The Study of Misconceptions On Motion's Concept and Remediate Using Real Experiment Video Analysis

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The Study of Misconceptions on Motion’s Concept and

Remediate Using Real Experiment Video Analysis

Fatni Mufit

Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Padang State University

In physics, the concept of motion studied in the mechanics that studies the movement of an object. Many studies
have revealed that the concepts of motion are common misconceptions, either by students and teachers. In general,
misconception occurs because prior knowledge obtained by the students when interacting with nature before they
enter school institutions. Misconceptions tend to be resistant until they are graduate if not done remediation through
real experience. This study aims to analyze student misconceptions about the motions and provide solutions with
real experimental video analysis. The method used is a survey and study of literature. Data were obtained from
standard test FCI (Force Concept Inventory) with the reasons of answers and semester middle test. Seacrhing
national and international journals and conducted workshops to explain the benefit of video analysis in real
experiments in an effort to remediate misconceptions. The results of this study explains misconceptions occur in the
first year students, especially in the matter of the motion. Students can't relate between the concepts of motion with
the equation that explains the concept. Real experimental video analysis is required to remediate the student
misconceptions about motion through Tracker program. The real experiment provides a real experience for students
to conduct trials like a scientist. Video analysis through the Tracker program guided the students in analyzing each
component of motion in detail, such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, energy, and momentum and relate it to
the equation. The combination of visualization video and graphical analysis generated on every process of motion
can enhance the understanding of the concept and is expected to remediate misconceptions students.

Keywords: Misconception, Concept of Motion, Real Experiment, Video Analisys, Tracker.

