v89 - R, - L - SL N) - E-': (12 Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,934,167 B2
v89 - R, - L - SL N) - E-': (12 Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,934,167 B2
v89 - R, - L - SL N) - E-': (12 Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,934,167 B2
(54) CONTACTLESS ELECTRICAL ENERGY 6,490,176 B2 * 12/2002 HolZer et al. ............... .. 363/20
TRANSMISSION SYSTEM HAVING A 2004/0145342 A1 * 7/2004 Lyon ........................ .. 320/108
+ P TR 5 +
SL N} e'
Primary-Current Secondary PW M
Feedback Current Output Voltage
Frequency Zero-Cross Feedback
comm Detection Control
Ramp Signal
U.S. Patent Aug. 23,2005 Sheet 1 of 8 US 6,934,167 B2
5 Variable m L +
V s + =5 Frequency 5= -
R m
_ 5 Resonant : 5 EC '8' A O
Inverter z D '
fs d
Input-Voltage PWM
Feedforward : Output Voltage
Frequency 5 Feedback
Control Control
Fig. 1
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2005 Sheet 2 0f 8 US 6,934,167 B2
vs Q1) 5 Variable
sHlnverter Controlled
Rectifier v0
sL V
l V
. . Output
f5 Dlfferentlal vonage
Driver Voltage Sensmg, Divider
Scaling, and
Level Shifting
y l
Fig. 2
U.S. Patent Aug. 23,2005 Sheet 3 of 8 US 6,934,167 B2
Inverter Fuli-BridgeRectifier
Controlled ZVS E
Frequency 5 g i 5 Controlled
69 Resonant
- Recti?er
rs d
Synchronized ;
Ramp Signal 5
Generator 1
---------------------------------------------------------- .I
U.S. Patent Aug. 23,2005 Sheet 4 of 8 US 6,934,167 B2
.~ a . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - - . . . - - - - - . . . - . . - - - - - a . - - - - . . - . - . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - - - - . . . . . . . ..
:i Variable
Inverter ZVS
Full-Bridge 5
s 02 L +
ai C A Vo
$2 d
' Ramp Signal
U.S. Patent Aug. 23,2005 Sheet 5 of 8 US 6,934,167 B2
Fig. 5
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2005 Sheet 6 6f 8 US 6,934,167 B2
_ _J L 61 i
% Mi
_J 1-6.1 /
QL 6,
0 o< 0
15% w O
T \J
Q ~51
6 Lo -Ii - 1 K "ti, Q :6
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2005 Sheet 7 of 8 US 6,934,167 B2
I |
I i I
l |
I II 1
l II I
l I Ts To T1Ta\T1o T11
Fig. 7
US 6,934,167 B2
1 2
CONTACTLESS ELECTRICAL ENERGY modulated (PWM) output voltage feedback control block
TRANSMISSION SYSTEM HAVINGA controls the controlled recti?er output in response to load
PRIMARY SIDE CURRENT FEEDBACK variations. Under this arrangement, the PWM output voltage
CONTROL AND SOFT-SWITCHED feedback control block and the input-voltage feed forWard
SECONDARY SIDE RECTIFIER control block act as independent controls for regulating the
output voltage Without any feedback connection betWeen the
primary and secondary sides. FIG. 2 shoWs a more detailed
FIELD OF THE INVENTION schematic block diagram of the poWer stage and the con
Generally, the present invention relates to the ?eld of trollers shoWn in FIG. 1.
