Tudo Sobre Hemp

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A Manual for Farmers and Other Agricultural Professionals


A Manual for Farmers and Other Agricultural Professionals


This manual, designed for small-scale hemp growers, extension

agents, and other agricultural professionals, is a guide to hemp
regulations and research-based production recommendations,
using the 2018 Farm Bill’s definition of hemp. Hemp plants for
CBD (cannabidiol) production are not visually different from
marijuana plants, but the two have distinct amounts of the
psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Hemp has
less than 0.3% of THC. Any hemp plant exceeding that amount
is illegal and must be destroyed.

In this manual, we cover hemp biology, market and uses,

regulations, small farmers and hemp, floral production for CBD,
and fiber and seeds/grains production. Each chapter stands
alone, although reading the chapters in order will provide an
overall picture of hemp and hemp production.

Chapters one through four provide information and chapters

five and six are instructional guides for fiber, seeds/grains,
and CBD hemp production. At the end of chapters one through
four, a list of references has been provided for those wanting to
learn more.

The hemp markets and regulations are still very dynamic, and
those interested should frequently visit government, university,
and industry sites for the latest updates.

Sanjun Gu Ph.D.
Extension Specialist - Horticulture

Randy A. Fulk
Extension Associate - Horticulture

October 2021
THE BIOLOGY OF HEMP – CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................... 2
Hemp Plant ................................................................................................................................ 3
Roots .................................................................................................................................... 3
Stem ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Leaf ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Flowers ............................................................................................................................... 6
Fruit and Seed ................................................................................................................. 8
The Hemp Life Cycle and Growth Stages .................................................................. 9
Environmental Requirement, Physiology and Resource Use Efficiency ...... 10
References Cited .................................................................................................................... 12

HEMP USES AND MARKETING – CHAPTER 2 ........................................................ 13

Hemp Uses ................................................................................................................................. 13
Fiber .................................................................................................................................... 14
Seeds .................................................................................................................................. 14
Seed oil ............................................................................................................................... 14
CBD and other cannabinoids .................................................................................. 15
Environmental benefits of hemp ................................................................................... 16
Marketing .................................................................................................................................. 17
Resources and Further Reading ................................................................................... 20
References Cited .................................................................................................................. 20

REGULATIONS ON HEMP PRODUCTION – CHAPTER 3 .................................. 23

Federal and N.C. Hemp Regulations and N.C. Growers ...................................... 26
Sampling Requirements ............................................................................................ 26
Testing for Total THC vs. Testing for Delta-9 THC ........................................ 26
Certification and Registering of Labs Testing for THC ............................... 27
Resources and Further Reading .................................................................................... 28
References Cited ................................................................................................................... 29

HEMP AND SMALL FARMERS - CHAPTER 4 ........................................................ 30

Potential Hemp Markets and Challenges ................................................................... 30
Market Challenges for Different Types of Hemp ................................................... 31
Hemp Licensing .................................................................................................................... 32
Applying for a USDA License to Grow Hemp in North Carolina .......... 32
Contracts .................................................................................................................................. 33
Hemp Economics and Budget ....................................................................................... 35
Decision-Making Tools for Small Farmers ................................................................ 36
Available Crop Insurance for Hemp ...................................................................... 37
A Decision Tree for Potential Small Hemp Producers ................................ 40
Resources .................................................................................................................................. 41
Further Reading ..................................................................................................................... 42
References Cited ................................................................................................................... 44


CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................... 46

FIBER AND SEED HEMP PRODUCTION – CHAPTER 6 .................................... 53



Hemp is a plant of the species Cannabis sativa. Hemp originated in Central Asia
and was one of the most ancient, domesticated plant species; it has been part
of human culture for thousands of years. Today, it is associated with people in
almost all parts of the world1.

Cannabis Classification 2,3

Cannabis is from the family

Cannabaceae. Cannabis (hemp) and
Hunulus (hop) are two important
genera in this family.

Genera Cannabis has two species,

C. sativa and C. indica.

C. sativa L. includes tall, poorly-

branched plants with large leaves
and large grey-brown colored grain.
It corresponds to fiber hemp.
C. sativa was further divided into
two subspecies:

C. sativa ssp. spontanea or ruderalis,

wild form grown spontaneously
outside the cultivated plots.

C. sativa ssp. culta, cultivated forms

grown for fiber and grain.
cannabis/ (accessed June 18, 2020). C. indica LAM includes short, abundantly
branched plants with small leaves
and small, shiny, dark-colored grain. It
is characterized by a high content of
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


Hemp Plant
Hemp is a warm-season, annual herbaceous species. plant will have both male and female flowers). Hemp’s
It is a short-day dicot and begins to flower as the days morphology (the general aspects of biological form and
shorten after the June 21 summer solstice. Naturally, arrangement of the parts of a plant) varies according
it is dioecious (male and female flowers on separate to the growing conditions. Plants tend to increase
plants, i.e., there are male plants and female plants). Still, branching at low plant-density rates but form long,
some commercial cultivars are monoecious (a single straight unbranched stems at high plant density4.

Hemp male (left in the left and middle pictures) and female (right in the left and middle pictures)
dioecious plants, and a monoecious plant with male and female flowers (right).

Direct-seeded hemp has primary roots that can grow female plants. Hemp plants grown for the female floral
down to 6.5 feet, and secondary roots can extend as buds (ultimately for cannabinoids) that started with
much as 2.5 feet, although the highest root density clones or seedling transplants will lose their taproots;
occurs in the top four inches of soil. About 50% of therefore, their roots are not as deep as those of the
hemp’s root biomass is located within 40 inches of direct-seeded plants.
the topsoil. The ratio between the below-ground and
above-ground biomass of a hemp plant is about 0.185.
Male plants often have a weaker root system than


Hemp, especially fiber and grain cultivars, has a long heavy above-ground biomass and shallow roots.
stem and few branches when planted at a high density.
As a plant matures, a rigid, woody stem develops, Male hemp plants tend to be 10%-15% taller but are
ranging in height from three to 19 feet and 1/4 -3/4 inch slimmer than female plants. The stems of most varieties
in diameter, and does not have much foliage besides are hollow. The outer portion of the hemp stem contains
near the top of the plant. Uncrowded plants, such strong and long bast fiber, which provides the strength
as transplanted clones or seedlings for cannabinoid and quality attributed to the crop. The inner portion of
production, have many spreading branches, and the the stem contains the hurd fiber, which is considered a
central stalk can grow one to two inches in diameter. by-product and is used for paper, animal bedding, and
They may need a trellis to prevent falling due to their building materials.



Hemp stem showing bast and hurd fibers. Left: https://hemp.cals.cornell.edu/media/ retrieved Sep. 9, 2021.
Right: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Hanfstengel.jpg retrieved Sep. 9, 2021.

A direct-seeded hemp plant will have two cotyledons position of a leaf on the stem. The first pair of true leaves
(the first set of leaves from a seed) above the ground have one leaflet, the second pair have three, the third
after germination, and then true leaves will develop. pair have five, and so on, although there are exceptions.
True leaves come in pairs on the stem with an opposite A C. sativa (fiber and grains) leaf can have five to 13
arrangement at the vegetative stage but become an leaflets (usually seven or nine), while a C. indica leaf
alternate arrangement as the plant flowers. A true leaf typically has less than seven leaflets. At the top of a
has a petiole and a hand-shaped leaf blade (palmate flowering hemp plant, the leaflet number diminishes to a
compound, a leaf with several lobes), which typically single leaflet per leaf. C. indica tends to have darker leaf
consists of an odd number (up to 13) of folioles (leaflets) color than C. sativa6.
with serrated edges, depending on the species and the


Hemp leaves of different growth stages and with a different number of leaflets on a leaf.
The last two photos show developing female and male flowers, after this stage, number of
leaflets on a leaf start to decrease.


Hemp plants have imperfect flowers. Naturally, hemp Female flowers appear at the apex of a stem and are
is dioecious, so there are male and female plants. borne on racemes. A female flower has two pistils and
Some commercial cultivars may be monoecious, a single seed pod. The pistils are enclosed by a small
meaning a single plant will have both male and sheath called a bract. The bracts bear the highest
female flowers. density of trichrome glands that produce cannabinoids
including CBD and THC. The (female) floral buds are
Male plants are essential for grain/seed production the center of CBD hemp production. In this regard,
as pollination is needed to produce seeds. The female flowers should not be pollinated because
male inflorescence forms a loose cluster of flowers fertilized female flowers will develop seeds, losing the
on the end of a central stem called a rachis. Male capacity of producing a high level of cannabinoids.
flowers have five greenish-yellow sepals enclosing
five tightly packed stamens that will open to
reveal anthers, which will release pollen. Hemp is
primarily wind-pollinated, but bees can also pollinate Types of Flowers and Plants
the plant. For pure-bred seed or cannabinoids
production, an isolation distance of one to three
miles or more is recommended, depending on site A perfect flower: a flower with both male
topography. Male plants die soon after shedding and female parts.
their pollen.
An imperfect flower: a flower that is missing
male or female parts.

Dioecious plants: plants such as asparagus

and kiwi that have male and female flowers
on separate plants. Flowers are imperfect.

Monoecious plants: plants such as sweet

corn, tomato, cucumber, and okra that
have male and female flowers on one
plant. Flowers can be perfect (tomato) or
imperfect (cucumber).

A: Male plant, B: Female plant.

1. male flower, enlarged detail; 2 & 3. pollen sac;

4. pollen grain, enlarged; 5. female flower
with bract; 6. female flower, bract removed;
7. female seed with bract, longitudinal section;
8. seed with bract partially removed; 9 & 10. seed
without bract; 11. seed cross section; 12. seed
longitudinal section; 13. seed without hull

(Franz Eugen Köhler 1887. https://www.alchimiaweb.

com/blogen/anatomy-cannabis/ with revisions).


Top: male flowers and pollen (right)

Bottom: female flowers

Non-pollinated female
floral buds are the
center of cannabonoids


Fruit and Seed

The hemp fruits are commonly referred to as seeds two cotyledons, which are rich in oil and protein2.
(small dry nuts). The ovule produces an indehiscent The weight of the achenes ranges from 0.1 to 2.5
fruit, botanically termed an achene, in which the ounces although 0.5 to 0.75 ounces is more common.
embryo (seed) takes up all the volume. Fruit contains Monoecious cultivars have smaller seeds than dioecious
a single seed surrounded by a thin pericarp, the “wall” cultivars. Hemp seeds do not ripen evenly, and they
surrounds the seed. The seed is smooth, elliptical (1/8 shatter when mature, resulting in seed loss and future
to 1/4 inch long), and the large part of its mass is the volunteer plants.

Hemp seed(s) on a plant (top) and harvested (bottom).

Hemp nuts without or with seed coats (hulls), and hulls (bottom left); Seeds just harvested showing
uneven ripening as indicated by the varied patterns and colors of seed surface (bottom right).


The Hemp Life Cycle and Growth Stages

The hemp life cycle (four to six months) has four flowering2. Seed hemp will have an additional seed
growth stages: germination and emergence, vegetative development and mature stage before seed shattering.
stage, flowering and seed formation, and senescence. Floral hemp (for cannabinoids) can start with clones
The vegetative phase was further divided into juvenile, or seeds. If starting with seeds, plants will have similar
photo-sensitive, and flower development phases. growth stages as seed hemp plants do. However, the
female flowers of floral hemp will bloom but should not
More specifically, starting from sowing, the growth be pollinized. Floral hemp started with clones do not
stage of fiber hemp includes emergence, implantation, have the seed germination and implantation stages.
active growth, flowering, full flowering, and end of

The growth stages of fiber and seed hemp2.

