To Lead: Inspire
To Lead: Inspire
To Lead: Inspire
20 10
Leadership Development Conference
to Lead
Leading to
delegate handbook
The International Flag
Display, along the
promenade between
the High Court and
the National Library
on the southern shore
of Lake Burley Griffin,
acknowledges the United
Nations and those that
maintain a diplomatic
presence in the national
Welcome Letter from AusAID
Dear Scholars, ALA Scholarships aims to build the I encourage you to make
Welcome to Canberra and to the 2010 capacity of awardees to participate in the most of this time in
Leadership Development Conference. and, in fact, to lead social and economic Canberra to get to know
I hope that during your time in Australia policy and development outcomes in each other and to reflect
you will achieve your educational goals, their countries and the region. For this on your experiences, your
experience Australian culture, and form reason we’ve created the Leadership understanding of leadership
strong friendships and networks with Development Program, to encourage and your goals for the future.
each other and with Australian people scholars to explore and further develop With best wishes for your
and institutions. their leadership potential. studies in Australia and your
The ALA Scholarships program The Leadership Development future endeavours,
demonstrates Australia’s commitment Conference is the first activity of the
to building capacity through leadership program for 2010, making it an exciting
to address the complex development occasion. The conference aims to build
challenges faced in the Asia and on participants’ understanding of the
Pacific regions. The Australia Awards, role that leaders play in providing vision Michael Hassett
announced by the Prime Minister and influencing and achieving change.
in November 2009, will extend It aims also to generate a commitment
Scholarships Section
Australia’s long-standing scholarship to working together across our region
program and consolidate all current to address common development
Australian scholarships, including ALA challenges. The next activity for 2010
Scholarships, under its banner. scholars will be four-day intensive
Leadership Workshop, to be held
You have been selected out of a highly mid-year in the state capitals.
competitive pool of applicants as
current and emerging leaders in your I also congratulate inaugural awardees
fields and countries, and we are very of the Prime Minister’s Pacfic-Australia
pleased to host you as you undertake Awards, eight of whom are participating
your studies at Australian universities. at this leadership conference.
About the Conference
The Leadership Development The conference program includes Over the three days we
Conference is a key annual event in speakers from a broad range of explore leadership and the
the Australian Leadership Awards: leadership backgrounds, including desire to lead and inspire
Leadership Development Program. Her Excellency, the Governor-General others from three different
This year’s conference brings together of Australia, members of the medical perspectives – head, hand
Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) profession, human rights advocates, and heart. The basis for
scholars from 28 different countries, lawyers, environmentalists and this is a belief that effective
who are studying at Australian economists. The program also brings leadership is the intersection
universities. The 2010 Leadership together experts in areas identified as of sound knowledge about
Development Conference focuses on priority areas for development including leadership (head), clearly
generating collaborative relationships health, climate change, economic articulated values (heart) and
with time and space for dialogues development and gender equality. honed leadership skills and
regarding regional leadership The theme of the Leadership competencies (hand).
challenges. The three key goals of the Development Conference is “Aspiring to On day one we explore
conference are: Lead, Leading to Inspire”. The theme is leadership and look at
• To increase ALA scholars’ knowledge influenced by the authors of our course leadership in development.
and understanding of contemporary reader Brad Jackson and Ken Parry (see On day two we look at
leadership challenges at national, page 6 for more information). These leadership in action and the
regional and global levels. authors identify five particular qualities social, ethical and economic
• To provide networking opportunities which they believe are vital for effective challenges to being a leader in
with current leaders from the Asia- leadership: confidence, integrity, our time and our region. Day
Pacific region and within Australia connection, resilience and aspiration. three focuses on leading for
fostering people to people linkages. They put aspiration at the top of their a higher purpose and we are
• To orient participants to critical list which surprises some people. Their introduced to three dynamic,
thinking about leadership and provide rationale – “If you don’t aspire to change young leaders making a
a venue for exploring trends and something and you don’t have a good difference in indigenous
responses for the future. reason for changing it, you cannot and affairs, the environment and
should not lead.” the arts.
About the Leadership
Development Program Reader
We know from previous ALA scholars’ The book is designed for those who are These questions are:
feedback that each of you has a heavy not formally studying leadership but are 1. Are leaders born or made?
academic load and that you don’t want interested in the subject. It steers away
2. What makes an effective
to be confronted with more academic from the multitudes of leadership books
material when you attend a LDP activity. which offer 10 secrets to leadership
This has motivated us to find interesting and the life stories of business leaders. 3. What’s the difference
ways of introducing you to the serious Instead, the book has intellectual between leadership and
debates in contemporary leadership. rigour without being too academic management?
This was our motivation in selecting about leadership. It is an engaging read The book is also well
the course reader A very short, fairly which tackles the current issues facing suited to our purpose in
interesting and reasonably cheap book leaders and the study of leadership that it explores the critical
about studying leadership by Brad today. relationship between leaders
Jackson and Ken Parry. The book may In particular, the book does a great job and followers which is central
have a quirky title and be written in an of exploring the three key questions to the post heroic view of
engaging manner, but the authors are which underpin all debate about leadership. Building on this
very serious about leadership. leadership and which we explore during it explores contemporary
You will receive a copy of the book at the workshop program. leadership concepts such as
the conference and we encourage you co-leadership, distributed
to read the book before the workshops. leadership and team
Closer to the workshops we will point leadership. The book also
you to specific areas we want you to looks at cultural perspectives
cover in more detail. on leadership and leading for
a higher purpose.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Your feedback plays an important role This questionnaire will ask you to think
in helping us to develop and improve about leadership and describe what
the Leadership Development Program. you believe to be effective leadership
Feedback from last year’s conference qualities, skills and competencies.
participants has helped us shape the At the close of the conference on
program we are presenting to you Wednesday, 17 March, you will be asked
this year. Independent monitoring to participate in a conference evaluation
and evaluation experts attend all our process. This process will be explained
modules to gather data by observing to you at the time, and will assist us
the interactions which take place. with our planning for the conference
We also use questionnaires to gather next year. Your input to the conference
quantitative and qualitative data about evaluation is highly valued and your
your experience. participation is appreciated.