10 In conventional CEET systems, lack of any feedback
contactless electrical energy transmission (CEET) systems,
more particularly, to CEET systems that provide highly information from the secondary side to the primary side
regulated poWer to a load. prevents adjusting energy transfer from the primary side in
response to load variations that occur on the secondary side.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Thus, the maximum transferable poWer through the induc
15 tive coupling of the primary and secondary sides can vary
Contactless electrical energy transmissions are knoWn for
the convenience by Which they deliver poWer to a load. under a range of light-load to high-load conditions. Such
Generally, CEET systems transfer poWer via an air-gap variations can create extra circulating energy and conduction
inductive coupling Without there being any direct electric losses. Moreover, for pulse Width modulated control of
connection betWeen a primary side and a secondary side. As energy transfer on the secondary side, the ratio of the duty
such, in some applications, CEET systems offer distinct cycle variations can be very large at high-load and light-load
advantages over energy transmission systems that use Wires conditions. As a result, guaranteeing reliable operation over
and connectors. For example, CEET systems are preferred in the entire load range requires complex circuitry for imple
haZardous applications such as mining and underWater envi menting a suitable feedback control.
ronments due to the elimination of the sparking and the risk Finally, sWitch SS of the controlled recti?er in FIG. 2 turns
25 on With hand sWitching, i.e., When the MOSFET sWitch
of electrical shocks. Other exemplary applications that use
CEET systems include charging devices that safely and turns on When the voltage across the sWitch is equal to the
reliably transfer poWer to consumer electronic devices and output voltage. The hard sWitching is not desirable, because
medical devices. it increases conductive noise and energy loss in the CEET
A typical CEET system consists of a transmitter in the system.
primary side, a transformer, and a receiver in the secondary Therefore, there exists a need for a simple CEET solution
side. Such CEET system employs a primary inverter at the that provides a highly regulated poWer transfer betWeen the
transmitter and a secondary recti?er at the receiver. The primary and secondary sides and avoids harmful hard
inverter and recti?er are coupled to each other via the sWitching conditions.
primary and secondary Windings of the transformer. Since 35 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the primary Winding and the secondary Winding are induc
tively coupled through the air-gap, electric poWer is trans Brie?y, according to the present invention, a contactless
ferred from the primary side to the secondary side as electrical energy transmission system couples a poWer
magnetic energy obviating the need for any physical elec source to a load. The system includes a transformer having
trical interconnections. 40
a primary Winding that is coupled to the poWer source
HoWever, poWer transmission via the inductive coupling through a primary resonant circuit of an inverter and a
of the CEET transformer has certain draWbacks in terms of secondary Winding that is coupled to the load through a
loW ef?ciency and unregulated delivery of poWer to the load. secondary resonant circuit of a recti?er. The primary and
This is because the leakage inductance of the CEET trans secondary resonant circuits are inductively coupled to each
former With air-separated primary and secondary Windings 45
other. A primary control circuit is responsive to a current
is much larger than the leakage inductance of a conventional change through the primary resonant circuit to control the
transformer that uses Well interleaved primary and second sWitching frequency of a controllable sWitching device for
ary Windings. The CEET primary and secondary Windings maintaining a substantially constant energy transfer betWeen
can store high amounts of leakage inductance energy that the primary Winding and secondary Winding in response to
can cause high parasitic ringing and losses. Moreover, in either one or both of a poWer source voltage change and a
CEET systems, it is very difficult to regulate poWer trans load change.
mission mainly because there is no physical connection According to another aspect, a secondary control circuit
betWeen the primary side and the secondary side that Would generates one or more pulse Width modulated control signals
provide feedback information for regulating the poWer trans for controlling the amount of energy delivered to the load
mission. 55 under varying load conditions. The pulse Width modulated
FIG. 1 shoWs one CEET system that achieves high signals are generated in response to a voltage variation
ef?ciency by recovering the energy stored in the leakage across the load and a Zero current crossing through the
inductance of the transformer. This system, Which is more secondary resonant circuit.
fully described in US. Pat. No. 6,301,128 B1, issued to According to yet another aspect of the present invention,
Delta Electronics, Inc., the assignee of the present invention, a secondary controllable sWitching circuit is responsive to
incorporates the leakage inductance of each one of the one or more pulse Width modulated control signals. The
primary and secondary sides in its poWer stage. The primary secondary controllable sWitching circuit has one or more
side includes a variable-frequency resonant inverter and the sWitches that are activated at substantially Zero voltage to
secondary side includes a controlled recti?er. An input avoid hard sWitching conditions.
