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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,083,001
Kinbara et al. 45) Date of Patent: Jan. 21, 1992
54 WAVEFORM CONTROL DEVICE FOR 57-33950 7/1982 Japan.
ELECTRICAL OSCHARGE MACHNING 62-88512 4/1987 Japan ................................ 219/69.18
APPARATUS 673609 3/1990 Switzerland .
352734 10/1972 U.S.S.R. ........................... 219/69.18
75) Inventors: Yoshihide Kinbara; Morihisa Primary Examiner-Geoffrey S. Evans
Nishikawa; Yoshio Ozaki, all of Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn,
Aichi, Japan Macpeak & Seas
73 Assignee: Mitsubishi Denki K.K., Tokyo, Japan 57 ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No. 537,720 A waveform control device for an electrical discharge
(22 Filed: Jun. 14, 1990 machine apparatus which supplies current pulses to the
30 Foreign Application Priority Data gap between an electrode and a workpiece for machin
ing of the workpiece. A first D.C. source, which
Aug. 8, 1989 JP Japan .................................. 1-203871 supplies at least a part of a voltage that is applied across
51) int. C. ............................. ... B23H 1/02 the gap, is connected in parallel with first and second
52 U.S.C. .................................................. 219/69.18 circuits comprising a series connection of a switch and
(58) Field of Search .......................... 219/69.13, 69.18; a diode. Connected between a first and second series
323/223, 282,285, 287, 290 circuit is a switched conductive circuit which, together
with an auxiliary D.C. source, maintains the current
(56) References Cited flow at a base current level. Control of operation of the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS switches in the first and second circuits permit a con
3,832,510 8/1974 Pfau et al. ........................ 29/69.13
trolled discharge of current across the gap while per
4,163,887 8/1979 Bihler et al. .................... 29/69.18
mitting the output voltage to be clamped at a safe level.
4,678,885 7/1987 Dresti et al. ..................... 29/69.13 A plurality of inductive circuits may be used to provide
4,713,516 12/1987 Bihler et al. .................... 29/69.18 selectivity, where the inductances are different and to
4,945,199 7/1990 Tanaka et al. .. 219/69.13 provide further control of the discharge current shape.
5,019,770 5/1991 Harada et al. ...................... 323/282 A variable inductance, whose value is proportional to
the output peak current, may be used to control current
2189936 1/1974 France.
49-43297 4/1974 Japan. 13 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 1 of 12 5,083,001


B10T V0


FG. 3
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 2 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 2 (q) I |

24 25
FIG. 2 (b) 23 26

22 27 22
FIG. 2(c)

(d) O-Vio V.
FIG. 2(e)t, UUUJ Ull
FIG 26) - U -

t t2
| f 13
-- t4
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 3 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 5
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 4 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 7(a)
9 IP i"

FIG. 7(b) 23 24 25 26
FIG. 7 (c) O
N/N /N22

FIG. 7(d)
V12 W
FIG. 7(e) TR
FIG. 7(f) TRs
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 5 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 9
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 6 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 13(d)
24 25
FIG. 13(b) 23 26

2 2
FIG. 3 (c)

vio W
FIG. 13(e) NN
FIG. 13(f),
FIG. 13(g)

U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 7 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 12

FG. 14

FIG. 5
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 8 of 12 5,083,001

REGION (Eq. 13)
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F.G. 19
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 10 of 12 5,083,001

East -
1 - r r

FIG.2(c) IRA - -
FIG.2(d) TR2s l L
FIG.2 (g)
FIG. 2 (h) ILs

FIG. 22


IPmin I
U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 11 of 12 5,083,001

