Grade: 8 Time: 60 Minutes Teacher: Ali Dokmak Subject: Biology Summer Reassessment Choose The Correct Answer
Grade: 8 Time: 60 Minutes Teacher: Ali Dokmak Subject: Biology Summer Reassessment Choose The Correct Answer
Grade: 8 Time: 60 Minutes Teacher: Ali Dokmak Subject: Biology Summer Reassessment Choose The Correct Answer
Time: 60 minutes
Teacher: Ali Dokmak Total Points
Subject: Biology
Summer Reassessment 100
Choose the correct answer (25)
a. Where does unused food leave the body?
i. Anus
ii. Large intestine
iii. Right side of body
b. Where is the liver located?
i. Near the heart
ii. Left side of body
iii. Right side of body
c. Food leaving the stomach goes to the ……………
i. Intestines
ii. Liver
iii. Esophagus
d. The stomach is a large
i. Cell
ii. Muscle
iii. Intestine
e. What is saliva?
i. An enzyme containing liquid
ii. A nutrient containing liquid
iii. A waste containing liquid
II. Label the following diagram (20)
A: …………………………….…
B: …………………………….…
C: …………………………….…
D: …………………………….…
E: …………………………….…
F: …………………………….…
G: ………………………………
H: ………………………………
I: …………………………….…
J: …………………………….…
III. Choose the answer which lists the correct order of the digestion process. (5)
Sheet 2 (25pts)
IV. Compare between the function of the stomach and small intestine (5)
VI. Evaluate the importance of the villi on the walls of the small intestine. (5)
VII. Match each term with the correct description below. (5)
a. rectum
b. esophagus
c. pancreas
d. liver
e. duodenum
____ 1. produces enzymes
____ 2. filtering units of kidney
____ 3. releases the solid waste
____ 4. produces bile
____ 5. moves food downward by peristalsis with no digestion taking place
Sheet 3 (………/25)
A. In the framework of studying the importance of mechanical digestion, we realize an
experiment on digestion of lipids: sheep fat. The conditions of this experiment are
shown in document 1.
2. Define the enzyme lipase. (2)
3. Name one nutrient obtained after the digestion of lipids (fats). (2)
B. The mass of sheep fat is measured at the beginning of the experiment and at the end of the
experiment. The results are shown in document 2:
Mass of fat
3 Tube A
Tube B
0 1 2 3 4
4. Identify, with a reason, the tube in which digestion was more efficient. (5)
5. Based on the data above, explain is the importance of mechanical digestion. (5)
6. Explain What will happen to the mass of sheep fat if we add pepsin. (5)