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Journal of English Language and Education

ISSN 2597- 6850 (Online), 2502-4132 (Print)

Journal Homepage: https://jele.or.id/index.php/jele/index

Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill

Improvement of Vocational School Students

 Arumsari1, Saly Kurnia Octaviani2 abcde

STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta

Duolingo application in mobile assisted language learning can help students flexibly
to learn English listening skills by its game-based features. Meanwhile, listening skill
as one of significant language aspects for oral communication purpose is highly
required for professional need by vocational senior high school. Therefore, this
research was intended to find out the progress of eleventh grade students’ English
listening skill in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta using Duolingo and
students’ perceptions toward the mobile application. This study used quantitative
research with pre-experimental design to analyze the data. Meanwhile, its data
collection used pre-test, post-test, and close-end questionnaire The findings show
that scores of students’ pre-test and post-test show significant improvement of
students’ English listening skill with 73.25 of the average students’ pre-test score, 83.3
of the average students’ post-test score, and 90% of students’ positive perception to
the usage of Duolingo mobile application in English language learning.

Keywords: Duolingo, Duolingo application for English Learning, English Listening

Skill, Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Vocational Senior High School
Article History:
Received 15th November 2022
Accepted 21st December 2022
Published 31st December 2022

Listening is one of significant language aspects in learning English, especially for
international communication purpose. For academic purpose in Indonesia, listening skill also
becomes one of final tests and even graduation tests with passing grade in English school
subject. English listening skill is not only listening to the audio, but also students should
comprehend situation and context of speech from the speakers. Moreover, English listening
skill can increase speaking skill gradually because students will automatically repeat and
imitate English speech from English teachers or even native speakers. Rost also stated that
communication theory views speaking and listening as equal parts of a co-construction
process and the goal of listening is not primarily comprehension of messages, but rather
establishing interactive connections with one’s interlocutors and mutually moving toward
goals (Rost, 2011). Thus, students know and understand English as second language for the
first time by listening English speech from other people or even native English speakers.
Listening comprehension skill even becomes compulsory to have for vocational high school
students as one of English language learners since these students focuses on English for
profession. Sadiku even assumed in the research that “The more efficient a listener you are

*Corresponding Author: Arum Sari, e-mail: arumsari@sinus.ac.id

Authors’Contribution: a-Study design; b-Data collection; c-Statistical analysis; d-Manuscript preparation; e-
Funds collection.
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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

the more successful and satisfied you will be. Listening is not merely hearing: it is a state of
receptivity that permits an understanding of what is heard and grants the listener full
partnership in the communication process” (Sadiku, 2015). Therefore, vocational high school
students having good English listening skill also support their hard skill at work and later
improve self-quality to communicate with foreign colleagues since students can response
others speaking English by hearing or listening first.
Dealing with listening comprehension for English language learner, there are some
types of listening. Brown assumed these listening types as follow: (1) Intensive: listening for
perception of the components (Phonemes, words, intonation, discourse markers, etc) of a
larger stretch of language ; (2) Responsive : Listening to a relatively short stretch of language
(a greeting, question, command, comprehension check, etc) in order to make an equally short
response; (3) Selective : Processing stretches of discourse such as short monologues for
several minutes in order to “scan” for certain information; (4) Extensive : Listening to
develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language by listening for the gist, for
the main idea, making inferences, and even deriving messages from lectures or conversation
(Brown, 2004). These listening types are common in listening audio to help students for
broadly reach other English skills. Teachers understanding these listening types certainly
recommend simple learning media to help vocational high school students in learning
English, especially for listening skill. Nowadays, digital technology breaks the boundary of
English learning media and offer flexibility for both teachers and students. There are six
categories of teaching media such as human media, printed media, audio media, visual
media, audio-visual media, and multimedia (Arsyad, 2015). One of research example belongs
to Damayanti and Sumarniningsih’s research. The research used Technology, Entertainment,
Design, and Education (TED-Ed) to teach English listening skill for eleventh grade students
and it shows significant improvement in students’ English listening skill and positive
perceptions of media usage from these students (Damayanti & Sumarniningsih, 2022).
Moreover, the content of innovative media provides learning material or resource for
teaching English (Jasmin & Yanto, 2021). Thus, suitable teaching media for language learner
stage can help the language learners to get language acquisition. Therefore, the choice of
proper learning media for medical vocational high school students can support better
teaching and learning process.
Digital technology offers English learning applications with its simplicity to access in
mobile phone whether those are premium applications or free applications. Duolingo is a
game-based platform for learning foreign languages, especially English as international
language and moreover, the application is available as a browser-based application or an
iOS, Android, or Windows mobile application (Mulya & Refnaldi, 2016). People can also
access in personal computer (PC) by accessing website https://schools.duolingo.com/ for
school purpose so that the students as second language learners can also learn English in
provided personal computer at school in case the school regulation do not permit the student
for not bringing or using mobile phone at school. It also helps the teacher to give solution for
keeping the concept of technology assisted language learning. In the research of Mulya et all
in 2016, there are advantages that second language learners and teachers can get from
Duolingo (Mulya & Refnaldi, 2016). The first one is Duolingo lets teachers easily track
students' language learning progress. The second one is students are able to share their
language learning progress directly with their teacher who can then track their progress
through a dedicated dashboard. The third one, since teachers can track students’ progress,
these teachers are able to plan lessons, assign Duolingo skills as homework, and award extra
credit points accordingly. The fourth one, Duolingo motivates the students to keep going
and beat their previous records, and the students can also compete with their friends. The
fifth one, the students can also get experience points (XP) and pass different levels in order to
get lingots for purchasing items and bonus lessons. The sixth one, the interface is clean and
very easy to use. The seventh one, for English learning exercises, Duolingo offers a nice
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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

