplifier to provide a second output change a first Summing node and the second capacitor is connected
substantially representative of the difference between the to a second Summing node of the amplifier to provide first
second Voltage level and the input common mode Voltage, and second output changes Substantially representative of
and also representative of the capacitor. The combined first the difference between the first and second voltage levels
and second output changes represent the capacitance of the 65 and the input common mode Voltage. In a third phase the
capacitor Substantially independent of the input common first capacitor is charged to the second Voltage level and the
mode Voltage. second capacitor is charged to the first Voltage level. In a
US 7,304.483 B2
5 6
fourth phase the first capacitor is connected to the second may be proportional to the positive and negative reference
Summing node and the second capacitor is connected to the Voltages of the digital to analog converter of the sigma delta
first summing node of the amplifier to provide third and modulator.
fourth output changes Substantially representative of the
difference between the first and second voltage levels and BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the input common mode Voltage. The combined first, sec
ond, third and fourth changes represent the capacitance of Other objects, features and advantages will occur to those
the first and second capacitors Substantially independent of skilled in the art from the following description of a pre
the input common mode Voltage. A reset Switching circuit ferred embodiment and the accompanying drawings, in
10 which:
resets the differential integrating amplifier. FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a prior art one terminal
In a preferred embodiment the reset Switching circuit may capacitor interface circuit;
reset the integrating capacitors of the differential integrating FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a one terminal capacitor
amplifier. The differential integrating amplifier may include interface circuit according to this invention;
a control circuit for controlling the input common mode 15 FIG. 2A is a schematic block diagram of a differential
Voltage at the Summing nodes to be substantially equal to an amplifier showing a common mode control circuit;
applied reference Voltage. The differential integrating ampli FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of one terminal capacitor
fier may include a control circuit for controlling the output interface circuit similar to that of FIG. 2 with chopping or
common mode Voltage of the amplifier to be substantially inverting of the amplifier inputs and outputs to cancel offset
equal to an applied reference voltage. The differential inte error and 1/f noise;
grating amplifier may include a chopper circuit for selec FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a one terminal capacitor
tively inverting the inputs and the outputs of the differential interface circuit embodied in a charge amplifier or capaci
integrating amplifier for canceling amplifier offset error and tance to Voltage converter;
low frequency noise. FIG. 5 illustrates timing waveforms occurring in the
25 operation of the charge amplifier of FIG. 4;
This invention also features a capacitive input sigma delta FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of a one terminal capacitor
modulator for sensing the capacitance of a differential one interface circuit of this invention incorporated in a sigma
terminal capacitor including at least one integrating stage, a delta modulator; and
quantizer and a digital to analog converter having positive FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of a differential capacitor
and negative reference Voltage. The first the integrating 30 one terminal capacitor interface circuit according to this
stage includes, a differential integrating amplifier having invention.
first and second Summing nodes and an input common mode
Voltage, and a Switching circuit for charging a first capacitor DISCLOSURE OF THE PREFERRED
of the differential one terminal capacitor to a first voltage EMBODIMENT
level and a second capacitor of the differential one terminal 35
capacitor to a second Voltage level in a first phase. In a Aside from the preferred embodiment or embodiments
second phase the first capacitor is connected to the first disclosed below, this invention is capable of other embodi
Summing node and the second capacitor is connected to the ments and of being practiced or being carried out in various
second Summing node of the amplifier to provide first and ways. Thus, it is to be understood that the invention is not
second output changes Substantially representative of the 40 limited in its application to the details of construction and
difference between the first and second voltage levels and the arrangements of components set forth in the following
the input common mode Voltage. In a third phase the first description or illustrated in the drawings. If only one
capacitor is charged to the second Voltage level and the embodiment is described herein, the claims hereof are not to
second capacitor is charged to the first voltage level. In a be limited to that embodiment. Moreover, the claims hereof
fourth phase the first capacitor is connected to the second 45 are not to be read restrictively unless there is clear and
Summing node and the second capacitor is connected to the convincing evidence manifesting a certain exclusion, restric
first summing node of the amplifier to provide third and tion, or disclaimer.