When you arrive at the conference
you will be asked to complete a pre-
program evaluation and return
this before the start of proceedings on
Monday, 15 March. Please return these
to your Scholar Liaison Officer.
MONDAY 15 MARCH 2010 (DAY 1)
Current and Emerging Trends in Leadership – An Asia Pacific Context
• To increase understanding regarding AusAID’s support for leadership and collaboration in the Asia-Pacific Region
• To explore leadership in the context of development
• To generate discussion regarding regional challenges and create a foundation for collaborative dialogues
Time Location Event / Topic Speaker / Facilitator
0815 Pinnacles Apartments Buses depart for Hotel Realm
0830- 0920 Ballroom Buffet breakfast
0930-0935 Plenary Delegates Welcome Mr Peter Versegi (MC)
Assistant Director General, Health, Education and
Scholarships Branch, AusAID
0935 - 0945 Welcome to Country Ms Matilda House
Traditional Owner, Chair of the Ngambri Local Aboriginal
Land Council
0945-0955 Welcome Address Mr Peter Baxter
Acting Director General, AusAID
1000-1020 Keynote Address Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
1020-1100 Foyer Morning Tea with Speakers
1100-1115 Plenary Energiser exercise Mr Mal Lowther
Director, Teamworks Development Australia
1115-1200 Leadership in a Globalised Context Dr Tanveer Ahmed
Psychiatrist and Journalist
1200-1300 Foyer Lunch with Speakers
1300-1310 Plenary Important information for scholars Dr Linley Lord (MC)
prior to Parliament House Function
1310-1430 Panel Discussion: Facilitator: Dr Tanveer Ahmed; Panel members
Leaders to Leadership – Driving Mr Steve Hogg/MrJohn Davidson (AusAID)
the Process of Development Ms Gillian Brown (AusAID Senior Gender Advisor)
Ms Sharin Shajahan Naomi
Ms Daravone Kittiphanh
Mr Michael Hililan
1435 Realm Hotel Buses depart for Pinnacles Apartments
1450-1550 Scholars’ free time to prepare for Parliament House Function
1600 Pinnacles Apartments Buses depart for Parliament House
& Bentley Suites
1620-1650 Parliament House Scholars’ free time (30 min) for photos outside Parliament House
1650-1715 Parliament House Security Check Parliament House
1730-1900 Parliament House Function The Hon Bob McMullan, MP
Cocktail Reception
1900 Buses depart Parliament House for Hotel Realm
1930-2200 Plenary Dinner, including Talent Quest and Karaoke
2200 Hotel Realm Buses depart for Pinnacles Apartments
Exploring Leadership in Practice
• To explore leadership from the perspective of cross cutting issues including discrimination, gender and ethics
• To engage in collaborative dialogues themed around regional issues and development priority areas
• To gain a deeper understanding of leadership within the global context
Time Location Event / Topic Speaker / Facilitator
0815 Pinnacles Apartments Buses depart for Hotel Realm
0830-0910 Ballroom Buffet breakfast
0910- 0940 Plenary Energiser exercise Mr Mal Lowther
Director, Teamworks Development Australia
0940 –1030 Social Justice, Diversity and Mr Jason Yat-sen Li
Belonging Vice Chair of the Australia-China Chamber of Commerce
1035-1105 Foyer Morning Tea with Speakers
1110-1210 Plenary Women in Leadership: Ms Elizabeth Broderick
A Platform for Action Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner
Responsible for Age Discrimination
1215-1305 Plenary Leadership in a Time of Tightening Mr Chris Richardson
Budgets Director, Access Economics
1310-1400 Foyer Lunch with Speakers
1400 -1500 Plenary Round Tables: ALA Scholars will discuss development challenges relating to their country/
region (chaired by AusAID)
1500-1545 Foyer Afternoon Tea with AusAID program area staff
1545-1645 Plenary Round Tables: ALA Scholars will discuss development challenges relating to their thematic area
(chaired by AusAID)
1645 Hotel Realm Buses depart to Pinnacles Apartments
1700-1800 Pinnacles Apartments Scholars free time to prepare for Conference Dinner
& Bentley Suites
1815 Pinnacles Apartments Buses Depart for National Museum of Australia
& Bentley Suites
1830–2000 National Museum of Pre-dinner drinks and gallery tours
Australia – Garden of
Australian Dreams
2000-2230 National Museum of Conference Dinner Mr Peter Versegi (MC)
Australia – The Hall Assistant Director General, Health, Education and
Scholarships Branch
Speaker: 2010 Allison Sudradjat Awardee
Speaker: 2009 ALA Scholar
Special performance by The Yabu Band
2245 National Museum of Buses depart to Pinnacles Apartments and Bentley Suites
Leading for a Higher Purpose – Exploring Values Based Leadership
• To better understand how to empower and inspire others to lead
• To gain a holistic perspective of leadership and understand values based leadership
Time Location Event / Topic Speaker / Facilitator
0745 Pinnacles Apartment Buses depart for Hotel Realm
0800 - 0840 Ballroom Buffet breakfast
0840-0855 Plenary Welcome comments Dr Linley Lord (MC)
0855-0945 Young Indigenous leadership – Ms Tania Major
A Choice, Not a Position 2007 Young Australian of The Year
0950-1040 Personal Leadership Journey Ms Larissa Brown
2008 Australian Young Environmentalist of The Year
Founder and Executive Director of Centre for Sustainability
1040–1100 Foyer Morning tea with Dr Katerina Teaiwa
1105-1155 Plenary Gender, Leadership and the Arts Dr Katerina Teaiwa
in Oceania College of Asia and the Pacific, ANU
1155-1210 Evaluation
1210-1225 Closing remarks by Mr Michael Hassett, Director Scholarships Section, AusAID
1230-1400 Terrace BBQ lunch
1400 onwards Scholars begin leaving
Interpretive sculptures can be found at
Reconciliation Place, between the National Library
and the High Court of Australia.
