Cultural Relativism

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• It is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary form culture to culture, are all
equally valid and no one system is really “better” than any other. This is based on the idea
that there is no ultimate standard of goo or evil, so every judgment about right and wrong
is a product of society. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural
perspective of each person. Ultimately, this means that no moral or ethical system can be
considered the “best,” or “worst,” and no particular moral or ethical position can actually
be considered “right” or “wrong.”
• It is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using
the standards of one’s own culture. The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural
practices tat are not typically part of one’s own culture. Using the perspective of cultural
relativism leads to the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when
compared to systems of morality, law politics, etc.
• The concept of cultural relativism also means that any opinion on ethics is subject to the
perspective of each person within their particular culture. Overall, there is no right or wrong
ethical system. In a holistic understanding of the term cultural relativism, it tries to promote
the understanding of cultural practices that are unfamiliar to other cultures such as eating
insects, genocides or genital cutting.
• It is one of the most important concepts in the field of sociology, affirming and recognizing
the relationship between social structure and the day-to-day life of an individual.
• Cultural relativism is based on the fact that there is no specific ground rule for what is good
or evil. Thus, any judgment on what is true or wrong depends on the society’s rules, culture,
and belief system. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is dependent on a person’s
cultural perspective. Ultimately, no particular ethical position can be considered the best.

Cultural relativism has advantages. Here are some key points to consider.
1. It is a system which promotes cooperation.
2. It creates a society where equality is possible.
3. People can pursue a genuine interest.
4. Respect is encouraged in a system of cultural relativism.
5. It preserves human culture.
6. Cultural relativism creates a society without judgment.
7. Moral relativism can be excluded form cultural relativism.
8. We can create personal moral codes based on societal standards with ease.
9. It stops cultural conditioning.
If cultural relativism has advantages, it also has disadvantages. Here ae some points to consider.
1. It creates a system that is fueled by personal bias.
2. It would create chaos.
3. It is an idea that is based on the perfection of humanity.
4. It could promote a lack of diversity.
5. It draws people away from one another.
6. It could limit moral progress.
7. It could limit humanity’s progress.
8. Cultural relativism can turn perceptions into truths.

In conclusion, people must understand and respect others’ cultures. In fact, no cultures are
the same. We vary from each other and it makes us distinct and unique from others. Moreover, we
should not judge others’ culture because we are not the same of beliefs and norms.

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