voltage feed forWard control block controls the output 65 According to some of the more detailed features of the
frequency of the variable-frequency resonant inverter in present invention, the secondary control circuit detects a
response to source voltage variations, While a pulse Width Zero current crossing through the secondary resonant circuit
US 6,934,167 B2
3 4
to generate synchronized ramp signals for controlling the FIG. 4 shoWs a more detailed block diagram of the CEET
pulse Width modulated control signals. In an exemplary system of FIG. 3 With a series resonant inverter in the
embodiment, the synchronized ramp signals are 180 out of primary side. The primary side is comprised of a pair of
phase from each other. primary sWitches SH and SL, Which are shoWn With their
antiparallel diodes. These sWitches form a primary con
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS trolled sWitching circuit. The inverter also includes a reso
nant capacitor C1,, Which is part of the primary resonant
FIG. 1 shoWs a block diagram of a knoWn CEET system; circuit. The secondary side is comprised of resonant capaci
FIG. 2 shoWs a more detailed block diagram of the CEET tor CS, diodes D1 and D2, and ?lter capacitor C. Secondary
system of FIG. 1; 10
sWitches S1 and S2, Which are also shoWn With their anti
FIG. 3 shoWs a block diagram of a CEET system accord parallel diodes, form a secondary controlled sWitching cir
ing to the present invention; cuit.
FIG. 5 shoWs an equivalent circuit to the CEET system of
FIG. 4 shoWs a more detailed block diagram of the CEET
system of FIG. 3;
the invention With leakage LP, LS, and magnetiZing LM
inductances of the transformer. To simplify the analysis, it is
FIG. 5 shoWs an equivalent circuit diagram of the CEET assumed that the input- and output-ripple voltages are neg
system of the present invention; ligible so that the voltages across the input and output ?lter
FIG. 6(a)(l) shoW various topological stages for the capacitors can be represented by constant-voltage sources
equivalent circuit of FIG. 5; V5 and V0, respectively. As such, inductive and capacitive
FIG. 7(a)(q) shoW some of the Waveforms for the elements shoWn on the primary and secondary sides create
equivalent circuit of FIG. 5; and respective primary and secondary resonant circuits that are
inductively coupled to each other.
FIG. 8 shoWs a more detailed block diagram of the CEET To further facilitate the explanation of the operation,
system of FIG. 3. FIGS. 6(a)(l) shoW topological stages of the circuit in FIG.
5 during a sWitching cycle, Whereas FIGS. 7(a)((q) shoW
25 the poWer-stage key Waveforms for operation. To further
simplify the analysis, the folloWing analysis of operation
FIG. 3 shoWs an exemplary block diagram of the CEET assumes that all semiconductor components in the circuit are
system in accordance With the present invention. The system ideal. i.e., that they exhibit Zero resistance When in the on
of FIG. 3 includes a variable frequency resonant inverter at state and in?nite resistance in the off state. Moreover, the
a primary side and a controlled recti?er at a secondary side magnetiZing current iM in FIG. 5 is in phase With resonant
that includes a load. The primary side and secondary side are current iLS. Nevertheless, these assumptions do not have any
inductively coupled through the primary and secondary signi?cant effect on the explanation of the principle of
Windings of a transformer. As shoWn, the inverter couples a operation of the proposed circuit.
poWer source having a poWer voltage V5 to the primary Before secondary sWitch S1, is turned on at t=TO, negative
Winding through a primary resonant circuit comprising 35 primary side resonant current iLP=iM+iP=iM+iLS/n ?oWs
inductive and capacitive elements in the primary side. As through leakage inductance LP, resonant capacitor C1,, and
described later in detail, a primary-current feed back fre loW-side sWitch SL, Whereas, negative secondary-side reso
quency control block controls a primary sWitching fre nant current iLS ?oWs through leakage inductance LS, reso
quency for regulating the poWer transfer betWeen the pri nant capacitor C5, output diode D2, and the antiparallel
mary and secondary sides. On the secondary side, the 40 diode of secondary sWitch S1, as shoWn in FIG. At the
recti?er, Which is a controlled Zero-voltage sWitching (ZVS) same time, output diode D1 and secondary sWitch S2 are off
recti?er, couples the secondary Winding to a load through a blocking output voltage V0, Whereas, high-side sWitch SH is
secondary resonant circuit comprising inductive and capaci off blocking input voltage VS. As a result, secondary sWitch
tive elements in the secondary side. The primary resonant S1 turns on With ZVS at t=TO, as shoWn in FIG. 6(a).
