Means of Verification (Movs) : Liquidation Report)
Means of Verification (Movs) : Liquidation Report)
Means of Verification (Movs) : Liquidation Report)
direct deposit
The school is about to The school meets the The school, with its The school encourages the
meet the minimum minimum required stakeholders, ensures that efficient utilization of funds
required utilization of utilization of funds in the effective disbursement within a community of schools
funds in accordance to accordance to accounting and fund utilization of funds by sharing effective ways that
accounting and auditing rules and regulations. are sustained and innovative influence positive changes in
rules and regulations. means to improve are the practices.
-Certification of -Certification of Full -List of sustained and -List of sustained and
Percentage of Fund Utilization of Monthly innovative means of Monthly innovative utilization of funds
Utilization. Downloaded MOOE Funds. Utilization of Funds signed by adopted/adapted by other
the accountant and noted by the schools.
*1. Certification of *1. Certification of Full *1. List of at least 1 *1. List of at least 1 sustained
Percentage of Fund Utilization of Monthly sustained and innovative and innovative utilization of
Utilization issued/signed Downloaded MOOE Funds utilization of funds signed by funds
by the Bookkeeper and signed by the Bookkeeper, the accountant and noted by the adopted/adapted/benchmarked
Noted by the PSDS (for and PSDS. stakeholders (PTA Treasurer by other schools.
non-IUS); Approved by and Auditor) (by school year)
the SH (for IUS) Approved Letter of Request
(signed by the PSDS/SDS) from
other schools to conduct a
established on localized
asset management)
Standard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6.The school complies to all The school complies to The school complies to all The school ensures that The school institutionalizes the
physical and financial all physical and physical and financial reports are used to improve regular use of reports as
reportorial requirements in a financial reportorial reportorial requirements PAPs implementation and feedback mechanisms to
timely and accurate manner. requirements. in a timely and accurate fund utilization, and are improve physical and financial
manner. properly communicated to management systems within a
stakeholders. community of schools.
- List of submitted - List of all complied -List of Strategies adjusted -List of Schools
Physical and Financial Physical and Financial for improved PAPs Adopted/Adapted the
Reports Reports submitted to implementation and Fund innovative procedures on PAPs
appropriate offices Utilization communicated to implementation and Fund
promptly and accurately stakeholders Utilization