1 Fikri
1 Fikri
1 Fikri
BY :
064 2018 0044
A. Background
fluent in English, people who want to update international news will be easier
to understand the news if they are fluent in English, also people will easier to
There are four skills in learning English. Those are Writing, Reading,
Speaking and Listening. All these skills are important including listening.
use of all the skills mentioned above, interpreting the utterance within the
socio-cultural context.
language, they have to learn how to hear and understand what their partner
the capability to make friends in the virtual domain, online random video chat
Video chat services will also gain the public attention and greatly increase in
not only through audio media but also through audio-visual media like video.
In fact, Raharjo in Rusman (2012: 65) in his research stated that teaching and
media, where 11% from the given material occurs through sense of hearing,
while 83% through sense of sight. From that research, audio-visual media like
video is very suitable in teaching listening to make the teaching and learning
today. Digital is also a basic need for activities both at home and at school.
With the coming of the internet era that does not limit space and time, namely
or chat that continue to exist all the time, will transform how humans,
with low competence As’ari (2017) . Listening will become more difficult if
the conversation recording is made by the native speaker which has diferent
accent and speed. Listening is also considered as boring subject since students
only listen to the conversation recording again and again. Furthermore, most
of conversations used in listening contain topic or issue which are not new
attention. believed that "The value of video live streaming has been
entertaining (Donmus, 2010) ."when digital app and education are combined,
learners who learned with the use of OME TV, gain positive attitudes and can
Listening is one of the four language skills which learners usually find
the most difficult. According to Rivers (1986) we have to spend much of our
time through listening activities, he estimates that the time adult spends in
communication activities is 45% for listening, 30% for speaking, 16% for
first. In other words, before someone understands and starts to speak, they
have to hear sound, words, and speech patterns first. Therefore, in learning a
However, being able to speak fluent English is not as easy as turning your
need to be understood.
the presence of course venues. There are also homestay activities, where you
skills with foreigners. Unfortunately this activity can only be done by people
people all over the world. Omegle or Ome TV has 2 features that can be
used, namely chat and video. Chat is for those of us who want to interact
using only writing, while videos are for oral, written, and visual interactions.
To find out The Influence Of The Video Live Streaming App ‘OME
Aba Umi).
following parties:
apply the knowledge that has been acquired at university and to add
similar study.
A. Listening
1. Definition of Listening
the world around them and is one of the necessary elements in creating
will also make you more sensitive to the needs of people in general Purdy
2. Listening Comprehension
and it is his/her ability to repeat the text despite the fact that the listener
process in which the listener constructs meaning through using cues from
into four components. The first is the ability to differentiate all sounds,
in the sound sequence with respect to the knowledge of syntax only when
possible. This means that most of the class time should be carried out in
the language being taught. The speed of presentation and difficulty level of
the content must be adjusted to the learners. Language activities that are
background knowledge.
the topic. The live streaming video application is an application that can
broadcast the activities or activities of its users directly via video to the
public. The public who watched the broadcast can interact with each other
either through chat or by live video calls. The advantage of the live
Currently, there are many live streaming video services that add
this feature and one of them is ‘Ome TV’, even social networking
applications that are currently popular have also adopted the live streaming
video service. The live video streaming feature is indeed very helpful for
Initially live casting was used by people for sharing about his personal life
on the internet using many devices and still rely on video cameras and
computers personal (PC). But nowadays that device is used to make live
streaming can also be a medium used to convey the video to the audience a
large number. As said by Juhlin (in Rein and Venturini, 2018) mentions
that the live video stream can be described as the ability to broadcast video
communicating. The new media, in this case is the internet, at last function
social media, users can make friends and share information with other
users without any obstacles in the form of distance and time. Social media
tell stories and channel his ideas. As a result, people undertake virtual
face to face, then this is further extended by the presence of social media
Wrong only through Ome TV. Through Ome TV someone can meet and
of users in a one-on-one chat session where they chat anonymously use the
report or ban someone if there is one those who break the rules like harsh
words or other negative things will get hit banned. With this convenience,
all users must be more careful back while on a camera-to-camera chat with
D. OME TV Features
a. Select a country
Users can change the country, on ometv not only Indonesia is using it
but there are also many other countries that use this application for the
c. You can still use text chat if your phone camera isn't working or your
internet is slow.
e. There are hundreds of thousands of users all over the world. You will
f. Very safe and protected. The system will watch for chat rules
violations automatically.
g. No ads!
E. How to Use OME TV App
a. For Android
1. In order to carry out this way of playing Ome TV, of course you
will need to download and install the Ome TV app for Android.
You can download this application from the Google Play Store.
click allow.
6. And the last "Allow omeTv to make and manage phone calls" click
9. Then select again if you are a girl or a boy, next to the country, just
click "me".
10. Now for the early start, please slide the screen at the top of the
12. Wait a few moments until the random chat process takes place. The
13. You can chat while watching videos of your opponents. If you
want to stop, click on the "Stop" option. If you want to find another
2. On the Ome TV homepage you can select the "Star" option to start
can select the "Stop" option and if you want to find other people
A. Research Design
approximately two weeks, from the first week to the second week of
1. Population
The population of this research was ABA UMI students in the fourth
semester of 2019-2020.
2. Sample
Based on the population, the sample was taken using a simple random
sampling technique. The reason for using this technique because the
clasess and each class has a different amount of members. So, to make
The data source in this research used was primary data that is data
obtained directly from the results of the online questionnaire that shared
to students.
D. Data Instrument
strongly agree.
F. Data Analysis
the data. First, the researcher draws the main themes based on the
listening based on Raihan Maulida’s theory. And the last, the researcher
calculated the answer in percentages and identified the answer with the
highest percentage.
As’ari, C. (2017). Improving Students’ Listening Skill through Note-Taking
Technique, 1937(October), 481–486. Retrieved from
Donmus, V. (2010). The use of social networks in educational computer-game
based foreign language learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,
9, 1497–1503.
Maulida, R. (2018). An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Learning Listening
(A Study at Sman 11 Banda Aceh). UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
Purdy, M., & Borisoff, D. (1997). Listening in everyday life: A personal and
professional approach. University Press of America.
Rivers, W. M. (1986). Comprehension and production in interactive language
teaching. The Modern Language Journal, 70(1), 1–7.
Rusman, D., & Pd, M. (2012). Model-model pembelajaran. Raja Grafindo,