Properties of Gas Condensates - Reservoir Fluid Studies
Properties of Gas Condensates - Reservoir Fluid Studies
Properties of Gas Condensates - Reservoir Fluid Studies
gas samples must be taken immediately at the top of the separator before the gas
reaches a valve or meter. The liquid samples must be taken immediately below the
separator before the liquid encounters a valve or dump-meter (and never from the
bottom of a sight-glass).
Separator sampling also involves carefully controlling and measuring the gas and
condensate rates from the separator. The separator gas-oil ratio must be reported. The
temperature and pressure of the fluids in the separator must be carefully controlled
and their values reported. These data are necessary for recombining the separator
gas and separator liquid, both for calculating the reservoir gas composition and for
physically combining these fluids for use in the Constant Composition Expansion
and the Constant Volume Depletion procedures.
Several service companies have recently developed a procedure that involves
sending a tool downhole, which will insert a probe into the formation before casing
is set in the well (i.e., open hole). The tools extract samples from the formation and
can assess the quality of the samples (mud filtrate contamination, etc.) before the
tool is closed and the samples brought to the surface. Experience has shown that
samples taken in this way can be representative of the reservoir gas condensate.
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Table 8–1. Typical gas condensate reservoir fluid study (courtesy Core Laboratories, Inc.).
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Table 8–1. Cont.
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Table 8–1. Cont.
Next, the three major tests performed during a gas condensate reservoir fluid
study will be described. Chapter 9 will show how the results of these tests can be
used to predict the potential recoveries of surface gases and stock-tank condensate.
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
The compositions of the separator gas and liquid are measured and a
recombination calculation is made to determine the composition of the reservoir
gas. Usually these compositions are measured using chromatography. The process
of determining the reservoir gas composition from the compositions of the separator
fluids is as follows.
Sometimes the separator gas-oil ratio is reported by the sampling people in
standard cubic feet of separator gas per stock-tank barrel. If so, it must be converted
to standard cubic feet of separator gas per separator barrel by dividing by the ratio
of volume of separator liquid to volume of stock-tank liquid, which is normally
given as a part of the compositional analysis report.
Values of the density and apparent molecular weight of the separator liquid must
be calculated as a first step in this procedure. Density (ρSPO) can be calculated using
composition with the procedures of chapter 14. The apparent molecular weight of
the separator liquid (MSPO) is calculated exactly like the apparent molecular weight
of gas (equation 5–35); values result during the density calculation.
The procedure for calculating liquid density using the composition of the liquid
as outlined in chapter 14 was originally developed for reservoir oils at bubblepoint
pressure. This procedure can be used for separator liquids at separator pressures
and temperatures. Simply use the separator liquid composition in equations 14–17
through 14–20, equations 14–26 and 14–27 if needed, and use separator conditions
for pressure and temperature in equations 14–22 and 14–24. Step one of example
14–6 shows that the apparent molecular weight of the liquid is calculated as a part
of the procedure.
The next step is conversion of the separator gas/separator liquid ratio in standard
cubic feet of separator gas per separator barrel (SP gas scf/SP bbl) to units of
pound moles of separator gas per pound mole of separator oil (lb mol SP gas/lb
mol SPO).
lb mol of j SP feed
njSPSP = ngSPSP × yj + xj , ————————– (8–3)
lb mol SP oil
The results are added to obtain nSPSP in terms of pound moles of reservoir gas
per pound mole of separator oil.
lb mol SP feed
, ———————
lb mol SPO
njSPSP lb mol j
zj = ——– , ———– (8–5)
nSPSP lb mol T
Example 8–1a. Separator gas and separator liquid were sampled. The sampling
personnel reported separator conditions of 410 psig and 90°F
and also a producing gas-oil ratio at the time of sampling of
5,691.5 SP scf/STB. Laboratory analysis gave the compositions
listed below. Also, the laboratory reported a separator/stock-tank
volume ratio of 1.523 bbl SP liquid at separator conditions per
stock-tank barrel at standard conditions. Calculate the composition
of the feed stream to the separator (this will be the reservoir fluid
composition, if properly done).
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
First, calculate the density and apparent molecular weight of the separator liquid
(at separator conditions) using the procedure from example 14–6.