fourth output changes Substantially representative of the There is shown in FIG. 1, a conventional prior art one
difference between the first and second voltage levels and terminal capacitor interface circuit 10 which includes an
the input common mode Voltage. The combined first, sec 50 integrating amplifier 12 including amplifier 14 with feed
ond, third and fourth changes represent the capacitance of back or integrating capacitor C, 16. Also included in
the first and second capacitors Substantially independent of interface circuit 10 are phased switches 18 and 20. The
the input common mode Voltage. capacitor 22 whose capacitance is to be sensed has one end
In a preferred embodiment the differential integrating grounded at 24, the other end is connected to terminal 26,
amplifier may include a control circuit for controlling the 55 which is used to both charge and discharge capacitor 22.
input common mode Voltage at the Summing nodes to be Interface circuit 10 is operated in two phases. In phase one
Substantially equal to an applied reference Voltage. The switch 18 is closed and switch 20 is opened so that capacitor
differential integrating amplifier may include a control cir 22 charges to the reference Voltage V. In phase two Switch
cuit for controlling the output common mode Voltage of the 18 is open and switch 20 is closed so that capacitor 22 is now
amplifier to be substantially equal to an applied reference 60 connected to input or Summing point 28 of amplifier 14 and
Voltage. The differential integrating amplifier may include a the charge is delivered to the integrating capacitor 16. Any
chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the difference between the voltage at input 28 and the V, voltage
outputs of the differential integrating amplifier for canceling at 30 causes amplifier 14 to produce a current to minimize
amplifier offset error and low frequency noise. The first and that difference. The current thereby provided transfers a
second Voltage levels may be the positive and negative 65 charge equal to (V-V)*C. to the integrating amplifier
reference Voltages of the digital to analog converter of the 12. This in turn gives a change in Voltage on output terminal
sigma delta modulator. The first and second Voltage levels 32 which represents the capacitance of capacitor C 22.
US 7,304.483 B2
7 8
Thus a charge equal to (V-V)*C, is transferred to the depends only on V and V but it certainly depends Substan
integrating amplifier 12. V, is the voltage at the input of the tially on them and is substantially not dependent on the V,
integrator 14 and is the source of a problem. The input of the term. The interface circuit 40, FIG. 2, is a fully differential
integrator is normally at the AC ground point which can be integrator commonly used in data converters. The output of
a fixed voltage but it often is at half the supply voltage. For the integrator is the difference between the two output
example, with a supply voltage of five volts V, would terminals V-V. The two integrating capacitors C, 46
typically be 2.5 volts. When V, is thus related to the supply and C, 48 are typically substantially equal.
voltage it will vary directly with variations in the supply Differential amplifier 44, in addition to an input stage 100
Voltage. In either case, the input of the integrator is at a and an output stage 102, typically contains a common mode
Voltage slightly different than the AC ground point and this 10 control circuit 106, as shown in FIG. 2A. As the input and
voltage difference will depend upon the amplifier offset and output signals of amplifier 44 are differential, the input
gain. The gain in particular will vary with Supply Voltage and signal being processed is represented by the difference
temperature. In all cases the variation in V, will corrupt the between the two input nodes 66 and 68, and the output signal
charge being transferred from the sensing capacitor 22 to the is represented by the difference between the two output
integrator 12 and will cause an error in the measurement of 15 nodes 69 and 70. The mean voltage level between the two
the capacitor 22. input nodes is referred to as the input common mode, and the
In accordance with this invention, a one terminal capaci mean voltage level between the two output nodes is the
tor interface circuit 40, FIG. 2, includes a differential inte output common mode. The inputs and outputs are linked by
grator 42 including a differential amplifier 44 with feedback the external feedback network 104, which in the case of a
or integrating capacitors C, 46 and C, 48 and Switching differential integrator consists of two integrating capacitors.
