DS Granifix Colle
DS Granifix Colle
DS Granifix Colle
High performances cement adhesive
The GRANIFIX COLLE is cement adhesive out of Apply the GRANIFIX COLLE on the support and
powder which, mixed with water, gives an adhesive distribute uniformly with an adequate notched spatula.
mortar, handy and pasty. To pose the squares without wetting them, while
The GRANIFIX COLLE is appropriate particularly for hammering carefully as for the traditional installation,
the installation of all squares in likings earthenware so that the mortar relates uniformly to all the surface
and molten glass in outside and mediums subjected of the square. The thickness of the GRANIFIX
to a presence of important water: terraces, swimming COLLE is sufficient to compensate for a light
pools, hammams, shower… It adheres perfectly on unevenness of the support, a defect or a difference in
any supports (concrete, mortars, brick, breeze thickness of the mosaic. The remarkable plasticity of
blocks…). the GRANIFIX COLLE largely leaves time to regulate
and correct work up to 30 mn 5à 20°C) after joining.
Tear strength In the initial state.................. 0.5 N/mm²
Shear strength (28 days) .............................. 0.7 Mpa With the method of application above, average
Held in shock ...............................behavior A (allowed) consumption is 4 kg /m ² on a rough support.
Granulometry ................................................. 0 /1 mm
Density.................................................................... 1.7
Bags kraft paper of 25 kg. The product must be stored
safe from moisture.
Preparation of the substrate
The substrate must be dry, healthy, clean, free from
traces of oil and cleaned.
Shelf life: 3 months in its packing of origin closed.
In hot weather it is necessary to humidify the support
before spreading out the GRANIFIX COLLE.
It is recommended not to apply the GRANIFIX
COLLE per time of strong sunning (to consult us).
To pour the GRANIFIX COLLE in a clean container
and add approximately 7 to 8 liters of water per bag of
25 kg. To carefully mix in order to obtain a thick and
consistent paste.
Les renseignements donnés dans cette notice sont basés sur notre connaissance et notre expérience à ce jour.
Il est recommandé de procéder à des essais de convenance pour déterminer la fourchette d’utilisation tenant compte
des conditions réelles de chantier.
Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23
www.granitex.dz - E-mail: granitex@granitex.dz