circuit and the secondary resonant circuit are inductively 45 After secondary sWitch S1 is turned on, the direction of
coupled each other through the primary and secondary the resonant current is not changed until loW-side sWitch SL
Windings of the transformer. is turned off at t=T1. After loW-side sWitch SL is turned off
In accordance With one aspect of the present invention, at t=T1, resonant current iLP ?oWing through sWitch SL is
current through the primary Winding is controlled in diverted from the sWitch to its output capacitance COSSL, as
response to a sensed current change that is caused by a shoWn in FIG. 6(b). As a result, the voltage across sWitch SL
poWer voltage VS or a load change. As such either one of a starts increasing, Whereas the voltage across high-side
poWer voltage change or load change or both regulate the sWitch SH starts decreasing, as illustrated in FIGS. 7(c) and
poWer transfer betWeen the primary and secondary sides. 7(a) since the sum of the voltage across sWitches SL and SH
More speci?cally, a primary controllable sWitching device is equal to input voltage VS. When the voltage across
has a sWitching frequency that controls the current ?oW 55 high-side sWitch SH reaches Zero at t=T2, i.e., When output
through the primary Winding. This aspect of the present capacitance COSSH of high-side sWitch SH fully discharged,
invention senses primary resonant current changes for con the antiparallel diode of high-side sWitch SH begins to
trolling the sWitching frequency of the primary controllable conduct, as shoWn in FIG. 6(a). At the same time, loW-side
sWitching device so that the transferred poWer through the sWitch SL is off blocking input voltage VS. Because after
transformer is automatically maintained constant relative to t=T2 input voltage V5 is connected to the resonant circuit,
poWer voltage V5 and load changes. Also, as described later the resonant current starts increasing. This topological stage
in detail, in accordance With another aspect of the present ends at t=T4 When iLP reaches Zero and the antiparallel diode
invention, a secondary current Zero-cross detection block is of high-side sWitch SH stops conducting. As can be seen
used With a synchroniZed ramp signal generator to control a from FIG. 7(6), to achieve ZVS of SH, it is necessary to turn
pulse Width modulated (PWM) feedback control block that 65 on SH While its antiparallel diode is conducting.
provides tightly regulated control over a Wide range of load In FIG. 7(a), high-side sWitch SH is turned on at t=T3 With
conditions. ZVS. As a result, after t=T4 resonant current iLP continues to
US 6,934,167 B2
5 6
How through closed switch SH, as shown in FIG. 6(6). the primary and secondary sides over the entire range of
Because of the assumption that currents iM and iLS are in power voltage V5 and load variations. Consequently, the
phase with current in), when the direction of current iLP is CEET system of the invention provides a tight regulation of
reversed at t=T4, the direction of iM and iLS is also reversed, delivered power over the entire load and power source
as illustrated in FIGS. 7(e)7(g). Consequently, at t=T4 voltage ranges without a physical feedback connection
current iLS which was ?owing through output diode D2 and between the primary side and secondary side. As sated
the antiparallel diode of switch S1, is diverted to the anti above, the primary switching frequency f5 is controlled to
parallel diode of switch S2 and switch S1, as shown in FIG. keep the magnitude of the primary current constant, so that
6(6). This topological stage ends at t=T5, when secondary the maximum transferable power through the inductive
switch S1 is turned off. 10 coupling is automatically kept constant without an eXcessive
After secondary switch S1 is turned off at t=T5, primary circulating energy.