circuit 57 including switches 58, 60, 62 and 64. V, shown However, either the input or the output common mode needs
here at input 50 to amplifier 44 is an input common mode to be controlled for the circuit to function properly, other
Voltage of amplifier 44. Amplifier 44 will commonly contain wise the circuit will find an arbitrary common mode Voltage
a common mode control circuit which can directly control which may restrict the differential voltage range. The func
the input common mode or indirectly by controlling the 25 tion of the common mode control circuit 106 is to control
output common mode, and then relying on the amplifiers either the input or output common mode Voltage by refer
feedback network to control the input common mode. In ence to an applied Voltage Vy.
either case the amplifier input terminals 66 and 68 are The common mode control circuit 106 typically has an
nominally set to the known common mode voltage V, output 112 which can be connected to output stage 102 to
typically Vdd/2, i.e., half the Supply Voltage. The capacitor 30 adjust the output common mode Voltage, which in turn will
C 52 to be sensed, has one end connected to ground 54 adjust the input common mode Voltage via feedback circuit
and the other end connected to terminal 56. There are now 104. The common mode control circuit also has sense inputs
two reference voltages: V, connected to switch 58 and V. 108 and 110, which either connect to input nodes 66 and 68
connected to switch 60. There are two other switches 62 and to sense the input common mode, or to output nodes 69 and
64 which are connected directly to Summing nodes 66 and 35 70 to control the output common mode. The action of the
68 of amplifier 44. Interface circuit 40 according to this common mode control circuit 106 is to provide an output
invention operates on a four phase cycle. In phase one common mode adjustment signal 112 so that either the input
switch 58 is closed and switches 62, 64, and 60 are open. or output common mode is substantially equal to Vy.
Capacitor 52 charges to the Voltage V in phase one. In phase Referring again to interface circuit 40, FIG. 2, and exam
two switch 58 is open as are switches 64 and 60 but switch 40 ining the operation a little closer, and taking the example of
62 is closed and so capacitor 52 is connected to Summing control of the input common mode, and incorporating the
node 66 and the charge is delivered to the integrating offset error in the consideration it can be seen that in phase
capacitor C, 46. Any difference between the Voltage on one the sensor capacitor C 52 is charged to V. There
summing node 66 and V, at 50 causes amplifier 44 to is a voltage (V-(V+V/2) across the integrating capaci
provide an current to equalize those Voltages. That current 45 tor. In phase two C 52 is connected to the Summing
causes a voltage to appear on output terminal V, 69 and that node 66 so that it discharges to (V+V/2) and the charge
change is a representation of the capacitance of C. is transferred to the integrating capacitor C, 46 causing the
capacitor 52. In phase three switch 60 is closed, while voltage on the positive output to change to V2. The total
switches 58, 62 and 64 are open, thus capacitor 52 charges charge on both phases must remain constant giving the
up to V. In phase four switch 64 is closed while switches 58, 50 equation:
62 and 60 are open. Now capacitor 52 is connected to
Summing node 68 of amplifier 44 and the charge is seased (1)
exchanged with feedback or integrating capacitor C, 48.
Any difference between the voltage at summing node 68 and (2-1)-(-(+/2)). Cesa /C.A., (2)
V, on terminal 50 causes an output which is fed back to 55
minimize that difference and that output appears on output The equation is the same for the prior art case.
terminal V, 70. Thus at the end of phase two the charge In this invention two additional phases are added. In phase
transferred to the integrator is (V-V)*C. and at the three the sensor-capacitor 52 is again charged up to a fixed
end of phase four the charge transferred to the integrator is Voltage, this time V. The Voltage across the lower integrat
-(V-V)*C. The total charge over all four phases then 60 ing capacitor is (Vis-(V-V/2)). In phase four the sensor
is (CV-V)-(V-V))*C. or (V-V)*C. Note that capacitor 52 is connected to Summing node 68 so that this
therefore the charge transfer term depends on the two time C.52 discharges into integrating capacitor C2 48
reference voltages V and V only, and no longer is depen causing the Voltage on the negative output to change to V.
dent on the V, term. There are other factors involved in the As before the total charge must be the same for both phases,
varying Voltage conditions e.g., amplifier offset error, 1/f 65 giving the equation
low frequency noise and amplifier finite gain effects, and so
it perhaps is not precise to say that the charge transfer term
US 7,304.483 B2
9 10
is. The switched capacitor circuit may be replaced with a
At the end of the four clock phases the change in the digital to analog converter or a one bit digital to analog
integrator output AV is given as converter if the quantizer is implemented using a compara
tor. Interface circuit 40 in integrator 120 works in the same
AVo–AV-AV, (5) 5 way as in the previous descriptions with respect to FIG. 3.
