Classes With Louis
Classes With Louis
Classes With Louis
The article states that the settlements of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico we notable for their “great houses”,
massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms. Archeologists have been trying to determine how
the building were used and there are three competing theories about that.
First, the passage states that the Chico structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of
people. However, the professor doesn’t agree with with theory and claims that unfortunately, from outside
“great houses” looked like American apartments, but inside of the the house it was completely different.
There were only a few fireplaces, where people could cook, what show us that there couldn’t be hundreds of
Second, the reading defines that the Chaco structure were used to store food supplies. The professor refutes
this point by saying that this theory isn’t supported with facts and large empty rooms could be used for
something else. Moreover, there were not a lot of maize containers and any traces of maize as well.
Third, the passage explains that houses were used as ceremonial centers because of archaeologists found an
enormous mound formed by a pile of old materials. The professor refutes this theory by saying that there
were materials as sand, stones and it could be just a trash from builders ,that they thrown away.
According to the text there are three theory about what Choco Canyon were used for. However, the professor
disagrees all of them.
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present this unique piece of jewellery: a truly mesmerizing opal necklace.
Being not only the height of fashion but also a prestigious and precious masterpiece, this dazzling pendant
will bring you and your loved ones some unforgettable moments of real happiness. And it doesn’t matter if
you’re already done up to the nines or dressed casually. The special opal neckless will always complement
your look perfectly.
If you are a man thinking of an outstanding gift for his significant other or looking for something that may
create an auspicious moment for reconciliation, then this necklace is the surest choice for you.
And also, if you are a woman, let yourself be audacious enough to buy it or to ask your partner to give you
this exception necklace as a gift and you’ll be absolutely delighted.
This all the rage article of jewellery is made up of white gold and inlaid with 24 marvellous diamonds and, of
course, a splendid, suffused with light and colour, opal stone.
‘I think I'll stay in this evening.’ ‘Suit yourself!’ – делай что хочешь!
candid - saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts; even if it could offend
eager beaver
fervent /ˈfɜːvənt/ - having or showing very strong and sincere feelings about something (= ardent /ˈɑːdnt/
very enthusiastic and showing strong feelings about something/somebody)
zealous (formal) /ˈzeləs/ - showing great energy and enthusiasm for something, especially because you feel
strongly about it
a zealous reformer
vociferous /vəˈsɪfərəs/ (formal) - expressing your opinions or feelings in a loud and confident way
vociferous protests
a vociferous critic of the president’s stance
Opposition from senior party members became increasingly vociferous.
boisterous /ˈbɔɪstərəs/ (of people, animals or behaviour) noisy and full of life and energy (шумливый,
оживленный, возбужденный)
It was a challenge, keeping ten boisterous seven-year-olds amused.
The children and the dogs raced out of the house to give me a boisterous welcome.
skint (British English, informal) having no money
I can’t go out tonight—I’m skint.
destitute /ˈdestɪtjuːt/ - without money, food and the other things necessary for life
When he died, his family was left completely destitute.
The war left her completely destitute.
the destitute noun [plural] people who are destitute
They seem destitute of ordinary human feelings.
wily /ˈwaɪli/ clever at getting what you want, and willing to trick people
The boss is a wily old fox.
He was outwitted by his wily opponent.
intrusive - назойливый
Do you think that politicians should be candid about the difficulties the government have?
Tell me about one of the most audacious decisions you’ve made.
Do you know anyone who could be intrepid at times?
Do you think there are many people in Belarus who are completely destitute now?
