Lesson 7 Unit 1

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ciorbă Cristina

Subject: English
Form- Vth
Time: 45 min
Lesson type: mixed
Date: 06.10.2020
Topic: Unit 1 Lesson 8: “Household Chores.”

Competences and Sub competences:

- Linguistic competence:
1.2 Identifying the meaning of common words in short, clear and simple messages;
1.3 Distinguishing grammatical forms and simple syntactic structures specific to the foreign language in familiar contexts
1.10 Applying language-specific spelling rules in the correct spelling of common words and phrases
- Pragmatic competence:
3.6. Participating in a limited exchange framework of daily written / online information provided that a translation tool is used;
3.7. Oral relating, in simple sentences, of the main information in a text referring to familiar topics, using non-verbal language
and pauses to look up the word;
Operational objectives- At the end of the lesson pupils will be able:
O1- to define the new words belonging to ,, Household Chores '' topic;
O2- to practice talking about houses and household chores ;
O3- to practice reading for specific information;
O4- to practice the use of Possessive Adjectives in sentences.

Aids: book- I. Ignatiuc, L. Foca, L. Aladin, D. Puiu, A. Munteanu “English for You, Pupil’s book, Fifth Form”, Prut International, 2018, pictures,
blackboard, sheets of paper, notebooks.
Methods: translating, writing, reading, matching, Venn Diagram, Role Playing
Forms of organization: frontal, individual, classwork.
Stages of Teacher’s speech Pupils’ speech Strategies Time
the lesson
Good morning pupils Good morning
How are you today? We are fine, thank you.
Are you ready for the lesson? Yes, we are.
What was your homework for today? Our homework for today is
ex. 9 page 17 to describe
the house you live in.

Teacher checks the homework.

Good! The pupils answer: I live in
Evocation a house; I live in a flat etc.
Now tell me, please do you help your mother Yes, I do. No, I don’t help The whole class 5 min
and father about the house? my parents about the house
What do you usually do? because I am lazy.
What do you like to do? I am sitting on my phone.
Why? I like listen to the music
What don’t you like to do? and chat with my friends.
Why? I don’t like to wash the
Very good!

Now, look at the blackboard and let's read and Pupils look at the
translate the new vocabulary. blackboard and try to
translate the new words
1. Sweep with the help of the teacher
2. Tidy up
3. Lay the table 1. Mătură
Realization 2. Aranjează Class work 7 min
4. Meal
of meaning 3. Așezați masa
5. Household chores 4. Mâncare
6. Wash up 5. Treburile casnice
7. Irons 6. Spălați-vă
8. Vacuums 7. Fiare de călcat
9. Goes shopping 8. Aspiratoare
9. Merge la cumpărături
10. Cooks breakfast
10. Gătește micul dejun
11. Makes beds 11. Face paturi
12. Airs the room 12. Aeriseste camera
13. Waters the flowers 13. Udă florile
14. Tidies the room 14. Aranjează camera
15. Prajitor de paine

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