Note in FIG. 6 the V+ at 114 could be used for V, and
sensor/Cint (6) V- at 116 could be used for V or a scaled version of them.
Then the circuit will operate in a ratio metric fashion and the
conversion result will also be independent of the values V,
10 and V and therefore insensitive to changes even in these
This result then represents the capacitance of C 52. Voltages.
Note, again, that the output is dependent only on the applied While thus far the interface circuit of this invention has
voltages V, and V and not V. There is here the added been shown with only a single one terminal capacitor it is
problem of the Ve term but it is only a 5 to 10 millivolt applicable to differential capacitor sensors as well. For
magnitude while V, was of a 2.5 volt magnitude. Thus, the 15 example, differential capacitor one terminal capacitor inter
fraction of error is minimal now with the 5 to 10 millivolt face circuit 40C, FIG. 7, is shown having differential capaci
range as compared to the 2.5 volt range. But, even this can tor sensing C, 52c and C 52cc. It is also shown as a part
be reduced by chopping the input and output to the amplifier. of a sigma delta modulator or converter 110a. In interface
Equation (7) also holds for the case where the common circuit 40c, FIG. 7, Switching circuit 57c includes, in addi
mode at the amplifier output is controlled. tion to switches 58-64, four additional Switches, 130, 134,
Thus interface circuit 40a, FIG. 3, adds to switching 132 and 136 are closed in phases one, two, three and four,
circuit 57a the additional chopping or inverting switches 80, respectively. In operation, then, in phase one sensor capaci
82, 84, 86 at the input of amplifier 44 and 88,90, 92 and 94 tor C 52c is connected to V and sensor capacitor C 52cc
at the output of amplifier 44. The use of the four phase clock is connected to reference V. In phase two sensor capacitor
according to this invention has the added advantage of 25 52c is connected to integrating capacitor C, 46 while
Supporting chopping or inverting of the integrator amplifier sensor capacitor C 52cc is connected to integrating capaci
44. Chopping is desirable because it eliminates the offset of tor C, 48. In phase three the situation is reversed: sensor
the amplifier, that is, the V in equation (7). It involves capacitor C 52c is connected to reference VZ while sensor
inverting both the inputs and the outputs of amplifier 44 capacitor C 52cc is connected to reference VX. In phase
periodically, thus, inverting the offset polarity for half the 30 four sensor capacitor 52c is connected to integrating capaci
time. The result is that the positive and negative offsets tor C, 48 while sensor capacitor C 52cc is connected to
cancel when the output is averaged over time. integrating capacitor C, 46. In this way both capacitors
In operation switches 80, 88, 86 and 94 are closed for two simultaneously are monitored. This embellishment of
phases (phases 1 and 2) of four phase operation while switching circuit 57c can be combined with that shown in
switches 82, 84, 90 and 92 are open, thereby, operating 35 FIG. 3 so that the offset and 1/f errors can be cancelled as
amplifier 44 in the normal way. In the next two phases well. Thus the interface circuit of this invention is substan
(phases 3 and 4) of operation of the four phases, switches 80, tially independent of error terms due to AC ground Voltage
88, 86, and 94 are open while switches 82, 84,90, and 92 are or due to amplifier offset voltages. This enables a precision
closed. In this mode, the inputs to amplifier 44 are inverted measurement of an unknown differential sensor capacitor.
