The Study of Misconceptions On Motion's Concept and Remediate Using Real Experiment Video Analysis
The Study of Misconceptions On Motion's Concept and Remediate Using Real Experiment Video Analysis
The Study of Misconceptions On Motion's Concept and Remediate Using Real Experiment Video Analysis
In physics, the concept of motion studied in the mechanics that studies the movement of an object. Many studies
have revealed that the concepts of motion are common misconceptions, either by students and teachers. In general,
misconception occurs because prior knowledge obtained by the students when interacting with nature before they
enter school institutions. Misconceptions tend to be resistant until they are graduate if not done remediation through
real experience. This study aims to analyze student misconceptions about the motions and provide solutions with
real experimental video analysis. The method used is a survey and study of literature. Data were obtained from
standard test FCI (Force Concept Inventory) with the reasons of answers and semester middle test. Seacrhing
national and international journals and conducted workshops to explain the benefit of video analysis in real
experiments in an effort to remediate misconceptions. The results of this study explains misconceptions occur in the
first year students, especially in the matter of the motion. Students can't relate between the concepts of motion with
the equation that explains the concept. Real experimental video analysis is required to remediate the student
misconceptions about motion through Tracker program. The real experiment provides a real experience for students
to conduct trials like a scientist. Video analysis through the Tracker program guided the students in analyzing each
component of motion in detail, such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, energy, and momentum and relate it to
the equation. The combination of visualization video and graphical analysis generated on every process of motion
can enhance the understanding of the concept and is expected to remediate misconceptions students.
Fig. 5. The video recording motion of the ball on an inclined plane along
with displacement and velocity graphs the results of video analysis.
(Hockicko, 2012)
Fig.6. Video recording of the collision two balls
Fig.7. Graph of the position, velocity and momentum are two balls
that collide (a blend of ball A and B).