• Emergence: from sowing to the emergence of cotyledons, which takes about four to
10 days, depending on soil moisture status.
• Implantation: developing more roots than stem/leaves. It is about three weeks from
emerging. Plants will have grown to one to two-feet high and three pairs of leaves.
• Active growth: from implantation to the start of flowering. The yield of hurd and
bast fiber is generated during this stage.
• Flowering: the appearance of the first flowers.
• Full flowering: from the appearance of the first flowers to the opening of the
last female flowers. This stage is relatively fixed regardless of the sowing dates for
a cultivar.
• End of flowering: the fertilization of the last female flowers.
• Seed development and mature: from the end of flowering to physiological maturity
of the seeds. It takes about 40 days.
• Senescence: from maturity to germination of the next season.


Environmental Requirement, Physiology

and Resource Use Efficiency

Hemp has a wide range of environmental

adaptations, but cultivars will perform better in Resource Use Efficiency (RUE)
their own areas of development. Light, air and
soil temperatures, soil and its mineral nutrients, Resource use efficiency is defined as the
and water availability in soil are the main amount of biomass produced per unit of
influences of hemp growth and development. The
supplied resource7.
following information applies mostly to fiber and
seed hemp7, although floral hemp would respond RUE is commonly applied to explain and
similarly to environmental factors. understand the link between potential and
realized productivity or biodiversity effects
Light: Hemp is sensitive to photoperiod on ecosystem biomass production.
(day length). As a short-day plant, its critical
photoperiod, under which the crop is induced to
flower, is about 14 hours once the juvenile phase
has been satisfied. The radiation use efficiency
of 2.0-2.2 grams/MJ of PAR (photosynthetically Growing Degree Day (GDD)
active radiation) during the development
stage and 1.1-1.2 grams/MJ after flowering were
observed in Northern Europe. Declining in Plant growth and development only
the radiation use efficiency post-flowering is occurs when the temperature reaches
associated with losses of shed leaves, increase to a threshold, which is called the base
in growth respiration due to the synthesis of fat temperature. Growing Degree Days estimate
and protein in the seeds, reduction of gross crop
the heat accumulation of a species and
photosynthesis due to senescence of the canopy,
predict the growth and development of the
and synthesis of lignin in the stems. Hemp’s
species using the daily mean temperature
radiation use efficiency values are at a lower
and the base temperature.
range compared to other crops such as rice,
wheat, and potato. GDD=Tmean-Tbase

Temperature: The base temperature for the Where Tmean=daily mean temperature,
emergence and vegetative growth is 34 degrees which is calculated as (high temperature +
F, and the optimal growth temperature for hemp low temperature)/2.
is 66-77 degrees F. Hemp seeds will germinate
If the mean temperature is at or less than the
in eight to 10 days at soil temperatures of 46-50
degrees F. The young plants can survive frost as base temperature for the day, the GDD for
low as 23 degrees F until they have four to five that day will be zero.
pairs of leaves. About 3,400-3,600 degrees F
The base temperatures vary among plant
Growing Degree Days (GDD) are needed for fiber
species and are determined experimentally.
hemp production, and 4,800-5,400 degrees F for
Although not perfect, GDD are more reliable
seed hemp to mature, using 34 degrees F as the
than calendars days in predicting crop
base temperature4,9.
growth and development including maturity.


Water: About 20 to 28 inches of water is necessary same fertility as wheat. The recommended fertilization
over the growing season for industrial hemp, with 10 rate for fiber hemp is N 70-100 pounds/acre, P 0-45
to 14 inches of water needed during the vegetative pounds/acre, and K 45-178 pounds/acre. The effect
period. The water use efficiency (WUE) of industrial of nitrogen (N) on stem yield was positive up to 215
hemp is 0.02 pounds biomass per gallon of water pounds/acre, but above 85 pounds/acre, the bast
at early harvest (beginning of flowering) and 0.03 fiber yield and quality decreased. The nitrogen use
pounds biomass per gallon of water at the end of efficiency (NUE) of industrial hemp has not been
flowering. quantified well. Reports indicated that NUE differed
greatly among cultivars, with a wide range of 7.5-61.7
Soil and mineral nutrients: Hemp does best on loose, pounds biomass yield for each pound of nitrogen.
well-aerated loam soil with high fertility and abundant In June 2020, North Carolina released soil fertility
organic matter. Well-drained clay soils can be used, management for hemp production (Soil Test Crop
but poorly drained clay soils are inappropriate. Code 310), with the target soil pH of 6.2 for mineral
Hemp requires a near-neutral pH for optimal growth. soils (Table 1)10.
A pH of 6.0-7.5 is suitable. Hemp grows fast and
requires substantial available nutrients to produce
high biomass yields. It requires approximately the

Table 1. North Carolina soil fertility guidelines for floral, fiber, and seed/grain hemp.

Target soil pH

Production Mineral
Hemp types system N P2O5 K2O S B Mineral Organic Organic
Open beds
Floral Plasticulture 80-120 0-150 0-150 0-25 0-1 6.2 5.5 5.0

Fiber Field 50-100 0-150 0-150 0-25 0-1 6.2 5.5 5.0

Seed/Grain Field 100-150 0-150 0-150 0-25 0-1 6.2 5.5 5.0

Note: Application rate in pounds/acre, based on recent soil test results, soil type, and crop history.


References Cited

1. Clarke, R. C. and M.D. Berlin. (2013). Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany.

University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA.

2. Bouloc, P., S. Allegret, L. Arnaud and D.P. West. (2013). Hemp Industrial
Production and Uses. CABI International. Boston, MA.

3. Koren, A., V. Sikora, B. Kiprovski, M. Brdar-Jokanović, M. Aćimović, B.

Konstantinović, D. Latković. (2020). Controversial taxonomy of hemp. Genetika,
Vol 52 (1) 1-13. https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR2001001K.

4. Bosca, I and M. Karus. (1998). The Cultivation of Hemp: Botany, Variety,

Cultivation and Harvesting. Hemptech, Sebastopol, CA.

5. Amaducci, S., A. Zatta, M. Raffanini and G. Venturi. (2008). Characterisation of

hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) roots under different growing conditions. Plant Soil,
313:227-235. Doi.org/10.1007/s11104-008-9695-0.

6. Green, G. (2005). The Cannabis Breeder’s Bible. Green Candy Press. San
Francisco, CA.

7. Amaducci S., D. Scordiab, F.H. Liuc, Q. Zhangd, H. Guo, G. Testab, and S.L.
Cosentino. 2015. Key cultivation techniques for hemp in Europe and China.
Industrial Crops and Products 68:2–16.

8. Hodapp D., H. Hillebrand and M. Striebel. (2019). “Unifying” the Concept of

Resource Use Efficiency in Ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:1-14.

9. Merfield, C.N. (1999). Industrial Hemp and its Potential for New Zealand. https://
potential_for_New_Zealand/download. Retrieved July 17, 2020.

10. McGinnis M. (2020). Managing Hemp Soil Fertility in NC. https://hemp.ces.ncsu.

edu/2020/05/managing-floral-hemp-fertility-in-north-carolina/. Retrieved June
12, 2020.



Human beings have used hemp for thousands of years. opposition forces, hemp in America was virtually
Traces of hemp have been found in China dated to a forgotten crop. Renewed interest in hemp as an
8000 BCE. The first plant-based writing materials, agricultural commodity increased in the late 20th
invented by the Egyptians in the form of papyrus century. When restrictions were finally eased by way
around 2900 BCE gave way to Chinese hemp paper of the Farm Bills of 2014 and 2018, many farmers stood
around 700 BCE, with Arabs adopting the practice in ready to exploit this versatile crop once again. It has
900 AD. Hemp made its way to North America in the been claimed there are over 25,000 products made
early 1600s, where the Jamestown colony grew the from hemp4. All parts of the hemp plant can be used.
plant to make rope, sails for ships, and clothing. In the Stalks and stems for fiber, seeds for grain and oil, and
1700s, the British Crown required American colonies to flowers for cannabinoids.
grow hemp to supply warships with cordage and sails1.
Indeed, the Declaration of Independence was written All types of clothing can be made from hemp - even
on hemp paper. When the first Americans headed west, shoes. Hemp’s use for rope making is well known.
their Conestoga wagon covers were made from hemp2. Hemp rope is of impressive strength and has been
used as cordage for ship’s anchors. Hemp is also used
Hemp was widely grown in the U.S. until the mid- for construction and insulation. Hemp concrete or
1930s when a combination of a rising temperance hempcrete, a hemp-infused concrete, is fire resistant,
movement, an active campaign against hemp by holds heat well, and is an effective sound-proofing
those with competing business interests, and public material5.
sentiment decrying the psychoactive effects of hemp’s
cousin marijuana spelled the end of legal, widespread Hemp can be used for personal care in the form of
production in the form of the Marijuana Tax Act of soaps, beauty products, and moisturizers. Hemp oil
19383. Except for a brief period during WWII, when can be used in paints, ink, and varnish. While advocates
the War Department encouraged hemp production continue to push for hemp to be used in human food
to offset the loss of sources of hemp controlled by and animal feed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), which has regulatory
authority through the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
has to date generally banned
the use of hemp in these
products. Exceptions are hulled
hemp seed, hemp seed protein,
and hemp seed oil, which have
received Generally Regarded
as Safe (GRAS) exemptions
and can be legally marketed
in human foods without food
additive approval, provided
they comply with all other
requirements and do not make
disease claims.

Uses of hemp illustrated (image from freepik.com).


Hemp is highly productive as a fiber plant, surpassing low lignin content. Hurd fibers are short and have a
most commercial tree species in terms of fiber higher lignin content6. Hurd fibers were at one time
produced per acre. Hemp fiber has many qualities, considered a waste by-product of bast production;
such as strength and durability, making it useful in however, hurd has been found useful for insulation,
a wide range of products. Hemp plants contain two construction materials, and other applications such
main types of fibers. Bast fibers or long fibers are as medium-density fiberboard, building blocks, and
found in the skin or bark of the stem, while hurd hemp concrete. Textiles, clothing, ropes, nets, and
fibers, or short fibers, are found in the stem’s inner, paper are long-standing uses for bast fibers. Bast
woody core (see photo in Chapter 1). Bast fibers are fibers can also be used in caulking materials and in
characterized by their long length, high cellulose, and brake and clutch linings7.

Hemp seeds have potential as a human and animal recommended for the human diet. These proteins can
food source. However, food products for human be used to create tofu, veggie burgers, butter, cheese,
consumption must be approved by FDA and by milk, and ice cream.
the Association of American Feed Control Officials
(AAFCO) for feed products8. Hemp seed contains Seed meal, seed powder, and protein-rich flour
20%-30% edible oil, 25%-30% protein; 20%-25% can be made from hemp seeds, which could lower
fiber; 20%-30% carbohydrates; and other essential cholesterol and blood pressure. Iron, magnesium, and
nutrients and vitamins9. The protein component zinc are other important mineral nutrients found in
includes eight daily essential amino acids hemp seeds10.