and so are the outputs. The alternate Switching of the 40 The timing of the circuit is not critical; as long as the phases
positive and the negative offset cancels the offsets as aver do not overlap the integrator output is valid after four
aged over time. phases. The duration of each phase is not critical either, it
The interface circuit of this invention as shown in FIG. 2 needs to be sufficient for the exponential charging transient
or 3, is easily applicable for use in a charge amplifier or to be sufficiently complete so that the charge for the sensor
capacitive to voltage converter 40b, FIG. 4. In order to 45 capacitor is Substantially transferred to the integrator, typi
facilitate the interface circuit of this invention as a charge cally 10 to 11 time constants. The phase durations can be
amplifier or capacitance to Voltage converter it need only be longer than this without materially affecting the circuit
provided with some means to reset the amplifier after each performance.
cycle or after a fixed number of cycles. In FIG.4, circuit 40b Although specific features of the invention are shown in
has added to it reset switches 101, and 103 which reset their 50 Some drawings and not in others, this is for convenience
respective integrating capacitors C, 46 and C, 48. only as each feature may be combined with any or all of the
although any number of different means for resetting inte other features in accordance with the invention. The words
grator 42 may be used. The four phase signals, Ph1, Ph2, “including”, “comprising”, “having, and “with as used
Ph3, Ph4 are shown in FIG. 5, along with the reset signal herein are to be interpreted broadly and comprehensively
which is operative in FIG. 4. The chop signal which operates 55 and are not limited to any physical interconnection. More
Switches 80-94 in FIG. 3 is also shown in FIG. 5. over, any embodiments disclosed in the Subject application
Another application of the interface circuit according to are not to be taken as the only possible embodiments.
this invention is in a sigma delta modulator 110, FIG. 6. In addition, any amendment presented during the pros
Modulator 110 includes switched capacitor circuit 112 hav ecution of the patent application for this patent is not a
ing inputs V-114 and V-116 which receives an output 60 disclaimer of any claim element presented in the application
feedback from quantizer 118. There is also one or more as filed: those skilled in the art cannot reasonably be
integrator stages 120, 122. The first stage 120 includes the expected to draft a claim that would literally encompass all
interface circuit 40 according to this invention. While a possible equivalents, many equivalents will be unforesee
sigma delta modulator is depicted at 110 in FIG. 6, the able at the time of the amendment and are beyond a fair
addition of a digital filter as at 124 would transform the 65 interpretation of what is to be surrendered (if anything), the
sigma delta modulator into a sigma delta converter. The rationale underlying the amendment may bear no more than
quantizer may be implemented using a comparator and often a tangential relation to many equivalents, and/or there are
US 7,304.483 B2
11 12
many other reasons the applicant can not be expected to said second capacitor to said first Summing node of said
describe certain insubstantial substitutes for any claim ele amplifier to provide third and fourth output changes
ment amended. substantially representative of the difference between
Other embodiments will occur to those skilled in the art said first and second Voltage levels and said input
and are within the following claims. common mode Voltage, the combined first, second,
What is claimed is: third and fourth changes representing the capacitance
1. A differential capacitor one terminal capacitor interface of said first and second capacitors Substantially inde
circuit for sensing the capacitance of first and second pendent of said input common mode Voltage, and
capacitors comprising: a reset switching circuit for resetting the differential
a differential integrating amplifier having first and second 10 integrating amplifier.
Summing nodes and an input common mode Voltage; 6. The capacitance to voltage converter circuit of claim 5
and in which said reset Switching circuit resets the integrating
a Switching circuit for charging a first capacitor of said capacitors of said differential integrating amplifier.
differential one terminal capacitor to a first voltage 7. The capacitance to voltage converter circuit of claim 5
level and a second capacitor of said differential one 15 in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a
terminal capacitor to a second Voltage level in a first control circuit for controlling the input common mode
phase, in a second phase connecting said first capacitor Voltage at said Summing nodes to be substantially equal to
to said first Summing node and said second capacitor to an applied reference Voltage.
said second Summing node of said amplifier to provide 8. The capacitance to voltage converter circuit of claim 5
first and second output changes Substantially represen in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a
tative of the difference between said first and second control circuit for controlling the output common mode
Voltage levels and said input common mode Voltage, in Voltage of said amplifier to be substantially equal to an
a third phase charging said first capacitor to said second applied reference Voltage.
