Human Iris Recognition Based On Hybrid Technique
Human Iris Recognition Based On Hybrid Technique
Human Iris Recognition Based On Hybrid Technique
Article history Abstract: Iris recognition is a biometric technique that uses iris pattern
Received: 25-08-2019 information to detect person identification. Initially, the system find out the
Revised: 18-11-2019 boundary of the pupil and iris. Then, Circular Hough transform used to find
Accepted: 03-12-2019 out the center of both pupil and iris in order to crop iris part from the eye
Corresponding Author:
image. After that, Daugman’s Rubber Sheet model utilized for performing
Asaad Noori Hashim the normalizing step. Then, features extracted based on Legendre moment
Department of Computer and Local Quantized. Several orders value with many region of iris have
Science, Faculty of Computer been used to get best value, which satisfied the highest recognition rate.
Science and Mathematics, Matching was performed by City Block Distance. The simulation was
University of Kufa, Iraq carried out using samples from CASIA.v4-Interval database, the main tool
for programming is MATLAB.
© 2019 Asaad Noori Hashim Al-Shareefi and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi. This open access article is distributed under a
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
Input image
(a) (b)
(d) (c)
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
Iris Normalization (ROI) from the iris area by avoiding the regions that
occlusion may occur in.
After computing the inner and outer circles of the In the following, the five regions were imposed for
iris, the iris region is segmented out and normalized experimentation:
by a convert from polar coordinate to the Cartesian
coordinate for easy computations, as shown in (Fig. 3) a) Upper region
(Daugman, 1993). The polar coordinates are defined b) Down region
by r (the radial coordinate) and × (the angular c) Two sides region
coordinate often called polar angle) while Cartesian d) The circular region around the pupil
coordinates are defined in x and y (Equation 1) to get e) The circular region around the pupil + two sides
the iris region as matric of data: region, as shown in (Fig. 5)
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
where p, q 0,1, 2... where, R denotes the different sampling radius and N
represents the number of the sample points equally spaced
The kernel functions P denote Legendre polynomials around the circle. A binary code with N bits is obtained
of order p: from each pixel. So will results in 2N different patterns.
Finally, we convert these patterns to a decimal value.
pk The LQP collects the directional geometric features
1 2 x k p k !
Pp ( x) (3) in Horizontal (H), Vertical (V), Diagonal (D) and Ant-
k 0 p pk pk diagonal (A) strips of pixels and combinations of these
2 k ! ! !
2 2 p k even (HVDA) (Fig. 7a).
Local Quadrant Pattern is a new method proposed
And, the recurrent formula of Legendre polynomials is: that is based on the idea of LTP (Al-Jawahry and
Mohammed, 2019).
2 p 1 p First, the difference between the center pixel (𝐼𝑐) and
Pp 1 ( x) p 1 xPp ( x) p 1 Pp 1 ( x)
each neighbor pixels (𝐼𝑖) as (Equation 8) is calculated:
P1 ( x) x, (4)
Di Ii Ic ; i 1,2,...8 (8)
P0 ( x) 1
After that, every two results Di for a specific
direction will be put in one vector accordant (Equation 9)
To compute Legendre moments from a digital image, (Rao and Rao, 2015) as shown in (Fig. 7b):
the integrals in previous (Equation 2) are replaced by
summations and the coordinates of the image must be
p F Di , Di 45 ; i 1
45 , 0,45,90,135 (9)
normalized into [-1; 1].
Therefore, the numerical approximate form of hen, (Equation 10) is applied on each resulted value
Legendre moments, for a discrete image of N×M pixels pα from (Equation 9):
with intensity's function f(x; y) is:
3 | pi1 | t | pi 2 | t sign pi1 sign pi 2
2 p 1 2q 1 M 1 N 1 P
x P y f x , y
p i q j i j (5) 2 | pi1 | t | pi 2 | t sign pi1 sign pi 2
i 0 j 0 Fi (10)
1 | pi1 | t | pi 2 | t | pi1 | t | pi 2 | t
where, xi and yj denote the normalized pixel coordinates
0 else,
in the range of [-1; 1], which are given by:
2i M 1 2 j N 1 Fi = Result each line, i = 1,2,…4
xi , yj (6)
M 1 N 1 t = Specific threshold
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
55 0
97 90 1 1
30 81 48 0 0 10100100
Decimal: 164
20 37 0 0
95 1
21 9 15
20 8 14
19 7 13 4 3 2
6 5 4 C 1 2 3 5 C 1
16 10 22 6 7 8
17 11 23
18 12 24
(a) (b)
Fig. 7: The LQP calculate for given 7×7 pattern using HVDA geometric structure (a) for given 3×3 pattern
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
but there are decrement in recognition rate at some Legendre orders, these steps are shown in (Fig. 8 part C2).
