Means of Verification (Movs) : Liquidation Report)

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Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No. , s.



Note: Respectfully attaching here my suggestions in blue letters.

Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. The school ensures that The school The school ENSURES The school and its The school shares its
programs, projects and IDENTIFIES fund requirements to stakeholders ensure the effective fiscal planning
activities are funded as programs, projects address priority availability of fund and budgeting practices
reflected in the school plan. and activities and improvement areas as requirements for programs, within a community of
fund requirements as reflected in the school projects and activities that schools to encourage
reflected in the school plan. supplement the school plan efficiency and influence
plan. through innovative ways. high performance
among them.
MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
-List of Identified -List of implemented PPAs -Inventory/ Record/ List of -Records/List of Awards
Programs, Projects to address priority Approved Project and Recognition/
and Activites where improvement areas with Proposals/Resolutions/Letter Benchmarking of other
materials and supplies fund requirements and Requests in support of PPAs schools on effective FRMM
underwent procurement actual expenditure. funded by SEF, Alumni, PTA, duly acknowledged by
process. etc. (outsourced) higher authority/office.

*PPAs based from 1. Inventory/Records (POW- 1. Records/List of Awards

AIP/adjusted AIP BOM/Before, During and After and Recognition (in
Pictorials (if applicable)
1. List of at least 2 1. List of at least 2 PPAs connection to fully
identified PPAs that 2. List of Approved Project implemented PPAs ) At least 1
fully and timely Proposals/Resolutions/Lette
underwent Award signed by and/or
implemented (attach r Requests PSDS/SDS.
procurement process complete Liquidation 3. Report on the Status of 2. Benchmarking of other
Report) Implementation schools on effective FRMM
duly acknowledged by
higher authority/office.
Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2.The school ensures that The school is aware of The school sets in place The school and its The school promotes
procurement activities are systems and processes systems and processes to stakeholders identify and adopt innovative practices and
within the approved plan and on procurement required ensure that procurement innovative ways for the timely shares information within
budget as required by law. by law. activities are within the procurement of goods and a community of schools to
approved plan and budget services within the approved achieve efficiency in the
as required by law. plan and budget. procurement of goods and
- List of Procurement -List of Established -List of innovative procedures -List of schools
Activities. localized procurement adopted by the school and its adopted/adapted the
procedures. stakeholders for the efficient innovative procedures for
Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No. , s. 2021


Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. The school ensures that The school The school ENSURES The school and its The school shares its
programs, projects and IDENTIFIES fund requirements to stakeholders ensure the effective fiscal planning
activities are funded as programs, projects address priority availability of fund and budgeting practices
reflected in the school plan. and activities and improvement areas as requirements for programs, within a community of
fund requirements as reflected in the school projects and activities that schools to encourage
reflected in the school plan. supplement the school plan efficiency and influence
plan. through innovative ways. high performance
among them.
MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
procurement of goods and the efficient procurement
services. of goods and services.

Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

3.The school funds are Disbursement
disbursed and utilized in The school disburses The school ensures that The school adopts innovative The school shares information
accordance to accounting funds based on the funds are disbursed as disbursement practices with and innovative practices on
and auditing rules -and Monthly Cash Programs planned and in full transparency to its effective disbursement in
regulations or School Operation accordance to accounting stakeholders in accordance accordance to accounting rules
Budget. rules and regulations. to auditing rules and and regulations to effect
regulations. sustainable improvement
within a community of schools.
-Records/Inventory of -Records of disbursements - List of Innovative -List of innovative practices on
Cash Flow as reflected reflected in the timely Disbursement Practices effective disbursement
in the Cash submission of Liquidation adopted/adapted by other
Disbursement Register Reports. - List of Programs/Activities schools.
in accordance with that promote full
School Operating transparency to its
Budget. *1. Liquidation Report stakeholders. Copy of Division/District
2. Transmittal Report (c/o Memo or
*1. Photocopy of SDO Finance) Ex. Approved Letter of Request
Approved CDR - Note: Deadline of 1. Resolutions/Cash from other schools to conduct a
liquidation is every 10th of benchmarking
books for non-
the month for non-IUS
DepEd funds
2. On-line payments
3. Digital
4. Staff getting paid by
Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No. , s. 2021

direct deposit
The school is about to The school meets the The school, with its The school encourages the
meet the minimum minimum required stakeholders, ensures that efficient utilization of funds
required utilization of utilization of funds in the effective disbursement within a community of schools
funds in accordance to accordance to accounting and fund utilization of funds by sharing effective ways that
accounting and auditing rules and regulations. are sustained and innovative influence positive changes in
rules and regulations. means to improve are the practices.
-Certification of -Certification of Full -List of sustained and -List of sustained and
Percentage of Fund Utilization of Monthly innovative means of Monthly innovative utilization of funds
Utilization. Downloaded MOOE Funds. Utilization of Funds signed by adopted/adapted by other
the accountant and noted by the schools.