balance between translation, listening, matching, and speaking exercises. The last one, its
voice recognition program is not too bad (Mulya & Refnaldi, 2016).
Duolingo starts from the basic level by providing the option of source and target
language. There is progress bar showing the visual indicator of user after completing each
question in challenge. Therefore, students should continue each challenge from each level.
Students can choose the favorite topic of challenge game to finish the level. Every challenge
has different goal and achievement. Therefore, if students have already finished the level,
they will get score. Picture 1 below is example of features in Duolingo mobile application:

Picture 1. Some Features of Duolingo Application

Dealing with exercises of Duolingo mobile application, Nushi and Eqbali’s research
about Duolingo mentioned there are 5 types of exercises in Duolingo. Those are: (1)
Translation exercises, (2) Matching exercises, (3) Pairing exercises, (4) Listening exercises,
and (5) Speaking exercises (Nushi & Eqbali, 2017). For translation exercises, the users as
English language learners enable to translate the source language to target language and vice
versa. For matching exercises, the users enable to see a colourful picture and match it with
the words given. For pairing exercises, the users will have number of equivalent words to
pair from source language to target language. For listening exercises, users enable to listen a
short phrase in second language and type it correctly. For speaking exercise, users enable to
imitate words from audio. However, Nushi and Eqbali’s research in 2017 only focused on
application review without taking pre-test and post-test from school students as second
language learner.
Another previous study about Duolingo application, Mehtälä (2015: 1) focused on
sociocultural theory and ecological perspective. Mehtälä’s qualitative study found the most
notable affordances in Duolingo were related to learning in the ZPD (Zone Proximal
Development) through scaffolding with peers and more knowledgeable others (MKOs), and
developing language awareness in discussions with other users. Because of the gamification
feature in Duolingo with its reward for the learner, it brings motivation for daily practise
along with the sense of competence. It is similar with the conclusion of Habibie’ research that
Duolingo application motivates every beginner to learn second language by keeping the user
on making progress (Habibie, 2020). Habibie’ research focused on writing skill for fourth-
year college students. Dealing with Duolingo application in vocabulary learning, Tiara et all
(Tiara et al., 2021) presented the findings of their research focusing on the vocabulary skill.
Tiara’s research showed the positive students’ perception of improving vocabulary skill
using Duolingo Application. Previous studies deal with Duolingo application need to be

