12th Grade Passage For Teachers Only With Answer Key
12th Grade Passage For Teachers Only With Answer Key
12th Grade Passage For Teachers Only With Answer Key
The Panama Canal was officially opened yesterday when a large vessel of the
War Department, the Ancon, went through from ocean to ocean. The event was
celebrated locally–it was a public holiday along the isthmus–and from New
Orleans and other cities interested in the canal and expecting to use it and profit
by it, congratulatory telegrams poured in. The big affair will not come for several
months. It has been expected and arranged for that every maritime nation should
send some of its crack men-of-war to take part in a great naval parade through
the canal next year, and naval displays were proposed for New York, New
Orleans and San Francisco. Invitations had been extended to all countries, and
even Switzerland had been asked to have some vessel as its representative at
Because of the European trouble and the generally demoralized condition of the
world’s merchant marine, the canal will not be used for commerce at the start to
the extent that we had hoped for, and it will not be fair to take the first few
months’ record as giving any idea what it will do. It is probable that a very large
amount of the steamship tonnage going through the canal will be American
coastwise vessels running between our Pacific and the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
It is gratifying to know that these vessels will include one or more lines from New
Orleans, so that this city will get the share of the canal business it has expected.
While there may be some slight disappointment over the fact that the canal was
completed during a period of war, when it will not receive the attention it
deserves, Americans will realize how much it means for us, how opportune it is.
We can now send vessels to the Atlantic or Pacific as we wish, and be ready for
any emergency in either ocean. Let us note that it is completed just in time,
when, because of the European war, America has been given an opportunity to
extend its merchant marine and its commerce. We will enter the trade of the
Pacific under the most encouraging circumstances and conditions.
All Americans will hail this great work of American genius, enterprise, courage
and skill, the greatest engineering feat ever accomplished or even attempted by
any land. In that rejoicing New Orleans, as the nearest American port to the
canal, heartily and enthusiastically joins.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
1. The text says "naval displays were proposed for New York, New
Orleans and San Francisco." Why do you think these cities were
mentioned especially?
2. The text refers to the plan for all countries to participate, "even
Switzerland." Why do you think it singled out Switzerland?
3. The article is from a New Orleans newspaper. Cite one quotation from
the text that shows the article has a distinct point of view for New Orleans
1. The text says "naval displays were proposed for New York, New Orleans and San
Francisco." Why do you think these cities were mentioned especially? Those three
cities are the major ports on the three major bodies of water for the US: the Atlantic
Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean.
2. The text refers to the plan for all countries to participate, "even Switzerland." Why
do you think it singled out Switzerland? Example of correct answer: Switzerland is a
landlocked country and has no ocean port, so the canal would have little use for that
3. The article is from a New Orleans newspaper. Cite one quotation from the text that
shows the article has a distinct point of view for New Orleans readers. Example of
correct answer: "It is gratifying to know that these vessels will include one or more
lines from New Orleans, so that this city will get the share of the canal business it has
4. What does demoralized mean here: "the generally demoralized condition of the
world’s merchant marine"? Discouraged or depressed