Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1. (a) Explain Handling of discrete variable in load flow.
(b) Explain convergence properties & sparsity techniques
2. Give algorithm steps for fast decoupled load flow method to find the solution of power system
3. Explain decoupled load flow method to find the solution of a system with the help of flow chart.
4. Explain the algorithm and flowchart for Gauss-Seidel method for load flow solution without pv buses
5. Draw flow-chart for load flow solution using Gauss-Seidal method with PV- buses.
6. The load flow data for a 4-bus system in figure is given in table with bus 1 as slack. Determine the
bus voltages at the end of 1 iteration using Gauss-Seidal method with = 1.6.
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(1) (2)
1. Draw the neat sketch and explain about security state diagrams.
2. Explain about modeling for contingency analysis
3. Explain in detail about dc load flow
4. Explain about sensitivity factors with help of dc load flow
5. Explain About Contingency Selection
6. What are the assumptions to study possible sequences and remedial action required by two
Failure events in contingency analysis
7. Explain about contingency analysis model for multiple equipment failure
8. Explain About Ac Load Flow Method
9. Describe over load Index Ranking
10. Explain ac security analysis procedure to run ac load with the help of overload index?
1. Discuss about tracking state estimation of power system?
2. Explain about static state estimation in power system?
3. Draw the diagram about power system control centre
4. Explain about WARD.REI Equivalents?
5. Discuss about bad data correction?
6. Explain about weighted least square estimation?
7. Discuss Sources Of Error In Measurements?
8. Explain Power System State Estimation Problem Corresponds To Non-Linear measurement Model?
9. Explain network observability and pseudo-measurements?
10. Explain virtual and pseudo, measurement & Observability in state estimation of power System?