Sub: Formal Order For Supply of Tyre, Tube & Flap: ECL/PUR/41413013/E/LV Tyre/033 Opened On 18.06.2014
Sub: Formal Order For Supply of Tyre, Tube & Flap: ECL/PUR/41413013/E/LV Tyre/033 Opened On 18.06.2014
Sub: Formal Order For Supply of Tyre, Tube & Flap: ECL/PUR/41413013/E/LV Tyre/033 Opened On 18.06.2014
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Formal Order for Supply of Tyre, Tube & Flap
Ref: i) Our e-Tender No: ECL/PUR/41413013/E/LV Tyre/033 opened on 18.06.2014.
ii) Your Offer No: ATF/T/14-15/ECL/Light Vehicle Tyres dated 31.05.2014.
iii) Our Letter No: ECL/PUR/04/LV Tyre/14-15/867 dated 25.07.2014, 038 dated
25.08.2014 &1139 dated08.09.2014.
iv) Your Letter No: ATF/T/14-15/ECL/Light Vehicle Tyres dated 06.08.2014,& letter
With reference to above, we for and on behalf of ECL hereby place our FORMAL ORDER for supply
of ‘ASIAN/ATF, Make Brand new Tyre, Tube &Flap at the following price, Terms & conditions and
also as per “ Standard Terms and conditions” for supply of Light Vehicle Tyre ,Tube & Flap and
“General Terms & Conditions” enclosed:
SCOPE OF SUPPLY: The stores to be supplied and their prices are as follows:
No (Sets) (In Rs) VALUE (In Rs)
1 Tyre with Tube & Flap 11.00 x 26011252 09 13,125.00 1,18,125.00
20 (16 PR)
2 Tyre with tube F-78 X 15 26750242 18 2,500.00 45,000.00
3 Tyre with tube 6.70 X 15 26750302 05 3,600.00 18,000.00
4 Tyre with tube 13.00 X24 26750102 02 16,250.00 32,500.00
5 Tyre with tube 6.00 X 16 26750222 19 2,490.00 47,310.00
6 Tyre with Tube and Flap 9.00 26750292 253 11,100.00 28,08,300.00
X 20 (16PR) LUG
TOTAL EXTENDED VALUE: -Rs 30, 69,235.00 (Rupees Thirty Lakhs Sixty Nine Thousand Two
Hundred Thirty FiveOnly)
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PURCHASE ORDER NO: 05844113(40) Dated: 03.11.2014
Terms & Conditions
1) Price -The above price is inclusive of P& F, Freight and Transit Insurance charges etc. on FOR
destination basis, which will remain firm till execution of order.
2) Excise Duty - To be paid extra at legally applicable rate at the time of supply. The present rate of E.D is
12.36% inclusive of Educational Cess on submission of documentary evidence. CENVAT Credit will be
availed as per prevailing Excise Rules.
3) Sales Tax -To be paid extra at legally applicable rate at the time of supply. The present rate of CST @
2% against declaration from ‘C’ to be issued by the respective consignee. Your sales Tax registration No
should be quoted in your bills.
4) Terms of Payment - 100% payment will be made within 21 days of correct receipt and acceptance of
materials at consignees end or submission of bills together with documents stipulated in this order,
whichever is later.
The information provided by you in respect of e-payment is as follows:-
i) Name of the payee:- ASIAN TIRE FACTORY LIMITED.
ii) Address:- D-37 FOCAL POINT JALANDHAR-144004 (PUNJAB).
iii) Bank account No of Payee: 30470111268
iv) Name of the Bank: STATE BANK OF INDIA.
v) Name of the Branch : TANDA ROAD, JALANDHAR .
vi) PAN Card No of Payee: AAHCA1931C.
vii) IFS Code: SBI-N-0004072.
5) Delivery –For Sl. No 01 to 05:-To commence within two (2) months and completed within next two (2) months
i.e. overall within four (4) months from the date of issue of order.
For item no 06: Supply should commence within two months from date of order @8sets/month and to be
completed in next two months.Early delivery shall be accepted.
6) Consignee– Dy. General Manager, Sodepur Central Stores. P.O, Sunder Chak Dist: Burdwan, WB.
7) Paying Authority – General Manager (F) I/C, ECL, Sanctoria, Burdwan (WB).
8) Marking-Month and year of manufacturing along with batch no and name of manufacturer is to be
mention on each Tyre,
9) Guarantee/Warranty –Warranty in respect of sub standard materials and poor workmanship and faulty
design (normal wear & tear excluded) should be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of
installation or 18 months from the date of receipt and acceptance of materials at consignee’s end or bills
whichever is earlier.
Furtherevery Tyre supplied by the supplier bearing its name shall be guaranteed to be free from defects in
respect of substandard materials, poor workmanship and faulty design (excluding normal wear and tear)
without limit as to time or mileage. In case of any tyre is found to be defective it will be intimated
immediately to the supplier to arrange for inspection. If after examination it is found that any article is
defective, than supplier shall give rebate based on the estimated balance of the life of Tyre/Tube/Flap as
per the formula given below:
Compensation = B x C , Where: -A - Original tread depth of the Tyre,
B - Remaining tread depth when the Tyre fails& C -Cost of the Tyre per set.
10) Bills:Separate Bills (5 Copies)/ Challans along with requisite documents, if any, should be raised for
each consignment and BC No as mentioned in the purchase order should be indicated in each bills.
The bills should be submitted to the consignee.
Additional information to be incorporated in Invoice as per Central Excise Act so that ECL may avail CENVAT Credit
under Rule 11(2) of Central Excise Rules.