side resonant current iLP ?ows through leakage inductance
Preferably, the range of the primary switching frequency
LP, resonant capacitor C1,, and high-side switch SH, f5 is set to be higher than the primary resonant frequency to
whereas, secondary-side resonant current iLS ?ows through
leakage inductance LS, resonant capacitor C5, output diode provide a Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) arrangement for the
15 primary switches SH and SL, thereby avoiding hard switch
D1, and the antiparallel diode of secondary switch S2, as
ing conditions. Alternatively, the primary switching fre
shown in FIG. 60). As a result, secondary switch S2 can be quency f5 can be set to be lower than the primary resonant
turned on with ZVS at t=T6, as shown in FIG. 6(g). This
frequency primary to operate the primary switches SH and
topological stage ends at t=T7, when high-side switch SH is
SL with a Zero current switching (ZCS) arrangement.
turned off. After high-side switch SH is turned off at t=T7,
resonant current iLP ?owing through switch SH is diverted In accordance with another aspect of the present
from the switch to its output capacitance COSSH, as shown in invention, the CEET system provides the output voltage
FIG. As a result, output capacitance COSSH is being feedback controller with a constant PWM gain over the
charged, whereas output capacitance COSSL is being dis entire load range using synchroniZed ramp signals. The
charged. When output capacitance COSSL is fully discharged diodes D1 and D2, which form the secondary recti?er, are
at t=T8, the antiparallel diode of low-side switch SL begins controlled by a secondary control block. The secondary
to conduct, as shown in FIG. 6(i). At the same time, control block uses a ZVS PWM control to maintain a tight
high-side switch SH is off blocking input voltage VS. This regulation of the output voltage in the presence of a varying
topological stage ends at t=T1O when iLP reaches Zero and load. The secondary control block includes two PWM
the antiparallel diode of low-side switch SL stops conduct modulators that are responsive to the output voltage varia
ing. To achieve ZVS of SL, it is necessary to turn on SL while tions and the synchroniZed ramp signals for controlling the
its antiparallel diode is conducting. In FIG. 7, low-side secondary switches S1 and S2 during various load conditions
switch SL is turned on at t=T9 with ZVS. As a result, after including light load and high load conditions. Under this
t=T1O resonant current iLP continues to How through closed Arrangement, a sensed output voltage VOGENSE) is com
switch SL, as shown in FIG. As shown in FIGS. 6(k) and 35 pared with a reference voltage VREF at the input of an error
7, after t=T1O, the direction of currents in), iM, and iLS are with compensation ampli?er. A generated error signal VEA at
reversed so that current iLP ?ows through SL, whereas, the output of the error ampli?er is compared with ramp
current iLS ?ows through switch S2 and the antiparallel diode signals VRAMPJL and VRAMP2. Ramp signals VRAMPJL and
of switch S1, as shown in FIG. 6(k). The circuit stays in this VRAMP2 are synchroniZed to the Zero crossing of the sec
topological stage until the neXt switching cycle is initiated at ondary resonant current and 180 out of phase each other as
t=T12. shown in FIGS. 7(h) and 7(i). By the comparisons between
As can be seen, the voltage stress of switches SH and SL error signal VEA and ramp signals VRAMP1, and VRAMP2, gate
is always limited to input voltage VS while the voltage stress signals S1 and S2 are generated as shown in FIGS. and
of S1, S2, D1, and D2 are always limited to the output voltage
V0. 45
According to another aspect of the present invention, the
FIG. 8 shows an exemplary implementation of the CEET gate signals are generated such that the secondary switches
system of the present invention. The primary side includes S1 and S2 turn on when their antiparallel diodes are con
a primary control block that uses current feed back for ducting. As a result, the CEET system of the present
frequency control. The primary control block comprises an invention not only provides ZVS for the primary switches
error ampli?er with compensator that receives a sensed SH and SL but also for the secondary switches S1 and S2.