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

explored more since the studies above did not take medical vocational high school students
as subject of research and did not focus on listening skill.
This study used quantitative research involving the steps of collecting data, analysing
data, interpreting the findings, and writing the findings of research. These processes were
mentioned by Cresswell that quantitative researches involve the processes of collecting,
analysing, interpreting, and writing the results of a study (Cresswell & Cresswell, 2018).
Meanwhile, the method of this research was pre-experimental design which only need a
single group as subject of research for pre-test and post-test without other groups to be
compared. In short, Cresswell stated that pre-experimental design does not need a control
group to compare with the experimental group (Cresswell & Cresswell, 2018). In this
research, the data collection was from pre-test scores before treatment and post-test scores
after treatment. The results of average pre-test scores and post-test scores were compared so
that there will be differences in scores before the treatment and after the treatment using
Duolingo mobile application. This research was intended to find the progress of vocational
senior high school students’ listening skill after using Duolingo application in mobile
assisted language learning by comparing the results of pre test scores and post test score and
understanding students’ perception toward Duolingo mobile application after the treatment.
The data in this research was taken from eleventh grade students of vocational high
school in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta. This research focused on 20 students at
class XI-A for academic year 2022/2023 as the respondents. This research had been
conducted in July 2022 until September 2022 within 10 class meetings.
The data collection in this study used 2 instruments which are tests (Pre-test and Post-
test) and questionnaire. Students did the offline pre-test with 15 questions having points of
pictures analysis, questions and responses, short talk, and short conversation. After the pre-
test, students were asked to install Duolingo application in their mobile phone. For the
treatment, students used Duolingo application for English listening exercises during English
lesson in 10 class meetings. After treatment, students did offline post-test with 15 questions
having points of pictures analysis, questions and responses, short talk, and short
conversation. Meanwhile, for the questionnaire instrument, this research used closed ended
questions which providing options to choose by giving mark for the answer based on
respondents’ experience (Arikunto, 2010). These vocational high school students as the
respondents of this research filled 5 questions in online questionnaire form to know
students’ perception toward the use of Duolingo mobile application during English listening
skill learning.
For the first meeting as the first treatment, students were given English listening
questions as pre-test by using audio from the school. Afterwards, researchers directed the
students to know Duolingo briefly, install Duolingo in their mobile application from Play
store, and learn features and usage. In the second until ninth meeting, students were given
challenges together to finish listening exercises in Duolingo mobile application. In the tenth
meeting, researcher shared link of questioner from Google Form for the respondents to know
students’ perception toward Duolingo application. The figure below is the illustration of
research procedure:

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

Picture 2. Research Procedure

Data Analysis
Pre-experimental method in this research used one group pre-test and post-test
design based on Creswell. Sugiyono illustrated pre-experimental design for its pre-test and
post-test as follows (Sugiyono, 2014):
Table 1. Pre-experimental Design
Pre-test Treatment Post-test
= Pre-test Value (Before Treatment)
X = Treatment
= Post-test (After Treatment)
This paradigm of this research design has pre-test before treatment for the
respondent so that the treatment result reaches the accuracy because it can compare with the
situation before treatment. These pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed by taking the
average of the scores. Meanwhile, this research also used questionnaire to know students’
perception toward Duolingo mobile application during teaching and learning process for
English listening skill. This online questionnaire form was given to 20 vocational high school
students of SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta after the post-test.
This section presents results of pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire from the
respondents of this research. These results show the improvement of vocational high school
students in English listening skill using Duolingo mobile application as English learning
Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score
Pre-test scores appear after the vocational high school students in SMK Analis
Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta as respondents did the test before the treatment. Table 2
below shows the result of students’ pre-test scores.
Table 2. Students' Pre-Test Scores
No Students’ Initials Pre-Test Score
1 AA 70
2 AB 72
3 BC 70
4 CD 74
5 DE 76
6 EF 78
7 FG 76
8 GH 86
9 HI 86
10 IJ 88
11 JK 60
12 KL 62

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

13 LM 64
14 MN 78
15 NO 82
16 OP 72
17 PQ 78
18 QR 60
19 RS 70
20 ST 62
Total Score 1.463
Beside showing the scores of students’ pre-test for listening skill, the table above also
shows that the total of the respondents’ scores is 1.463. From this total score and the number
of students, the mean value of pre-test was calculated by using this formula:

X1 =

XI =
XI = 73,15
X1 = Mean value/ average
∑ = Total of students’ scores
N = The number of students
From the calculation above, the mean value of English listening pre-test is 73.15.
From the pre-test scores in table 2, the lowest score is 60 and the lowest score is not only one
student but also 2 students. It means a lot of respondents as vocational high students in SMK
Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta still has poor English listening skills. Meanwhile, from
20 students, the highest score is 88 obtained by a student. Thus, the students need a lot of
practices to be able to improve their English listening skill. From the average value or mean
of the pre-test, 73.15 is still low because it does not reach School Minimum Completeness
Criteria (KKM) in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta, in which the score criteria for
English subject are 75. From this situation, the respondents as vocational high school
students need treatment that can support the progress of students’ listening skill.
Meanwhile, the result of students’ English listening post-test is on the table below:
Table 3. Students' Post-Tense Scores
No Students’ Initials Post-Test Score
1 AA 80
2 AB 80
3 BC 84
4 CD 82
5 DE 84
6 EF 86
7 FG 84
8 GH 94
9 HI 90
10 IJ 96
11 JK 76
12 KL 76
13 LM 78
14 MN 84
15 NO 90
16 OP 86
17 PQ 82
18 QR 76
19 RS 80
20 ST 78
Total Score 1.666

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

Table 3 shows respondents’ post-tense with the total score of 1.666. Similar with the
mean formula of pre-test, the total score of post-test above was divided with the number of
students as follows:

X2 =

X2 =
XI = 83.3
X1 = Mean value/ average
∑ = Total of students’ scores
N = The number of students
From the calculation above, the mean value of English listening pre-test is 83.3. Table
3 shows the highest score of the respondents’ post-test is 96 and lowest one is 76. Even
though 76 is the lowest score in this post-test, this score actually passes School Minimum
Completeness Criteria (KKM) in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta. Students should
get more than 75 for the score if they want to pass the score criteria in in SMK Analis
Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta. From mean value of both of pre-test and post-test, there is
significant difference. The mean value of students’ pre-test score is 73.15 in this research
while the post-test score is 83.3. It means there is improvement from students’ progress to
learn English listening skill by using Duolingo application.
Students’ Perceptions on Duolingo Mobile Application
This research used close ended questionnaire to know vocational students’
perception toward Duolingo application for improving English listening skill. The result of
questionnaire in this section is presented in table of percentage based on questions in
questionnaire below:
Question 1: Duolingo Application Mobility for Students
This first question point in the questionnaire refers to whether Duolingo application
can be accessed anywhere and anytime or not. Table 4 below shows the respondents’
perceptions on Duolingo application mobility from 11th grade vocational senior high school
students in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta
Table 4. Students’ Perception on Application Mobility
Answer Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 12 60%
Agree 8 40%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
From the description of the table above, there are 12 students as respondents who
strongly agree with a percentage of 60% and 8 students also agree with a percentage of 40%.
Meanwhile, none of the students here chose strongly disagree of disagree. It shows that
students can open and access Duolingo application wherever and whenever with supported
device and internet. In this technology era with internet access everywhere, it is definitely
easy for students to study and adapt with its application mobility. Since Duolingo
application can set the learning schedule to finish all of the quizzes and challenges, it gives
motivation to vocational high school students as respondents to access the application
anytime. It is supported by research conclusion of Yusda et all that Duolingo application can
be used anywhere and anytime in Smartphone so that it makes learning more practical
(Yusda et al., 2020).
Question 2: Duolingo Application Ability for Improving English Listening Skill
This second question point in the questionnaire refers to whether Duolingo
application is able to improve students’ English listening skill or not. Table 5 below shows
the respondents’ perceptions on Duolingo application ability to improve English listening

