Medaret S1 - S2 S3: Data Sheets

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MEDARET S1 - S2 & S3
Surface retarder for concrete

The MEDARET S1, S2 and S3 are retarders of MATERIAL
surface used to delay the cement setting The MEDARET S endeavour to the pulverizer to the
superficially. surface of the concrete to treat.
They suspend temporarily the setting of Portland IMPLEMENTATION
cement on the surface while the concrete in lower A preliminary test on a reduced surface is
part hardens normally. recommended to make sure that the result
obtained is satisfactory.
MEDARET S1: Action on fine layer
MEDARET S2: Action on average layer To agitate the MEDARET S before employment.
MEDARET S3: Action on thick layer To apply as soon as the water of sweating
disappeared (generally 15 to 30 mn after casting), by
pulverization in a uniform and continuous way
USE without lack nor overload.
After waiting from 6 to 12 midnight according to the
The surface retarders MEDARET S are used for the
climatic conditions (the shortest time corresponds to
concretes to obtain a rough surface allowing a good
the high temperatures), to wash the concrete with
fixing without repair or to obtain a decorative
water under pressure from 80 to 120 bars. Possibly it
concrete of type washed with apparent aggregates
is also possible to proceed manually by brushing and
(concrete roadways and pavements, pavings…)
rinsing of surface.
A preliminary test is recommended before cleaning
The choice between the MEDARET S1, S2 and S3
totality in order to make sure that the concrete in
will be done according to the required result. To carry
lower part sufficiently hardened. The final result
out preliminary tests on reduced surfaces.
obtained (aspect of the concrete) will depend on the
choice of the retarder of surface, of the composition
CHARACTERISTICS of the concrete, the climatic conditions, the duration
of contact and the pressure or mode of cleaning.
MEDARET S1, S2 and S3 are presented in the form
of slightly yellowish translucent liquid.
They do not contain solvents.
One liter of MEDARET S makes it possible to treat
MEDARET S1: approximately 4m ² with 5 m ² is a consumption from
pH .................................................................... 8,8 200 to 250 ml/m ². This consumption can be higher
Density ................................................. 1,05 ±0,01 according to the conditions for application.

pH .................................................................... 8,8 PACKAGING AND STORAGE
Density ................................................. 1,08 ±0,01 The MEDARET S1, S2 and S3 are delivered out of
cans of 10l and 20l, like out of barrels of 225 L.
pH .................................................................... 8,8
Density ................................................. 1,12 ±0,01
Shelf life: The MEDARET S are preserved 06
months in their packing of origin, with the shelter of
freezing and heat.

The information given in this data sheet is based on our knowledge and our experiment to date. They are given for indication.
It belongs to the customer to ensure that this product suits to the intended usage.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23 - E-mail:

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