Speakers Profiles
General of the Program Enabling John Davidson
Division at Australia’s Agency for Assistant Director General - Office of
International Development (AusAID). Development Effectiveness
This Division provides advice to
AusAID program areas on sectors John Davidson is the Head of the
such as education, economics, health, Office of Development Effectiveness,
infrastructure and rural development. an independent unit within the AusAID
charged with measuring and reporting
Murray was previously Deputy Director on the effectiveness of Australia’s
General of AusAID’s Asia Division, and overseas aid program.
before that managed the AusAID Office
of Review and Evaluation and Australia’s Immediately prior to this appointment
aid program to Papua New Guinea. He he spent three years working as a
worked from 1999 to 2001 in the World Senior Public Sector Specialist in the
Bank on East Timor reconstruction and World Bank, based in Washington DC.
public sector reform. Prior to joining the Bank, he worked on,
and mostly in, the South West Pacific
He holds degrees in Psychology and for the previous fifteen years, including:
Economics from the University of four years as the Head of the Australian
Queensland and Australian National aid program in Papua New Guinea;
University respectively. three years as Head of the Australian
aid program in Fiji; and prior to that,
Peter Versegi two years as the AusAID representative
Assistant Director General, Health, in Tonga.
Education and Scholarships Branch
Principal areas of interest include:
Peter Versegi joined AusAID in 1986 governance and public sector
and has held numerous program and reform related activities; politics of
policy positions since then. In 2006, development; leadership; service
he was appointed the first head of the delivery in decentralised governance
Office of Development Effectiveness, systems; alternative activity delivery
after heading up the Secretariat that modalities; and team management.
produced the 2006 Australian Aid White
Paper. A native of Queensland, Australia, he
has graduate and postgraduate degrees
He previously worked on country from the University of Queensland,
programs in Papua New Guinea, the focusing on rural sociology and
Pacific and North Asia, and was posted development in small island states.
to Bangkok in the early 1990s. From Prior to joining the Australian civil
1997-2000 he worked as an adviser in service, he was a soy bean farmer.
the Executive Director’s Office of the
World Bank. He was appointed to his
current position in May 2009.
Steve Hogg the World Bank she was the Regional
Assistant Director General - Gender Coordinator for the East Asia
Governance and Leadership Branch and Pacific Region and represented
the region on the Bank’s Gender and
Steve Hogg has been working in AusAID Development Sector Board.
since 1992. Steve has worked in a
number of country program and policy Before joining the World Bank, Gillian
areas. He has had postings to Vanuatu worked for several years in Indonesia
(1st Secretary, 1997-1999), Papua New as a Gender and Social Development
Guinea (Counsellor, 2002-2005) and consultant after completing her post
was seconded to UK Department for graduate research in Central Java.
International Development (DFID), from She has also lived and worked in rural
2005-2008. In DFID Steve headed up Bangladesh and southern Somalia.
the Fragile States policy unit, provided Gillian’s graduate and post-graduate
high level advice to the Middle East and degrees are in Agricultural Engineering
North Africa program and worked on and she has worked extensively on
political governance and leadership a broad range rural development,
issues. infrastructure, and community
development projects, and carried out
Steve is currently Assistant Director research on various gender-related
General, Governance & Leadership topics.
Branch and is the Program Director for
the ‘Leadership Program: Developmental Michael Hassett
Leaders, Elites & Coalitions’. Steve has Director Scholarships Section
been working on leadership issues in
developing countries for a number of Michael returned in 2009 from a three
years and is informed by some 20 years year posting with AusAID in the Lao
experience in shaping Australian and People’s Democratic Republic. During
international aid policies, strategies and his time in Laos, Michael managed
programs. the implementation of the Australian
Government’s development program,
Gillian Brown which has supported over 800 Lao
AusAID’s Principal Gender Adviser nationals to study in Australian
Gillian Brown has recently been
appointed as AusAID’s Principal Gender Prior to his posting, Michael was a
Adviser. She joins AusAID after twelve program manager for Australian aid
years in the World Bank’s East Asia activities in China. Michael has also
and Pacific Region Social Development worked across the Federal public sector
Unit, during which she lived and worked with stints in education, finance, and
in Indonesia and the Mekong Region, the Public Service Commission. Michael
and also spent several years based in was appointed Director Scholarships
DC working on other countries in the Section in 2009.
Asia Pacific region. During her time at
Guest Speakers In 2006, Ms House was named Canberra
Citizen of the Year in recognition of
Matilda House her tremendous impact on Canberra’s
Matilda House is the Chair of the social, heritage, justice, and
Ngambri Local Aboriginal Land Council environment landscape.
in Queanbeyan and the Joint Chair of Story-telling is a tradition close to Ms
the Interim Namadgi National Park House’s heart. She believes that, as an
Committee. The Ngambri people elder, she has a responsibility to tell the
are the traditional owners of the stories of her people and thereby pass
land on which Canberra is built. As on community identity and heritage to
chair of many other Canberra and her descendants.
