RCTS Ride Along Issue 1
RCTS Ride Along Issue 1
RCTS Ride Along Issue 1
President ke Dil se 01
President Speaks 02
Editor’s Note 03
Outstanding performances 07
Readers corner 08
Artists corner 13
President speaks
It gives me immense pleasure to This year we have R.I.S.E as our club
share with you a few words for theme wherein we will focus to Re-
the first-ever bulletin as the define, Innovate, Serve and Enjoy
President of the Rotaract the Rotaract movement. With this,
Club of Thane Suburban. REDEFINE is the theme for this
very first bulletin. Since March
Firstly, I would like to the entire world is redefining
appreciate My Editor, the way of living and working,
Rtr. Srushti Nimbalkar I and my team also decided
and My Vice to do the same by keeping
President Rtr. the spirit of Rotaract even
Saurabh Mahaldar higher to redefine the func-
for creating this tioning of our club and reach
beautiful bulletin. our finest level. For the past
They deserve all the three months, we have taken
credits. up initiatives for budding en-
trepreneurs, sports enthusiasts,
Rotaract for me has professional developers and
been an experimenting many more. We have tried to
platform where you are increase the bonding between
allowed to express your club members so that we work
ideas and work on them together at the same time
and if by any chance you enjoy the moment. Rotaract
fail, the mistakes will would be playing a major role
stimulate your growth. in helping people with their
issues, make sure people are happy
and try spreading smiles as much as
we can. Redefining is not just a word
but an emotion for us, especially me because it is difficult to fight this situation
but not impossible thus we do have to come up with different ways to tackle this
situation, stand tall and RISE.
Editor’s Note
Rtr. Srushti Nimbalkar
RC Thane Suburban
Being in this pandemic is something we never imagined. Altering our life according
to the new rules was the big change we never asked for. Like our lives, Rotaract also
had to adapt to this change. Initially, we thought it would be difficult but as the year
started, project ideas just came to us. In the first quarter some really successful proj-
ects were executed. Amongst those, here are a few that had an impact and made a
Mission Corporate: The aim of the project was to create a
We decided to use Instagram IGTV in professional domain which will cover the
order to reach a bigger audience and entire hiring process from the scratch.
help them in their The motive was to prepare our audience
journey towards landing for the ongoing
a job. Another reason competition for jobs
for using IGTV was that amid this pandemic. The
the videos will always be concept revolved around
there on our feed so these four points: (How
anyone can watch them to search for a job, What
at any point of time as to do after finalizing the
per their requirement. company, How to
The summary of the prepare for an interview
project is as follows: once shortlisted, How to
Part 1: LinkedIn end the interview for
Part 2: Resume & Cover maximum gain).
Part 3: Group Discussion
Part 4: Personal Interview
Part 5: Salary Negotiation
The installation was an official induction ceremony of the outgoing Team
of Rtr. Aseem Bhoir where he is going to pass on the legacy with the
responsibility to the incoming Team of Rtr. Krutika Kadam. The theme
being pubg mobile.
The concept of sharing real life stories was introduced to motivate our
subscribers every Monday. Monday is said to be the most difficult day of
the week as it’s the first working day after the weekend, so with the hope
to get rid of the Monday blues we went ahead with our idea. Sharing a
real-life inspirational story every Monday with the hope of keeping our
readers motivated throughout the week.
This project was for all the Rotaractors and Rotarians to come
together for one particular evening to get to know each other and
just have fun with an evening filled with Bollywood by playing
charades in the most melodramatic way possible and many more.
The project was to discuss the topic "Youth on Substance abuse" and
provide correct knowledge about this need of the hour term in our
society. The concept was to know what people already know about
Substance abuse and then correct them rather than just having a basic
session on Substance abuse through the help of our speaker.
Rtr.Maitreyi Bharti Rtr.Durvesh Tamse
July 20 Aug 20
Rtr.Jiggesh Maurya
Rtr.Rohit Sawant
Aug 20
Sept 20
Rtr.Srushti Nimbalkar Rtr.Subir Yadav
Sept 20 Sept 20
Readers corner
Reading is an excellent habit as it develops the mind to grow and acquire vast knowledge.