Component xj Mj Mj ρj xjMj /ρj
CO2 0.0721 44.010 3.173
N2 0.0009 28.014 0.025
C1 0.0724 16.042 1.162
C2 0.0457 30.069 1.374
C3 0.1567 44.096 6.910 31.644 0.2185
i- C4 0.0496 58.122 2.883 35.110 0.0821
n- C4 0.0832 58.122 4.836 36.428 0.1328
i- C5 0.0415 72.149 2.994 38.955 0.0769
n- C5 0.0538 72.149 3.882 39.362 0.0986
C6 0.0719 86.175 6.196 41.415 0.1497
C7+ 0.3522 159.000 56.000 51.772 1.0817
1.0000 MSPO = 89.435 1.8402
83.701 lb
ρC3t = ——— = 45.48 —— (14–17)
1.8402 cu ft
W1 = ——— = 0.0130 (14–18)
W2 = ——— = 0.0164 (14–19)
45.48 lb
ρpo = ——— = 44.46 —— (14–20)
1.0229 cu ft
∆ρp = 0.1580 —— (14–22)
cu ft
ρbs = 45.58 – 0.1580 = 44.63 —— (14–23)
cu ft
∆ρT = 0.9741 —— (14–24)
cu ft
ρSPO = 44.63 – 0.9741 = 43.63 —— (14–25)
cu ft
Third, calculate njSPSP, nSPSP, and zj using equations 8–2 and 8–3.
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Second, the mass in pound moles of the heptanes plus fraction of the reservoir
fluid is calculated, again on the basis of the quantity of separator liquid in
pound moles.
The molecular weight of the plus fraction in the reservoir fluid is mC7+ /nC7+ .
MC7+ = —— (8–8)
The procedure for calculating the specific gravity of the heptanes plus requires
first calculating the volume, in cubic feet, of the total (separator gas plus separator
liquid) heptanes plus fraction on the basis of the quantity of separator liquid in
pound moles.
This volume is divided into the mass of total heptanes plus calculated in equation
8–6 to obtain the density of the heptanes plus fraction in the reservoir fluid.
ρC7+ = —— (8–10)
V C7+
The specific gravity of the heptanes plus fraction in the reservoir fluid is this
density divided by the density of pure water at standard conditions: 62.368 lb/cu ft.
Example 8–1b. Complete example 8–1a by calculating the molecular weight and
specific gravity of the plus fraction of the reservoir fluid.
First, determine the necessary input data from example 8–1a.
xC7+ = 0.3522
yC7+ = 0.0008
MgC7+ = 103 lb C7+ gas/lb mol C7+ gas
MLC7+ = 159 lb C7+ liquid/lb mol C7+ liquid
γgC7+ = 0.7333
γLC7+ = 0.8293
ngSPSP = 3.258 lb mol SP gas/lb mol SP liquid
Second, calculate the molecular weight of heptanes plus in the reservoir fluid.
mC7+ = 56.295 lb C7+ total/lb mol SP liquid (8–6)
tHe PRoPeRtieS oF PetRoleuM FluidS, tHiRd edition
Third, calculate the specific gravity of heptanes plus in the reservoir fluid.
These examples have heptanes plus as the plus fraction. The same procedure can
be used for any reservoir fluid, regardless of the composition of the plus fraction.
Results of the types of calculations illustrated in examples 8–1a and 8–1b are
given on pages 6/17 and 7/17 of table 8–1.
Hg Hg Liquid
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
The laboratory cell has a window so that the dewpoint can be observed and the
dewpoint pressure determined. The volume measured at each step is divided by the
volume at the dewpoint and reported as relative volume on page 8/17 of table 8–1.
The gas z-factor (deviation factor) is calculated for pressures greater than and
equal to the dewpoint pressure with knowledge of the mass of gas charged into the
cell in pound moles along with the measured cell pressure and volume. Equation
5–39 is used for these calculations. Again, see page 8/17 of table 8–1.
The volume of condensate in the laboratory cell at pressures below the dewpoint
pressure is measured and reported, stepwise, as a percent of the total volume of gas
and condensate in the cell at that pressure. See page 8/17 of table 8–1.