*1. Certification of *1. Certification of Full *1. List of at least 1 *1. List of at least 1 sustained
Percentage of Fund Utilization of Monthly sustained and innovative and innovative utilization of
Utilization issued/signed Downloaded MOOE Funds utilization of funds signed by funds
by the Bookkeeper and signed by the Bookkeeper, the accountant and noted by the adopted/adapted/benchmarked
Noted by the PSDS (for and PSDS. stakeholders (PTA Treasurer by other schools.
non-IUS); Approved by and Auditor) (by school year)
the SH (for IUS) Approved Letter of Request
(signed by the PSDS/SDS) from
other schools to conduct a

Certificate of Appreciation from

requesting schools.

Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

4.The school implements The school has The school implements The school, with its The school shares information
management strategies to management strategies effective management stakeholders, about effective practices on
mobilize resources in place to mobilize strategies to mobilize institutionalizes innovative resource mobilization that has
resources. resources. practices on resource positive influence on the
Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No. , s. 2021

mobilization. management strategies of the

community of schools
-Social Mobilization and -List of Implemented - List of Institutionalized and -List of Innovative Social
Networking Plan. Social Mobilization and Innovative Social Mobilization and Networking
Networking Activities. Mobilization and Networking Practices adopted/adapted by
Practices. other School.
*1. Social Mobilization *1. Implemented at least
and Networking Plan (BE 1 Social Mobilization and *1. List of Institutionalized *1. List of Innovative Social
Template) Networking Activity and Innovative Social Mobilization and Networking
(attach any of the ff if Mobilization and Networking Practices adopted/adapted by
applicable: Approved Practices. other School.
Training Design, Program
Advocacy, POW-BOM, Approved Letter of Request
Completion Report, from other schools to conduct a
Inspection Report, Deed of benchmarking
Donation, Deed of
Acceptance, MOA, MOU, Certificate of Appreciation from
Pictorials before, during requesting schools.
and after)

Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

5.The school ensures that The school is aware of The school complies with The school and its The school creates a venue for a
assets are properly managed the existing asset asset management policy stakeholders ensure that the community of schools to share
and fully utilized. management policy. to ensure that assets are proper management and full information and innovative
properly managed and utilization of assets are practices on asset management
fully utilized. efficiently sustained through that results to improved
innovative practices. performance.

-List of Asset - List of Established -List of innovative -List of innovative Asset

Management Activities localized Asset procedures adopted by the Management procedures
Management Procedures school and its stakeholders adopted/adapted by other
for the efficient Asset schools for full utilization of
*1. List of Asset Management resources
Management Activities *1. List of at least 1
(attach the ff: a. established localized Asset *1. List of innovative *1. List of innovative Asset
ICS/MR) Management Procedures procedures sustained and Management procedures
(attach the adopted by the school and adopted/adapted/benchmarked
structure/process flow its stakeholders for the by other schools for full
chart/system established efficient Asset Management utilization of resources
on localized asset (attach the structure/process
management) flow chart/system
Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No. , s. 2021

established on localized
asset management)
Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6.The school complies to all The school complies to The school complies to all The school ensures that The school institutionalizes the
physical and financial all physical and physical and financial reports are used to improve regular use of reports as
reportorial requirements in a financial reportorial reportorial requirements PAPs implementation and feedback mechanisms to
timely and accurate manner. requirements. in a timely and accurate fund utilization, and are improve physical and financial
manner. properly communicated to management systems within a
stakeholders. community of schools.
- List of submitted - List of all complied -List of Strategies adjusted -List of Schools
Physical and Financial Physical and Financial for improved PAPs Adopted/Adapted the
Reports Reports submitted to implementation and Fund innovative procedures on PAPs
appropriate offices Utilization communicated to implementation and Fund
promptly and accurately stakeholders Utilization

*1. List of all complied

Physical and Financial *1. List of Schools
Reports submitted to Adopted/Adapted the
appropriate offices innovative procedures on PAPs
promptly and accurately implementation and Fund
(based on SDO Timetable- Utilization (attach Certification
MOOE, SBFP, etc) that the PAPs were adopted by
2. Certificate of No the school)
Unliquidated Funds
received and signed by Approved Letter of Request
Bookkeeper and noted by from other schools to conduct a
the PSDS benchmarking

Certificate of Appreciation from

requesting schools.

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