Unit 1. Types of Family in Modern Society
Unit 1. Types of Family in Modern Society
Unit 1. Types of Family in Modern Society
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian equivalents
to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) happy, balanced (syn. stable) families
2) to stand for family values
3) the nuclear (syn. traditional/immediate) family; the extended family; the
flock -стадо/скопление
4) to shrink; syn. to fall steeply; ant. to increase; a fourfold increase in
smth*1 -четырехкратное увеличение
5) the family unit/group/community
6) a family situation/arrangement; a familial pattern/practice/setup/setting
7) to be in crisis, ~ in a state of crisis; syn. to be in decline*
8) (to be) a thing of the past*
9) to blame smth on smb; to blame smb for smth; to put the blame on smb;
to be to blame*
10) to be related by blood or law; to be blood-related; blood
11) to commit oneself to marriage/to make a marriage commitment
(syn. colloquial to tie the knot); marriage bonds/ties
12) to be acceptable (to have alternative life styles); same-sex (syn.
homosexual)/ heterosexual couples
13) to make up 44% of the workforce (Br. labourforce); to be in paid
work outside the home; to take/do paid work
14) the main, male/female breadwinner; income provider
15) “latch key kids”; syn. waifs and strays -беспризорники
16) there’s a stigma attached to ... (~ the phenomenon of latch key
17) child care centres; day nurseries (Br.)/daycare centers (Am.)
18) a child minder; syn. a (baby) sitter/nursemaid/
19) to fit in with (~ school hours)*
20) in the workplace (to establish crèches ~)
21) it’s a commonly held view that ... ; syn. it’s common knowledge
that …*
22) to divorce smb; serial divorce; to disrupt a marriage/to abandon
(syn. to renounce)/to opt out of a relationship
23) irretrievable невосполнимый breakdown of marriage; a
disintegrating family life
24) a divorce petition
25) to cohabit; cohabitation; cohabitee/cohabiter/cohabitant
26) to test out a relationship
27) to have a live-in boyfriend/girlfriend; a live-in relationship
28) to be born outside marriage
29) births to married couples/to single people (syn. singletons/single-
person householders); to be born to smb
30) a single-/lone-/one-parent family, household; a single/lone parent
31) to be (clearly) at an advantage/a disadvantage*
32) to need role models of both sexes; masculine/feminine role models
33) to control the family finances
34) male-/female-dominated family life/households
35) to frown upon smth (syn. to disapprove of)* -осуждать
1) a female homemaker - хранительница очага
2) pre-school children/pre-schoolers
3) at the heart of the issue*
4) Genderquake -гендерный переворот
5) to measure up/to live up to smb’s expectations* -оправдать ожидания
6) in the space of a generation; to incorporate four generations -в течение
жизни одного поколения
7) people below pensionable age
8) delayed adulthood -запоздалое взросление
9) at an average age of …*
10) first-time brides -впервые выходящая замуж
11) to pursue higher education
12) a transition period*
13) “quality time”; time-squeezed families –свободное время. Семьи
с нехваткой свободного времени???
14) procreative sex -репродуктивный секс
15) to make a comeback* -
16) renewable marriage contracts; to reaffirm one’s marriage vows -
вновь давать брачную клятву
17) to facilitate communication*
18) to use teleparenting systems/virtual monitoring
19) to become commonplace* -стать обычным явлением
20) to set up websites*
21) to be intent on smth*
22) in-/fertility; in-/fertile; assisted conception -искусственное
зачатие, syn. artificial insemination
23) sperm counts -колич-во сперматозоидов
24) pre-teen pregnancies
25) a non-event* -бессмысленное мероприятие
26) the sins of the flesh; asexual
27) mercifully*
28) to free smth from the stranglehold of… - освободить кого-то из
тисков; to make way for smth, smb* -дать дорогу
29) to have a distinct impact on smth*
30) a surfeit of smth* -избыток
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian equivalents
to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) permissive; permissiveness вседозволенность (excessive/extreme ~; syn.