primary current IPRGENSE) and a reference current signal When S1 and S2 are shorted, i.e., turned on, the load is
IREF. Because of the primary and secondary resonant circuits separated from the secondary resonant circuit, causing less
are inductively coupled to each other, the sensed primary damped resonance and thereby increasing the secondary
current IPRGENSE) varies relative to the power voltage VS resonant current. This is because the secondary resonant
changes as well as load changes. Based on the inputted 55 current does not go through the load and is bypassed through
sensed primary current IPRGENSE) and reference current the S1 and S2 causing a short circuit with no damping that
signal IREF, the error ampli?er circuit generates an error results in the secondary resonant current to increase.
signal VC, which is applied to a voltage controlled oscillator Because of the inductive coupling provided by the primary
(VCO). The VCO output sets the primary switching fre and secondary windings, the increased current is sensed at
quency f5 used to control the primary controlled switching the primary side. Based on the increased sensed current, the
circuit, which includes primary switches SH and SL. Adriver primary control block Increases the switching frequency to
controls the switching states of the primary switches SH and maintain constant current through the primary winding.
SL by turning them on and off in accordance with the In case of above resonant frequency operation, when the
primary switching frequency f5. switching frequency is reduced, higher current and thus
Because the primary switching frequency f5 controls the 65 more energy is delivered to the load. Conversely, when the
current ?ow through the primary winding, the disclosed switching frequency is increased, lower current and thus less
arrangement maintains a constant energy transfer between energy is delivered to the load. This can happen when S1 and
US 6,934,167 B2
7 8
S2 are opened, i.e., turned off. As a result, the load is sive to the pulse Width modulated control signal, Wherein the
connected in series to the secondary resonant circuit increas sWitch is activated at a substantially Zero voltage.
ing resonance damping, Which reduces secondary resonant 6. The system of claim 5, Wherein the secondary control
current ?oW. As a result, sensed resonant current at the circuit detects a Zero current crossing through said second
primary side is reduced, thereby reducing the primary ary resonant circuit to generate synchroniZed ramp signals
sWitching frequency to maintain constant current through for controlling the at least one pulse Width modulated
the primary Winding. It should be noted that S1 and S2 control signal.
operate at the same frequency as the primary side sWitches 7. The system of claim 6, Wherein the synchroniZed ramp
SL and SH. signals are 180 out of phase With respect to each other.
In an exemplary implementation, the performance of the 8. A contactless electrical energy transmission system for
CEET system of the invention Was evaluated on a 36-W (12 coupling a poWer source to a load, comprising:
V/3 A), universal-line-range (90265 VAC) prototype circuit a transformer having a primary Winding and a secondary
operating over a sWitching frequency range from 125 kHZ to Winding;
328 kHZ. The experimental circuit Was implemented With an inverter coupling said poWer source to said primary
the folloWing components: sWitches SH and SLIRF840; Winding through a primary resonant circuit;
secondary sWitch S1 and S2SI4810DY; and output diode a primary controllable sWitching device responsive to a
D1 and D2=MBR2045CT. Inductive coupling transformer T sWitching frequency that controls How of current
Was built using a pair of modi?ed ferrite cores (EER28-3F3) through said primary Winding;
With the primary Winding (80 turns of AWG#44/75 strands a secondary recti?er coupling said secondary Winding to
LitZ Wire) and the secondary Winding (18 turns of AWG#42/ said load through a secondary resonant circuit that is
150 strands LitZ Wire). The control circuit Was implemented inductively coupled to the primary resonant circuit; and
With controllers UC3863, LM319, AD817, and LM393. A a secondary control circuit that generates at least one
TL431 voltage-reference ICs is used for an output voltage pulse Width modulated control signal for controlling
reference for the locally controlled recti?er. An IR2110 the amount of energy delivered to the load, Wherein the
driver is used to generate the required gate-drive signals for 25
at least one pulse Width modulated signal is generated
sWitches SH and SL. TWo TC4420 drivers are used to in response to a voltage variation across the load and a
generate the required gate-drive signals for sWitches S1 and Zero current crossing through said secondary resonant
S2. The output voltage of the experimental circuit is Well circuit.
