DCS Sem 2 Syllabus
DCS Sem 2 Syllabus
DCS Sem 2 Syllabus
With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 1st Semester from academic
Subject Name: Developing Contributory Skills – I (DCS-I) year 2019-20
Subject Code: 4519208
1. Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome (Learner will be able to)
Business Environment and Domain Develop critical thinking practice for decision-making.
Knowledge (BEDK)
Critical thinking, Business Adapt MS Word and MS Excel to enhance work
Analysis, Problem Solving and productivity.
Innovative Solutions (CBPI)
Global Exposure and Cross- Analyze global management practices through case
Cultural Understanding (GECCU) studies of MNCs and foreign institutions.
Social Responsiveness and Ethics Justify the appropriateness of business etiquettes
(SRE) specific to any social interaction in business settings.
Effective Communication (EC) Illustrate listening, speaking and writing skills backed
by creative, critical and lateral thinking.
Illustrate professional behavior along with norms of
business etiquettes.
Leadership and Teamwork (LT) Solve a case or a problem situation through creative
and critical thinking in a group.
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With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 1st Semester from academic
Subject Name: Developing Contributory Skills – I (DCS-I) year 2019-20
Subject Code: 4519208
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With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 1st Semester from academic
Subject Name: Developing Contributory Skills – I (DCS-I) year 2019-20
Subject Code: 4519208
4. Pedagogy:
ICT enabled Classroom teaching
Case study
Interactive class room activities, discussions, games
Self-assessment tests for creativity and critical thinking
Computer lab practice
5. Evaluation:
Students shall be evaluated on the following components:
A End –Semester Examination (External Assessment - 50 Marks)
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