Various readers like reading novels or poetry from authors like Jane Austen, William
Shakespeare, etc. Some novels written by these authors in that time and age are now
considered as classics as they are still widely read. Since a lot of new readers get confused as to
where to start from when it comes to classic books. So in this section called the Reader’s Corner,
we introduce you to 3 extraordinary books with an outstanding storyline and inspiring
characters. A book review for each book recommended giving you an idea of what the book is
about with the hope to intrigue you.
Memoirs of Geisha
Written by Arthur Golden in 1997, Memoirs
of a Geisha is a historical fiction novel based
on one of the most iconic facets of Japanese
culture- Geishas. The story begins in a
Dickensian style when our protagonist Chio,
a young girl from an impoverished family
residing in a remote fishing village in Japan is
sold to a strange man by her own father.
After a “medical checkup” that grossly
invades her body, she is sold to a geisha
house in Kyoto because of her striking good
looks and piercing eyes. At first Chio rejects
her fate and tries to escape the geisha house
and its tyrant inhabitants who are abusive
and exploitative and struggles to reunite
with her family. When she fails to do so, she
comes to realise that being a geisha could be
a stepping stone to a better life for her as it
will surround her with better people. The
novel’s engrossing writing style and beautiful
pace is such that a reader suffers, triumphs,
dreams and doubts with the heroine all the
way to the end as we watch young Chio
change her name to Sayuri and become a successful and widely known Geisha in Japan.
Although Sayuri's story is completely invented, the historical facts of a geisha’s day to day
life in the 1930s and 1940s are not. This story is set against the backdrop of the Second World
War, which makes it even more compelling as it transports us to another time and another place
and shows us the effect that the war had on the largely hidden and mysterious world of these
traditional Japanese entertainers. The book is written in immaculate detail with regards to
locations, time and cultural dimensions. Even the costumes of all the characters are described
as authentically as they would be by a real geisha, reflecting how deep the author had
researched while writing this book.
While Memoirs of a Geisha is a rivetingly versatile novel written from the point of view of a
female protagonist and Sayuri does end up getting a happy ending, a reader in 2020 would
raise many questions about the malpractices that are mentioned in the book like sex
trafficking, child abuse, sexual harassment, patriarchal values and the toxic competitive
relationships between women who are contemporaries of each other. With the feminist
wave on the rise like never before in this new era, Memoirs of a Geisha can be a book to
start new conversations about the historical status of women in the global society and how
many traditions need to be radically changed to give women real freedom to go after the life
they truly desire. Memoirs of a Geisha while not being for the faint hearted, is an
unapologetically honest story and an epic romance to remember.
-Amita Gadkari
Little Women
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”
Louisa May Alcott introduced the world to the life of these little women. The story is based
on her own life with her sisters in the early 1860s during the Civil War.
The novel is about the 4 March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Beth and Jo were very close,
outgoing Jo and shy Beth always complimented each other very well. They both did not want
to live in a world full where women are forced to conform to the social conventions of
female behaviour. Likewise, generous Meg and selfish Amy fit very well together.
Alcott did not fail to surprise us when the rich, neighbour boy, Laurie falls in love with Jo
asking her to marry him. And her denying the feelings she had for him because she wanted
more than just a family. Her dreams were
bigger than that. If we read her book carefully,
Alcott wasn’t altogether sure that she wanted to
make it a feminist rallying cry, and there are
things in the book that make you think she
would have given it all up—the writing, the
independence, the choice not to marry (She
wrote, “I’d rather be a free spinster and paddle
my own canoe”)—if the right man had come
The mood of the book is very playful. Alcotts’
way of writing captures the attention of the
readers and manipulates them to imagine the
scene in their head.
The description of every character makes the
readers feel like they know them personally. It is
one of the best comings of age story with a
perfect narrative style with tons of life lessons
for all generations. The book never gets boring,
no matter how many times you read it. Hence,
it's truly a classic.