Seed Oil
Trends toward health-consciousness may drive acids, and unsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid has
increased market share for this aspect of hemp value as an anti-inflammatory. The hemp seed oil has
production. Body and skin-care products — shampoo, a pleasant flavor and can be used like olive oil and for
soap, creams, and hair conditioner, can be manufactured salad dressing. Lighting oil, soaps, paints, varnishes,
from hemp seed oils5. Hemp seed oils may have value solvents, putty, and industrial oils are additional uses
as nutritional supplements as they are rich in linoleic for hemp seed oils.
acid, antioxidants, Omega-6, Omega-3, essential fatty


CBD and Other Cannabinoids

The cannabis plant contains more than 120 the years, CBD has been tested to treat arthritis,
cannabinoids. CBD, a non-psychoactive component cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases,
extracted from hemp plants, is one such compound. and pain.
CBD oil is different from hemp seed oil. CBD can be
extracted from many parts of the hemp plant, but Wild claims about CBD abound, with some claiming
the highest concentrations are found in the floral CBD will transform agriculture and human health.
buds or unpollinated female flowers. CBD was first These claims cover the spectrum and should be
known to be extracted from cannabis plants in the regarded cautiously11. Still, hemp for CBD may be
1930s and has since been found to have the potential the fastest-growing emerging market segment for
to treat inflammation and anxiety. It may well be a hemp products.
neuroprotective agent and an antioxidant5. Through



Total U.S.
(CBD) product
sales from
2014 to 2022
(in million U.S.

Source: Hemp
Business Journal
0 108 173 261 367 535 845 1198 1615 1918 © Statista 2020

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

To reiterate, as is the case with any part of the hemp the regulatory pathways to legal marketing with
plant to be used as a food source, the FDA tightly consumer health and safety at the forefront.
regulates all uses of hemp for food and medicine.
All potential food and medicinal products will be Another cannabinoid – cannabigerol (CBG) – has
subjected to rigorous FDA testing before finding drawn interest in recent years. Preliminary studies
their way to the marketplace. To date, only one CBD- suggest CBG holds considerable therapeutic
based medication, Epidiolex, to treat seizures in two promises. CBG is in low concentrations in most
rare forms of epilepsy, has gained FDA approval12. cannabis plants but breeding efforts have been
Still, the FDA recognizes the potential of CBD in attempted for CBG-rich cannabis cultivars.
such products and remains committed to improving


Environmental Benefits of Hemp

Hemp and phytoremediation (Infographic [revised for legibility] from Kazmira, Inc. and National Hemp Association).

Phytoremediation. Hemp plants are suited for potentially mitigating the effects of global warming13.
phytoremediation, an aspect of bioremediation that Water bottles and other polymer-based plastic fiber
uses living organisms – in this case, plants – to break products could substitute up to 50% of those materials
down hazardous substances into less toxic or even with hemp fibers. Using a natural fiber composite could
non-toxic substances13. Phytoremediation includes save up to 3.07 million tons of CO2 emissions13.
the ability of plants to take up heavy metals such as
cadmium, lead, copper, and nickel. Biomass and bioenergy. Due to its high biomass and
energy concentration per acre, hemp is recognized
Fiber hemp varieties with their deep root systems as an energy source plant. Hemp’s ability to control
are particularly adept at this form of scavenging. weeds and improve soils coupled with low pesticide
Hemp was planted at the Chernobyl nuclear requirements increases hemp’s energy efficiency.
disaster site to help remediate the contaminated Renewable energy could be made from hemp because
soil14. Although heavy metal concentrations appear of its low sulfur emissions and low ash content when
throughout the plant, the highest concentrations are burned in biomass boilers using gasification and
found in the leaves. combustion. Hemp biomass can be converted into
biogas and ethanol15. A 2017 study by researchers at
Carbon sequestration. The rapid growth of hemp the University of Kentucky and the Idaho National
plants allows hemp to convert CO2 to biomass quickly. Laboratory evaluated a production system that would
Hemp can absorb 8.9 tons of CO2 per acre. As most convert hemp grain and stems into ethanol. For every
of the accumulated CO2 is stored in the stems rather dry ton of hemp stems, approximately 82 gallons of
than roots and leaves, hemp stalks can be a suitable ethanol would be produced16. Hemp biomass can
feedstock in the production of bio-char. The 5.3 tons be pelletized to use as heating fuel. This presents a
of biochar per acre annually produced by hemp waste marketing opportunity, particularly in regions with long
(stalks) could improve carbon sequestration in soils, winters already accustomed to using pellet stoves17.


Despite the enthusiasm for the return of hemp could be optimistic given the dollar value of hemp
products to the marketplace, the market potential products imported into the U.S- $67.3 million in 2017
for hemp remains unclear, although U.S. hemp-based and $ 87.8 million in 202018,22.
products sales will continue to grow. However, one

product sales in
2 the United States
from 2012 to 2022
(sale in billion U.S.
1.5 dollars).

1 https://www.statista.

0 0.26 0.34 0.45 0.59 0.72 0.82 1.1 1.4 1.85 2.3 2.61
© Statista 2020
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022



$70,000 Woven Fabric

Raw Hemp
$50,000 Seed Oilcake
$40,000 Hemp Oil and
Hemp Seeds


2005 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

U.S. hemp product imports by categories (2018, Farm Bureau).



The total value of
imported hemp
60 products by year
(sale in million U.S.

20 com/chart-us-hemp-
20.5 37.1 42.9 78.1 69.1 67.6 79.8 91.9 87.8
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

U.S. hemp producers face additional challenges in As the hemp market evolves, supply is currently
the form of intense competition from the world’s outpacing demand. This is typical of a new industry,
major hemp-producing countries, most of which with failures and bankruptcies being common. As
have hundreds of years of experience cultivating the the industry transitions into a maturity phase, market
crop. U.S. producers will face a steep learning curve in demand and supply will become more aligned,
attempting to penetrate these well-established markets. resulting in an equilibrium of growers, acreage,
Still, given the tens of thousands of goods manufactured processors, and buyers19.
from hemp, niche markets may afford a way forward
for new farmers. Solid working relationships between Despite hemp’s early struggles and growing pains,
federal and state governments, growers, buyers, market projections remain optimistic. According to a
processors, and consumers will be critical to any report published by Grandview Research, a marketing
potential for developing U.S. markets for hemp. research company, all segments of the hemp market
are projected to continue to grow in the coming years.
There is a significant uptick for hemp fiber and seeds
and hemp CBD.

Grandview Research on
Seeds U.S. hemp market potential
for seeds, fibers, and shives
(leftover material from
hemp fiber processing)

2016-2027 (sale in million


U.S. dollars).


2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028



U.S. hemp CBD market


potential 2016-2028,

showing business-to-
business (B2B) and
(B2C) channels. Source:
Grandview Research
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

The projections are echoed by data from New Frontier

Data/Hemp Benchmarks

• Fiber: Wholesale market for processed hemp fiber reached $47.1

million in 2020 and is estimated to reach $82.2 million by 2025.

• Seeds: The U.S. is the largest user of hempseed for human

consumption; retail sales for hemp food products are estimated to
have reached $67.1 million in 2020 and are projected to reach $144.1
million by 2025.

• CBD: U.S. consumer spending on CBD is estimated at $3.83 billion

in 2020, projected to reach $6.26 billion by 202520. Though hemp
fibers lead the global market, in the U.S., hemp CBD continues to
grow rapidly. It is expected to drive the U.S. market with an annual
projected growth rate of 12.3% from 2021-2026, due primarily to
the perceived, although as yet unproven, health benefits21.


Resources and Further Reading

Coit, M., Elliot, R. & Post, A. (2019). Industrial Hemp in North Carolina: A Guide
to Understanding and Evaluating Contracts. NCSU Extension Publication AG-
863. https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/industrial-hemp-in-north-carolina-guide-to-

Hemp Business Journal (2017). The U.S. Hemp Industry grows to $820mm in sales in
2017. https://www.hempbizjournal.com/size-of-us-hemp-industry-2017/.

Horner, H., Milhollin, R., Roach, A., and Massey, R. (2019). Value Chains for
the Missouri Industrial Hemp Industry. University of Missouri Extension in
cooperation with the Missouri Hemp Producers Association. https://extension2.

Horner, H., Milhollin, R., and Roach, A (2019). Market opportunities for Industrial
Hemp. University of Missouri Extension. https://extensiondata.missouri.edu/pub/pdf/

Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North Carolina. NCDA & CS NC Industrial Hemp
Commission. https://www.ncagr.gov/hemp/FAQs.htm.

Johnson, Renee (2018). Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity. Congressional

Research Service report. https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/RL32725.pdf.

Pertwee, R. (2006). Cannabinoid pharmacology: the first 66 years. British Journal

of Pharmacology 147, S163–S171. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/

References Cited

1. Fine, D., (2014). Hemp bound: Dispatches from the front lines of the next
agricultural revolution. Chelsea Green Publishing.

2. The History of Hemp in the US (2019). Ministry of Hemp. Retrieved 06/22/2020

from https://ministryofhemp.com/hemp/history/.

3. Harper, J., Collins, A., Kime, L., and Roth, G. (2018). Industrial Hemp Production.
Penn State Extension. https://extension.psu.edu/industrial-hemp-production.


4. Yonavjak, L. (2013). Industrial Hemp: A Win-Win for the Economy and the
Environment. Forbes, May 29, 2013. Retrieved 07/14/2020 from https://www.

5. Small, E. and Marcus, D. (2002). Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North
America. Retrieved 06/19/2020 from https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/

6. Thayer, C., Burley, M., and Held, D. (2017). Industrial hemp: from seed to market.
Cornell University Extension. Harvest New York, May 2017. Retrieved 07/13/2020
from http://erie.cce.cornell.edu/resources/industrial-hemp-from-seed-to-market.

7. Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (2020). Fiber production. Retrieved, 04/21/2021

from http://www.hemptrade.ca/eguide/fibre-production/types-of-hemp-fibre.

8. Hart, C. (2020). The Opportunities and Challenges with Hemp. Iowa State
University Extension. Retrieved 06/16/2020 from https://crops.extension.iastate.

9. Jeliazkov, V., Noller, J., Angima, S., Rondon, S., Roseberg, R., Summers, S.,
Jones, G., and Sikora, V. (2019). What is Industrial Hemp? Oregon State University
Extension. Retrieved 07/11/2020 from https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/

10. Arnall, B., Bushong, J., and Lofton, J. (2019). Agronomic Considerations for
Industrial Hemp Production. Oklahoma State University Extension. Retrieved
06/26/2020 from https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/agronomic-

11. Rowe, P. (2019). CBDs: a ‘Wild West’ of wild claims. The San Diego Union Tribune.
Retrieved 07/14/2020 from https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/

12. U.S. FDA (2018). FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient
Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy [press
release]. Retrieved 07/14/2020 from https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-


References Cited, continued

13. Adesina, A., Bhowmik, A., Sharma, H., and Shabazzi, A. (2020). A Review on
the Current State of Knowledge of Growing Conditions, Agronomic Soil Health
Practices and Utilities of Hemp in the United States. Agriculture, 10(4), 129. MDPI
AG. Retrieved 06/16/2020 from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agriculture10040129

14. Leonard, A. (2018). Can hemp help clean up the Earth? Rolling Stone. Retrieved,
07/13/2020 from https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/can-

15. Sain, M. and Pervaiz, M. (2002). Carbon storage potential in natural fiber
composites. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 39, #4, pgs. 297-392.
Retrieved 06/23/2020 from https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/resources-

16. Das, L., Lui, E., Saeed, A., Williams, D., Hu, H., Li, C., Ray, A., Shi, J. (2017). Industrial
hemp as a potential bioenergy crop in comparison with kenaf, switchgrass and
biomass sorghum. Retrieved, 07/13/2020 from https://reader.elsevier.com/



Regulation of domestic hemp production has a long history entwined with
legal concerns, business interests, and farmer livelihood. A comprehensive
dive into the long, complex timeline from a virtual ban on hemp in the 1930s
to descheduling and, in some states, decriminalization of hemp is beyond the
scope of this manual. Instead, we will provide a brief history of, as well as the
current federal and state regulations on hemp production and testing.

