A Comparative Study On The Spa Sales Model of Uniqlo in The World

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 185

Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Innovative Management and Economics (ISIME 2021)

A Comparative Study on the Spa Sales Model of

Uniqlo in the World
Jiayi Wang1,*
Suzhou Experimental High School, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
Corresponding author. Email: 1922592103@qq.com

After years of development and using the SPA model, Uniqlo has made great achievements in international
operation and has a strong competitiveness in the world. The research topic of this paper is the impact of SPA
model on Uniqlo's marketing. This paper analyzes the SPA model of specific marketing methods through
collecting the data from Internet. This is a complete supply chain system. It is a one-stop production and sales
management mode from raw material procurement, commodity planning, research and development, production
to logistics, sales, inventory management and other processes, which is conducive to reducing the cost of supply
chain. The SPA mode can better strengthen the control ability of each supply link and supervise the product
quality. It can be concluded that the SPA model plays a great role in the marketing of Uniqlo.

Keywords: Uniqlo, Spa Sales Model, Comparative study.

1. INTRODUCTION and whether Uniqlo can continue to benefit more

from this model in future sales. Based on the above
Uniqlo originated in Japan. After years of situation, Uniqlo can combine domestic and foreign
development, Uniqlo has made great achievements in SPA sales model, strengthen independent research
international markets, and has strong international and development and marketing, enhance
competitiveness, which has promoted the prosperity competitiveness, and take the road of
and development of the Japanese economy and even internationalization.
world economy. SPA is a professional private label
clothing retailer, which has been successfully used 2. ANALYSIS
and promoted by Uniqlo in Japan. The goal of the
Spa model is to meet the needs of the consumer as 2.1 Basic Information of Uniqlo
the primary goal. Effectively connect customers and
suppliers through innovative supply methods and Uniqlo, founded by Tadashi Yanai, designs,
supply chain processes to achieve rapid response to manufactures and retail casual wear. It is the core
the market. The essence of SPA is integration. Uniqlo subsidiary of Japan's Fast Retailing Group, one of the
will participate in the whole process from raw world's leading apparel retailers. With the spread of
material procurement, product design, product the global financial crisis, Uniqlo has successfully
production, logistics, sales, inventory management, bucked the trend with its SPA strength and
store planning and so on. Through the introduction of accelerated its global expansion. At the moment, it's
the SPA business model of Uniqlo, this paper growing very quickly. In 2018, Uniqlo's share of the
believes that Uniqlo has gained a great market Chinese market reached 25 percent, making China
advantage through the SPA business model. By the world's second largest market for the brand. At
comparing sales data with other similar clothing present, Uniqlo has more than 660 stores in more
companies, it can be studied how Uniqlo take than 150 cities in China. In 2018, Uniqlo launched its
advantage of the SPA model to influence its flagship handheld store, offering one-click shopping.
operations and gain greater advantages over other Online, users can not only enter through the official
stores. This paper explores how the SPA model has website, official APP, WeChat applet, but also
helped Uniqlo achieve its current marketing success, through offline scanning code to enter. The handheld

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 558
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 185

flagship store integrates multiple online and offline Here is the business model canvas below of
scenarios, so consumers can see the latest news about Uniqlo that directly expresses the core concept of
products in the first time. Uniqlo.

-Information management
-Logistics company -Online product display
-To provide customers with -Children
-Product design and development inexpensive casual clothing -Push special notifications
-Network media
-Discount activity -Men of different ages
-Production quality control -High level of service
-Garment manufacturing -Discounts in physical stores -Ladies of different ages
enterprise -Let customers enjoy a good
-Market management self-service shopping
-Fabric supplier experience
-Fashion design
-E-business partners
-Moderate prices -Physical store

-High-tech clothing materials -Online store

-Brand management

Design and research expenses; Marketing costs; Web site Revenue from clothing sales
maintenance; Store rent; Employee wages; The logistics

Figure 1 The business model canvas of Uniqlo.


As for the market positioning of clothing style, inventory management and other processes. This is a
Uniqlo has increased the number and novelty of complete supply chain system. Among them, the
samples while maintaining simplicity. Clothing style production link takes the form of entrustment
can be based on different age levels of consumers and outsourcing.
performance more prominent characteristics of the
difference. Uniqlo's clothes have various styles and
are mainly priced at 300 and 600 RMB. This kind of
price strategy enables consumers to choose the
clothes they are satisfied with freely in a relaxed and
free environment. Within this year, Uniqlo has
opened more than 100 stores in China. In a short
period of time, the number of Uniqlo stores in the
Chinese market expanded by 1.65 times, which
means that the corresponding increase in
management difficulty is by no means limited to this.

2.2 Effective SPA Business Model

The reason why Uniqlo occupies an important
position among many clothing brands is because of
its excellent SPA sales model that helps Uniqlo a lot, Figure 2 A schematic diagram of Uniqlo SPA mode.
which provides a lot of benefits for Uniqlo. After
Uniqlo carried out ABC reform in 1998, the concept 2.2.1 Planned Steps
of SPA business model gradually took shape. SPA is
the business model of a professional retailer with an Uniqlo's success in developing unique products
independent clothing brand. It refers to the one-stop by constantly perfecting its SPA model means that
production and sales management mode from raw Uniqlo's products are iconic and different from other
material procurement, commodity planning, research clothing brands. Uniqlo has learned how to adjust
and development, production to logistics, sales, production quickly to minimize store operating costs,