-Srushti Nimbalkar
Loud &
L ockdown has been a problem for everyone but amidst this lockdown, the LGBTQ+
community did not fail to celebrate the Pride Month. Even though there were restrictions on
going out and painting the world in rainbow colours, they decided to spread this colourful joy
through social media instead. There is so much going on in the world which is just heartbreaking
and sad. This small celebration is exactly what we needed. The internet was full of people
supporting each other and talking about their struggles of coming out - how they weren’t
accepted by the society or their parents who eventually came around. For all those people who
don’t understand or cannot accept the broader concept of various sexualities, it’s okay if you
don’t or can’t accept them. But just stop hating on them or giving them ill, inhumane treatment.
Everybody has feelings, no matter what gender or species you are. You being kind will just make
their day a little better and give them the strength to fight a little longer.
I went to the pride parade this year which was held on 1st February at Azad Maidan, Mumbai.
I never experienced so much love and warmth at the same time until then. They are so much
better than us - kinder, stronger, warmer. They don’t deserve the way we treat them and that’s a
fact. So the next time you come across someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, etc. be kind
because “Shade never made anybody less gay”.
Some of them were kind enough to share their stories with us.
— Dia Desai
I've always been out and proud, or so I thought. I've known I was attracted to the fairer
sex since I was 8. I know that's fairly young, but I just knew. And back then, I didn't
even know the term bisexual existed, however I knew that what I felt wasn't consid-
ered normal.
Unfortunately, I used to believe that I didn't need to come out to my parents. Partially
because I didn't think it was important, but also because
I was still holding on to the hope that I wouldn't bring
home a bride. But as I got older, I still felt strongly about
women, and I knew this wasn't going to go away.
However, in 2018, I decided to attend the Queer Film Fes-
tival held at Liberty Cinema with a group of friends. And
while telling my mum about it, I came out to her and said:
"I'm bisexual". To my surprise, she was okay with it, and so
was my father.
I still don't feel like I belong in the community, because
biphobia and so many other issues are still quite preva-
lent. I wanted to talk about it, I penned it down in the
post 'Truly Biconic' for my blog Funky Poet. And my friend
and I both discuss our first pride experience on our Pod-
cast Life's Lineup.
Coming out is not a one time thing, it's a long, volatile,
painful conversation about one's sexual orientation. But
I'm willing to have this conversation every single time.
— Simone Pinto
by Srushti Nimbalkar
Editor RC Thane Suburban
Explain your work (Art) in 100 words.
I'm a Beatboxer, Music Producer and a Visual Artist.
I've been into beatboxing since almost 6 years and
leveling up ever since. From being into school/college
cyphers to one of the best beatboxers from India, the
journey has been amazing. I'm also the founder of
Bombay Beatbox Community. I was also featured on
Breezer Vivid Shuffle Title Track along with Wah Da Fu
and Fejo. Apart from beatboxing, i was the lead
designer for Colossal 4 - India's Biggest Beatbox Battle.
I've worked with several other organizations like
Iskcon DaanPaatra, Waggy Tails Pvt. Ltd and so on. My
niche includes Logo design, Graphic/Illustration
design, Animation and Motion grahics. I'm also a part
time Music Producer who likes to produce
experimental music. I have produced The Mean Emcee
mihirbeatbox EP in collaboration with Yogie and I have a few more
releases coming out in a few weeks.
-Mihir Lapalikar
Explain your work (Art) in 100 words.
Am an independent singer/songwriter,
musician from Thane and 'Ek Musafir' is my
first single. It's an alternative pop song which
with travel vibes which will take you back to
the 90's indie pop era. Apart from making you
feel nostalgic, this song can also be your one
true companion during long drives and solo
trips. In the current trend of party songs, a
travel song is all you need; to push you keep
everything aside, carry a backpack and move
out to explore the world around you.
-Mayur Raje
-Anoushka Siqueiravaz
@sunshinebae3 Explain your work (Art) in 100 words.