Queanbeyan Indigenous committees
and organisations, and in her role as Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce,
Ngambri representative performing AC Governor-General of the
numerous welcoming ceremonies, Commonwealth of Australia
Ms House is vitally active within the
community. She performed the first BA. LLB (Qld). Hon LLD (Macquarie). Hon
ever welcome to country ceremony at DLitt (Charles Sturt). Hon DUniv (Griffith).
the opening of Parliament in February Hon DU (QUT). Hon LLD (Qld)
2008. Quentin Bryce was born in Brisbane
Ms House’s long association with in 1942 and spent her early years in
Aboriginal justice concerns began when Ilfracombe, a small town in Central
she helped to establish the Aboriginal Western Queensland. In 1965, she
Legal Service in the 1980s, and has graduated with the degrees of Bachelor
continued more recently through her of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from
membership of the Aboriginal Justice The University of Queensland and, in
Advisory Committee. the same year, was admitted to the
Queensland Bar. She has since enjoyed
Serving on the first ACT Heritage a rich and distinguished career as an
Council, delivering the welcome at academic, lawyer, community and
1997’s ‘Sea of Hands’, contributing to human rights advocate, senior public
the ‘Bringing Them Home’ report into officer, university college principal,
the Stolen Generations, acting as an and vice-regal representative in
ACT honorary ambassador or as one of Queensland, and now Australia.
the original protestors who established
the Tent Embassy in 1972, Matilda
House is tirelessly involved.
Ms Bryce’s former roles – some, among an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by
firsts for women in this country – Charles Sturt University (New South
include: Wales) in 2002, and an Honorary
• Lecturer and Tutor in Law, The Doctorate of Laws by The University of
University of Queensland, 1968-1983 Queensland in 2006. She was conferred
with the degrees of Honorary Doctor
• Convenor, National Women’s Advisory
of the University by Griffith University
Council, 1982-1984
(Queensland) in 2003, and Queensland
• Inaugural Director, Queensland University of Technology in 2004.
Women’s Information Service, Office of
the Status of Women, Department of In her civic role as Governor of
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Queensland, Ms Bryce continued her
1984-1987 work with women, families and young
• Director, Human Rights and Equal people while extending her influence
Opportunity Commission, Queensland, across the State’s broad and diverse
1987-1988 spectrum, including the rural, regional,
aged, indigenous, migrant, and
• Federal Sex Discrimination
disability sectors.
Commissioner, Human Rights and
Equal Opportunity Commission, As a mother and grandmother, Ms
1988-1993 Bryce is a role model and mentor to
• founding Chair and CEO, National women at every stage of their lives.
Childcare Accreditation Council, She values and encourages women’s
1993-1996 capacity to form strong and enduring
• Principal and CEO, The Women’s bonds of friendship, intellectual and
College, University of Sydney, emotional enrichment, and mutual
1997-2003 support in their roles within the family,
workplace and community.
• Governor of Queensland, 2003-2008
Ms Bryce’s contribution to advancing On 5 September 2008 Ms Bryce was
human rights and equality, the rights sworn in as Australia’s twenty-fifth
of women and children, and the welfare Governor-General. As the first woman
of the family was recognised in her to take up the office, she remains a
appointment as an Officer of the Order pioneer in contemporary Australian
of Australia in 1988 and a Companion society, and yet one who brings more
of the Order of Australia in 2003. Also than forty years of experience in reform,
in 2003, she was invested as a Dame of community building and leadership to
Grace of the Most Venerable Order of the role.
the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Ms Bryce and her husband, Michael,
Ms Bryce was awarded an Honorary were married in 1964. They have two
Doctorate of Laws by Macquarie daughters and three sons, and six
University (New South Wales) in 1998, grandchildren.
Tanveer Ahmed Jason Yat-sen Li
Tanveer Ahmed is a psychiatrist and Jason has an Arts/Law degree with first
opinion columnist for the Sydney class honours from the University of
Morning Herald. He combines a career Sydney and a Masters of Law from New
as a doctor with journalism. His York University Law School, where he
writings are on a broad range of topics, was Australia’s Hauser Global Fellow for
but he is best known for his views on 2000 and Convocation Speaker for the
multiculturalism, cultural aspects of graduating class of 2000.
mental health and South Asian politics. From 1996 to 1998, Jason worked for the
His ancestry from Bangladesh inform United Nations International Criminal
some of his ideas. Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, in The
In 2006, he was chosen by a PM’s Hague, the Netherlands. Jason worked
committee as one of a hundred future with Sir Ninian Stephen on a number of
leaders of Australia under the age of pioneering cases in international law on
40. More recently, a popular men’s genocide and war crimes.
magazine named him as one of the In 1997, Jason returned to Australia to
50 most influential young men under establish a new political party to combat
the age of 35. He sits on a number the racist politics of Pauline Hanson’s
of boards, including the Advertising One Nation that had just achieved great
Standards Board, the advisory council electoral success in Australia. In 1997,
to the Smith Family and is a former Jason was also elected to the Australian
national representative for junior Constitutional Convention and was
doctors within the Australian Medical instrumental in drafting and brokering
Association. He has even performed support for the model of republican
comedy and co-hosted a prime time government that was put to Australian
game show. voters in the 1999 national Republic
He has a small affiliation with AusAID Referendum.
in that they funded a speaking tour of Jason is currently Vice-Chair of the
his in March 2009, where he helped Australia-China Chamber of Commerce
launch the White Ribbon program about in Beijing, a Director of the George
combating violence against women Institute for Public Health, the Sydney
through affecting male attitudes in Institute as well as a Governor of the
Pakistan. Smith Family, one of Australia’s largest
charities. Jason was formerly Youth Chair
of the NSW Ethnic Communities Council
and cultural spokesperson for NSW
Tourism during the Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games. He was also a Director of the
National Centre for Volunteering and the
New South Wales Government’s Sydney
Metropolitan Strategy Group.
Jason was awarded the 2002 Elizabeth Broderick
Eisenhower Fellowship with which Elizabeth Broderick is a lawyer, mentor
he travelled to the USA to study the and social change agent, a Telstra
intersection of corporate, political NSW Business Woman of the Year and
and community interests. In 2005, he Australian Corporate Business Woman
was named a “Future Leader” by the of the Year.
Australian Davos Connection.