Federal Hemp Regulations

The current law related to the
production of hemp for fiber, grains,
and CBD begins with provisions
enacted in the 2014 and 2018 Farm
Bills. The 2014 Farm Bill allowed
colleges and universities and state
departments of agriculture to grow
hemp under the control of state
pilot programs if so permitted by
state law1. The 2014 Farm Bill also
defined “Industrial Hemp” and
set a threshold for THC at 0.3%
dry weight. All cannabis varieties
remained Schedule 1 Controlled
Substances and subject to the
oversight of the Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA).
The impact of the 2018 Farm Bill on hemp (Hemp Business Journal, 2018.
The 2018 Farm Bill legalized New Frontier Data. Accessed July 14, 2020).
(industrial) hemp as an agricultural
commodity, removing hemp The Bill also highlighted what was plans to the USDA secretary for
from the Schedule 1 Controlled illegal, including producing plants approval. USDA issued its Interim
Substances list. This bill, which has with more than 0.3% THC content Final Rule (IFR) in October 2019.
a tremendous effect on the hemp and cultivating hemp without a The issuance of the IFR started a
industry, also cleared the way for license. In addition, the 2018 bill two-year clock requiring the USDA
hemp to become eligible for Federal also charged the United States to have a Final Rule in place by
Crop Insurance and streamlined Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nov. 1, 2021. Under the terms of the
the process for the Federal Crop with drafting rules to establish and IFR, all state pilot programs were to
Insurance board to develop hemp administer a U.S. hemp production expire at the end of October 20202.
policies. For more information on program. Under this rule, states
this issue, see chapter 4 entitled that wanted to pursue hemp
“Hemp and Small Farmers.” regulatory authority could submit


The Difference Between USDA’s

Interim Final Rule and the Final Rule


DATE ISSUED 10/31/2019 01/15/2021

STATE PILOT PROGRAMS Expire Oct. 31, 2020 Expire Jan. 1, 2022


THC SAMPLING Total THC (delta-9, THCA) Total THC (delta-9, THCA)


0.5%. If grower incurs three 1.0%. Grower cannot incur more than
violations within five years, one violation per calendar year.
grower license revoked. Three violations in five years will still
result in a revoked grower license.

LABS THAT TEST HEMP Must be registered with DEA. Due to a shortage of DEA registered
labs, DEA agreed (February 2020) to
allow non-DEA registered labs to
continue testing hemp until Jan. 1,
2022. DEA subsequently agreed to
delay enforcement until Dec. 31, 2022.

Disposal must be carried out Disposal may be conducted on-farm
under the Controlled Substances (farmer) or at the research site
Act and DEA policies. Requires an (researcher) by plowing under,
authorized federal or state law mulching /composting, disking,
enforcement officer to be present. bush mowing, deep burial, and
burning. Law enforcement presence
is not required.

NON-COMPLIANT PLANT No provision. Remediation permitted. It can be

REMEDIATION achieved by separating and destroying
non-compliant flowers while retaining
stalks, leaves, and seeds; or by
shredding the entire hemp plant to
create a homogenous “biomass” that
can be retested for THC compliance.

PART(S) OF PLANTS Top third of the plant. Five to eight inches from the main
SAMPLES ARE TAKEN FROM stem, terminal bud, or central cola of
the flowering top of the plant.


The History of Hemp Regulations in North Carolina

In 2015, the N.C. General Assembly passed SB313, creating the state’s hemp pilot
program. N.C. SB313 also provided for the creation of the N.C. Industrial Hemp
Commission, charged with developing rules and licensing structures to comply
with federal laws. The law was modified in 2016 via House Bill 313 to include
definitions of certified seed, commercial use, grower, and hemp products. The N.C.
Industrial Hemp Commission adopted temporary rules in 2017 that were approved
by the N.C. Office of Administrative Hearings Rules Review Commission. Potential
growers submitted applications to the N.C. Industrial Hemp Commission which
reviews and approves or rejects the application. The NCDA carried out testing
of hemp for THC content. N.C. has operated under the rules of the state pilot
program, which was developed based on the 2014 Farm Bill since 20154. The state’s
rules will be replaced by the final rules developed by USDA on Jan. 1, 2022.


• SB315, the N.C. Farm Act of 2019 was ratified in June 2020. Proposed provisions
in the Bill had critical implications for N.C. hemp producers and processors,
among them – a ban on smokable hemp, regulations for hemp retailers, and
language that would have given NCDA the authority to submit a state plan for
hemp to the USDA9.

• Unable to agree on these provisions – particularly the ban on smokable

hemp – legislators removed ALL language concerning hemp from the final
version of the Bill.

• When it became apparent the legislature was not interested in introducing

stand-alone legislation for hemp, the N.C. Hemp Commission sent a letter to
the USDA in August, 2021 stating N.C. will not submit a plan for hemp and
N.C. growers will come under the USDA rules effective Jan. 1, 2022.

• The Commission also sent letters to the governor and legislature informing
them the Commission will dissolve effective Jan. 1, 2022, concurrent with
the expiration of the N.C. Pilot Program. Instructions for applying to USDA for
a hemp license were sent to all licensed growers in N.C. Current N.C. hemp
licenses will expire Jan. 1, 2022. (For detailed instructions on applying to USDA
for a hemp license, see the Hemp and Small Farmers chapter)


Federal Hemp Regulations and N.C. Growers

From 2017-2021, all N.C. hemp producers were required to hold licenses issued
by the state hemp program. Those licenses will expire on Jan. 1, 2022. Due to
the changing licensing requirements, it is imperative to know the key differences
between the federal and state regulations of hemp, which are highlighted below.
Future growers should check with Cooperative Extension and reputable sources
for the latest on hemp production and regulations.

Sampling Requirements

Until the expiration of North Carolina’s Pilot Program Implications for North Carolina: The USDA Hemp
(Jan. 1, 2022), the NCDA&CS’s Plant Industry Division Final Rule extended the sampling window to 30
or law enforcement agencies could sample hemp days before harvest5. Even with this extension, North
for THC content at any time. License holders were Carolina lacked both the personnel and facilities to
responsible for notifying the division at the initiation meet this requirement. The N.C. Hemp Commission
of floral buds. Sampling was required to take place proactively began developing guidelines for field
15 days before harvest or randomly based on the screening by private entities. The guidelines were
availability of sampling personnel. The division or law never implemented as North Carolina elected to come
enforcement agency collecting the sample notified the under the terms of the USDA Final Rule rather than
license holder when the sample was collected. Any lab submit a State Plan for hemp to the USDA. Beginning
performing the analysis was required to have the legal Jan. 1, 2022, all hemp producers will follow the USDA
authorization to possess hemp. rules that require growers to contact sampling agents
from an approved USDA list.

Testing for Total THC vs. Testing for Delta-9 THC

Language in the 2018 Farm Bill defined hemp as any Implications for North Carolina: The USDA initial
Cannabis plant or derivative thereof that contains not requirements for state pilot programs required states
more than 0.3% delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis7. to establish protocols for THC testing. No particular
The Final Rule mandates testing also for THCA, the testing methodology was specified or required. Since
acid form of THC, to render a total THC concentration the inception of the state’s pilot program, N.C. has
in the sample. During Gas Chromatograph-Flame tested using the GC-FID method. Consequently, North
Ionization Detector (GC-FID) analysis, which is one Carolina already tests for total THC, which aligns
of two common methods of testing for THC, the heat with the Final Rule requirement. Beginning January 1,
applied to the sample converts THCA into delta-9 2022, NC growers will comply with the USDA rules for
THC. Another common, reliable testing method for testing, which is to test for total THC.
THC is High-performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC). Cannabinoids remain unchanged using
this method. Therefore, THCA and delta-9 THC are
rendered as separate measurements and must be
added to obtain total THC, which combined cannot
exceed the 0.3% legal threshold.


Certification and Registering of Labs Testing for THC

Under the 2014 Farm Bill, labs testing for THC only • Avazyme Inc. in Durham
had to obtain the legal authority to possess hemp https://www.avazyme.com/
samples. However, the language in the 2018 Farm Bill industrialhemptestinglaboratory/.
also requires labs to be registered with the DEA. This
ruling has the potential to severely limit access to • Delta 9 Analytical in Raleigh
testing facilities as there are currently only 70 such http://delta9analytical.com/wp/.
labs in the U.S.8. As a compromise, DEA agreed to
allow non-DEA registered labs to continue testing • Global Laboratory Services in Wilson
hemp until Dec. 31, 2022. http://www.globallaboratoryservices.com/.

Implications for North Carolina: As of August • NMS Labs, Inc. in Winston-Salem

2021, there are 1,500 licensed hemp growers in https://www.nmslabs.com/.
North Carolina, representing 14,016 licensed acres
and 6,874,413 square feet of licensed greenhouse • Research Triangle Park Laboratories, Inc. in Raleigh
production. There are 1,295 registered processors. http://www.rtp-labs.com/.
With only five DEA-registered labs in the state,
coupled with the 30-day pre-harvest sampling The list of DEA-registered labs continues to grow.
requirement, North Carolina growers will be Growers can visit this link for updates:
challenged on both fronts. As of fall, 2021 the five https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/
DEA registered labs in North Carolina are: hemp/dea-laboratories?field_lab_location_


Resources and Further Reading


Congressional Research Service. (2018). Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity.


Enforcement Discretion (Testing labs) Interim Final Rule. USDA site. https://www.

Hemp Industry Daily. (2018). Hemp Report: Top 10 U.S. States. https://mjbizdaily.

USDA. (2020). USDA Announces Details of Risk Management Programs for

Hemp Producers. https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2020/02/06/usda-

USDA Risk Management Agency. (2020). Ask the Expert - A Hemp Questions and
Answers with Andrew Kowalski. https://www.rma.usda.gov/en/News-Room/Digital/


2019 NC Farm Act https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookup/2019/s315.

Coit, M. (2020). Update on SB 315 and Hemp Program. https://hemp.ces.ncsu.


Coit, M. (2020). What Happens When Pilot Program Expires: A Closer Look at
USDA’s Rule https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/2020/06/what-happens-when-pilot-

NCDA & CS. Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North Carolina. https://www.ncagr.

NC Industrial Hemp Commission position paper concerning total THC testing.



References Cited

1. Nepveux, M. (2019). Farm Bill Provides a Path Forward for Industrial Hemp.
Farm Bureau Market Intel. Retrieved 04/20/2021 from https://www.fb.org/

2. Federal Register of the United States Government (2019). Establishment of

a Domestic Hemp Production Program. A Rule by the Agricultural Marketing
Service. 84 FR 58522. Retrieved 09/15/2021 from https://www.federalregister.

3. Federal Register of the US Government, Hemp Final Rule (2021). Retrieved

06/25/2021 from https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/19/2021-

4. NCDA & CS. Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North Carolina. Retrieved,
06/01/2021 from https://www.ncagr.gov/hemp/index.htm.

