Task 2: Classroom Situation
Task 2: Classroom Situation
Task 2: Classroom Situation
Lesson reports
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure you selected?
- Easy to prepare
- Follow a three step routine
- Easy for learners to follow this type of a lesson
- Easy for learners to remain focused
- Good for analytical learners
- Provides examples as context is beneficial
- It provides clear and simple structure of the lesson
- Materials are ordered from the simplest to the most difficult
- The teacher and the learners can easily see the progress .
- It is a teacher- centred method and teacher talking time might be too long.
- It is more focused on accuracy tan on fluency except in the very last stage
- Students may get bored and unwilling to participate
- Since everything is scaffolded learners may not remember things
- Not suitable for all types of learning styles.