Prior to her appointment as Sex
He joined Insurance Australia Group, Discrimination Commissioner and
Australasia’s largest general insurance Commissioner responsible for Age
company, in 2002 as Head of Sustainable Discrimination in 2007, Elizabeth
Development. In that role, he led was a partner at Blake Dawson and
the company’s initiatives on climate developed the firm’s business case for
change, disaster research and policy, flexibility in the workplace. Her efforts
community risk-reduction with a focus contributed to creating a workplace
on product development and driving where more than 25 percent of the law
internal cultural transformation. IAG firm’s workforce now uses flexible work
won the Ethical Corporation Award for arrangements.
Sustainable Company of the Year in 2003.
Elizabeth has travelled the length and
In 2003, Jason was appointed Head of breadth of Australia listening to women
China Strategy for Insurance Australia and men’s concerns about gender
Group. He became General Manager, equality and age discrimination. She has
Sales & Marketing for IAG’s operations been a strong advocate for Australia’s
in China in 2004 and in 2006, led a major national paid parental leave scheme, age
campaign to improve road-safety in anti-discrimination and more recently
China that won the China International has championed the changes to the
PR Association Silver medal for Best ASX Corporate Governance Principles
Campaign and the Economic Observer to increase the number of women at
Award for most Creative Campaign. decision making level.
Currently, Jason is Managing Director In 2009, she accompanied a group of
of RI Group China Limited, a private Aboriginal women to the Commission
equity, investment banking and on the Status of Women in the United
strategy advisory firm headquartered Nations to tell their story of rebuilding
in Melbourne and Beijing. He speaks their community following years of
regularly to a range of government, alcohol abuse. This enabled community
community and business audiences women’s voices to be heard on a global
on inclusive societies, education and stage and their promising practices to
young people, opportunities in the Asian be shared around the world.
region and the promises and challenges
of China. Jason speaks fluent Mandarin, Elizabeth is an adviser to the Australian
Cantonese, German and Dutch. Chief of the Defence Force on women’s
issues, a member of the University of
Technology Sydney Advisory Board, the The Yabu Band
Vic Health Advisory Board and the ANU Fighting over the same guitar from the
Centre for International and Public Law. age of five, multi-talented brothers,
Elizabeth is married and has two young Delson and Boyd Stokes, known today
children Tom and Lucy. as The Yabu Band, have created a
powerful, unique desert rock sound.
Chris Richardson Originally from Kalgoorlie, the brothers
Chris Richardson is a Director of Access draw their heritage, culture and
Economics and is one of Australia’s best inspiration from the Western Desert
known economists. bordering the Goldfields town. Yabu
means rock and gold in Wongatha, their
As a renowned expert, particularly in
traditional language.
macroeconomics, Chris heads Access
Economics’ forecasting and modelling Their most recent album ‘Gundulla - We
unit and is the author of Business Dance’ showcases the recognisably
Outlook, widely acknowledged as the Aboriginal sound and unique song
leader in its field of macroeconomic writing craft that identifies The Yabu
forecasting. His expertise includes the Band. Delson, Boyd and drummer Jade
Australian and global economies, the Masters have merged their traditional
Federal Budget, ageing and industry dreamtime stories with memorable
trends. contemporary melodies to create one of
Chris Richardson writes the Business Australia’s finest Indigenous albums.
Review Weekly’s Fundamentals column. The album also features Yabu’s Western
His comments on trends in the economy Desert language version of the famous
and their effect on business regularly Australian song, ‘I am Australian’.
appear in daily media coverage. His Included in this year’s Australia Day
views are widely quoted. For example, Skyshow, Yabu believes the song in this
he was named in the only debate form speaks for all Australians.
between the Prime Minister and the
Opposition leader in the 2001 Federal Yabu is more than just an Indigenous
election. band. They provide positive messages
through song, a vehicle of inspiration
Chris Richardson has provided tailored that has encouraged children and
economic advice to the corporate adults to achieve all that they can. They
sector for many years, assisting in believe there is nothing more important
the business planning for numerous than encouraging today’s youth to have
private and public organisations. His self-worth and chase one’s dreams.
guest speaker appearances vary from
conferences for one of Australia’s Lead singer Delson Stokes Jnr is a
leading banking institutions, to natural performer with passion, great
discussions with the Board of Directors charm and an incredibly pure voice.
for a major construction company.
He is emphatically complemented by She was also voted as Young Leader of
the blistering commentary of his shy, the Year for the 2007 Deadly Awards,
self-effacing brother’s guitar playing. and YEN Young Woman of the Year
As well as Jade on drums, their live for Community Vision. Tania has also
performances incorporate one of achieved international recognition
Australia’s leading bass players, Roy in winning the Political Legal and/
Martinez with Lilly Gogos on vocals. or Government Affairs section of
Winners of five WA Music Awards the Junior Chamber, International
including Outstanding Young Persons of the World
contest held in India in 2007.
• WAM Indigenous Act of the Year 2009
Since 2002 Tania Major has publicly
• TOO SOLID Indigenous Contemporary
addressed many national and
Album of the Year 2009
international forums, speaking on
• TOO SOLID Indigenous Guitarist of the Indigenous and Youth affairs as
Year - Boyd Stokes 2009 these relate to remote communities,
• TOO SOLID Indigenous Drummer of particularly those in Cape York. Along
the Year - Jade Masters 2009 with her mentor, Noel Pearson, she has
• WAM Indigenous Song of the Year - tried to bring the realities of life in many
‘Gundulla – We Dance’ 2008 of these communities to the foreground
Deadly Award Winner of wider Australian thinking and to
engage mainstream Australians in
• Deadly Award Winner ‘Most Promising the collaborative challenge of seeking
New Talent in Music’ 2009 solutions to long standing problems.