FIG. 23


U.S. Patent Jan. 21, 1992 Sheet 12 of 12 5,083,001


FIG. 28GAP(a)VOLTAGE , is to Varc
FIG. 28 (b). .
FIG 28(c) T. ---is
1. 2
a waveform control circuit using a resistor as the cur
WAVEFORM CONTROL DEVICE FOR rent limiting element since there is no resistor to con
APPARATUS In the circuit constructed in accordance with FIG.
24, however, there is a wiring inductance L3 that exists
in connection with the electrode 1 and the workpiece 2.
The present invention relates to a waveform control Typically, the wires are several meters long and the
device for an electrical discharge machining apparatus. resulting inductance is significant, since it will tend to
A waveform control device for an electrical dis
make the current across the gap constant and, thereby
charge machining apparatus supplies a pulsating current extend the period of current flow. As a result of this
waveform, controlled to have a desired peak current wiring inductance, a high voltage is generated which
value IP, between an electrode and a workpiece to es can break down switching element S2 if it is a MOSFET
tablish an electrical discharge in accordance with a set (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)
ON-OFF time so that the workpiece may be machined or other transistor, thereby adversely affecting the cir
in a desired form. It is desirable that the pulsating cur 5 cuit reliability.
rent waveform closely approximate a square wave pulse FIG. 27 is a circuit diagram showing an example of
so that the machining operation can be accurate, the prior art using transistors TR1 and TR2 as the
thereby requiring fast rise times and fast discharge switches S1, S2 of the foregoing circuit. The switching
times. element TR2 is ON-OFF controlled by an oscillation
FIG. 24 is a circuit diagram showing the waveform 20 control circuit 3. The wiring inductance L3 is not shown
control device of the prior art, as exemplified by Japa but remains effective in this circuit. FIG. 28 is a timing
nese Kokai No. 49-43297 or Japanese Utility Model chart showing in waveform (a) the inter-electrode volt
Publication No. 57-33950. In FIG. 24, an electrode 1 is age, in waveform (b) the discharge current, in wave
positioned adjacent to a workpiece 2 to be machined. forms (c) and (d) the ON-OFF timing of the switching
The two elements are connected in a circuit with a DC 25
power source B1 having a voltage E (V). Also con elements TR2 and TR1, and in waveform (e) the current
nected in the circuit is an auxiliary power source B2, flowing through the coil L1. The discharge current
having a voltage E2 (V), and a choke induction coil Li waveform (b) may be controlled by a waveform control
constituting a magnetic energy reservoir. A switch S1 is method called "slope control'. This method is particu
connected in series between the auxiliary source B2 and 30 larly effective for low consumption of the electrodes.
the coil L for controlling the electric current flowing According to this method, the discharge current seen in
through the coil L1 to a desired value. Another switch waveform (b) is steeply raised to a base current level
S2, which is ON-OFF controlled by a pulse generator having a value IB and is then increased at a predeter
(not-shown) is connected in series between power mined rate to, and maintained at the peak value IP, from
source B1 and the workpiece 2. Diodes D1 and D2 are 35 which it then should drop rapidly. Specifically, with
placed in the circuit to direct the current flow. reference to the coil current in waveform (e), initially
The ON-OFF timing of the switches S1 and S2 and during period t1, switching element TR1 is switched
the waveform of the electric current it flowing between ON-OFF states (waveform d) to set the cur
through the coil Li of the aforementioned circuit are rent of the coil L1 at IB. The current is set in a step-wise
illustrated in FIGS. 25 and 26. FIG.25 shows the opera fashion, as seen in waveform (e). For a period t2, when
tion when the machining apparatus is performing a TR1 is ON, the current flows at an increasing rate via a
finishing step on a workpiece whereas FIG. 26 shows path including the auxiliary power source B2, the
the operation when a rough machining step is per switching element TR1, the coil Li and the diode D1.
formed. In each of these figures, the switches S1 and S2 The increasing rate is expressed by the following Equa
assume states 1 and 0, which are conductive at 1 and 45 tion if the coil Li has an inductance L (LH):
non-conductive at 0.
With this circuit structure, the coil L is connected in di/dt=E2/L (A/us) (1).
series between the electrode 1 and switch S1 so that the
coil acts as an energy reservoir. Accordingly, when the Then, for a period t, while both TR2 and TR are
coil L1 is changed from its saturated to its unsaturated OFF, the current flows at a decreasing rate via a path
states or vice versa by operation of switches S1 and S2, including the DC power source B1, the diode D2, the
the discharge current from the coil is abruptly changed. coil L1 and the diode D1. The decreasing rate is ex
For example, if the switch S1 is ON, the current through pressed by the following Equation:
the coil L1 substantially increases so long as the switch di/dt=E1/L (A/us) (2).
S2 is ON. If the switch S2 is OFF, while switch S is ON, 55
the current of the coil L is maintained at a substantially At time t, the switching element TR2 is turned ON,
constant level because a closed circuit through diode while switching element TR continues to turn ON and
D, is formed. If the switch S1 is turned OFF, any stored OFF, to impress the so called "unloading voltage' (El)
energy in the coil is released and the current of the coil between the electrode 1 and workpiece 2. Then, if a
Li will decrease regardless of whether the switch S2 discharge takes place in the gap between the electrode
might be ON or OFF. When both switches S1 and S2 are and workpiece at time t5, the current flows at a gener
OFF, the current flows in a circuit comprising power ally increasing rate during a period between timests and
supply B1, diode D1, coil L1 and diode D2 and settles at ts through a path including the DC power source B1,
a steady state level. When a discharge occurs across the the auxiliary power source B2, the switching element
gap between electrode 1 and workpiece 2, a current will 65 TR1, the coil L1, the electrode 1, the workpiece 2 and
flow and the voltage across the elements will drop. As the switching element TR2. On discharge the voltage
a result, a waveform control circuit using a coil as a across the gap will decrease from E1 to Varc, the arc
discharge current limiting element has advantages over voltage at which the arc discharge is extinguished. This
3 4.
This increasing rate is expressed by the following Equa Yet another object is to compensate for the effect of
tion: wiring inductance on circuit switch reliability.
The remaining objects of the present invention will