advanced courses. Additionally, misconceptions by

student teachers can pass on to their students
1. Introduction misconception them later when they become teachers.
Results of research Mufit (2016) against the first-year
Mechanics is the study of physics that studies the students who have taken the course of General Physics, it
motion of an object, either motion ignores the force causes was found that the understanding of the concepts of
of motion (called kinematics), and the motion which takes physics students is low (≤ 50%) and occurred
into account the force of cause of motion (called misconceptions related to the discussion: (1) the force on
dynamics). Mechanics is an important study in physics the vertical motion, (2) the force on circular motion, (3)
because the underlying physics as according Soedojo the resultant force and the velocity vector, (4) force on the
(1999) that the mechanics are essentially the beginning parabolic motion, (5) the force on the simple pendulum
and the underlying physics. The concepts of motion in motion. The results of the research also revealed that the
mechanics associated with displacement, velocity, majority of these students (81%) find it difficult to solve
acceleration, force, effort, energy, and momentum. Those the problems of physics even though they understand the
concepts are difficult to understand the students because concept of topics related to the problem. Most students
most of the concepts are abstract and often leads to (47%) felt that the equations of physics do not support
misconceptions. The misconception occurs when students their ideas in understanding concepts of physics equations
understand the concept of motion based on intuition and required only for a matter of course.
common sense they are often incompatible with scientific Suspected causes trouble occurs student and
concepts. Problems also arise when students have trouble misconceptions in understanding of physics concepts is
reading the graph, analyze the problem and apply them in learning that do not yet fully centered on students,
the equation-equation of motion especially in terms of involving students actively construct
The first-year student misconceptions can affect the concept, in particular the concepts of motion. Motion
learning physics in subsequent years. In the first year, concepts such as force, work and energy, in general, has
students study the basic physics of matter that is discussed been conceived as one of the students as they interact with
in general, which are summarized in the course the environment before they enter the institution. This
Fundamental Physics or General Physics. Misconceptions condition will continue if the learning physics lectures and
of students in the course Fundamental Physics will cause discussions dominated activity, and only a small portion
difficulties for students in understanding the physics in experimental activities that involve students in the
invention concept. Experiments were done still tends to be has been mixed with other ideas that they experience in
practical cookbook, and has not challenged the students to everyday life. This leads to misconceptions in learning, as
think deeply in finding and constructing the physics Meyer, 1993 (in Liang, 2016) states that when the
concept of motion. In general practice activities that have relationship between prior knowledge and new knowledge
been conducted so far have not provided a solution to the is not successful, then the misconceptions may occur.
problems of student misconceptions.
The solution to increase understanding of physics 3.1.1. Misconception of motionn’s concept
concepts and remediate misconceptions about motion is a Many studies have revealed misconceptions in physics,
activity real experiment video analysis. This study aims to especially mechanics. Wandersee, Mintzes, and Novak,
reveal student misconceptions in particular on the concept 1994 (in Suparno, 2013) states, from 700 studies
of motion, as well as effort to remediate misconceptions misconceptions in physics, there are 300 who studied
about the real experiment motion through video analysis. mechanics. The phenomenon of misconceptions occur
almost at every level of education, even by Wilardjo
(2009), although the quantity of students who have
2. Methods misconceptions tend to decrease with the increase of their
age, and the higher the level of their education, but most
This study is a survey about student misconceptions in the of them still have misconceptions to college even after
concept of motion in the course of General Physics. The study being bachelor.
also supported by literature study of various journals studies on Isnaini (2015) explains that the misconception of the
misconceptions concept of motion by secondary school students, most widely experienced by students on the concept of
high school and college students. The results of the activities in motion is: "(1) In the stationary objects resultant force is
the workshop on video analysis Real experiment also become a not zero (2) the average velocity is equal to the average
reference writing this paper as an effort to remediate speed, (3) can not distinguish between acceleration and
misconceptions. In addition, the results of the international velocity, (4) the normal force is always equal to gravity
journal of the real experiment video analysis, especially Tracker and always a straight line, (5) on a stationary object no
program will also enrich the study of remediation force anything done ". The misconception mechanics is
misconceptions. also experienced by high school teachers (Wahyudi,
2013), who found misconceptions on teacher to the
concept of vertical motion, parabolic motion, circular
3. Result and Discussions motion, work and energy, as well as objects equilibrium.
Taufiq (2012) reported the identification of
3.1. Misconception misconceptions are quite high by physical education
students in the sixth semester, and his mistake was not on
Ormrod (2008) defines misconceptions as 'trust not in mathematical calculations but also college students have
accordance with generally accepted explanation and misconceptions related to the concept of styles with
proved valid about a phenomenon or event'. Meanwhile, different levels. Based on the results of intensive
Fowler, 1987 (in Suparno, 2013) explains the interviews revealed that the cause of the misconception
misconceptions in more detail as the understanding is not that experienced by students on the concept of style is the
accurate concept, the use of the wrong concept, fault of the language, film show, thinking ability, family
classification examples wrong, chaos concepts are background, parallel conceptions and misconceptions
different, and the hierarchical relationship concepts which beginning students.
is not a true physics, misconceptions understood as Meanwhile, misconceptions mechanics at the high
physics concepts that are not in accordance with the school level was also revealed through research Masril
scientific concept as proposed by scientists. (2012), which explains that high school students
Other terms of the misconceptions is the alternative experiencing misconceptions about the kinematics of
conception, alternative framework, intuitions, and naive rectilinear motion of 32.50%, dynamics of rectilinear
theory, the pupil's idea, and common sense theory. In motion of 47.50%, blend motion 50.74% , uniform
general, modern researchers prefer the use of the term circular motion of 48.94%, friction of 40.08%, gravity of
'alternative concepts' than 'misconceptions', on the 53.33%, effort and energy of 51.82%, as well as impulse,
grounds (1) an alternative concept to demonstrate momentum and collisions of 48.61%. Students also had
experience constructed by the learners themselves, (2) to difficulty reading the graph associated with the concept of
reward the intellectual to students who have an idea / ideas motion as velocity versus time graph in the vertical
, (3) the concept of reasonable alternatives in general motion (ma'rifa, 2016). Hasim research results, (2011)
contextual and useful to explain some of the problems also found that misconceptions about the motion
being faced by learners (Wandersee, et al. 1994 in experienced by middle school students. The concept most
Suparno, 2013). So the use of the term alternative concept experienced misconceptions is the concept of gravitational
is an appreciation of the idea / notion of students as a influence on the velocity of the object in motion free fall
result of their own construction interact with nature. (84%). Student misconception that 'heavier objects fall
However, alternative concepts or misconceptions need to faster than lighter objects' is also found in the study
be remediated so that the concept that belongs to the Tayubi (2005). Some results of these studies indicate
student in accordance with the scientific concept. misconceptions about the concept of motion experienced
Learning occurs when students connect prior by secondary school students, high school and college
knowledge to new knowledge. In constructing new students. Misconceptions include motion kinematics and
knowledge, students often construct new knowledge is not dynamics, both in straight motion, circular motion or
intact due to their limited capacities or because the idea parabolic motion.
3.1.2. Remediation of misconception menanalisis motion of objects in video using Tracker
Misconceptions need to be remediated, for whatever program.
reason, misconceptions can impede new learning (Kuhn, Real experiments conducted by dropping two balls of
2001b; Reiner et. Al., 2000; Rooth & Anderson, 1998; in the same size, but different mass from the same height
Ormrod, 2009). Misconceptions also be resistant, meaning simultaneously, as shown in Figure 1.
that if not given action to correct misconceptions, the
misconceptions can survive in the student until they
graduate, even after becoming a teacher. Some research
suggests misconceptions in college students (Kabaca, et
al. 2011; Taufiq, 2012; Saputri & Sarwanto, 2012;
Suastika, et al. 2015; Saputri & Nurussaniah, 2015), at the
middle school students (Hashim, 2011; Hafizah , 2014), as
well as the teacher (Baser, 2006; Holomoan 2008;
Pujayanto 2011; Wahyudi & Mandira, 2013).
In terms, remediation means the act or process of
healing (Suharso & Retnoningsih, 2016). Remediation of
misconceptions can be defined as the act or process of
healing of misconceptions (errors of concept) that
occurred. Learners who have misconceptions need to be
given the action that they realized the mistake and
Fig. 1. Tracking Two balls of equal size, a different mass, free fall from
construct new concepts scientifically correct. According the same height simultaneously. (Video contribution Jaafar, 2016 at the
Pintrich, et al. (In Carin, 1997) the best way to eliminate workshops)
the misconceptions is to expose and confront the
misconceptions directly. Confrontation or face
misconceptions need to do more than just teach the facts This experiment was recorded by students through a
of science, but must be based on experience and to video camera, with a contrasting set the background that
provide motivation for the change to the learners. the movement of the ball can be seen clearly. Then
Printrich, et al. (In Carin, 1997) summarizes the four students use the program analyzes video tracker to see the
conditions necessary to change the misconceptions traces of balls fall within a certain time interval. Through
students (and teachers), namely: this analysis students can actively plot the graph of
displacement, velocity, acceleration, and energy,
1) There must be enough dissatisfaction with according to tracking the ball at every stage movements.
present beliefs to abandon them.
3.2.1. Program Tracker
2) New understandings must be intelligible
to students and help them better Tracker program has easy steps in analyzing the motion
understand the ideas of video recordings. The steps in analyzing the video are:
3) New conceptions must be plausible, that a) to enter the video recordings in the program Tracker, b)
is they must be meaningfully related to determine the mass of the object, c) Determine the
students’ existing knowledge coordinates xy axis as the frame of reference of a moving
organizations. object, d) Determining the scale of distance or
4) New framework must be fruitful to displacement of objects. e) Track the motion of objects
falicitate further study. within a certain time interval, f) Plot the graph is needed.

