GNED10 Module 1 Sex Vs Gender - 1630936636

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by: Arlene L. Estrada (Trece Campus)
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this topic the students will be able to:
1. Define and differentiate sex and gender
2. Discuss the implications of these differences
3. Use the terms properly

Discussion of sex and gender is very important so that everyone would have a better
understanding of these human aspects so that we can help in addressing issues such as
discrimination, bullying, violence and other health and mental in relation to sex and gender.
Introductory Activity:
Word Association. Write on the column provided whether the noun, adjective, activity
or trait can be attributed to male or female.

1. Strong 9. savings
2. Pretty 10. shoes
3. Muscle 11. prayer
4. Sexy 12. church
5. Emotional 13. tall
6. PTA meeting 14. car
7. Nurse 15. washing machine
8. Doctor 16. temperament

How many among the choices you answered for male and how many for female?
Contemplate on your answers.

Defining Sex and Gender


Generally, sex refers to categories that people are assigned to at birth based on
reproductive characteristics (Stvenson & Waite, 2011). It is determined by our biological
Sex is physical attributes pertaining to a person’s body contours, features,
hormones, genes, chromosomes and reproductive organs.
Sex is:
➢ Generally permanent
➢ Universal
➢ Categorize as male and female
➢ Attributes are equally valued

Primary sex characteristics refers to the sexual and reproductive organs.

Secondary Sex Characteristics: Female

• Development of the breast

• Pelvic widens and hips broaden
• Voice deepens slightly
• hair grown under the arms & in the pelvic region
• ovaries start to function
• regular menstruation

Secondary Characteristics (male)

• the body become more muscular
• shoulder & chest become broader
• adam’s apple grows
• vocal cord enlarge
• underarm, pubic hair & hair on the face, chest & shoulders start to grow
• penis & testes enlarge
• testes begin to make sperm

What is Sex Role?

A role which can be performed by only one of the sexes.


What is Gender?

Gender refers to…..

Expectation held about
the characteristics,
aptitudes and likely
behaviors of both
women and men.

Gender refers to…

differentiated roles, attitudes and values

assigned by culture and society to
women and men.

What is gender?
➢ sociologically constructed
➢ changing, time and place bound
➢ present in both women and men
➢ categorize as feminine and masculine
➢ attributes are marked by inequality

Activity 2. Sex vs Gender.

Identify whether the statements below refer to the concept of Sex or Gender. Write
your answer after each statement, just write S for sex and G for gender.
1. Men’s voices break at puberty, women’s do not.
2. Women give birth to babies.
3. There more women than men in the caring professions.
4. Women breastfeed babies.
5. Men should take Engineering courses.
6. Boys don’t cry.
7. Men are susceptible to prostate cancer.
8. Girls must not climb trees.
9. Pink for girls, blue for boys.
10. All human female egg cells only carry X chromosomes.


CvSU-GAD RC (2016). Gender Sensitivity training power point presentation.

Eckert, P & McConnellGinet, Sally. (nd.). Language and Gender. Second Edition. Cambridge
and New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from

Jhpiego (2020). Gender concepts and definitions. Retrieved from
Mcdermott, R. & Hatemi, P. (2011). Distinguishing Sex and Gender. PS: Political Science &
Politics. 44. 89 - 92. 10.1017/S1049096510001939.

Reeves, H. and Baden, S. (2000). Gender and development: concepts and definitions. UK:
BRIDGE Institute of Development Studies.

Tolibas, F., Gallinero, W., Dumanlag, S., Ramos, A., Oregines, Q., & Salinas, E. (2020).
Gender and society. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

Unknown. (2019). A course module for gender and society: A human ecological approach.
Manila: Rex Publishing Corporation.

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