di/dt=(El+E2- Var)/L (A/s) (3). become apparent from the following description, in
5 connection with the embodiments thereof with refer
If during the period between times ts-ts, when TR2 ence to the accompanying drawings.
is ON, the switching element TR1 is turned ON for a According to a first embodiment of the present inven
period to, the current flows at an increasing rate tion, there is provided a waveform control device for an
through a path including power supplies B1 and B2, electrical discharge machining apparatus, which device
switching elements TR1 and TR2, coil Ll, electrode 1 10 o comprises: a first series circuit connected in parallel
and workpiece 2. This increasing rate is expressed by: with a first DC power source and including a switching
element and a diode; a second series circuit connected in
di/dt=(E+E2-War)/L (A/s) (4). parallel with the first DC power source and including a
second DC power source, a switching element and a
However, when TR1 is turned OFF for a period t, the 15 diode; a reactor disposed in a circuit including an elec
current flows at a decreasing rate through a path includ trode and a workpiece and connecting the node be
ing the diode D2, the coil Ll, the electrode 1, the work tween the switching element and diode of the first series
piece 2 and the switching element TR2. This decreasing circuit and the node between the switching element and
rate is expressed by: diode of the second series circuit; a third switching
di/dt=Var/L (A/us) (5). element disposed in a circuit connecting the node be
tween the second DC power source and said diode and
If both the switching elements TR and TR2 are the node between the switching element and diode of
turned OFF at time ts, the discharge current is blocked, the first series circuit; and a third diode disposed in a
as seen in waveform (b). As a result, the current IL circuit connecting the node between the first DC power
through the coil L1 (the "breaking current') will flow at 25 source and the second DC power source and the node
a decreasing rate for a period to, until it reaches level IB, between the reactor and the electrode or the workpiece.
as seen in waveform (e). During period ty, the breaking According to a second embodiment of the present
current IL flows along a path including the DC power invention, there is provided a waveform control device
source B, the diode D2, the coil L1 and the diode D1. for an electrical discharge machine apparatus, which
The decreasing rate is expressed by: 30 device comprises: a first series circuit and a second
series circuit connected in parallel with a first DC
di/dt=E/L (A/us) (6). power source and each including a switching element
and a diode; a reactor disposed in a circuit including an
Hence, the time period for the current IL to decrease electrode and a workpiece and connecting the node
from IP to IB, i.e. the dropping period of the breaking 35 between the switching element and diode of the first
current, is calculated by: series circuit and the node between the switching ele
Tss L(IP-Is)/E(s) (7).
ment and diode of the second series circuit; a second
DC power source and a third diode disposed in series in
a circuit connecting the node between the first DC
In the case of waveform control by the slope control 40 power source and the second series circuit and the node
method in which the current is increased at an increas between the reactor and the electrode or the workpiece;
ing rate from the value IB, defined by IBSIP(IB20) as and a third switching element and a fourth diode dis
illustrated in FIG. 28, it is necessary to allow L to drop posed in series in a circuit connecting the node between
to reach the condition of IL=IB between cycles. As a the second DC power source and the third diode and
result, the circuit of FIG. 27 is troubled by a problem 45 the node between the switching element and diode of
that the quiescent period of the breaking current cannot the first series circuit.
be made shorter than the time period T of the foregoing According to a third embodiment of the present in
Equation (7). In order to shorten the time period T, it is vention, there is provided a waveform control device
sufficient to insert a resistance into the path during the for an electrical discharge machining apparatus, which
time period ty to thereby change the energy to heat. 50 device comprises: a first series circuit connected in
However, this modification is contrary to the aforemen parallel with a first DC power source and including a
tioned goal of energy economy. switching element and a diode; a second series circuit
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION connected in parallel with the first DC power source
and including a second DC power source, a switching
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to 55 element and a diode; a third series circuit connected in
provide a circuit which is well suited to waveform parallel with the first DC power source and including a
control, which can prevent establishment of a damaging switching element and a diode; a fifth diode disposed in
high voltage at the transistor TR2, permit base current a circuit including an electrode and a workpiece and
IB to rise quickly, and shorten the dropping period of connecting the node between the switching element and
the breaking current. 60 diode of the third series circuit and the node between
A second object of the present invention is to provide the switching element and diode of the second series
a circuit which may achieve the desired energy econ circuit; and a reactor connected between the node be
omy by minimizing the restrictions upon the quiescent tween the switching element and diode of the first series
period and the current ripple ratio. circuit and the node between the switching element and
A third object of the present invention is to provide a 65 diode of the third series circuit.
circuit which can be produced at a reasonable cost by The single reactor of each of the aforementioned
using an auxiliary power source B2 having a small cur circuits may be of the variable capacity type which may
rent capacity. have its inductance value changed and controlled in
5,083,001 6
accordance with the peak current value of the electrical nected in parallel with the first DC power source B10.
discharge. In case a plurality of reactors are used, their Node 14 is defined between the power source B20 and
inductance values may be equalized for cyclic opera the diode D20 and node 16 is defined between the diode
tions at each circuit. D20 and the switching element TR2. A third switching
element TR3 is connected between the node 15 in the
first series circuit 10 and the node 14 in the second series
FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram showing a first embodi circuit 12. Connected to node 16, at one output terminal
ment of the present invention. 21 of the waveform control device, is workpiece 2. An