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 185

such as entry fees and rent, in order to provide high- respond quickly. At the same time, Uniqlo can master
quality clothing at reasonable prices. Uniqlo's clear information by itself, such as product quality
planning process mainly includes research and and delivery date, control the production process by
development and procurement activities to find new itself, and flexibly respond to the adjustment of
materials for its garments. Designers in R&D meet orders. The advantage of Uniqlo's SPA mode lies in
with representatives from sales, marketing, material that the whole process from product design and
development and production departments to discuss production to the final sales is under its own control,
and decide on product concepts for the upcoming which some other clothing brands cannot do. In
season. The R&D center prepares the design addition, Uniqlo adopts the Point of Sale (POS) sales
according to the product concept and constantly terminal to manage inventory system, so that it is
improves the sample until the product is finalized. In convenient to know the sales situation of stores in
terms of procurement, Uniqlo will negotiate directly time.
with the material manufacturers because Uniqlo
needs to ensure that the highest quality materials can 3. THE INSPIRATION OF UNIQLO
be obtained at the lowest possible cost. As a SPA BUSINESS MODEL
consequence, buyers play a vital role from product
planning to production. The buyer needs to First of all, Uniqlo's business model solves the
implement the product concept into the production inventory problem very well. If garment enterprises
plan, materials, and design. Merchants will decide the produce a large amount of inventory, it will have a
product lineup and output of each season, and negative impact on business. Uniqlo's business model
formulate detailed marketing strategies. Finally, the perfectly avoids such problems. If there is a large
buyer decides whether the production will increase or inventory, in order to digest the inventory, it will
decrease in a season, and inform the planning affect the sales of new products. And inventory
department to make any adjustment in the production liquidation often relies on price cuts, which can
schedule. damage brand image. Uniqlo avoids inventory by
controlling the terminal and making accurate
2.2.2 Production Steps forecasts of consumer demand. Because Uniqlo can
determine the level of market demand through
Uniqlo works with factories on quality control, terminal data analysis.
monitoring and production schedules. To achieve top
quality, Uniqlo has several hundred employees in Uniqlo has a good grasp of the control of sales
Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh City, Dhaka and Jakarta to channels and made predictions. Second, Uniqlo has
form business relationships with partner factories in cultivated the core competitiveness of the enterprise.
China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia. The Let his company in the clothing industry to become a
production manager will visit the partner's factory strong competitor. The SPA business model can help
every week to get the production department to Uniqlo enter the upstream raw material research and
actively solve the problem. Uniqlo also shares their development of the garment industry and the
ideas with the factories they work with to implement downstream brand marketing and other core links of
radical measures to solve problems. the value chain.
In contrast, many domestic garment enterprises
2.2.3 Sales Steps advocate the asset-light model, which can indeed
increase corporate profits in the short term. However,
Uniqlo concentrates on sales and stock because this will make the company lack of the cultivation of
they need to maintain a store inventory. At the end of core competitiveness, and unable to make the
each season, buyers and marketing also focus on enterprise to maintain sustainable growth.
timed sales and limited cycle sales, or launch
promotional discounts. 4. SUGGESTION
To sum up, Uniqlo has adopted the integrated
operation mode of the whole SPA industry chain, However, Uniqlo still has some minor problems.
which is conducive to reducing the cost of supply Initially Uniqlo's clothing prices were too low, a
chain. At the same time, it can also better strengthen strategy that threatened to cause prices to collapse.
the control ability of each supply link and supervise Because Uniqlo aims to make clothes that are
the product quality. Uniqlo can also get in touch with appropriate for people of different gender ages, its
consumers directly, learn about their preferences and designs often lack individuality, a fact that has built a
reputation for what many see as the company's

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 185

weakness. However, Uniqlo quickly improved its personally ask consumers' feelings and interview
marketing approach and decided to actively work some employees of Uniqlo to deeply explore the
with well-known designers to achieve diversity and effect of SPA sales mode on marketing can be
excellence in design. In this way, Uniqlo gained the conducted.
commercial foundation for its success, allowing for
further innovation in the design and functionality of AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS
its products. Later, with the establishment of the SPA
model, as well as the expansion in design and This paper is independently completed by Jiayi
functionality, Uniqlo moved from the domestic Wang.
market to the international market. The company is
expanding its business worldwide. The growth has ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
been particularly marked in Asian countries. Asia
accounts for about 70% of the company's overseas I am very grateful to my professors and teaching
sales. In addition, the company is working to further assistants for the successful completion of this 3,000-
enhance its global brand image. word paper. Every teacher is very concerned about
me, asking me about my progress, answering my
Here are some of our suggestions for Uniqlo's questions enthusiastically, and actively helping me
current development: solve my troubles. At the same time, they also gave
First, at the product level. As Uniqlo focuses on us some small tasks to promote the idea of this paper,
basic leisure, the clothes still lack a sense of fashion. which enlighten me a lot.
Because nowadays people prefer stylish clothes, so it
is necessary to research and develop some clothes REFERENCES
that keep up with the trend. This can attract more
[1] FAST RETAILING. UNIQLO Business Model.
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Secondly, in terms of marketing, Uniqlo can
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To sum up, above, this paper discussed the
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strategy. It can be found that Uniqlo has done a good
job in every aspect of its marketing through the
detailed planning of the SPA model. Through this
competitive marketing model, Uniqlo has gradually
grown into a world-class clothing brand. However,
there are still some shortcomings in this paper. Due to
the epidemic, the information and data can only be
obtained through some secondary surveys and some
basic information on the Internet and summarize the
SPA sales model of Uniqlo. In the follow-up
research, some investigations by ourselves,


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