I’m a handpoke tattoo artist. Hand poke tattoos
are powered by hand, using a professional
tattoo needle dipped in ink, attached to a
disposable grip wrap to ensure the needle lies
comfortably in the hand, and pushed into the
skin. The taper of the needle goes just as deep
and the results are just as permanent. It's a very
slow process, where hours are needed to get a
small tattoo. Hand poke tattoos are very
distinctive in their look, different styles can be
achieved with the technique but there is no
mistaking a hand poked tattoo against a
machine tattoo. To me they look much more
-Vaidehi Ashar
-Simran Patankar
If you have a coal in hand, strive to make it
Work hard until you get a diamond;
that’s exactly how you redefine.
-Mayur Raje
- 19
Fast Fashion
& Climate Change!
Fast fashion is a term used by fashion retailers
for designs that flow from the catwalk quickly to
capture current fashion trends. Fast fashion is a part
of our industry and influences trends. Brands like
H&M, Forever 21, Zara, Gap, etc. are all fast fashion
brands. These brands provide cheap but in style items
so that it can be affordable for the majority of people.
With the trendsetting attribute of fast fashion, there is
also a dark side to it. Fast fashion has been polluting
our environment and is a cause for climate change.
A piece of cloth purchased is worn seven times
maximum before throwing it out. Studies show that
these thrown clothes are taken to landfills that pollute
the environment as it takes 200 decades for clothes to
decompose. These landfills decompose other waste
and release methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28
times more potent than carbon dioxide in the air
causing various health problems. Every piece of cotton
cloth is made after using litres of water. Material like
polyester, nylon and synthetic pollute the water as
well as land.
Dyeing mills in Bangladesh have been
contaminating the rivers that caused several deaths.
The country has grown into a cheap clothes
manufacturing hub in the world. Along with dyes,
microfibers also contaminate water. Frequently
washing clothes releases microfibers in the water that
is then released in the ocean, eaten by fishes and
eventually eaten by us. A single piece of cloth releases
around 700,000 microfibers. As fast fashion pollutes
the environment, it also exploits its workers. Around
80% of workers in the fashion industry are women.
These women are working all over the world in terrible
working conditions and unaware of their rights. They
do not even earn a minimum daily wage that
sometimes makes it difficult for them to have a day’s
As we witness the effects of climate change getting
worse, eliminating the concept of fast fashion should
have more focus. Completely eradicating it is going to
take the time that we may not have.
So here are a few things we can do on a personal level.
1. Buy less:
Make sure whatever you buy is what you need. Buying
clothes that aren’t required might result in them
sitting in your closet for years and throwing them out
without even wearing them once.
2. Thrift:
Various thrift stores are available online and in your
local areas. Clothes in thrift stores are usually clothes
with defects or worn once by their owners or stolen in
import/export. Outfits in such stores are inexpensive
and good quality.
3. Rent or Borrow:
Various stores rent out clothes right from head to toe.
Outfits for weddings or once in a year occasions can
be rented or borrowed from a friend as it will save
money and also you will never have to repeat it.
4. Donate:
After you’re satisfied using your clothes and yet can be
used again, make it a point to donate them. If you
don’t know how to, try to get in touch with any
NGOs/NPOs near you so that they will take care of the
Why Join Rotaract?
• Personal growth
• Socializing on an international
• To motivate young people for
eventual membership in Rotary
• Professional Growth
• Career Advancement
On behalf of our team, we wanted to take this moment to say THANK YOU.
Every day we are amazed by our community who use innovation, ideas, and
service to create impact from the local to global level. We are inspired. Every
time we read and edit a story, we’re empowered and comforted by the fact that
there are people out there fulfilling their own missions to turn a difficult story
into a good story. By doing what you do, we get to fulfill our mission by
delivering the message that we all have a voice and the power to make a
We tried redefining the bulletin in our own sassy way and hope that you all
loved it. Ofcourse, we would not miss out thanking Rtr. Srushti Nimbalkar for
conceptualizing the idea of this bulletin cum magazine, also for strategizing the
content in this bulletin. The execution of this bulletin cum magazine wouldn't
have been possible without the support of Rtr. Srushti Nimbalkar. and Rtr.
Saurabh Mahaldar for your creative input in designing our RIDE ALONG in an
outstanding manner.