FPB 03
FPB 03
FPB 03
2. Brokeback loop
Easy as skyscrapers
3. Breaking the loop
Triple loop
4. Octave
Total rising
5. Dead end cells
Pentamino in half
6. Giant tents
It’s a contest puzzle! Answer key: write down the content of pentagroups in any order.
Forsmarts Puzzle Book - Issue 3 - November ‘06 - page - Forsmarts Puzzle Book
Brokeback Loop
Draw in the grid a single
closed loop. Lines can go
horizontally, vertically or
Digits on top and at left of
the grid show the number of
diagonal lines passing through
the corresponding rows and
Digits at right/at bottom
show the number of
vertical/horizontal lines
passing through the
corresponding rows/columns.
Loop cannot pass through the
black dots.
Easy as skyscrapers
Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 3 (representing the heights of buildings) and letters A, B, C, so that each
row and column contains exactly one instance of all these symbols. Digits outside the grid show the number
of buildings visible from their positions (shorter buildings are hidden behind the taller ones). Letter outside
the grid appear first in corresponding directions.
Using only L-shaped figures (1x2) and
lines already placed in grid build the single
closed loop, not crossing or touching itself.
Figures cannot overlap each other or lines
already placed.
Triple loop
Draw in grid three closed loops which
between them visit every white square
exactly once. Lines can only go horizontally
or vertically, connecting the middle points
of cells. Starting in the cell with a number,
all loops must have the same sequence of
turns. The lines between the turns can be
of any size.
Forsmarts Puzzle Book - Issue 3 - November ‘06 - page - Forsmarts Puzzle Book
Fill the keys of octave with numbers from
1 to 12, using each once, so that the
numbers in black keys are equal to the
sum OR the difference of the numbers in
touching white keys. Comparison signs
must be true.
Total rising
Using each of digits from 1 to 9 exactly
twice create such sequence, that being
divided to numbers by any of two shown
ways, it gives continuous rising sequence.
Same digits cannot be in the neighbouring
For each next puzzle place the digits from
the corresponding cells of solved puzzles
following the lines.
It’s a contest puzzleS! Answer key: write down last 3 digits of each line.
Forsmarts Puzzle Book - Issue 3 - November ‘06 - page - Forsmarts Puzzle Book
Pentomino in half
A complete set of pentominoes divided into two groups of six
elements each was placed into two 9х9 grids with no elements
touching or overlapping each other. Pentominoes can be rotated
and mirrored. Find the position of the pentominoes if each number
outside the grid shows the sum of the horizontal or vertical
distances from grid border to nearest element for both grids.
Forsmarts Puzzle Book - Issue 3 - November ‘06 - page - Forsmarts Puzzle Book
Giant tents
Each tree in the grid has a tent in an edge-adjacent cell attached to it. Tents do not touch each other, not
even diagonally. Numbers outside the grid show the quantity of tents in corresponding rows and columns.