Case No. 1: The New Found Use of Placebo Effect: Name: Kaira Pangilinan Course and Year: BSED-1 Soc Stud

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Name: Kaira Pangilinan

Course and Year: BSED-1 Soc Stud

Case No. 1: The New Found Use of Placebo Effect

1. Gather the facts
⮚ A nurse found a new application of the “Placeto Effect”
⮚ Nurse Lucky newly hired registered nurse and he has brother who is a nurse supervisor
in the hospital.
⮚ They use placebo instead of morphine.
⮚ He found vials of pain relievers and IV antibiotics under the sink. He also found out
that the medicines cost P2,000 per vial.
⮚ He found out that these extra vials are kept and later sold to other patients and that his brother
is involved in this problem.

⮚ Lucky
⮚ His brother
⮚ Senior nurse
⮚ Patient’s relatives
⮚ Some nurse
⮚ Other patients who are addicted to pain medication.

2. Determine the Ethical Issues (Dilemmas)

⮚ Whether he would just keep silent and join the group to protect his
brother and earn more too.
⮚ Or make noise and make it known to the detriment of his brother to
whom he owes a lot.

3. What Principles have a bearing on the case?

Dilemma 1 Dilemma 2
• Right to tell the truth about the • Responsibility to not tell because he is
problem in the hospital. his brother and he owes him a lot.

4. List of Alternatives
5. Compare the alternatives with the Principles
6. Weight the Consequences

1. Lucky will tell • Truthfulness • His brother and other nurses that
the hospital’s is involved will be suspended
• ,
• , from their work.

• • ,


2. Lucky will just ● Decisiveness • His brother will be grateful yet

join for his brother they’re still doing a mistake
to not get angry ● Tolerance
with him and to and they’re now both involved.
still support him. ●
• ,

• ,


3. Lucky will just ● Awareness • His brother and other nurses
convince his will face the problem and
brother to tell the ● Rightfulness
truth and just find maybe will not bring to jail.
another way to find ●
extra income.


For me, Lucky should convince his brother to find a new way to
have extra income because it is hard to lose a brother and they
already have a decent job so they should not get involved in
Case No. 2: To Let Go or To Let Live
1. Gather the facts
⮚ Marlowe was a Marketing Personnel of a reputable institution in Makati.
⮚ His dilemma started when his President called his attention for a brief closed-door
⮚ Marlowe was tasked by his boss to fire Malou for disregarding one of the most
important company policies.
⮚ Marlowe will feel the guilt if he hires Malou
⮚ Malou is in to a lot of debt and a single parent of two children.

⮚ Marlowe
⮚ Marlowe’s boss
⮚ Malou
⮚ Malou’s Client
⮚ Companies’ employee
⮚ .
⮚ .

2. Determine the Ethical Issues (Dilemmas)

⮚ Marlowe will just not think of the problem and don’t comply about it.
⮚ Marlowe will going to investigate and do the right thing for the sake of
the company.

3. What Principles have a bearing on the case?

Dilemma 1 Dilemma 2
• •

4. List of Alternatives
5. Compare the alternatives with the Principles
6. Weight the Consequences

1. Put Malou into • Professionalism • The process will be complicated

another department for them.
• Humility
of the company.
• , • ,


2. Help Malou and ● Empathy • Malou will owe me one.

get money of out of
my own. ● Pity • Maybe my boss will get mad at me

● • ,


3. Malou will face ● Truthfulnes • The result may be not applicable but
the problem and s it is the best thing to do
tell the truth about
it ● Honest • ,

● • ,


Put Malou in another department. Even we know that it is hard to forgive and forget but
we still have to do the right things. Accept the facts and understand the situation.
Case No. 3: For a Worthy Cause
1. Gather the facts
⮚ Ernie graduated with honors and after graduating from college he went on job hunting.
⮚ He is a born leader with high ideals and a good set of values.
⮚ He is chose and working as Project Development Assistant in Realty Holding, Inc.
⮚ He assisted in the acquisition of the 40 hectare property in Casipit.
⮚ He became a member of the 30man team tasked to secure government licenses, clearances
and certification necessary to start the projeect

⮚ Ernie
⮚ Ernie’s manager
⮚ Ernie’s company
⮚ Mayor
⮚ People who needs help from the Mayor
⮚ Secretary
⮚ .

2. Determine the Ethical Issues (Dilemmas)

⮚ Ernie and his manager will not going to help the Mayor.
⮚ Ernie and his manager will convince the incorporation and produce a good
solution to the problem.

3. What Principles have a bearing on the case?

Dilemma 1 Dilemma 2
• They will help the Mayor to fix his • Maybe if the inc. did not take the offer
community Ernie and his manager will take all of
the duties.

4. List of Alternatives
5. Compare the alternatives with the Principles
6. Weight the Consequences

1. Ernie will just • Selfish • The inc. will not get the project
leave and find new in Casipit
• Ruthless
job because he can’t
decide. • , • The Mayor will be mad and
• regret.


2. Ernie and his ● Selfish • If it is the right place to make the

manager will just project they will lose it.
disagree and find ● Greedy
another place to • The Mayor will not fix the problem.
make the project. ●
• ,


3. Ernie and his ● Considerate • If the higher department didn’t take

manager will the advantage maybe they’re going
surely convince the ● Kind
inc. to help the to lose Ernie if he decided to resign.
Mayor because ● Helpful
there’s a lot of • ,
solution for this
problem. • ,


Ernie and his manager will surely convince the inc. to help the Mayor because there’s a lot of
solution for this problem. Every problem there is a solution. That is why they need to help the
Mayor. The Mayor should do his job and tell that not all the time he have the needs of his
people. Everyone needs help and they also need bayanihan to thrive.

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