5. Davis, J. (2020). Preparing for the New Hemp Rules-Consider Your Genetics.
Retrieved, 07/06/2020 from https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/2020/04/

6. Coit, C. (2020). NCDA&CS Piloting Use of 3rd Party Service for Hemp
Compliance Testing. Retrieved, 07/16/2020 from https://hemp.ces.ncsu.

7. USDA Agricultural Market Service (2019). Executive summary from USDA

General Counsel S. Vaden to the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.
Retrieved 06/25/2021 from https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/

8. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (2021). Hemp Analytical Testing

Laboratories. Retrieved 04/21/2021 from https://www.ams.usda.gov/

9. N.C. General Assembly (2020). NC Farm Act of 2019-2020. Retrieved,

06/27/2021 from https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookup/2019/s315.



As stated in the Uses and Marketing chapter, there is limited information
on market opportunities for potential North Carolina growers. Growers are
strongly advised to proceed with caution and thoroughly examine any potential
marketing opportunities1. Also, some growers were either unable to sell or be
paid for their 2019 and 2020 crops.

Even though optimistic market projections abound, there remains a wide

variance among forecasters, as illustrated below.

• Global industrial hemp market projected to grow from $4.6 billion in 2019
to $26.6 billion by 20252.

• CBD market will hit $22 billion by 20223.

• Industrial hemp market to reach $13.03 billion by 20264.

Textiles, personal care products, and food and beverages represent the largest
market segments by application5. Keep in mind these are global statistics. In the
U.S., the FDA regulates any potential food and beverage products and, to date, it
has been slow to consider such products for entry into the marketplace.

Potential Hemp Markets and Challenges

The market for hemp remains volatile, with 2020 through November 2020. The price per percent
bringing a steep drop in prices paid to growers. CBD fell from $3.50 to $0.50, stabilizing at $0.50
Hemp Benchmarks, a subscription service offering for the entire year between November 2019 and
monthly hemp spot-pricing indexing, reports that November 20207. Ongoing uncertainty regarding
the price of CBD biomass was $38 a pound in the long-term outlook for hemp requires due
April 2019. By April 2020, the price had dropped diligence, including monitoring of crop commodity
to $8.10 a pound, reflecting a reduction of 79%6. sites and industry groups such as those mentioned
PanXchange, a commodity marketing firm, above. Hemp farmers are strongly urged to refrain
reported a significant drop in the price for CBD from investing more than they can afford to lose8.
hemp for the period beginning in January 2019


Market Challenges for Different Types of Hemp

Fiber: Intense competition globally, especially

from China; the U.S. environmental stance on
retting, a semi-controlled rotting process to
assist in fiber separation.

Seeds and grains: Current yields are not

on par with traditional grains such as flax
and rapeseed. Hemp Retting (Iowa State Extension photo)

CBD and other cannabinoids: Market segment

largely untested; lack of research into proper
health or medicinal benefits of CBD

Currently, there are more unknowns than

knowns regarding hemp markets9. Among the
many influencers to consider:

• Uncertainty regarding state and federal

Hemp seeds and grains (Rutgers Extension photo)

• Interaction between hemp and marijuana.

• A high number of hemp producers with

little to no farming background.

• Varying regional production costs

and practices.

• Intense international competition.

• Contracted acres: supply currently

exceeding demand. Epidlolex, an FDA approved drug from hemp
(GW Pharmaceuticals photo)
• Standardization within sampling,
THC testing, fees, etc.

• Bankruptcies, reorganizations,
consolidations among hemp companies.


Hemp Licensing
Hemp licenses issued by the NC Industrial Hemp Pilot Program expire on Jan. 1, 2022.
Farmers wanting to grow hemp for the 2022 crop season and beyond must apply
directly to USDA for a license and are encouraged to apply before Jan. 1, 2022.

Applying for a USDA License

to Grow Hemp in North Carolina
All information on the USDA Hemp Program is available at

Questions may be submitted to farmbill.hemp@usda.gov; or call at (202) 720-2491

for additional information.

Here are the steps current North Carolina licensees can take to ensure they
are licensed for the 2022 and future crop seasons:

1. Create an eAuthorization Account: 3. Register to use the Hemp eManagement

https://www.eauth.usda.gov/eauth/b/usda/home Platform (HeMP) at www.hemp.ams.usda.gov.
Creating a USDA eAuthentication (eAuth) account Detailed instructions on how to use and register
is the first step in applying for a USDA license. Once for this system are available at the USDA website
your E-Auth account is established, you will be able to https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/hemp.
access the Hemp eManagement Platform (HeMP).

HeMP is the secure online tool where you will apply for 4. Apply for a license
a USDA hemp production license and manage hemp Follow the instructions on the HeMP online tool to
reporting information for USDA. apply for a USDA hemp production license. You will
need to provide certain required information and
upload a copy of your FBI criminal history report.
2. Obtain a copy of your FBI criminal history report.
summary-checks) 5. Designate your lots
You will need to provide a copy of the criminal history A “Lot” is defined as a contiguous area in a field,
report for yourself and each “key participant” under greenhouse, or indoor growing structure planted with
your license. If you or any key participant involved the same variety or strain of hemp. You may establish
in the operation (someone with a financial interest) as many separate lots as you wish, but each lot must
have had a felony conviction related to a controlled be sampled and tested separately. If you plant different
substance during the last 10 years, your license varieties or strains, or plant across non-contiguous
application will be denied. land areas, you must designate separate lots. You are
responsible for all sampling and testing fees for each
of your designated lots. There is no restriction on the
size of a hemp lot or the number of lots designated.


This step is critical for indoor growers who will 7. Sampling and Testing
not have harvested prior to Jan. 1, 2022. All hemp You are responsible for finding your own sampling agent
harvested after Jan. 1, 2022, is subject to USDA and laboratory testing facility. USDA does not sample
sampling and testing requirements. If planting in the and does not test hemp. First, identify a certified hemp
Fall of 2021 with an anticipated 2022 harvest, you must sampling agent (A listing will be available on the USDA
designate your lot(s) per USDA requirements and have website). Licensees may not act as a sampling agent.
an approved USDA hemp license by Dec. 31, 2021. Next, identify a laboratory to test your sample for Total
THC. You may use any laboratory that meets the DEA
minimum performance requirements. Laboratories must
6. Report Hemp Acreage to FSA test for Total THC concentration and report all test
All USDA licensees must report the land area where results to you and the USDA.
hemp is planted. Immediately after planting hemp,
contact your local USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Service Center and make an appointment to establish 8. Reporting Requirements
your Farm record (if not already established) and As a USDA licensed hemp producer, you are required
report your hemp crop acreage. to submit certain information to USDA throughout the
year. For detailed information about North Carolina’s
You must provide a copy of your hemp license and transition to the USDA rules and applying for a USDA
documents showing ownership or lease on the land hemp license, review the recorded webinar, U.S.
under hemp production. You will need to provide Domestic Hemp Production Overview: North Carolina
planting date, GPS coordinates, crop type, intended Transition at https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/2021/10/nc-
use, size of each growing location, and irrigation usda-transition-webinar-online/?src=rss.
practice. FSA will assign an FSA Lot ID for each of your
planted hemp lots. The FSA Lot ID is a combination
of the following assigned numbers: Farm-Tract-Field-
Subfield (if applicable). Each FSA Lot ID must be
sampled and tested separately. FSA Lot ID is NOT your
hemp lot ID.

Due Diligence
Reasonable steps taken by a
When evaluating hemp contracts, proceed cautiously
person in order to satisfy a legal
and remember hemp contracts are similar to contracts
requirement, especially in buying
for other products. Parties should:
or selling something.

• Deal only with other reputable parties.

• All parties should perform their due diligence.
• Parties should consult with a N.C. licensed attorney before signing.

While not hemp-specific, a good guide to evaluating farm contracts is the USDA
publication “Contracting in Agriculture: Making the Right Decision,” available at


A Checklist for Evaluating Hemp Contracts10

3 Delivery point and price are clear and timely.
3 Verification of funds: Buyer places a portion of funds in escrow to
cover the purchase.
3 Purchase price for flowers is based on delivered weight and percent CBD.
3 Required testing, sampling protocol, and acceptable limitations are
clearly described.
3 A third-party testing facility is mutually agreed upon between producer
and buyer.
3 Buyer is providing plant material in the form of seeds or transplants.
3 Buyer is registered with the secretary of state.


t Post-delivery location of product is unclear.
t Payment will be made all or in part with product instead of cash.
t Purchase price for CBD is based on delivered weight only.
t Non-compete clause preventing selling to another buyer after the
contract has been filled.
t Exclusivity: Restriction for contracting with any other buyer for the
current year or multiple years.
t Buyer completely dictates the variety to be grown.

t Purchase price for floral bud is based on acreage only.

7 Company contact information is not disclosed in the contract.
7 No specific purchase information is included.
7 Payment will be delayed until final product is marketed.
7 Assigning grower license to buyer.
7 Non-disclosure provision about disputes or contract terms.


Hemp Economics and Budget

The economics of producing hemp vary based on the • The most detailed and current budgets are those
product made (fiber, seeds, both fiber and seeds, CBD) developed by the University of Kentucky Extension
and the growing environment (field, greenhouse, bare Agriculture Economics department. They are available
soil, plasticulture). The local variations in hemp agronomy at http://agecon.ca.uky.edu/budgets.
may further impact regional production costs.
• N.C. State University has a hemp for floral CBD
Table 1 below is a short form of a sample hemp budget budget template available at https://hemp.ces.
for fiber, grains, and CBD. ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Sample_
For a more detailed look at the economics of hemp
production, potential growers should consult the • The Alabama Cooperative Extension Service
following enterprise budgets. Keep in mind, however, (Alabama A&M & Auburn Universities) offers a hemp
these budgets change frequently and are greatly budgeting template available at https://www.aces.
influenced by marketing price and the development and edu/blog/topics/farm-management/industrial-hemp-
application of new practices. enterprise-budgets/.

continued on the next page

Fiber Grains CBD


Variable Costs* $886.76 $795.06 $1,396.15


Labor** 56 hours 56-70 hours $5,025 - $6,476 / acre


Gross income $700 $840 $5,250


Net income*** (-$187) $45 $3,854


High-low $0.10 - 0.05 / lb. $1.00 - 0.50 / lb. $6 - $1 for per percent CBD

Midpoint $0.07 /lb. $0.70 / lb. >$1 per percent CBD with
1,200 lb/acre bud yield

Table 1. Estimated hemp production budgets (per acre) for fiber, grains and CBD

* Including but not limited to site prep, soil test, fertilizer, seed, crop insurance, testing,
and transportation. Note that fixed costs are not included. Fixed costs are items such as
tractors and other machinery, irrigation system, and land purchase. Be aware, these can add
significantly to your cost of production.

** Insufficient data available for labor costs for hemp fiber and grains.

*** Income projections are estimates. Income will vary based on current market prices.
CAUTION! The hemp market remains volatile.


• The Institute of Agriculture at the University of Keep in mind that hemp is an evolving industry and
Tennessee has produced a CBD hemp enterprise market dynamics will change quickly as new producers
budget available at https://ag.tennessee.edu/arec/ enter the business and production increases11. Since
Lists/Budgets/DispForm.aspx?ID=7. hemp restrictions have been further eased via the 2018
Farm Bill, licensed hemp acreage has increased by 455%
Through its Hemp Benchmarks division, New Leaf Data between 2018 and 201912. Such a dramatic increase
Services, LLC, a paid subscription service, offers monthly could result in market saturation causing hemp prices to
hemp market information. The free but incomplete drop, as we have observed the price of $0.5 per percent
snapshot of the hemp price can be accessed at https:// of CBD towards to the end of 2020. The University
www.hempbenchmarks.com/hemp-market-insider/. of Kentucky enterprise budgets illustrate how even a
moderate reduction in price could negatively affect
return per acre.

