Rethinking Positive Thinking Challenge Worksheet 468
Rethinking Positive Thinking Challenge Worksheet 468
Rethinking Positive Thinking Challenge Worksheet 468
Daily WOOP Worksheet
Inspired by the book ‘Rethinking Positive Thinking’ by Gabriele Oettingen
Today’s Wish:
Select one area you most want to make progress in at this particular moment in time:
Health: diet, exercise, sleep, hydration, rehabilitation, meditation or prayer, gratitude, etc.
Interpersonal: family, friends, community, co‐workers, employees, teammates, partner, etc.
Professional / Academic: business, project, program, presentation, interview, exam, sale, campaign, etc.
Recreation / Skill: book, personal website, new language, recreational sport, game, instrument, craft, etc.
What can you do in the next 24 hours to make progress in this area?
Write down a challenging but feasible goal (i.e. behavior entirely within your control).
Best Possible Outcome:
Imagine you’ve just achieved your wish for the day. Describe how it feels [2‐4 words]:
Potential outcomes: proud | satisfied | energized | relieved | confident | rejuvenated | balanced | etc.
Take a moment to enjoy this outcome.
Internal Obstacle:
Why might your desired outcome be difficult to achieve? What within you could hold you back?
Name one internal obstacle you expect to struggle with:
Common internal obstacles:
Getting Started
o Being too tired or just not feeling like doing it
o Feeling overwhelmed or afraid of looking foolish
Staying Focused
o Experiencing internal distractions (impeding thoughts and emotions)
o Responding to external distractions (email, social media notifications, meeting requests, etc.)
Response Plan:
“IF I notice myself [internal obstacle]: _____________________________________________________________,
THEN I will [one thought you can have or one action you can take to overcome your internal obstacle today]:
Possible responses: focus on my breathing | remind myself of the goal | remind myself of a past success | think of a favorite
quote | put my phone on airplane mode | block access to distracting websites | transition to a less distracting environment |
respond to invitations and requests by stating a personal commitment and politely declining | write down a list of possible
next actions | start a countdown timer and get to work | begin writing a really bad draft and perfecting it later | make one
small improvement | etc.