DS Granipan F10

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Conform to standard NF P 18-840.
Product of surface repair, class 2 Patching and finishing fibred mortar
GRANIPAN F10 is mixed by adding clean
The GRANIPAN F10 is appeared as a powder water. In a clean container, pour the required
which mixed with water gives a sticking mortar quantity of powder according to the work to do
which hardens by hydration and dry without and add clean water gradually, while mixing by
withdrawal. The GRANIPAN F10 is composed hand or mechanically until obtaining an
of a hydraulic binder, synthetic fibres, mineral unctuous homogeneous mortar (3 to 4
loads and admixture. minutes).

Method of application
USE By hot weather, slightly wet the surfaces before
• Low thickness repair of concrete The obtained mortar is applied with a trowel, a
• Finishing of the aesthetic defects of concrete spatula.
(bubbling, honeycombs...) The thickness of the GRANIPAN F10 layer in
• Reshaping, repair of beam angles, edge of one hand should not exceed 3 millimeters. For
steps... thicknesses more than 3 mm, it is necessary to
• Finishing of frontages... proceed by successive layers applied at 24
• Rejointing of masonry hours intervals.


• Good workability As an indication, average consumption will be

• Good adherence to concrete, mortar, approximately 2 to 3kg per m² and millimeter
bricks... thickness.
• Good mechanical resistances
• Without shrinking PACKAGING AND STORAGE
• Good sealing
GRANIPAN is packaged in 25 kg kraft paper
Store in a dry environment.
Shelf life: 6 months in original unopened bags.
Granulometry: ................................ 0 to 1 mm
Density: .............................................. ….. 1.5
Precaution for use:
Adherence to concrete (NF P18 858) .... >2MPa
Nondangerous handling.
Rc 28 (NA 427) ................................. >35 MPa To refer to the security data sheets available
on our web site: www.granitex.dz
Surface preparation (NFP74-203/DTU59-3)
Application surfaces must be sound and clean.
They must be cleaned from all loosely adhering
material, spalled concrete and contaminants
(oils, grease, milt, form release agents…).

The information given in this data sheet is based on our knowledge and our experiment to date. They are given for indication.
It belongs to the customer to ensure that this product suits to the intended usage.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23
www.granitex.dz - E-mail: granitex@granitex.dz

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