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Basic Lesson Plans

for Rugby

Developed in conjunction with

The Rugby Football Union & Ulster Branch (IRFU)
Basic Lesson Plans for Rugby


Player movement

Ball movement

Player (Team A)

Player (Team B)


Rugby is a fantastic sport that encourages many skills. And it’s not just a
game for the big guys, there is also a lot of skill in the game.

We have worked with the Rugby Football Union and Ulster Branch (IRFU) to
develop some basic drills.

In this manual are the three exercises shown in the Tesco Sport for Schools
and Clubs DVD, followed by a few fun ways to get youngsters used to hitting
the turf without hurting themselves. Group sizes will vary.

Typically, you can spend about 10-15 minutes on each exercise depending
on how long you have. Don’t forget to spend 5-10 minutes on a warm up
and cool down at the start and end of each lesson.
Avoidance: (Exercise 3 on DVD)

OBJECTIVE: This exercise combines the need for good

ball handling skills and spatial awareness, improving
dodging and the basic rugby skills.

s 4x Groups of four
s 10 x 10m grids (variable)
s 1x Ball per group
s Groups line up in single file

Players start in single file in groups of four in each corner
of a 10m x 10m grid. 1 player in each group runs out at
the same time and tries to avoid bumping in to other three
players in the zone of avoidance. Pass the ball to next
player in opposite line.

Harder - reduce dimensions of grid progressively.

Increase intensity. Players perform skills with the ball such
as round the body/ through legs while running. Use a
tennis ball.

Easier - increase dimensions of grid, decrease number of

Zone of Avoidance players or reduce the pace.

Coaching Points:
s Two hands on ball
s Run straight before trying to avoid
s Be alert to other players
s Be prepared to change direction quickly
s Get to other side as quickly as possible
s Concentrate

Line Out Hoopla: (Exercise 2 on

DVD) OBJECTIVE: This exercise is used for practicing
and perfecting the line out skills. A perfect throw
through the hoop which reaches the line out should
be the aim of this exercise.
(Friday – 132)
s Groups of 6 or more
s 1 thrower, 1 hoop holder and minimum of
four catchers split 2 and 2 to simulate a
mini lineout.
s 1x Ball per group
s Rotate role after 5-10 throws
Hoop Holder
Line up in two parallel lines of players. One player
in the middle holds hoop above their head. Player
at front of one line throws the ball through the hoop
to the front of the other line who catches the ball
and passes it back. 5 goes each for each group
then change round (remember to change player in
the middle).
Harder = Increase distance, decrease size of hoop.
Easier = Decrease distance, use larger hoop.
Make less competitive – more fun

Coaching Points:
s Throw ball from above head
s Smooth follow through
s Throw ball long ways
s Focus when catching
s Jump and catch
Relay: (Exercise 1 on DVD)

OBJECTIVE: This exercise encourages ball

handling on the move. Spatial awareness is
needed to ensure the movement is in a
straight line.

s 10 m channels
s Ball per group

Format: Players run in pairs 10 meters away,

performing skills on each of the runs. Pass
ball backwards as often as possible over the

Harder: Run faster. Use smaller balls. Add

defender to beat.

Easier: Walk or jog. Start with just one or

two passes.

Coaching points:
s Concentrate on performing skill
s Encourage team mates
s Complete skill, don’t cut corners just
to win

Hit the turf:

The following exercises are always popular and are a great way to get the
kids used to falling over without hurting themselves. They are also good
because you don’t need a lot of equipment.

OBJECTIVE: This exercise will disperse any

apprehension of falling over. Learning to fall
safely is vital for a successful game of rugby.


The following can be done in any open space,

we suggest a 20x20 grid to keep the children
from getting out of hand but if you have more
kids then use a larger grid.

Coaching Points- Forward Roll

s Keep the chin tucked in (control the

head, control the fall)
s Eyes open
s Head to the side and make a level
surface with shoulder
s Throw the shoulder through to allow
transition of weight
s Break fall comes with trailing arm
follows through hitting the ground
taking the sting out of the fall
Coaching Points- Side Fall Downs

s From standing position players fall sideways to

the ground ‘parachute fall’
s Make the body small
s Shrug shoulders/ lose the neck/ round the
shoulders/ cross arms – brace for impact
s Then go to ground falling on side of knee, hip,
Coaching Points - Straight fall downs

• From standing position players to fall

straight forward to ground
• Player turns fall into a side down by turning
prior to impact
• Do not fall onto outstretched hands

Coaching Points - Sit and roll back, stand and roll


• Keep head to the side and make a smooth

surface with shoulder
• Do not roll over the head. It is important to
progress by:
• Start slow increasing speed with confidence
and practice
• Start low to the ground
• In later stages introduce ball. Further
activities would include: Cart wheels Hand
stand to forward roll (as shown) These
practices should be used initially on soft
ground or on tackle shields to encourage
confidence and ensure safety. To continue
the development of players ensure that
practice is included for both sides of the
body (left and right).

Game of Tag:

OBJECTIVE: This final exercise will combine the all parts

of the session together nicely. It also provides a fun finish
to the session
s 2 x Pitches (40x50)
s Teams of 7

Small sided game of tag with two teams. Players
concentrate on running forward and working well as a team
by using basic rugby skills. Tag an opponent by touching
shorts with two hands. Turnover then occurs and the other
team gains possession. Restart play by rolling ball
between legs.

Try Coaching Points:

Line s Run Forward
s Dodge defenders
s Only pass if tagged or if team-mate is in better
s Support players must stay behind the ball.

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