FIGS. 2(a) to 20g) are timing charts explaining the electrode 1 is connected at the other output terminal 20,
current waveforms of the circuit of FIG. 1 and the 10 which also is tied to an internal node 17. A reactor L2 is
timing of the switching elements. connected between the electrode 1, through output
FIGS. 3 to 5 are circuit diagrams showing modifica terminal 20, and the node 15. A third diode D30 is con
tions of the first embodiment. nected between the node 17 and a node 18, located
FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram showing a second embodi between the first DC power source B10 and the second
ment of the present invention. 15 DC power source B20. The components are sized so
FIGS. 7(a) to 7(g) are timing charts explaining the that a machining current may be fed between the elec
current waveforms of the circuit of FIG. 6 and the trodes.
timing of the switching elements. In the preferred embodiments, it is assumed that in
FIGS. 8 to 11 are circuit diagrams showing modifica ductances 100 and 101 will exist for the electrode 1 and
tions of the second embodiment. 20 the workpiece 2, respectively, due to the wiring. The
FIG. 12 is a circuit diagram showing a third embodi first DC power source B10 will produce voltage V10 in
ment of the present invention. a range of 60 to 150 V, and the second DC power
FIGS. 13(a) to 13(g) are timing charts explaining the source B20 will produce voltage V20 in a range of 5 to 30
current waveforms of the circuit of FIG. 12 and the V
timing of the switching elements. 25 FIGS. 2(a)-2(g) illustrate waveforms and timings that
FIGS. 14 to 16 circuit diagrams showing modifica are relevant to the operation of the waveform control
tions of the third embodiment. device of FIG. 1. The waveform in FIG. 2(a) is an
FIG. 17 is a circuit diagram showing a fourth em optimum current waveform to be output by the wave
bodiment of the present invention. form control device of the present invention. In this
FIG. 18 is a graph presenting the region of the allow 30 case, a base current IB is selected at about of a peak
able inductance values. current Ipso that the output current may rise from IB to
FIG. 19 is a diagram showing the structure of one Ipas quickly as possible. The gradient 6 of the slope of
embodiment of the inductance value changing control the current rise reflects a constant rate of increase for
circuit. the current. A single discharge comprises the combina
FIG. 20 is a circuit diagram showing a fifth embodi 35 tion of a discharge period T and a breaking period T2.
ment of the present invention. The waveform in FIG. 2(b) represents the actual
FIGS. 21(a), 21(b), 21).c), 21(d), 21(e), 21(f), 21(g) and output (or discharge) current from the device as a func
21(h) are timing charts showing operations of the fifth tion of time while the waveform in FIG. 2(c) illustrates
embodiment. the current of the reactor L2 as a function of time. Nu
FIG.22 is a graph presenting the region of allowable neral 22 designates the minimum or base current IB in
inductance values. the waveform of FIG. 2(c).
FIG. 23 is a diagram showing the structure of the FIG.2(d) illustrates the timing for the inter-electrode
oscillation control circuit of the fifth embodiment. voltage across the gap between the electrode 1 and
FIG. 24 is the waveform control circuit of the prior workpiece 2. FIGS. 2(e), 20f) and 20g) illustrate the
art. 45 timings for switching the switching elements TR1, TR2
FIG. 25 and 26 are timing charts for the circuit of and TR3, respectively.
F.G. 24. Turning to a description of the operation of the first
FIG.27 is a circuit diagram showing another example embodiment of the invention, reference is made to FIG.
of the prior art. 1 and FIGS. 2(a)-2(g). In the steady state, no discharge
FIGS. 28(a), 28(b), 28(c), 28(d), and 28(e) are timing is caused in the circuit of FIG. 1 and the switching
charts for the circuit for FIG. 27. element TR3 is switched between OFF and ON
whereas the switching elements TR1 and TR2 are OFF.
Thus element TR3 is ON, the base current IB flows
through a path composed of the reactor L2, the diode
The waveform control device of the present inven 55 D30, the second DC power source B20 and the switch
tion will be described in connection with several em ing element TR3. When the switching element TR3 is
bodiments, with reference to the accompanying draw OFF, on the other hand, the base current IB flows
ings. FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram showing a first embodi through a second loop composed of the reactor L2, the
ment of the present invention. Switching elements ap diode D30, the first DC power source B10 and the diode
pearing in FIG. 1 are exemplified by MOSFETs but D10, all to maintain the current flowing through the
may comprise other electrical switches such as semi reactor L2 at a constant level. In short, switching ele
conductor switches generally. ment TR3 is switched on and off to apply the voltage of
In FIG. 1, there is connected in parallel with a first power source B20 to the reactor L2 to maintain the
DC power source B10 a first series circuit 10, which current through the reactor L2 at a generally constant
includes a switching element TR and a diode D10, 65 level. In any case, as seen from the initial portions of the
having a node 15 defined between them. A second series waveforms in FIGS. 2(c)-2(g), prior to time t11 when
circuit 12, including a second DC power source B20, a TR2 goes ON, the current is steady at IB and no voltage
diode D20 and a switching element TR2, is also con appears across the interelectrode gap.
7 8
If the switch element TR2 is turned ON at time t11 of because all the switching elements TR1, TR2 and TR3
FIG. 20g), while TR3 is ON and after the steady state are OFF. This decrease is promptly effected because
base current IB has been established as described above, the peak current Ip is fed back through the reactor L2,
a voltage is applied between the output terminals 20 and the diode D30, the first DC power source B10 and the
21, i.e., across the electrode gap between the electrode diode D10 by turning the switch element TR2 OFF, as
1 and the workpiece 2, as shown in FIG. 2(d). The shown in FIG. 1.
voltage applied is the voltage V10 of the first DC power When the peak current IP decreases to the level of the
source B10, and is called the "unloading voltage'. Dis base current IB, as seen in the quiescent period between
charge will be effected at this voltage level. portions 27 and 22 of FIG. 2(c), the switching element
If discharge takes place at time t12, the switching O TR3 begins performing its switching at the time t14 of
element TR3 is turned OFF and the switching element FIG.20g) to maintain the current of the reactor L2 at the
TR1 is turned ON, while TR2 remains ON. This switch base current IB.
ing state is illustrated in FIG. 2(e), and the output cur With the switching timings specified above, the cur
rent at this time begins to increase rapidly as seen in rent waveform for electrical discharge machining can