Decision-Making Tools for Small Farmers

Managing risk is a key component of any agricultural An additional risk category may be referred to as human
enterprise. One of the greatest risks farmers take is risk, the uncertainty about the character or behavior
deciding to produce a new crop13. As the hemp industry of people involved in the business. The “wild west”
is new and evolving, growers are well-served to closely or “gold rush” mentality surrounding hemp has seen
follow emerging trends and information. Broadly, risks many jumping on the bandwagon who may or may not
can be grouped into three main categories14. represent reputable business operators.



Production - Information about Working Capital - Is the Logistics - How close are processing
varieties, production methods, growers’ cash flow able to mitigate facilities? Need to be relatively close to
limited pesticides short term risks? What happens minimize transportation costs
if the crop fails, or yield is less
Crop Insurance - Programs / than projected? Labor - Hemp is very labor intensive
limited availability to produce. Make sure labor needs are
Budgets - Growers should addressed in your business plan
Contracts - Only as good have business plans, use
as the issuer of the contract. available enterprise budgets to Processors - If acres planted
Defaulting may be common calculate cost outlays and increases, processing capacity may
especially in the early stages of potential returns become strained
hemp industry development
Pricing- Hemp is an emerging
commodity. Lack of market pricing
availability makes it difficult to
Adapted from Oklahoma State University Extension
determine if the price offered to a
grower is appropriate.


Available Crop Insurance for Hemp

In 2020, the USDA took major steps toward providing of the expected output at 100% of the average market
coverage opportunities for hemp producers via a new price. This extra buy-up protection can be purchased in
pilot program, Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and 5% increments. Again, this buy-up coverage comes at a
through additional provisions added to the long-running premium cost to the producer15.
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)15.
MPCI provides coverage against yield loss because of For all coverage levels, the NAP service fee is the lesser
insurable causes of loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain, of $325 per crop or $825 per producer. For farmers
or CBD oil. Insurable causes of loss under this pilot farming in multiple counties, the combined fees,
program include adverse weather conditions, such as regardless of the number of counties farmed, are capped
drought and excess precipitation, earthquake, failure at $1,950 per farmer.
of the irrigation water supply (if caused by an insured
peril during the insurance period), fire, insects, and plant Example 1- Small farmer operating in only one county
disease (except for insufficient or improper application wishes to insure three crops
of pest or disease control measures), wildlife, or The NAP service fee is $325 for each insured crop.
volcanic eruption15. Farmer may insure multiple crops. The total farmer cost,
regardless of the number of crops insured, is capped
Coverage under the MPCI pilot program became at $825. If a farmer farming in a single county wants to
available for the crop year 2020 in certain counties in insure his hemp, cotton, and corn. Based on a fee of $325
the following states – Alabama, California, Colorado, per crop, the total would come to $975. However, the
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, farmer pays only $825 to insure these three crops.
Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North
Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Example 2- Small farmer farming in two counties
Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. North Carolina wishes to insure three crops in county A and four
ranked second, behind Kentucky, in the number of crops in county B
MPCI policies written15. A small farmer in county A wishes to insure his hemp,
cotton, and corn. The same small farmer also wishes to
Not all counties in all states were initially eligible for insure his hemp, cotton, corn, and soybeans in county B.
hemp coverage under MPCI. The program was expanded
in 2021 to include Arizona, Arkansas, Texas, and County A NAP costs County B NAP costs
Nevada counties. Hemp $325 Hemp $325
Cotton $325 Cotton $325
Information on counties eligible for MPCI can be found Corn $325 Corn $325
at the USDA Risk Management Actuarial Information Soybeans $325
____________ _______________
Browser at https://webapp.rma.usda.gov/apps/
Total $975 Total $1,300
County A County B

Also, beginning in 2020, hemp producers located in

Total county A and B $2,175
states and counties not covered by the MPCI pilot
program can apply for coverage under NAP, which
However, the total cost to this small farmer (based on
provides coverage against loss for hemp grown for fiber,
cap) is $1,950, not $2,175.
grains/seeds, or CBD. Coverage is available at 55% of the
average market price for crop losses that exceed 50%
of anticipated production. The 2018 Farm Bill included
a provision to buy up – at a premium – from 50 to 65%


Eligibility requirements

• Producers must have a license to grow hemp and Two additional insurance programs offer producers
must comply with applicable state, tribal, and federal more options and flexibility for hemp grown in
regulations or operate under a university research containers.
pilot (All Federal Crop Insurance plans).
• Revenue protection for hemp is offered under the
• MPCI plan Whole-Farm Revenue Protection plan of insurance.
+ Producers must have at least one year of history
producing hemp. • Beginning with the 2021 crop year, hemp is insurable
under the Nursery Crop Insurance Program and the
+ Producers must have a contract for the sale of Nursery Value Select Crop Insurance Pilot Program.
the insured hemp.
Under both programs, hemp will be insurable if grown
+ Minimum acreage required is five acres for CBD in containers and following federal regulations, the
and 20 acres for grain and fiber. applicable state or tribal laws, and terms of the crop
insurance policy.
+ Hemp will not qualify for replant payments or
prevented plant payments. Small farmers are advised that the eligibility
requirements for the available crop insurance programs
• NAP plan vary. Remember to check with each program for details.
+ Producers must report hemp acreage to the Regardless of the crop insurance plan, anyone who
FSA after planting to comply with federal and wants to insure their hemp crop must hold a valid hemp
state law enforcement. license and comply with applicable state, tribal, and
federal regulations.
+ Hemp having THC above the federal statutory
compliance level of 0.3% is an uninsurable or
ineligible cause of loss and will result in the hemp
production being ineligible for production history


Administering Crop Eligibility Types of

Program Agency Year Requirements* Hemp Covered Covers

MPCI Pilot RMA 2020 Five acres CBD, CBD, grains, Losses due to
Program (Continued 20 acres grains fiber natural events such
for crop and fiber as hail, frost, wind,
year 2022) drought

NAP FSA Ongoing Report acreage CBD, grains, Losses due to

planted to FSA. fiber damaging weather,
Producer must hold such as drought,
a hemp contract. freeze, floods

WFRP RMA Ongoing Algorithm based CBD, grains, Loss of farm revenue
on current prices, fiber due to unavoidable
anticipated revenue, natural causes
Sch. F

Nursery Crop RMA Ongoing Nursery must be Hemp grown Losses due to adverse
Insurance inspected and in containers weather, failure of
approved prior to irrigation system (in
coverage. some cases). Does
not cover structures
or diseases

Nursery Value RMA 2022 Nursery must be Hemp grown Container-grown plants.
Select Pilot inspected and in containers Allows producers to
Program approved prior to select the amount of
coverage. coverage based on
production practices.

Table 2. Comparison of crop insurance plans available for hemp.


A Decision Tree for Potential Small Hemp Producers

The following decision tree guides potential growers in deciding whether to grow hemp.
The bottom line, start small and never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Do I have the land? NO Purchase/lease Remember to start small


Do I have the farming Get training, consult with Hire experienced

knowledge/expertise? Cooperative Extension farmers to help


Do I have the equipment? NO Purchase or lease equipment


Do I have a business Review available enterprise

plan/budget? budgets for hemp


Do I have a market? NO Conduct market research


Am I risk taker? NO Do NOT grow hemp!


Mitigate risk Crop insurance – have a contract with clearly defined terms


Do I have the required NO Banks, other lenders

Secure loan(s)
working capital? Farm Services Agency


Do I have labor? NO Hire, contract


Do I understand the state and Research laws governing

federal hemp regulations? hemp production


Do I have a license to Obtain license from issuing

grow hemp? entity in your state






Davis, J. (2020). Planting Sources (Seeds, Clones, Transplants). NC State Extension

Hemp Portal. https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/seed-sources-for-planting/.


Within North Carolina https://www.ncagr.gov/hemp/documents/






Avazyme Inc. in Durham https://www.avazyme.com/industrialhemptestinglaboratory/.

Delta 9 Analytical in Raleigh http://delta9analytical.com/wp/.

Global Laboratory Services in Wilson http://www.globallaboratoryservices.com/.

NMS Labs- WIN in Winston-Salem https://www.nmslabs.com/.

Research Triangle Park Laboratories, Inc. in Raleigh http://www.rtp-labs.com/.


Adams, M. (2019). American Hemp Dreams Are Being Crushed by These 5 Challenges.
Forbes, Oct. 19, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeadams/2019/10/23/american-

Gu, S. (2020). Hemp Contracts and Tips for Floral Hemp. NC A&T Hemp Conference.

Yankee Farm Credit (N.D.) Hemp Contracts - Things to be Aware of. https://www.


Further Reading



Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North Carolina. https://www.ncagr.gov/hemp/.

Industrial Hemp Program at N.C. A&T State University. https://www.ncat.edu/caes/


Hemp Program from North Carolina State University. https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/.

USDA Hemp Production Program. https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/hemp.


Alabama Cooperative Extension- Farm Management (2020). Industrial Hemp

Enterprise Budgets. https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/farm-management/industrial-

Building a Sustainable Business (SARE). https://www.sare.org/resources/building-a-


Enterprise budget template for crop production (Penn State). https://extension.psu.


NC Industrial Hemp Commission (2020). Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North

Carolina Frequently Asked Questions. https://www.ncagr.gov/hemp/FAQs.htm.

University of Kentucky industrial hemp agronomic research resource list (includes links
to budgets and video series). https://hemp.ca.uky.edu/node/9#GTV.

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture- Department of Agricultural and

Resource Economics. Industrial Hemp Budgets. https://arec.tennessee.edu/extension/

USDA. Hemp and Farm Programs. https://www.farmers.gov/manage/hemp.



Dreibus, T. (2019). 10 Common questions about hemp farming. Successful Farming

online magazine. https://www.agriculture.com/crops/10-common-questions-about-

Kelton, J. (2020). Risk Management and Economics of Industrial Hemp. University of

Alabama Extension Video. https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/crop-production/risk-

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (2019). Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance

Program: Expanding safety net options to help farmers cover losses from natural
disasters. https://sustainableagriculture.net/publications/grassrootsguide/credit-

Thiessen, L. (2019). North Carolina Hemp: Root Diseases Prevalent. https://agfax.


USDA Hemp and Farm Programs Fact Sheet (2020). https://www.farmers.gov/sites/



References Cited

1. NC Industrial Hemp Commission (2020). Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North

Carolina Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved, 07/22/2020 from https://www.

2. Markets and Markets Research Private, Ltd. (2019). Industrial hemp market.
Retrieved, 07/23/2020 from https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/

3. Brightfield Group (2020). Hemp CBD market to reach $22 billion by 2022. Retrieved,
07/23/2020 from https://blog.brightfieldgroup.com/hemp-cbd-market-to-reach-22-

4. Reports and Data (2019). Industrial Hemp Market to Reach USD 13.03 Billion
By 2026. Retrieved, 07/23/2020 from https://www.globenewswire.com/news-

5. Grandview Research (2020). Global industrial hemp market share by application.

Retrieved, 07/23/2020 from https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/

6. Hemp Benchmarks (2019). Hemp Price Benchmarks. Retrieved, 07/27/2020 from


7. PanXchange (2020). PanXchange Future of Commodities. Retrieved, 03/12/2021

from https://panxchange.com/hemp/.