• Nominated for the Deadly Awards
‘Band of the Year’ 2009 After four years with the Cape York
Institute for Policy and Leadership,
Tania Major Tania Major is now working to establish
Tania Major is a Kokoberra woman from a private consultancy and advocacy
the remote community of Kowanyama business, and to set up a youth
in Cape York Queensland. She holds foundation to support other young
a degree in Criminology from Griffith indigenous people with the potential for
University, and at 21 became the leadership. She is currently completing
youngest elected regional councillor in her Masters degree in Public Policy at
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sydney University and working on her
Commission (ATSIC). business part time.
In 2006 Tania Major was announced
as the Queensland Young Australian
of the Year, and was further honoured
by being named the Young Australian
of the Year in January 2007.
Larissa Brown Katerina Teaiwa
Larissa Brown is the 2008 Australian Katerina Teaiwa is Senior Lecturer
Young Environmentalist of the Year. and Pacific Studies Convener at the
She is the founder and executive Australian National University. She
director of the Centre for Sustainability is of Banaban, I-Kiribati and African
Leadership, a non-profit organisation American heritage, born and raised in
dedicated to supporting Australians to Fiji. She has degrees in Anthropology,
make their communities, workplaces Pacific Studies and the Natural
and sectors more sustainable. She Sciences and runs Australia’s only
is the recipient of the 2006 Brian Pacific Studies teaching program along
Robinson Fellowship for Environmental with Pasifika Australia, an outreach
Sustainability. Larissa has personally program to Pacific Islander high school
interviewed 100 of the world’s greatest and college students in the ACT and
sustainability leaders across twenty NSW.
countries and five continents on what it Katerina has a passion for dance. She
takes to cause a real systemic change is a founding member of the Oceania
towards a sustainable world. Larissa Dance Theatre at the University of the
was named one of Melbourne’s ten South Pacific in Suva, and recently
most influential environmentalists by performed in ‘Mother: a tribute’ at the
The Age Magazine in 2007. National Gallery of Australia.
Larissa Brown is a board member of Her research on the impact of
Environmental Victoria, Victoria’s peak Australian, British and New Zealand
environmental group, was selected phosphate mining on the indigenous
to represent Asia and Pacific youth at Banabans in Fiji and Kiribati has been
the United Nations Climate Change translated into several artworks: in
Conference in Bali in 2007 and attended sculpture by Maori artist Brett Graham,
the negotiations in Poland in November a painting by Michael Lothian, and a
2008. She is a judge in the Eureka permanent multimedia installation in
awards for Youth Leadership on Climate the Tagata O le Moana exhibition at the
Change, a member of the Minister’s Museum of New Zealand.
Reference Council on Climate Change
Adaptation which advisors the state Katerina regularly provides expertise
Environment Minister and participated on the Pacific for AusAID’s Australian
in the Prime Minister’s 2020 Summit in Youth Ambassadors for Development
2008. Program and for UNESCO policy
projects in Paris. Her current research
is on cultural policy, creativity and
intercultural dialogue in Oceania.
Conference Contacts
and Other Information
Conference Contacts
If you require assistance during the conference, approach a Conference Staff
Member, easily identified by “STAFF” name tags and wearing black pants with white
shirts and a blue scarf. Alternatively, please use the following contacts:
Prayer Rooms
The Prayer Room is in the Barton Room on level 5. This room is accessed from the
elevators on the Ground Floor lobby or the elevators from the Conference Floor.
If you would like to use the Barton Room you will require a card to access the
5th floor. This will be provided to you when you register at the Conference.
Tony Shaw playing the didgeridoo outside the National Museum of Australia.
About Canberra
Canberra Fast Facts Weather
Area: The national capital’s four distinct
2400 sq km (1511 sq miles) seasons, each with their own beauty
Population: and charm, turn the city into a
312,400 (official estimate 2000) kaleidoscope of colour throughout
the year.
Population Density:
130 per sq km Average Average
minimum* maximum*
Canberra (also national capital) Spring 5 19
Summer 12 27
GMT +10 (GMT +11 from first Sunday Autumn 7 20
in October to first Sunday in April) Winter 1 12
* Degree Celsius
Name Residence Institution COURSE
Dr Nematullah BIZHAN Afghanistan Australian National University PhD Political Science and International Relations
Mr Sayed Mohammad Ameen HABIBI Afghanistan University of Canberra (ACT) Master of Public Adminstration
Mr Md. Abu ABDULLAH Bangladesh University of Wollongong Master of Engineering - Research
Ms Tasnima AKTER Bangladesh University of Melbourne Master of Public Health
Mr Md Fuad AL MANNAN Bangladesh Flinders University Master of Health and International Development
Mr Md ASIUZZAMAN Bangladesh Monash University Master of Arts (Research and Coursework)
Mr Lawrence BESRA Bangladesh Flinders University Doctor of Philosophy (Social Sciences)
Mr Mohammed Ziaul HAQUE Bangladesh Flinders University Doctor of Philpsophy (Social Sciences)
Ms Bipasha Binte HAQUE Bangladesh University of New South Wales Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Mr Md. Sakawat HOSSAIN Bangladesh Australian National University Master of Science specialising in Earth Physics
Mr Md. Ashiq IQBAL Bangladesh University of New South Wales Master of Arts
Mr Md Abdul JALIL Bangladesh Australian National University Graduate Diploma of Public Administration
Mrs Fatema Taj JOHORA Bangladesh Flinders University Master of Education (Special Education)
Ms Shehrin Shaila MAHMOOD Bangladesh Australian National University PhD Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health
Mr AKM NURUZZAMAN Bangladesh University of Melbourne Doctor of Philosophy (Land and Environment)
Mr Md. Rezanur RAHAMAN Bangladesh University of New South Wales Master of International Public Health/
