Bio Dimple Verma

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ABSTRACT: Terms used in study of

The word Biometric is derived applicability of biometrics:
from two ancient Greek words
“Bios “ & “metron” which means • Universality describes how
life and measure commonly a biometric is found
respectively.Hence,Biometric is individually.
the science and technology of • Uniqueness is how well the
measuring and analyzing biometric separates individually
biological data. In information from another.
technology, biometrics refer to the • Permanence measures how well
technology that measure and a biometric resists aging.
analyze human body • Collectability ease of acquisition
characteristics, such as for measurement.
fingerprints,eye retinas • Acceptability degree of approval
,irises,voice pattern etc. for of a technology.
authentication purposes. • Circumvention ease of use of a
In this paper I have delt with
various biometrics techniques and Working of a Biometric system:
their comparison regarding their
use,cost,acceptability etc.

Classification of biometrics:
Biometrics characteristics are
mainly classified under two
-Physiological characteristics
-Behavorial characteristics

The diagram shows a simple optimal size to allow for adequate
block diagram of a biometric identifiability.If enrollment is being
system. The main operations a performed the template is simply
system can perform are stored somewhere (on a card or
enrollment and test. During the within a database or both). If a
enrollment biometric information matching phase interference, and
of an individual are stored, during optics. The goal of the technology
the test biometric information are is is being performed, the
detected and compared with the obtained template is passed to a
stored ones. The first block matcher that compares it with
(sensor) is the interface between other existing templates,
the real world and our system; it estimating the distance between
has to acquire all the necessary them using any algorithm. The
data. Most of the times it is an matching programme will analyse
image acquisition system, but it the template with the input. This
can change according to the will then be output for any
characteristics desired. The specified use or purpose (e.g.
second block performs all the entrance in a restricted area).
necessary pre-processing: it has

to remove artifacts from the Various Biometrics methods:

sensor, to enhance the input (e.g. • Facial recognition
removing background noise), to Voice recognition
use some kind of normalisation, Signature recognition
etc. In the third block features DNA
needed are extracted. This step is • Retinal scanning
an important step as the correct
Iris recognition
features need to be extracted and
the optimal way. A vector of
numbers or an image with Hand Geometry
particular properties is used to
create a template. A template is a Comparison of various
synthesis of all the characteristics Biometrics methods:
extracted from the source, in the Variouus methods are compared
in table-1

image of the scanned eye. The
Iris recognition technology: technology is based upon the fact
Iris recognition today combines that no two iris patterns are alike
technologies from several fields (the probability is higher than that
including, computer vision (CV), of fingerprints). The iris is a
near-instant, highly accurate identification possibilities life long.
recognition of a person's identity The iris can therefore serve as a
pattern recognition, statistical life long password which the
based on a digitally represented protected organ which makes the

Eye- Retina finger Hand geometry Writing voice

Reliability VH VH H H H H
Easiness A L H H H H
Acceptance A A A H VH H
Attack’s VH VH H H A A
VH-Very High H-High A-Average L-Low


person must never remember. systems use small, high-quality

Confidence in recognition and cameras to capture a black and
identification facilitates exhustive white high-resolution photograph
searches through nation-sized of the iris. Once the image is
databases. captured, the iris' elastic
connective tissue-called the
trabecular meshwork-is analyzed,
processed into an optical
"fingerprint," and translated into a
digital form. Figure 12 depicts the
process of generating an iris
biometric. Given the stable
Iris recognition technology looks physical traits of the iris, this
at the unique characteristics of technology is considered to be
the iris, the colored area one of the safest, fastest, and
surrounding the pupil. While most
biometrics have 13 to 60 distinct most accurate,
characteristics, the iris is said to
have 266 unique spots. Each eye
is believed to be unique and
remain stable over time and
across environments (e.g.,
weather, climate, occupational noninvasive biometric
differences). Iris recognition technologies. This type of