Enrolment images
Query image
Localization and
Feature extraction
Feature extraction
Legendre Legendre
Legendre Legendre
V1 F1, F2, F3…Fm V2 F1, F2, F3…Fm
Q1 F1, F2, F3…Fm Q2 F1, F2, F3…Fm
V3 F1, F2, F3… Fm, Fm+1, Fm+2…..Fn
Q3 F1, F2, F3… Fm, Fm+1, Fm+2…..Fn
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Legendre order
Legendre only Legendre with LQP Legendre append Legendre with LQP
Fig. 9: Accuracy ratio for left eye (down iris region) using Legendre moment only, Legendre with LQP and Legendre appended
Legendre with LQP (5 enroll: 5 test)
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Legendre order
Legendre only Legendre with LQP Legendre appended Legendre with LQP
Fig. 10: Accuracy ratio for right eye (down iris region) using Legendre moment only, Legendre with LQP and Legendre appended
Legendre with LQP (5 enroll: 5 test)
Table 1: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (upper iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 88.42 91.45 88.60 97.37 94.74
7th 90.53 92.11 89.47 97.37 94.74
8th 91.05 91.45 91.23 96.05 94.74
9th 91.58 93.42 91.23 96.05 94.74
10th 92.63 92.76 90.35 94.74 94.74
11th 91.58 91.45 90.35 96.05 94.74
12th 92.63 93.42 91.23 96.05 94.74
13th 92.11 93.42 89.47 94.74 94.74
Table 2: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (down iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 92.11 91.45 94.74 96.05 100.00
7th 92.11 90.79 95.61 96.05 100.00
8th 93.68 92.11 96.49 96.05 100.00
9th 94.21 92.11 96.49 96.05 100.00
10th 93.16 91.45 96.49 96.05 100.00
11th 94.74 92.11 96.49 96.05 100.00
12th 94.74 92.76 95.61 96.05 100.00
13th 94.21 92.76 94.74 94.74 100.00
Table 3: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (two sides iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 84.74 87.50 92.11 92.11 94.74
7th 88.95 91.45 94.74 93.42 94.74
8th 89.47 91.45 94.74 93.42 94.74
9th 92.63 95.39 95.61 93.42 94.74
10th 92.63 95.39 95.61 93.42 94.74
11th 92.11 93.42 96.49 94.74 94.74
12th 92.11 96.05 96.49 94.74 94.74
13th 92.63 94.74 94.74 94.74 94.74
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
Table 4: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (the circular region around the
pupil) using Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 81.58 82.89 86.84 86.84 86.84
7th 84.74 86.18 88.60 89.47 92.11
8th 85.26 87.50 87.72 90.79 92.11
9th 87.37 88.16 88.60 92.11 94.74
10th 88.95 91.45 93.86 93.42 92.11
11th 90.00 90.79 91.23 92.11 94.74
12th 90.00 92.11 92.98 92.11 94.74
13th 91.05 92.11 92.11 90.79 94.74
Table 5: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (the circular region around the
pupil + Sides region) using Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 78.42 79.61 82.46 84.21 94.74
7th 83.68 84.87 85.96 86.84 94.74
8th 84.21 85.53 88.60 89.47 94.74
9th 84.21 87.50 91.23 92.11 94.74
10th 84.74 86.84 90.35 90.79 92.11
11th 84.21 88.16 88.60 88.16 92.11
12th 84.21 87.50 87.72 86.84 92.11
13th 84.21 87.50 88.60 88.16 89.47
Table 6: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for right eye image (upper iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 85.00 84.72 88.89 91.67 94.44
7th 88.89 88.89 90.74 91.67 88.89
8th 90.56 90.97 90.74 93.06 94.44
9th 92.22 92.36 91.67 94.44 94.44
10th 92.22 92.36 92.59 93.06 91.67
11th 93.89 93.75 93.52 95.83 97.22
12th 92.78 93.06 93.52 94.44 94.44
13th 93.89 95.14 94.44 94.44 94.44
Table 7: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for right eye image (down iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 92.22 93.06 91.67 91.67 100.00
7th 91.11 90.28 90.74 93.06 97.22
8th 93.89 94.44 93.52 94.44 97.22
9th 93.89 94.44 93.52 94.44 94.44
10th 92.78 92.36 90.74 91.67 94.44
11th 92.78 93.06 91.67 91.67 97.22
12th 92.78 93.06 91.67 91.67 97.22
13th 93.89 95.14 94.44 95.83 97.22
Table 8: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for right eye image (sides iris region) using
Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 88.89 88.19 94.44 94.44 94.44
7th 90.56 89.58 94.44 94.44 94.44
8th 90.56 89.58 94.44 97.22 97.22
9th 90.00 89.58 94.44 95.83 94.44
10th 91.11 90.28 92.59 93.06 97.22
11th 92.22 91.67 94.44 93.06 94.44
12th 92.22 91.67 95.37 94.44 97.22
13th 92.78 91.67 94.44 93.06 94.44
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