FIG. 2(b). Also, at this time, the inter-electrode voltage 15 be controlled to output the optimum discharge current,
between the electrode 1 and the workpiece 2 has to achieve low consumption of the electrode 1 and high
dropped to a discharge voltage V11 which is lower than machining speed.
the unloading voltage V10 by 25 to 40 V. Accordingly, Next, FIG. 3 shows a modification, in which the
with node 17 being at V11 and node 18 being at V10, a switching elements TR1, TR2 and TR3 and the diodes
reverse bias is placed across diode D30 and the base are shifted from the positions of FIG. 1. This modifica
current IB, which had been flowing through the diode tion operates in a manner similar to the circuit of FIG.
D20 in the first steady state loop, begins to flow through 1.
the output terminal 20 to the electrode 1. FIG. 4 shows another modification, in which the
Since the reactor L2 already had a current flow via switching elements of FIG. 1 are exemplified by P
the first steady state loop, the output current IB rises 25 channel MOSFETs. This modification accomplishes
steeply to the base current level IB, as indicated at 23 in the operations of the circuit of FIG. 1 by making the
FIG. 2(b) The output current continues a stepped rise as same connections while inverting the polarities of the
switch TR1 is repeatedly switched, as indicated at 24, first DC power source B10 and the second DC power
until it reaches the peak current IP. Once at the peak source B20.
current IP, the switching element TR1 continues to be 30 FIG. 5 shows still another modification in which the
switched in order to maintain the output current 25 at circuit of FIG. 1 is effectively duplicated and joined
the peak level IP. When TR1 is ON, voltage V10 is ap into a single circuit. In this modification, two series
plied to the electrode directly and current rises while circuits, i.e., a series circuit 10A, composed of a switch
when TR1 is OFF, output current drops slightly. The ing element TR1 and a diode D11, and a series circuit
TR ON time is larger than the OFF time during the 35 10B, composed of a switching element TR12 and a diode
current rise but once the peak current is reached, the D12, are connected in parallel with the first DC power
OFF time is longer. Due to the effect of reactor L2, source B10. With the series circuits 10A and 10B, there
element TR, may be turned off and left off some time are connected in parallel a switching element TR31 and
before the end of the discharge period T1. a reactor L2A, and a switching element TR32 and a
After lapse of the discharge period T1, the switching reactor L2B. These two circuits (referred to as "A and
element TR2 is turned OFF at time t13 FIG. 2(g). Since B' hereafter) can accomplish the switching operations
switches TR1 and TR3 already are OFF, the output independently or simultaneously so that the present
current flow at the level Ip drops. Specifically, due to modification has the several advantages over the circuit
the effect of the wiring inductances 100 and 101 be of FIG. 1.
tween the output terminals 20 and 21 and the electrode 45 Particularly, if the current shown in FIG. 2(c) has a
1 and the workpiece 2, respectively, the output current long decreasing time period 27, it may fail to reach the
that was flowing through the electrode 1, now flows base current IB by the time of the next discharge. By
through the diode D20, the second DC power source switching between the aforementioned pair of circuits
B20 and the diode D30 and abruptly drops, as indicated A and B alternatively, however, the decreasing time
at 26 in FIG. 2(b). This current is called the "breaking period can be long and still permit the base current IB to
current'. At this same time, current is flowing forward be reached before the next discharge. This approach is
in the reactor L2, as indicated at 27 in FIG. 2(c), and effective when the reactor has a high inductance or
thus in the forward direction through diode D30, so that when the breaking time T2 of FIG. 2Ca) is short. It
the breaking current can flow backward through the permits a short OFF time between pulses to be obtained
diode D30. This results in currents flowing in opposite 55 and enhances operating efficiency.
directions at D30 that will cancel each other. This fea Reactors L2A and L2B can have identical induc
ture causes the output current to drop quickly, notwith tances. In such case, the cycles in each of circuits A and
standing the effect of the wiring inductances. As a re B may be conducted concurrently, then currents can be
sult, the surge voltage applied to the switching element added and higher pulse frequency obtained.
TR2 is clamped at the sum of the voltage V10 of the first 60 If the reactors have different inductances, the differ
DC power source B10 and the voltage V20 of the second ence can be used to control current ripple. For example,
DC power source B20. This clamping will prevent the if the reactor L2A has a larger inductance than reactor
switch TR2 from being burned out by the voltage surge. L2B, the circuit A performs operations similar to those
Viewed another way, the circuit of D20, D30 and B20 of the circuit of FIG. 1 and it operates if the peak cur
will act as an absorbing circuit for the current flow due 65 rent Ipis large. If, on the other hand, the reactor L2B is
to the wiring inductances. As noted above, the cur made to have a larger inductance than that of the reac
rent through the reactor L2 decreases for the period tor L2A, the circuit B can provide a stable output cur
(from the time t13 to t14) indicated at 27 in FIG. 2(c), rent having little ripple even for a small output current.
5,083,001 10
The existence of a large peak output current Ip will current IB, as indicated at 23 in FIG. 7(b). The slope
permit the differences in current AI to be ignored but current 24 continues to rise, as switch TR continues to
when IP is small, a problem arises with the difference in repeat its switching. When the peak current Ip is
current AI where: reached, the current is maintained at the constant value
5 25 by the TR1 switching operations, until the discharge
V - are (8)
A = - as AT period T2 begins.
When the discharge period begins, the switching
where AT is the ON time of the switch that causes the element TR2 is turned OFF. As a result, the current that
ripple, Varcis the voltage across the gap between work had been flowing through the electrode 1 is diverted to
piece 2 and electrode 1 and V is the voltage of B10. 10 the diode D20, the diode D30 and the second DC power
Clearly, where Ipis small, the reactor inductance value source B20 by the wiring inductances 100 and 101. The
should be large and vice versa, as explained further in diversion continues as the output current drops, as indi
connection with FIG. 17, because a large inductance cated at 26 in FIG.7(b). This breaking current can flow
means a smaller AI and a small inductance means a large backward through the diode D30 because diode D30 is