Master of Health Management
Ms Nawshaba RAZZAK Bangladesh Monash University Master of International Business
Miss Sharin SHAJAHAN NAOMI Bangladesh Curtin University of Technology Master of Human Rights
Ms Jigme CHODEN Bhutan University of Melbourne Master of Public Health
Mrs Kezang CHODEN Bhutan Deakin University Master of Information Technology/
Master of Business Administration (International)
Mr Karma Chophel Bhutan Murdoch University Postgraduate Diploma in Energy Studies leading to
Master Science in Renewable Energy
Mr Tshewang LHENDUP Bhutan University of Melbourne Ph.D. Engineering
Mr Kuenga NAMGAY Bhutan Charles Sturt University Doctor of Philosophy (Science) Non Lab Based
Dr Rinzin PEM Bhutan University of Melbourne Master of Public Health
Mr Lhawang UGYEL Bhutan Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy
Ms Sumana BOUNCHAN Cambodia University of Newcastle Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Keovathanak KHIM Cambodia University of Melbourne PhD Medicine
Mr Soth SOK Cambodia Victoria University Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Soksophea SUONG Cambodia Australian National University Graduate Diploma of Public Administration
Miss Nary TAO Cambodia Victoria University Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Yue E FENG China University of New South Wales Master of Environmental Management
Ms Yan ZHANG China Curtin University of Technology Doctor of Philosophy - Social Sciences
Ms Xinru ZHAO China University of Melbourne Master of Public Health
Ms Martha HENRY Cook Islands University of Sydney Master of International Law
Ms Eva Amido DA COSTA* East Timor Queensland University of Technology Master of Information Technology
Mr Justino DA COSTA East Timor University of Queensland Master of Development Practice
Mr Francisco LEMOS DO SANTOS East Timor Australian National University Master of Diplomacy/Master of Arts (Strategic Studies)
Mr Decio RIBEIRO SARMENTO East Timor University of Queensland Master of Public Health
Mr Opeta Nau ALEFAIO Fiji Monash University Master of Business Information Systems Professional
Mr Pita Koroi BULAMAINAIVALU Fiji University of Sydney Master of Public Policy
Mr Rejinal DUTT Fiji Bond University Master of Journalism
Mr Mike Nacovunisaqa KAMA* Fiji University of Western Australia Master of Laboratory Medicine
Miss Vanisha Nandini MISHRA Fiji Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy Australian Demographic and
Social Research Institute (ADSRI)
Mr Romulo Banuve Mataitini Fiji Australian National University Master of Diplomacy/Master of International Law
Ms Jyotishma Rajan NAICKER* Fiji Australian National University Master of Environment
* Prime Minister’s Pacific-Australia Award
32 ** Allison Sudrajat Award
Name Residence Institution COURSE
Mr Raymond Nilesh PRASAD Fiji Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy Crawford School of
Economics and Government
Mr Henry Edward SANDAY Fiji University of New South Wales Doctor of Philosophy (Economics and Management)
Mr Daulat DESAI India Monash University Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts)
Mr Abhinav DHALL India Australian National University PhD Research School of Information Science and Engineering
Mr Kuldeep KUMAR India Monash University Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts)
Ms Tulika SAXENA India Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts)
Mrs Desi ADHARIANI Indonesia Victoria University Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Sutan Syarif BERKADIA** Indonesia Flinders University Doctor of Philosophy (Humanities/Education)
Mrs Risa BHINEKAWATI** Indonesia Australian National University PhD Business and Economics
Mr Adi BUDIARSO Indonesia University of Canberra (ACT) Professional Doctorate in Business Administration
Mr Ade CAHYAT Indonesia Australian National University Graduate Diploma of Public Administration
Mr Muhammad Noor Halil CHALID Indonesia Monash University Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts)
Mrs Valerina Novita DANIEL Indonesia Monash University Master of Communications and Media Studies
Mr Imanuel DINDIN Indonesia University of Tasmania Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Management)
Mr Mohammad FAISAL Indonesia University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy (Policy and Political Science)
Ms Faridah FARIDAH Indonesia Flinders University Doctor of Education
Miss Fidelia FITRIANI Indonesia The University of Adelaide Doctor of Philosophy (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Miss Heni Budi Wijayanti Indonesia University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy Science - Agricultural Veterinary
and Environment
Mr Boby Wahyu HERNAWAN Indonesia Victoria University Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Ms Estty Purwadiani HIDAYATIE Indonesia Victoria University Doctor of Philosophy - Applied Economics
Ms Trita KATRIANA Indonesia The University of Adelaide Master of Environmental Policy and Management
Mr Ahmad KHUMAIDI Indonesia University of Wollongong Doctor of Philosophy (Law Justice and Law Enforcement)
Ms Silvia Juliana MALAU Indonesia University of Sydney Master of Peace and Conflict Studies
Mr Darma Rusdi Parlaungan MARPAUNG Indonesia University of New South Wales Master of Human Rights Law and Policy
Mr Medrilzam MEDRILZAM Indonesia University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Rural System Management)
Mrs Vinci MIZRANITA Indonesia Curtin University of Technology Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy)
Ms Fitriana NUR Indonesia University of Melbourne Master of Public Policy and Management
Mrs Maria Prihtamala OMEGA Indonesia University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Yessy Arnold PERANGINANGIN Indonesia The University of Adelaide Doctor of Philosophy (Commerce)
Mr Aditya PUTRANTO Indonesia Monash University Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
Ms Puspasari RAHAYU Indonesia Curtin University of Technology Doctor of Business Administration
Mrs Inaya RAKHMANI Indonesia Murdoch University PhD in Asian Studies
Mr Deni RIDWAN Indonesia Victoria University Doctor of Philosophy