8. Mark, T. and Shepperd, J. (2019). University of Kentucky Industrial Hemp Budgets.

Retrieved, 04/26/2021 from https://agecon.ca.uky.edu/budgets.

9. Mark, T., Bilby, J., & Butler, B. (2019). Emerging Opportunities in Appalachian
Agriculture. Conference proceedings, Appalachian Regional Commission.
September 5, 2019. Retrieved, 07/23/2020 from https://www.arc.gov/noindex/


10. Coit, M., Elliot, R. & Post, A. (2019). Industrial Hemp in North Carolina: A Guide
to Understanding and Evaluating Contracts. NCSU Extension Publication AG-863.
Retrieved 07/13/2020 from https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/industrial-hemp-in-north-

11. Olson, D., Thornsbury, S.D. & Scott, S. (2020). Hope for Hemp: New Opportunities
and Challenges for an Old Crop. USDA Economic Research Service. Retrieved,
07/27/2020 from https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2020/june/hope-for-

12. Drotleff, L. (2019). 2020 Outlook: Licensed US hemp acreage falls 9% from 2019,
but grower numbers increase 27%. Hemp Industry Daily. Retrieved, 07/27/2020 from

13. Young, B. (2019). Industrial hemp production: A risk assessment. Colorado State
University Extension. Retrieved, 07/28/2020 from https://www.thefencepost.com/

14. Clawson, S., Hagerman, A., & Ferrell, S. (2019). Industrial Hemp Production:
Risk Management. Oklahoma State University Extension publication AGEC-1986.
Retrieved, 07/27/2020 from https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/industrial-

15. USDA (2020). USDA Announces Details of Risk Management Programs for
Hemp Producers. Retrieved, 07/29/2020 from https://www.usda.gov/media/press-



Hemp cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), + To avoid the potential gap between your NC
are abundant in the trichomes of female floral buds. hemp license and USDA hemp license, apply for
Production techniques for hemp CBD are distinctly a USDA hemp license as early as possible.
different from those for hemp fiber or grains. Generally Application is free. For more up-to-date
speaking, you can grow CBD hemp as a horticultural information on USDA hemp rules and licensing,
crop and grow oilseed and fiber hemp as a field visit https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-
agronomic crop. regulations/hemp/information-producers.

North Carolina CBD hemp research did not start 2. Secure your market(s). It is unlikely that you can
until 2019. Because the research is recent, there is still sell hemp at farmers’ markets*, as you would do
much to be known. As such, hemp growers need to with vegetables, value-added products or processed
check for updated research results from both N.C. items. Secure a buyer before the growing season
State and N.C. A&T. because the current hemp market is unstable.

CBD Hemp is not for everyone and is not a guranteed • Have a lawyer review your contract if you are
money-maker. If you have decided to try hemp required to sign one. To learn more about hemp
production for CBD and other cannabinoids, start small contracts, see chapter four or visit https://
to mitigate risk and consider the following practices. content.ces.ncsu.edu/industrial-hemp-in-north-
Since this publication only covers the field hemp carolina-guide-to-understanding-and-evaluating-
production for CBD, check out the “Pour-thru Guide for contracts.
Greenhouse Cannabis Production” by Dr. Brian Whipker
from North Carolina State University for greenhouse * Some farmers markets may allow sale of hemp buds
production information. or other hemp products, you should always check
and confirm with the farmers market manager before
1. Acquire a hemp license. Anyone growing hemp in taking your hemp products to the market.
North Carolina must have a valid license issued by
the NCDA Industrial Hemp Pilot Program through 3. Consider buying an insurance policy. Risk
2021 or a valid license issued by USDA starting in 2022. Management Agency (RMA) and Farm Service
Agency (FSA) have insurance options (more details
• If you want to grow hemp before December 31, in chapter four).
2021 but do not have a valid NC hemp license,
click the following link for information on applying • RMA: Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and Actual
for a North Carolina hemp license: https://www. Production History (APH) coverage.
ncagr.gov/hemp/application.htm. It may take a
month or longer to have your license approved and • FSA: The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
this license will expire by December 31, 2021. Program (NAP).

+ If you have a valid NC hemp license, it will 4. Choose the best cultivars/strains for your situation.
remain valid until Dec. 31, 2021.
• Use cultivars/strains of different maturities,
+ If your current NC hemp license expires before high bud/CBD yield, and low risk of elevated
Sept. 30, 2021, contact the NCDA Industrial Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Hemp Program to renew your license at no cost.


The Expectations of CBD Yield in Floral Buds

CBD/THC ratio gradually decreases

throughout the entire reproductive
growing stage, from 28 to 15. The
CBD/THC ratio is a genetic trait
(chemotype) in industrial hemp. It
remains constant and is not affected
by external factors (Stack et al., 2020.
GCB Bioenergy). This ratio ranges
from 20-30 and usually is about 21
CBD to 1 THC. Given the legal limit
of 0.3% THC, the expected maximum
CBD content of an industrial hemp
Total THC, CBD, and Cannabigerol (CBG) cultivar/strain will be between 6% to 9%
significantly increase as flowers mature, and unlikely to be higher than 9%. The
reaching the greatest concentration during current price is around $0.5 for every
six to seven weeks postanthesis (see percent of CBD per pound, meaning $4.5
figure above by Yang et al., 2020. Journal gross potential per plant, assuming one
of Agricultural and Food Chemistry). The pound of dry buds from a plant.

+ If you have a contract, grow the cultivars listed + Mid-maturity: BaOx, Berry Blossom, Cherry Blossom
in the contract.
+ Late-maturity: Cherrywine, Citrus Cherry,
+ Late maturing cultivar/strains usually have a high Spectrum, Sweetened, Endurance
yield of floral buds.
• A 2020 nationwide survey showed the top 10 CBD
+ Be aware that different names may be the same hemp cultivars as Cherry Wine, Sweetened, BaOX, T1,
strain because hemp cultivars are not currently Lifter, Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Suver Haze, The Wife,
well-regulated. and Berry Blossom.

+ Harvesting is time-intensive, and drying the • The report of the 2021 state-wide variety trials for
harvested hemp flowers uses a lot of facility floral hemp is available at https://hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/
space. Cultivars with varied maturities will ease wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-NC-State-Variety-
the challenges. Trial-Report.pdf?fwd=no.

• The following cultivars/strains yielded about one • Try triploid (seedless) cultivars if they are available
pound or higher of dry bud per plant per the 2019 to you. Triploid hemp will not produce seeds when
and 2020 state-wide tests in North Carolina. male plants are in proximity. For more information
about triploid or seedless hemp, visit https://
+ Early-maturity: Elektra, Matterhorn, TJ’s, hemp.ces.ncsu.edu/2021/05/whats-up-with-new-
Suver Haze, Wulf seedless-hemp-varieties/.


Hemp CBD cultivars Elektra, BaOx, Cherry Blossom, and Cherrywine.

5. Use only female hemp plants. Hemp for CBD + Do not direct seed feminized cultivars, such
production harvests only female flower buds. Male as drilling the seeds into the soil. Feminized seeds
plants are detrimental, as they will pollinate female are currently expensive so use transplants
flowers resulting in seed development on the female instead. Raising hemp seedlings for transplanting
plants that greatly reduces trichrome development, is similar to how you would raise tomato
thus significantly lowering the CBD yield. transplants.

• Using hemp clones is encouraged, although it 6. Time of transplanting is critical. As a short-day

might be expensive ($1-$3 per clone). and warm-season species, field hemp starts to initiate
flowers after June 21, the summer solstice when the
• Feminized seeds can also be used ($0.4-0.8 per day-length begins to shorten. The transplanting
seed) but not strongly recommended. Ideally, time will depend on cultivars but generally should be
you shall identify and remove male seedlings before between late May to mid-June. If transplanted in July,
transplanting but in reality, it is difficult to do. plants will have a low yield because they will flower
regardless of the canopy size.
+ All feminized cultivars will have some seeds
that develop into male plants. • Hemp clones become root-bound quickly. Clones
staying in seedling cell inserts for a prolonged
period will remain root-bound after transplanting,
which could kill a grown plant later.


Hemp plants start

to flower when
days get shorter,
regardless of the
plant’s size.

Left: a very small

plant that will have
very low floral yield.

Right: a full size

plant that has a high
bud yield potential.

7. “Isolation” considerations. Make sure your CBD 9. Use raised beds with or without plastic mulch.
hemp field is away from fiber and seed hemp fields
to avoid pollination. • Plastic mulch can be used if your soil is well-
drained, otherwise use bare-soil raised beds.
• At least one mile if there are physical barriers such
as trees and buildings, or at least three miles if not. • Plastic mulch helps control weeds. If using bare-soil
beds, you will need field cultivation equipment for
• Check and coordinate with farmers next to you for weed control.
CBD hemp production. There should be no seed
and fiber hemp plants within a three-mile radius. • White-on-black mulch is recommended if using
plastic mulch.
8. Soil preparation and fertility. Conduct a soil test
before hemp production. Soil with a pH of 6.0-7.5, • More research is needed to draw conclusions on the
well-aerated loams of high fertility, and organic matter benefit of plastic mulch on bud yield and quality.
is ideal for CBD hemp production. Fertilization rates
for CBD hemp should be based on the soil-test results 10. Spacing. Spacing depends on the cultivar canopy
(NCDA Soil Test Crop Code 310). Work the fertilizers profiles and the transplanting time. Typically, it is
into the field when preparing the soil. four feet in-row by five to six feet between rows.
More specifically, in-row spacing can be six feet for
• N 100-150 pounds/acre late-May or early June transplanting, five feet for
mid-June transplanting, and four feet for July or
• P2O5, 0-150 pounds/acre (0 pound, P-index later transplanting.
of 70; 150 pound, P-index of 0)
11. Irrigation. Generally, 1 to 1.5 inches of water each
• K2O, 0-150 pounds/acre (0 pound, K-index week is needed. One or two lines of drip tapes can
of 80; 150 pound, K-index of 0) be used for irrigation.

• Keep in mind that industrial hemp plants do not like

wet feet so do not over water and make sure your
field drains well.


12. Staking, tipping, and pruning. Some practices of

CBD hemp plant management are similar to what
you do with indeterminate tomato plants.

• Depending on cultivars and planting time,

your plants may need staking as they will grow
tall quickly. Without staking, plants may fall
and/or split.

• Tipping will result in more flower buds from lateral

branches thus increasing yield.

• Pruning off some lateral branches may be needed

if plants become overly crowded. This will help air
circulation that mitigates disease problems and
results in large floral buds.

13. Identify and uproot male plants. If using feminized

cultivars, make sure to remove male plants before they
flower. Uproot and move them out of the field. Bury or
burn or compost them if you can. Ideally, they will be
one to three miles away from your hemp field as plants
pulled may still develop and release viable pollen before
they die.

• Hemp male and female flowers are visually

different before blooming. Remove male plants as
early as possible.

• This needs to be a daily effort for a few weeks in

July and August. Hemp branches can split if not staked.

male female

Hemp male and female plants (left), and pollen sacks about to release pollen (right).


Caterpillars damaging
hemp plants.

Middle row: Infestation

symptoms of Russet mites
in a high tunnel.

Southern blight
disease in hemp.