These conditions need to be created for educators to

change misconceptions learners through through a variety
of learning strategies or models in an effort to remediate

3.2 Real Experiment Video Analysis

Real experiment video analysis is an appropriate
alternative in overcoming misconceptions and increase
understanding of the concept of the student. Not merely a
demonstration or computer simulation, the activities of the
'real experiment video analysis', students obviously do
experiments like scientists. For example on the movement
of free fall (vertical motion), the concept of a common
misconception by both students junior high, high school
and college students is that heavier objects fall earlier than
lighter objects if dropped simultaneously from the same
height. Difficult to do experiments to remediate these
misconceptions, because the motion is fast, so hard to
catch the eye. But through the 'real experiment video
analysis', students can test the truth of their Fig. 2. Displacement and velocity graphs two balls of the same size,
different masses, the free fall of the same simultaneously
misconceptions with the help of video cameras and
The results of video analysis in the form of video
footage to track the movement of objects at the same time
the motion of objects on each graph desired. The free fall
simultaneously (Figure 1), has a displacement and velocity
graphs as in Figure 2. In the graph shows that the two
balls (whose mass is different) has the same displacement
and velocity.
Difficulties and misconceptions students on projectile
motion, can be remediated with real experiment as in
figure 3. The ball is thrown to form a certain angle so as to
produce a parabolic trajectory. Through Tracker program,
students analyze the video footage by tracking the motion
of the parabola. Graph tracking the results can be seen in
Figure 4. Through the graph in Figure 4, the students gain
experience and understanding of the combined uniform
rectilinear motion (on the horizontal motion) and a (b)
uniformly accelerated motion (on the vertical motion) that Fig. 4. Graph object position against time on projectile motion, which
form a parabolic motion (projectile motion). This concept indicates that the projectile motion is a combination of vertical motion
is difficult to understand the student without doing real (a) and horizontal motion (b). (Wee, 2015)
3.2.2. Remediation of motion’s concept
Another example of real experiments video analysis on
the motion of objects on top of the incline can be seen in
the Figure. 5.

Fig. 3. Rekaman video bola yang dilempar membentuk lintaran peluru

atau parabola. (Wee, 2015)

Fig. 5. The video recording motion of the ball on an inclined plane along
with displacement and velocity graphs the results of video analysis.
(Hockicko, 2012)

Real experiment video analysis on the movement of

two colliding objects that can be seen in Figure 6. The
concept of velocity and momentum of the ball can be
dianalysis through graph in Figure 7. The difficulties and
misconceptions of students about the concept of
momentum can be remediated through this real
experiments video analysis.

Fig.6. Video recording of the collision two balls

Fig.7. Graph of the position, velocity and momentum are two balls
that collide (a blend of ball A and B).