Mrs Inge Diana RISMAWANTI Indonesia Curtin University of Technology Doctor of Philosopy (Social Science)
Mrs Vira RIYANDARI Indonesia University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy (School of Journalism and Communication)
Mr Kurnya ROESAD Indonesia Australian National University PhD in Resource Management
Mr Agung Yoga SEMBADA Indonesia Monash University Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Ms Paramasinta SITARESMI Indonesia The University of Adelaide Master of Business Law
Mrs Indria WAHYUNI Indonesia University of New South Wales Master of Law
Mr Bimo WIJAYANTO Indonesia University of Canberra (ACT) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Mr Yari YUHARIPRASETIA Indonesia University of Canberra (ACT) Professional Doctorate in Public Administration
(Commerce Management Tourism and Services)
Ms Lily YULIANTI Indonesia University of Melbourne Docotor of Philosophy - Arts
Mr Riibeta ABETA Kiribati University of the Sunshine Coast Master of Climate Change Adaptation
Ms Marii MARAE* Kiribati Australian National University Master of Environmental Law
Ms Vandasay DEJVONGSA Laos Swinburne University of Technology Master of Information Systems Management
Mr Phanthanousone KHENNAVONG Laos Australian National University PhD Programme- Public Policy - Aid Policy in
Development Process
* Prime Minister’s Pacific-Australia Award
33 ** Allison Sudrajat Award
Name Residence Institution COURSE
Ms Daravone KITTIPHANH Laos RMIT University Doctor of Philosophy - (Business)
Mr Bounmee MAOKHAMPHIOU Laos University of Tasmania Master of Marketing/Master of International Business
Mrs Viengsamay SRITHIRATH Laos University of Queensland Master of Envrionmental Management
Ms Viengphet VANSILALOM Laos James Cook University Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
Ms Raheema ABDUL RAHEEM Maldives Curtin University of Technology Doctor of Philosophy - Public Health
Miss Aminath HUSSAIN Maldives University of Melbourne Masters of Food Science
Mr Ali Naseer MOHAMED Maldives Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy (Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy)
Mr Ahmed RANESH Maldives University of South Australia Doctor of Project Management
Mr Abdul Hannan WAHEED Maldives Queensland University of Technology Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Benjamin GRAHAM Marshall Islands Australian National University Master of Public Policy
Mr Amarsanaa ADIYA Mongolia Australian National University Master of International Affairs/Master of Diplomacy
Mr Sainbileg BAYANBAT Mongolia Australian National University Master of Commerce
Ms Ariuntsetseg DAVAASAMBUU Mongolia University of Sydney Master of International Studies
Miss Haliun LHAGVA Mongolia Australian National University Master of Finance
Ms Badamkhand RADNAA Mongolia University of Wollongong Master of Engineering Management
Mr Chinbat SANDAGDORJ Mongolia University of Technology Sydney Master of Engineering
Dr Uranchimeg TSEVELVAACHIG Mongolia University of Queensland Master of International Public Health
Mrs Camilla SOLOMON Nauru Monash University Master of Public Policy and Management
Mr Rajendra Prasad ADHIKARI Nepal University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Mani Ram BANJADE Nepal Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
Mr Babu Kaji DALLAKOTI Nepal Australian National University Doctor of Philosophy (Landscape Water and Biodiversity)
Mr Rohit KARKI Nepal Australian National University Master of Arts (Asia-Pacific Studies)
Mrs Deepa Shree RAWAL Nepal University of Melbourne Doctor of Philosophy (Land and Environment)
Ms Prapti RAYAMAJHI Nepal University of Technology Sydney Master of Engineering Management/
Master of Business Administration
Mr Nirmal Prasad RIJAL Nepal Queensland University of Technology Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Yadav SHARMA BAJAGAI Nepal University of Queensland Master of Animal Studies
Ms Nibha SHRESTHA Nepal University of Sydney Master of Human Rights
Mrs Punam Kumari YADAV Nepal University of Sydney Doctor of Philosophy in Arts (Peace and Conflict Studies)
Miss Lucy Nimongo JOHN Papua New Guinea University of Sydney Master of Medicine (STD/HIV) / Master of Philosophy
Mrs Lena Jennifer KORUGL Papua New Guinea University of Canberra (ACT) Master of Business Administration
Ms Theresa Elaine Diane Elorehai LEI Papua New Guinea University of Melbourne Master of Health and Medical Law
Ms Madeline LEMEKI** Papua New Guinea University of Queensland Doctor of Philosopy (School of population health)
Mr John MASILI* Papua New Guinea University of Western Australia Master of Public Health
Mrs Renagi MOLIYOLA* Papua New Guinea Flinders University Master of Nursing
Mrs Diana Aringa PANTA Papua New Guinea Flinders University Master of Arts (Research)
Mr Simon Ambakua PUSAL Papua New Guinea University of Western Australia Master of Business Administration
Mr Angelis ROMANONG Papua New Guinea University of Technology Sydney Master of Science in Internetworking (Extended)
Mr Shannon Lasin SARIMAN** Papua New Guinea Monash University Master of Information Technology
Mr David TOWE Papua New Guinea University of Canberra (ACT) Master of International Customs Law and Administration
Mrs Stella Tilu TULO Papua New Guinea Curtin University of Technology Doctor of Philosophy - Pharmacy
Mr Udu VAI* Papua New Guinea Griffith University Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
Ms Francisca VARPIT Papua New Guinea James Cook University Master of Biomedical Sciences (Microbiology and Immunology)
Ms Alice ACEJAS Philippines University of Newcastle Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology and Anthropology)
Mr Paul ADOLFO Philippines Australian National University Master in Public Policy Specialising in Development Policy
Mrs Ma. Gena BUENCONSEJO Philippines La Trobe University Master of Community Planning and Development
Ms Maria Frencie CARREON Philippines University of Sydney Doctor of Philosophy in Arts (Peace and Conflict Studies)
Mr Juan DAYANG JR. Philippines Australian National University Doctor of Diplomatic Studies
Miss Aurelia Luzviminda GOMEZ Philippines Charles Darwin University Doctor of Philosophy (Natural Resource Management)
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