Bs (4years) Foraffiliatedcolleges: Centerforundergraduatestudies, Universityofthepunjab 21

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Code SubjectTitle Cr.Hrs Semester
SOCͲ211 IntroductiontoSociology 3 IV
Year Discipline
2 AppliedPsychology,BusinessAdministration,Economics,English,

1. Introduction
7. What is sociology
8. Sociology & other social sciences
9. Sociology & Common sense/Stereotypes
10. Key terms – Social Problem/Sociological Issues
11. Sociological Perspective

A Structuralism
i) Structural Functionalism
ii) Social Conflict
B Social Action
i. Symbolic Interactionism

2. Culture
1. What is culture?
2. Elements of Culture
3. Cultural Diversity

3. Socialization
1. Socialization & its importance
2. Agents of Socialization
3. Socialization through the life course
4 i) C.H. Cooley
ii) George Herbert Mead

4. Social Interaction
1. Social Structure
i) Status
ii) Status Set
iii) Achieved & Ascribed
iv) Master Status
v) Role
vi) Role Set
vii) Role Conflict
viii) Role Strain
2. Theories of Social Interaction (Brief)
i) Social Construction of Reality
ii) Ethno methodology

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5. Groups & Organizations

1. Types of Groups
2. Studies of Group Behaviour
3. Bureaucracy & its Characteristics

6. Deviance
i) Deviance, Crime & Social Control
ii) Types of Crime

Recommended Books:

6. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. (2001) Sociology the Essentials.

Australia: Wadsworth.
7. Brown, Ken. (2004). Sociology. UK: Polity Press
8. Gidden, Anthony (2002). Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.
9. Macionis, John J. (2006). Sociology. 10th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
10. Tischler, Henry L. (2002). Introduction to Sociology. 7th ed. New York: The
Harcourt Press.

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