AI. Thus, when there are different inductance values 15 rendered conductive by the forward flow of current 27
used in different ones of the circuits A, B, etc. the cir through the reactor, as seen in FIG.7(c). As a result, the
cuit having an inductance that minimizes ripple for a surge current applied to the switching element TR2 is
given Ip can be selected.
Although the present invention is exemplified in FIG. clamped
to the voltage V10 of the first DC power
B10 so that no high voltage is generated across
5 by a two circuit configuration, it can attain similar 20 TR2.
effects with a structure having more than two circuits. The peak current Ip is promptly reduced, when the
Also a variable inductance may be used, as later de switching element TR2 is turned OFF, by the feedback
scribed. through the reactor L2, the second DC power source
FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram showing a second embodi B20, the diode D30, the first DC power source B10 and
ment of the present invention. This second embodiment 25 the diode D10. When the peak current IP drops to the
is different from the circuit of FIG. 1 in that a second
series circuit 12A is constructed to only include the level of base current IB, the switching element TR3 is
diode D20 and the switching element TR2. The second restored to its switching operation to maintain the cur
DC power source B20 is connected in series with the rent of the reactor L2 at the base current IBasin the case
of FIG. 1.
third diode D30 and a node 14 is defined between them. 30 FIGS. 8 to 10 show modifications of the second em
Moreover, the switching element TR3 and a fourth bodiment that are entirely similar to the modifications
diode D40 are connected in series between the node 14
and a node 15 defined between the switching element of the first embodiment shown in FIGS. 3 to 5, respec
TR1 and the diode D10 of the first series circuit 10. The tively. The operation of these circuits will be apparent
remaining structures are similar to those of FIG. 1. 35 from an understanding of the first and second embodi
FIGS. 7(a) to 7(g) are timing charts like those of ments, andinthedetail modifications of the first embodiment, as
FIGS. 2(a)-2(g). One difference in this case, however, is presented
FIG. 11 shows a
circuit which is similar to the circuit
that the unloading voltage V12 is the difference between
of FIG. 6, however
the voltage V10 of the first DC power source B10 and B30 is placed in a series at node 17, a third power source
voltage V20 of the second DC power source B20, i.e., 40 switch TR3 connected to node circuit with diode D40 and
V12=V10-V20. Since the unloading voltage V12 can be 15, forming a loop sepa
made lower than that of the circuit of FIG. 1, the inter rate from that of the loop containing a series connection
electrode gap can be controlled more finely to improve of diode D30 and power source B20. Thus, by contrast to
the machining accuracy. FIG. 6, in FIG. 11, only the feedback current flows
Asin the first embodiment, during the steady state with 45 through the third DC power source B30, which acts to
no discharge, the switching element TR3 performs its create the IB current, whereas the breaking current
switching operation, but the switching elements TR1 flows through the second DC power source B20, which
acts to absorb the surge current. Otherwise, this circuit
and TR2 are OFF. As a result, the base current IB flows functions
through the path composed of the reactor L2, the sec in a manner similar to that of the circuit of
ond DC power source B20, the diode D40 and the 50 FG. 6.
switching element TR3, while the switching element Next, FIG. 12 is a circuit diagram showing a third
TR3 is ON, and through the path composed of the reac bodiment embodiment of the present invention. This third em
tor L2, the diode D30, the first DC power source B10 is different from the circuit of FIG. 1 in that
and the diode D10, while the switching element TR3 is not only the first and second series circuits 10 and 12 but
OFF. As before, the current flowing through the reac-55 also a third series circuit 13 composed of the diode D30
tor L2 is maintained constant, at the base current level and the switching element TR3 is connected in parallel
IB. with the first DC power source B10. Moreover, the
If a discharge is to take place, the switching element reactor L2 is connected between the node 15 and the
TR3 is turned OFF, and the switching element TR1 node 19 defined between the diode D30 and the switch
performs its switching operation. As a result, the inter- 60 ing element TR3 of the third series circuit 13. The
electrode voltage between the electrode 1 and the switching element connects node 19 to one terminal of
workpiece 2 assumes a value equal to the discharge power source B10, rather than to a terminal of auxiliary
voltage V11 which is lower than the unloading voltage power source B20. A fifth diode D50 is connected be
V12 by about 25 to 40 V. The base current IB, flowing tween the node 19 and the output terminal 20. The
through the second DC power source B20 flows 65 remaining structures are similar to those of FIG. 1.
through the output terminal 20 to the electrode 1. The diode Dso is added to prevent the voltage be
Since the current has already been flowing through tween the electrode 1 and the workpiece 2 from drop
the reactor L2, the current rises quickly from the base ping when the switching element TR3 is turned ON.
FIGS. 13(a) to 13(g) are timing charts of the circuit of
the third embodiment, which are similar to those of Hence, the inductance value L is defined by the fol
FIG. 2(a)-2(g) except that the switching timings of the lowing Formula (from Formulas (10) and (12)):
switching element TR1 are slightly different.
The third embodiment performs operations similar to 5 (E+E2-War)x AT/(IPXR)s Ls EXT
those of the first and second embodiments. However, min/(1-k)IP (13).
what flows through the second DC power source B20 is FIG. 18 presents the region which is defined by For
the breaking current, having a current level far lower
than the peak current IP. Accordingly, the second DC mula (13), located between curves defined by Formulas
power source B20 need have only a small current capac 10 (10) and (12). The hatched portion 8 indicates the allow
ity. able inductance region. The values R and Tmin appear
FIGS. 14 to 16 show modifications of the third en ing in Formula (13) can be changed according to the
bodiment that are similar to the modifications to the value IP. For example, those values would be larger for
first embodiment shown in FIGS. 3 to 5, respectively. the region of large IP than for the region of small IP.
The operations of these circuits are again apparent from 5 FIG. 19 is a diagram showing the structure of the
an understanding of the first and second embodiments variable capacity reactor L3 and the control means 7. In
and modifications thereof, as presented in detail herein. FIG. 19, coil 31 may have its inductance value changed