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

skill of 11th grade vocational senior high school students in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional
Table 5. Students’ Perception on Application Ability for Improving English Listening Skill
Answer Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 10 50%
Agree 10 50%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
This question point in questionnaire deals with the ability of Duolingo mobile
application can improve English listening skill for vocational high school students by its
features of quiz for students’ exercises. From table 5 above, it shows 50% respondents (10
students) chose strongly agree and 50% respondents (10 students) chose agree in this
question point. No one of the respondents chose answer options of disagree and strongly
disagree. In short, this table 8 shows that students as respondents in this research stated that
Duolingo application is absolutely useful to support their English learning process and
especially improve English listening skill. This result gets along with Nushi and Eqbali’s
research evaluation that Duolingo reassures learners that they can achieve their learning
goals and relieves their fear of doing something so demanding as learning a language. Even
with 5 to 10 minutes of daily practice, Duolingo helps learners feel they have accomplished
something, a feeling that keeps them motivated (Nushi & Eqbali, 2017). Thus, Duolingo as
digital learning media affects the students’ learning activity. It is in line with Maisani et all’s
research that student responded positively to digital technology affecting learning activities
and being beneficial for students (Maisani et al., 2022). Therefore, Duolingo application in
students’ perception in this research felt that this online application is an alternative learning
media to improve English listening skill.
Question 3: Duolingo Application Usability for Students
This third question point in the questionnaire refers whether Duolingo application is
easy to understand and operate or not. Table 6 below shows the respondents’ perceptions on
Duolingo application usability from 11th grade vocational senior high school students in
SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta.
Table 6. Students' Perception on Application Usability
Answer Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 15 75%
Agree 5 25%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Table 6 above shows that 75% respondents (15 students stated strongly agree and
25% respondents (5 students) stated agree with Duolingo application usability. Thus,
Duolingo application is very easy to access by vocational high school students. Moreover, 75
% respondents also shows that its features are very easy to understand and study. This
finding gets along with the research conclusion of Habibie that students felt comfortable and
easy to use the application in their daily activities. Moreover, this finding is also on the line
with Tiara et all’s research. In the research, its respondents positively perceive that Duolingo
is easy to use, has fewer steps to do the task, has an appealing design, and has simplified the
display (Tiara et al., 2021). Therefore, Duolingo application can be concluded as simple
English learning media that even easy to install in supported device with internet
Question 4: Duolingo Application Ability for Creating English Listening Habit
This fourth question point in the questionnaire refers to whether Duolingo
application is able to create students’ English listening habit or not. Table 7 below shows the
respondents’ perceptions on Duolingo application ability to create English listening habit of
11th grade vocational senior high school students in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional

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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

Table 7. Duolingo Application Ability for Creating English Listening Habit

Answer Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 8 40%
Agree 10 50%
Disagree 2 10%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
This question point as variable in the questionnaire deals with the ability of Duolingo
application can help students to learn English listening skill and create the learning process
as habit by daily quiz or challenge. Table 7 above shows that 8 students stated strongly agree
with percentage of 40% and 10 students stated agree with percentage of 50%. Meanwhile, 2
students stated disagree with percentage of 10% and n there was no respondents chose
option of strongly disagree. It means that Duolingo mobile application can help students to
create English learning habit, especially for improvement of English listening skill by its
feature of exercises. Jaskova’s research even found that Duolingo has an excellent learning
strategy because it has very motivating learning system. It uses a strategy of game mechanics
to create the incentive to keep students learning since Duolingo uses mainly drills and
repetitive exercises in the lessons (Jaskova, 2014). By having game and notification system,
Duolingo tries to interact with the user as English language learner and sets the activity as
habit. One of efforts to overcome the challenges during the pandemic is create good
interactive lesson set to promote students’ critical thinking and encourage the students’
participation in online learning (Sari & Djamdjuri, 2021). Therefore, Duolingo is very useful
as interactive learning media to break the learning activity boundary during pandemic.
Even though there were 2 students who stated disagree, it was based on real situation
at school since a few students have lack of interest and motivation to learn English and
improve English listening skill. This finding shows that teacher role is still needed to direct
these students with lack of English learning motivation and communicate with these
students in order to give attention and motivation for learning English in passion.
Question 5: Fun Duolingo Application Features for English Learning
This fifth question point in the questionnaire refers to the interesting features of
Duolingo mobile application to attract vocational high school students in English learning,
especially for English listening skill. In short, this question point refers to whether Duolingo
mobile application is more interesting and fun to be English learning media or not. Table 8
below shows the respondents’ perceptions on fun Duolingo application features for English
learning of 11th grade vocational senior high school students in SMK Analis Kesehatan
Nasional Surakarta.
Table 8. Fun Application Features for English Learning
Answer Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 9 45%
Agree 11 55%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Table 8 above shows that 45% respondents or 9 students in this research stated
strongly agree and 55% respondents or 11 students stated agree. Meanwhile, there is no
respondent who chose answer options of strongly agree and disagree in the questionnaire
form. Thus, the table above also presents Duolingo application is very fun for vocational
high school students. Moreover, students in this research brought perception that they enjoy
using the application as modern English learning media and finishing their English listening
exercises as game challenge. This finding is in line with Tiara et all’s findings that Duolingo
application offers options to draw student’s attention, for example students can get Lingot as
gift to shop and get the route to create the learning additional accessible (Tiara et al., 2021).
From the presentation of questioner above, its shows that Duolingo application is
absolutely useful for vocational high school students in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional
Surakarta to support English learning and improve their English listening skill. In
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Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