biometric scanning works with ensure that the right people are
glasses and contact lenses in released from jail.
place. Therefore, iris scan • At Purdue University in Indiana,
biometrics may be more useful for the campus credit union is
higher risk interactions, such as installing automated teller
building access. Improvements in machines with a finger scanner
ease of use and system that will eliminate the need for
integration are expected as new plastic bankcards and personal
products are brought to market. identification numbers
The iris is differentiated by several • Walt Disney World in Orlando
characteristics including has started taking hand scans of
ligaments, furrows, ridges, crypts, people who purchase yearly
rings, corona, freckles, and a passes. These visitors now must
sigzag collarette. Iris recognition pass through a scanner when
technologies are now seen in a entering the park preventing
wide array of identification them from lending their passes
systems. They are used in to other people.
passports, aviation security, • The technology also received
access security (both physical widespread attention at last
and electronic), hospitals, and summer’s Olympic Games
national watch lists. Iris Atlanta, where 65,000 athletes,
recognition alogithms can be seen coaches and officials used a
in more and more identification hand-scanning system to enter
systems relating to customs and the Olympic Village.
immigration. Future applications
will include, e-commerce, Emerging Biometric
information security (infosec), Technologies:
authorisation, building entry, Newer biometric technologies
automobile ignition, forensic using diverse physiological and
applications, computer network behavioral characteristics are in
access, PINs, and personal various stages of development.
Vein scan biometric technology
CURRENT USES OF can automatically identify a
BIOMETRICS person from the patterns of the
There are many uses that blood vessels in the back of the
biometrics is being used today hand. The technology uses near-
and the future holds more infrared light to detect vein vessel
advances. patterns. Vein patterns are
• At Coca-Cola Co., hand distinctive between twins and
scanning machines recently even between a person's left and
replaced the venerable time card right hand. Developed before
for many workers. birth, they are highly stable and
• In Cook County, Illinois, a robust, changing throughout one's
sophisticated camera that life only in overall size. The
analyzes the iris patterns of an technology is not intrusive, and
individual's eyeball is helping

works even if the hand is not is still experimental and has a
clean. It is commercially available. high false match rate, making it
impractical for personal
Facial thermography detects heat identification.
patterns created by the branching
of blood vessels and emitted from Nailbed identification technology
the skin. These patterns, called is based on the distinct
thermograms, are highly longitudinal, tongue-in-groove
distinctive. Even identical twins spatial arrangement of the
have different epidermal structure directly
thermograms.Thermography beneath the fingernail. This
works much like facial recognition, structure is mimicked in the ridges
except that an infrared camera is on the outer surface of the nail.
used to capture the When an interferometer is used to
images.nfrared systems work detect phase changes in back-
accurately even in dim light or scattered light shone on the
total darkness. fingernail, the distinct dimensions
of the nailbed can be
DNA matching is a type of reconstructed and a one-
biometric in the sense that it uses dimensional map can be
a physiological characteristic for generated.
personal identification. It is
considered to be the "ultimate" Gait recognition, recognizing
biometric technology in that it can individuals by their distinctive
produce proofpositive walk, captures a sequence of
identification of a person, except images to derive and analyze
in the case of identical twins. motion characteristics. A person's
gait can be hard to disguise
Body odor. This technology would because a person's musculature
use an odor-sensing instrument essentially limits the variation of
(an electronic "nose") to capture motion, and measuring it requires
the volatile chemicals that skin no contact with the person.
pores all over the body emit to However, gait can be obscured or
make up a person's smell. disguised if the individual, for
Although distinguishing one example, is wearing loose fitting
person from another by odor may clothes. Preliminary results have
eventually be feasible, the fact confirmed its potential, but further
that personal habits such as the development is necessary before
use of deodorants and perfumes, its performance, limitations, and
diet, and medication influence advantages can be fully
human body odor renders the assessed.
development of this technology
quite complex. Ear shape recognition is still a
research topic. It is based on the
Blood pulse biometrics measure distinctive shape of each person's
the blood pulse on a finger with ears and the structure of the
infrared sensors. This technology largely cartilaginous, projecting

portion of the outer ear. Although them to keep their hand on
ear biometrics appears to be scanner for their hand to be
promising, no commercial scanned.
systems are available

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