In the embodiments thus far described, the reactor L2 and set according to the position of a sliding contact 32
as the discharge current restricting element has been moveable by a pulse stepping motor 33. The step motor
assumed to have a fixed inductive value. In the follow 33 is controlled by a command pulse number sent to a
ing case, however, a variable type reactor is used to comparator 35 from a memory 34, such as a ROM
shorten the breaking period T given by the foregoing which may store a data table having pulse numbers
equation (7). corresponding to inductance values selectable in accor
FIG. 17 is a circuit diagram showing a fourth em dance with various values of IP. The comparator 35
25 compares the command with the value of a counter 36
bodiment of the present invention. This circuit is in
tended to optimize performance by providing an output to determine the rotating direction of the motor 33 and
current with an optimum range of ripple and an opti sends an UP/DOWN signal to a pulse motor driver 37
mum minimum breaking time. The circuit will be de and the counter 36. Moreover, the comparator 35 takes
scribed, for purposes of simplicity, as an improvement the difference between the value of the counter 36 and
30 the current command to provide an oscillator 38 with a
to the conventional circuit of FIG. 27, although the
principles of this circuit are applicable to each of the movement number. Then, oscillator 38 sends the com
previous embodiments. manded number of pulse to the pulse stepping motor
In FIG. 17, reference character L3 designates a reac driver 37 so that the pulse stepping motor 33 is enabled
tor having a variable inductance, which is controlled by to position the sliding contact 32 to the commanded
a control means 7. The inductance value L selected for 35 position to obtain a desired inductance value. These
the variable inductance L3 is determined by the allow pulses are also sent to the counter 36 so that the present
able current ripple value AI and the allowable minimum value can be up dated.
breaking time Tmin. If the minimum ON period of the While the above embodiment uses an inductor of the
switching element TR1 is designated as AT, the allow 40 variable capacity type, as an alternative structure, a
able minimum current ripple value is expressed, using plurality of coils having different inductance values
Equation (3) as follows: may be selectively switched into the circuit.
FIG. 20 is a circuit diagram showing a fifth embodi
AI=(E--E-V)/LXATA) (9). ment of the present invention which is yet another im
provement of the conventional circuit of FIG. 27. Un
From this Equation, it is found that the ripple value 45 like the improvement of FIG. 17, the inductance value
becomes smaller as the inductance L becomes higher. is not changed. Instead, reactors having equal induc
From Equation (7), it is also found that the allowable tance values are used to construct a plurality of circuits.
breaking minimum period Tin can be made shorter as (The circuits of FIGS. 5, 10 and 16 correspond to the
the inductance L becomes lower. case in which the inductance values may be different,
The optimum inductance value may be determined but the concept of the fifth embodiment can be applied
by considering both of these offsetting factors. If the specifically to the case of a common inductance value.)
allowable ripple ratio is set at AI/Ip=R, then AI FIG. 20 shows the case of two overlapping circuits,
= IPXR. The inductance valve L permitted in view of which have their respective components suffixed by
the allowable ripple is determined from the following 55 letters A and B. In order to prevent each of the two
Formula: circuits from feeding current to the other, switching
L2(E+E-Va.)/(XR)xAT (10). elements TR2A and TR2B are inserted at positions in the
path of each reactor connection to the electrode 1.
In the fifth embodiment, the operations of any one
If the minimum allowable breaking period is desig 60 circuit are identical to those of FIG. 27. The two cir
nated by Tin, the allowable inductance value L is de cuits operate
termined from Equation (7) as follows: alternately in the fifth embodiment, as
shown in FIG. 21, and the breaking time for each circuit
LSTninXE/(IP-IB) (11). is (OFF time X2--ON time--unloading time). The
current ripple AI calculated in Equation (9) can thus be
Here, for IB-kxIP(k: a proportional constant <1), For 65 reduced to about one third if the inductance value L of
mula (11) can be rewritten into the following form: Equation (7) can be increased about three times. As
shown in FIG. 22, moreover, the inhibition region of
LSTrinx E/(lxk)IP (12). Tnin of FIG. 19 is not violated for one value Lo.
13 14
Next, the switching elements TR2A and TR2B and an a third diode disposed in a circuit connecting a fourth
oscillation control circuit 3 will be described with refer node, defined between the first DC power source
ence to FIG. 23. Reference numeral 41 designates an and said second DC power source, and a fifth node
oscillator for generating and sending oscillation pulses defined between said reactor means and one of said
(ON-OFF times) to each of AND gates 42 and gate electrode and said workpiece.
selectors 43. These gate selectors 43 are operated by the 2. A waveform control device as set forth in claim 1,
pulses sent from the oscillator 41 and the AND array 42 wherein said first series circuit comprises a plurality of
to send out signals cyclically. The selectors drive their series circuits, and wherein said reactor means com
corresponding transistors TR2A, TR2B, - - -, and TR2B prises a plurality of reactors and said third switching
by ANDing the AND array outputs and the oscillation 10 means comprises a plurality of switching elements, a
pulses. respective one of said reactors and one of said switching
As has been described hereinbefore, several signifi elements being connected to a respective one of said
cant effects can be attained from the present invention. series circuits.
First, the high voltage that may be established by the 15 3. A waveform control device for an electrical dis
wiring inductances 100 and 101 at the electrode and the charge machining apparatus, comprising:
workpiece is released through a second series circuit to a first series circuit and a second series circuit con
the first DC power source so that it can be prevented nected in parallel with a first DC power source,
from being built up. each circuit comprising a respective switching
Second, the voltage of the second DC power source means, a diode and a node defined therebetween;
or the first DC power source is applied to the reactor 20 reactor means disposed in a third circuit comprising
L2 by the switching element TR3 so that the reactor is an electrode and a workpiece and connecting the
fed with a constant current. As a result, the base current node between the switching element and diode of