Table 9: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for right eye image (the circular region around the
pupil) using Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 80.56 79.17 81.48 84.72 88.89
7th 82.78 81.94 85.19 90.28 94.44
8th 85.56 85.42 88.89 93.06 97.22
9th 87.22 86.81 87.96 90.28 94.44
10th 88.89 89.58 88.89 93.06 100.00
11th 88.33 89.58 90.74 93.06 100.00
12th 89.44 89.58 89.81 91.67 100.00
13th 89.44 89.58 89.81 90.28 97.22
Table 10: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for right eye image ( the circular region around
the pupil + Sides region ) using Legendre moment only
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 81.67 83.33 85.19 86.11 88.89
7th 83.33 85.42 89.81 90.28 94.44
8th 85.00 86.11 88.89 91.67 94.44
9th 86.11 86.81 87.96 91.67 91.67
10th 86.11 88.19 88.89 91.67 91.67
11th 86.11 86.11 87.96 90.28 88.89
12th 87.22 86.81 87.04 90.28 91.67
13th 86.67 86.11 87.04 90.28 88.89
Table 11: Recognition accuracy ratio when enrolment set is changed and testing set for left eye image (best ROI (down)) using
Legendre moment only appended by Legendre moment with LQP.
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 95.26 95.39 99.12 97.37 100.00
7th 96.84 96.71 98.25 97.37 100.00
8th 97.37 96.71 98.25 97.37 100.00
9th 96.84 96.05 98.25 97.37 100.00
10th 97.89 98.03 98.25 97.37 100.00
11th 97.37 97.37 98.25 97.37 100.00
12th 97.89 97.37 98.25 97.37 100.00
13th 97.89 97.37 98.25 97.37 100.00
Table 12: Recognition accuracy ratio when change enrolment set and testing set for right eye image (best ROI (two sides)) using
Legendre moment only appended by Legendre moment with LQP.
Legendre order 5 enroll: 5 test 6 enroll: 4 test 7 enroll: 3 test 8 enroll: 2 test 9 enroll: 1 test
6th 94.44 94.44 97.22 98.61 97.22
7th 96.11 94.44 97.22 97.22 97.22
8th 96.11 95.14 97.22 97.22 97.22
9th 96.67 95.14 97.22 97.22 97.22
10th 97.22 96.53 97.22 97.22 97.22
11th 96.67 95.83 97.22 97.22 97.22
12th 97.22 96.53 98.15 98.61 100.00
13th 97.22 96.53 98.15 98.61 100.00
Table 13: Explain features count for each Legendre order and average recognition time (ART) at second using Legendre moment
only and Legendre appended Legendre with LQP for (best ROI (down))
ART Legendre only ART for Legendre with LQP
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Legendre order Feature count Left eye Right eye Feature count Left eye Right eye
6th 25 0.65 0.69 50 0.81 0.80
7th 33 0.75 0.73 66 0.97 0.96
8th 43 0.90 0.87 84 1.23 1.23
9th 52 1.12 1.10 104 1.69 1.70
10th 63 1.49 1.47 126 2.36 2.37
11th 75 2.10 2.08 150 3.72 3.50
12th 88 3.09 2.97 176 5.43 5.48
13th 102 4.54 4.65 204 8.48 8.39
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745
As shown with Tables 11 and 12 there three steps Conclusion and Future Work
for feature extractor, first step the image enrolled to
The best order for Legendre is 10th, where it gives
Legendre algorithm to produce vector of features
high recognition rate as well as a resistance to
(named V 1). Second one, the image enrolled to LQP variation of images
algorithm to produce array of coefficients that The best result, have gotten with down part of left eye
enrolled as inputs to the Legendre to produce vector while the high recognition rate has been satisfied with
of features (V 2). Finally, fusion stages has been two sides of right eye as shown with Fig 11 and 12
applied by append vector of V 1 to V2 to produce the Fusion of features of Legendre and LQP gave the
final vector of all features (named V 3). Best results best results with minima errors
with high recognition rate have been satisfied based In the future, we are going to apply the proposed
on this fusion. approach with other databases
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 11: Accuracy ratio for left eye to different regoins using Legendre only appended Legendre with LQP (5 enroll: 5 test)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Down iris region
Upper iris region
Sides iris region
The circular region around the pupil
The circular region around the pupil + sides region
Fig. 12: Accuracy ratio for right eye to different regoins using Legendre only appended Legendre with LQP (5 enroll: 5 test)
Asaad Noori Hashim and Bushraa Mahdi Al-Hashimi / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1734.1745
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1734.1745