overindulgence; sheer negligence грубая небрежность); lax authority
слабая власть; (parental) laxity попустительство
2) authoritative; authoritativeness
3) prone to obey authority (syn. Docile кроткий, n docility/obedient; to
pressure smb into obedience); ant. Indocile/disobedient/re'calcitrant
4) to rebel/make (adolescent) rebellion against parents (syn. resentment; to
be resentful of smth)
5) to roughhouse хулиганить скандалить шалить; roughhousing; to be at
war with smb
6) to admonish smb for smth выговаривать - admonishment
7) to spank/paddle smb шлепать
8) to impose harsh rules on smb; to impose smth by authority from
9) to persuade smb through fear; to be fearful of smth
10) to bring smth under control; to take/(re)assert control over smb; to
set controls/limits/strains on oneself; to put strains on smth
11) to degenerate into smth ( ~ deliberate cruelty or meanness)
опуститься до; to inflict (psychological) wounds on smb; to recover
from smth (~ traumatic experience)*
12) declining achievement (~ in classroom) снижение успеваемости
13) to hold smb responsible for smth; to take on/accept responsibilities
for smth; to take the blame for smth*
14) a broken/split home
15) to be in the workforce (Br.)/laborforce (Am.); syn. to be in the
16) alarming/troubling statistics*
17) the root cause* первопричина
18) to zero in on smth сосредоточиться на ; to give high/low priority
to smth*
19) to take hold пустить корни(about an idea, concept, etc.)*
20) to get (the) wind of smth* -пронюхать, почуять, узнать
21) a fad (in child care)*причуда
22) a nationwide revival of interest in parental authority
23) to retain one’s faith in the “liberated child” philosophy
24) to resort to прибегать к /to condone occasional (ant. permanent)
resort to smth* оправдывать периодическое обращение к
25) to be fanatical in smth (~ one’s desire)*
26) to baby smb баловать
27) to downgrade (enthusiasm); ant. to reinforce (skepticism)*
28) to benefit visibly from smth; gratifying results*
29) to bridge/close/stop the gap*
30) intrusion of alien values (through television); to guide children
away from violence
31) to fit into life
32) to be independent of smb (ant. ~ dependent on smb)*
33) …whose name is a Legion…*
Unit 3. Problems of a Young Family
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian equivalents
to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) a national preoccupation (with smth); to be in the forefront быть в
2) (to tackle) an overriding (syn. wrenching) главная problem, syn.
colloquial a crunch*кризис
3) to be riddled with smth (~ potholes выбоины, подводные камни)*быть
4) to be faced/confronted with smth (~ a triple quandary затруднительное
положение); to be caught in a vise* оказаться в капкане
5) to research smth exhaustively; exhaustive research (syn. in-depth studies of
6) to fret about smth - беспокоиться о
7) to take a personal toll (about a problem, issue, etc.)* нанести тяжелый
8) a childcare option/arrangement/setup -возможности в сфере ухода за
9) full-time care; extensive day care, an acceptable day-care arrangement; a
family-care arrangement - организация ухода за детьми; a huge demand for
infant care; (to provide, purchase) after-school/after-hours supervision (syn.
