Seasonality is measured within the period of one year so if you have, for example, annual
data, the question of seasonality disappears
Lower left (Cyclic) is the business cycle = variance in demand over years
o Important because if we in recession, might not be best time for me to launch new
o Cyclic is just the economy - regularly impacted by the business cycle --> economy is
good, business goes up; recession, business goes down
Irregular component - hard to get hands around, but it's real
o Ex: Ended up with a trade deal with China or not, continued unrest in the Middle East,
continued unrest here locally --> these effects have big impact on overall forecasting
Values of Et and Tt are derived by minimizing the sum of squared errors using
the last k periods of data
Et represents the estimated level of the time series at period t and Tt represents
the estimated trend
Thus at period t, the forecast n periods into the future would be Et + nTt
Double Exponential Smoothing (aka Holt's method) (11.12) --- forecasting technique for non-stationary
data that uses weighted avgs to compute an estimated forecast level and trend adjustment
Holt's method is a simple 3-step process:
1. Compute the base level Et for time period t using first equation below
2. Compute expected trend value Tt for time period t using 2nd equation
3. Compute the final forecast Yt+n for time period t + n
Holt's method computes an estimate of the base, or expected, level of time series (Et),
and the expected rate of increase or decrease (trend) per period (Tt)
Forecasting function in Holt's method is represented by:
Can use this function to obtain forecasts n time periods into the future where n
= 1,2,3, etc
Forecast for time period t + n (or Yt+n) is the base level at time period t (given
by Et) + expected influence of the trend during the next n time periods (given by
o Smoothing parameters a and B assume any value bt 0 and 1 (0 <_ a,B <_1)
Linear Trend (11.12), (11.16 Linear Trend Model)--- trend with a constant slope
How we might use time as an independent variable:
X1t = t
The error term Et represents the unsystematic, or random, variation in
the time series not accounted for by our model
Values of Yt are assumed to vary randomly (above and below) the
regression function B0 + B1X1t, the avg (or expected) value of Et = 0
Exponential smoothing (11.6) —A forecasting method for stationary data that allows weights to be
assigned to past data; Exponential smoothing model assume the following:
o Indicates that the predicted value for time period t + 1 (Yt+1) = predicted
value for previous period (Y^t) plus an adjustment for the error made in
predicting the previous period's value (a(Yt-Y^t))
Parameter x can assume any value bt 0 and 1 (0 <_ a <_ 1)
o Y^t+1 in exponential smoothing is a weighted combo of all prev values in
the time series where the most recent observation Yt receives the heaviest
weight (a), the next most recent observation Yt-1 receives the next heaviest
weight (a(1-a)), etc…
o In exponential smoothing model, small values of a tend to product sluggish
forecast that don't react quickly to changes in the data
A value of x near 1 produces a forecast that reacts more
quickly to change in data
o In expo smoothing forecasting model, it's customary to assume Y^1 = Y1
Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing Model (11.6.1)
Predicted value = f(actual value of time series variable in time period t, actual value of
time series in time period t - 1, etc…)
Goal of the model is to identify f( ) that produces accurate forecasts of future values of the
time series variable
Forecasting—A process for predicting the future
Holt-Winter's Method (for Additive Seasonal Effects) (11.13) --- extension of Holt's Method to apply to
time series exhibiting trend and seasonality
4-step process:
1. Compute base level Et for time period t using 2nd equation below
2. Compute the estimated trend value Tt for time period t using 3rd equation
3. Compute the estimated seasonal factor St, for time period t using 4th
4. Compute the final forecast Y^t+n for time period t + n using 1st equation
Holt-Winter's Method (for Multiplicative Seasonal Effects) (11.14) --- seasonal effects in the data may
be becoming more pronounced over time
Use same process as additive above but with these new equations
Predicted value of the time series in period t + 1 (denoted by Yt+1) is simply the avg of the
k previous obs in the series
~Seems like k is an unknown amount of yrs/time that we need to figure out; The example
seems to show values of 2 and 4, which are shown by 2 and 4 month ranges~
Sometimes referred to as a smoothing method
Larger the value of k (or the more past data pts averaged together), the smoother moving
avg prediction will be
Can evaluate the relative accuracy of two moving avg forecasting functions by comparing
the MSE values; MSE value describes the overall fit of the forecasting technique to the
historical data; this formula calculates MSE:
SUMXYMY2( ) function calculates the sum of squared differences bt
corresponding values in two different ranges
If a time series is stationary (or has no trend), it is reasonable to assume that the forecast
of the next and all future time periods equal the same value
Drawback of moving avg technique is that all the past data used in calculating the avg are
weighted equally; we obtain a more accurate forecast by assigning different weights to
the data --- weighted moving avg
Nonstationary time series—A time series containing a trend
Quadratic Trend (11.17) --- A trend with a non-constant curvilinear slope
Regression—A process for fitting a straight line through a time series
Seasonal component (11.7)—Represents a pattern of change that is completed within one year and
repeats itself regularly over the time series
2 different types of seasonal effects in time series data: additive effects and multiplicative
Additive Seasonal effects --- remain approx constant order of magnitude over time a
given season is encountered
Unit sales tend to be higher in quarters 1 and 3 and low in quarters 2 and 4 = 4
accurate forecasts
Following model for stationary time series data w additive seasonal effects:
Forecast for time period t + n is simply the expected lvl of the time
series at period t adjusted up or down by seasonal factor St+n-p
Estimates expected lvl for period t as a weighted avg of the
deseasonalized data for period t(Yt - St-p) and the prev period's
level (Et-1)
Offers greater flexibility than moving avg but we must determine values for the weights wi
and k in equation above
Ex: using 2 variables to predict something else; weighted avg - predicted what how many
calories the kids had per year; more relevant what happened 2 months vs. 12 months =
more recent is more accurate or weighed more heavily
3 variables (eating, height, age)