Do you have any friends who are often boisterous?
for starters
perspiration = sweat
take up a level
to dislodge
it’s lodged
rake in
there we go
to cut the mustard = to be good enough to do something
this song is mustard = it’s great
I can’t stand the sight of shopping malls
They can’t stand the sight of each other
go with a swing - идти как по маслу; успешно проходить
to cut the mustard - добиться успеха; оправдать надежды; преуспеть
The party began to go with a swing.
bite the bullet - с неохотой браться за что-либо
the bone of contention – яблоко раздора
contention - раздор; разногласие
go down a treat – доставлять удовольствие, радость
upset the apple cart - переворачивать вверх тормашками; расстраивать; нарушать планы
pull the rug from under your feet – выбить почву из-под ног
to fight tooth and nail - бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть; приложить все усилия
1 ailing
2 egalitarian – сторонник равноправия
3 cheeky
4 adverse
5 dissuasion
6 reverence
a doodle = a line, shape, etc. that you have drawn when you are bored or thinking about something
derogatory (formal) = insulting
lopsided – having one side lower, smaller, etc. than the other
insipid /ɪnˈsɪpɪd/ = flavourless / dull
a cup of insipid coffee
slanderous /ˈslɑːndərəs/ = (of a spoken statement) false, and intended to damage the good opinion
people have of somebody
arcane /ɑːˈkeɪn/ (formal) - secret and mysterious and therefore difficult to understand
redeeming feature
in an absolute shambles
D, G, I, H, F, B, A, J
B, C, A, F, D, E
trite (=banal) - (of a remark, an opinion, etc.) boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not
berate /bɪˈreɪt/ (formal) - to criticize or speak angrily to somebody because you do not approve of
something they have done (ругать; бранить)
raucously /ˈrɔːkəsli/ - in a way that sounds loud and rough
ribald –
self-deprecating jokes - самоуничижительные шутки
smutty – пикантные, грязные (шутки)
mischievous - озорной
quirky - причудливый
in jest - в шутку (было сказано)
laughing at my expense - смеяться за мой счет
hoary (outdated / old-fashioned) - старый (устаревший)
saucy /ˈsɔːsi/ - rude or referring to sex in a way that is humorous but not offensive
corny /ˈkɔːni/ (informal) - not original; used too often to be interesting or to sound sincere
on a certain level
a goofball -
on the mission
stirring – волнующий
rousing – зажигательный, воодушевляющий
invigorating – ободряющий, освежающий, воодушевляющий
intoxicating – опьяняющий, возбуждающий
an electrifying performance.
The view of the mountains was electrifying.
compelling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ - захватывающий
gripping < compelling
She went into ruptures over / about / at = she got an ecstatic joy
Be in ruptures
Go into ruptures
ephemeral pleasures
ephemeral fashion
fleeting = brief
a fleeting glimpse/smile
a fleeting moment of happiness
virulent /ˈvɪrələnt/ - (of a disease or poison) extremely dangerous or harmful and quick to have an
virulent criticism
virulent nationalism
invasive /ɪnˈveɪsɪv/ - (especially of diseases within the body) spreading very quickly and difficult to stop
We're on to – переходим к
When travelling I like trying something new. For instance, a few years ago, my wife and I went to
Spain and we visited Port Aventura. It’s a huge amusement park with a big number of roller coasters
for all tastes.
Some of the rides were beyond my wildest dreams, but I was craving for an adrenalin rush, so I put
myself on the line.
It’s hard to describe the feelings that I got. It was my most rousing and exhilarating experience ever.
sublime - совершенный; возвышенный; величественный (=of very high quality or great beauty)
sublime beauty
a sublime combination of flavours
The location of the hotel is sublime.
zeal /ziːl/ (formal) - great energy or enthusiasm connected with something that you feel strongly about
zeal – рвение, энтузиазм, жажда деятельности
her missionary/reforming/religious/political zeal
assiduity /ˌæsɪˈdjuːəti/ (formal) - the quality of working very hard and taking great care that
everything is done as well as it can be
assiduity – усердие, прилежность
a genial person
He was a sweet old gentleman with white hair and a genial smile.
He seemed genial enough.
Her manner was quite genial.
The fierce old man suddenly looked almost genial.
Graham was a genial and modest host.
off-tuned – ненастроенный (радио, гитара)
rapture /ˈræptʃə(r)/ (formal) - a feeling of extreme pleasure and happiness (= delight)
any questions
many questions
a lot of questions
ask questions
good question
great question
a question
answer the questions
discuss the questions
4) Do you know anyone who was found guilty OF fraud? What was the case?