Some laboratories calculate the gas expansion factor, bg, which is the reciprocal
of the gas formation volume factor, for the both the initial reservoir pressure and
the dewpoint pressure. See equations 6–1 through 6–3 and example 6–1. These can
be seen at the bottom of page 8/17. The reason for reporting these properties will
become apparent in chapter 9.
First, divide all volumes in the data set by the volume at the dewpoint pressure
(Vd ) to determine relative volumes. For instance, at 5,300 psig,
94.134 cu cm
relative volume = ——————– = 0.9261
101.646 cu cm
cu ft
Vsc = 22,841 std cu cm × ——————————– = 0.80662 scf
0.02831685 × 106 cu cm
0.80662 scf
ni = —————– = 0.002173 lb mol
371.2 ———
lb mol
Note that the standard conditions for this reservoir fluid study (see pages 1/17, 4/17, or
8/17 of the report) are different than the standard conditions used in this book. Thus the
value of the conversion factor from standard cubic foot to pound moles, 371.2 scf/lb mol,
is slightly different than the conversion factor calculated in example 5–14.
Third, calculate z-factors. For instance, at 5,300 psig,
z = —— (5–39)
cu ft
V = 94.134 cu cm × ——————————— = 0.003324 cu ft
0.02831685 × 106 cu cm
z = —————————————— = 1.031
(0.002173)(10.732)(275 + 460)
Fourth, calculate liquid volume percent as a percent of the total volume of gas
and liquid at the indicated pressure and temperature. For instance, at 2,300 psig,
liquid volume percent = ———– × 100 = 7.8%
1 zscTscp
gas expansion factor, bg = — = ——— (6–1)
Bg zTpsc
Chapter 8 | PRoPeRtieS oF GaS CondenSateS: ReSeRvoiR Fluid StudieS
Gas Gas
Gas Gas
V Gas V V
Gas Liquid
Liquid Liquid
Hg Hg Hg
Hg Hg
The results of a typical constant volume depletion can be found on pages 9/17
and 11/17 on table 8–1.
The size of the pressure reduction for each step is large enough to produce
sufficient gas so that the composition (and properties of the plus fraction) can be
measured. The quantity of this gas in standard cubic centimeters is also measured.
The mass in pound moles of gas removed is calculated as illustrated in example
5–15. The mass of gas plus condensate left in the cell is calculated by difference.
The quantity of gas removed at cell conditions is also determined by difference
of the cell volumes between the first and second parts of each depletion step.
The volume of this gas at reservoir conditions divided by the volume at standard
conditions is the gas formation volume factor from which the gas z-factor can be
calculated using equation 6–1. This z-factor is called equilibrium gas on page 11/17
of table 8–1.
Equation 5–39 can be used to calculate the two-phase z-factor for each
depletion step. Input data for this calculation are the total mass in the cell (gas plus
condensate), the total volume in the cell (gas plus condensate), the cell pressure at
each depletion step, and the temperature.
Gas viscosity is calculated with a correlation, usually equations 6–28 through
The last line of page 11/17 of table 8–1 states “Wellstream produced –
Cumulative percent of initial.” This is not exactly correct. The numbers are the
cumulative percent of production starting at the dewpoint pressure. These numbers
can be considered standard cubic foot produced per standard cubic foot in the
reservoir at dewpoint pressure or pound mole of gas produced per pound moles
of gas in the reservoir at dewpoint pressure, as needed (both multiplied by 100 to
get percent).
The constant volume depletion procedure mimics the production of a gas
condensate reservoir for the situation in which no water encroaches from an aquifer
and no fluid is injected (i.e., a constant volume reservoir). The condensate is left
in the laboratory cell because the condensate in a gas condensate reservoir is not
produced. Only at the end of the laboratory procedure is the condensate sampled and
its composition measured, reported as the last column on page 11/ 17 of table 8–1.
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
First, calculate the molar volume at standard conditions for this particular reservoir.
