Personal Authentication Based On IRIS Recognition: Mayank M Badgandi, K Srinivas Rao
Personal Authentication Based On IRIS Recognition: Mayank M Badgandi, K Srinivas Rao
Personal Authentication Based On IRIS Recognition: Mayank M Badgandi, K Srinivas Rao
Personal Authentication Based on IRIS Recognition
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014
Stage 5: Canny Edge Detection: Step 5 also requires that Subtracts the mean filtered image from the
the edges of the iris and pupil be marked so an edge detection unwrapped image of the eye being matched to.
process needs to be completed by the agent. We decided to
have the agent use the 'Canny Edge Detection algorithm. Computes a percentage difference between the eye
being matched and the identity.
Personal Authentication Based on IRIS Recognition
vary so much with ageing effect. Most of the time for iris
localization and segmentation wavelets are effective solution
and for coding purpose Gabor filters are used. Canny edge
detectors performance is much better compare to other edge
detection techniques. Finally, for template matching hamming
distance method perform well.
The primary focus of this work is a personal
authentication system based on human iris verification using
wavelet packets decomposition. The proposed technique uses
only appropriate packets with dominant energies to encode
iris texture according the adapted thresholds. The usefulness
of this approach was confirmed in the experiments conducted
here, which reveals that the verification results with an
EER=0.3% has been obtained for packets combination, which
means that our system is appropriate for very high security
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