The results of the experiment estate video analysis of

the nature of kinetic energy, potential energy and
mechanical energy in motion free fall can be seen in
Figure 8. This display will improve student understanding
of the concept of mechanical energy is constant. The
Fig.6. Table of position, velocity and momentum are two balls that graph (Fig. 9) also explains that the mechanical energy is
collide (ball B). formed from the sum of kinetic energy and potential
energy on collision events
Through the data table (Fig.6) and the graph (Fig.7)
generated from the video analysis, students will think
deeply in discovering the concepts of motion identical
balls that collide. The graph shows the position of the
initial position of the ball that moves away, then
approached, and back away after colliding. Through the
velocity grapht, students will also find that the velocity
herded negative value means that the velocity of the ball
toward the opposite direction of the original motion.
Through the momentum and velocity graphs, students will
also find the concept that the velocity of the ball has the
same direction as the momentum of the ball. Both the
velocity and momentum is a vector quantity. Graph the
results of video analysis can also lead students find
formulas or equations of physics that describe
relationships between concepts. Experiment real video
analysis can unify the concept of motion physics students
with physics equations that describe the concept.
Fig.8. Tracking motion of the ball as many as three of the collision
with the floor (Bryan, 2004)
concepts. As according Wee (2015) found Video
modeling pedagogy is suitable for active and deep
learning because the students can be said to be predicting
by keying certain values, observing by comparing the real
data with the current proposed model. But it also found
that comparison of the traditional teaching methods with
the methods of video analysis using the program Tracker
presented in this contribution has revealed that the
interactive methods (Hockicko, 2012). There are three
important advantages of video analysis over probes and
sensors (Bryan, 2004): 1. Video analysis allows for study
of two -dimensional motion, such as revolving objects or
projectiles. 2. More than one object can be analyzed in any
video, which can lead to detailed comparisons of multiple
objects that are in the same system. 3. Video analysis can
be performed without all of the cumbersome wires and
sensors associated with MBLs.
The real experiment provides a real experience for
students to conduct trials like a scientist. Video analysis
Fig.9. Graphs of kinetic, potential, and total energies of a falling ball through the Tracker program guided the students in
which collide with the floor (Bryan, 2004) analyzing each component of motion in detail, such as
displacement, velocity, acceleration, energy, and
Real experimental video analysis corresponds with the momentum and relate it to the equation. The combination
nature of science learning that requires students to perform of visualization video and graphical analysis generated on
scientific work, scientific attitude and scientific thinking. every process of motion can enhance the understanding of
Known as the scientific method, as was done by the the concept and is expected to remediate misconceptions
scientists are. Orlich, 1980 (in Rohandi 2009) also students.
provides that a characteristic of science is that science
education is more than just a collection of so-called facts.
Science is not just a collection of knowledge but also a 4. Conclusion
collection of processes. Learners should be given the
opportunity to develop curiosity, so they undergo a
process of conceptual change. Misconceptions about the concept of motion discovered in
More clearly, Santa and Alvermann (in Rohandi, 2009) middle school students, college students and teachers,
states that: students need to recognize that the scientific particularly in the concept of vertical motion, circular motion and
concept contrary to the theory that they have. They need projectile motion. Misconceptions on the concept of motion can
to be reassured that their theory is incomplete, unsuitable be remediated using real experiment video analysis. Through
or inconsistent with the experimental evidence, and that real experiment video analysis, students gain real experience of
provides an alternative scientific explanation is more conducting experiments, analyzing the graph and find the
convincing and more helpless. Furthermore, Santa and equation of motion like a scientist. Learning easier and more fun
Alvermann explained that in science learning: students for students. It is advisable to identify student misconceptions
need repetition opportunity in terms of struggling with about the concept of motion and perform remediation using real
inconsistency between the idea of which is owned by a experiment video analysis
scientific explanation, organized way of thinking. ...
Create the ideal relationship between the various ideas
they have with various scientific concepts. Therefore, Acknowledgement
learning physics should provide a variety of experiences
and facilitate students perform a variety of scientific Acknowledgment delivered for Prof. Rosly Jaafar
searches, be aware of their misconceptions and find the (Lecturer at Universiti Pendidikan Sutan Idris (UPSI)
concept of physics scientifically correct. Malaysia, as a resource for sharing knowledge about the
Many scientific research also revealed that learning real experiment video analysis with Program Tracker via
science is a constructive process that requires the active workshops in the department of Physics, Science and
participation of students, and teachers must actively find Math Faculty, Padang State University. Thanks
ways to understand students' conceptions, suggested acknowledge the contribution of the two ball fell free
alternative conception, stimulates astonishment among video.
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construction of knowledge (Dahar, 2011). This means that
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