Second, convert the initial charge to mass in pound moles and calculate the
initial cell volume in reservoir cubic feet (res cu ft).
cu cm
22,841 std cu cm/0.02831685 × 106 ——– = 0.80662 scf
cu ft
ni = 0.80662 scf/371.2 ——— = 0.002173 lb mol
lb mol
cu cm
Vi = 101.646 res cu cm/0.02831685 × 106 ——– = 0.003590 res cu ft
cu ft
Third, calculate the reservoir volume of gas removed. For instance, at 3,900 psig,
111.503 – 101.646 = 9.857 res cu cm
Fourth, calculate the gas formation volume factor. For instance, at 3,900 psig,
Bg = ——— (6–1)
Sixth, convert the volume of gas removed into mass in pound moles. For
instance, at 3,900 psig,
std cu cm
2,001.1 std cu cm/0.02831685 × 106 ————– = 0.070668 scf
0.070668 scf/371.2 ——— = 0.000190 lb mol
lb mol
Seventh, calculate the total mass remaining in the cell. For instance, at 3,900 psig,
cu cm
V2PH = 101.646 res cu cm/0.02831685 × 106 ——— = 0.003590 res cu ft
cu ft
pV2PH (3,914.7)(0.003590)
z2PH = ———– = —————————————– = 0.899
n2PHRT (0.001983)(10.732)(275 + 460)
2,001.1 std cu cm
wellstream produced = ———————– × 100 = 8.761%
22,841 std cu cm
Tenth, calculate the retrograde liquid volume. For instance, at 3,900 psig,
5.0823 res cu cm
retrograde liquid volume = ———————— × 100 = 5.0%
101.646 res cu cm
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
These calculations are very accurate if done with K-factors from a good
correlation. If done with an unturned equation of state or an equation of state tuned
to reservoir data, the accuracy of the results cannot be predicted but are suspect.
The term GPM in the lower tables of page 17/17 indicates the quantity of various
liquids that could be produced by sending either the separator gases or the entire
wellstream (as indicated) to a plant operating at 100% separation efficiency. GPM
means gallons of liquid produced in the plant per thousand standard cubic feet of
gas sent to the plant, or gallons per thousand (see chapter 5).
The calculated results reported on page 17/17 are combined with the cumulative
production data from the bottom of page 11/17 to calculate the cumulative
recoveries given on page 14/17. The numbers on this page are called factors and are
based on 1,000 Mscf of gas (as indicated on the upper left-hand corner). It is better
to think of this as MMscf. The factors in the column “Initial In-Place” are used for
calculations at pressures from initial pressure to dewpoint pressure. The columns
to the right, listed under the pressures for the various CVD depletion steps starting
at the dewpoint pressure, show cumulative factors—these are used for calculations
at pressures less than the dewpoint pressure. These factors are cumulative so only
the factors in the column for the selected abandonment pressure will be used. These
calculation procedures are illustrated in chapter 9.
8–1. Name the three laboratory procedures normally performed for a gas
condensate reservoir fluid study.
8–2. You are preparing a reservoir engineering study for the gas condensate
reservoir represented by the reservoir fluid study RFL 88002. Determine the
values of the following items.
Reservoir conditions at the time of sampling, psig and °F __________________
Dewpoint pressure, psig ___________________________________________________
Location of the sampling point ____________________________________________
Composition of the heptanes plus in the original reservoir fluid, mole percent
Maximum liquid dropout during CVD, % _________________________________
Gas z-factor at 275°F and 3,200 psig _______________________________________
Stock-tank liquid factor for use at pressures above dewpoint pressure, STB
Producing gas-condensate ratio (primary + secondary separator gases)
for use at pressures equal to and greater than dewpoint pressure, scf/STB
8–3. You are preparing a reservoir engineering study for the gas condensate
reservoir represented by the reservoir fluid study RFL 88002. Determine the
values of the following items.
Separator conditions at the time of sampling, psig and °F _________________
Depth of the producing interval, ft _________________________________________
Name of the formation ____________________________________________________
Molecular weight of the heptanes plus in the original reservoir fluid,
Specific gravity of the original reservoir fluid _______________________________
Gas z-factor at 275°F and 5,300 psig _______________________________________
Stock-tank liquid factor for use at an abandonment pressure of 1,200 psig,
STB/MMscf @ pd _________________________________________________________
Producing gas-condensate ratio (primary separator gas only) at pressures
equal to and greater than dewpoint pressure, scf/STB ______________________
Producing gas-condensate ratio (primary separator gas only) at an average
reservoir pressure of 2,500 psig, scf/STB __________________________________
Stock-tank liquid gravity at an average reservoir pressure of 2,500 psig,
°API ______________________________________________________________________
8–4. You are preparing a reservoir engineering study for the gas condensate
reservoir represented by the reservoir fluid study RFL 88002. Determine
values of the following items.