technology era nowadays, teacher and students can do teaching and learning process by
online application everywhere and it even support individual learning in certain situation,
for example pandemic. The teachers also should be fun to learn and prepare the teaching
strategy using Duolingo application. Rachmawati et all’s research proved that teachers get
positive attitude and good experience during their teaching practice using mobile assisted
language learning (MALL) (Rachmawati et al., 2021). Therefore, Duolingo application is one
of online learning media that can get along with mobile assisted language learning concept
for schools in technology advance. This diagram below shows all of questionnaire results in
each variable:

Strongly Agree
8 Agree
6 Strongly Disagree
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Picture 3. Diagram of Students' Perception on Duolingo Application

Picture 3 above shows the diagram of student’s perception toward Duolingo
application after the treatment of improving English listening skill. Each variable is from the
questions in questionnaire that has been described before in table 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The
respondents from eleventh grade vocational high school students in SMK Analis Kesehatan
Nasional Surakarta gave responses by choosing answer options in closed-end questionnaire.
In the diagram of picture 3, most of students or respondents responded strongly agree and
agree in each variable. The highest number students that chose strongly agree is in the
question 3 dealing with Duolingo application ability for improving English listening skill. It
means that students in this research found attractive application features to try that fit with
their learning model. Moreover, picture 3 also reveals that most of students also chose
answer option of Agree that become the second highest number in the diagram after answer
option of Strongly Agree.
In this state, almost all of students have high motivation and interest to learn English,
not only in listening skill but also all of language skills including vocabulary, speaking,
writing, and reading skills since Duolingo application provides text, picture, and audio
recording (Idaryani & Fidyati, 2021). Thus, Duolingo mobile application has innovative
digital technology to bring positive interaction and motivation for these medical students to
learn English, especially English for specific purpose. It goes along with the research that
students are more interactive, collaborative, and motivated in learning ESP when innovative
technology was adopted in teaching-learning ESP. Niah and Pahmi also stated that using
technology such as duolingo application certainly can help improve students’ English skills
specifically listening and speaking skills (Niah & Pahmi, 2019). Because of ongoing updated
features, Duolingo application can support its exercises for English listening skill with other
English language skills so that students can feel comfortable to use the features and do the
English exercises.
Nowadays, technology advances are very fast and it becomes a part of our lives. In
education field, mobile assisted language learning is a part of afforded technology even after
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Copyright (c) 2022 Arum Sari & Saly Kurnia Oktaviani.

Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students

online learning as the impact of pandemic. Since Duolingo application is one of language
learning media, this study shows the improvement of vocational high school students’
listening skill in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta after using Duolingo mobile
application. The scores of students’ pre-test and post-test presented significant increase of
students’ English listening skill by using Duolingo mobile application. The average students’
pre-test score was 73.25 while the average students’ post-test score was 83.3. It was
supported by students’ perception from closed-end questionnaire that 90% students gave
positive perception to the usage of Duolingo mobile application in their English learning
process. One of the important factors that makes Duolingo application perceived well by
vocational senior high school students in this research is the usability of application which is
easy to install and access everywhere and every time by these students.
Thanks to Allah SWT who has bestowed all the blessings and mercy so that this article
finished with the title "Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement
of Vocational School Students”. This research was conducted to find out the students’
progress and perceptions in English listening skill using Duolingo mobile application. In
addition, authors also would like to say gratitude to the leader of STMIK Sinar Nusantara
Surakarta, Ms. Kumaratih Sandradewi S.P., M.Kom and fellow lecturers at STMIK Sinar
Nusantara Surakarta who have helped and supported the authors so that this article can be
completed. Furthermore, the authors would like to say gratitude to vocational senior high
school students of class XI-A at SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta who are willing
to be respondents in this study. Last but not least, the authors also would like to say
gratitude to Journal of English language and education for publishing this article.
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