out-of-school care)
10) a care-giver/child-minder/(baby) sitter; an au pair гувернантка, сиделка;
an in-home caregiver/at-home sitter; a neglectful sitter
11) to apply for a spot (~ at a day-care facility); to put/switch children into day
care; communal approaches to child rearing
12) to be under smb’s supervision (syn. to be in the care of smb); to
entrust smb to smb (~ children to siblings) доверить
13) to be in self care (syn. to be left on one’s own; to spend time all by
oneself); a wastrel беспризорник, latch-key kids (syn. waifs and strays)
14) to get in with the wrong crowd, ant. to get (also – smb) on the right path
15) expectant mothers беременные; to time smth for smth (~ one's
pregnancy for an anticipated opening)
16) to be in the labour force; to pour into/enter/go in the workforce; ant. to give
up on work*
17) to seek fulfillment in smth ( ~ a career)
18) unaffordable; to afford (hefty значительный) fees; to cost upwards of
(high-quality supervision costing upwards of $100 a week)
19) poverty-level income/low-income parents; dual income двойной доход; a
lower socioeconomic class
20) to settle for smth довольствоваться (~ for things not being perfect)*
21) to maneuver to maintain smth*
22) to work alternating shifts; to work by remote control
23) the right to a leave of absence; sick leave; maternity leaves with job
security; a year of unpaid “hardship” leave for childcare
24) on-site or near-site day-care centers
25) to engender вызвать (company) loyalty and low turnover текучка; to
reduce absenteeism; to pay off handsomely окупиться сторицей
26) (direct) day-care subsidies; to invoke a provision ссылаться на положение;
the fringe benefits доп льготы; backers спонсоры
(~ of after-school programs)
27) disappointingly few (the choices are ~); of distressingly poor quality; a
vanishing breed*
28) to accelerate (about a trend, process, etc.)*
29) to outnumber smb by 10 to 1*
30) to plummet (syn. to decrease, shrink, drop, fall steeply)*
31) to fill the void (syn. to fill/close/stop/bridge the gap)*
32) to be rooted in smth (~ the quaint устаревший assumption that ...);
the root cause*
Additional Vocabulary List
1) babywatch/a nanny videotaping service/a hidden video camera; to tape
smb through babywatch (in secret); to check up on smb проверить (by
using hidden video cameras)
2) to sign up with (an agency); a nanny placement agency; a reputable
(syn. reliable) agency
3) to be on safe ground (syn. to play it safe; to be on the safe side)
4) prescreening of candidates
5) to get a master’s degree in child development/to have child development
6) to grow close to smb; to band together собраться вместе
7) verbal interaction, engaging/enriching activities
8) to sing smb’s praise рассыпаться в похвалах (syn. to think the world of
9) to pay smb “off the books”в обход кассы; to offer handsome
salaries/cushy benefits
10) poor job performance
11) to pull the wool over smb’s eyes пустить пыль (syn. to be hoodwinked); to
create a totally false image of oneself
12) to know smb fractionally
13) to look closely into smb’ s past; criminal checks; a clean criminal
check/record; to check out smb’s reference/a reference check; to check on
smth; to have smth on one’s record
14) petty and serious crime мелкие и купные преступления; child
molestation растление малолетних, child abuse
15) to go unreported
16) to surface
17) the “gut feeling” интуитивное чувство
18) Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.
UNIT 4. Hazards of Teenage Sex
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian
equivalents to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) nine in ten/nine out of ten Americans
2) to fall into opposing camps*
3) a debate over smth*/to debate smth, debatable
4) premarital chastity -целомудрие; chaste -целомудренный; pro-chastity
5) abstinence; to abstain; abstemious approach -воздержанный подход ;
abstinence-only curriculum -учебный план по воздержанию
6) “secondary virginity” secondary virginity therefore is a conscious decision you make to abstain
from sex till the day you walk down the aisle
7) Puberty период полового созревания; (the average age of ~)
8) the reproductive system/function
9) birth control; to distribute/dispense birth control devices
10) teen pregnancy; teen birthrates; teen pregnancy prevention
11) birth to (births to unmarried girls)
12) sexual involvement (syn. sexual intercourse/act)
13) easy access to (~ abortion)
14) sexual abuse (syn. sexual assault/violence)
15) to molest; molestation; molester приставать, надругаться (syn.
harass; harassment)
16) sex-for-points score keeping
17) to pressure smb for smth
18) a sexually transmitted disease (STD); to contract a disease -
19) incidence (~ of STDs in teens)
20) to instill smth in smb (syn. to induce smth in smb) привить,
21) to exceed; media excess; excessive
22) to glamourize smth in the media
23) to discard отказаться (~ the old-fashioned approach); syn. to
dismiss smth
24) to thwart smb’s advances помешать продвижению/успеху
Unit 5. Problems of a Young Family
Young Adults: Living in Parental Homes or Living Away?