Quantity of liquid propane that can be produced in a plant from the total gas
produced at pressures greater than the dewpoint pressure, GPM ______________
Quantity of liquid propane which can be produced in a plant from the total
gas produced when the average reservoir pressure is 1,800 psig, GPM
Molecular weight of the heptanes plus in the original reservoir gas
Molecular weight of the heptanes plus in the gas produced when the average
reservoir pressure is 1,200 psig ___________________________________________
Composition of the heptanes plus in the original reservoir fluid, mole percent
Composition of the heptanes plus in the gas produced when the average
reservoir pressure is 2,500 psig, mole percent _____________________________
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
8–5. The compositions of gas and liquid samples taken from a separator are
given below. The separator production was stabilized at 945 scf/STB.
Laboratory measurement indicated a separator/stock-tank volume ratio of
1.052 sp bbl/STB. The density and molecular weight of the separator liquid,
calculated with procedures given in chapter 14, is 49.64 lb/cu ft and 160.4
lb/lb mol at separator conditions of 115 psia and 100°F.
You may assume that the heptanes plus fraction of the separator gas has a
molecular weight of 103 lb/lb mol and a specific gravity of 0.7.
Producing gas-oil ratio remained constant prior to sampling, so you may
assume that the reservoir fluid is single phase. Calculate the composition of
the reservoir fluid. What type of reservoir fluid is this?
8–6. Continue exercise 8–5. Calculate the molecular weight and specific gravity
of the recombined fluid.
8–7. Samples of gas and liquid are taken from a first-stage separator operating at
500 psia and 75°F. The separator gas-oil ratio is constant at 2,347 SP scf/SP bbl.
The compositions of the samples are given in the table below (assume that
the C7+ of the separator gas has a molecular weight of 103 lb/lb mol and a
specific gravity of 0.7). The density and molecular weight of the separator
liquid at separator conditions, calculated with procedures given in chapter
15, are 47.67 lb/cu ft and 127.0 lb/lb mol. Calculate the composition of the
reservoir fluid. What type of reservoir fluid is this?
bg Gas expansion factor, which is the reciprocal of the gas formation
volume factor, Mscf/res bbl of gas
Bg Gas formation volume factor, res bbl of gas/Mscf
mC7+ Mass of heptanes plus in reservoir fluid, lb/lb mol SP liquid
MC7+ Molecular weight of heptanes plus in reservoir fluid, lb/lb mol
MgC7+ Molecular weight of heptanes plus in gas, lb/lb mol
Mj Molecular weight of component j, lb/lb mol
MSPO Molecular weight of separator liquid, lb/lb mol
MLC7+ Molecular weight of heptanes plus in liquid, lb/lb mol
n Mass, lb mol
nC7+ Mass of heptanes plus in reservoir fluid, lb mol/lb mol SP liquid
ni Initial mass charge to laboratory cell in either CCE or CVD, lb mols
nj Mass of component j, lb mol
ngSPSP Separator gas-oil ratio, SP gas lb mol/SPO lb mol
Chapter 8 | Properties of Gas Condensates: Reservoir Fluid Studies
Δρp Density adjustment from pstd to pSP defined by equation 14–22, lb/cu ft
ΔρT Density adjustment from Tstd to TSP defined by equation 14–24, lb/cu ft
CCE Constant composition expansion (laboratory procedure); also called
constant mass expansion, CME
CVD Constant volume depletion (laboratory procedure)
GPM Gallons of liquid per thousand standard cubic feet of input gas produced
in a plant
PVT Pressure-volume-temperature
res Reservoir
scf Gas volume, measured or calculated at standard conditions, standard
cubic feet
std Standard, refers to standard conditions
sp Separator
SPO Separator liquid; this is condensate but often called oil
ST Stock tank
STB Stock-tank barrels, volume of stock-tank liquid at standard conditions,
z-factor Gas compressibility factor (defined in chapter 5), also called gas
deviation factor
1. McCain, Properties of Petroleum Fluids, 2nd ed., 374–394.