can rise promptly to establish the discharge current said first series circuit and the node between the
waveform. 25 switching element and diode of said second series
Third, the current that flows through the second DC circuit;
power source is either the difference of the base current, a second DC power source and a third diode disposed
i.e., the feedback current from the breaking current or in series in a circuit connecting the node between
the breaking current itself, and it may be one third or said first DC power source and said second series
less of the peak current. Thus, a power source of low 30 circuit and a node between said reactor and one Of
current capacity can be used to produce the discharge said electrode and said workpiece; and
machining apparatus at a reasonable cost. a third switching means and a fourth diode means
Fourth, the disclosed embodiments make it possible disposed in series in a circuit connecting the node
to realize discharge machining having high reliability between said second DC power source and said
and accuracy. 35 third diode and the node between the switching
Fifth, a reactor of variable capacity type may be used element and diode of said first series circuit.
as the discharge current limiting element and, in that 4. A waveform control device as set forth in claim 3,
case, the quiescent time and the current ripple ratio can wherein said first series circuit comprises a plurality of
be minimized over a wide region of peak current values series circuits, and wherein said reactor means, said
to achieve energy economy. third switching means and said fourth diode means
Finally, plural circuits having an equal inductance comprise a plurality of reactors, a plurality of switches
value may be selectively operated one by one. In such and a plurality of diodes, respectively, said plurality
case, the change of the inductance need not be accom being a number which is the same number as that of said
plished to produce current pulses which have a small series circuits.
current ripple ratio and which are stable and reproduc 45 5. A waveform control device for connection to an
ible with a short minimum quiescent time. electrode and workpiece of an electrical discharge ma
What is claimed is: chining apparatus, comprising:
1. A waveform control device for connection to an first and second DC power sources;
electrode and workpiece of an electrical discharge ma first series circuit means connected in parallel with
chining apparatus, comprising: said first DC power source and comprising a first
first and second DC power sources; switching element and a first diode which define a
a first series circuit connected in parallel with said first node therebetween;
first DC power source and comprising a first a second series circuit means connected in parallel
switching means and a first diode which define a with said first DC power source and comprising
first node therebetween; 55 said second DC power source, a second switching
a second series circuit connected in parallel with said element and a second diode, a second node being
first DC power source and comprising said second defined between said second switching element
DC power source, a second switching means and a and said second diode;
second diode, a second node being defined between third series circuit means connected in parallel with
- said second switching element and said second said first DC power source and comprising a third
diode; switching element and a third diode, a third node
reactor means disposed in a circuit including an elec being defined between said third switching means
trode and a workpiece and connecting said first and said third diode,
node and said second node; fourth diode means disposed in a circuit comprising
third switching means, disposed in a circuit connect 65 said electrode and said workpiece and connecting
ing a third node, defined between said second DC said third node and said second node; and
power source and said second diode, and said first a reactor connected between said first node and said
node; and third node.
15 16
6. A waveform control device for an electrical dis piece connected by wiring having an inherent induc
charge machining apparatus, as set forth in claim 5, tance, comprising:
wherein each said first series circuit means and said first circuit means, comprising a first DC power
third series circuit means comprises an equal number of source having a first voltage, for establishing a
series circuits, and wherein said reactor means com current flow in said device at a base current level;
prises a plurality of reactors and said fourth diode second circuit means comprising second power
means comprises a plurality of diodes, a respective one source having a second voltage, a reactor and a
of said reactors and a respective one of said diodes being first switching means having at least first and sec
connected to a respective one of said series circuits. 10 ond states, for applying a current at a peak level to
7. A waveform control device for an electrical dis said gap when said switching means is in said first
charge machining apparatus, as set forth in any one of state and for terminating application of said current
claims 1, 3 or 5, wherein said reactor is of variable ca to said gap when said switching means is in said
pacity type, having its inductance value changed and second state,
controlled in accordance with the peak value of the 5 said first and second circuit means being connected to
discharge current. apply said base current to said gap when said
8. A waveform control device for an electrical dis switching means is in said first state.
11. The waveform control device of claim 10 wherein
charge machining apparatus, as set forth in any one of said first circuit is operative to absorb a surge current
claims 2, 4 or 6, wherein said plural reactors have an due to said wiring inductance and clamp the voltage
identical inductance value, and cyclic operations of across said gap at a predetermined level when said
each circuit are performed. switching means switches from said first to said second
9. A waveform control device for an electrical dis State.
charge machining apparatus, as set forth in any one of 12. The waveform control device of claim 10 wherein
claims 2, 4 or 6, wherein at least two of said plural 25 the voltage of said first power source is smaller than the
reactors have different inductance values and said val voltage of said second power source.
13. The waveform control device of claim 10 wherein
ues are selected in accordance with the peak value of said first circuit means further comprises a second
the discharge current. switching means, switchable between a first and second
10. A waveform control device for an electronic 30 state, for maintaining current flow in said device at said
discharge machining apparatus operative to apply cur base current level.
rent across the gap between an electrode an a work






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