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian equivalents
to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) the Boomerang Generation The boomerang generation is used to
describe people who move back home to live with their parents after
finishing university; to set off вызвать the “boomerang effect”
2) to need a refuge; parental shelter/nest; the empty-nest syndrome
3) a put-upon parent –обманутый родитель
4) growing career instability
5) an increasingly dismal economic outlook мрачные перспективы
экономического развития
6) soaring rates of smth; to soar (syn. to skyrocket/surge/escalate/accelerate)
7) to walk out on one’s marriage расторгнуть/уйти; a failed marriage
8) to go to pieces, syn. to disintegrate, dissolve, break up, come
apart/asunder, collapse
9) to clip one’s wings подрезать крылья; to find one’s wings clipped
10) to move back in with smb переехать, вернуться (~ parents); to be
forced back together
11) to revel in smth наслаждаться ( ~ one’s retirement)
12) to have one’s well-earned space invaded by smb
13) to make a go of smth (Am. to succeed in smth)
14) to face up to smth ( ~ responsibilities)
15) to be bogged down with smth справляться ( ~ responsibilities)
16) to be unhappy with smth ( ~ the arrangement)
17) exorbitant expenses непомерным; to admit to smth признавать (
~ expensive tastes)
18) hassles over smth стычки из-за чего-то
19) to cut smb off отрезать
20) to wind up with smth -оканчиваться
21) the final straw
22) to go through a bad patch переживать трудный период
23) a cooling-off period период обдумывания
24) to sort oneself out разобраться в себе
25) to be on an equal footing быть наравне; to manage the delicate
balancing act -умело сочетать
26) to be supportive of smb
27) to find a new lease of life -по-новому взглянуть на жизнь
28) to pay for one’s family’s upkeep платить за содержание семьи
29) to have a say in smth иметь право голоса
30) to get back on one’s feet встать на ноги; to stand on one’s two
feet; to support an independent lifestyle
31) intermittently (to see smb ~) периодически, время от времени
32) to condemn smb to smth осуждать
33) up to a point - до определенной степени
34) in the long term/run
35) a heaven-sent solution; a godsend
Unit 6. Marriage and Divorce
Study and learn the topical focus vocabulary list. Provide Russian equivalents
to the vocabulary items.
Focus Vocabulary List
1) to divorce from smb; to sue/file for a divorce; to get/obtain a divorce
from smb; a divorce (divorcee); a divorcement
2) a “no-fault” divorce развод по обоюдному; a contested case/an
uncontested case спорный случай
3) the divorce binge/epidemic of divorce/the divorce explosion/a flood tide
of divorce
4) marriage failure (a failed marriage)/dysfunctional marriage
5) throwaway marriages/serial marriages (divorce + remarriage; to remarry;
a high rate of remarriage by divorced people)/serial monogamy
6) to call it quits расстаться; to split; to break up (n breakup); to separate; to
die on the vine отрезать на корню
7) (marriages) dissolved by divorce; to end in dissolution; a chronic
dissatisfaction that is not being attended to; disequilibrium дисбаланс;
chronic strife and antagonisms
8) broken homes (syn. split households); children with multiple parents
9) to diminish smth ( ~ parental guidance and discipline)*ослабить
10) alimony and child-support payments
11) to be saddled with smth ( ~ the legal blame)* быть обремененным
12) social constraints/strains; to cause friction* вызывать конфликты
13) to curb smth сдержать; an inhibiting force*сдерживающий
14) to enter marriage in more skeptical frames of mind
15) the issuance of a wedding license; to spell out smth (contracts
spelling out the terms of one’s marriage) утвердить
16) to take course on smth ( ~ marriage and family matters)
17) the women rights drive/the women’s liberation movement; to assert
a new independence in marriage
18) experiments in smth ( ~ communal living)*
19) a renewed commitment to the present marriage; a renewal of
20) to meet each other’s needs; a lasting and adaptive marriage; to
enhance continuity and growth
21) to depend (up)on smb for smth*
22) to be incorporated into smth*
23) to occur over smth ( ~ an immediate issue)* происходить в связи