regulated With a voltage ripple less than 2% over the entire 9. The system of claim 8 further including a primary
input-voltage range. The measured ef?ciencies are approxi control circuit responsive to a current change through said
mately 84.4% at full load and minimum input voltage and primary resonant circuit to control the sWitching frequency
approximately 78.5% at full load and maximum input volt of said primary controllable sWitching device for maintain
age. ing a substantially constant energy transfer betWeen the
What is claimed is: primary Winding and secondary Winding in response to at
1. A contactless electrical energy transmission system for least one of a poWer source voltage change and a load
coupling a poWer source to a load, comprising: change.
a transformer having a primary Winding and a secondary 10. The system of claim 8 further including a secondary
Winding; controllable sWitching circuit that is responsive to the at
an inverter coupling said poWer source to said primary least one pulse Width modulated control signal for delivering
Winding through a primary resonant circuit; energy to the load.
a primary controllable sWitching device responsive to a 11. The system of claim 10, Wherein the secondary
sWitching frequency that controls the How of current controllable sWitching device includes at least one sWitch
through said primary Winding; responsive to the pulse Width modulated control signal,
a recti?er coupling said secondary Winding to said load Wherein the sWitch is activated at a substantially Zero
through a secondary resonant circuit that is inductively 45
coupled to the primary resonant circuit; and 12. The system of claim 8, Wherein the secondary control
circuit detects a Zero current crossing through said second
a primary control circuit responsive to a current change
ary resonant circuit to generate synchroniZed ramp signals
through said primary resonant circuit to control the
for controlling the at least one pulse Width modulated
sWitching frequency for maintaining a substantially control signal.
constant energy transfer betWeen the primary Winding
13. The system of claim 12, Wherein the synchroniZed
and secondary Winding in response to at least one of a
ramp signals are 180 out of phase With respect to each other.
poWer source voltage change and a load change.
14. A contactless electrical energy transmission system
2. The system of claim 1 further including a secondary
for coupling a poWer source to a load, comprising:
controllable sWitching device that is responsive to a load
change for controlling the amount of energy delivered to the 55
a transformer having a primary Winding and a secondary
load. Winding;
3. The system of claim 2, Wherein the secondary control an inverter coupling said poWer source to said primary
lable sWitching device is responsive to at least one pulse Winding through a primary resonant circuit;
Width modulated control signal for controlling the amount of a primary controllable sWitching device having a sWitch
energy delivered to the load. ing frequency that controls How of current through said
4. The system of claim 3, Wherein a secondary control primary Winding;
circuit generates the at least one pulse Width modulated a recti?er coupling said secondary Winding of said trans
control signal in response to at least one of a voltage former to said load through a secondary resonant circuit
variation across the load and a Zero current crossing detec that is inductively coupled to the primary resonant
tion through said secondary resonant circuit. 65 circuit; and
5. The system of claim 4, Wherein the secondary control a secondary controllable sWitching circuit responsive to at
lable sWitching device includes at least one sWitch respon least one pulse Width modulated control signal having
US 6,934,167 B2
9 10
at least one switching element that is switched at 17. The system of claim 14, Wherein the secondary
substantially Zero voltage. controllable sWitching device includes at least one sWitch for
15. The system of claim 14 further including a primary generating the pulse Width modulated control signal,
control circuit responsive to current changes through said Wherein the sWitch is activated at a substantially Zero
primary resonant circuit to control the sWitching frequency 5 voltage.
of said controllable sWitching device for maintaining a 18. The system of claim 16, Wherein the secondary control
substantially constant energy transfer betWeen the primary circuit detects a Zero current crossing through said second
Winding and secondary Winding in response to at least one ary resonant circuit to generate synchroniZed ramp signals
of a poWer source voltage change and a load change. for controlling the at least one pulse Width modulated
16. The system of claim 14 further including a secondary 10 control signal.
control circuit that generates the at least one pulse Width 19. The system of claim 18, Wherein the synchroniZed
modulated control signal in response to least one of a voltage ramp signals are 180 out of phase With respect to each other.
variation across the load and a Zero current crossing detec
tion through said secondary resonant circuit. * * * * *