LeoLabs Launch and Early Orbit
LeoLabs Launch and Early Orbit
LeoLabs Launch and Early Orbit
Rapid Payload Tracking and Identification Support for Early Mission Operations The LeoLabs Global Radar Network
For satellite operators, launches often represent the most difficult and stressful LeoLabs owns and operates a growing
phase of their missions. Multiple vital objectives must be accomplished in a brief network of ground-based, phased
period of time, including successfully locating their satellites and establishing array radars to track objects in LEO.
initial communications. Certain types of missions, including rideshares with We are building a network that will
dozens of payloads belonging to multiple owner-operators, can further amplify
these challenges. Additionally, even after payloads are identified and cataloged, ● A constellation of radars located
cross-taggings and misassociations can occur leading to further confusion. As a strategically around the world for
optimal tracking coverage
result, operators have needed to dedicate key personnel to these
resource-intensive efforts for days or weeks, putting critical projects on hold ● Ability to reliably track objects
during these all-hands-on-deck processes. down to 2cm in size
● A total predicted LEO catalog of
These are the challenges that LeoLabs addresses with its new Launch and Early 250,000+ objects with revisit rates
of 10+ times per day for prioritized
Orbit service, a first-of-its-kind capability in the space industry to provide
commercial radar tracking support for newly launched payloads during the
crucial first hours and days of mission operations. The service provides rapid
assistance for payload location and identification so operators can establish
communications with their satellites and transition to routine mission operations
as quickly as possible.
Using the LeoLabs global network of phased-array radar systems, along with a
suite of in-house tools and algorithms specifically designed to support fast asset
Kiwi Space Radar (New Zealand)
tracking and data processing, we generate orbit data products and send them
directly to satellite operators often within just hours of launch. This eliminates the
need to rely on objects being added to the public catalog prior to receiving the
first TLEs, which can often take several days or weeks for complex missions.
LeoLabs Launch and Early Orbit is available today to satellite operators LeoLabs support doesn't stop with
worldwide, supporting launches of any size or complexity including large Launch and Early Orbit. All operators
subscribing to this service will also
rideshare missions. The service includes:
receive 30 days of our Tracking and
Monitoring service, which provides
Pre-launch coordination - LeoLabs coordinates with satellite operators and high precision state vectors and
launch providers (if required) to obtain launch nominals and predicted orbit ephemerides delivered daily. Tracking
insertion parameters for all payloads to schedule our radars for tracking. and Monitoring begins where Launch
and Early Orbit ends, providing full
mission coverage and a seamless
Early Orbit Tracking - LeoLabs radars are operated in search mode to track all transition into routine mission
deployed objects immediately following launch. High accuracy measurements operations.
are collected including range, doppler, radar cross section (RCS), and
distribution data. Payloads are often identified within the first 1-2 radar passes,
depending on orbit geometry. Subsequent radar passes can further improve
accuracy of initial results.
Orbit Products - LeoLabs processes the tracking data through our algorithms
for payload association and initial orbit determination to produce:
● Fitted TLEs or state vectors corresponding to the payloads deemed most
likely to be yours, delivered rapidly after each radar pass.
● Data plots and visual aides showing all detected payloads and the relative
distribution and spacing, with object labels for additional insights.
Don't leave mission success to chance. Contact us today to learn more about Inform, Serve, and Secure LEO.
Launch and Early Orbit and LeoLabs other commercial services supporting
operational safety of flight.