Voltage level and said second capacitor to said first 9. The capacitance to voltage converter circuit of claim 5
Voltage level, and in a fourth phase connecting said first 25
in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a
capacitor to said second Summing node and said second chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the
capacitor to said first Summing node of said amplifier to outputs of said differential integrating amplifier for cancel
provide third and fourth output changes Substantially ing amplifier offset error and low frequency noise.
representative of the difference between said first and 10. A capacitive input sigma delta modulator for sensing
second Voltage levels and said input common mode 30
the capacitance of a differential one terminal capacitor
voltage, the combined first, second, third and fourth comprising:
changes representing the capacitance of said first and at least one integrating stage, a quantizer and a digital to
second capacitors substantially independent of said
input common mode Voltage. analog converter having positive and negative refer
2. The differential capacitor one terminal capacitor inter 35 ence Voltage, the first said integrating stage including
face circuit of claim 1 in which said differential integrating a differential integrating amplifier having first and second
amplifier includes a control circuit for controlling the input Summing nodes and an input common mode Voltage;
common mode Voltage at said Summing nodes to be Sub and
stantially equal to an applied reference Voltage. a Switching circuit for charging a first capacitor of said
3. The differential capacitor one terminal capacitor inter 40 differential one terminal capacitor to a first voltage
face circuit of claim 1 in which said differential integrating level and a second capacitor of said differential one
amplifier includes a control circuit for controlling the output terminal capacitor to a second Voltage level in a first
common mode Voltage of said amplifier to be substantially phase, in a second phase connecting said first capacitor
equal to an applied reference Voltage. to said first Summing node and said second capacitor to
4. The differential capacitor one terminal capacitor inter 45 said second Summing node of said amplifier to provide
face circuit of claim 1 in which said differential integrating first and second output changes Substantially represen
amplifier includes a chopper circuit for selectively inverting tative of the difference between said first and second
the inputs and the outputs of said differential integrating Voltage levels and said input common mode Voltage, in
amplifier for canceling amplifier offset error and low fre a third phase charging said first capacitor to said second
quency noise. 50 Voltage level and said second capacitor to said first
5. A capacitance to Voltage converter circuit for sensing Voltage level, and in a fourth phase connecting said first
the capacitance of a differential one terminal capacitor capacitor to said second Summing node and said second
comprising: capacitor to said first Summing node of said amplifier to
a differential integrating amplifier having an input com provide third and fourth output changes Substantially
mon mode Voltage; 55 representative of the difference between said first and
a Switching circuit for charging a first capacitor to a first second Voltage levels and said input common mode
Voltage level and a second capacitor to a second Voltage voltage, the combined first, second, third and fourth
level in a first phase, in a second phase connecting said changes representing the capacitance of said first and
first capacitor to a first Summing node and said second second capacitors substantially independent of said
capacitor to a second Summing node of said amplifier 60 input common mode Voltage.
to provide first and second output changes Substantially 11. The capacitive input sigma delta modulator of claim
representative of the difference between said first and 10 in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a
second Voltage levels and said input common mode control circuit for controlling the input common mode
Voltage, in a third phase charging said first capacitor to Voltage at said Summing nodes to be substantially equal to
said second Voltage level and said second capacitor to 65 an applied reference Voltage.
said first voltage level, and in a fourth phase connecting 12. The capacitive input sigma delta modulator of claim
said first capacitor to said second Summing node and 10 in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a
US 7,304.483 B2
13 14
control circuit for controlling the output common mode positive and negative reference Voltages of the digital to
Voltage of said amplifier to be substantially equal to an analog converter of said sigma delta modulator.
applied reference Voltage.
13. The capacitive input sigma delta modulator of claim 15. The capacitive input sigma delta modulator of claim
10 in which said differential integrating amplifier includes a 5 10 in which said first and second voltage levels are propor
chopper circuit for selectively inverting the inputs and the tional to the positive and negative reference Voltages of the
outputs of said differential integrating amplifier for cancel digital to analog converter of said sigma delta modulator.
ing amplifier offset error and low frequency noise.
14. The capacitive input sigma delta modulator of claim
10 in which said first and second voltage levels are the