14. Pest management.

• CBD hemp has numerous pest problems, but • Watch for symptoms of russet mite infestations. Dry
pesticides for hemp production are still limited. Visit conditions promote their spread. Russet mites are
https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/pesticide- small, twice the width of a human hair, so they cannot
products-registered-use-hemp for a growing list be seen with the naked eye (https://content.ces.ncsu.
of approved pesticides. Also, as an option, you can edu/hemp-russet-mite-in-industrial-hemp). Using
use minimum risk pesticides (25b pesticides) in hemp sprinklers can lessen this problem as well as the two-
production. spotted spider mites infestation (https://content.ces.
+ Contact your county extension office for help in if your field is equipped to do so.
identifying pest problems or sending samples to
the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic at NC State for • There is no cure for soil-borne diseases, such as
pest identification and control options. Southern blight and Fusarium wilt, in hemp
production. Uproot infected plants immediately and
• Early cultivation while plants are small, is the key to move them out of the field once spotted.
controlling weeds. Once plants take off, weeds should
not be a major concern. • Check with your contractor before spraying
pesticides. Your contract may have language
• Use listed bio-pesticides to control insect pests such specifying allowable pesticide residues in your dried
as armyworms and fruit worms. floral mass, which could be zero.


15. Testing for THC. The THC content will elevate as + For small-scale operations, harvest the buds only;
flowers get more mature. for large-scale productions, harvest the whole
plants. Over 200 man-hours might be needed to
• Beginning October 1, 2021, USDA’s THC testing rules harvest one acre of hemp.
should be followed (see chapter 3).
+ Have a copy of your hemp license with you when
+ All hemp is required to be sampled 30 days transporting the plants. It will be even better
before harvest. if your local law enforcement is aware of your
hemp harvesting and transporting.
+ The growing list of DEA-registered labs
can be found at https://www.ams.usda.gov/ 17. Drying. To dry, hang whole plants or snip buds and
rules-regulations/hemp/dea-laboratories?field_ place them on a drying rack. Dry indoors at 60-70ºF,
lab_location_administrative_area=NC. Any lab 45-55% humidity for seven to 15 days until the moisture
on the list can be used for testing hemp grown content is less than 10%.
in NC.
• A tobacco barn is a good drying option. A typical
+ DEA allows labs that are non-DEA registered but bulk barn can hold about three-quarters of an acre
in compliance for THC testing until Dec. 31, 2022. of hemp.

16. Harvest. Harvesting time is critical for high-level CBD • A sweet potato curing facility can also be used.
in flower buds. The higher the CBD content (percentage),
the higher the price. • Consider using air-circulation aids in your drying
facility to speed up the process.
• Most cultivars are ready for harvest between 55 to
70 days after flowering (September to October). • CBD hemp is paid by the percentage of CBD
Your clone provider or contractor can provide that content. Buyers may reject dry mass of low CBD
guidance. If not, harvest when most trichomes have content, so only keep dried buds, not the leaves and
become milky to slightly amber from crystal clear stems from the whole plant.
or the stigma has turned orange. A hand-held
magnifying glass will help in examining the trichomes. 18. Storage. After drying, store the dry buds in airtight
bags and place them in a cool and dry place, away from
• Presently, harvesting is primarily done manually, so direct sunlight. Deliver the dried buds (whole buds or
get your farmhands ready. ground) to your contractor as early as possible.

Hemp flower buds

not ready to harvest
(left) and about ready
to harvest when
stigmata have turned
orange (right).



Hemp is a great crop for fiber or grains (seeds or 4. Consider insurance options: refer to “available
oilseeds), but because state-specific research has crop insurance for hemp” in chapter 4.
been limited, you may want to consider these
general practices. 5. Choose and secure cultivars/seeds. Use the
cultivars your contractor suggests, or cultivars that
1. Know what you are dealing with. Hemp is a warm have a low chance of getting ‘hot’ while providing
season, annual herbaceous species of Cannabaceae. a good yield. The legal limit for THC is less than or
It is a short-day dicot meaning it is a kind of flowering equal to 0.3% (dry weight).
plant that begins to initiate flowering as the days
shorten after the June 21 solstice. Naturally, it is a. The price will vary among cultivars, but the
dioecious, i.e., there are male plants and female average price was about $4 per pound in late
plants. Male plants are not ideal for fiber production, 2020, according to the HEMP BENCHMARKS®.
but they are essential for grain/seed production.
b. For fiber: Cultivars bred in northern environments
• Do not grow seed/fiber hemp and CBD hemp (high latitude) have lower biomass yield when
in the same field. At least a 3-mile separation is grown in the South (low latitude). The harvest
needed between the two types of hemp. Make height for fiber is 10-15 feet, with a yield of
sure your neighboring farmers are aware of your 1.0-5.5 tons/acre of dry matter.
seed/fiber hemp if they grow hemp for CBD.
c. For grains: In a 2017 North Carolina trial,
2. Acquire a hemp license. Anyone growing hemp Futura 75, CRS1, Felina 17, and Felina 32 had a
must have a valid license issued by NCDA Industrial higher yield than the other 10 cultivars. In a 2018
Hemp Pilot Program before Jan. 1, 2022 or issued by trial, Tisa, Monica, Carmagnola, and CFX2 had a
USDA after Dec. 31, 2021. higher grain yield (>500 lb/acre) than the other
eight cultivars. The harvest height for grains is
3. Secure a market for hemp fiber/grains or have a six to nine feet, with an average yield of
way to process oilseeds. 800-1,000 pounds per acre.

• Fiber: It is unlikely you will grow hemp and d. There are dual-purpose (for both grains and
process them yourself. Therefore, it is essential to fiber) cultivars available, which may complicate
contract with a hemp fiber processor close to the harvest schedule. Felina 32 is such a cultivar.
your farm that will purchase your hemp plants.
There are not many licensed processors in North e. As a reference, check the list of approved
Carolina or the neighboring states. Check https:// cultivars by the Canadian government at https://
www.ncagr.gov/hemp/ProcessorsInfo.htm for www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/
a list of registered processors and verify if they drugs-medication/cannabis/producing-selling-
will accept and process your hemp. hemp/commercial-licence/list-approved-
• Grains: Hemp seeds are a nutritional food source
and can make hemp oil and other forms of
food. You can contact a buyer or process yourself
if you intend to purchase the equipment needed,
for example, a dehuller, for processing.


Hemp Fibers and Retting



• Bast fibers are long vascular fibers from • Mechanical Separation: hemp stalks pass
the exterior of the hemp stalk. They are between fluted rollers to crush and
used for textiles, fabrics, yarns, rope/twine, separate the woody inner core (hurds)
clothing/shoes, brake/cutch linings, etc. from the exterior bark (basts).

• Hurd fibers are short, woody fibers from • Retting and Fiber Separation: inner core
the interior of the hemp stalk. They are fiber is separated from the exterior bark
used for animal bedding, mulch, building using water or spread in moist fields to
materials, insulation, fiberboard, break down. Fibers are further processed
papermaking, etc. through a mechanical separation after
retting, drying, and being baled.

Hemp Essential Oil, Seed Oil, and CBD Oil


• Hemp oils are cold-pressed hemp seed • Hemp essential oils are steam-distilled
oils and can be obtained in large quantities from hemp flowers and are in very little
because hemp seeds contain 30-35% fatty quantity because hemp flowers have
acids. Unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear trace amounts of volatile oils. It may take
light green, with a nutty flavor. 50 pounds of flowers to make one ounce
of hemp essential oil. Hemp essential oils
are a pale yellow liquid containing
aromatic terpenes.

• CBD oil is one type of cannabinoids

abundant in the trichomes of hemp female
floral buds. Cannabinoids cannot
be obtained from cold-press or steam
distillation. It has to be extracted.
CBD content is less than 10% in dried
hemp buds.

Extracted hemp CBD oil (left, credit: www.openaccessgovernment.org)

and hemp seed oil (right, credit: Jason HS).


6. Soil preparation and fertility. A suitable soil for 8. Irrigation. Industrial hemp is prone to a poor
hemp growth is similar to the soil for growing corn. establishment if there is a lack of water during
It should have a pH of 6.0–7.5 and have well-aerated germination. In general, 1.0 to 1.5 inches of water each
loams of high fertility and organic matter. Fertilization week is needed.
rates for fiber/grain hemp should be N 70-100 pounds
per acre, P 0-45 pounds per acre, and K 45-178 9. Pest management. Fiber and seed hemp plants
pounds per acre. Make sure you work the fertilizers have less insect and disease problems than CBD
into the field when preparing the soil in the spring. hemp plants. Sprays may not be necessary. If needed,
check the EPA site for pesticide options (https://
• Some farmers have tried no-till and had www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/pesticide-
some success. products-registered-use-hemp). Minimum risk
pesticides (25b pesticides) can be used in hemp
7. Seeding rate and time. The seed rate is 40-60 production.
pounds per acre (three to eight inches spacing) for
fiber production and 10-40 pounds per acre (6-inch • Make sure to have a good standing to control
spacing) for grain/seed production. Drill seeds into weeds. Hemp seedlings grow fast and usually can
the soil at a depth of 1/4 to 1 inch a couple of weeks compete with weeds if there is good germination.
after the last spring frost. If sowing too late, your
plants will flower without reaching their full growth. • Birds can be a big challenge to hemp grain
production, as they will feed on the maturing seeds.
• Currently, there are no EPA-approved pre-emergent
herbicides for hemp. Cleaning up the field is
essential before drilling the hemp seeds.

A hemp field of good standing with little or no weed pressure (left)

or of poor standing with high weed pressure (right).


10. Testing for THC. When plants start to show 11. Harvest, delivery, and storage.
female flowers, send samples for THC testing (see
chapter 3 for details). • For Fiber: Harvest hemp fiber by following your
contractor’s instructions or before the full flowering of
• Beginning Oct. 1, 2021, all hemp is required to be the male plants. Equipment does not yet exist in the
sampled 30 days before harvest. U.S. for optimal cutting and management of hemp
during retting. You can use the skills in producing
• The growing list of DEA-registered labs can be high-quality hay for successful field retting of
found at https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/ fiber hemp.
administrative_area=NC. + After harvesting, deliver the bales to the processors
per their instructions. Storing acres of hemp fiber is
not practical for most small farmers.

• For grains/seeds: Industrial hemp seeds do

not mature at the same time. When seeds are fully
mature, shattering takes place. Harvest when 70%
of seeds have ripened.

+ Harvested grains should be dried to below 12%

moisture for short-term storage and 8-10% for
long-term storage.

• For dual-purpose cultivars: Harvest the grains

first, then harvest the fiber. Ideal practices are yet
to be developed in North Carolina for these cultivars.

Female (left) and male (right) flowers of hemp. Fiber hemp harvest
occurs before the full development of male flowers (no pollination).

A female hemp plant shows uneven ripening of seeds (left). Mature seeds will drop to
the ground if not harvested in time (right).

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Distributed in furtherance of the acts of

Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
Employment and program opportunities
are open to all people regardless of race,
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North Carolina A&T State University,
North Carolina State University, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and local
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This work is supported by Section 1444

Extension Programs for 1890 Land-Grant
Colleges from the USDA National Institute
of Food and Agriculture.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions,

or recommendations expressed in this
publication are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the view of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Golden LEAF Foundation partially

funded this publication through a grant
awarded to Drs. Sanjun Gu, Guochen Yang,
and Valerie Giddings from the College of
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at
N.C. A&T State University.

Photos by Dr. Sanjun Gu unless

otherwise stated.

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were printed at a cost of $4,600.00
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