1) Name of Consignor:
2) Address of Consignor:
3) Centralized Central Excise Registration No of Consignor:
4) Address of Corporate office:
5) Central Excise Division:
6) Central Excise Range:
7) Commissioner ate:
8) TIN No & VAT No:
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PURCHASE ORDER NO: 05844113(40) Dated: 03.11.2014
9) Name & Address of the consignee;
10) Central Excise Registration No of Consignee:
11) Central Excise Range, Division and Commissioner ate Of Consignee:
12) Description & Classification of goods:
13) Time & Date of Removal
14) Mode of Transport & Vehicle Reg. No/ RR No:
15) Rate of Duty:
16) Qty & Value of Goods:
17) Excise Duty, Primary Education. Cess & H.S. Education Cess:---(to be indicated separately).
The details of ECL given below for your information:
1. Centralized Central Excise Registration No: AAACE7590EEM001.
2. Address of Corporate Office: Office of CMD, ECL.
3. Central Excise Division:Asansol-II, Senraleigh Road, Asansol-713305.
4. Central Excise Range: Kulti, X-10, South Road, Burnpur-713325.
5. Commissionerate: Bolpur (West Bengal)
6. Tin No & Vat No: 19741701222 & 19741701028.
7. Centralized Service Tax Registration No: AAACE7590EST007.
11) Price Fall Clause -
a) The prices charged for the stores to be supplied under this supply/purchase order by your unit shall in no
event exceed the lowest price at which you sell the stores or offer to sell the store of identical
description to any customer during the tenure of this supply order.
b) If any time during the said period you reduce the sale price sell or offer to sell such stores to any
customer at a price lower than the ordered price, you shall forthwith notify such reduction of sale or
offer to sale to us to enable us to amend the rates of the order and stores supplied after the date coming
into force on such reduction or sale shall stand correspondingly reduced.
c) The prices charged for the stores to be supplied under this supply/purchase order by your unit shall in no
event exceed the lowest price at which you sell the stores or offer to sell the store of identical
description to any customer during the tenure of this supply order.
d) If any time during the said period you reduce the sale price sell or offer to sell such stores to any
customer at a price lower than the ordered price, you shall forthwith notify such reduction of sale or
offer to sale to us to enable us to amend the rates of the order and stores supplied after the date coming
into force on such reduction or sale shall stand correspondingly reduced.
12) LD Clause and Risk Purchase Clause -Delivery quoted by you shall be taken aessence of the contract.
In case of failure ECL reserves the right to any or all the following:-
a) To recover from the successful tenderer as agreed, liquidated damage @ ½ % (half percent) of the price
of any stores, which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply for each week or part of week
during which the delivery of such store may be in arrears, limited to 10% (ten percent), where felt
necessary. The limits of 10% (ten percent) can be increased to 15% (Fifteen percent)
b) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to the successful tenderer on their account & at the risk of the
defaulting supplier, the stores not supplied or other materials of a similar description without canceling
the supply order in respect of the consignment not yet due for supply. OR
c) To extend the delivery period with or without penalty, as may be considered fit & proper. The penalty
imposed shall not be more than the agreed liquidated damage referred to as clause (a) above. OR
d) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof if ECL decide to purchase the stores at the risk & cost
of defaulting supplier & also.
e) To forfeit the security/earnest money or invoke the Bank Guarantee received. OR
f) Wherever under this contract any sum of money is recoverable from or payable to the supplier. ECL
shall be entitled to recover such sum due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the
successful tenderer in this or any other contract. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover full amount
recoverable, the successful tenderer shall have to pay to ECL on its demand. The successful tenderer
shall however, not be entitled to any gain on any such purchase.
13)Dispatch Instruction - Materials duly packed are to be delivered by road transport consigned to the
stores on freight paid basis entirely at your risk and cost.
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PURCHASE ORDER NO: 05844113(40) Dated: 03.11.2014
14)Inspection: Final Inspection of the materials will be carried out by the Authorized representative of GM
(E&M), ECL HQ at Consignee’s end after receipt of materials.
15)Security Deposit:Exempted as you are registered with NSIC.
16)Manufacturer’s guarantee/warranty certificate should be submitted along with each consignment
17)Separate bills (in triplicate)/Challans should be raised for each consignment.
18)Except under specific instructions delivery to stores is restricted upto 3.00 PM on all working days
except Saturdays.
19)Price Certificate: You will have to give a Price certificate along with each bill that the ordered Prices are
similar price as has been quoted which are being offered/will be offered to Coal India
Subsidiaries.However, if any time during the tenure of the supply order, you reduce the sale price, sell or
offer to sell such stores to CIL, any other Subsidiary of CIL at a price lower than the ordered price, you
shall forthwith notify such reduction of Sale or offer to Sale to ECL to enable ECL to amend the rates of
the order.
20)One copy of the dispatch document of each consignment should invariably be forwarded to this Office.
21)Please quote purchase order number and date in all your correspondence.
22)General terms and conditions attached with the notice inviting tender and or tender documents provided
to you become an integral part of this purchase order.
23)Way Bill/Road Permit – Way Bill should be obtained directly from the consignee. Your request for the
way bill should be sent well in advance to facilitate timely dispatch of materials.
24)In case of any dispute, the decision of GM (MM) PUR, ECL shall be final and binding on you.
25)The court of Asansol only will have Jurisdiction to deal with or decide any legal matter of dispute
whatsoever arising out of this contract.
26)The other terms & Conditions will be as per NIT and our General terms and Conditions of supply orders.
27)The contract is concluded with issuance of order. However, we are enclosing two copies of purchase
order, one of which should be returned to us duly stamped and signed for acknowledgement. In case of
non-receipt of 2nd copy of order within 15 days, it will be presumed that order has been accepted for
delivery of items.
Yours faithfully,